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In the middle of the traffic your car stopped,

Since you forgot to put the petrol, your car wouldn’t hop,

The interview you had, you reached there late,

Now you’ve missed the appointment & you’ll curse your fate

You bunked the classes for the whole year long,

Spending time in leisure and singing songs,

You were being thrown out of the college & you couldn’t abate,

Now you would foolishly cry and curse your fate

You were happy to have a pretty girl in your life,

You didn’t give it a thought and made her your wife,

Why you are sobbing over the broken cups and plates?

Now all you can do is to curse your fate

You happen to work on a project with your colleague,

He accepted it as a challenge and you as a fatigue,

At the time of promotion, you were hesitant to negate,

Now you would envy him absurdly, and curse your fate

You left the crease but the ball couldn’t cross the boundary line

Since the fielder was quick & the throw was fine,

You got bold and with a frown you stared at your playmate,

Now you are sitting in the dressing room, and cursing your fate

It’s easy to sob and simple to cry

How could you achieve something, if you wouldn’t try?

When we ourselves create our destiny and fate

Than why should we grieve and “Curse Our Fate”

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