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Lesson plan # 02

Subject: Principles of Marketing (MKT201)

Faculty Name: Abul Khair Jyote

Title Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to build customer relationships

Sub-titles 1) Companywide Strategic Planning: Defining Marketing’s Role

2) Planning Marketing: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships
3) Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix
4) Managing the Marketing Effort
5) Measuring and Managing Return on Marketing Investment

Aim 1) To discuss about designing customer driven market strategies and

constructing marketing programs by looking at the organization’s overall
strategic planning to build customer relationship.

Objectives By the end of the lesson the students will learn about-
1) Explain companywide strategic planning and its four steps
2) Discuss how to design business portfolios and develop growth strategies
3) Explain marketing’s roll in strategic planning and how marketing works with
its partners to create and deliver customer value.
4) Describe the elements of a customer driven marketing strategy and mix the
forces that influence it.
5) List the marketing management functions, including the elements of a
marketing plan and discuss the importance of measuring and managing return
on marketing investment.

Brief 1) Strategic Planning

contents 2) Analyzing the Current Business Portfolio
3) Problems with Matrix Approaches
4) Product Market Expansion Grid
5) Developing Strategies for Growth and Downsizing
6) Partnering to Build Customer Relationships
7) Extended Marketing Mix
8) Managing the Marketing Effort

Key words Strategic Planning, BCG Matrix, Product Market Expansion, Growth and
Downsizing, Customer Relationship, Market planning

New words Strategic business unit, Penetration, Value delivery network,

Probable 1) Define strategic planning.

Questions 2) What are the steps in strategic planning?
3) What is mission and vision statement?
4) How to analyze current business portfolios?
5) What is Product Market Expansion grid? Explain it briefly.
6) What is Extended marketing mix? Explain it briely.

References 1) Principles of Marketing: Thirteenth Edition (Pearson)

Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Prafulla Y. Agnihotri, Ehsan ulHaque
2) Strategic Brand Management: Third Edition by Kevin Keller

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