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HIS 100 Multimedia Presentation Planning Worksheet

Part 1: Brainstorming
Instructions: Brainstorm your thoughts on each question in preparation for creating an outline of your multimedia presentation, including specific examples as

State three historical Describe how one of the Discuss the Describe how your After taking this course, Discuss your obligation
lenses that could be lenses you just conclusions you can research of a historical what do you think as a citizen of your
applied to your topic identified might change draw from thinking topic can help you about the statement society to understand
and explain how each how the Research Plan about how history is understand “history repeats itself”? the history behind
lens can be applied. and Introduction you told. Consider how the contemporary issues, and Do you think this is issues that impact you
previously submitted in context of historians’ try to list at least two accurate? What every day.
Project 2: Research Plan own time periods related contemporary information from the
and Introduction are might influence or bias issues course guides you to
written. how they describe this conclusion?
historical events.

Following are three There are three The conclusion drawn The topic under Certain events have the As a citizen, it is an
historical lenses use in important historical from the study will discussion is very vast to same impact on the obligation to understand
this research. lenses have been emphasize on the describe the issues raised condition related to the the history and the
 The Social Lens identified that facilitate impact of atomic by the atomic bombing. It social, political and issues behind the impact
 The political to explain the main topic bombing on the is evident from the economic condition of of certain events. There
Lens of the study. these society, politics of the research that value of the the region. To are many issues which
 The Economic lenses emphasize on the region as well as the historical lens in-term of demonstrate the have been merged in the
Lens dropping of the atomic economic condition. the historical topic is also efficient and history and it is our
bomb and their social, There is a certain time important. For example, considerable obligation to learn a
economic and political which demonstrates the social lens facilitates demonstration of the lesson from these issues
impact. the value of the event to understand the impact research project it is to make considerable
in view of the historical of atomic bombing on the important to evaluate strategies for the future.
lenses. people life in this region that how the history
as well as it also describes repeats itself. After
that how they react to taking this course, it is
certain events. very helpful to
understand certain
events and their impact
on the history.
Part 2: Outline
Instructions: Create a plan for your presentation. You will need to create 10–12 slides that respond to the critical elements of the Project 3 Rubric. (If you are
using Microsoft Word, your multimedia presentation should be 4–5 pages long.) The slide title suggestions are provided to help you develop your presentation.
The field for slide text is a place for you to develop your ideas for your presentation’s content, drawing from Part 1. The field for slide visuals and audio
ideas is a place to develop ideas for visuals and audio elements that can enhance your presentation and engage your audience. As you develop
your ideas, you are encouraged to provide details as to how you will use these elements to engage your audience.
Slide Title Slide Text Slide Visuals and Audio Ideas
Historical Lenses and History’s Value It is important to understand the history.
The information of the events is also very important.
The value of the history can be determined by using many
Each lens has different perspective and information.
The focus of every lens is different on the history
The social lens can provide information about the societal
changes after the event of the history.
My Topic The topic of my research is
Dropping of Atomic Bomb

History evident that the dropping of the atomic bomb is one

of the most considerable events which has to change the
regions social, political and economic structure.
Three Historical Lenses In this project, three important historical lenses have been
choosing in view of the topic to explain the history in a
focused manner. These lenses include following
 The Economic Lens
 The Social Lens
 The Political Lens
Lens 1 The Social Lens

It helps to explain the impact of atomic booming on the

It facilitates to discuss the decision making by the authorities
to drop the atomic bomb.
It also facilitates me to identify the societal changes after
dropping of the atomic bomb

Lens 2 The Political Lens

It facilitates to identify the political decision behind the
dropping of the atomic bomb
It allows me to discover the political reasons behind this
It also facilitates top understand the changes in eh effected
region and political instability
Lens 3 The economic Lens
This lens facilitates me to explain the economic changes in
the region.
It provides an opportunity to understand the overall
economic changes due to the atomic bombing.
Historical Narrative The narrative of history is also important in the context of this
research topic.
The history reveals that the impact of the atomic bombing
has prevailed from generation to generation.
The history also narrates that this event brings considerable
changes in the political social and economic system of the
To narrate the history, the teller can use the secondary and
primary information in relation to the topic under discussion.
Our Lives Atomic bombing has raised most of the contemporary issues
in the today life.
The need for cancer treatment has been increased due to
atomic bombing.
Radiation has a worse impact on over life
It also leads to increase in the escalation of the war.
There is not an ethical justification for the atomic bombing
History’s Value The value of the history is very high in the context of the
certain event.
To understand the event, it is essential to determine the
History reveals many hidden facts about the event
It also facilities to determine the issue of related to the
certain event.
Does History Repeat Itself? My History Repast Itself
Opinion It is very common among people
Many of the events have shown that history repeats itself
If the lesson did not learn from the events, it leads to the
repetition of the circumstances
Important to understand the issues so that we can reduce the
overall impact.
Does History Repeat Itself? Evidence The course demonstrates that history repeats itself with the
From the Course same event.
It is important to learn the lesson and to reduce the impact of
the history.

Are Citizens Obligated to Know As a citizen, it is an obligation to understand the history and
History? the issues behind the impact of certain events. There are
many issues which have been merged in the history and it is
our obligation to learn a lesson from these issues to make
considerable strategies for the future.

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