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Assessment Details

Qualification Code/Title BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

Assessment Type Assessment – 4 Time allowed
Due Date Location SCCM Term / Year

Unit of Competency
National Code/Title BSBLDR502
Student Details
Student Name Madhav Sapkota Student ID Mcs00000A8
Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own, Signature: _M.sapkota___________
and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source. Date: __10___/1_/__2019_______
Assessor Details
Assessor’s Name
Feedback to student:

*If Student is Not Satisfactory Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair,
Reassessment Required ☐ Yes ☐ No valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
Comment: have provided appropriate feedback.
Signature: ________________________
Date: ______/_______/___________
Instructions to the Candidates
 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given below in this document.
 Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You will be
entitled to one (1) resubmit in showing your competence with this unit.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
 If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the
assessor immediately.
 Please read the Tasks carefully then complete all Tasks.
 To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along with a
satisfactory result for another Assessment.
 This is an Open book assessment which you will do in your own time but complete in the time designated by your
assessor. Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these
 Submitted document must follow the given criteria. Font must be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line
spacing has to be Single line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID, Student Name and Page
Number. Document must be printed double sided.
 This is Individual Assessments. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the Hard copy of the
Assessments to your Trainer/ Assessor.
 Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any Plagiarism will result in a mark of Not
Satisfactory. SCCM uses Safe Assign Plagiarism Checker to check the originality of the student assessment. Student must
be aware of and understand the SCCM’s policy on plagiarism and certify that this assignment is their own work, except
where indicated by referencing, and that student have followed the good academic practices noted above..

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Assessment Task 4: Managing workplace difficulties project
Task summary
This roleplay requires the student to assume the role of the General Manager at Accountancy
Victoria and handle a dispute between two colleagues.

This assessment is to be completed in the simulated work environment in the RTO.

 Access to textbooks/other learning materials
 Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
 Fair work Managing underperformance guide
 Space for a meeting
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.
 Action plan
 Email inviting Tiffany to a meeting
 Email inviting Tiffany and Ammar to a meeting
 Email summarising the outcomes of the meeting
Assessment criteria
For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task, you must satisfactorily
address all of the assessment criteria. If part of this task is not satisfactorily completed, you will
be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate competence.
Re-submission opportunities
You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate
if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task.
If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and
provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate
satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged later and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been
dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal.
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not
understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you
when attempting any part of the assessment.

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Assessment Task 4 Instructions

Carefully read the following:

It is six months later at Accountancy Victoria. A new intermediate accountant has been
employed and there has been some friction. The new intermediate accountant’s name is
Ammar and he practices the Muslim faith. One of the senior accountants, Tiffany, has been
with the business for three years and always gets along very well with her co-workers, but
Tiffany has taken a disliking to Ammar as he refuses to shake hands with their female clients
when they come in for meetings. Tiffany and Ammar do a lot of work together and are
required to work closely. It has become apparent to everyone in the office that Tiffany dislikes
Ammar and believes he is sexist towards females. Ammar has come to speak to you to tell you
that he feels Tiffany is being very rude to him, especially in front of clients. He has explained
to you that he cannot shake hands with females as direct contact with a member of the
opposite sex who are not directly related conflicts with his religious beliefs as physical contact
is not allowed. He tells you that it was never an issue at his previous workplace and he is very
upset that Tiffany thinks he is sexist and he has had enough. You have told Ammar that you
take this very seriously and you would like to help him and Tiffany resolve their differences
and you will get back to him shortly about the matter.

Complete the following activities:

1. Develop an action plan to resolve the conflict

Before you commence this assessment, read the following guide for employers working with Muslim employees:

Refer to the Code of Conduct, the Workplace Communication and Consultation Policy and Procedures and the
Dispute Resolution Policy and Procedures you developed in Assessment task 2.

Develop an action plan that includes a range of appropriate strategies to resolve the conflict between Ammar and
Tiffany, ensuring you follow the organisation’s policies and procedures. Think about the issues involved on both sides
and how this might escalate to involve other employees or clients. Use the template provided to you.

Send the action plan to your assessor.

Accountancy Victoria

Action plan

Issue/Need Impact on workplace Actions to resolve Outcomes Timelines

The organization may The company must discuss It introduces diversity in Another team
Ammar, who is the get objections with this issue with each team the workplace of the meeting
new middle of the respect to strict and member along with Ammar company.
social separation. and Tiffany about anti-
road bookkeeper,
discrimination laws and the
accepts his central Refusal of hostile to cost of rejecting them. Tell
bookkeeper, Tiffany, separation law can Tiffany about Muslim faith and
didn't care for him mess up the their cultural beliefs.
and is discourteous organization.
to customers since
Misunderstanding conduct a meeting with Misunderstanding 10/6/2020
he wouldn't warmly between the two main Ammar and Tiffany and talk between them will 11;00 AM
greet an individual staffs that may affect about issues that are going on resolved.
from the contrary sex organizational tasks. between them. Tiffany must
during a gathering as be all around educated
a result of your strict regarding the motivation
convictions behind why Ammar will not
warmly greet associates.
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What's more, Ammar should
be told why Tiffany calls him
the sexiest.
This can hamper Any problems between them Efficient customer Everyday
customer relationships should be discussed only if service and no
because everything they are not among the negative impact on
happens in front of clients. They cannot react and achieving
customers, which react rudely. Because it can organizational goals.
directly affects the way have a negative impact on
customers think. customers.

2. Meet with Tiffany to discuss the issue.

Have a meeting with your assessor who will play the role of Tiffany. Provide constructive guidance and support to
Tiffany but focus on how it is affecting the workplace and discuss the code of conduct, legislation that governs the
issue around equal opportunity and discrimination.

At the meeting you must:

 Explain the purpose of the meeting
 Explain to Tiffany what the problem is
 Explain how this behaviour impacts on the workplace and why it is a concern. Ensure that you focus
on the issue, not the person.
 Demonstrate your interpersonal and communication skills by:
o Keeping your communication clear and simple
o Listening to Tiffany and confirming and clarifying information shared
o Asking questions to confirm information
o Emphasising Tiffany’s strengths as per the scenario information
 Discuss and agree on a solution
Role play
Tiffany and General manager

General manger: hello Tiffany. How are you

Tiffany: I'm fine thank you ¸and you ?
General manager: I'm good. I learned from Ammar that you were rude to customers and pointed him
out to be the sexiest. The purpose of this meeting is to know what is going on between you. I will
try to solve.
Tiffany: I'd prefer to make reference to that he doesn't give a hand to meet an individual from the
contrary sex group. It's hostile and non-unfair.

General Director This is a direct result of his strict convictions. The issue is that
Ammar is disturbed about how you treated him before his customers. This can genuinely
impede your work. Since you are both a significant piece of the organization, you both need
to plainly settle on every one of these issues, since it will straightforwardly influence the
colleague's openings for work and persuade him to play out their undertakings
Tiffany: It's all because of Ammar. If he were good to everyone and acted the same for everyone, none
of these issues would exist.
General manager: You can't blame Ammar for all these problems. He cannot deny his religious
beliefs. If any of you complains about all these issues, they will be taken seriously by the
government and council, which could cost this company badly.
Tiffany: So, what's the next step going to be?
General manager: First, you must know the Muslim faith and its religious beliefs well, which will
help you solve any misunderstandings. Then try to improve the relationship to help you perform any
task and transaction in accordance with the company's code of conduct and government regulations.
Tiffany: Sounds good, we can meet with Ammar to make it easier to solve the conflict and problems in
the way of accommodation.
General manager: Ok, I will let you know the date and time of the further discussion.
Tiffany: Thank you, see you soon.
General manager: See you, bye.

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3. Send an email to Tiffany and Ammar inviting them both to an informal resolution meeting.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

The email should suggest a suitable date, time and location for the meeting and a summary of what will be

Ammar and Tiffany

Conflict management and resolution


I hope this email you get that well I reviewed the action plan and came find out about problem you are facing day by
day . I would like to inform this has the impact on workplaces why id like to hear from both what going on so I can find
any solution method I plan to organize and meeting to solve the problem the meeting will take place in the company
hall 15/01/2020 at 2 pm.
Let me know if you have any question

Best regards

4. Conduct the meeting to resolve workplace issues

Your assessor will play the role of Tiffany and will arrange another student to play the role of Ammar. You need to act
as the facilitator and guide the meeting proceedings in a supportive manner for both parties without bias. Announce
the intention of the meeting, and then direct each party to share their thoughts and feelings. Provide guidance and
support to both parties and discuss and confirm the resolutions they have both come up with together before closing
the meeting.


Meeting, with
Ammar, Tiffany and General manager
General manager: Hi Ammar and Tiffany. How are you?

Ammar and Tiffany: good. How about you?

General manager: I'm good. I reviewed the action plan that was built to capture and discuss current problems to resolve
them. I am very sorry for the problems you have been facing in recent days.
The purpose of this meeting is to hear what you have to say about these issues and to try to resolve it.

Ammar: I would like to inform you that because of my religious beliefs I am not able to shake hands with a colleague and I
cannot deny it. But Tiffany called me the sexiest and I am rude to my clients. It is my right to follow my religious faith and no
one can discriminate against me because of my religion.

General manager: You are right, Ammar, but Tiffany is not well-known for your cultural beliefs, so she thought you were
acting badly with employees. It made him rude to you. But he shouldn't have been rude to customers.
What do you think will be a better solution to this conflict, Ammar?

Ammar: Everyone should focus on their task. They should be informed about anti-discrimination laws and the company's
code of conduct. In addition, everyone should focus on workplace diversity instead of choosing someone about their religious

General manager: I will be grateful for your valuable suggestion and I promise to implement it as soon as possible in the

Tiffany: It's my fault. I accept my mistake. But now we need to improve our relationship because it affects the tasks and
goals of companies. Now I am well known for your culture and legislation, so it will never happen again.

General manager: It's better this way. Everything is now resolved. So you two focus better on business than this kind of
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I hope to see you in better shape together.

Ammar and Tiffany: Ok thank you.

General manager: Thank you.

5. Follow up email
Send a follow up email to Tiffany and Ammar.
The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

It should summarise the meeting and the solution(s) agreed to.

The email should be sent within 1 day of the meeting.

Ammar and tiffany

Conflict Management and resolution


The impact on the work place why id to hear from both what going on so I can find any solution method, I pla to organize the
meeting will take place in the company

Best regards

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Assessment Task 4 Checklist

Student’s name: Madhav

Did the student: Yes No

Identify and resolve workplace difficulties by following the

appropriate procedure?

Develop strategies to manage difficulties and achieve positive


Communicate required information about the issues that have


Consult with Tiffany on the workplace issues identified,

including clarification of details?

Use questioning and active listening to provide the opportunity

for Tiffany to express her thoughts and feelings?

Demonstrate a caring and empathic approach to Tiffany?

Stay relaxed and encouraging throughout the meeting?

Talk about the issue rather than the person?

Provide guidance and support in the form of realistic solutions

for Tiffany to assist in the resolution of the workplace issue?

Provide guidance and support during the conflict resolution

meeting with Tiffany and Amar?

Document solutions to address the workplace issue?

Task Outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Assessor signature

Assessor name


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