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Cash Management

Lab 4 • Enter a Cash Journal

• Pay Invoices in Payables
• Enter Receipts
Objective:  60-70 minutes

Enter a Journal
1. Responsibility = General Ledger, Vision Operations (USA).
2. Navigate to the Enter Journals window.
(N) Journals > Enter
3. Click (B) New Journal.
Journal Name = < >
Period = < > e.g., Current period
Category = < > e.g., Balance Forward
Currency = < > e.g., Use default currency
4. Enter the journal (following is an illustrative example):
Line Account Debit Credit Description
10 01-000-1110- 5000 Cash
20 01-000-3200- 5000 Equity
5. Click (I) Save.

6. Click (B) Post.

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Cash Management

Pay Invoices in Payables

Enter invoices to be paid by a regular payment
1. Responsibility = Payables, Vision Operations (USA).
2. Navigate to the Invoices window:
(N) Invoices > Entry > Invoices
Type = Standard
Trading Partner = < > e.g., Advanced Network Devices
Site – < > e.g., Santa Clara
Invoice Num = < > e.g., XX-1
Invoice Amount = < > e.g., 1500
Terms = < > e.g., Immediate
Payment Method = < > e.g., Check
3. Click (B) Distributions to open the Distributions window.
Amount = 1500
Account = < > e.g., 01-110-7110-0000-000
4. Click (I) Save.
5. Close the Distributions window.
6. Repeat above steps to enter the invoice(s) (following is an illustrative example):
Invoice Num Amount Terms Payment Method Account
XX-2 2500 Immediate Check 01-110-7110-0000-000
XX-3 3500 Immediate Check 01-110-7110-0000-000
XX-4 5000 Immediate Check 01-110-7110-0000-000

Validate invoices
7. Select all invoices.
Select (M) Edit > Select All.
8. Click (B) Actions.
Validate = Checked
9. Click (B) OK.
10. Check to make sure all invoices are validated.
Generate accounting
11. To generate accounting, select all invoices first:
Select (M) Edit > Select All.
12. Click (B) Actions.
Create Accounting = Checked
13. Click (B) OK.
Pay each invoice separately
14. Pay Each Invoice Separately

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Cash Management

In the Invoices window, select the first invoice.

15. Click (B) Actions.
Pay in Full = Checked
16. Click (B) OK.
Type field = Quick
Bank Account = XXDeposit/Disbursement
Document Name = Computer/Manual
17. Click (B) Actions.
Format = Checked
Create Accounting = Checked
18. Click (B) OK.
19. Close the Payments window.
20. Repeat the above steps for the remaining invoices.

Enter invoices to be paid by a Wire payment

21. Enter an invoice to be paid by a wire transfer (following is an illustrative example):
Invoice Num Amount Terms Payment Method Account
XX-5 500 Immediate Wire 01-110-7110-0000-000

22. Validate and generate accounting for the invoice but don’t pay it.

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Cash Management

Enter Receipts
1. Responsibility = Receivables, Vision Operations (USA).
2. Navigate to the Receipts window:
(N) Receipts > Receipts
Receipt Method = < > e.g., XXCheck
Receipt Number = < > e.g., RXX-1
Receipt Amount = < > e.g., 3000
Customer Name = < > e.g., Business World (1608).
3. Click (I) Save.

4. Repeat above steps to enter receipts #2 and #3 (following is an illustrative example):

Invoice Num Amount
RXX-2 4000
RXX-3 5000

Enter and Approve a Remittance Batch

5. Navigate to the Remittances window:
(N) Receipts > Remittances
Batch Type = Remittance
Remittance Method = Standard
Receipt Class = < > e.g., XXCashReceipts
Receipt Method = < > e.g., XXCheck
Bank = < > e.g., XXBank of America
Branch = < > e.g., XXNew York
Account Number = < > e.g., XX-01
Deposit Number = < > e.g., DEPXX (this is case sensitive!)

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Cash Management

6. Click (B) Manual Create.

7. Select (T) Main.
8. Query your receipts.
9. Select the check boxes to the left of your receipts numbers.
Click (B) Format.
Click (B) Yes.
Click (B) OK.
10. Monitor your Request.
Select (M) View > Requests.
Click (B) Find.
11. Select Automatic Remittances Creation Program.
Click (B) View Output.
12. Verify three Remittances for a total of 12,000.

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