Microsoft Word - CE Lab 05 PDF

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Cash Management

Lab 5 • Enter a Bank Statement

Objective: Enter Bank statements manually 

In this practice you will enter the following Bank Statement.

Trans Date Trans Num Description Amt Balance Comment

01-XXX-YY Beginning Balance 0 Beginning Balance
01-XXX-YY Deposit (GL 5000 5000 Journal entry
DD-Mon-YY DEPXX Deposit 12000 17000 Normal deposit
DD-Mon-YY 1 Payment 1600 15400 Bank mistake should
be 1500
DD-Mon-YY 1 Correction -100 15500 Correction of bank
DD-Mon-YY 2 Payment 2500 13000 Normal payment
DD-Mon-YY 3 Payment 3500 9500 Normal payment
DD-Mon-YY 10001 Wire Transfer 500 9000 Payment not processed
in AP yet.
DD-Mon-YY Bank Charge 50 8950 Bank charge added
DD-Mon-YY Interest Earned 100 9050 Interested added
DD-Mon-YY 4 Payment 5002 4048 Original payment 5000
28-XXX-YY Ending Balance 4040 Ending Balance

Enter a Bank Statement
1. Responsibility = Cash Management, Vision Operations (USA).
2. Navigate to the Reconcile Bank Statements window:
• (N) Bank Statements > Bank Statements and Reconciliation
• Click (B) New.
- Account Number = XX-01
- Date = Today’s Date
- Statement Number = Accept the default
3. In the Control Totals region, enter control totals based on your bank statement.
- Opening Balance = 0
- Receipts = 17150
- Payments = 13002
- Closing Balance = 4148

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Cash Management

4. Enter Bank Statement Lines.

• Click (B) Lines.
Line Type Code Trans Num Description Amount
1 Receipt 220 XX Deposit (GL Journal) 5000
2 Receipt 200 DEPXX Deposit 12000
3 Payment 100 1 Payment 1600
4 Misc Payment 115 1 Correction - 100
5 Payment 100 2 Payment 2500
6 Payment 100 3 Payment 3500
7 Payment 130 10001 Wire Transfer 500
8 Misc Receipt 410 Bank Charge 50
9 Misc Receipt 310 Interest Earned 100
10 Payment 100 4 Payment 5002

5. Click (I) Save.

Run the Cash in Transit report

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Cash Management

6. Navigate to the Request Submission window.

• (N) Other > Concurrent
7. Click (B) Submit a New Request.
8. Click (B) OK to submit a single request.
- Name = Cash in Transit Report
- Bank Account Number = XX, XXDeposit/Disbursement
9. Click (B) OK.
10. Click (B) Submit.
Note: Do not submit another request.
11. Close forms until you are back at the Navigator.
12. View the Cash in Transit Report.
• Select (M) View > Requests.
• Click (B) Find.
13. Select Cash in Transit Report.
• Click (B) View Output.
Note: Once these items are cleared and reconciled, they will no longer display on
the Cash in Transit report.

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