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Module Code & Module Title

6CS014 – Complex Systems

Assessment Weightage & Type

40% Individual Coursework

Year and Semester

2019-20 Autumn

Student Name: Aman Shrestha

University ID: 1928436

College ID: NP03A170030

BSc (Hons) Computer Science

Submitted Date: 25 December, 2019

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha

I would like to express my special thanks to our module leader of this topic Complex
System Mr.Martin Jackson and our lecture as well as tutor Mr.Rupak Koirala for the
guidance by providing feedback on every progress of my report as well as supporting and
suggesting me in various problems that I faced which researching various systems and
also in analysis. I would also like to thank my friends who provided me with great help
while topic selection as well as writing this report and also guided me on solving the
problems that I faced while completing the report. I also would like to thank Herald College
for helping me while preparing this report by providing guidance.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 History of Space Robotics ......................................................................................................... 1
1. Aims and Objective ....................................................................................................................... 4
2. Literature Review .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Mars Exploration Rover ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 SSim ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.3 Autonomous Coordination of Resource amongst Robots ..................................................... 11
3.4 AI-Based Techniques for Communication .............................................................................. 14
3. Analysis........................................................................................................................................ 15
4. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 17
5. References .................................................................................................................................. 18

Figure 1History of Space Robotics ............................................................................................................ 1

Figure 2 Scientific Instrument .................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3 Scientific Instruments................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 4 Cameras used in Mars Rover ...................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5 Horizontal Velocity Measurement .............................................................................................. 6
Figure 6 Task movement.......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 7 Images Categories ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 8 SSIM simulation ................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 9 Wireless robotics communication using AI ........................................................................ 14

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
1. Introduction

The development of general purpose machines which are capable of surviving in space
environment and performing exploration, construction, communication, maintenance
such kind of task. Sending a human in the space would have been easier than
constructing a robot. But, sending a human in space requires safety measures for survival
in space as well as food supply and oxygen as there is no oxygen in space. Whereas,
sending robots to explore space we do not need to worry about their safety and robots do
not need to eat or drink water or sleep and they do not even feel tired. They can survive
in space for a long period of time on the other hand humans cannot. Robots can also do
many things which humans cannot. Withstanding harsh conditions such as high levels of
radiation or extreme temperatures. (Brian Wilcox, n.d.)

Space robotics is a part of an AI which means Artificial Intelligence which is simulation

of human intelligence by a machine which includes learning, reasoning and self-
correcting. (Rouse, 2019)

1.2 History of Space Robotics

Figure 1History of Space Robotics

(Javier Andreu Perez, n.d.)

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
ROTEX is the first remotely controlled robot in space. In the end of April 99 for the first
time in the history of space. A remotely controlled robot by a human successfully closed
and opened connector plugs, assembled structures from single parts and captured a free
floating object. (G. Hirzinger and B. Brunner, n.d.)

Figure 2 Scientific Instrument

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
Figure 3 Scientific Instruments

(Ijar M da Fonseca1, 2015)

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
2. Aims and Objective

 To understand and analysis about space robotics and AI used in space robotics.


 Research on space robotics.

 To find out and understand the architecture and implementation of AI used in
space robotics.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
3. Literature Review
3.1 Mars Exploration Rover
The software for flight performs all camera commands which includes onboard
commands for sun finding autonomous navigation and also ground commands from
Earth. It is also accountable for monitory and control of the power state of the camera like
setting hardware parameters, performing onboard processing of the image data and
initiating image acquisition. The MER also uses auto exposure algorithm which lets the
acquirement of image data without a prior information of the scene.

Figure 4 Cameras used in Mars Rover

During the landing the MER system may acquire undesired horizontal velocities.
DIMES gathers the results of real time image from Descent camera to calculate the
horizontal velocity of the descending vehicle. DIMES passes horizontal velocity when
images shows a substantial sum of horizontal velocity from one frame to another to
TIRS which utilizes horizontal velocity calculation along with measurement of altitude.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
Figure 5 Horizontal Velocity Measurement

Images like Panoramas are captured by performing a sequence of individual CAPTURE

IMAGE commands. MER predictive obstacle and stereo hazcam pairs provides
information to real time geometric model of the condition of terrain. This model utilizes
metric for approximating the performance of a self-filtering stereo vision system.
Operators specify a final destination from camera images a radial tolerance around the
goal location and a timeout value. Rover moves in short steps (35 cm). Onboard
navigation algorithm chooses the path that moves rover close to the goal while
safeguarding. IDD operation with the front hazcams which serves as primary obstacle
detection sensor during rover driving. For surface coordination MER uses 3 major
coordinate frames which are listed below.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
The rover motion counter also recalls in memory a set of onboard counters which are
incremented and are grouped together and then stored in RMC which is rover motion

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
Figure 6 Task movement

Figure 7 Images Categories


(Vandi Verma, 2019)

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
3.2 SSim
It uses more flight software lines of code than all previous missions to mars combines.
MSL has more than 4200 commands and 12 of arguments, 54000 parameters and about
1000 of extra state variables. It uses C/C++ whereas, a single high-level command can
do periods of configurable robotic arm. The main attention is the robotic flight software
which includes rover navigation as well as mobility and manipulation of robotic arm as
well as sample processing, delivery, acquisition. It is also utilized by rover drivers for
developing, validating commands arrangements through the planning cycle. It also has
been utilized to plot all of operations subsequently landing. It is also predictable to
continue in being used for. SSim plays a great role in Mars 2020 mission.

It is based on the MER architecture which operates in real time operating system VxWorks
which contains of several preemptive prioritized threads where some modules have
libraries and other have several responsibilities like seqmodule which operates the
sequence ability and have about sixteen threads. Here, the modules communicates
through IPC which are executed through VxWorks pipes. For every job performs a loop
based in the event and procedures the coming posts than tasks are performed according
to the priority. This software also produces autocode module initialization and message

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
Figure 8 SSIM simulation

SSim also provides response for this the model needs to be done repeatable and also
needs to be done multiple periods faster in comparison to the real time. Dozens of
simulations are taken and provides callback functions to provide feedback like rover
suspension settling and attitude. The land is made through making a three dimension
landscape from stereo processing in the image gathered through Stereo vision cameras.
For the purpose of navigating beyond the range of the navigation cameras. It lowers the
resolution of the localized images which are captured from the HiRISE on the mars. In
such case there is insufficient information about the environment like mass on drill though
piercing onto a rock and force sensor feedback. Such outcomes are recompensed by
assigning margin for the allowable maximum time for the action and adding additional
protection in software.

(Vandi Verma, 2019)

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
3.3 Autonomous Coordination of Resource amongst Robots
Collision detection and avoidance has expanded robots autonomy. Which allowing robots
to move in 3D space where robots can avoid and detect obstacles while finding and
interacting with the environment. Such functions are sufficient for robots for navigating in
space with obstacles. But, sometimes deadlocks can even arise however with fully control
robot movements in space deadlocks can be seen. For example if first robot moves into
the path of the second robot creating one or more new collisions that both robots attempts
to avoid which cascades the effect and creates additional obstacles with other robots.
There is also need of tangible and intangible resources. Tangible includes location,
physical items and components and Intangible includes shared computing resources,
communication channels and time. There is a need to optimize access to limited
resources to the robots operating in the same space. This optimized access will allow the
robots to move more efficiently within a common space.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
Algorithm for determining position and path to the destination


Align robot camera to the plane of the


Scan or image the marker closest to the robot

Determine current position and a path to a

specified destination location from the scan

Based on path to the destination, position

robot a set distance from the marker to be in
the proper lane


Algorithm for moving the robot to the destination path.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha

Receive instructions to move to a destination

Determine current location and plot a path to the destination

Identify synchronization primitives established by other robots

Is next space to the

destination reserved by Wait
another robot?

Establish synchronization primitive to reserve the next space on primitive

Move into the next space

Remove synchronization primitives of reserved spaces the robot has moved past or through

Scan markers along next space

Receive updates regarding the position of synchronization primitives of the other robots

Additional space to

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
3.4 AI-Based Techniques for Communication
AI is used to enhance science and technology because of its capability of dealing with big
data, high accuracy, complexity, speed.

Figure 9 Wireless robotics communication using AI

ANN also known as Autonomous Robotics Intelligence plays a vital role in the
environments that are nonlinear like communication and autonomy. Training of ANN is
done by feeding the network input to learn. It is a tool of AI which is utilized for taking a
decision when a robot moves out of range. It also helps reduction of the cost of
communication and ensures the stability of the robots network.

For intelligent space robots they were built using network distribution, sensors,
processors and actuators. Intelligent devices which are allocated in space called DINDs
also known as distributed intelligent network devices these devices are used for
environment observation. Communication between these devices enables the intelligent
agents to know. These intelligent space agents moves independently and monitors the
environment using smart sensors.

(S. H. Alsamhi, 2016)

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
4. Analysis
As in the literature review the AI based space robotics components or features like SSim,
ANN for communication, collision detection and avoidance and mars rover were
discussed. Whereas, this part contains my analysis of the above discussed systems. All
of my literature review were based on some data of some factors. So, comparing all the
research done by various researchers I found that the use of AI in space robotics is not a
new topic but there is a vast development of technology in fields of space robotics
because of AI. AI is the major component in this field of space robotics. There are not
many differences between the systems that I have researched in literature review
because every research I have done is of different topic. One of the key things that I found
while conducting my research in these systems was that they are all trying to gain more
accuracy and each research should that using AI in their system solved major problems.

I found that the use of AI like SSim which is a flight software used in Mars Rover for rover
direction-finding, robotic arm handling, sample processing, distribution, mobility. It plays
a great role in Mars 2020 mission. SSim provides assurance in the plan provided in a very
close-fitting schedule by the use of actual flight software. I think that the main difference
between SSim from software simulations is that it does not practices a simplified model.
There also was the use of SSim in MSL systems combination and check, robotic as well
as ALTO for simulating utmost orders prior to implementation on hardware. Because, of
influence of SSim the Mars 2020 mission has improved the possibility of SSim.

I found that the Autonomous Robotics Intelligence also known as ANN plays a vital role
in communication. It is very important in such scenarios where robot moves out of range
and must take decisions. The implementation of AI for communication makes robots
perform tasks more efficiently as well as effectively and smarter. It also enhances the
team performance, easier work and process faster and it also helps reduction of cost of
communication and ensures the stability of robots network.

I found that there are various ways a robot can be operated like a motorized base,
wireless or by implementation of AI. For space robots the use of AI for autonomous robots

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
is the best way. Collision avoidance and detection plays a major role in expanding robots
autonomy allowing robots to move in 3D space where robots can interact with the
environment while avoiding and detecting obstacles. From non-conflicting establishment
of synchronization primitives through the set of resources. Robots can prioritize the order
and assign the tasks as well as minimize the waiting times for resources needed for task
completion. It also maximizes the number of tasks simultaneously executed by the robots
as well as optimizing the task accomplishment. The resource allocation can be executed
with either a peer to peer robotic messaging or with centralized coordinator.
Synchronization primitives could also be maintained with queues for optimizing the future
allocation of resources to different robots.

I found that MER rovers with its features provides humans to vision the surface at a very
unparalleled level of detail. With flight software such as SSim used in mars rover provides
rover with navigation and mobility as well as sample processing, delivery and acquisition.
The software also operates all camera commands which includes ground commands from
earth and also onboard commands for sun finding. MER also uses auto exposure
algorithm which lets the acquirement of image data without a prior knowledge. There are
also features for landing where DIMES gathers results of real time image from Descent
camera. The onboard navigation algorithm selects the path that moves rover closer to the

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
5. Conclusion
This assessment has helped me in coordinating a small research on Space robotics and
mostly the use of AI in Space robotics and its working mechanism. This coursework has
also helped me to prepare this report and also enabled me to understand and analysis
about space robotics and AI used in space robotics. It has also helped me to understand
the history of space robotics and it was really fascinating to learn that space robotics is
not a new topic. It has also helped me to understand the importance of AI in fields of
space robotics.

During this assessment, I came across a lot of problems caused by minor errors but my
teachers helped and because of that I was able to successfully complete this report. One
of the problems I faced was in analysis as well as in literature review. I had to conduct a
lot of research to properly understand this topic.

Lastly, I am very grateful to Herald College and my appreciation to out Module Leader
and tutors for providing this assessment which has helped me in understanding of AI in
field of space robotics.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha
6. References
Brian Wilcox, R. A. V. K., n.d. SPACE ROBOTICS, s.l.: s.n.

Brian Wilcox, R. A. V. K., n.d. SPACE ROBOTICS, s.l.: s.n.

G. Hirzinger and B. Brunner, J. D. J. H., n.d. The First Remotely Controlled Robot in Space , D-
82234 Wessling, Germany: German Aerospace Research Establishmen.

Ijar M da Fonseca1, 2. a. M. N. P., 2015. The State-of-the-art in Space Robotics. IOPSCIENCE,

Volume 641, p. 7.

Javier Andreu Perez, F. D. D. R. a. G.-Z. Y., n.d. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, s.l.: UK-RAS.

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, 2010. Mars Exploration Rover Engineering


Rouse, M., 2019. AI. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 15 12 2019].

S. H. Alsamhi, O. M. M. S., 2016. Artificial Intelligence-Based Techniques for. p. 10.

Vandi Verma, C. L., 2019. SSim: NASA Mars Rover Robotics Flight Software. p. 11.

6CS014 1928436|Aman Shrestha

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