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Topic: HR Practices and HR Challenges of UTAH Group of Companies;

Health Care Management

Submitted To: Mr. Shafiqul Alam

Group Members:

Name: ID:

1) Jahidul Alam Turja 1710376

2) Tasneem Tabassum Rahman 1710747

3) Mehedi Hasan 1720026

4) Syed Muhammad Nadeem Kadery 1720621

Course Title: Introduction to Human Resource Management.

Course ID: HRM-301.

Section: 02.

Date of Submission: 19th November, 2019.

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HR Practices of Utah Group of Companies
HR Practices can encompass a number of HR strategies. There may be strategies to deliver
fair and equitable reward, to improve performance or to streamline structure. However, in
themselves these strategies are not strategic HRM. HR Practices are the overall framework
which determines the shape and delivery of the individual strategies.

Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment is the primary and very important function of HR Practices

 The main sources of recruitment are:

 Internal promotion and internal introductions,

 Agencies for the unemployed,

 University appointment boards,

 Advertising (often via agents for specialist posts) or the use of other local media (e.g.
commercial radio).

Recruitment policy

 Utah Group of Companies has been in e-resourcing since 2010. They focus on e-
based advertisement for more visibility and transparency beside the conventional print
media. All recruitment related notices are posted on the website.

 Applicant can be a citizen of any country.

 They encourage students with interests in textile industry to apply.

 If the one’s application is successful, he/she will be invited to a board interview which
will be taken by a member from the function to which he/she has applied and a
member of the Human Resource team. This is a chance for him to find out more about
them, as it is for us to find out whether he/she has the competencies they are looking

 As a final candidate, the employee will be invited to visit the factory and have a
factory tour so that the newly appointed employee has a basic idea about the

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 The new employee will then attend an orientation where he will meet his seniors and
coworkers from all departments, where he/she will get a chance to meet everyone and

Training and Development of Human Resources

Utah Group of Companies invest heavily on the development of the employee to keep their
employees up to date and keep retain their position as one of the top textile companies in
Bangladesh. The firm arranges in house monthly meetings for the senior managers to share
their experience, with newly appointed managers. The company also sends abroad the
hardworking managers to international conferences and trade fairs to learn and observe new
concepts and apply them back in the factory. Utah Group of Companies has also been
sending their manger abroad to sit for and qualify for international exams in auditing sector
that is ISO 9001:2008.


Compensation for the Executive Directors, members of the Management Board and senior
level managers are reviewed annually or on a significant change of responsibilities.

Compensation of members of the Management Board are reviewed on the basis of a mid-
market comparison for equivalent management board roles. Similar principles are applied to
the salaries of senior managers and, below this level in the organization, salary scales are
graded with reference to market conditions whilst individual salary increases are linked to

In addition to basic compensation, the Senior Managers receive certain benefits in kind,
principally a car or car allowance and private medical and personal accident insurance.

Other benefits

Maternity leave policy

In Utah Group of Companies, they value their employee’s personal priorities. They allow
maternity and paternity leave in their organization. Their maternity leave of 6 months has
allowed their female manager to balance her career aspiration with her role as a mother. They
also have a provision for 2 weeks’ paternity leave policy for male managers.

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HR Challenges of Utah Group of Companies
Utah Group of Companies is one of the most recognized textile companies in Bangladesh.
Having a workforce of more than 12,000 workers and almost 1000 corporate employees Utah
Group of companies has to fight against a lot of challenges to keep their operations smooth.

The common challenges faced by Utah Group of companies are as follows:

 Hiring Proper People

The major challenge of Utah Group is to hire the right person for the right job and
achieving the maximum output from these employees.
 Recruitment Burden
Utah group is an 100% export oriented company. Thus all the orders come from
international buyers. Sometimes these buyers try to promote their outside employees
into the organization. These employees may not be able to deliver their maximum
output and the company faces a lot of problems in firing the person as doing so may
result in reduced quantities of orders.
 Dealing with Sexual Harassment
Utah group employees more than 12,000 workers and has to maintain the safety of
each worker. Sometimes senior managers misbehave with the female workers in the
factory, who are sacked immediately. Moreover, sometimes even the male workers
misbehave with female workers outside the factory but within the factory premise
which create a havoc within the employees.
 Workers Don’t Follow Instructions
The workers working in the factory have minimum education and thus are reluctant to
follow the safety instructions i.e. wearing mask in sewing section, wearing hand
gloves in cutting section. The main challenge is to make sure the workers are
following these instructions as unannounced audits by buyers and the buyers
observing such behavior may mean no further business with Utah Group of
 Meeting Shipment
Sometimes production managers make the worker do overtime in the factory to meet
an urgent shipment. The HR is sometimes not informed about the exact hours worked
by the workers which create a problem in the time of payment as workers’ demand for
their right fair of share and lack of data about hours worked make the situation worse.

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 Retention of Good Employees
The first and foremost challenge for any company is to retain its best employees and
add on the newly emerging employees in the market, to add to its hierarchy. However,
sometimes it is quite difficult to hold on to the good employees in the RMG industry
as in such highly competitive market competitive firms can take away the best
employees with better offer.

Healthcare management
Nowadays companies are facing many human resource related issues and healthcare
management is one of the major issues.

 Turnover and Retention

As with other industries, healthcare is challenged by today’s talent shortages.
Recruitment overall with market conditions is difficult. For the healthcare HR
professional, a growing need and shrinking talent availability will require more
creative solutions to lower turnover and increase retention at all levels of staff.
Companies need to entice their current employees to stay with competitive wages,
enticing benefits packages, and continued training and career advancement

 Training and Development

Ongoing training, licensure and development are important in many industries.
Compliance training may be mandatory, as may be training on sexual harassment
recognition and other workplace issues. Add to the mix training that grows employee
skills and competencies: digitization, leadership, soft skills and more. The healthcare
HR professional must juggle time for training

 Digitization
For the healthcare professional, digital upgrades are a continuum. New technology is
changing the way medicine is administered and staff members must be up-to-date. An
ongoing need to assess, develop and prepare for the digital revolution will be needed
to keep abreast of all the changes technology will bring. By committing to in-house
training programs and "micro learning" opportunities (quick trainings on specific
topics that can be implemented right away), HR departments can quickly and

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affordably close the gap between a staff members limited understanding of a tool and
the new technology your organization needs to run more efficiently.

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