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Jimma University

Jimma Institute Of Technology

School Of Chemical Engineering


Internship report III

Pipe factory

Submitted by :- Hiwot Wubetu

ID NO:- RU3305/09

Submitted to mr.Bantamlak

Submission date :-02/03/13E.C

Pipe factory
Pipe factory is the next factory we saw after poly and printing factory. in these factory there are different
kinds of products like PVC,PPR,HDP,conduit(rigid & flexible). Let us see in detail

PPR pipe is a straight and rigid cylindrical pipe, made from Polypropylene Random Copolymer plastic,
produced through a continuous extrusion process. They are commonly offered in green or white color,
and in outer diameter sizes ranging from 20mm to 110mm making the pipe walls far thicker
than PVC. PPR pipe is accompanied by a series of connection fittings, parts, and accessories available for
every pipe diameter.

PPR Pipe Characteristics

Low Thermal Conductivity
The thermal conductivity of PPR is very low, meaning temperature cannot easily be conducted from the
outside environment to the liquid in the pipe, and vice versa. This factor reduces heat loss or gain during
the transferring of hot or cold fluids respectively, resulting in energy efficient systems and lower
insulation costs for PPR piping.
Long Service Life & Durability
PPR piping systems can remain functional for over 50 years, at a wide range of fluid and environmental
operating temperatures. Moreover, PPR pipe exhibits excellent durability in both hot and cold water
systems. Firstly, it can endure the temperature and pressure strain of hot water systems.

Ecological & Economic Efficiency

Due to the low weight of PPR pipe, their transport, handling, and installation doesn’t require high
amounts of energy consumption or manual labor. At the same time they are very easy to cut, join, and
work with, making them even more economically sustainable.

Moreover, joining PPR pipe and fittings is performed solely through heat and doesn’t require any
additional chemicals or materials. All of these factors contribute to PPRs low environmental impact and
usage cost.

PPR Pipe Applications

Most common PPR pipe applications include:

Hot and cold potable water piping in residential, industrial, and public installations. Industrial piping for
transferring water, sanitary liquids, liquid food products, compressed air, and aggressive chemicals eg.
highly acidic or alkaline solutions. Building central radiator heating water, usually in a circular loop
piping arrangement.


PVC is an acronym for polyvinyl chloride. A resin is a material often used in the production of plastics
and rubbers. PVC resin is a white powder commonly used to produce thermoplastics.
Other members of the vinyl family can be used for similar applications, but PVC tends to be the most
popular member of that family. It is believed to be superior to other options because it can be produced in
numerous forms and used to create a wide array of items for many industries. Products made with PVC
resin include blood bags, windows, and pipes.

PVC resin alone is a raw material. It can be made into products with a wide range of properties from soft
and flexible to light and rigid. The outcome is often determined by additives. Other ingredients must
typically be added to convert this resin into a finished product. These can include heat stabilizers,
lubricants, and fillers. One of the most common types of additives to be blended with PVC is plasticizers,
such asbutyl glycolate, epoxy resins, and dialkyl azelates.

There are many benefits in plasticized PVC. Since it is a thermoplastic, meaning it can be melted down
and reformed, PVC is often produced into sheets that will be reworked later. These are normally hard.

When plasticizers are added, the material tends to become much more flexible and pliable than it
otherwise would be. The chemical resistance, stress resistance, and puncture resistance can also be
increased. PVC in the plasticized form is extremely popular.
PVC resin generally has a high level of chemical resistance. This may not be seen, however, when the
material is exposed to organic chemicals. PVC is also strong and resistant to water and abrasion. This
material is very popular in the construction industry. It can be used to produce many items needed in the
building process. Those items are often lightweight, long lasting and maintenance-free.
One weakness of PVC resin is ultraviolet exposure. The negative effects can often be reduced by
additives such as plasticizers. In most cases, however, it is recommended to avoid this type of exposure .

UPVC stands for un-plasticized poly vinyl chloride.UPVC is used as an alternative for wood in building
industry, and employed in double glazed window frames and window sills. It is one of the most versatile
materials that can be manufactured in various colours. It can also be made in such a way that it looks like
other materials, such as wood, metal, etc.

The difference between PVC and UPVC

PVC is polyvinyl chloride whereas UPVC is unplasticized polyvinyl chloride.

PVC is light weighted plastic used for the construction.

PVC is softer and more flexible but durable as well in low cost.

UPVC is regid, durable, doesn’t flex and is safe for transportation of drinking water,fire-resistance.

Besides this UPVC is recyclable.


HDPE pipe is a type of flexible plastic pipe used for fluid and gas transfer and is often used to replace
ageing concrete or steel mains pipelines. Made from the thermoplastic HDPE(high-density polyethylene),
its high level of impermeability and strong molecular bond make it suitable for high pressure pipelines.
HDPE pipe is used across the globe for applications such as water mains, gas mains, sewer mains, slurry
transfer lines, rural irrigation, fire system supply lines, electrical and communications conduit, and
stormwater and drainage pipes.


An electrical conduit is a tube used to protect and route electrical wiring in a building or structure.

Most conduit is rigid, but flexible conduit is used for some purposes. Rigid conduit is made from pvc
and flexible conduit is made from LDPE.
Raw material descriptions

Pvc resin:- PVC is an acronym for polyvinyl chloride. A resin is a material often used in the production
of plastics and rubbers. PVC resin is a white powder commonly used to produce thermoplastics.

Filler:- Fillers are added to the PVC resin mix to lower material costs, provide coloring, Ultra Violet (UV)
protection and lubrication. Fillers that are used to replace resin are generally calcium carbonate
(limestone), diatomaceous earths, and clays.

Conclusion: Fillers should be limited to 10 parts by weight to 100 parts of resin (9%).

The major properties of PVC compounds incorporating lead stabilisers include:
 Excellent heat and light stability.
 Good electrical properties.
 Excellent short and long-term mechanical properties.
 Low water absorption.
 Wide processing range.
 Good cost/performance ratio.
 PVC Lubricants
 are divided into two areas, internal and external lubricants. 
 Internal lubricants effect
 1.A reduction in friction heat, 
 2.reducing melt viscosity. 
 3.Postpone gelation
 4.Improved flow charateristics.
 External lubricantseffect
 1.Delayed gelation 
 2.Improved gloss 
 3.Reduced friction 
 4.Provide release properties
 Internal lubricant used on PVC mainly including:
 Stearic acid, Calcium stearate,GMS,DMG,n-butyl stearate,
 Loxiol G60, G16.G32,GH4
 External lubricants used on PVC mainly including:
 PE wax,Paraffin wax,loxiol G70,G78,and so on
Pigment:- is used for coloring we use carbon black.

Titanium dioxide:- can help minimize the brittleness, fading and cracking that can occur as a result of
light exposure. This can enhance the useful life of many plastic and rubber components used in vehicles,
building materials and other exterior applications.

Compounding ratio for PVC non pressure pipes

1. PVC resin……………………………………150kg
2. Filler…………………………………………10kg
3. Stabilizer……………………………………..4.5kg
4. Stearic acid/lubricant…………………………0.3kg
5. Pigment ………………………………………0.02kg
6. Titanium dioxide………………………………0.2kg

The advantages of using plastic pipes are:

They are economically preferable over GI pipes.

Plastic pipes are resistant to corrosion.

Since they are not prone to corrosion, they also do not require painting.

Plastic is known to be a bad conductor of heat and thus does not require any heat conservation insulation.

Quick fabrication is possible in plastic pipes which is not possible in metallic pipes. While metallic pipes

require proper welding, plastic pipes can be fabricated in a few minutes using an appropriate adhesive.

Mass balance calculation

Monthly production=83420kg/month

Scrup= 2% of total production

Tpc= total production


1 day= 24 hrs

M kg
7=¿monthly production=83420 ¿

kg month day kg
M 7=83420 ∗1 ∗1 =145
month 24 days 24 hrs hr

M1 M7

M2 M8




M 7=145

M 8=2.9

Tpc=M 7 + M 8


M T =M 1 + M 2 + M 3+ M 4 + M 5+ M 6

M T =150+7+ 4.5+ 0.3+0.02+0.2=162.02

Ratio of each mass

M 1=0.92 kg

M 2=0.043 kg

M 3=0.028 kg

M 4 =1.85∗10−03

M 5=1.24∗10−04

M 6=1.24∗10−03

M ¿ =M out

M ¿ =( M 1+ M 2 + M 3 + M 4 + M 5+ M 6 ) Tpc

M ¿ =( 0.92+0.043+0.028+1.85∗10−03 +1.24∗10−04+1.24∗10−03 )∗147.9

M ¿ =147.01

M out =M 7 + M 8

M out =145+2.9=147.9

M ¿ ≈ M out
Process descripition

The pvc raw material and the others additives are mixed in the mixing zone at 70 oc .for some time it is a
batch system. After mixing is finished it goes to the cooler zone andcools up to 35 oc because we can’t use
hot raw material. Feeding of the mixed raw material into the PVC twin screw extruder. The screw is
doubled in order to prevent back flow of the poweder. Then melting and heating in multiple extruder
zones with in the range of 175oc-20oc. extruding through a die to shape into a pipe and goes to caliberater
zone which is used to smooth the material. Cooling the shaped pipe. And reading the length using incoder
at 6m the pvc is cutted.

PVC pipe production processes


Quality inspection

Compounding unit
Dosing unit/suck by

Force fedder




Vacuum path/cooling Triano / haul off Encoding unit

Cutting unit

No Final production inspection Balling

Store or delivery
Problem identification

There is no stand by generator

Some times the quality of raw materials changed

The machine motor doesn’t work properly

Storage room

To install stand by generator

To build store room for the final product

To check the quality of raw material effectively

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