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It is ___(1)___ to understand ___(2)___ calendar we ___(3)___ today. It

___(4)___ not always ___(5)___ easy. People ___(6)___ to try ___(7)___ thousands of
___(8)___ before they ___(9)___ how to ___(10)___ together days, ___(11)___, months,
and ___(12)___.
___(13)___ than 2,000 ___(14)___ ago, scientists ___(15)___ Egypt made
___(16)___ calendar. There ___(17)___ ten days ___(18)___ a week, ___(19)___ weeks in
___(20)___ month, and ___(21)___ months in ___(22)___ year. This ___(23)___ showed a
___(24)___ to count ___(25)___ and months, ___(26)___ it was ___(27)___ scientific.
It ___(28)___ not matter ___(29)___ many days ___(30)___ in a ___(31)___, or
in ___(32)___ month; any ___(33)___ can be ___(34)___. No one, ___(35)___, can decide
___(36)___ long a ___(37)___ or a ___(38)___ should be. ___(39)___ day is ___(40)___
exact length ___(41)___ time it ___(42)___ the earth ___(43)___ turn around ___(44)___
time. A ___(45)___ is the ___(46)___ of time ___(47)___ earth takes ___(48)___ travel
around ___(49)___ sun one ___(50)___. The Egyptians ___(51)___ not think ___(52)___
theses scientific ___(53)___. For them, ___(54)___ of their ___(55)___ months made
___(56)___ year, but ___(57)___ days do ___(58)___ make a ___(59)___ year.
What ___(60)___ they do ___(61)___ this problem? ___(62)___ made a
___(63)___ holiday at ___(64)___ end of ___(65)___ year. But ___(66)___ adding five
___(67)___ did not ___(68)___ the Egyptian’s ___(69)___ calendar right. ___(70)___ takes
the ___(71)___ a little ___(72)___ than 365 ___(73)___ to travel ___(74)___ the sun.
___(75)___ be exact, ___(76)___ takes 365 ___(77)___, 5 hours, ___(78)___ minutes and
___(79)___ seconds. For ___(80)___ long time ___(81)___ did not ___(82)___ these extra
___(83)___ and minutes ___(84)___ seconds.
It ___(85)___ like using ___(86)___ watch that ___(87)___ slow. The
___(88)___ calendar was ___(89)___ than the ___(90)___ sun year. ___(91)___ four years
___(92)___ was about ___(93)___ day behind, ___(94)___ forty years ___(95)___ calendar
was ___(96)___ days a ___(97)___ Egyptian week ___(98)___ the sun.
___(99)___ years later ___(100)___ Rome, Julius ___(101)___ tried to
___(102)___ the calendar. ___(103)___ thought that ___(104)___ year should ___(105)___
365 days ___(106)___ 6 hours ___(107)___. He added ___(108)___ extra day ___(109)___
four years. ___(110)___ year with ___(111)___ extra day ___(112)___ called leap
___(113)___. The year ___(114)___ really, 365 ___(115)___, 5 hours, ___(116)___ minutes
and ___(117)___ seconds long. ___(118)___ Caesar’s calendar ___(119)___ almost twelve
Saya Lwin Mg
___(120)___ too fast. ___(121)___ minutes is ___(122)___ much, but ___(123)___ the year
___(124)___ scientists showed ___(125)___ the calendar ___(126)___ about 10
___(127)___ faster than ___(128)___ sun. Pope ___(129)___ XIII wanted ___(130)___ make
a ___(131)___ plan.
It ___(132)___ easy to ___(133)___ 10 days ___(134)___ from the
___(135)___. This made ___(136)___ right with ___(137)___ sun again. ___(138)___ was
still ___(139)___ problem: how ___(140)___ keep the ___(141)___ right in ___(142)___
future, year ___(143)___ year.
Scientists ___(144)___ one way ___(145)___ then they ___(146)___ another.
Finally ___(147)___ decided to ___(148)___ to have ___(149)___ fourth year ___(150)___ a
leap ___(151)___. Then they ___(152)___ the problem ___(153)___ the calendar
___(154)___ too fast. ___(155)___ made a ___(156)___ to take ___(157)___ three days
___(158)___ 400 years. ___(159)___ year ending ___(160)___ 00 is ___(161)___ a leap
___(162)___ unless it ___(163)___ be divided ___(164)___ by 400. ___(165)___ year 1600
___(166)___ a leap ___(167)___, but 1700, ___(168)___ and 1900 ___(169)___ not. The
___(170)___ 2000 was ___(171)___ leap year.
___(172)___ is the ___(173)___ we use ___(174)___. Our calendar
___(175)___ for Pope ___(176)___,is called ___(177)___ Gregorian Calendar. ___(178)___
is not ___(179)___ exact. It ___(180)___ 26 seconds ___(181)___ each year ___(182)___
sun time. ___(183)___ calendar will ___(184)___ be fast ___(185)___ a whole ___(186)___
for at ___(187)___ 3,000 years.
Saya Lwin Mg

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