2015 JMR SoftRobotHand

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Yu She

Department of Mechanical and Design and Fabrication of a Soft

Aerospace Engineering,
The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH 43210
Robotic Hand With Embedded
e-mail: she.22@osu.edu

Chang Li
Actuators and Sensors
Department of Mechanical Engineering, This paper details the design and fabrication process of a fully integrated soft humanoid
Tsinghua University, robotic hand with five finger that integrate an embedded shape memory alloy (SMA) actu-
Beijing 100084, China ator and a piezoelectric transducer (PZT) flexure sensor. Several challenges including
e-mail: lichang427@sina.com precise control of the SMA actuator, improving power efficiency, and reducing actuation
current and response time have been addressed. First, a Ni-Ti SMA strip is pretrained to
Jonathon Cleary a circular shape. Second, it is wrapped with a Ni-Cr resistance wire that is coated with
Department of Mechanical and thermally conductive and electrically isolating material. This design significantly reduces
Aerospace Engineering, actuation current, improves circuit efficiency, and hence reduces response time and
The Ohio State University, increases power efficiency. Third, an antagonistic SMA strip is used to improve the shape
Columbus, OH 43210 recovery rate. Fourth, the SMA actuator, the recovery SMA strip, and a flexure sensor
e-mail: cleary.77@osu.edu are inserted into a 3D printed mold which is filled with silicon rubber materials. The flex-
ure sensor feeds back the finger shape for precise control. Fifth, a demolding process
Hai-Jun Su1 yields a fully integrated multifunctional soft robotic finger. We also fabricated a hand
Mem. ASME assembled with five fingers and a palm. We measured its performance and specifications
Department of Mechanical and with experiments. We demonstrated its capability of grasping various kinds of regular or
Aerospace Engineering, irregular objects. The soft robotic hand is very robust and has a large compliance, which
The Ohio State University, makes it ideal for use in an unstructured environment. It is inherently safe to human oper-
Columbus, OH 43210 ators as it can withstand large impacts and unintended contacts without causing any
e-mail: su.298@osu.edu injury to human operators or damage to the environment. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4029497]

1 Introduction widely used in a variety of areas, including robotics. Mavroidis

[11] developed advanced actuators with SMA and other smart
Conventional rigid body manipulators produce high accuracy
materials. Seok et al. [12] presented a soft robotic platform which
of movements through kinematic joints which have finite degrees
exhibits peristaltic locomotion with the Ni-Ti coil actuators. Icardi
of freedom (DOF). They are generally used in well-defined envi-
[13] used SMA contractile wires to build a large bending actuator.
ronments and touch/force sensors are required to prevent damage
Zhang et al. [14] studied self-sensing properties for SMA actuated
to the grasped object. Recently, soft robots [1,2] have received
artificial muscle. Paik and Wood [15] developed a bidirectional
increasing attention due to their obvious advantages of high flexi-
SMA folding actuator with application to mesoscale and micro-
bility and safety for human operators. Soft robotics [3,4] has a
scale systems. Liu et al. [16] studied tracking control of SMA
great potential to be applied to service and personal robots, since
actuators based on inverse hysteresis compensation and self-
they are inherently safe, meaning that they are so compliant that
sensing feedback. Wang et al. [17] also studied the control method
they are not capable of causing injury to human operators even in
of the SMA based on self-sensing and hysteresis compensation.
unstructured environments [1].
Bergamasco et al. [18] presented a dexterous artificial hand with
Design, fabrication, and precise control of soft robots are con-
SMA wires. Lee et al. [19] developed a prosthetic hand with five
siderably challenging, however. In the aspect of design, soft
fingers by using SMA. Hino and Maeno [20] developed 1/4 scaled
robots are most likely a continuum rather than rigid bodies con-
miniature robot fingers with SMA. Yang and Gu [21] presented a
nected with kinematic joints like in conventional robotic manipu-
robot hand with embedded SMA as actuator. Dilibal et al. [22]
lators. In terms of manufacturing, fabrication of soft robots is also
presented a three finger robot hand with SMA as the actuator.
extremely challenging because the traditional way of machining
However, almost all SMA actuators use SMA wires which are
parts and assembling them simply does not apply. Precise control
limited by the maximum strain and output force. Although the fin-
of output force and configuration for soft robots is a difficult task
ger in Ref. [22] provided a high output force, it requires the input
even when feedback sensors are present. This is mainly because
power of 300 W.
soft robots have infinite DOF and rely on material deformation for
With regard to manufacturing, the emerging of several rapid
controlling their position.
prototyping (RP) techniques in recent years has made the fabrica-
In terms of structural design, the traditional design process usu-
tion of soft or compliant robots much simpler. Examples are shape
ally follows the steps of designing individual parts, assembling
deposition manufacturing (SDM) [23,24], laser cutting [25,26],
parts into subsystems and putting subsystems together. The struc-
3D printing, etc. The SDM approach is an RP technique which is
tural material of soft robots is typically very compliant, e.g., rub-
able to fabricate heterogeneous structures, such as multimaterial
ber. The compliance must be carefully designed to allow desired
structures with embedded components. Many robots have been
motion while restricting motions in other directions.
made using these techniques. Examples are the SDM hand by
Actuator design is one of the most important tasks in designing
Dollar et al. [27,28], a force sensing robot finger [29], a compliant
soft robots. For example, actuator techniques for soft robots
robotic hand with pneumatic actuators [4,30].
include compressed air [5,6], SMA actuators, liquid [7,8], and ten-
In this paper, we present a robotic hand with five soft fully inte-
dons [9,10]. SMA actuators have been extensively explored and
grated fingers made of silicone rubber material. To address the
challenge of actuator design, thin SMA strips rather than wires are
1 used. They are pretrained to a circular shape for bending moment
Corresponding author.
Manuscript received August 17, 2014; final manuscript received December 23, output. To enhance the shape recovery, an antagonistic SMA strip
2014; published online February 27, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Aaron M. Dollar. (trained to the opposed direction) is used. To improve the power

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Copyright V

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function of each component will be discussed in the following
passage in detail.

2.1 The SMA Actuator Design. When heated to a critical

temperature, SMA materials can return to the previously trained
shape via a phase transformation from Martensite to Austenite. As
a result, they are often used as actuators for output force or
moment. For our robotic finger application, we need an actuator
that can produce a large bending moment. Instead of using SMA
wires or coils like in many other applications, we utilize SMA
strips with a rectangular cross section due to their advantages of
relatively large actuation moment, large bending angle, and com-
pactness, since there is no need for a mechanism converting force
to moment.
In our design, Ni-Ti Alloy is selected to be the suitable type of
SMA due to its superiority to other types of SMA in many aspects,
including relatively large strain (6% maximum shape memory
strain), high power density (25 times electric motors), and small
Young’s modulus at low temperatures (28–41 Gpa). An SMA
strip can return fully to its original shape when no resistance force
is applied. However, for the robotic finger design, the resistance
force from silicon rubber finger body and the flexure sensor pre-
vents full recovery. To improve the shape recovery rate, a half-
Fig. 1 The conceptual design of the soft robotic hand
width SMA strip that is trained in the opposite bending direction
is used. This design can achieve nearly 100% shape recovery, i.e.,
efficiency, a resistance wire is wrapped around the SMA strips for return the finger close to a straight position.
indirect heating. A flexure sensor is used to sense the shape of the We compared three different designs of actuator based upon
SMA strips for feedback control. This novel SMA design features SMA strips. In the first design, current is directly applied to the
high power efficiency and precise shape control. one wide SMA (80 mm long, 5.588 mm wide, and 0.508 mm
We begin this paper with an introduction of design of the thick). Because the electric resistance of this SMA strip is very
robotic hand in Sec. 2. The fabrication process of the robotic hand small 0.041 X, the current required to actuate the SMA strips
is presented in Sec. 3. In Sec. 4, measurement and control experi- would be too high. This high current causes a very low circuit effi-
ments are conducted to evaluate the performance of our design ciency (due to energy loss in the circuit and wires). In the second
and fabrication. Also, in this section, specifications of this design design, two narrow width (2.5 mm wide) SMAs connected in
and comparisons with other design are discussed. Finally, conclu- serial. This design increases the resistance four times. However,
sions and future work are presented in Sec. 5. the current is still too high for this actuator. The third actuator
design uses a Ni-Cr resistance wire for indirect heating. The cir-
cuit efficiency reaches 95.59% of this design, which is signifi-
cantly higher than that of the full width SMA (6.25%). See Table
2 The Design of Soft Robotic Hand 1 for design parameters of all three designs. The resistance from
The conceptual design of the soft humanoid robotic hand is the power and circuit wire is measured about 0.6 X.
shown in Fig. 1. The robotic hand is composed of a palm and five Response time in terms of current/power is also compared
fingers. Each finger comprised six components: A full width SMA among these three designs. The input current or power of the third
strip for actuation; a half-width antagonistic SMA strip for shape actuator is far less than directly heating SMA. More specifically,
recovery; a Ni-Cr resistance wire for thermally actuating the the first actuator needs 9.5 A (47.5 W) to reach a response time of
SMA; a PZT flexure sensor for shape feedback; the soft finger 7 s, while the third actuator requires 0.5 A (3.25 W) to obtain a
body made of silicone rubber; and the relatively rigid fingertip response time of 5 s. Given an input current of 0.5 A (3.25 W) for
made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). The PDMS tip is strong all three actuators, the response time for the third actuator is 5 s,
enough to hold the two pieces of SMAs from tearing the wrapped while the first and second actuators cannot be actuated with a cur-
material apart. The roots of the SMAs are fixed on the palm which rent of 0.5 A (3.25 W). It is possible to further reduce the response
is fabricated out of the acrylic material by a laser cutter. The time by increasing input current. However, the minimum response

Table 1 Parameters and circuit efficiency for three actuator designs

Full width SMA via direct Two half-width SMAs in serial Full width SMA via indirect heating
heating via direct heating with a Ni-Cr wire

Dimensions (mm) Length ¼ 80 Length ¼ 160 Diameter ¼ 0.2743

Width ¼ 5.588 Width ¼ 2.5 Length ¼ 1000
Thickness ¼ 0.508 Thickness ¼ 0.508
Mass (g) 1.3 0.55 1.6
Resistance (X) 0.041 0.21 13
Circuit efficiency (%) 6.25 25.93 95.59
Response time (s) 7 4.2 5
Current (A) 9.5 7.5 0.5
Voltage (V) 5 5.2 6.5
Power (W) 47.5 39 3.25

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Fig. 2 The actuation and shape recovery cycle of the SMA Fig. 3 The schematic of the full integrated soft robotic finger
actuator: (a) initial position, (b) grasping position, and
(c) releasing position Furthermore, since the resistance of SMA strips is too small, com-
plex and costly electronic devices will be needed to monitor the
change of resistance in the self-sensing method.
time of the third actuator is limited by the coating material of the In our design, flexure sensors, which are cheap and easy to
resistance wire, which will be explained later. operate, are used for the shape feedback without significant
Figure 2 shows the actuation process. During the actuation pe- adverse effects on the finger body. A feedback signal can be gen-
riod, the full width SMA is active, which needs to overcome the erated by the flexure sensor as the finger deforms, which plays a
resistance force of silicon finger body, flexure sensor, and the vital role in precise control of finger position. The flexure sensor
half-width shape recovery SMA strip. During the recovery period, features high flexibility and a low profile and thus only introduces
the full width SMA is deactivated and the half-width SMA is a small resistance force to the finger. Moreover, its simple con-
activated. struction and small volume does not adversely affect the compact-
ness of our design. The flexure sensor also can be simply
integrated into the soft finger prototype during fabrication, which
2.2 Resistance Wire Wrapping for Indirect Heating. As will be discussed below.
mentioned in Sec. 2.1, directly driving the SMA strips with cur-
rent gives a very low power efficiency due to their extremely low
electric resistance. To reduce the actuation current, we wrap a re- 2.4 The Design of Soft Finger Body With a Firm Finger-
sistance wire around an SMA strip in a dense coil form for indi- tip. Ecoflex-30 is chosen as the suitable type of silicone rubber
rect heating (see Fig. 3). for our application. Its large maximum elongation ratio (900%
We selected Ni-Cr material for the resistance wire because it before break) and good tensile strength (1.378 Mpa) makes it easy
has a relatively large resistance ð1:5  106 X  mÞ, about 15 for the SMA strips to actuate the soft finger without causing frac-
times of Ni-Ti SMA and 90 times of copper. Using the Ni-Cr re- ture failure and still maintaining the size and shape of a human
sistance wire significantly reduces the actuation current to 0.6 A at finger. Furthermore, Ecoflex-30 demonstrates good aging and
7 V for a full actuation. The response time is also significantly fatigue properties, ensuring the reliability and life of the soft fin-
reduced compared with the actuation method of directly applying ger. This material also suits the actuation of SMA through heating
current. Therefore, energy efficiency is significantly improved. in that it adapts well to a wide temperature range (from 100  C
This design also offers benefits of reduced fabrication cost and to 300  C).
time and improved structural integrity of the robotic finger. A successful finger body design must satisfy the following
However, Ni-Cr resistance wire cannot be directly wound requirements:
around the SMA strip because it will cause a short circuit prob-
lem. To address this problem, a thin coating of arctic silver ther- (1) it must retain the position of SMA strips and flexure sensor;
mal epoxy, which has high thermal conductivity and negligible (2) it has a sufficient structural flexibility and little resistance
electrical conductivity, is applied on the surface of the resistance force for SMA strips to bend;
wire. The latter step is important because it allows us wind the (3) it must thermally isolate the actuation SMA strip and the
resistance wire very densely. Since the Ni-Cr resistance wire has a shape recovery SMA strip;
small diameter, it will not significantly affect the compactness of (4) it has decent heat dissipation; and
the finger. Moreover, the resistance wire is carefully arranged (5) it must be compact in size with a humanoid finger shape.
around the SMA strip in a dense manner; therefore, the strip can Despite that a solid fingertip made of Ecoflex-30 is able to con-
be heated as evenly as the direct heating method. strain the relative displacement of the ends of the SMA strips to
some extent, small displacements of the terminal part of the SMA
2.3 The Flexure Sensor for Finger Shape Feedback. Self- inside the fingertip can still be observed in the complete flexion
sensing of SMA has previously been studied for providing a feed- situation. Although the displacement does not affect the function
back of strain change [14,16,17]. However, the inherent hysteresis of grasping, full flexion, and extension of the hand, it proposes the
property of SMA has made it a challenge to realize accurate con- problem of repeatability.
trol directly without modeling and using a complicated algorithm To better retain the position of component parts in the finger
to fit an approximate relationship between strain and temperature. body, PDMS is used as a substitute for the Ecoflex-30 as the

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics MAY 2015, Vol. 7 / 021007-3

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fingertip material. Both PDMS and Ecoflex-30 are commonly In what follows, we provide the details of several key steps of
referred to as silicone, though PDMS is more rigid than Ecoflex- the fabrication process.
30. That property makes the PDMS a better choice for fixing the
end of SMA strip. When the SMA strip is heated and actuates the
soft finger to bend, the hard PDMS fingertip limits the deforma- 3.2 SMA Training. Before the raw SMA strips are integrated
tion of the terminal part of SMA with respect to the other compo- into the finger prototype, a “training” process is necessary. The
nents. Given that the other end of SMA strip is fixed to the palm, training of an SMA strip begins with fixing it to a circular shape
the relative position of the embedded components and the silicone with a diameter of 20 mm, as shown on the left of Fig. 5. The fixed
rubber finger body remains unchanged after repeated flexion and shape is what we want to train the strip to tend toward when
extension of the finger. Since the fabrication process of Ecoflex- heated and is designed to simulate the flexion of real finger. After
30 and that of PDMS are very similar, using PDMS to make the fixing the SMA strip in the desired circular shape, it is put inside
fingertip does not bring extra complexity to the original fabrica- an oven to anneal at a temperature of around 500  C for
tion process. 15–20 min, then quenched in cold water. Once the raw SMA strip
is trained, it is in Martensite phase and soft (around 28–41 Gpa)
under room temperature. So it can be easily straightened from the
3 The Fabrication Process trained shape, as shown in the middle of Fig. 5. When it is heated
3.1 Overview. For our application, one key consideration is and the temperature is greater than the Austenite transformation
to simplify the fabrication process of the soft robotic hand; at the start temperature, the SMA gradually transfers from Martensite to
same time, reliable function and repeated performance are always Austenite. It can recover the trained shape under Austenite trans-
the first priority. As shown in Fig. 4, the fabrication process can formation finish temperature (90  C) with zero external load, as
be divided into the following steps: shown on the right of Fig. 5.
However, in our design, the SMA is wrapped in the silicon fin-
(1) Train the SMA strip to the desired shape for actuating the ger body, and a flexure sensor is also wrapped in the finger. Both
finger (not shown in this figure). of them provide a resistance force to the SMA. As a result, the
(2) Apply a thin layer of thermal adhesive to the surface of the SMA cannot return to the fully trained position. This is well
two SMA strips of different width as shown in Fig. 4(a). known as the shape recovery problem. To address this challenge,
(3) Coat the Ni-Cr resistance wire with arctic silver thermal the SMA strip is overtrained. Then, a separate opposing SMA
epoxy and wind it evenly and tightly around the SMA strip is used to recover to the original finger shape.
strips, as shown in Fig. 4(b). Figure 4(c) shows the outline
of the flexure sensor.
(4) 3D print the acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) molds as 3.3 Resistance Wire Coating and Twinning. The process of
shown in Fig. 4(d). After the SMA strips and flexure sensor fabricating insulated SMA strips and resistance wire begins with
are set in the proper positions in the molds, we use tape to mixing the viscous liquid-state adhesive with the curing agent.
fix the relative position of different mold parts and embed- Then the mixed liquid adhesive is applied to the surface of the re-
ded components, then silicone material is used to manufac- sistance wire and SMA strip. It takes several hours for the adhe-
ture the finger body, Figs. 4(e) and 4(f). sive to cure, usually 4 hr at room temperature. Moreover, the cure
(5) Demold the finger after liquid Ecoflex-30 has cured, time could be reduced at warmer temperature, which should be
Fig. 4(g). limited below 49  C. After that, the resistance wire is wound care-
(6) Make five fingers by repeating the procedure above. fully around the SMA strip in a dense coil form (see Fig. 6).
(7) Fabricate a palm out of the acrylic plastic material by a
laser cutter.
(8) Fix five fingers to the palm to form a fully functional 3.4 Fabrication of the Mold. The mold is essential for the
robotic hand. The final soft humanoid finger is shown in rapid fabrication of the fully integrated soft robotic finger. It is
Fig. 4(h). used to contain the liquid of the Ecoflex-30 and hold the SMA
strips and flexure sensor in order to integrate the whole system.

Fig. 4 The overview of the fabrication process for the fully integrated robotic hand

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Fig. 7 The 3D printed mold parts (left) and the complete
assembled mold (right)

strips and the flexure sensor are fixed in the tip and to the root of
Fig. 5 Trained shape of the SMA strip
the finger, which secures the relative position of the finger coating
and the embedded components without negatively influencing the
compliant property of the whole mechanism.
Proper mold structure is a key factor in holding embedded compo- As shown in Fig. 8, the structure of the middle part is one key
nents and outer finger body in position. element of the finger design, it is partially hollow in the directions
Figure 7 shows the mold used in our manufacturing process. It of both length and width. The hollow structure in the middle plays
consists of three components: The narrow and long strip, the wide an important role in thermal isolation between the actuator SMA
and long cuboid, and the head. The ribs on the narrow and long strip and the shape recovery SMA strip. Also the hollow structure
strip create the partially hollow structure in the middle of the fin- makes it easier for the SMA strips to bend, hence a large range of
ger, a very small slot (1 mm width) in the middle of each rib is flexion and a relatively large grasping force.
responsible for positioning the thin flexure sensor. The semicircu- Concerning the semicircle ribbed structure for the front and
lar ribbed structure of the soft finger is created by the semicircle back sides of the soft finger, heat dissipation effect is enhanced
slot in the cuboid mold. The four small bulges of the wide and due to the largely increased contact area of the fin structure. As a
long cuboid mold are to fix the position of the two SMA strips. result, it enhances the cooling rates and reduces the response time.
The head mold is to shape the fingertip. The structure also makes the finger look similar to a human’s.
All three mold parts are manufactured by a Makerbot Replica- Both the thickness and interval space between semicircle ribs are
tor 2 3D printer in ABS plastic material. After all mold parts are 2 mm, ensuring not only adequate contact area for heat dissipation
fabricated, they are assembled together into a full mold. Duct tape but also adaptability when grasping objects of different shapes.
is wrapped around the mold to avoid liquid leakage in the next Eventually, a complete integrated soft humanoid finger with
fabrication step. See the right part of Fig. 7. embedded sensor and actuators is produced after the demold pro-
cess. This fabrication process is robust, inexpensive, and requires
no assembly.
3.5 Fabrication of the Finger Body and Tip. Two soft
materials are included in the manufacture of the soft humanoid
robotic hand; they are Ecoflex-30 and PDMS, respectively. The 4 Experimental Testings
former one is to make the pliable finger body and solid finger In this section, we evaluate the performance of the hand proto-
root, PMDS is used for the rigid fingertip. Both of them are classi- type with experimental tests.
fied as silicone rubber materials.
Based on the design process above, the silicone rubber finger
coating (different from the SMA coating—arctic silver thermal 4.1 Bending and Recovery. The first experiment is to test if
epoxy) is fabricated as shown in Fig. 8. The flexure sensor is in the output bending moment of the SMA actuator is strong enough
the middle part of the finger coating and the SMA strips are to overcome the resistance force and actuate the finger to a fully
arranged on the front and back sides. The terminals of both SMA

Fig. 6 The coating and winding process of the SMA strip and Fig. 8 (a) The soft robotic finger body with various compli-
the resistance wire ance. (b) The fabricated fully integrated soft robotic finger.

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics MAY 2015, Vol. 7 / 021007-5

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Fig. 9 The bending process of the fully integrated soft robotic finger with an input current of 0.7 A at 7 V

actuated bending angle for grasping. More specifically, we are to reach a stable position. As expected, the larger current, the less
interested in the relationship between the bending curvature ver- response time. However, when the current reaches 1 A, the
sus actuation time. Figure 9 shows the bending process with the response time cannot be further decreased significantly due to
0.7 A current at 7 V input voltage. The finger starts from a slight limit of heating efficiency. We are currently working on improv-
bend at room temperature and ends at the fully actuated curvature ing the heating efficiency to further reduce the response time.
at t ¼ 28 s. From this test, we conclude that a current of I ¼ 0.7 A We also tested the shape recovery rate of the finger. Figure 12
is sufficient for full actuation. shows the comparison of the shape recovery process with and with-
When the current is too small, the finger can never be actuated out an opposing recovery SMA actuator. The spontaneous recovery
to the full extent. To find the relationship between the finger cur- (without the activating the recovery actuator) process is plotted as
vature versus the actuation current, a series of experiments are car- the red line, while the blue line represents the recovery process
ried out. The radius of curvature q versus current I is plotted as the with the recovery actuator. As we can see, without the recovery
dots in Fig. 10. From this figure, we conclude that when I < 0.3 A, SMA, it takes as long as t ¼ 140 s to reach a stable position. How-
the finger could not be actuated at all. When 0.3 A < I < 0.6 A, the ever, it never returns to the original straight position. With the
final radius of curvature decreases quickly as the current I recovery SMA actuator, the finger returns to the nearly straight
increases. However when I > 0.6 A, the actuation force is satu- position at t ¼ 80 s. Although the shape recovery time is increased
rated, i.e., the final radius of curvature remains unchanged. from 140 s to 80 s with the help of the recovery SMA strip, the
The response time is defined as the time required to reach the recovery speed is still low and needs to be significantly improved.
saturated bending curvature under a specific current. The response
time to the full actuation t (s) versus the actuation current I (A) is
4.2 Shape Control by Flexure Sensor Feedback. To con-
plotted in Fig. 11. As mentioned earlier, when I < 0.3 A, the finger
duct a precise control experiment, the performance of the flexure
could not be actuated. Given I ¼ 0.3 A, it takes 203 s for the finger

Fig. 11 The response time to the full actuation t (s) versus the
Fig. 10 The final radius of curvature q (mm) versus current I (A) current I (A)

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Fig. 12 Comparison of the shape recovery process: without
the recovery SMA actuator (circle) and with the recovery actua-
tor (diamond) Fig. 14 PD control of the finger position with flexure sensor

sensor in terms of bending magnitude is tested. The flexure sensor

has two sides with different sensitivity, and one side is attached is applied to adjust the duty ratio of the pulse-width modulation
with resistance material while another side is smooth. We defined (PWM) wave.
the direction of bending toward smooth surface of the flexure sen- Figure 14 shows an example of accurate control with a com-
sor is “forward bending” and the opposite direction is “backward manded shape radius of 40 mm. As we can see in this figure, the
bending”. The relations between the radius and resistance in both finger is actuated at a slowly rate in the beginning followed by a
directions are as shown in Fig. 13. As we can see in this figure, relative high speed. When it is close to the desired shape, the input
the forward bending is more sensitive than backward bending. In current switched to PD controller mode. It took 11 s for the finger
this study, the forward bending direction of the flexure sensor is to reach the desired position. Then, it gradually reaches to a
selected as the bending direction of the finger, while backward dynamic equilibrium position. It took 16 s for the finger to reach
bending direction of the flexure sensor is chosen as extension of a small dynamic error (0.1%). Quicker actuation is possible if
the finger. a high current is applied on the Ni-Cr wire in the beginning which
Exponential equations were selected to fit the curve for both will increase the temperature rapidly. However, it is limited by
forward and backward bending. After fitting curves of the flexure the melting temperature of coating material 150  C for our
sensor are obtained, precise shape control of the finger is studied. design. To further reduce the response time, coating material with
In this test, Arduino UNO R3 is used as the microcontroller. a high working temperature is needed.
Given a desired position with a specific radius, the desired resist-
ance of the flexure sensor can be calculated by the fitting equation.
On the other hand, the actual resistance of the flexure sensor can 4.3 Grasping Test for the Soft Robotic Hand. In this sec-
be detected in real time. Then, the derivation of the actual resist- tion, the grasping ability of the soft robotic hand is tested. We
ance and the desired resistance is calculated and served as the sig- demonstrate that the hand is dexterous and compliant enough to
nal for control. When the derivation is large, a constant current of grasp the objects, as shown in Fig. 15. In these tests, five fingers
1 A is applied on the Ni-Cr wire. When the actual shape is close to are connected in parallel in circuit. Technically, 3 A is required
the desired shape, a proportional-differential (PD) control strategy for fully actuating the soft robotic hand with 0.6 A for each finger.
We test a variety of objects to grasp. Four of them are a plastic
cup, a football, a light bulb, and an apple, shown in Fig. 15. The
plastic cup and bottle of water are compliant and deformable. Tra-
ditional grasping tools might not easily grasp and hold these tar-
gets firmly without deforming them. The bulb and egg are brittle
objects that might easily be crushed by traditional graspers. How-
ever, the soft robotic hand is able to overcome these problems eas-
ily. This experiment demonstrates the advantages that the soft
robotic hand offers. Also, the soft robotic hand is robust and able
to withstand impacts and unintended contacts without damage and
is capable of grasping targets in an unstructured environment with
positioning errors.

4.4 Specifications and Comparisons. These specifications of

the robotic finger are described as the following. The finger has a
length of 100 mm and a diameter of 15 mm, which is comparable
to human fingers. The mass of the finger is 16 g. The minimum
bending radius of curvature of the finger is 15 mm. The whole
hand with five fingers and a palm has a length of 250 mm, a width
of 85 mm, and weights 282 g. A preliminary experiment showed
Fig. 13 Relation of resistance versus radius of the flexure sen- that one finger can lift a weight of 412 g (25 times of its own
sor for forward and backward bending weight) with a power of 4.9 W. Since the actuator of the finger is

Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics MAY 2015, Vol. 7 / 021007-7

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integrated robotic hand that outputs a large grasping force with a
low input power. Experiments have been carried out to test the
response time and precise control. The testing results show that the
designed robotic finger has a weight of 16 g and is capable of lifting
up 412 g weight. This truly demonstrates the benefits of SMA actua-
tors. The response time is about 11 s at 1 A current input. We have
also tested the robotic hand by grasping objects with various
weights and shape. Future work will focus on reducing response
time by improving thermal efficiency and enhancing heat

The authors acknowledge Dr. Marcelo Dapino at The Ohio
State University for using an oven in training SMA actuator.

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