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Magic Quadrant for Mobile Marketing sy" snomveionon Platforms Pane 5 Ott 2020-10 GOD 9 minted Tan a Siete Mes nteractions on ther most personal devices Use this research to assess that may be best suited to help you fulfil your mobile marketing Market Definition/Description What Are Mobile Marketing Platforms? Gare dines mabe marketing patos a sontwar soon that Pp organizations manage activate and optimize marketing campaigns that get consumers witmutifle ressage types ~SUS/tet, puch nists and aon messges on hee ble ‘These plattorms expo ange of abies aces, panning mobile webs, mode applications messoning (neki SMS messagng andtve appcaions) push rnotestions (on mabe spps end off webstes)- calor tageedineecins and mone Mabie matting platforms ean opeateas standalone soins witha maseting organization or agency. Howeve hey re pal ntegated whe operate longs other ‘manetngtecrnogy components, such asa set of eapabiles ina muetannel mrttng hu (ort marketing automation appieations. This Mage Quacrant foci Sly n stanton, purposed odie makeing patorms (POMS). ‘The core capa o moble marsting platoxme te Me abit to: Der insights ia web ane pp ary about usta ct on a bran mobile wenste anders mole apptcaten~ pages ve, produts even, service fnctons ule or medls of an app uz ~ and generate usetl engagements le any of he major messapngtpe8— ie, SMSStet usnatficstions oth brome based and on medi apps) anciapp messages — to augment mutcnane ampaigrs or teaver mei carpargs oa ras mobke cuss. Leverage crsing customer datasets to dese fill aay of marketing engagement pes twanauaence that many aecesste on mobie devices. Mobie mansing atts ‘an alsoirtaiate asa moblespecalst platform wihn an NM erat serice rove ea oad marten slions Magic Quadrant Fire 1: Nagi Gara for Mobi Marketing Plats sere "owe fereenles ay ofan asuiry Toure (COMPLETENESS OF WsION- —> acta a0 OGane ae Sec: Gara (Ocber 2120) Vendor Strengths and Cautions ‘rsh ‘Airship i Leader in this Mog Quasar. ts custome engogement patfom sparkly wel sues fo mb customer engagement and tetaion use cases tough song ‘segrertaion and eatime engagement capitis seperation refocused i tha. and Europe he acqusiton of Accengage'n 2019 expands AS oot ante ‘content ~ and 2 goving presence in Srgapore and New Del. Arstips lens tendo be maternal wave nd hosp. and mea an enertanert ne past yea ne comparyinrotucedArstip Journeys custemer journey buiing to, and blstred ‘esing and experimentation by acauig Aoptniza.2 ulate nd ABtesing sluion in august 2018 Seengthe = Pltotm stlaly: Customers ho rerenedArstpin Gathers Poe Insights indeate ‘nat ne plato can hand volumes o mole engagements parcuar bene for ‘aket tears looking te mobieto ul and main customer eatensis. = Customer journey bultng Since the titan of research, Ashipinreduced “nso Jouneys"antvecustomer jure bullongwsual UI at enables makes to ‘rate and optima cross-chanecusemeroumey inane Ww Hs“Open Prt” APL enables marketers to inteate data from mutple te pay systers to augment ‘custome rfl, and data can be tard tn Aap el tat tar systems ‘+ Technology parnrships: ke may platfonn vendors, Asp recerly enhanced partnerships wth MMH vendosincuéng Salesforce. Adobe ane Acoustic extend its ‘rari custrars vendr opens Te compar ee partnered wih Mod ko “enhance its chmeda pesnalzationcapaities (have arumbar of ther vendors in ‘bs erauaton, cute 1 Paice: Cert etrences in past traons of ms research have te Asp platform as “exer relative to oher mole marketing pltforms~ this years evakatonisn0 “rtetent Puy pce-conscious marketers sould caret weg te patos factory aia ther norte buopt recent ‘= Anatycs and eprtg esis petormanceanalics could be mor iui ae ele, ant response quer tes coud orove. However company executes report raked imronemets hs ata during the pst yar, ClererTp Clerertap 2 che Payer ins sya of nciston nhs Magic Gusta. mabe ‘makeing platform is manly focused on campaign executon, aucence segmentation, nays foc mole apps ~ an, move een platforms such as Whats. ts options aregeogaphcay versie anditsclots predominant smal an midsize (SMB) ‘ital companies win ax of rg enters. Top inoustesin ts custome ase ae ‘media ae enterainmen ancl serces, 2nd etal CleverTap ans to cone Investments in machine earring (Lan At support enhanced personalization ade ‘ime mot eogagemens Seengthe = Data istalzatons:lrerTap offers inte moe anaes astiboars and eaby0- ead data vsuizatons tone marketers of al evel dessin and communicate he impact of the mae campaigns. ts wsualzatons inoue ustamer uy Maps ae ser groups (e. cohort ante). ‘= Aleneesegmentaton: CoverTa pers mkt to automate me creaton of uence sean asedon pst realtime user actions. Markee can alsa reste uence segments sing pschogeptcs, nate intent 356d mroserents, cust sts, outotanedox rene, equency monetary value (FM) aalss and eer arabes 1 Fase use CloverTap features an easyouse UI or mares teste mabe ‘mating campains incuing cham selection and gococation targeting cute = Scale shar of SMB cusiomers CovrTap customer bas isargey made up of it {str dig nisl and size businesses Wile Cleeraphas eters “ustomers prospective customers in organizations with many lac Syste ad cesses sou probe whethet Cvs ca support hs able mareng needs = Customer aequston ClveTap emphasizes customer engagement anetenon oer acqusion, Wet as paring negatons tat upper acter aque martes ‘evaluating CeverTan later may need ory on ote ol ter marketing ‘scrnolgy stack other custome aequstion eons Folownayes Folomtnayics 2 Challener in tis Magi Qusérat fs mobile mareing platform focuses on iterating wth MMH platform vedo to dele acre set of mele messaging sd rea tme nce acest entuprse arate operations ae focused France ane the Swi pans 0 expand in APAC. scons endo be marketers ea ‘anal Saiees an haspataiy mats Folowsnalies eco iteduced no code ‘mabe appcation development capa (bed ‘Bu’ and broadened its channel Darersos a eset andco slr azemenis wih Saesore, Microson and Adobe For 2070, the company plnso ean its capitis Senate *= Campaian won Customers can adst mei campains based on user bhavsin relation ta preset vestlds in 209, FeowAnayicsmprvedis campaign cpabity furry iroducing an Alenatedcuternerjoumey fw tat pays how users can move om one segment wo another overt This enables markeesto ey patems “st pehior ane event tht ca oat camirsion oe im “ut egrations FabowAnals enced is lngimegoto-nate tategy of ing pale ino dab a customers MMH vendo by deopningreltionstps with dng MM ois, such as Salesforce, Oracle Adobe and SAP 2s wall as commerce vendors such as Magerto (Adobe) and Shep This approach recognizes arealy tat Stoniicart percentage of aggressive, dal-cerie mating teams uz bath an Mt and astané. alone mobile makeing platform optimize mulichannel market states = Prete capaies FolowAnalyes reeds Sencume latins fr targeted push messages, ening the optimum near comvetsionnasex en ana customer sors past teravo. cute "= Mobie app focus Folowanaytes shting fs staese compete focus on fs" rcae mobile app development capably Motile matting teams that dont ron moe aps ready hav satisfactory moble app development capabtes may fd FallowAalyies es sutabe forth needs “= Umited support With a dedicated focus on etarrce marking teams partly ‘ose wth asoatons of mpronng mobies contribution winter muchamel mat mx ~FolowAtayis supper teams aut smal compared octet ‘veers evaluated in tis esearch AS sch the platform may not be welt for eas ‘wth ower of mate marketing matty mobs Chaenger inthis Maple Cuaoant ts mabe makeing lator focuses on hing matketers plan and orchastrate mob campaigns anos customer curays hs operations ae geomapicaly avr, andits cents tend tobe lage enterprises n barking and tancial services, ea andtelecnm Mable madea ranber of recent enkancemensto its custrer our workow cables, mes etal adding customer Journey antes oaagrase ana optima key custome pan pats svengtne = Channel oferingiMimebis comprenesive chanel efleing provides marketers wih 3 ‘woaa range of eammunieaton formats, nuaing Agpe Buses Chat, WhatsAp, Re Communication Series (CS) and more Naristers can configure and personalize mole engagements on thse channels sing data fom uid customer profes ts fequsitan ot Seneactve 2019s alowed noble to extend ts capably 1 ‘enabe cee configurable mobile wales 35 wel ‘= Campaian worn Mmobies customer euey orchestration interac alows mates 1 bul michael campaign workTows Si out fe box, megated of “custom erent riggers ML optmzed echesration and mutch communicators. These campagn ongurtns ant previews canbe peared seaesy wit the «= Realme engagements: Bobs lator oftes marketers Roxbeeame ‘engagement eapabites that can be congredwia customer urey wrktows. Chanel ‘ving exareesinclue nang messages on SMS shorvong codes, Facebook Messenger butions RCS and motile app usr actos. Resme engagements ‘canals be rigger i protutntgatons suc as eustore relationship management (Camp andigtat commerce AP-aven custom ees seals posse ccutone ‘= Anatves and epetng Cansstng of autofthe bx sunmay dastboards anda report ‘x90 funtion the asc reporting capabity win IMcamaign ay disappoint rospectv ces looking fr hh nteacive and customzatledastiboar = Customes pote sichment tmobile suppers core custome rote management features suchas the aby to crete cestom ple schemas aad tubes. Homer, mob aks turkey tegration fr daa ingestion om tht pty roe, ‘common wih eacers ths mare, meaning cents may need oly nena. ‘wasfomoad ETL process or suport for ean use cass. earl carlum is ice Player nhs Manic Quaerant.s mole marketing ater offers ‘marketers the aby tomanage customers mibue experiences and ochstate campaigns within 2 single eaytouse lator, nclucing these extending to making chars beyond mobile ts eratons ae goorephicaly verses, ancients tend tobe rmatetersinteretal esi and entertainment and gaming indus. Leangus 2020 roaet roadmap castor scant erase inte numberof rate comers 0s laf, inating comectrs to nonusar data (9, product alae) and autafthedox esenatzaion mocules. Svengtie 1 Simple roa packagng Leanplus solutn consists oa single proucy, selying ‘ecsion making for marketers sack amabie marketing platform Priengis standarazed to wo mary mets: moet aeive averapeUuses and apotcsbe, ruber of emaisdelverea troughs patrm The campanyestatishedalmaton ‘operational ev that accommodates 75% ois castes anything beyond the ‘heeshold eds o be negate, + Testing and opnmzaton: Leagan supports several oso test especialy 99 ‘8 estng In action to uneorerng insights, these esting capbities alow marketers te dale mae pesanatzed messaging a enhanced app customer expences. «User itarace: Learpan provides martes with an esutve ssp process octeatng 4 mole marketing campaign Matters can nangat a crop.downmans of audence rats when selecting iargetng entero, andthe latorm comes equipped wth econ templates for eting up 2 camion. = Basipredctive models Leanphm curently fetes preicte made er tasic mobile ‘campaign uses, such 35 ening optimal message deve tne and message frequency caps. The company repr that A-sugmented audience Segmentation and net best engagement are cure on ts produc ome. «= Company at aerossoads:Leaolum, hin says has 200 castes epost aecuked “sof nn cutomars rr al 2019 hough dy 2000 Prospective cutamars shuld ask Leanlum and ak with reference cusemersto ascertain how the company ‘ay conus to evolve hen management changesin te pest men, uth ashe sepomtren of anew CEO Macngeae ‘MoEngage'sa Leader in tis Mage Guatant ts mobile marketing platforms many ‘cused on mable-centic engagement and restrain pomeses by land ML Moengages operons are geographical versie, ands cents tend tobemarctesin ‘eal. ancl snes, teeeommuneabons and media ncustes: MoEngaDe produ ‘oadap amains focused on fuer devel its Shep Alfnconay snd mgroug assisted fetes. The company also plans to aunch collaboration ane garsfiation fates i acnen customer journey ocean expats. Svengths = Alezven optimization Having embeded Al fncionaty ino its auiiocesepmentation a estng eatues, MoEngage aos marketers es and optimize arent moto “engagement ambitions with predictive Segments Ft example a peice chu Segment can fe io a randomizat spt fre journey ernest paths, ‘stomatal opumizing armable engagement sed on predefined goals MoEogage also offers interations wth deperinus focused mactneeaming nd = Trang and support Moengage takes a desifedaptoachto ensuing lent success, Is thoes customer suppor stategy encompasses cross unin ning resources 3"#GROVTH academy and paid consing sence in upport of he Speci poroaches ected n noble makeing. ‘= Push andapp conte customization: MoEngage extended native app comtent ‘eustomzaton capa beyond te classe" to aca the creation of ‘eustonizale cals" hat makes anus tage customs wih conten elerant corte eds, The compary also developed outofhedox push templates to help mobile ‘maa qu and easly depley push oileatons a boost customer engagement Ccutne = Complex segmentation processing sped: MoEngage flrs tne tgges and Segmentation ares the major of vse cases, and customer segments ae processed at {etme of eapaig exec to esta tea data. nape cases when sta tebaioralsgment checks af combined wth eae sgment,ewcan be 3450 inte reteshrieak MoEmgage is a Yxeconput” segment urcton to mimize ey or push campaigns whee comple segment queis ak longer oun Markets onsen Mongage shoul dtl thor ral ime acne sogmeniton neds to understand how he platform supprtsthe deivery + Platform performance consistency: Garner eer sighs reviews che occasional challenges wt tho platfom perfomance. MoEngage has developed platform ‘apanity at pace aa rans a sites volume of elt messogia So may have Some growing pains Vendor eferences say the cmpary resolves bugs an ascepanees qu Plone Penueiso Nene lee srsyar of ncsion nhs Magic Quarts mde ‘mate patio main focused onlin makes personalize engagements ‘trough mooi eh. operations are geographical dete, ands cents eno bbemarkeesin quick-service restaurants (SS end ta and ren, Plnue expects to ‘wads A-enbles capabates to elpraretersaumate caroaign management ni ‘measurement The company’s QS ecus was beosteain 2019 when MeDonalds Ca. bought 99% of Penre Senge ‘= Moduarpitfam Flex’ highly moda pao sdesneatoerabemartatng ‘eansto lize he lator core ements 3s needed based on heen eval of ‘moe arkstng atu. The modules operatcntop of an AVM ae that enables Tongtuinl nd atte updates on atrbes sucha ropansty to churn product, recommendations RFM and cng options. = Grocery etl and GSR focus: Pines pacar we sued fr marketers inka, tranetaed ea and QS erganzatons. Te companys meses nee ‘capabites and price aalycs mak twa suited orhigh volume, igh requncy campaigns whch ae particu aed by marketers in these vercals. Acorn to Penre ecutive, the company plans to expand oe verticals such 3s franca «= Fraud detection Yo allvendrsevaustosin ths Mage Ouatantnave achieved SOC 2 ‘complies (baseline requirement fo an Ss8 ptf) Plensteincxprates a rurnter of dina ar rau capabities to detect ravdlet ap reistatons oyty pean acqusitons ox coupon asad oft edanpton. These ana apaninies, including use of lt detect ral act, partly impertane ohh trequency mobte campaigns tha fe halk of SR roe ant speci reat ments ‘= Mobie chanel focus: lars focused on supporting high sequency engagements that ‘pty te ees of ASR gooey and speci eal oganzatos(conenence stores in aria). Pleureis largely an appcentc mebie marketing pata, but suppers !moble web an ema integrations Prospoee centsookng for mor expansve moe caabities parte for mobile we, wil aed ensue Pls! API suppoct il enablepefered mobile Wed sluons «= Resouresto match stale ambitns: Plrure manages lata lg numberof ‘ustona’sin dyramemante's (e9. QSRand grocer) Wath ts tate Toes on enters wth eater tan $750 milion myer revenue Pens customer sucess ‘ams a anal eave to cer vndos vlan sreseateh Conpany exes re ‘nat heya acing resources to these teamsthisyear Prospective eerie cent ll eed ately examine Pex business adm fo ensure appropiate resources are Punctins a Niche Payer inthis Mapic Quadrant Puncis mobile marketing patfrm is heuse apatites to apply drances i land MLto pectic bie marketing “apabies Vendors must have also Shown they hae speci esoures ar captor invesantinecncogy. usinessmedeleancemer serves capa ard varteat ‘or georphic marke expertise «Geographic Saag. nes he vendors strategy oaectesouces, ks nd “flengs to mate sos nse of georspes ouster nave ‘enor ater dct or trou pares, cannes and subsites, appropriate fortat georaphy ancmaket. ‘Teble2 Completeness of Vision Evasion Cita otage ane evatavon itera weighing ene unesanang an Maren srateny esr sale seegy es feng ec Sete Ma erncalausy Srey esr — ah spac Sratesy esi Sauce Gare (0aabe a0) Quadrant Descriptions Leaders estes poreas he resoures ae acumen ta dir exensie male marketing apailes quid by ela comprenensievew of moble marketing ruil leas ine {omanant engagement pont fx customers an prospects Leads nav executed 2 ‘sustantal numer of mplementtionsacoss a vately ofinausires. Theypush her ‘usta tonad more advanced states of bie marketing capable Leaders primary stp 82¢ marketing scears,butcan als suport 828 scenanes. challengers Cchatngers hav strong core mobile makeing product functionally, bt er incorplte ‘is of motile martin oe nmareting and how mabe ewes makes diet or ‘hemo push ther eastomes ous of ther "moble comfort zene" Ther sohiens may Be ‘tao speine usecase technical enonmen cr appeton domains. Tel vison ‘maybe nampere bythe ck ofa coeinated sategy across the arousposucsin hs afm prttos. ernanoy thoy may ak te maketng eons, sales chames, aeagaphc presence, cus spetic content and awareness of the venders m he Lasers uacant Visionaries \isoranes nave song and unique vison for delverng mabe marking capabates. They offer deathaftarctonlty inthe teas they aes hamere thay may have gaps fing ‘0 troacerunetonaltyrequremen of ower scores on customer experience, operations and snes exzcutlon Visonaves are ought aces andinnoatrs, but they may Delackeng nscale ortheremay be concerns about ther bityo gow ane stil provide consistent ceveion, Niche Players. ne Pye do wal ina specie Segment oe mabe marin platform matt. n aston bas offerings hey may offer afew specialized capabitis tat target anarow ‘eet set ~ fr example by nus or business model ~ tat pay lass ahanctot able mating techniques They may have ites capa octet oupererm other vendors but hay lack depth of enctnaiy elsewhere They may also have ga eling to trader torn tacionaty or lover sha average cute aig ‘Ateratvey, Wee Players mayhee reasonably road mobile rareting platform, ut te implemetation ar Suppor eapabiies oa eabelbmtes customer base (such a5 by geooraptyornusty).nacten hey may not yet hav achieved the necessary eae {0 soy ter market poston, Context ‘Thisescarch is Gartner’ bird Maric Qvatatfor Mobile Makati Pato reflects ot nhs gro of is product stg, but ls marin leads ineeasingelanceon mobile marketing ecnques for business advantage Whe teat eratin of bs Mage Ovedrntincted Dah stand alae mode marketing patos and tenannel mast ins waive mete mare csosbies, ts yesrs eaten tocusesexcsnetonstansatone mde marketng oltensASSuCR oUF ew assessment o tis ears bie-specevendors resuedinSome Ss ia ends Dosttonngalengou Mape Ouaant Global, consumers pend mere of ta ipa eon smartphones that on cesktops, lapiops or tablets — win parila emphasis on apps. "Te imoacts of COWD-3 hate ‘ure etayzed concurs’ angong st to cig and moe slain 2 consume reads he way they navigate ther aly es amid 2 new normal? Tisbroad and epi ‘consumer adoption ot smarighones rads dependency ta echoes ave ever ‘ney. AS such motile markabg capabitiesnsreasinay determine rae maxkebng “This Mane unerant san assessment of vendo capebes based on pat execution 2019 and fut development pane ov th eet 12 months Hwee may ony be valida a partcularpantn time as vendo andthe market conve o eve. T that ee readers ‘Soul not use tes Magi uadant in sation 25 aol fr vende selection When making spect secton decisions use ti camtnation with xr companion ical apatites or Mobde Maken Patoms esearch oe Garner resexreh ted 0 mobo masting best practices and ou analyst inqury serie, Morava eats shube care ot fo asibe theron dfinons of Complsenssof ‘ison or iyo Execute this Magic Qvarant,wheh ney often neorety map rrowty 10 rdbet von and mart share, respecvey The Magic Quadiant methoddogy facta a angeofeeriin deterring pston, as shown byte extensive Evaluation Cera ‘Three Trends Influence the Market for Stand-Alone Mobile Marketing Platforms ‘Te mate fx stanton mobile marketing platforms, 5 wales vendors cuenta panned capitis are being inenced by tee kay ents ‘Trend 1: COVID-19 Creates Urgency for Advancing Mobile Marketing Maturity Manet te eaperening git gency developing adtanced mobile marketing capabites 12020. The COWID-9 pandemic asrupted all aspects of modem fe bu certain ‘veics! markets nistorey dependent on pysel cations and irtson erations — ‘such 2 retal, personal care eves, ean nosptalty andthe restaurant indy — have bee especiy affected. Purpose bit mobo mxketg lattormsinthe hands of maze mann teams rended businesses an bands wi the eseny fo adap tothe anders velvngnatue ‘Many marketers lewraged mobile apps, SMS messaging another mab techniques to reman conned wth ei customers Ong ts time For mary organizations ea and (uas.casua ning markt, mobil pps and mabl-otima ses enabled marking teams to cantnualy ve custome demand crete opportunity fo sles ad prone ‘exible tier options by adogting buy nine, pickp in stoe (BOP) or esi hip “Tears are als depoying mole messaging teciiases that rept enable customers craening tough a madi app or webs to pt nto message tveads Mat prodoe Sas uptateson delivery opick times, recing sess ad costs oncallcertrs. Amer of venrs ced examples where hey were able np cles develop spl cmpains using pus nesicatns ar SMS messagng ranging om eins about basic ene to ‘sending me crea messapeso mabe usar (employes working m stores o1 ‘estaurants) Vendors such se Vbes and leur wee ale provide mobile slo for 20°. However it shoul be rote that thse marketing teams that were ble se mbit mantan operations ere key at reasons aanoed makeing matury eel and vere businesses tha rogressdreascnatly fain (fot complete) te cial ransfrmation Garterboleves tat tose matting teams Mathave tained at east an memodate ‘mabe martng matty aeina beter postionte handle marketing amicontrued coneic unerany. ‘Makati teams wth ay lw masking matury evs aea change for PEM vendors. -esuts tom Gaines ntractve matty assessment cl ~ which alows markets assess the veal dtl marketing andr individual channel maturiy~ noted adecced lack of motile marketing matunyn 2019 (soeMaketng Matty Assessment: Markers {agin Multenanal and Operations Capbitis). ‘Trend 2: Purpose-Bullt Mobile Marketing Platforms Extend Value of ‘Multichannel Marketing Hubs ‘ne past yea: Garner has sen mobile markting lator unconaliyevohe song wo ams Patfoms tatowing the Ws path am to cio thay plato tard maveot 2 ‘mobile cenic version ofan NE belivg hat pt markting laters in general are nt patos nparteac neato rapay mature mer mode capabites Vensors Such ‘ae raze nave lle the path sca and aralyice canto mote marketing lator ‘ted a broader seo chanel capabiies and tegretos, ulimatey ang ata se ot ‘oa that maps to Mi capablties (ee the evalutinsin Garters Mage Cust for ‘Multichannel Marke Hubs) “The secon paths olowedby vendors that have staked thr business. ona purl mobile. tecused product and feature set ts hs group we focused on nts evaluation. Te mabe capa of WMH vendors are evaatcin te Map Quaéart fr Mlichanel Marken Hubs. The PM category underscores that apd pace of ange — 56 net fe ea to erable sgficart referers to mary smartghone experences. particu hose associate wih marketing tactics and sates (see 2 Cita reas of Focus for Marketers ‘o Adress Consumer Pefrences fo 5). MMH vendo have stats motile marketing apaits. trv ter broader et thoy tn dot ead in terms of spect mobile capatles Means, PBMS do leadn tase cote able Maen capanies: 1 ‘rape PEM ead MMHSin te eon of RS petocosthat enable cher SMS eet messeaing ‘Maret teamsin the pastiwo to tee yershave ortiz mobi 3s noted ints postonin makeing expense budgets ithe 2020 CMD Spend Suney ted previously Yet ‘many marketers stl consider tor mobile met capabilites irate. PM vendors afelna postion orate tha ches matty starteg with apg marking tas ook 2 fesures ane ctonaiy as charctrsis ofa ype of marketing stateny Formost ganizations mile masking strates fallin on of ope Denna the ‘mobo mating type note tps vedo nd prospects prize mabe goals. Du also dps deen the righ male marketing platform or your needs (802 Toes of Motil ‘Maroters: Which Oe Ar You?) “The wo ways rganzatons con approach mobile markcting ae mabilecentic and ‘= Mobil-cene marketing organizations take advatageot the ds apabies of mobile devices and networks, suchas cameras, GPS adios and micrephanes, to engage ‘customer and prospecsincompeling Ways ot posse using desktop techrigues. = Mobi-estender marketing ogaizations extend ane dant ensting prospect and “ustona eanecons tom he desktop 1a ob device For example, mabe ena ‘version of desktop mebsto gets created, ad mobile lead generation actics rrr Ban arg, oth mobile envi nd mobile extender ogarizatons ere underiestng a ‘ar mebiemarctng innatves Ks not at gal marketing exeeuves cortundesand ‘he alu of mobi. that hey dor start wt ening tha meble marketing pe an densinga mobiesvatgy at meets ne ned of lof her mable cei customes and prospects ‘Trend 3: Analytics Drive Long-Term Value and Security Requirements as ‘New Formats Expand MMPs’ Remit As hte patio erations of ts Magic Qvcrant,obe anaes and data expreton| avails, which ifm avlomated campaign ochestation ac testing of major elements of @moble cami (ofr, contnt sensi lenis) ae comerstone

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