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Cash Management

Lab 6 • Reconcile Bank Statement

Objective: Reconcile your bank statement 

In this practice you will reconcile your Bank Statement

Use the AutoReconciliation program to reconcile your bank account

1. Navigate to the Submit Request window:

• (N) Other > Programs > Run
2. Click (B) OK to submit a single request.
- Request Name = AutoReconciliation
- Enter parameters according to the following table:
Parameter Value
Bank Branch Name XXNew York
Bank Account Number XX-01
Statement Number From Leave Blank
Statement Number To Leave Blank
Statement Date From Leave Blank
Statement Date To Leave Blank
GL Date Accept the default
Organization Vision Operations (OU)
Receivable Activity Bank Charges
Payment Method Leave Blank
NSF Handling No Action

3. Click (B) OK to close the Parameters window.

4. Click (B) Submit.
Note: Do not submit another request.
5. Review the Results of AutoReconciliation.
• Select (M) View > Requests.
• Click (B) Find.
6. Select AutoReconciliation Execution Report.
• Click (B) View Output and verify results.

View Status of Bank Statement Lines

7. Navigate to the Bank Statement window:

• (N) Bank Statements > Bank Statements and Reconciliation

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Cash Management

8. Select (M) View > Find.

- Account Number = XX-01
9. Click (B) Review to view the status of your bank reconciliation.
10. Click (B) Lines.
11. Click (B) Reconciled.
- Note the Amount Reconciled value.
Hint: In Oracle Accounts Receivable, if you are trying to reconcile your bank statement
and several receipts on the statement do not show as "Available in Cash Management,
verify that you have the system parameter "Show Cleared Transactions" checked.

Create a Payment for the unrecorded wire transfer in Payables

12. Select the payment line for the wire transfer.

13. Click (B) Create.
- AP Payments
14. Click (B) OK.
- Type = Manual
- Organization = Vision Operations
- Trading Partner = Advanced Network Devices
- Supplier Site = SANTA CLARA-ERS
- Payment Date = User-defined
- Bank Account = XXDeposit/Disbursement
- Payment Method = Wire
- Payment Process Profile = User-defined
15. Click (B) Enter/Adjust Invoices.
- Invoice Number = XX-5
16. Save your work and close the Enter/Adjust invoices window.

Create Accounting

17. Click (B) Actions.

- Create Accounting = Selected
18. Click (B) OK.
19. Close windows until you are back to the bank statement lines window.

Associate the bank statement line with the payment

20. Select the line with the wire transfer.

21. Click (B) Available.
22. Accept the defaults.
23. Click (B) Find.
24. Select the payment line.
25. Click (B) Reconcile.

Add the bank charge

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26. Select the line with the bank charge.

27. Click (B) Create.
- AR Receipts
- Payment Method = XXCashMisc
- Receipt Number = RXX-4
- Receipt Type = Miscellaneous
- Activity = Bank Charges
28. Save your work.
29. Close the receipts window.

Associate the bank statement line with the bank charge

30. Click (B) Available.

- Detail = Selected
31. Select (T) Receipt.
- Payment Method = XXCashMisc
32. Click (B) Find.
33. Select the transaction.
34. Click (B) Reconcile.
Note: All bank statement lines should now be reconciled.

Complete the bank statement reconciliation

35. Close the bank statement lines window.

- Complete = Checked
36. Save your work.

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