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A Pre-wired installation FOX EN-81.1 EN-81.2 685106B1 Ver 01 Created 25/10/07 Checked 26/10/09 This manual corresponds to the following products: Product — P/N [PWi00c Hardware version |04 ‘Software version | 31t Issued date [27/06/07 Firmas de comprobaci6n Doc. structure Contents Diagrams Characteristics ‘Technical Management R&D R&D Laboraton AT | @ | * | & History of the present document 26-10-09 | intial document DOCUMENT WITH RESTRICTED CIRCULATION. FOR EXCLUSIVE USE BY SmartLift LIFT CONTROL USERS. SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 CONTENTS 0. Safety and responsibilities .. 0.1. Avoiding personal injury . 0.2 Avoiding damage to the product 0.3. Terminology and safety symbols. 0.4 Guarantee limits 4. Description. Control Cabinet. 4 Control. Car top inspection statior Telephone .. ECO-2 Car top inspection station controller .. Car positioning sensors. Diagram for Traction 2 speeds or VVVF asyncrhonous without rescue. Diagram for traction VVVF Gearless or VVVF Asynchronous with rescut Diagram for Hydraulic Direct or Star/Delta start or low pit FS.. Diagram for Hydraulic Direct or Star/Delta start with low headroom. Magnetic sensors and security relay assembling Doors photocell ‘VWF door operator... .2_ 230Vac Single phase door operator (without VWVF ) Door operators 1 VWF Fermator..... 2 VWF Selcom Augusta... .3 VWF Auta .. 4 230Vac Single phase. Car light. Car Display and pushbuttons . CAN Bus Load weighing device .. MWS5 Ropes load weighing devi SC1046 platform load weighing device 22.9 — Devices for standard exception... Low headroom without free space (ELS) ( HS ) and with ELS (HS Low pit withoutELS (FS) Magnetic ‘sensors. and se 2.3 KonboX Pit box. 24 — Shaftinstallation... 2.4.1. KonboX® wiring 4. Machine on bottom without Stamdard exception (Simplex/Duplex two lines of KonboX) .. Machine on top without Standard Exception (Simplex Duplex two ines of KonboX) . 2.4.2 Pit box and devices for Standard exception Machine on bottom, low pit without ELS (FS) (Simplex/Duplex two lines of KonboX)... | ‘Dus fo the continuous products improvement, the indcaions ofthe present manual can be modified without previous warning and i 2 ‘se are @ contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignalion of telectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smantit-£ 08211 Caster det Vales Pag. 2 Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 Machine on top low pit without ELS (FS) (Simplex / Duplex two lines of KonboX) .. a 8 FOX controller unit LED indicators 3.2 _ Installation of the shaft and car device: 3.2.1 Installation operating panel. 3.3. Controller commissioning 3.4 Operation sequences .. 3.5 Commissioning operation 3.5.1 Normal operation. 4, Inspections and mainteinance 4.1.4 Main screen... 4.1.2 Identification and installed peripherals test. 4.1.1 Car-calls generation from the console 4.1.1 Program status display Slave monitor screen. 41.1 Events register . 44.2 Error messages 5. _ Configuration function: 5.1 Programming mode.. ‘Saving and transferring parameters’ values . Erase CMOS Erase EEPROM Time control between inspections ... Load weighing devices adjustment. Cables weight compensation. Clock setting. Lift configuration . Configuration error codes. Monitor error codes 6. Problems solution 6.4 Error codes .....c-.s- 6.2 Drive / Car's movement.. 6.3 Multiplex lifts.. 6.4 MW3, MW33, MW66 indicators 6.5 Car's pushbuttons. 6.6 Load weighing device with MWS55 CAN transmitter. 6.7 MW10 indicators... 6.8 Causes and solutions ANAASARRAD NISSSSIY SRRBSSSS gagngggagaa Dako RL RRS 7._ Technical service. 7.4 Controller 7.2 Car roof inspection station controller .. 8. Product versions 90 9 FAQ's.. 9.1 Installation ‘Doe tothe continuous prodieis Improvement, the Inacations of the present manual can be modified without previous warning and i ‘ace are 2 contract commitment. The present information publishing does nt represent resignation of itllectual property or patent Copy 02007 Sarin -£ 08211 Cater el Vas Pag. 3 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.2 Electrical drive 92 93 FOX controller: 192 9.4 ECO-2 car module and telephone 94 9.5 Behaviour in case of fire and firem 94 9.6 Groups Duplex. 95 9.7 Exterior installation 96 9.8 Car installation. 96 9.9 Shaft and doors installation 97 9.10 CAN bus.. 97 9.11 Battery and emergency rescue.. 9.12 Magnetic sensors .. 9.13 Faults caused by storm 10. Glossary of terms 11. Reference regulations. 42. Annex A: FOX Controller parameters. 12.1 Quick guide. 12.1.1 Factory parameters and privilege: 42.1.2 Parameters description 13. Annex B: CAN peripheral configuration 13.1 EPROM and / or DIP switch address ..... 13.2 MW3, MW33, MW66 and MW10 Displays. 13.3 MW4N, MW4P and MWAR car control pane 13.4 MW7x0« ( Landing stations ).. 13.5 MW0304 I/O modules. 13.6 Car roof distributor. 14. Annex C: Programning and commissioning of the MW64E telephone 14.1. Programming with the MM0054 terminal 14.1.1 Main screen. 14.1.2 Errors screen. 14.1.3 Inputs status screen 14.1.4 Consumption screen 14.1.5 Lift information screen 14.1.6 Menu advanced user. 14.1.7 Parameters editting .. 14.1.8 Erase parameters.. 14.1.9 Erase errors, 14.110 — Record the “Hold-on” message 14.111 Listen the *hold-on* message 14.112 _ Internal clock adjustment 14.2.1 SOS call. 14.2.2 EN-81 mod 14.2.3 DEC Mod 14.2.4 Alarm activation. 14.2.5 Call filtering. 14.3 Call to erase the alarm 14.4 Technician call (Technical service)... ‘Bust the conthacus produc Provera. to Talons of te present manval can be Todiiod wid previo: waning and 67] ‘age ar a contract commitment. The presortifrmationpubshng doos et represent resigratin of elle propery Or pant Conyight ©2007 Santi -€ 08211 Caster dl Vain Pag. 4 Smartt? INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 14.5 Cyclic call . 136 14.6 Incoming call. 137 14.6.1 Remote parameters setting 137 sit 137 137 138 138 138 138 3 Advanced functions 14.6.2 Telemonitoring of the controllers’ state. 14.7 Intercom mode.. . 14.8 MW64E telephone parameters iw fo tho conraous prods fproverer, te dations af he present manual Gan bo Wdlod witout prvi warning adh an ase are 9 contac ornmiment. Tho present formation pubishing does nat represen resignation cf hellecval propery or patent CCopright ©2007 Smartt -E 08211 Castor de Valds Pag. 5 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 Copyright © Smartt ift 2007. All Rights reserved. All SmartLift hardware and software are covered by patents ” and/or national and international copyrights or with patents pend- ing on models and brands. Any infringement of the aforemen- tioned intellectual property rights will lead to prosecution by all legal means in force. ‘SmartLift Solsonés 85-87 E-08211 CASTELLAR DEL V. This technical information has been prepared, edited and/ proof-read to ensure it is as precise and as clear as pos-| sible. However, if you find any mistake, omission or detail that can contribute to improving the product or its rele-| vant documents, we would be grateful for your comments. Your contribution would be appreciated. SoU] UA LSS Poe ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the indications of he present manual can be modified witout previous waring and iv ary] case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does nat represent resignation of helectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart © 08211 Castoar det Vals Pag. 6 Smartit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 0. Safety and responsibilities Please read the following safety instructions to avoid damage to this product, other products connected to it or injury to people. Only qualified and trainned' personnel are authorised to carry out installation and mainte- nance operations on the devices described in this manual. Responsibility for functional faults or lift safety owing to incorrect parameter programming is the sole responsibility of the lift installer. The product described in this manual can be configured to comply with the rules and regula- tions of different countries. The manufacturer takes no responsibilty if the installer configures the device without taking into consideration the legal, commercial or safety requirements in force in the country where the device is to be installed, or for those requirements contracted by their (the installer’s) clients. While using this product, it may be necessary to access other system devices. Please read the general safety summary in the manuals of the other products so as to take the necessary precautions during operation, 0.1 Avoi g personal injury bo not work on elecicalcompo-|To svi eel stk, ho emponent of he pout must nt be ri it. ig|™anipulated while the device is connected to the mains supply. Under nents ofthe, device while Kil meta te ey tenn wl soe wat Ctl fo the mains supply. | their corresponding protective housing. + Trainned personnel are those that have shown they have a technical understanding of these products and have the corresponding qualifications. ‘Bu to the continuous products Inproverner, the indlcalions of the present manual can be modified without previous waming and in any] ‘ase are 9 contract commitment. The present infomation publishing does rot reprasert resignation of intelectual propery or patent Copyright €2007 Smad -€ 08211 Caster de Valds Pag. 7 ‘SmartLift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 0.2 Avoiding damage to the product Do not insert/remove cards or|E/S connection/disconnection while voltage is applied can produce a other electronic components while |comection sequence that can damage electronic components that the device is, connected. to. the| Tay have been previously connected to their corresponding reference masses. mains supply. Do not use testers. Testers work at high voltages, which are capable of destroying semiconductors. Under no circumstance must "Megger" type testers be used between electronic devices. Do not force connection strips. | Insert connection strips using normal pressure, If there is any resistance when inserting, it is because the strip is the wrong way round or is not correctly aligned. if they are forced excessively, not ‘only the connection strip but the electronics can also be damaged. Do not install the control near heat| Check that the electronic control works in a vibration free environment sources, strong vibrations or high | 2% N° greater than the specified maximum limits, which can cause levels of humidity that are out of| 289° oF cause contacts to work loose. The device must be Kept A free from condensation and within the temperature ranges as technical specification limits. described in the technical specifications. Ensure that all coils have suitable] Sparks caused by an overload in coils produce strong radio frequency ‘spark suppressors installed. ions that can produce high-voltage in the lift conductor loops and provoke a breakdown in its electronic components. Check earth connection quality. | All earth connections must be star connections and have a suitable ‘ross section. Earth connections that form loops act like antennas and are capable of generating important current peaks. Use a suitable type of packaging|Electronic modules with many delicate components must not be when transporting. transported without the correct type of packaging protection. Blows to ‘components can cause malfunction, which can sometimes appear a jong time after the device is switched on. ‘Dus fo the continous products inprovernert the indcalions of the present manual can be modified witha provius wari and in any] se are a contract cormnitment. The present infomation publishing does nat represent resignation of Itetctial property or patent Copyright 02007 Smartt 08211 Casta del Vas Pag. 8 ‘Smaritit INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 0.3 Terminology and safety symbols The following symbols can appear on the product, or in its corresponding documentation. WARNING Earth WARNING ~~ | ~ Double insulation High voltage ‘See manual ~ Consult product specifications for IEC installation category and safety classification. 0.4 Guarantee limits 4 Products are supplied to a level of development available at the time of manufacture. Changes introduced for functional or productive improvements in the product do not represent an obligation, under any circumstance, of reprocessing products that have already been manufactured to adapt them to newer versions without cost. All products supplied by SmartLift have passed established quality controls, as well as electromagnetic compatibility testing (EMC). Defects caused by incorrect handiing, in- stallation or in compatibility with other products are not the responsibility of the manu- facturer. The product guarantee is only applicable when the product is installed according to the technical requirements as detailed in this manual and by general regulations in force. Low-voltage electronic regulations (or their equivalents for each country) and EC regu- lations for electromagnetic compatibility. Circuit types designed for the client will be supervised and approved by SmarfLift, and products will only be covered by the guar- antee if they refer to their approved circuit type. Long lift cables, as well as strongly interfering commutation loads (frequency convert- ers, lft buttons, brake coils, fluorescent lamps, contacts, etc) require the correspond- ing installation of sufficient interference suppression/reduction methods” and the cor- rect earth connections, which must also be in good condition. Not using or insufficient use of the same can cause serious electronic malfunction whose sole responsibility is that of the installer. Devices sent for repair under guarantee must have the manufacturer's label with the corresponding serial number; indicate the circuit type number applicable and a de- scription of the defect. The guarantee period is established at two years starting from the date of when the device was supplied. 2 RE input/output fiters for frequency converters, RC networks, diodes and/or coil varistors, screened cabling on motors with VVVF, screening on triggers, etc. Die tothe continuous products improvement. the dications ofthe prosont manual can be modified withoat previous waming and Wary] ase are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartLit-€ 08211 Castelar del Valés Pag. 9 [Smartuir™ INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 1. Description ‘The SmartLift FOX preassembled solution is designed for hydraulic (direct or delta star) and traction lifts (one or two speeds, VVVF asynchronous or brushless motor). The modularity of the control cabinet and the design of the PCB permit a fast and error-free configuration. The controller has a multi-layer printed circuit that has coating protection. It includes the control processor and all of the other elements of the control cabinet, eliminating all inter- connections. This new concept ensures an error-free assembly and reduces the dimensions and weight, making the product highly competitive. ‘Bue fo the continuous products improvement the indcaions of the present manual can bo modified without previous warning and a any] (380 are a contract commitment. The present Information publishing does nol represen resignation of Intellectual property or parent Copyright €2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castellar det Vales Pag. 10 ‘Smartt’ INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 General features Saving in costs, less fitting time and error-free assembly. Minimum number of cables and 100% according to the Standards. ‘One single travelling cable (no matter the number of floors). Prewired KonboX system (shaft wiring system) ‘Simplified RJ45 type connections for indicators and announcers Powerful parameterising and maintenance software common to all SmartLift products. Controller features wee w ewer eee rene Groups of up to 2 lifts 2.... 16 stops up to 1 m/s CAN bus or wire to wire with 8 MW0304 I/O modules Integrated hydraulic rescue Battery for emergency lighting and emergency telephone with intelligent charger Timer for the car lighting Parameter configuration with PDA, MODEM or console. ‘Two door operators with pluggable relays Bluetooth adaptor (Optional) Phase sequence control Cabinet temperature control Mechanical fitting of contactors Integrated D/S timer Pre-wiring for reduced shaft and escape standard exceptions Signal and command panel that can be configured for different Standards Assisted tele-service and diagnostics Die fo The continuous producia inprovemer, the inlcations ofthe present manual can be modified without previous waming and in any ‘ase ae a Sontactcornmiment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castetar dol Valés Pag. 11 ‘SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 2. Installation 2.1 Control Cabinet 2.1.1 Control 101 | Mulvoltage control transformer 103 | Activation and contactors survilance X104 ‘Shaft installations - X105° ‘Standard Exception and PUBEL X107 | Low voltage traveling cable X108 High voltage travelling cable 109 | Control phases input — X13. ‘Hydraulic valve output — X14 | Motors temperature senso X115 | Overload 100% output 119 | Grownd and neutral input 120 | Load limiter contactor 121 | Insialation manual pushbutlons x 122 | Shaft lighting to KonboX output 125 | By-pass PUBEL x 124 | Input for he hydraulic weighing device x 125 | PUBEL Normative x ‘Bue to tho conthucus products improvement, tho hdeators of to present manual can be Modliod without prvius waming anda ‘ease area contract commitment. Te presen hformaton publahig dos nt represent resignaton of intelectual propery or pte Copyright €2007 Smartt 06211 Castella del Vals Pag, 12 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 126 __| Commands for speed governor locking x X127 | Output for the safety brake xx ‘X128__| Safety contact for brakevalves vollages xx 129 | Car lights input 130 | Output to the speed governon locking/unlocking x X131__| Transformer for the brake or electrovalves. xx 132 | Output for the oll heating resistor x X133__| Input for shafts lighting 134 | External input for power supply x x Tx 3100 | RS485 programming console port: MM0064, Bluetooh, Domotics 1101 | CAN port for the load weighing device ‘F102 [ Input for the telephone ine ‘J104_ | CAN por for the hail RJ pushbuttons or groups” coordination ‘J107__| Power supply 3108 [STAG ‘Ji11 | External state indicators and inspection commands, ‘J118 | Interface VWF 2.2 Car top inspection station 2.2.1 Telephone J300_ | RJ45 connector for CAN output to the car display and pushbuttons, "J303__[ RJ11 connector for the microphone, speaker and BP2 pushbutton to the car control panel 'J304 | RJ11 Input for commutated telephone line 3306 | R45 CAN bus input and 24Vpc power supply for the car control panel ‘J310__| Output for the telephone speaker J311_| Input for the microphone and pushbutton fo start the telephone call ‘3312 | Connection or remote telephone (Under the car) J313_| DB9 connection S485 for the programming console, PC or Biuetooh device: J314__[ R45 connector for complete remote telephone X316 | Control logical inputs X317 | Logical output with galvanic isolation X325 | 12Vp¢ power supply for the telephone ‘COM. | Turns ON when the telephone is active (In communication) ‘ACK | Tums ON when the alarm is activated (EN 81-26) Bow fo the continaous products improvement, the indfoatons of the present manual can be modified without previous warning ond i a ase are'a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property or patant Copyright ©2007 Smartt 06211 Castotor dl Vales Pag. 13 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 2.2.2 ECO-2 Car top inspection station controller $068 _| Switch from RUN - INSPECCION ‘5067-069 _[ UP/DOWN pushbuttons ‘S078 | Car's emergency stop button BP2___| Pushbutton to deactivate the alarm 1x2 12)x2149X213]0X204] 1X2 169X215 220} 2159x217] 1201) 1X23] Due tho caninuous produc provement. he nation of th presen! manual canbe madd wid preva: waning adh a] case area contract commitment. The prose fermaton pubis does a eprosent resgnatan of eects fr or alent Copytiaht ©2007 Smart 08211 Casta dl Vas Pag. 14 ‘SmartLitt® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 1202, 1203, 1208 Jaa X201 203 X204 206. ‘x207. 208. 209 211 x212 X213 x214 x25: X216 x21 x18 220. x22 x222 225; X226 x227 228 229 230. x231 232, 233 .J11 output to the MW64 phone Sonnection to the MW55 load weighing device , power supply and telephone to the car operating nel saker for alarm (8.05 wer for door #2 ower for door #1 trolled fight and timer for the car Light Positionning magnetic sensors. ‘Control for the travelling cable Power for the travelling cable. ‘S294 (rescue end) and $328 (Tetractable device) sensors Unlocking and movement car's sensors. BY-PASS contact unlocking zone safety circuit ‘Safely circuit contact for LIMIT SWITCHES Safety circuit contact for LOSE CABLES ‘Safety circuit contact for car STOP Safely circuit contact for Wedges ‘Safety circuit contact for door #1 ‘Safety circuit contact for door #2 ‘Wire to wire car pushbuttons Inspection commands and Up/Down (24, '230V50-60Hz Service plug. Max. 4A *12Voc. power supply for the telephone Inspection prefinals ‘Sensor to detect people on the car roof Down in inspection mode (Standard exception} Up in inspection mode (Standard exception “Telephone: Call iter when passive car pushbutton Limit switches door #1 Limit switches door #2 Inspection commands (Safety circull) Ti Cableado eepecil: uw Tt cana Products Frovereh ho Wdatons ote present manual ca Be odie wiod prvius warn adn a eee cantet sarmtvnt The proce iformatonpuoishing oss et represet resignation of tlecual ropery or patent Cony ©2007 Sra 08211 Castolar do Vals Pag. 15 Smartlit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 685106B1 2.2.3 Car positionning sensors. The sensors in “italics” are used with bistable magnets. The white line must be placed as shown on the picture. Kit_9F29GG Kit 9F29TG. ‘3324 Pre-final at 150 om Kit 9F29GH $324 Pre-final at 150 cm Kit 9F28TG ‘S275 — Up/down limit switch MW29— Sensors and unlocking zone MW29 — Sensors and unlocking zone ‘S213 — Down Profinal ‘S243 — Down Pre- final relay ‘S284 —End of S071 Floor level | S071 — Floor level rescue counting (A) counting (A) ‘S323 Pro-fnal a 120 ‘S072 - Floorlevel | S072 Floorlevel om counting (B) counting (B) S214 ~ Up Pro-final ‘S214 ~ Up Pre-final ‘Due fo tho continuous products Fnprovement, the Tndialons of the present manual can be modiied witout provous waning and ih any] 280 are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does ret represent resignation of intellect propery or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Caster del Vass Pag. 16 68510681 | Diagram for Traction 2 speeds or VVVF asyncrhonous without rescue INSTRUCTION MANUAL Smarttif® Right rail Left rail warning and in arg] ‘orpatont ‘ase re'a contract commiment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property Copyright ©2007 SmartLit-£ 08211 Castetar del Valés us tothe continous products Foprovemert, the hdcaions of te presort manual can be modified without previous Pag. 17 [Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 A | [sic i—_ inn paatieatate teal speror Case area contract commitment. The preset ifermalon publishing doesnot represent resignation of intact! property oF Copyright ©2007 SmarLit-€ 08211 Castaliar dol Vals ee rls edi epee rato oe rset ancl canbe medio wo peo wang and 2 Pag. 18 INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 685106B1 ‘SmartLit Diagram for traction VWVF Gearless or VWVF Asynchronous with rescue warning and i ay] ‘rpatent formation publishing does net ropresent resignation of itollectua property as to Tre continuous produdis improvement, the indeatons ofthe presen! manual can be modified wihout previous (ase are 8 contract commmtment. The present in Copyright ©2007 Smarit-€ 08211 Castelar del Vals Pag. 19 Smartuitt® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510631 ti i Jai Soe oy Roi = GUA ZQUIERDA A VN Tras ope ons Fa actuado or paines en qe Iman para bietable ‘etna superar oah= Tmanes de pare en planta Copyright ©2007 Smartt -E 08211 Caster del Vallée ‘Due tothe continuous products nprovemor, the indications of th presenl manual can bo rodifed witha provius waming and ii ary] ‘ease are a contract conmtment. The prosentinfammation publishing does not represert resignation of inelctual property or patent Pag. 20 685106B1 INSTRUCTION MANUAL [ ‘Smartt ® e 5 Ki Diagram for Hydraulic Direct or Star/Delta start or low pit FS Between 400 ar 800 mm ‘Between 800 and {000mm 04 ms. ve ‘Ogmis warning and trary) ‘orpatont The Fcations ofthe prosant manual can be modified without previous "information publshing does not represent resignation of intelectual propery Copyright ©2007 Smart -€ 08211 Casto del Vallis ‘Bue to the continuous prodiis improvement, ‘case are a contract commalment. The present Pag. 24 [Smartlit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 oe pe Ha ayers iy Be { WALT) Hitt PPLE t oy ei 1 i renal alelkett 8 pinbegota retinal syperer imanes do pare y renielacén en planta — (man pra beste i etal os Iovate ats fe presen hana an be edie wihod pes warirg wd 7) ‘ase are a contract commitment. The prosant information| publishing does net represent represent resignation of intelectual property or Copyight ©2007 Smart -€ 0021 Guar a Vote Pag. 22 685106B1 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Smarttit® Diagram for Hydraulic Direct or Star/Delta start with low headroom emm | 180mm | 80mm | 300mm 180mm 104 ms | Between 400.and 800 mm ‘06 mis —| Between 600 and 800 mm ‘OB mis | Between 800 and 1.000rmn ‘or patent Pag. 23 ‘refed withow previous warning and tr any) publshing does not represent resignation of intectusl property ions ofthe present manual can Be Due tothe continuous products lnprovernert, the indicat aso are 8 contract commitment. The present information Copyright ©2007 SmartLit-E 08211 Caster del Vales Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 sae GUAAZQUERDA GUADERECHA 4 soning real de nepaccon ‘inanea do pa y renivelaciin en planta eserclavamionto ag ariel ods ponent longo prose mara ct fe nlite wine pavus wari od 3) ‘280 are a contract commitment. Tho present infomation publishing does not represent resignation of ielectual propery or pron Copyright ©2007 SmartLitt -E 08211 Castellar det Vala: Pag. "2a Smartif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL, 685106B1 Magnetic sensors and security relay assembling Monoestable reed sensor. ee D1 = Distance.max. to the extreme. D2 = Distance max. to the center. ed = WO —— KW, 'NO (sensor 71SM0117) NG (sensor 71SMO118) ‘9mm [22 mm Reed Biestable sensor. BI (sensor 71SMO146) ‘Dis to the continuous produc improvement, the indealons ofthe prosort manual can be modified without previous warning and in an] case re s contact comnmtment. The present formation publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartit-E 08211 Caster del Valls Pag, 25 Smartit INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 MW27 Safety relay Integrating the sensors in the box of the safety relay, the MW27 is extremely easy to be mounted. The connections’ cable is of 1.5m and it allows to make the by-pass of the doors section of the safely circuit, the power and the monitoring contact. ‘Two colored LED's are used to monitor the power and the relays’ functioning. 2.2.4 Doors photocell VWVF door operator Connect it directly to the VVVF door operator. 230Vac Single phase door operator (without VWVF ) = Photocell PNP normally open Connect door A (door 1) to terminal X203. Connect door B (door 2) to terminal X201. - Photocell PNP normally open Connect door A (door 1) to terminal X203, Connect door B (door 2) to terminal X201. Attention: The 24V from terminals 1 and 2 is not stable. If the photocell (or safety barrier) needs a stable voltage, an external power supply must be used (Do NOT use X203.2 / X202.2) If the external power supply has a potencial free contact, (It has to be NO), connect it between X203.2 and X203.3 / X201.2 and X201.3. ‘Bue te the continuous producis Improvement the indications of to prosont manual Gan be modled without previous waming and in on] 03 are a conract commitment. The preset infrmation publishing does not represent resition of Inalectual property or patent Conyight 62007 Smartt -€ 08211 Caster de Vas Pag. 26 ‘Smartuint® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 2.2.5 Door operators VWF Fermator Power supply door operator A | ECO 2, X203 terminals 7, Phase L1,N, PE ECO, X203, rminals 1.6 “Signals for door operator A Terminal 1, negative = Terminal 11(0V), connected to = Terminal 3, Re-open terminal 10 (Com) Control of Door operator A | - Terminal 4, Close doors Terminal 41, OBSTR. ome Terminal 5, Open doors Terminal 8, lose Terminal 6, Doors’ common + Terminal 12, Open Terminal 9, +12V ECO2, X06 Terminals F and S ‘Signals for door operator A Photocell of Door operator A. | - Terminal ,+ 24V Terminal 37 = Terminal 3, Photocall Terminal 38, Photocel ‘ower supply door operator | ECO 2, X201 terminals 7,6, PE Phase Li,N, PE ECO, X20, Terminals 7.6 ‘Signals for door operator B Terminal 1, negative = Terminal 11(0V), connected to Terminal 3,Re-open terminal 10 (Com) Control of Door operator B | - Terminal 4, Close doors Terminal 41, OBSTR. sexDOOOL + Terminal 5, Open doors =Terminal 8, lose Terminal 6, Doors' common + Terminal 12, Open Terminal 9, +12V EGO, K201 Terminals Zand “Signals for door operaior 8 Photocel of Door operator B | - Terminal 2,+ 24V ~Terminal 37 = Terminal 3, Photocel = Terminal 38, Photocel “EXDCOOT_| Car door A open: ECO2, X21, Terminals 1 and 2 Car Safety contact door A “JEXDCOOT_ | Car door B open ECO, 216, Terminals 1 and Car Safety contact door B ‘Die fo the continuous products Improvement, tha ndcaions of he present manual can be rrodfied without previous waming and Wh env] ase ara contract cormmitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smanit -£ 06211 Castolar del Valés Pag. 27 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 VVVF Selcom Augusta Power supply door operator A | ECO 2, X203 Terminals 7,8, PE Phase L1,N, PE. ECO, 203, Terminals 7. ‘Signals for door operator A + Terminal 1, negative Terminal COM(OV) JFxDO0O1 + Terminal 3, Re-open + Terrnal NO-03, OBSTR. Control of Door operator A | - Terminal 4, Close doors Terminal 2, Close + Terminal 5, Open doors ~Terminal I, Open + Terminal 6, Doors’ common, bridge with Terminal 1(0V) Power supply door operatow® | ECO 2, X201 Temas 7,6, PE Phase Li,N, PE ~ ~~ T ECO, X20, Terminals 1.8 ‘Signals for door operator B ~ | -Teminal 1, negative + Terminal COM(OV) JFXD0001 -.> 7 = | - Terminal 3, Re-open + Terminal NO-03, OBSTR. Control of Door operatér8- | - Terminal 4, Close doors + Terminal 2, Close + Terminal §, Open doors + Terminal 1, Open + Terminal 8, Doors’ common, bridge with Terminal 1(0V) ‘JFXDGOO! _ | Car door A open ECO2, X21, Terminals 1 and (Car Safely contact door A ‘JExDGO01 | Car é0orB open ECO2, X28, Terminals {and 2 Car Safety contact door B ‘Due fo the continuous products provement, the indcalions ofthe presont manual can be modified withod provous waming and in ang] 80 are a contact commiment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of inalectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartLiR-E 08211 Castellat del Vales Pag. 28 ‘Smartlit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 VWF Autiir Powersupply oor operalor A | ECO 2, X208 Terminals 7,8, PE ‘Connector 2, Phase L1,N, PE E00, X203, Terminals T. ‘Signals for door operator A Terminal 1, negative = Terminal 3, Re-open -Connector 314, NANO = Terminal 4, Close Connector J3, Close = Terminal 5, Open Connector J3, Open Cee ae a + Terminal 6, Doors’ common, connect with -Connector J3, Common sFxD0001 Terminal 7, (L1) Connector J2, Lt Terminal 7, 1 connect to Teminal 6, Connector J2, N connect with J3, (Common) (Com) = Terminal 8, N ECO 2, X203 Terminals 2 and 3. ‘Signals for door operator A Terminal 2+ 24V Connector J13, Com ridge with J, Proce of Door operat A | cot a Connector J13, NANO ower supply dor operaior 8 | ECO2, X20 Terminals 7.8, PE phase Li, N, PE Conizal of Door operator | ECO, X201 Terminals 7,8, PE Connector J2, Phase Lt, N,PE ECO, X201, Terminals 1...6 ‘Signals for door operator B = Terminal, negative + Terminal 3, Re-open Connector J14, NANO «sFxDo001 Terminal 4 Case Connector J8, Close Terminal §, Open Connector $3, Open Praentt Dow owarS | “Ti 6 Deo’ ances | Comec 2 Conon Termina7, (1) Connector J2,L1 = Teaminal 7, L1 connect to Femina 6, Connector 42, N connect wih 3, (Common) (Com) Terminal 8, N ‘JFXDCO01 | Car door A open ECO 2, X217, Terminals 1 and 2 ‘Car Safety contact door A_ ‘JFXDC001 _| Car door B open ECO 2, X218, Terminals 1 and 2 Car Safety contact door B Te fo the continous products Fnprovemet, to Indeatone of fe prasont manual can be modified without prvious warning and ih an] (ago 8a contact commitment. The presen formation publshing does na represent resignation of lect property or patent Copyright ©2007 Saait-£ 06211 Castotar dol Vaés Pag. 29 SmartLif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 230Vac Single phase 685106B1 Re-open door A ECO 2, X203.3(Re-Open) Moor, Signal OBSTR ECO2, X203, Terminals 4.8 Opera A = Tesminal 4, cose contact Motors Terminal V CContol+ Powersupply + Terminal 5, open contact Motor’ Terminal W Operator A - Terminal 8, make a bridge with terminal 7} - Motors Terminal U Terminal 7, Lt JFDxDOO1 Terminal 8,N £002, X28, Teminals 7,2 nas Limit switch CLD Operator A. | - Terminal 1, Close doors pore a Terminal 2, bridge with terminal 3 E002, X21, Teminals 3, 4 a Limit switch OPN Operator A_| - Terminal 3, +24 vceact Sls + Terminal 4, Open doors 2.2.6 Car light Connect it to X204, terminals 4 and 2 of the ECO 2 board that is installed in the car top inspection station. ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the iaications of the present manual can be modified without previous waming and ih any] case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represen resignation of infllectual property or patent CCopytight €2007 SmarLit-E 08211 Castor dol Vales Pag. 30 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 2.2.7 Car Display and pushbuttons (socasas) (Focas08) ‘Power supply, CAN z : = se a 004525 | Devers angen itt _| MEE comecar 1800 (RMS) [MWV3, connector Jt ( RAS) Power supply and CAN for JFOCAECB | the car pushbutons |M¥¥3, connector J2 (RAS ) MW, corinectorJ6 ( R45) “FOCI _ | Emergency cal TAWEAE, connector 1300 (IAS) TW, connector J1 (RIS) Dus fo Tho continzous producs Inprovemer the indications of tho presort manual can be modiied without previous warming end in an tase era's contact commen. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual propery or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartiR-£'08211 Coster de Vata Pag. 31 Smarttift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 2.2.8 CAN Bus Load weighing device MWS55 Ropes load weighing device ‘The MWSS CAN bus ropes load weighing device has an RJ45 cable, to be connected directly to the car top controller ECO 2. The cable length is 3m. Diagram Technical data Nominal oad 2500. ig Maximum load without damaging the ‘3000 kg sensor ‘Operating Temperature °C Maximum storage temperature °C Power voltage = Voc Maximum consumption (current) mA. Power voltage for the sensor. Voc [ Type of conversion points Interface (29 Bits) “Transmission speed KB/s ‘i fhe connaous products nprovement ro ications ofthe presen mantal can ba Todd wid previous waming and a7] case aree contact commit. The present hvormaton publishing does nt reprasentreagnaton of leo proper oF patent Copygnt €2007 Sanu 08211 Castel dl Vals Pag. 32 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 2.28. 1 Assembling procedure The ropes load weighing device is 3 delivered with a standard fixation device from 3 to 8 cables of from 8 to. 4 12mm. This standard device has the following elements: = 4. Bar'to tighten the cables. It has % different faces to be adapted for the different cables’ diameters 2. 2 separators for cables D= 8 or 5 410 mm | 3. 2 separators for cables D=12 ‘ mm Device to center and fix Fixing screws (2) M10x... mm OK oe Choose the required separators depending on the cable's diameter: Long ones (white}=12 mm cable, short ones (black)= 8 or 10 mm cable. Before fixing the bar to tighten the cables, choose the face according to the col- our of the separador as shown on the picture. Fix the screws and the device to center the cables. Ul ‘2xClomp SpacerSeparador ida Cable D=8mm Cable D=10mm Cable D=t2mm Da To The Conan pris Frovaren he cations ofthe present manual can bo moded witout previous warning adh ry Case a's cone cornmitmen. The present formation publishing does nat represant resignation of helectiel propery or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart-£ 08211 Cesar det elds Pag. 33 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 The load sensor is on the complete together with the fixation device. Depending on the type * of suspention (1:1 6 2:1), it'll have to be installed on the car topo ron the machine rooom. ie te Soni adil increment, te Peale of Te present antl cn be motiedwihod peace waning dh case are a contract conmnitment. The present information publishing does not represan resignation of intelectual property or patent ‘Copyright ©2007 SmartLit 08211 Casteliar del Vallés: Pag. 34 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 SC1046 platform load weighing device SC01064Z load weighing device with 4 sensors This kind of load weighing device is the most accurate one because the friction, the cables’ weight and the compensation chain don’t affect on it. It is highly recommended for new lifts as they are installed instead of the Silentblocks that join the chassis with the car. ‘The $C01064Z is delivered with 4 active sensors to ensure the maximum accuracy that is always required with the Smarilift electronic components. The sensors are delivered with a screened cable that is ready for connection. Therefore, there is no need to make any connection behind the car. ‘Due to he continuous products Inprovemert, the dications oF the present manual can be modified without previous warming and in any| aso are’ contact eornmiment. The present information publishing doos not represent resignation of ntelectua property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartuft-€ 08211 Castetar del Vals Pag. 35 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 Technical data Connection of the 4 sensors P/N 600441 ‘Maximum defiction of the rubber elements, 4 | mm ia ‘Aclvavtion vofage 25 [Vv ‘Operating temperature 20..70_| °C ae pang No linearity <0,15% [FE a gna s ‘Operating maximum overoad | 110% | FE- Seal GND . Maximum overload without |~150% | FE. 0 loosing the characteristics ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the indicalions ofthe present manual can bo modifiod with previous waming and in an case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing doos nal represen resignation of intellect property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt € 08211 Castolar del Vailas tas | Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 Connections’ diagram CONEXIONADO/CONNECTIONS: ‘Smartt ift 600441 Smarttift SC106 1) #Bxe ROJO/RED = XI-1 - am VERDE/GREEN X13 --= ~ | i and then the corresponding cursor. The first column indicates the decimal direction from 00 to 63. Then the interface identifiers and /or control panels and their version. The vertical bar separates the position where the displays are shown; they can coincide at the same position with the operation panels. The device identifiers are: dnt 2 ‘Due fo the coranuous peducts Improve, to incon of te present manual an be modified wiou previous waming and inary ‘ase ae a contrat commitment. Tho present formation publishing does net epresert resignation ef itelecua propery or pret {Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castlar det Vales Pag. 68 ‘Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 TMT, WIW0304 (nding pust-butons)_ 2 |_ MWS, MW10, M733, MW6® (OPLAYS) MW2, MWV60-2 (ingp. Box PCB) TAWVANO0Ox, MWAN7OOx (ar mai push ton) MW29 (speech sirttzr) for fin | When the peripheral is visible on the screen, its status can be checked with an “*" (asterisk) that appears next to the device when it transmits messages. So, for example, when visualiz~ ing a specific MW7 control panel, if the pushbutton is pressed, the asterisk lights on. To return to the main screen, press The example screen shows: ee 4 Landing operation panel MW7, with V014 version, on the decimal direction 02, that is transmitting a message. 1 Display MW3 (or MW10...), with V021 version. 4.1.1 Car calls generation from the console Visualizing the main screen and pressing appears the MANUAL CALL screen From this screen, using the cursors, the destination floor (value PO) can be changed and the call activated by pressing . To retum to the main screen press . 4.4.4 Program status display ‘Some information of the present status of the SmartLift® program is displayed. It very useful for the SmartLift® software's programmers and it can also be useful to see the events sequence during a travel. It shows the following structure: ‘Dus fo the continuous producls provement the indcalions ofthe present manual can be modified without previous waming and ih any] 280 are a contract commitment. The present infomation publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual propery or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart 08211 Castor del Vaés Pag. 69 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 ‘The REAL field shows the car present position; the “O" value corresponds to the lowest floor. ‘The UANTEG= field shows the destination floor of each travel at any time, the sponds to the lowest floor. When the WANTED value is equal to the REAL= field the lift should be at stop at floor level. The DiR= field indicates the direction of the car. It can take values STOP= stop, UP= ascend ‘or DOWN= descent. The TRIP= field indicates the direction of the next TRAVEL. It can take values STOP= no pending travel, UP= ascend or DOWN= descent. The f= field shows the present pulse position of the well detector. STOP_LEVEL is the stop level pulse, FIRST_VCHANGE is the speed first change pulse and SECOND_VCHANGE is the second speed change pulse. 41.14 Slave monitor screen This function will only be available if we configure the SmartLift® as Master in a group of lifts. It allows us to supervise some status values of the communication between SmartLift® processors. The structure changes on the following screen that appears 3 times, each one of them with the slave features (SLAVE). The Té= field, if the value is 1, it indicates that the maximum time of landing doors open in the slave has been exceeded. The F5= field, if the value is 1, it indicates that the slave is of out of service. The SL= field shows the slave number (1, 2 or 3). It shows “*” when there is not communica- tion. The ACT= field shows the present position of the slave's car; value 0 corresponds to the lowest floor. ‘The UNT= field shows the destination floor of each travel of the slave lift at any time, the value 0 corresponds to the lowest floor. When the value is equal to the ALT= field the slave lift should be at stop at floor level. The DiR= field indicates the direction of the slave's car. It could take the following values: O=stop, 1=up or -1=down ‘Bue tho cordhusus peducs provement, the cans of ie presen manual can be Todd wid prove warning and ‘aso area correct commitment. The prosotifermaton publishing does nt represent regain of local propery o patent ‘Copyright 2007 Srna 08211 Castel del Vas Pag. 70 Smarttift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 The TRAV= field indicates the direction of the next slave lift's travel. It can take the following values: STOP= no pending travel, 1= ascend or -1= descent. The REV field, if value is 1, it indicates that the slave is under inspection. ‘The ViP= field, if value is 1, it indicates that the slave is on preferential service. The iti field, if value is 1, it indicates that the slave is initialising. It will remain in 1 if opera- tion is not completely finished. The ALEV= field shows the number of floors configured in the slave. The PLY= field shows the floor configured as bottom floor in the slave, the value 0 corre- sponds to the lowest floor. 4.1.1 Events register The lift operating errors are registered in the events register of the circular CMOS memory of 32 positions and even after disconnecting the controller’ supply they are still registered. When pressing the up arrow key from the previous screen or the down arrow key from the main screen, the events register will be displayed as long as there is at least one registered event. Every time we press the up/down arrow key, we go forwards/backwards through the list. The information shows the following structure: ‘The Re field indicates the position where the car was located when the error was produced; value 0 corresponds to the lowest floor. ‘The P= field indicates the floor where the car was going to when the error occurred. The ER field has a set of characters, each one referred to a determined error condition. The characters and its meanings are the following: ) if the letter is Landing doors + safety photocell status when the failure occurred | shown, it means (SPM/PRES input) that the input was = not activated when Car and locks (SPA/ENCL input) series status when the error ocourred | 70" activated wn Slide error occurred Phase error when counting the shaft sensor pulses MW27 safety module error Contactors surveillance 5 Remain as long as the CMOS memory battery is on operating conditions. ‘Bus tothe Connaons products improvement, the indications of th preseni manual can be modified without previous waming and i ar] ‘case are a contract commiment. The present information publishing doesnot represent resignation of itelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smanti-€ 08211 Castor del Vaiss Pag. 71 ‘Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 Itis possible that more than one character appears at the same time, which is because some failures can produce several errors. For instance, IC shows that an error has occurred in the car safety series and in the landing series. The EXT= field indicates the number of hall calls remaining when error occurred. ‘The in= field indicates the number of car calls remaining when error occurred. ‘The PTe field indicates which was the last shaft sensor pulse detected at the time of failure. In 2 speed lifts there are 3 pulses per floor, while in 1 speed lifts there are only 2 pulses per floor. ‘The f= field indicates the number of error The C~field indicates the code of error 4.1.2Error messages Some error conditions show an informative message on the MMO0054 terminal screen. Afterwards, the messages are listed and also the possible causes of them. This message appears when the time set in parameter P4 has expired without any pulse detec- tion in the S071, S072 and S296 position detectors. Normally, this means that the car can not move or that none of the position detectors works. This message is related to the safety series corresponding fo the SPM input. If the number of consecutive times that the error is detected in this part of the series is higher than the pro- grammed value in parameter P34, the lift changes into Out of service. This message is related to the safety sequence corresponding to the SSEG input. ‘6880 are a contact conmiment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent ag. 72. [ama ee Copyright ©2007 Smart 08211 Gastolar dol VAG ns gm Trattet tht $28 SS a re | 40 Smartift™ INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 This message is related to the safety series corresponding to the SPA input. If the number of consecutive times that the error is detected in this part of the sequence is higher than the programmed value in parameter P34 the lift changes into Out of service. This message appears when continuous errors in the lift car position detection occur or when there is a failure in the safety relay mandatory to operate the lift with open doors. If the error occurs in the safety relay, the lift will go into Out of service when the first error occurs, and in the case that the error occurs in counting the lift position pulses, it will go into Out of service after reaching the programmed number of consecutive errors in parameter P34. This message appears when the VC input fails (Contactors vigilance). 5. Configuration functions 5.1. Programming mode In order to access to the configuration mode, either the INSPECTION input of SmartLift® processor has to be activated or the switch placed on the C.l. board has to be tumed to the right. ‘Once we are in inspection mode, press the SHT key and the following screen will display: ‘At this moment, the password has to be introduced. The up/down arrow keys will be used to change the digit on the cursor position and the right/left arrow keys to move the cursor’s ‘Bus To the continuous products improvement, the hdlealons ofthe present manual Gan be modified without provius warning and W 6) ‘case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of htellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartuit-€ 08211 Caster dol Vals Pag. 73 { SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 present position. Once the password has been introduced, press the PRG key to validate it. If we want to cancel the password introduction we will press SHT. If the password is incorrect, the following message will appear: The configuration menu will appear: The screen has only 4 lines; to access the fields that are out of view use the cursor. The selected menu line is blinking; it is possible to change the selection with the up/down arrow keys. To activate the selected menu option press PRG (MM005400), to cance! the configuration menu press SHT (MM005400). 5.1.1 Saving and transferring parameters’ values Selecting 7- SAVE CONFIGURATION, all the parameters’ values are saved on the pro- gramming terminal. Selecting 8- RECOVER CONFIGURATION, the parameters’ values that were saved in the MMO0054 console are transferred to the SmartLift FOX controller. 5.1.2 Erase CMOS This option allows erasing the variables area of the SmartLift. We may need to do so to set to Zero all the internal counters, such as the travels or failures counters. The circular memory of the latest 32 errors will also be erased. The screen will show the following: ‘Due fo tho continuous products improvement. the indications ofthe present manual can be modified without previous waming and iv ary] ‘case ae a contact commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of inolctval property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart 08211 Castor del Vakés Pag. 74 ‘Smartlit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 ‘As it is shown on the text we will press PRG to confirm the erasing operation. Pressing another key will cancel the operation. When confirmed it will appear: After 3 seconds the system will be in INSPECTION mode. 5.1.3 Erase EEPROM This option allows us to erase the configuration parameters’ area of the SmartLift processor. This may be necessary when setting all parameters to zero. The CMOS memory will also be erased when erasing the EEPROM is finished. So, this operation can be considered as a total memory erasing of the SmartLift® processor. The screen will show the following: As it is shown on the text we will press PRG to confirm the erasing operation. Pressing another key will cancel the operation. When confirmed it will appear: The POSITION=> FIELD indicates the present zone of the EEPROM memory which is being erased. The EEPROM memory is checked while the erasing is taking place. In case of any error detection it will appear: We should press SHT to quit the erasing function. In case of no error detection and after 3 seconds the system will be in PARAMETERS ERROR. ‘as fo the continuous producls nprovement the Indloalions ofthe presont manual can be modified without provious waring and than ‘260 are a contract commitment. The preset information publishing does not represart resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart -E 06211 Castalar del Valles Pag. 75 [ Smarttift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 5.1.4 Time control between inspections With this option the maximum operating time can be established. After this time, the inspec- tion in INSPECTION mode of the SmariLift system will be required. The following display will appear: To modify the value use the same procedure as the parameter settings. Consult the parameters editor operation section for further information. If the programmed value is 0, the time control between inspections will be deactivated. When the number of hours between inspections is surpassed, the lift will be inoperative but no error message will be shown in the external displays. 5.1.1 Load weighing devices adjustment This option is available when the 9905 digital load weighing device is connected through RS485 or MW55, SC105 or SC106 on CAN bus to the SmariLift®. To calibrate the load, the lift must be at the lowest floor level. When activating this function the following screen will appear: ‘The car must be completely empty. Press the PRG key or the car’s lowest extreme pushbutton. The present measurement value displayed in the last line will be read and saved as offset load weighing in parameter P40. We can cancel the adjustment operation pressing any key but PRG. After adjusting the tare the following screen will be displayed: Now, a known weight must be introduced in the car. The best thing is to introduce the maximum ‘weight at which we want to adjust the alarm activation. A suitable adjustment could be also reached with a 50% of the maximum weight. It is not recommended to calibrate with lower weights than the 50% of the maximum weight because the accuracy of the measurement will be lower. After introducing the known weight, press the PRG key or the car's lowest extreme pushbutton. The present weight value displayed in the last line will be read and saved as de- nominator load weighing in parameter P41. We can cancel the adjustment operation by pressing any key but PRG. Once the calibration is complete we will return to the configuration menu. After pressing the PRK key or the car's lowest extreme pushbutton, the car's display will show 99. This indicates that the actual load, used as a calibrator, corresponds to 100%. If the “calibrating ‘Dus fo the continous producis improvement io indcatons ofthe presorl manual can be modified without previous waning and i ary] case are contract commitment. The present infomation publishing does net represent resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart -E 05211 Caster del Valls Pag. 76 = Smartuif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 load” corresponds to the 65%, keep the PRG key or the car's lowest extreme pushbutton pressed until the value corresponds to the real load. Press SHT key or the absolute floor’s pushbutton “1” to quit the load weighing device calibration. 5.1.2 Cables weight compensation This function is made automatically by the FOX controller At the origin position, it registers the load value that is read when closing the doors. Then, at destination position, it is compared with the load value that is read before opening the doors. The difference corresponds to cables weight. 5.1.3 Clock setting This option allows setting the real time clock with battery of the SmartLift processor. It is shown the following: Initially the cursor will be at the hour first digit position. Select the digit value with the up/down arrow keys and change the position of the digit with the rightvleft arrow keys. Once the hour field has been completed, press PRG to go on to the next field, the date. Repeat the last operation and then press PRG. Go on to the field Day of the Week. Repeat the last operation and then press PRG to validate the configuration, which will be transferred to the clock, returning to the Configuration menu. The hour must be programmed in 24 hours format. The day of the week will be one digit with values from 1 to 7, being 1 Monday and 7 Sunday. When pressing PRG to go to another field it will be checked that field format is correct. The cursor will not advance if any error is detected. Pressing the SHT key the clock configuration is cancelled, coming back to the configuration menu. 5.1.4 Lift configuration This option gives access to the configuration of different options supported by the SmartLift® processor software. Consult the parameters section for further information about the content of such options. The generic procedure to adjust the parameter value is described here. The parameters editor display stays like a circular list in which each parameter is showed in a complete screen with the following structure: ‘Due to the continuous producls imorovemert the indicaions ofthe presant manual can be modified without previous warning and in ay] ase are 8 contract commiment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property er patent _p SSPE som rt gator gat Pag. 77 eae = es orit aae Smarttift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 The first line shows the same while we are using the editor. Second line shows a textual description of the present parameter; it will be different for each parameter. On the left side of the third line the present parameter order number is shown; in the middle the value and on the right side (optional) the units in which the value is expressed. The fourth line is blank. In this mode the up/down arrow keys are used for moving inside the list. In this mode the parameters editor can be abandoned just by pressing SHT. For changing a parameter value press PRG and the display will change into: The cursor keys [1 allow increasing/decreasing one by one the field value (according to 13, PQ min. 0, max. 7 14 P10 min.0, max. 2 5 16 17 18 19 20, 21 22. Pi min. 0, max. 4 (DUAL 32 max. 2) P12 min. 1, max. 99 (non-multiples of 10) P13 min. 0, max. 600 P14 min. 0, max. 20 P20 min. 1, max. P7 P21 min. 0, max. 31 P22 min. 0, max. 3 P24 min. 0, max. 0 ‘Dus fo the conlinuous producls mprovermert, th indlcaions ofthe present menual can be modifled without previous waming and nn] case are a contract commitment. Te present information publshing does nat represent resignation of intelectual property or patent ‘Copyright ©2007 Smartt 08211 Castetar del Valls Pag. 79 INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 TUTPARAMETER OUT OF RANGE 7] P23 min. 0, max. 0 P28 min. 0, max. 15 P29 min. 0, max. 999999 P36 min. 0, max. 240 P38 each digit should be 0, 102 34 Pad each digit should be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,708 35, P45 min. 0, max. 16 36, P37 min. 0, max. 0 37, P26 min 0, max 8 38 P27 min. 0, max. 127 39 P50 min. 0, max. 999999) 40 P51 min. 0, max. 999999 44 P25 min. 0, max. 255 52. P52 out of range 67, P67 programmed incorrectly 69) P69 min. 0, max. « P6— 1» 70 P70 min. 0, max. « P6— 1» ial P71 min. 0, max. 999 72 P72 min. 0, max. 99 73. P73 programmed incorrectly 74 P74 programmed incorrecti 75, P75 min. 0, max. P6 - 1 76 P76 min. 0, max. 255 76. P78 min. 1, max. 255 79 P79 oul of range 80, P80 min. 1, max. 255 at P81 min. 000000000, max. 110000000 82 P82 min 0, max. 15: 83, P83 min 0, max 10 84 P84 min 0, max 40 5.1.1 Monitor error codes If an alteration in the monitor programme codes has been produced; an error code appears during or after its load. Error code Description "GE || Error detected in FLASH 0 EPROM memory contents To solve this problem the controller software has to be reloaded. ‘Bue fo the continuous products Improvement the indications of the present manual can be modified without provows waming and i ary case are a contract commitment. Te present formation publshing does net represent resignation of ineletual property or patent Copytight ©2007 Smartt -E 08211 Castella del Valles Pag. 80 Smarttif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 6. Problems solution 6.1 Error codes The error codes which are below are defined by EN 627:1995. Causes and . 3 | solutions Failures 5 a 5 |etnmemnan 3 te a 2 No registered failure vo YES |1 ‘Stopped car=> Caron movement Safety series before LIMITS LIMITS: yes’ [31 Safety series between LIMITS and SEG leaWerey sec | ves® [22.41 aor sy be an wee te Locks safety series SPA | YES [43 Car doors safety series ENGL | YES [44 Doors: Closing sequence failure ENCL_ | YES 23,29, 26 inverted input’ phases - YES Battery’s voltage insufficient = Yes [13 Error in autochecking sequence = ves [12 Sliding. Maximum time over 8074-072 | Yes [4,819 Loss of unlocking zone position eaReA, [ ves |22,7,3,27 Errorin up encoder Error in down encoder Error in stop encoder Error in following position Excessive temperature on drive OVH NO Control cabinet’s temperature out of range = NO ‘Contactors: Error when start up ve YES [50 Contactors: Error when speed change ve YES [60 Contactors: Error when stopping ve YES [60 Errorin EPC communication Error ZeroFoundLost EPC Error Drive OK in movement Error Drive OK stopped ‘Superada la velocidad en UppperZone “This errors increase the P34 counter in one unit if they are repeated without any travel between each error. When the number of error isthe same 2s the one programmed on P34 (Out of order limi) the fff changes to Out of order. Aer the error, ithe it makes a travel, the counter retums tothe original value, See page 159 (P34 Oul of order limi). When P34 0, te it never changes to Out of order, itis disabled. © The controller is only blocked if the lift is hydraulic. If it is electrical, it is not blocked. ‘ue fo the continuous produc morovemen, he Indications of he presor manual can be modified witad previous warming ahd hi ary case ares convactcormrtman. The present information publshing does nt represen resignation ole! propory er patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt 08211 Costatar dl Valés Pag. 81 SmartLif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 ‘Superada la velocidad en Lower Zone Error Ready in start up TT Errorin internal caleulus Rescue's control relays damaged RESOK | YES [50 ‘CPU memory writing error = No [12 Upper and lower pre-finals activated simult. ETTMMM PFEIPFS | YES Levelling time exceeded é Yes [46 Unlocking zone’s safety module failure nai | YES | 7,8, 15,16, 27 Error cyclic call 8 ‘i to tha cotnazis products Fnprovement the ndcatonso represent manual can be modified wihod previous warning anda] {ase are a contract commitment. Te preset iermaton publsting does at represent resignaon of tetecta proper or pater CCopright ©2007 Smartt € 08211 Castel del Valés Pag. 82 ‘Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 6.2 Drive /Car’s movement Signs’ Causes and solutions (See number explanation) Tow motor torque (Without strength, doos not reach the speed) Noise in motor machine. 53, 54 ‘The converter is blocked on acceleration/braking 45 [The converter is blocked with the inspection drive 46 ‘Sometimes the car Is out of phase with the car's display 82 6.3 Multiplex lifts ‘Causes and solutions (See number explanation) Both cars attend the call 34,35, All calls are attended by the Master 34,35. Melted power's fuses and peripherals spoiled. 51 6.4 MW3, MW33, MW66 indicators ‘Signs Causes and solutions (See number explanation) Display: failure on LED's fleicolumn 36 Display: Does not light 13,36, 51 jisplay floor or movement indications 34, 35,38 ‘There is no indication of maximum weight and peopie in the car_|39 Emergency light does not work 40 6.5 Car’s pushbuttons ‘Signs ‘Causes and solutions (See number explanation) Car's CAN bus control panel does not work a7 Passive pushbutfons connected to Delta-2 do not work 48 6.6 Load weighing device with MW55 CAN transmitter ‘Signs Causes and solutions (See number explanation) Wrong indication’ Ei Load weighing device not detected. Es 6.7 MW10 indicators ‘Signs Causes and solutions | _(See number explanation) | Display! fallure on LED's flo/eotumn 5 ‘Boos not fight 13,36 Does not display floor or movement indications 34, 35 ‘Dus To Tre continuous products improvement, the inlcatons ofthe presont manual can be modded without previous warning and i en] case are a contract conmtment. The present information publshing does not represent resignation of intllctval property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart -£ 08211 Caster de Vaés Pag. 83 Smartlift’ INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 6.8 Causes and solutions # Damage Causes, Solutions 1 | Damaged contactor ~ Connection/ lose contact ~Check the status and replace or just screw it. -Wrong wiring Correct Cycle normal wear off ~Change contactor -Slow contactor causes | -Repair electric board short-circuits when connect- 2 [Contactors keep openiciosed ng. (Correct contact before activating. - Welded contacts |-Replace contactor 3 | Excessive car's 1g when it|- Mechanical separation |-Repair mechanically is stopped higher than the established |-Verify the brake (in electric one lifts) 4 |Damaged sensors during the|-Verify if the sensors are|-Replace, if defective. ‘travel working correctly approach- ing them to a magnet. 3 | Failure of floor level sensors |-Check by activating with a|-Replace i defective magnet Check the support rigidity to | Reinforce the support avoid oscillation when the car is moving 6 [Area stopping sensors out of|-Failure in safety relay ~Check and replace if defec- display tive “Position sensors S296 and] -Check fis correct functioning. $297 Reposition or substitute 7 [Failure of sensors -Incorrect magnet separation | -Set in right position -Ending sensors badly|-Check correct wiring (not positioned/wired exchanged) -Check that ending crosses are in the right position. ~Damaged contactors Replace: 8__|Wrong magnets distance ~Check distances. -Modify the magnets position 9 | Car sensors activated -Photocell ~Check that it's not activated with car without doors. -Overload Check that the load does not exceed the maximum Open doors pushbuttons _|-Check that they are not activated “Safety edge [-Check that itis not activated 10 _| Failure of car locking 11_| Parameters error ~Check the parameters. Correct the error 12_[ CPU failure -Switch it off ~Check if it comecty starts up 13 | Power supply failure -Input power voltage: -Ensure correct voltage ~Input fuse Replace the fuse ‘Bue fo the continuous producls mprovemer, the Indcalions of tha present manual can be modified without previous waning and i ary] ase are @ contract commtment. The present information publishing does ne represent resignation of intellect! propery or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartLit-E 08211 Castllor del Valés Pag. 84 Smartlif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 7a Safely sequence fuse blown _|- Earthiphase short-cireuit_ | -Eliminate short-circuit -Replace the fuse 75 [Magnet sensor separated due to|-Check the separation | Adjust guides looseness between guides between magnet —_and| -Adjust sensors’ position magnetic sensors 76 INSPECTION switch activated _ |-One of the two switches is|-Position switches in “Run” connected: electronic board or inspection panel 47 |Motor phases inversion -Inverse sense rotation -Exchange ending phases End finals exchanged -Correct the wiring 78 | Failure of MW27 safety module |-Check the power supply _|-lf the power is correct, it -Check the relays could be that any relay has stuck contacts. -Replace whole module, 49 | Motor stops during travel “Break down due to failure in|-Check the connections coil or connections -Check the state of coils “Blocked frequency con-| -Check the motor verter -Check the brake -Check that all the contactors have RC's installed 20 | Failure of doors operator “Wrong wiring -Repair wrong connections -Operator failure -Repair or replace @1_| Wrong wiring of doors operator |-Check ‘connections, |-Re-establish correct wiring specially the motors tum sense and the open/close inputs 2 [Wrong position of the well|-Located at incorrect|-Check distances and magnets, distances, separation and try again. 23 [Blocked doors “Mechanical defective doors,|-Check the doors mechanics| do not close correctly and repair all the defects 24 [Doors: Failure of _auxiliary|-Check relays -Replace the defective relays 35 | Call pushbutton does not work |-Contact does not open’ “Find register fight that is continuously switched on -Repair or replace the pushbutton 26 | Failure of door auxiliary relays |-Relay with defective|-Check them and, if defective, contacts, change relay 27_[MW27 safety relay -Spoiled relay -Replace relay_ 28 | incomplete auto-levelling due to|-A call was made while lift|-No intervention required call [was auto-levelling 2 [Open doors safety contacts’|-One of the contacts is|-Check that car's movement series voluntary or accidentally | does not change any contact. opened ~Check state of contacts and if they are clean. Verify that doors close correctly. 30 |Door series permanently open _|-One or more door contacts’|-Check each contact individu- series are permanently|ally until a electric failure opened (faulty contact) or mechanical (door bad lined-up) is detected “Series’ wire cut Repair the cable or connec- tion terminal defective Das fo the continuous products inprovemert te indicaions of fhe present manual can be modified without previous waming and inary} (ese are's contract commitment. Te present information publshing does nat represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt 08211 Caster del Valés Pag. 85 SmartLif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 ‘31 [Open safety series on first]-Check the contacts section|-Repair affected contacts section that the LEDs te: ‘Access doors to machines room, stop at pit, loose wiring, upper and lower finals and buffer -Check wirings continuily | -Repair defective wires 32 | Car STOP activated -Switch on or somebody |-Change to closed position pressing it 33 | Carlock devices ~Check functioning ~Check signals for siding or| electro cam activation. 34 [RS485 communication failure __|-Incorrect wiring ~Check T+ with R+ and T- with R- connections “Incorrect 1D number|-Check and comect the ID (Address) number; and make sure that| ‘one of the control cards has been programmed as. Master and the other as Slave. “Failure in communication | -Replace electronic boards ports 35 | CAN Bus communication failure |-Incorrect wiring Check CAN High an CAN Low ‘connections =1D number incorrect = Check and correct the 10] number; and make sure that Jone of the control boards has been programmed as Master and the other as Slave. Line end resistor missing |-Check that in line end termination the corresponding resistor has been mounted. “Failure in communication | -Replace electronic cards ports '36_| Display with wrong indication _|-LED’s or driver failure -Replace display 37 [Erroneous load transmission __|-Incorrect adjustment =Do again the adjustment| procedure ~Faully foad cell -Replace 38 [Non coincident codes =The codes correspond to|-Retumn to factory for its correct} another customer replacement 38 | Call acceptance blocked Mandatory maintenance time|- Call to the accredited imit is exceeded {technical service 40 | inadequate voltage on the motor |-The mains voltage is lower|- Change motor than the one needed by the: motor. “The motor has to work on! delta and is connected on star. = Change the bridges to the! correct position in the motor’ terminal box. ‘Due fo the continuous products Inprovernert, the indications ofthe present manual can bo modiied without previous waning and i any case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does net represent resignation of hellectual property or patent (Copyright ©2007 Smartt 08211 Castllar del Vales Pag. 86 Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 [41] Open safety series on the second|-Check the contacts section |- Repair affected contacts section that the LEDs indicate: loose wiring, wedges, car up/down final = Check the continully of wiring | - Repair faulty wiring 42 [Open safety series on the third|- Check the contacts section |- Repair affected contacis, tion ‘that the LEDs indicate: Exterior doors = Check continuity of wiring | - Repair faully wiring 43 [Open safety series on the fourth|- Check the contacts section |- Repair affected contacts, section that the LEDs indicate: Bolts = Check continuity of wiring ___ |= Repair faulty wiring 44 [Open safety series on the fifth|- Check the contacts section |- Repair affected contacts section that the LEDs indicate: Car doors, inspection selector = Check continuity of wiring |= Repair faully wiring ‘@__| Converter blocks on acceleration |- Acceleration ramp is too short |- Modify frequency converters parameters ~The value of the brake|- Reconsider the Ohms value resistance is lower than the| and the power of the resistor required one = Check that is not open or disconnected 46 [Converter blocks when driving|The frequency converter | Check and if necessary change from the inspection box ‘controls the brake and requires | the drive, so that the contactors a start up sequence in such way|are activated by a pushbutton that the brake is not release until| and the command signals by the motor is braking torque another one (double command), ‘with the correct sequence ‘47_| MWA car control panel does not|-CAN bus wrongly connected —_|- Check connection ‘work = Wrong logic address = Check address = Delta-2 JP3 “jumper” has to be] - Take the “jumper” out disconnected 48 [Cars pushbuttons connected to[Delte-2 JP “jumper _is|-Place correctly the JP Delta-2 do not work disconnected “jumper” ‘4 |24Vde power supply does not|Current’s consumption higher] install an auxiliary power Supply supply enough current than the maximum 30 [Welded relay’s contact _ or| The charge is greater than the | Check the charge contactor acceptable. Change the relay or contactor High frequency operation 1 _| Wiring error Shori-circuit when the control-|-Check and correct the defect ler’s commons are connected —|-if the electronic components have been connected to the mains’ voltage, ALLTHE PERIPHERALS CAN BE DAMAGED ‘32 _| Sensors counting’s error ‘Sensorsimagnets instalied in {Check the distances wrong position. The sensors’ supports are not | Modify the supports’ rigidness rigid enough so they vibrate the car is moving Magnets’ different qualiies | Check and homogenize Metallic sensors’ supports ‘Substitute the metalic supports by plastic supports to avoid magnetization ‘Due tothe continuous products improvement, the indications ofthe present manual can bo modified without previous warning and i ary case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does nct represent resignation of itefloctual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartit-E 08211 Castor del Vales Pag. 87 [Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 7. Technical service 7.1 Controller Situation and nominal current of protection fuses “18Vac inout to the control power su, Hydraulic rescue valve (12V; 12, ‘supply to the car top inspection station Door operator (car top inspection station) ‘Safety ciruit Power supply transformer Heating resistor for the hydraulic oll Rectifier for the brake or electrovalves Tf non calibrated fuses or fuses of a greater calibration or different fusion specifications than the ones specified are used, the controller or the lift components that it must Project can be damaged. The damages that these modifications may cause are not covered by the product guarantee. ‘Bue to the continuous products improvement, the indlcaions of he present manual can be rmodifed without provius waming and ta any] case are a contract commitment. The present informatin publishing does not represen resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smart 08211 Castor de Vales Pag. 88 Smartuif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510631 7.2 Car roof inspection station controller JP1 | Logic address of the board (Simplex ON, Duplex ON) ‘JP2__| Logie address of the board (simplex ON, Duplex OFF) JP3___| it enables an MW0304 interface for the car cals (if MWaxxin car = OFF) “JP4__| CAN-End 331___| Detector of parson on the car op 200 | Close doors #1 201 | Open doors #1 K202 | Close doors #2 203 | Open doors #2 204 | Car light timer 205 | Emergency light activation (when the +24Vde and/or 230Vac are not present in car ight) 206 | Enables SOS pushbutton and telephone ‘Dio 10 tho continuous producta provement, the ideation of he present manual can ba modied without previous wang and hi ary case ae a contract cammtment The present infomation pubshing does na represent resignation infact property or patort Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castlar del Vales Pag. 89 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 8. Product versions ‘The product's version is compound of two blocks of characters, separated by a point. Example: Voto1 Hardware version ———— Software version Hardware version The first digit changes when the modifications introduced in the circuit apply to the connection schemes or the functional characteristics of the product. Example: Changes in the control terminals, electric levels of the inputs, and so on. Attention! Machines with a different first digit version could not be directly compatible. ‘The second digit changes when there are modifications in the components or in the circuit, but they do not affect on the compatibility. Although the hardware version number is different, the machines. are completely compatible. ‘Software version The first digit changes when the modifications introduced in the software apply to the functional characteristics of the product and they do not correspond to the same application manual. Example: Functions enhancement, changes in parametrical fields, and so on. Attention! Machines with a different first digit version could not be directly compatible. ‘The second digit changes when there are modifications in program routines that improves functioning but do not affect the functioning manual and they remain compatible with previous versions. The Beta versions are designed with a letter as a suffix of the software version Labeling ‘The hardware and software versions are show non the specifications label. Example: TIPO D V12.11. The units provided with Flash EPROM can be programmed after being delivered. To have more information of the operative software version, look at the initial display of the programming console. The production number and the bar code on the label is the most exact reference of the product and its traceability. ‘Due to the continuous products provement the Indcaions of the present manual can be modified without previous wamng and Ta 6) case are 8 contract comvniiment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright €2007 SmarLin-E 08211 Castllar del Vales Pag. 90 ‘Smartlif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.F.A.Q.’s 9.1 Installation Can the yellow-green Absolutely NOT. The yellow-green conductor can only be used to connect to earth the conductor be used as devices. The “Reglamento Electrotécnico de Baja Tensién” (Low Voltage Electro- active conductor in the technical Regulations) typifies in the ICT BT-05 point 6.2 that the lack of identification of stallation? the protective conductor is a serious fault. There are some risks of damage against people when implying that the yellow-green conductor is a protection conductor when it has potential In the ICT BT-32 point 6 related to “liting and conveyance machines" states that “the yellow-green conductors must not convey current when performing” What can be the First, this will not fulfil the Regulations above, and may have legal consequences. Also, consequences of a the immunity of the installation against electrostatic discharges (ray discharge) is very wrong earth connec- low tion? For the earth system, The ICT BT-22 details the requirements for this connection to be acceptable. Briefly, its is it enough to connect electrical continuity has to be insured even in the case of parts dismantiement. the conductors to the metallic structure? Can I cuto r interrupt The “Reglamento Electrotécnico de Baja Tensién’ prescribes that the neutral the neutral conductor? conductor must not have fuses and can only be interrupted by switches that cut, atthe same time the phases. The phases must open the circuit before the neutral does. Which are the risks “Alive” means that it has voltage in respect with the earth, with voltage on the elec- that the contactors’ tronic's common the following risks exist: harming people because of electrical ‘common is “alive” in discharges, damaging the electronic circuits; and a very dangerous risk: a derivation of respect with the earth? _ the safety series makes a “bridge” of the series leaving the lif without security. Can | make practical The EN 81 standards prescribe: itis obligatory that the electrical diagrams of the lifts diagrams of installa- are with the CENELEC symbols. This way any technician can understand them. if tion? ‘adding practical diagrams to ease the understanding of the initial diagrams, they must fulfil the standards. When connecting the This is showing serious wiring error. Check immediately the voltage betwoen the Delta-1 inspection contactors’ common and the earth — it must be OV.- I there is voltage, it can be due to: commuter, it gives «Neutral not connected to earth, in this case, an isolation transformer Hill have cramps to be used for the safety series. ‘+ Wrong wiring with one phase connected to the contactors’ common. Dus fo Tho continuous products improvement, the nications ofthe presoni manual can be modified without previous warning and in an] ase are a contract commiment. The present information pushing does ot represen resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 SmanLit-€ 06211 Caster del Vets “Pag. 91 Smartlift” INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.2 Electrical ‘Are the antiparasites circuits needed on the contactors? Is it necessary to use frequency converter to the motor? Which is the most suitable typeof encoder for the machine? Is the thermal relay appropriate to protect the motor? When maximum speed, the lift is noisy drive The inductive loads disconnection ~ contactors coils, brakes, etc. produce voltage peaks that can reach various thousands of volts and make an electromagnetic signal capable of attering the performance of near-by electronic devices. The RC circuits installation, varistors oF fly diodes, is essential for the electromagnetic compatibilty and problems reduction. Yes. The toroidal fiter reduces the high frequency component produced by the ‘commutation that conforms the output voltage. Without the fiter, there is a great RC’s ‘propagation in the control cabinet that can alter the electronic devices’ functioning. For machines with reducer, a two channel digital encoder with 2000 impulselrevolution resolution is enough. For gearless machines more precision is required and its better 10 use Hipertace® or Endat® encoders. ‘A thermal relay only protects when the motor consumes more current than the adjusted ‘one. The motor can burn out due to not enough ventilation, although the maximum ‘current may not be reached. For a lif, the protection offered by a thermal relay is very low, especially when working with frequency converter. The most effective protection is thermistors in the coils. 't can be due to a mechanical eccentricity or frequency converter’s adjustment. If the noise remains when it is connected directly to the mains, itis not an electronic defect. The feedback circuits of the frequency converter can increase the noise if they are in resonance with the mechanical imbalance. 9.3. FOX controller Which is the best Position for the FOX in a cabinet? Which are the temperature limits that Uhave to program? How to determinate what is causing the lifts failure? Due to the hydraulic electro valves voltage a transformer is. required. Can | use a secondary of the TRI itsetr? Is it necessary to insert ‘The FOX controller has been designed to minimize the wiring. The well and car wiring tubes go into the controller, that is reason why the lower part of the cupboard is the most recommendable. In addition, itis the coldest part and this is very important when it coexists with frequency converters. If the controllers position is different to the Proposed one (Horizontal), the temperature measurement will not be accurate. The high temperature has an effect on the life of some electronic components, especially on the electrolytic capacitors of the frequency converters. Low temperature can provoke condensation and short-crcuts in the control electronic. The safest work range is from 5 to 45°C. To make sure the temperature stays between these two values, heating resistances and air conditioning are instaled in the cabinet. Fixing Wider limits wil allow working with la shorter ie of the machines. The 0054 programming console allows reading the register of faults visualization, ‘which contains the latest 32 incidents. Itis an efficient help to eminate what causes to stop. The programming and diagnosis console cos is insignificant compared with the time and problems saving that it offers. ‘The best solution is to use a separated transformer, otherwise the manoeuvre is more complicated, The reason is that it will be good that the safety sequence could stop any car's movement possibilty at any time. Without interrupting the primary winding of the transformer, a failure in the electronics or a welded relay welded contact will make feasible descending with open safety sequence. - The phases control must be laid out in such a way that the lift will not start up unless Duo to The continuous products case are a contract commitment. the inlcalions ofthe present manual can be modified without previous waming and i any Tnproveront The present information publishing does net represent resignation of Ialctual property or patent Cony ©2007 Sar £08211 Castlar dl Vatbs Pag. 92 SmartLif the phases relay on the safety sequence? Which is the life term of the CMOS memory battery? Which is the charging state of the NiCad battery when it is delivered? Why doesn't it have an input for the 80% load limiter? INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 | the three phases are in correct state. Even in the case of using a frequency converter, where it controls the rotation, the lacking of a phase makes that all the voltage be loaded on only two branches of the input rectifier, with the corresponding risk of overload. ‘The manufacturer assures a ife term of over10 years. AS itis a very easily changeable module, itis recommended to change it before the 10 years are over to ensure that the controller is always in working conditions to maintain its data. ‘The NiCad batteries are normally charged when they are delivered, but during the installation, if the controller is disconnected from the power supply for hours, they are discharged. This type of battery stands the complete discharge without any problem. A few minutes after being connected to the power supply, the battery will be charged ‘enough to work correct. Using load limiters with output relays has plenty of imitations: 1. It does not inform continuously of the load to optimize groups, security or el rminate the rollback. 2. requires parameters’ programming a part from the controler. 3. More wiring is required s0 more possibiies of mistakes exist. More room and time. ‘An advanced controller needs a load transmitter and considering that matter the FOX system has been designed. The full lad available input fulfils the EN 81 requirements and it can be activated by a relay or by a contact activated by load. in order to achieve more features, a transmitier or an additional input through the MW0304 module will have to be used. Bue fe the Continaous products inprovemert, the indications ofthe presont manual can be modified witout previous warring and in ay] ‘caso aro 9 contract comment. The presen information publishing does net represent resignation of intellctual property or patent Copyright €2007 Smatit-£ 06211 Castotar dol Vaés Pag. 93, SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.4 ECO-2 car module and telephone Is it recommendable a plastic box for the car's roof module? Where can I connect the load limiter? Can the messages of the voice synthesizer be in 2 languages? Is the LAN line telephone reliable Can the car's fluores- cent lighting cause any trouble? Do the halogen lamps cause electromagnetic disturbances? ‘The electronics of the car's roof module has tasks of great responsibilty and in addition itis next to potential electromagnetic disturbance generators (Car fluorescents, doors motors...) The metallic box earth connected- offers a better protection and it is more recommendable. ‘The modem CAN bus load amplifiers can be connected to the car roof (Measure on the wiring or the platform), or in the machine room (Measure on the machine chair) or in the hollow (Measure on the cylinder head) of the CAN bus line. Yes, and three... All we need is to record the WAV files with the words in succession in both languages at each floor position. You can do it with any audio edition program. ‘The LAN tine telephone has the advantage that it does not need a battery or supervi- sion to have the capacity to maintain a conversation during an hour when there is not ‘main power. The disadvantage is the communication can be dipped depending on the line quality - distance to the central ~especially with the loudspeaker volume. Yes. The fluorescent lighting comes on with a high voltage discharge produced by the starter’s interruption of the voltage in the reactance. They are very disturbing devices and itis wise to adequately “iter” them. “The radio frequency emission is dangerous when the fluorescent lighting comes on, no later when is lighting. ‘Yes. The halogen lamps low voltage supplied require a transformer. Being an inductive load, the transformer will generate a voltage peak when the light goes out that can be reduced by using RC circuits. The effects on the electronics may not been noticed as ‘when the light goes out is because the lifts is not being used and the car module (in case it has been affected) can do a reset before the anomaly is detected. 9.5 Behaviour in case of fire and firemen Can I use the car's commands with the telephone code in lifts of fighting against fire? tt can not be used, as the EN 81-72 requires that the pending calls are registered (ight ‘on) in the car control panel, ‘af to cantnceus products provement, the lcation of to proton anual can be modified without previous waning and in Case ae corto commitnert. The presen information publaning does et ropresent resiatn of italectul proper Opa Copyight ©2007 SmarLin- 08211 Casta del Vales Pag. 94 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.6 Groups Duplex Do | have to isolate Yes. It will be of no use to have the data cables that joint the group controllers isolated COM1 in case of ‘if they are joint by the RS485 channel of COMI. It is advisable to use a galvanic demotic network? isolator supplied by the controller itself, How to evaluate the The controllers have reset able counters that accumulate the minimum, medium and exterior calls waiting maximum waiting times. Of course, its impossible to discriminate the waiting time due time? to the intentioned car blockage. Which is the maximum Joining the FOX controllers we can have groups of until 2 lifts. number for group lifts? ‘Due to the continuous products provement. ine inleations ofthe present manual can ba modified without previous waning and ih any] ‘case ae a contract commimert. The present information publishing does net represen resignation of intalctul property oF patent Copyrgrt ©2007 Smart. -£ 06211 Caster det Vales Pag. 95 Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.7 Exterior installation | use CAN#2 isolated If the exterior calls hang from the CAN#2, any sabotage or short circu in this bus channel for multiplex, erases the exterior calls of the group. Installing a MWO6 isolator on each branch of the does it make sense to exterior pushbutton panels, a possible fault on one branch does not affect the other use the — MWO6 ones. Besides, the MWO6 is protected against short-circuits in its bus supply. isolator? Do 1 need a 24Vdc The auxiliary power supply is necessary. The controlle’s current limitation is 2,5A. If a auxiliary power supply greater consumption exists, if an auxiliary power supply is not installed, intermittent it’ the exteriors’ failures can occur, as some peripherals can be with less voltage than the required consumption is 3A? When using pushbut- J101 and J104 connectors belong to the CAN#1 network so, from a functional point of ton panels with RJ view, it will be OK. The problem is that these connectors are dedicated to other connectors, can | functions and they do not guarantee their electrical compatibity for the possible ‘connect them to the connections in the RJ pushbuttons panel, The main reason that stops us using them is 101 or J104 connec: that they lack over voltage protection and a short circuit on the installation will damage tors? the printed circuit. The only connection allowed is to X105, ‘Are the CAN net All the nets require terminations to reduce the echo disturbances that impair the signals terminations impor- more and more as the transmission speed increases. Suitable terminations are tant? mandatory. Where are the pre There are separate pre waming arrows in the car and the landing. The information warning ‘arrows comes out from terminal 5 (Up) and terminal 6 (Down) of the extended tag strip of all connected? ‘active pushbutton panels. There is also PREFERENTIAL SERVICE (VIP) input on landing and fire sensor input on floor. Where can | connect The MW7 active pushbutton panels have the buzzer incorporated for the geographic the “beep” call_zones where the acoustic signal for call registers is mandatory register? 9.8 Car installation Does the emergency All of them full the EN 81 standard, but in order to full the ASME A17.1 standard itis Light of the car Necessary to have the emergency light battery in the car. There are MW3 display with displays fulfil the the battery incorporated. related standards? ‘Ba to ra Contras preducs improvement. he Tndiatons of he prosant ranial can eroded wth provious warn adm ary] ease are a contract commitment. Te presot hormaton publshing does ol eprasent resgnavon of telecual propery or pant Copyight ©2007 Smart 08211 Castel del Vals Pag. 96 INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.9 Shaft and doors installat Is it correct to put in a bundle on wires the control and the safety ‘sequence wiring? Can 1 select through the car pushbuttons the door that will open ‘on each floor? Where to program the door hold? 9.10 CAN bus What are the effects of a faulty network? How to verify if it has the correct termina- tions? How to find failures due to wrongly programmed direc tions? Wf the addresses have been electronically Programmed, cant change a device from ‘one position to another? ‘The well installation has great lengths. To make a bundle with all twisted cables produces a capacitive connection and an inductive connection between the safety ‘sequences, 24V supplies, and CAN bus. Every time the contactors fail, an induction in ‘cables of the series takes place whose value depends on the phase angle where the ‘cutis produced, the coils current, the totally wiring length, distances between them and torsion tums. This can produce random and disastrous effects. The optimal solution ‘would be to use screened cable for low voltage (24 Voc and CAN); when this is not possible, at least: 1/ Never twist the series along with the low voltage, 2/ As far as possible, twist the series over themselves, independently of the low voltage. ‘Yes. If on double boarding we want to have car's selective door, we have to pro- gram+8 or +16 on the P14 parameter. ‘The door hold function enlarges 40 seconds the waiting time to close door and it does ‘not require programming. The activation of this function is done with the MW4NO00 or ‘MW4Roox car control panels, programming one of the pushbuttons as retention button. When using a TAG, the temporal activation can be activated automatically from the TAG RFID. When the net work has faults by high level of inducted electrical noise, incorrect, terminations or other causes, the same message has to be repeated a lot of times before its correct reception. This saturates the network to a level that it may give failures. ‘A simple way is to measure the ohm resistance between the CAN H and CAN L terminals (3 and 4 terminals of X114), with the control WITHOUT VOLTAGE. If the value is different to 60 obms (50...70 is acceptable), it means thatthe terminations are not properly set. Attention: The fact that the value is 60 ohms does not suppose that they are good, because they can be wrongly distributed When there is duplication of an address or addresses that do not correspond to the device, we will have net problems. The best way is to sequentially connect the devices and check their correct operation. ‘The address can be kept in two places: in the E2PROM Memory, in which case it will be necessary 1o factory program through the MW/24; or in the DIP Switch that allows to be configured on site. if the DIPswitch has all the positions on zero, it means that the correct address is in the E2PROM. The Dipswitch programming prevails over the E2PROM, even if there is an address in the E2PROM memory ‘Bue fo the continuous products improvement, te indications ofthe present manual can be modified without previous waming and ‘ase aro a contact commitmont. The present information publishing doesnot represent resignation of inelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smanit-£ 08211 Castor del Vales Pag. 97 "| Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.11 Battery and emergency rescue Is the use of the 12V No. The 12V battery provides important advantages: battery mandatory for 1. Possiblity of automatic rescue in hydraulic its the normal operation 2._It does not lose its position, as it counts the floors even with no mains of the controller? 3. Itallows teleservice 4. It supplies the emergency lighting and telephone. 5. It avoids the controller to hang due to quick connectionidisconnection from the What is the meaning of Charging the NiCad batteries can be done by very simple, but siow, ways. The microcontrolled designing of a fast charger requires power circuits and a special control to control the intelligent charger? _battery elements’ temperature, and at the same time detects the maximum charge to reduce the current to the minimal to maintain the charge level. An analogical input of the Delta 1+ controler supervises the battery's voltage, and a digital output controls a Power commutator to prevent the installation form discharging the battery without need ‘when there are no people trapped inthe lt when a mains’ voltage failure occurs. ‘Bus fo tha continuous products improvement, the Ialcalions of he present manual can be modified without previous waning and lr ary] case area contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyeght ©2007 Smartt -E 08211 Castllar dol Valls Pag. 98 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 9.12 Magnetic sensors Can we use the reed sensors on 2mi/s cars? Can the same magnet be used for a normal ‘open sensor and for a bistable sensor? Is it possible to join two short magnets to use it as a longer one? Is it important that the sensors supports’ material Is made of non magnetic material? Can | increment the length of the magnets Jn the unlocking zone to open the door earlior? ‘Are the magnetic switches adequate to be used as limit switches? Do the predinals assure the change to show speed? ‘The magnetic sensors with reed relay have a considerable detay from the time that they receive the magnetic field until the time they are connected; additionally they can be affected by the distance differences that can be found along the shaft. These effects are more relevant on high speed, so from 1,6 mis with the Hall effect sensors we can hhave more precision. ‘No. The magnets for bistable sensor are polarized and depending on the way they are ‘mounted they will open or close the contact. Please pay attention to the instructions siven in the Mounting and installation” section. 'No itis not. On the union point of the two short magnets, there isa zone with conflicting fields that dismagnetize the magnets and create a void field. This causes an undesired disconnection of the reed detectors when they pass next to this zone. ‘The sensors’ supports must be made of a non magnetic material (plastic guide), as the ‘supports can be magnetized and create an own magnetic field that reduces the ‘sensitiveness and can even alter the functioning of the bistables. ‘The EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 Regulations are very clear. There is a maximum of 300 mm. above or under the floor level. With the reduction of time in slow speed for lifts with direct approach, the time saving is 1 second. As it is not possible to increase the unlocking zone (doors safety sequence by-pass), the only possible solution is to increase speed in opening doors. As itis an element that is included in the safety sequences, it is not the performance technology that counts. It has to comply with the capacity characteristics to brake the ‘contact and especially it should be accredited to do ths job. ‘Only in the two speeds electrical Its. In other cases and, specially with frequency ‘converters, this is not assured (Blocking for current limitation, etc). In these cases, the buffers must be well dimensioned or install additional security pre-finals. These pre- finals act directly on the brake i the speed has not been reduced. 9.13 Faults caused by storm How to protect the installation against the ‘storm effects? Is there any way to increase protection ray ‘The electronics of the FOX system has been designed and has components protection to provide a high level of integrity against the effects derived from the storm electro- static discharges. inspite ofthat, may be possible that the discharge of a ray nearby Could affect to certain degree, from momentary stop to damage in Some component. ‘Although total security cannot exist it is possible to reduce the risks with correct witing, ‘connecting the devices to earth, galvanic isolations, supply transformers with capacve ‘disconnection and ALWAYS KEEPING THE ELECTRIC CABINETS CLOSED. ‘The segmentation of the data networks by means of galvanic insulators avoids that the ‘whole the installation could be affected by a ray discharge. It is very important in the manoeuvres of groups that the CAN network has galvanic insulators, as well as that the connection of data between controller is also by an isolated channel. Otherwise a ray could damage all the components of a whole group. The specialists in lightning ‘conductors can help to protect the machine rooms. ‘Bae 10 the continuous products Improvement the indicalions ofthe present manual can be modified without previous waming and ti any) ‘case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represant resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt - 08211 Castetar dol Vales Pag. 99 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 10. Glossary of terms ‘Absolute floor number ‘Access code Accredited ‘Area ‘Asymmetric manoeuvres Bistable Block devices Boarding level CAN bus cmos Collective com Communication protocol Composed call Configuration cpu Destination contro! Detector DIP switch The zero floor is the lowest floor where the car can travel, independently of where the ground floor is. The absolute number is the one that corresponds starting from the lowest floor (from zero). Itis the numerical value to be introduced on the keyboard with composed call to be able to access to the protected level. Permission to do certain tasks AREA of D control refers to unlocking zone of 0,3 m above and under the floor level, where the automatic doors can open and the auto levelling can be done. Coordinated multiplex ifts with different number of floors per lift ‘Switch that responds to the activate/deactivate signals by passing into the ON/OFF position and it remains there until il is commutated to the other position, independently of the supply voltage. ‘They are the safety pushbuttons that are installed in hydraulic goods fifts to block doscent of the car due to losses in the hydraulic circuit. To free the block devices itis necessary to move the car in ascending direction. Itis the position where the car is levelled with the floor and it is in the unlocking zone. Interface of communication for high speed and distances depending on the bus length. There are two different levels of use: CAN 2.0A with identifiers of 11 bits 1d CAN 2.08 with identifiers of 29 bits. The SmarfLift DELTA system supports both, Components technology with complementary silicon metallic oxide output which has very low consumption. In this manual it refers to the variables memory kept with battery. It registers all the exterior calls and it will attend them according to the travel direction and the fixed parameters. It means that distinct passengers that travel inthe same direction can share the car. Communication port. Physical connections of data input/output. Definition of the messages structure and definition of identifiers, heads, transmission endings and checks that make possible the communication between machines, When keyboard is used in the car, for determined floors it will be necessary to ‘compose the floor pressing more than one pushbutton, Example: *-1" requires to press *" and “1". This is called composed call. Parameters that determinate the functional features of the fift (number of stops, selectivity, etc.) Process control unit=Microprocessor System based on registering the car's destination from the landing call Magnet drive switch Group of pre-selector switches -miniature format-aligned on a DIP format (Dual ‘Dus fo the continuous products inprovemert, the Indlcalons of ha present manual can bo modified witodt previous waming and Ta an ase are 8 contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of htelectual property or patent Copyignt ©2007 Smart 08211 Caster det Vals Pag. 100 " Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 Direct call Direction arrows Dispatcher Display Door hoid Doors retention OTFM Duplex Flash EPROM Floor Floor level Group of lifts, Identifier Inspection Jumper LED Load limiter Logical address, Magnetic sensor Master Monitor ms in line / Double line of terminal contacts) When there are as many pushbuttons as floors and commands options (open, close, SOS, etc.) itis called direct call Light display of the direction of the lift: Up or Down Control logical unit installed in a group of its that controls in realtime the travel ‘alls and the state of each car tin order to optimise the efficiency and to adapt it 10 predetermined temporal behaviours. Indicates the floor level ‘See doors retention [A temporary activated command allows enlarging the time to close the door up '10 40 seconds in order to allow handicapped people to exit the lift. Telephone data transmission system, based on two-tone codification. The actual transmission speed does not exceed the 20 digits/second. ‘Two lifts attending coordinatedly the calls, with the logical reduction of waiting time ‘Only reading memory that can be loaded by the system is interpreted with the real designation. Example: -3, -2, -1, Itis the absolute value of floor designation that starts on the lowest floor with “O° and goes up to the highest floor. Duplex, Triplex, Quadruplex, etc. The cars automatically shared the work to obtain the maximum efficiency of the installation, with the minimum waiting time. Itis the specific code or logical address that has each device. ‘When in inspection mode the lift does not reply to orders fromthe calt pushbut- ‘tons. it goes to inspection from the car roof selector or switching from the control board Interchangeable bridge made between two pins. Light Emiting Diode Device that stops the car from moving when is over the maximum weight Corresponds to the identifier of each device. The active devices (Those that transmit data) must have different addresses to avoid collisions. on the mes- sages. In this manual it refers to the reed or hall effect switches that are activated in front of the magnets placed in the guides in order to know the car posit In duplex operations, itis the lift that controls the coordination with the other lit, called slave Program in the controller firmware that manages the routines for memory ‘access, the communication channels and peripherals. ‘Thousandth of a second ‘Duo tothe continuous products Improvement, tho indicaions of the prosent manual can be modlied without previous warning and ih ay case are.a contact commitment. The present formation publishing does net represent resignation a ineletual property or patent Copyright 62007 Smartt 06214 Castotar dl Vales Pag. 101 Smartuif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 Muttiplex Ne No Pre warning arrows Reset / Reset able Revision Rs232 RS485 Selective Shot stops Simplex it Simplex Stave smo suc Tele alarm Tele service ‘Transponder Universal Unlocking zone Watchdog Group of Its which coordinate the calls to reduce waiting time and to ‘optimised the travels Normal close Normal open. Light and acoustic display indicating the direction of the next travel. Put it back to zero / That can be put back to zero Term used in previous versions of this manual to designate inspection. ‘Communication interface adequate for short distances (15m) ‘Communication interface with differential transmission adequate for up to 100m Depending on whether itis up or down selective, it will attend the landing calls that are in the same direction. Contiguous stops with shorter distance than the normal one Single lif. Lift that does not work in-group with others. Single lift Lift that does not work in-group with others. In duplex operations, itis the lft that follows the Master orders Electronic components for superficial assemblies. ‘Smantift unified code. Advanced software platform common for different ‘controllers; it maintains their different characteristics and it allows their evolution at a lower cost. Telephone line based system that from the “filtered” pressing of the emergency pushbutton generates a call to one or various telephone numbers, transmitting at the same time the lift identification. The system must work even without voltage and requires cyciic checks (Maximum every 3 days) that it works properly and that the telephone line is connected. It is complementary to the tele alarm system. it allows accessing to the control- ler’s processor for displaying, diagnosis command or software loading. Device that when receiving identifiable information as questions, answers with response codes. |t does not register exterior calls while the car is making a travel. Zone closed to the floor where the doors can open even with the car in slow motion, but only when the safety sequence remains closed by the safely relay contact. Device that checks by periodical exams of the execution of an order that the CPU is working accurately. ‘Doe fo the confinaous products improvement, the inicalions of the present manual can be modified without previous waming and in any] 288 a7e a contract cornmitment. The present information publishing does nt represent resignation of ntelectual propery or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt £08211 Casta de Valbs Pag. 102 Smarttift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 11. Reference regulations EN 81-1 EN 81-2 EN 81-26 _| Tele alarm for lifts and goods ifs, EN 81-70 _| Safety rules for lif manufacturing and installation 2002 EN 81-71 _| Vandalism resistance EN 81-72 _| Safety regulations to build and install fis. Fight against fre EN 81-73 _| Lift's behaviour in case of fre EN 12015 _| Electromagnetic compatibility on iffs and escalators. Emission TH938, EN 12016 __| Electromagnetic compatibility on products for lifs. Immunity 711998 EN 61000 __| Electromagnetic compatibility (Field, discharge...) EN 292-1 _ | Safety in machines — Basio con 799% EN 1070 _| Safety in machines — Terminology 1999 EN 50419 __| Electric and electronic devices marked 2/2005 EN 100015 | Protection of electrostatic sensitive devices 1992 ‘CP 2: 2000 _| Installation, operation and maintenance of electric passenger and goods lit 72000. P31: 1996 | Code of practice for installation, operation, maintenance, performance and | 1996 ‘constructional requirements of mains failure standby generating systems ‘ASME A171 | Lifts safety in seismic zones PB 10-558- | Safely rules for the construction and installation of its (Russia) 2003 03, ‘Duo tothe continuous producls provement, tho indicalions ofthe presen manual can be modified without previous waming and ih any] case are @ contrat commitment. Te present information publishing does not represent resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartit-€ 08211 Castor del Valles Pag. 103 ‘Smartlif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 12. Annex A: FOX Controller parameters. 12.1 Quick guide Main Configuration [PS J Position sensors ‘Additional options 4 [P6—| Number of floors ‘Additional options 2 [P7__| Ground floor ‘Additional options 3 [P8__| Number of pushbuttons in landing Multiplex timit, |__| Car registers acceptance ‘Maximum time outside (im duplex) (0__| Simplex-Multiplex-MasterSlave ‘Outputs control mode B11 | Quantity of operative slaves ‘Overiapped stops / Short stops: [Slave number ‘Control options [Electro cam or E/T timer selection + third [PAS | Preferential Stop speed (V3) Type of selectivity Console language selection Time to return to floor ‘Access configurations selection Return mode (doors opening on each floor) Return floor ‘Schedules ‘Maximum number of registers Time functions Mode of register /Fire fighting Return floor - time functions Cancelling registers Mains restoration time ‘Star delta dolay tim: Phases control Up valve delay time VC time extended Safety and vandalism protection [Pa [Maximum time to detect slide Floor protection activation ‘Accessing Password ‘Check calls cycle P34] Limit of failures to place lout of service ‘Number of attempts Limit of null travels to erase registers Call preferential hour ‘Supply identification code Teleservice telephone ‘Alarm for temperature out of range Time to activate alarm ‘Supervisor's password External safety [P51] Car password Load control P40 | Offset correction (tare) [kgiperson factor [ee nominator of load adjustment Maximum weight ‘Numerator of foad adjustment ‘Chain’s compensation teas [uns masinur toad [Delay Disabled people collecting floor [Delay for calls from landings: Firemen floor Doors and waiting [Zia Time for opening and closing doors [Automatic doors | Waiting time to exit car Delay for the stop signal ascending ‘Attempts counter before showing door |agai| Delay for the stop signal descending failure (Fast) Retries counter (Slow) [Access door selection in each Noor Display and peripheral Cariexterior intermittent [Arrows indication [PAB | Display messages customisation Die fhe continuous products Inprovenert, The Incalons othe prsent manual can be modified witout previews waning andra] case area contrac carmnment. The presen formaton publishing does net repose resignation of Ile propery or patent Copyight ©2007 Smart 08211 Castle del Vals Pag. 104 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 12.1.1 Factory parameters and privileges The factory parameters can be modified in the installation by the programming console, a computer with the Smart PC program or via Modem®. In all the cases, the possibility of modification depends on the privilege of the password. The passwords of the maintenance personnel do not allow to modify the parameters in the shadow areas, whereas the supervi- sor's password allows to modify them all, even the service and supervisor's passwords. The controllers are supplied with the factory parameters of the following list. The empty column can be used to write down the corresponding parameters to the present installation Installation # ‘00 | Car calls delay 1 4 second, ‘01 _| Landing calls delay 2 seconds ‘02 | Time for opening and dosi ‘4 seconds ‘03 _| Waiting time to exit car 7 seconds: ‘04 | Slide detection time 15 seconds ‘05_| Position sensors. 2 speeds. 2 sensors ‘06__| Number of stops. 8 stops. ‘07_| Ground floor. Lowest floor (08 | Number of landing pushbuttons 1 Pushbutton (09 | Car registers acceptance ‘Only on travel direction implex-Mulliplex/Master-Stave ‘Simplex. 11_| Quantity of operative slaves I does not have slaves 12_| Slave number ‘Master 13__| Electro CAM selection fimer Electro cam 14_ | Type of selectivity Descending to ground 45 _| Retries door counter (Fast) 2 retries 16 | Retries door counter (Slow) 5 retries 47_| Waiting time for floor return No waiting 48_| Normal return mode (see P75) Return if below 19 | Retumn floor Return to 0 floor 20__| Maximum number of registers: 4 calls register 21__| Register mode/Fire fighting n[alolololafs|ale|-lola|ofo}o}er|s|z4|~]>) No calls allowed if over P20 2 | Canceling car and external 0 Enabled landing and car registers (Universal) 23_| Detta/Star change time: aw ams 24 | Delay time of up-valve 48 48 ms 25 | Additional options 1 4 No selective door 26 _[ Additional options 2 0 S485 ioad weighing 27 _[ Additional options 3 @ ‘Does not do the test 28 | Car/exterior intermitience 1 Activated 729 | Service personnel password a Password = 0 '30_[ Multiplex iit 0 Deactivated '31_| Automatic doots 0 ‘Close doors '32_| Delay stopping order ascending 0 ‘Without delay '33_| Delay stopping order descending 0 Without delay '34_| Failure limit for Out of service o ‘Deactivated '35_[Limit_of null_travels_to erase 0 Deactivated Copyright ©2007 SmanLit-E 08211 Castolar dol Vales © The Smart PC software has a dongle, £0 it can be copied in different PCs; but it will only run ifthe dongle is connected. ‘The dongle is equivalent to a programming console and it has the same use restrictions and legal responsibilites as the ‘Due to the continuous products improvement. the indications of the present manual can be modified without previous waming and ih ary] ‘case area contract commitment. The prosont information publishing does not represent resignation of itelectual property or patent Pag. 105 Smarttif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 registers 36_| Maximum outside time (Multiplex) 30 ‘fier 305, '37_| Output control mode. 5 Hydraulic StarDDela 38 | Overlapped stops/ short stops 000..000 (31) | All zeros= No shot or overlapped stops 30 _| Control options 0 Without options ‘40_| Offset correction (Tare) 0 Tare = Zero (Automatic register) 4_| Load adjustment denominator 0 ‘(Automatic register 42 [Load adjusiment numerator 0 Real weight will be (pattern) introduced [Lifts maximum toad 0 ‘Weight in Kg ‘44 | Access 0 configuration selection Does not activate doors: ‘45_| Preferential stop 000...000 (31) 48 Destiny when Prefer. ‘46 _| Display message customisation Te 2 TOT Defect numerical value “47_[ Language selection Internal selection "48 _[ 1D code of the installation (00000000 Code “49__| Temperature alarm out of range ‘50 | Supervisor's password '51_| Car password Without protection '52_| Floor protection activation Floors not protected ‘53 | Access 1 configuration selector ‘Does not activate doors ‘54_| Aocess 2 configuration selector ‘Does not activate doors '55__| Access 3 configuration selector ‘Does not activate doors ‘56 | Access 4 configuration selector ‘Does nol activate doors '57__| Access 5 configuration selector Does not activate doors. ‘Access 12 configuration selector '58__| Access 6 configuration selector Does not activate doors. '59__| Access 7 configuration selector (000...000 (31) | Does not activate doors, '60__| Access 8 configuration selector .000-(31) | Does not activate doors '61_| Access 9 configuration selector ..000 (31) | Does not activate doors. ‘62[ Access 10 configuration selector ,000 (31) | Does not activate doors '63_| Access11 configuration selector ..000 (31) | Does not activate doors 64 ‘Does not activate doors '65__| Access 13 configuration selector ‘Does not activate doors. ‘66 _| Access 14 configuration selector Does not activate doors. 67 | Schedules There are not selected schedules 8] Time functions 000 ‘There are not selecied functions. ‘69_| Disabied people colecting floor oo Lowest floor 70_| Firemen floor 00) Lowest floor 7A | Check calls yele 72 Every 3 days 72_| Retries number 10 40 attempts, '73_| Call preferential hour 7330 ‘AL23.30h, 74_| Teleservice telephone ‘389890909 | Telephone number 75 _[ Return floor — time functions 0 Return when time adv. 76__| Mains restoration time 40 ‘Seconds since return 77 | Arrows indication 12056, Fixed arrows 78_[ Ka/person factor 75. kkglperson 73_[ Minimum weight 25 Fixed arrows 0_| Time to activate alarm 30 ‘Seconds before siren 81_| Enable external securities ‘90000000 | Unabied ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the indications ofthe present manual Can be modied withaut previous warming and Mary] case are a contract comment. The prasent information publishing does nt ropresent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smantit- 08211 Castllar del Valles Pag. 106 Smartlit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 12.1.2 Parameters desc PO Car calls delay The time (seconds) that it will take the lift to react to a call from the car when there is no pending calls. P1 Exterior calls delay Time (seconds) that it will take the lift to react to a floor call when there is no pending calls. The time is activated when opening the PRES sequence (manual or semi manual door), when pushing the landing register at the same floor where the lift is (for automatic doors), by cutting the car photocell or by pushing car open doors. During the set time no floor calls will be accepted The system will force a minimum of 2 seconds if P1 value is lower, as 2 seconds is the minimum time to comply the regulations, P2 Time to open and close doors It is the time (seconds) it will take the lift to open or close the automatic door. It is used to control the door closing and the attempts surveillance (see P15, P16 and P31). The time (seconds) that the lift will wait to allow the passengers to exit the car. Once this time is finished, the lift will try to close the doors. The time (seconds) allowed between car positions sensors detections (magnets and pre finals). If is time is exceeded the lift will reach OUT OF SERVICE with code 06 It Is recommenided to adjust to a slight longer time than that spent between magnets at slow speed. Attention! In order to obtain the maximum affectivity in slide detection it's necessary to adjust to a slight longer time than that spent between magnets at slow velocity. P5 Position sensors It is used to configure the type of management operation and the availability of car position sensors. PS = 3 two speeds 1 m/seg, without re levelling, 2 sensors 1 line P5 = 4 two speeds 1 m/seg, with re levelling, 2 sensors 1 line Adding 8 to the selected number it’s activated the surveillance of the safety relay MW27 in stop. ‘Due to the continuous products improvement, the Indlealons ofthe present manual can be modilied without previous waming and iv ase are a contract commitment. Te present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyight ©2007 Smartt © 08211 Castor del Vales Pag. 107 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B4 P6 Number of floors ‘The total number of floors of the installation is programmed. 16 floors limmited. P7 Ground floor Programming ground floor position (In absolute value). Please consider that the stops number begins with 0; 0 corresponding to the lowest floor Example: 2 basement installation > Ground floor = 2 (0 — basement2; 1 - basement floor) — ground P8 Landing operation panel pushbuttons installation with only one pushbutton per landing installation with two pushbuttons per landing Asymmetrical (the same as number 3 (up collective)), for penthouse. 3= Installation with two pushbuttons per landing; with multiplex lifts of different distance travel (asymmetrical), the up pushbutton is used to access to the asymmetrical floor (i.e. parking, attic, etc) keeping the selectivity in descent. This must be only programmed in the MASTER lift (only asymmetrical lifts below the main floor), P9 Car call acceptance if a 0 is programmed, the lift will not accept car registers to the opposite direction from the initial travel, until it has been completed. If a 1 is programmed, car calls to the opposite direction than the initial travel can be registered. Changes on up/down selective with double landing pushbutton to erase only the register that corresponds to the car trip direction. To get this feature +2 has to be added to the P9 parameter (Do not cancel calls), so bit 1 of this parameter must be activated. The system behaves as follows: When the car arrives to the floor, the register that corresponds to the travel direction is erased. When the waiting time to exit is over and the car is going to start a new ride, the register that corresponds to the new travel direction is erased. This way, we avoid keeping a register activated in the case that both landing calls have been pressed and the car changes the direction. When the lift is closing doors on the floor where the landing pushbutton is pressed, it will only open doors if the pushbutton corresponds to the same direction the car is heading. P10 Slave or Master Parameter related to the multiple installations: 0 = Independent operation. 1 = MASTER operation. 2= Slave operation. When a group has lifts with different number of stops, the MASTER must always be the lift that has more number of stops. P11 Quantity of operative slaves The total number of devices must be programmed. Example: Simplex -> Program 0 or 1 Duplex -> Program 2 ‘Bue fo the continuous products improvement, the Inaction Of the present rmanual can bo modified without previous waning and i ary] ‘case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of ineletualproparty or patent Copytght ©2007 SmanLi-£ 08211 Castor dl Vas Pag, 108 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 685106B1 P12 Slave number The parameter has two digits and defines the COM1 (J100) logic address. At the same time, the less significant number (units) determines the slave's number working in group The RS485 ISO 1745 protocol uses the logic addresses ended in 0 (00, 10, 20, 30...) for mes- ‘sages addressed to group, so for the first group the used addresses will be 01, 02, 03; for the ‘second group 11, 12, 13, 14; for the third group 21, 22, 23, 24; etc. For an independent operation o in the master of a group 011 has to be programmed. The slaves of the same group will be 02, 03... DUPLEX example: Master -> 01 Slave -> 02 Itis also possible to program: 11, 12, 13, 14; 21, 22, 23, 24; ...81, 82, 83, 84 P13 CAM or K102 TIMER selection When programming 0 the K102 relay works as an electro cam’ relay. When programming a number different to 0 it works as a Delta-star switching timer relay. The change will be made after the tenths of seconds that has been programmed in this parameter once the line contactor is switched on. 7 The electro cam control is preferably done through the doors second operator relays. K102 is only used for double boarding. It requires two more wires in the car hanging wire: and it loses the possiblity to use the deta star time selector. ‘Due to the continuous products improvement, tho indications of the present manuel can be modified without previous warhng and iy Br case ae a contract commitment. The present information publishing does nat represent resignation of intelectual property or patent, Copyright ©2007 Smantin-€ 08211 Castolar del Vallée Pag. 109 Smarttift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P44 Type of selectivity The lift selectivity type is programmed: this means that, when there are several calls in the same direction, the lift goes directly to the farthest call and it will stop at all the registered calls that go in the same direction. Not selective Up selective Down selective Up and down selective Down selective over the ground floor, up selective below the ground floor P47=3 PAT=4 £ I) t= at | er) § ot e a a | | | + || aS) Ey | wel pete ‘Adding +8, to the previous values, it allows the operation with double boarding and double car and landing call pushbuttons, This way, the lift will command 2 landing and 2 car peripherals. The address on the Master will be 1 and its peripherals will be programmed as shaft 1 (Side A) and shaft 2 (side B). The address on the slave will be 3, and its peripherals will be programmed as shaft 3 (Side A) and shaft 4 (side 8). This option allows double boarding for up to 32 floors, but on Duplex applications at most. If a Triplex or more is needed, please see next paragraph. With this configuration, landing or car calls from side A will open side A doors; and landing or car calls, from side B will open side B doors. (P44 must be programmed with 2 doors). This universal configuration will try to avoid the access to the car by both boarding sides at the same time. To do that it will not accept any calls from the other side door until the waiting time to exit is over. Furthermore, doors closing will be immediate, as the lift will have no calls, whatever value was on P31. Die io ho conincous produce improvement, the iraicaions othe present manual can be modfed wihouprvaua waning anda an Caso are a corvect commitment. Tho present iformaton publishing does a opresent resignation oinalectua propery or potent Copyright ©2007 Smart 08211 Casta dl Vales Pag. 110 ‘Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P15 Door 4 retries counter (Fast retries) The number of times that the lift will retry to close the door is programmed, if once the time set on P2 is over and the door safety sequence has not be closed. There is no waiting time for these retries (fast retries). Once the number of retries programmed on P15 is reached, it will wait 3 seconds, the P16 counter is increased (slow retries), the counter on P15 is reset, and the cycle starts again, until value on P16 is reached. P16 Door 2 attempts counter (Slow retries) ‘The number of times that the lift will retry to close the automatic door, once the fast retries programmed on P15 are finished, before erasing the registers and leaving the door opened. Once reached the P16 retries, this function increases P34 out of service limit counter. P17 Floor returns waiting time ‘The seconds that the lift will wait before going to the floor programmed on P19. If 0 is pro- grammed, the lift wil remain where it is. The return to the floor will only be produced when the lift does not have pending calls. P18 Return mode 0] When the car is below the floor programmed in P19, it will return to the P19 floor. In this mode, the dynamic return is disabled. 1 | The car goes to the non occupied return floor which is closest to those programmed in P19 cof the controllers that work in group. Dynamic return enabled. 2 | No function programmed 3| The car goes to the retum floor programmed in its controllers P19, Dynamic return is disabled. P19 Return floor “The floor where the car has to return after the time fixed in P17 is programmed. Remember that the stops numeration starts at 00. This value corresponds to the lowest floor. ‘When there is no necessity of two different retum floors, independently of the value to program (from 00 to 31) in this parameter, itis necessary to program a “0” on the third position of the P68 Parameter, and a “0” on the second return floor P75. 20 Maximum car registers The maximum number of car-call registers that the lift will accept is programmed (It must be as maximum, the number corresponding to the capacity of persons). It limits the unnecessary trips by multiple registers that the same person can make (Against nuissance). P21 Car register mode Gi wieornua ns ng 0 Wy Erases car registers as soon as travel has been finished and it will stop on landing calls leven with the maximum car registers. 7 Erase car registers ONLY when all travels have been finished and it will stop on landing calls even with the maximum car register. aaa It does NOT stop on landing calls when there are the maximum car registers on the functions of 0 and 1 value. a_i [Allows auto-rearm when deactivating FIREMEN 8 [Allows FIRE FIGHTING mode 16 WY Conditions FIRE FIGHTING to the activation input. Attention it requires to activate FIRE FIGHTING mode (value 8) ‘Dus fo the continuous products provement, te Indicalions ofthe prosent manual can bo modified without previous waming and iv eny] ‘2880 are @ contract commitment. The present information publishing does rex represent resignation of intellectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartit-E 08211 Castetar del Valds Pag. 114 ‘Smarttift” INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 3 7 Smin 1 1 35 min P32 Up stop delay Allows adjusting the boarding level in ascends. Programming the number of 15 ms intervals that the disconnection of the car traction element will be delayed after the detection of the stop sensor. P33 Down stop delay Itallows adjusting the boarding level in descents. It is programmed the number of 15 ms intervals that the disconnection of the car traction element will be delayed after detecting the stop sensor. P34 Out of service limit Programming the number of consecutive times that an operational error might occur before the lift is placed out of service. If 0 is programmed, the function is disabled. This parameter is useful in duplex installations, because if one of the cars maintains an error condition, it will be marked out of service and all the landing calls will be transferred to the other lft. The errors that increase the counter in order to leave the lift out of service are: - Opening of the serial by SPW/PRES - Opening of the serial by SPAENCL - Phase out (Arrive at the pre finals when it has not been foreseen by the electronic control) P35 Null travel registers is a function to minimize the effect of vandal calls register. It controls the number of times that the lift stops and neither the door safety sequence nor the photocell detects any movement. So it assumes that there have been null calls. When the quantity of null travels reaches the preset value in P35, the car registers are erased. P36 Maximum external time This parameter is useful for group installations. It is programmed the maximum time, in seconds, that the landing open door sequence can remain open before erasing all the call-registers and transferring all the pending calls to another car. If 0 is programmed, the function is disabled. A clear example of the need of this parameter could be a hotel multiplex installation, where one car can be at one floor with its doors blocked by an obstacle (a room service trolley, etc.), which interrupts the floor door sequence. If a client presses a floor call button, the call will be passed onto this car as, in theory, itis the best placed to answer the call, but in fact it is not available and the other car would not come to collect this passenger unless it has a car register call to this floor. With this parameter, after a fixed time the landing calls will be transferred to the other car. This condition automatically disappears when the landing doors sequence is re-established. P37 Output control mode No used. Forced to 0. P38 Overlapped and short stops It can only be applied to lifts with two or more speeds. It allows modifying the speed change detectors’ action in consecutive floors in order to accommodate stops with short distances between floors or to have long travel distances at slow speed. A string of 31 digits is pro- grammed, the digits can be 0 or 1 or 2; 1 is an overlapped stop and 2 a very short stop. This string's digits correspond to each stop, the first one on the right is for the stop between floors 0-1; the second digit for the stop between floors 1-2, etc. ‘Bue to the continuous products improvement, tha Indications of he present manval can be modified without previous waming and in ay] ‘ease are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castellar del Vatos Pag. 114 Smarttift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P39 Control Options In this parameter there are different control options, each one of them has an associated decimal value. The value to be programmed will be the result of the addition of the decimal values of each one of the options we wish to activate. Value. Functions: With this bit acivated, the car will not open the doors aftr The inilal tip and wil go direclly to The "=| round floor where the initialisation wil be considered as completed; and, also, the iit wil not oper doors at the end of the automatic return to floor trip. Enables the car lighting timer Enables gong or acoustic signal when lif stops at floor level Disables contactors surveillance {nveris from normally open to normally close the function ofthe Safely relay contacl for stopping i unlocking zone. Door pre-opening when receiving the signal that the car is inside the unlocking Zone (Safety rela ‘Contactors surveillance enhanced from 300ms to 3 second Gong and display willbe actualised at speed change instead of at floor level ‘The number corresponding to the addition of all the selected options must be programmed, For instance, to activate the gong in each floor and to cancel the contactors ‘surveillance it has to program 4+ 8 = 12 Notes: The timed car lighting function consists on keeping activated the associated output as long as the {i is attending cals (since the moment that a register is pressed or the landing door opened), so the lifts remains lighted. After 3 minutes (non programmable) without pending calls and with the landing doors closed the output will be deactivated, switching off the car lighting. When passing fo INSPECTION mode the output will be switched on permanently until we come back into RUN mode. Disabling the function of contactors surveiliance should only be made temporally for diagnostic or test purposes. The lift operation without contactors surveillance is not allowed according EN81-1 and EN81-2 directives, being the installation company the responsible for the settings. P40 Load weighing device offset This value is automatically acquired during the load weighing adjustment process and corre- sponds to the value measured by the load cell when the car is empty. P41 Load weighing device denominator This value is automatically registered during the 9905 digital load weighing calibration process, and it is available as a manually adjustable parameter. P42 Load weighing device numerator (Weight pattern) This value has to be introduced during the load weighing calibration process and corresponds to the weight pattem with which the lift was loaded for calibration, expressed in kilograms. The effective load value is internally calculated subtracting P40 from the load weighing ‘multiplying it by P42 and dividing by P41 Copyright 62007 SmartLit-E 08211 Castetar del Vales Pag. 117 ‘Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 68510681 The weight pattem recommended for load weighing calibration must be approximately 50% of the car's maximum load. The use of smaller standard weights is also possible, but the accuracy will be reduced. P43 Lift’s maximum load: Alarm This is the value introduced when programming which corresponds to the maximum useful load in the lift car, expressed in kilograms. Attention! It’s not possible to adjust the load weighing if this parameter is at zero P44 Access Determines which door should be opened at each floor. It is programmed with a 32 digits chain, where each digit corresponds to one lift floor; the furthest digit on the top right corresponds to the lowest floor. Each digit can have the values 0, 1, ... 8 with the following meaning: Door(s) disabled Only door 1 enabled ‘automatic doors closed ‘Only door 2 enabled (Requires P31=1) = [Both doors (1 and 2) enabled ‘Only door 1 enabled Semi-automatic door NO closed ‘Only door 2 enabled Both doors (1 and 2) enabled Both doors (1and2) enabled | Automatic door 1 closed. Door 2 NOT closed Both doors (1 and 2) enabled [Door 1 NO closed. Automatic door 2 closed Automatic doors will remain closed if on P31 = 1, the semiautomatic door will NOT, independently on if P31 is 1 or 0. When "0" is programmed (Do not open doors), it automatically inhibits the calls from the corre- sponding landing as well as the car calls to this floor. When the MW0304KZ configurations selector is used with the inputs deactivation, it returns to the by default access configuration “0” (P44), unless this configuration is affected by schedule, in the latest case it retums to the “15° (P66) configuration. P45 Preferential stop This parameter determines the floor where the lift will go when PREFERENTIAL SERVICE input is activated. The value should be among the limits of the floors’ number of the installation configured on P6. For car preference P45=32 has to be programmed. ‘Bao fo the conlinaous products tnprovernert, the Indications of the present manual can be modified withou previous waming and i any] Case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does nol represen resignation of Itelectual property or patent Copyght ©2007 Smart -€ 08211 Castelar de Vads Pag. 118 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P46 Display customisation This parameter allows us to define the characters that will be shown on the 9060, MW3 and MW10 displays for each lift stop. The system will program, by default, the characters to be displayed according to the rest of parameters that affect the display. For that reason, the utiliza- tion of this parameter will not be necessary in a standard programming. In case that is necessary to change the “by default” display, the required values will be introduced in this parameter and will have priority over the default ones. This way, the compatibility with the previous program versions is reached and at the same time the possibilities of system's characterization are increased, For each one of the 32 floors 2 characters can be programmed. ‘hee ‘The display has lateral Scroll. The characters are programmed with the indication of the lower floor at the right end and consecutively to the left the indications of the ascending levels. Having a reserve of two spaces per floor, the floors that only require one character will have a wi space. In the example there are the first 10 floors indicated with their number and the ground floor with the indication GF. P47 Language selection The texts In the MM0054 programming console are available in 4 different languages in the ‘SmartLift® memory. This parameter allows choosing the active language: Language by default, depending on the internal codification associated with the O.E.M. code Spanish English 3= German French P48 Customer's code The 8-digit ID code appears on the main screen. P49 Maximum temperature in the control cabinet ‘The temperature precision sensor installed in the Delta SmartLift® board allows to read the temperature inside the electric control cabinet and to fix the legal operating limits. The minimum is fixed at 5°C and the maximum is programmable in the range of +40° and +65°C. Programming number “0” cancels the lift stop function due to temperature out of range. When the highest limit has been programmed with a value between1 and 39, it wll be automatically be settled at +40°C. Independently of the programming of this parameter, the maximum work temperature is being registered for guarantee control purposes. P50 Supervisor's password (only enabled for SUC) A sequence of up to 6 numerical digits that allows to erase the internal memories and to config- ure the protected parameters (Shadowed on this manual). ‘case are a contract commiment. The present information publishing dees not resent resignation of iellectual property or patent ‘Due tothe continuous producis improvement, the indications ofthe present mandal can be modified withou! prvious waming and Wah Copyright ©2007 SmartLin-E 08211 Castor dol Valls Pag. 119 SmartLift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 685106B1 P51 Car's password (only enabled for SUC) The installation identification code allows programming a password when MW4NO00Z car control panel is used, in order to limit the access to floors below ground floor (P7) and to avoid car calls if the lift is already on a floor below the ground floor. An empty value or 0 will indicate that there is free access to floors below ground floor, any other value of maximum 6 digits will represent the password that must be introduced in the MW4NO00Z to be able to register call with destination to lower than ground floors. Any zeros on the left in the password do not count. To introduce the password in the MW4N000Z you should press “*” followed by the password and again “". If the password is correct, the user has 4 seconds to introduce the destination floor. If the 4 seconds are over before any floor pushbutton has been pressed, the password will be automatically disabled. The password enables only one call-register. When the MW4N700z car control panel with telephonic: code is used, each floor must be pro- tected with a password. In this case 0 will be programmed. ina It with fire fighting function, please be aware of the effects of limiting the access to certain floors. Before introducing passwords, please check that this function is not against local legal regulations. P52 Floor protection activation When the floor protection is activated, the car does not leave the floor where it is at that moment until the car control panel registers a new call or until the car is empty (no load). Even if there are external pending calls, the car remains on the protected floor. If there is load in the car and no call is registered, after 30 seconds the alarm on the car roof will be activated. The 32 positions correspond to 48 floors. By default, the parameter 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 00000000 This means that the protection is not activated. Programming: 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000000 00000001 00000111 The floor protection has been activated on floors 0,1, 2 y 8. ‘Da To the ortnaous products inproverrt, he ications ofthe present manual can be modifed without provius wang end tar] case area contrat comment. The prosent formation publishing does nt reprosort resignation of tlectua property or patent Copyght ©2007 Smart -€ 08211 Caster del Vals Pag. 120 ‘Smartlit INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P53 ... P66 Access configuration selector (only enabled for SUC) By default, the lft controls the door opening according to the parameters in P44. With the MW59 ‘or MW0304KZ selector modules (optional accessories) itis possible to select other configurations to control dynamically in real"° time the access to each floor according to previously established conditions. ‘The parameters from P53 to P64 have exactly the same treatment and meaning as P44. When with an extemal selector, the option’0” (P44, by default) is changed to any other of the 15 options, It will keep the selected behaviour until it has been changed from the MW59 module, the MW0304KZ corresponding contact is disabled or until the controller has been reset, From the parameter P67 (Schedules) and P68 (functions), an access configuration with two temporal ranges can be selected. Example: the 15-selection configuration (parameter P66) ‘operates from 14:00 to 16:00 and from 21:00 to 07:00. 1 must be programmed on the last digit of the P68. The configurations selector module can be installed in the car or at the landings, depending on the required use, but they can never exist two operative modules at the same time, as both have the same logical direction. Configuration table: First column: Floor absolute number First line: Value to select in the configurations selector Second line: Parameters field where the configuration is saved. A Floor | Pad_| P52_| P58_| Ped | PS5_[ Pas_| ps7 | Pe] psd_| peo_| pst | Pex | Pes | Ped_| Pas | Poe o + 2 3 ‘ 3 6 T z 3 70 it 2 3 a 8 The change from one configuration to another can be made at any time, but it will only be effective once the car is without pending calls *® Real time means that without stopping the lift, only changing a code in the external terminal, the configuration changes. ‘Due to the continuous products improvement, the indications ofthe present manual can be modified without previ warning and in an case ere a contract commitment. The present information publshing does not represort resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartLit-€ 08241 Caster del Vals Pag. 124 SmartLif® INSTRUCTION MANUAL, 68510681 Programming example: 4 23, =A13333, 001214 '4300073020000800 =.010214, 010 100211 000211 2: Programmed time 15 P31: Defines to close automatic doors after 7xP2 = 7x1 = 7 seconds 67: Defines the time frame 1 from 13:00 to 07:30 and 2 from 20:00 to 08:00 P68: Applios the time frame 1 to select the 15 configuration (P66) P44: From 0 to 3" floor, both doors open. On 4 and 5, only door + P55: On the 0,1” and 3" floors, the door 1 opens. On the 2” floor, the door 2 opens; and 4” and 5" floors are disabled; they do not admit cals. P56: On the 0,1" and 4” floors, the door 1 opens. On the 2 floor, the door 2 opens; and 3" and 5” floors are disabled P57; On the 0,1" and 5” floors, the door 1 opens. On the 2 floor, the door 2 opens; and 3 and 4 are disabled. P66: Between 13:00 and 07:30, automatically, only door 1 on floors 0 and 2. The door 2 on floor 2 and the rest of floors are disabled. 0 (Pag) 4 (P53) 2 (P54) 3 (P55) 14 (P66) #1 2 #1 #2 #1 ® #1 #2 La) _# 0 0 0 5 54 - a wi fi f 7 0 4 || 4 4 4 aa = i a 8 z HY 1 fii 0 3s 3 3 3 2 ill2 2 )----- [|] 2 | 21 2M) al. 2 i Iq 1 > 7 | 1 1 || ----- 4 1 1 1 FF 7 i i ] hl i[3[] I]: 1 1]l}----- 4] 0 0 ol =u} 0 ole | anes ‘Bie th contra rods provers the ations fe resol maal canbe nodied wad provaus warrg ad Fa) case ar a contrectsommimt The presen formation publishing does a roproset resigration of itelectia propery or patent Coyiht ©2007 Smartin-F 0821 Castro Vai Pag. 122 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P67 Schedules Up to four schedules can be programmed to set/reset time functions. The first and third values activate the function and the second and fourth values deactivate it. Itis a 16 consecutive characters structure, organized as the following: Hour ONT Hour OFF 4 Hour ON 2, Hour OFF 2 hioh>[m[m{[h[h[m[m[h>h]m[m[h][h]m|m ‘The ON hours activate the function, the OFF hours deactivate it. It is a 24 hours format. Examples: 08:00, 12:00, 17:30 and 23:15, they are programmed this way 0800120017302315 QO O © tH LL t#2 ll 01234567 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 P68 Time functions The digits sequence corresponds to the available functions list to be activated by the schedules: First position. MUTE signal activation on Fall lantern (Via 1 6 of MW0304 or MW7) ‘Second postion ‘Commutation tothe configuration values programmed in P66 “Third position ‘Commutation to the second value of P19 (Retum floor) The value to program on each position means: O= The function is not enabled 4= Enabling the first time frame (From ON hour 1 to OFF hour 1) 2= Enabling the second time frame (From ON hour 2 to OFF hour 2) 3= Enabling both time frames Examples: Programming 1 on the first position, from 08:00 to 12:00 the sound volume will be reduced. Programming 2 on the second position, the configuration selector moves to 15, defined on P66. (See details on P52...P66 parameters description). From 17:30 to 23:15, The first position activation affects a second logical output available on all the pushbuttons interfaces and can be used for other purposes than just the gong volume reduction. P69 Handicapped people collecting floor Itis the floor where the car will go when the “Handicapped pick up" input is activated. Collecting handicapped people has preference over firemen function, ‘Dus to the continuous products Improvement, the indications ofthe present manual can be modified without previous warming and i ary cage are a contract commimont. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of infollactual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt 08211 Caster del Vales Pag. 123 Smartuift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P70 Designed floor, alternative and Firemen service The field is compounded of six characters to define two destination floors where the lift will go when the fire alarm has been activated on one floor. A third floor is defined when the firemen button has been pressed. The first defined floor is the evacuation floor. In case that the fire has been detected on that floor, the lift will go to the second defined floor (alternative floor). The third floor determines the firemen service access level. Example: 020300: 02" means that floor #02 is the first defined floor and “03" means that floor #03 is the alternative one. The firemen access through the floor #00. P74 Checking calls cycle It is the time between verification calls. It admits values between 000 and 999. The factory value is 72 hours (three days). When the cycle is over, the controller waits for the predetermined preferential hour in P73 and tries to communicate with its data reception centre until the maxi- mum number of retries fixed on P72. If the number of retries is exceeded without success, the-lift will pass to out of service once freed of passage, giving indication of error "Zn. The program- ming of 000 is equivalent to disable the function. if the verification has been effective, the cycle counter is reset to zero, restarting that way the next cycle, P72 Number of retries of cyclic call It is the number of times that the controller will try to communicate with its data reception centre before passing the lift to out of service. After a failed attempt, the new attempt will be made after 3 minutes. The range of number of attempts goes from 01 to 99. P73 Call preferential hour It allows to fix the hour and the minute at which it wil initiate the first intent of calling of each cycle of verification, expressed in hhmm (hh=Hour 00... 23 and mm=minute 00... 59). In order to avoid the accumulation of calls at the same time, the distribution of the preferred schedules of calls by geographic sectors is recommendable, P74 Tele service telephone It is the dialling code that is sent to the Modem to establish communication with the tele service centre. P75 Return floor ~ Time functions ‘The first floor where the lift has to retum when the time function is activated. P76 Mains restoration time When the mains is restored, the time to connect the phases relay is P76, in seconds, multiplied by the number of slave P12, plus 1. The objective of this procedure is to give enough time to the mains voltage to stabilize and avoid the effect of the false connection manoeuvres. This way the commissioning is one lift after the other what is necessary to avoid current peaks when the installation works with a generator. Example 1: P12= 0 and P76= Example 2: P12= 3 and P7E => Walting time = (0+1)"10 = 10 seconds 40 seconds Waiting time = (3+1)*4 P77 Arrows indication The following table shows the arrows indication possi number on the second row is to define the behaviour in each situation. Zero means that the arrows are off. ‘Due tothe continuous prodicis improvement. the indications of the present manual can be modified without previus waming and ih ary] case are a contract commitment. The present information publishing doos nat represent resignation of ineletual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt -£ 08211 Casal dol Vaos Pag. 124 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 | Indication le In es a er lo a Example: Program 12506 to indicate: Fixed arrow going up Fixed arrow going down Double arrow for occupied ‘Turned off when the lift is free Double intermittent arrow for out of order paosp P78 kg/Person factor The relation between the number of persons and maximum load is defined in this parameter. If 70kg/Per. is programmed and the lift's maximum weight is 280kg, it will indicate automatically that the lift is for 4 persons. P79 Minimum weight Below the weight indicated in this parameter, it is considered that the lift is empty. ‘When adjusting this value, the load weighing device's precision must be considered. If the load weighing device is installed on the chassis/platform, the precision is higher than if it is installed on the ropes or if it is hydraulic. In all cases, the value to program must be the same as the maxi- mum weight registered when the lift is empty, or higher. P80 Time to activate alarm for inactive charge This alarm will connect the siren if the car is on a protected floor and in its load is higher than P79 during more than P80 seconds. As the alarm is activated, the doors are reopened. ‘The alarm turns off when the lift's weight is lower than P79 or if a car call has been registered. P81 Enable external securities It enables the state control of the MWO0304 peripheral's inputs with logic address XXXX, which commands the external securities’ signals to detect earthquakes and the wind's speed, VO0 Relay's output to reset the seismic sensor's line VO1 Normally open contact’s input of seismic sensor's system (Relay 1). VO2 Normally open contact’s input of the seismic sensor's P signal (Relay 2) 703 Normally open contact’s input of the seismic sensor's S signal (Relay 2) VO4 Impulses’ input anemometer lower level VO5: Impulses’ input anemometer medium level VO6: Impulses’ input anemometer higher level vO7. Free The bits to program in the P81 parameter are organized from the major to the minor. Example: 00001011 it indicates that the signal of the anemometrical sensor located at the half way and the S and P signals from the seismic sensor have been enabled ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement the Indcations ofthe present manual can be modiied without previous warning and i any] ase are 8 contract conmniment. The presen information publishing does nat represen resignation of inelietual property or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartLit-E 08211 Castor del Valles Pag. 125 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P82 Phases control Bit 0 (value 1): Enables the phase control Bit 1 (value 2): WOT relay teste don each movement Bit 2 (value 4): Enables rescue with UPS when DIRECT APPROACH Bit 3 (value 8): Disables the automatic locks disconnection after 3 seconds P83 VC time extended (Contactors surveillance) Enlarge the time for the contactors surveillance. From 0 to 10 seconds. This time is added to the one programmed on P39. P84 Chain’s compensation This parameter is used together with the MWS55 load weighting deivce. A number difierent to O has to be programmed to enable this function. The car's load is measured when the doors are closed, before starting a new travel and it is measured again when the car reaches the destination floor before the doors are opened. The difference between these two values is the chain's load compensation. ‘ue to the continuous products improvement, the Indications ofthe prosent manual con be modMfed without previous warning and i any case are a contract cormmitmant. The present information publishing does nat represent resignation of Ineletual propery or patent Copytgnt ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castear dl Vals Pag. 126 Smartuit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 13. Annex B: CAN peripheral configuration There is an address plan for each one of the possible CAN peripherals. You could find all the details in the technical documentation. If two peripherals had the same address they would produce a collapse in the CAN mains and their operation would be almost impossible. It is important to sequentially connect the different peripherals; that helps to find out any address error that collapses the network. 13.1 E?7PROM and / or DIP switch address The peripheral CAN logical direction can be set in its E7°ROM memory or in the Dipswitch. In order to program the E*PROM, the MW24 tool is required; it can be very simple to program the EPROM at the office, but more complicated at the installation, The peripheral accepts the E7PROM address only when the Dipswitch address is 00000000. ‘Thanks to that, one peripheral address with Dipswitch can be changed on site. The Dipswitch address configuration depends on every different device, but, as a general rule, the switch number 8 is the most significant bit and number 1 the less significant one. ON. ON’ OFF | ON ‘OFF ‘OFF 13.2. MW3, MW33, MW66 and MW10 Displays Selection of the assigned floor number OFF. ‘ON foo] a |r] | ‘ON = Car_ON= Landing ‘ON OF! Selection of the shaft number ‘ON Jeo} —1]>] on] 2/0] m2) 2] no] /-a ON-O! OFF-ON=1 ‘ON Example; Display installed on 5” floor, shaft 0. ‘62 (10000011) 014111111) 426 (10000001) 64 (11111101), ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the indications ofthe present manual can be modled withaut previous waming and Th 6 ‘5880 are a conract conmtment. The present information publishing doesnot represent resignation of talectual propery or patent Copyrgnt ©2007 Sanu -€ 08211 Castlar del Vales Pag. 127 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL, 685106B1 13.3. MW4N, MW4P and MWAR car control panels The address programming selector is located under the pushbutton in the 9” position posi [Sr Wee ee a Meee] 1 41 ON 2 2 OFF 3 4 ‘Selection of the assigned floor number ON 4 8 OFF 5 16 OFF 6 | OFF=Car ON= Hall OFF 7 1 ‘Selection of the Shaft number ON 8 2 ON-ON=0; OFF-ON=1 ON Example: Car contol panel installed in car with address 88, shaft, 13.4 MW7xxx ( Landing stations ) Programming the DIP switch of each pushbutton according to the code: [ernie] 4 4 OFF 2 2 ON 3 4 Selection of the assigned floor number OFF 4 8 ON 5 16 ON 6 | OFF= Car ON= Hall ON 7 4 ‘Selection of the shaft number ON 8 2 ON-ON=0; OFF-ON=1 ON Example: Pushbutton installed in shaft 0, floor 5 13.5 MW0304 /O modules They have two Dip Switches. One of them is to program the address and the other, with only 4 switches, for special functions. 1 1 OFF 2 2 ‘ON 3 4 Selection of the assigned floor number ‘ON, 4 8 OFF 5 16 ‘ON, 6 _| OFF=Car_ON= Hall ‘OFF 7 4 ‘Selection of the well number ‘ON, 8 2 ON-ON=0; OFF-ON=1 ‘ON’ Example: Building Management System (BMS) Floors 0 ... 7 Shaft 0, Address 41 Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castor dol Valos ‘Bue fo the continuous products iaprovornort tho indications of the present manual Gan be modified withoik previous waming and i en ‘8s are 8 contract commitment. Te present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Pag. 128 ‘Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL, 685106B1 1 4 Mode OFF-OFF=Normal; OFF-ON=No Inputs; OFF 2 2 ON-OFF=Keyboard; ON-ON= Without voltage dip ON 3 [4 ‘Arrows OFF 4 8 Not operative x ‘Example: ONLY Output mode 13.6 Car roof distributor The car roof distributor has a fixed logic address and it is programmed by default as shaft number 3, which is valid when none of the two jumpers are mounted. In order to program a shaft number different to 3, two jumpers are used, which are called J1 y J2. “ON” means placed (Closed). ‘ON ON ON. OFF There is a third jumper called JP3; when JP3 is placed closing the circuit, enables the 8 inputs/outputs for the car pushbuttons on the X220 connector. If these inputs/outputs are not used do not close the JP3 Jumper. ‘Bue tothe continous products improvement, the deatons of tho proscnt manual can be modfed witha previous warning and in ay] case are. contact commitment. The present information publishing cs ns represent resignalion of Itellectual property or patent Copyight ©2007 Smartt -€ 06211 Castetar del Valles Pag. 129 Smarttift® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 14. Annex C: Programning and commissioning of the MW64E telephone 14.1 Programming with the MM0054 terminal Connect the MM0054 programming console on the MW64E and you'll see the main screen. With the UP and DOWN keys we'll move to the other menus: 14.1.1. Mainscreen MM0054 EMU - NO FILE REG | oan From top to the bottom and left to right: TIME DATE — SOFTWARE VERSION STATUS OF THE MW64E NUMBER OF DETECTED ERRORS 14.1.2 Errors screen MMOO54 EMU -NO FILE REG Le [own] vee faci] sir | i Pressing on the PRG key, we can see the 10 last errors saved on the MW64E memory: ‘Due tothe continuous products inprovemert the indications of the present manual can be modified without provious waming and Ta ay ‘ase are @ contract commitment. The present inormation publishing doos nct represent resignation of itelectual property or patent CCopytight €2007 Smart 08211 Castllar del Valis Pag. 130 Smarttitt® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 rea Foe Pos [urs cf oer ‘The system shows the error’s time and date, the error Lumber and a short description. These are the MW64E errors: READ E2PROM: Internal E2PROM reading error WRITE E2PROM: Internal E2PROM writting error OVERLAP TASKO: Internal error, contact the technical service OVERLAP TASK: Internal error, contact the technical service OVERLAP TASK2: Intemal error, contact the technical service CAN BUSOFF: CAN communication error (CANRX CUEFULL: CAN reception error CANTX CUEFULL: CAN transmission error INCOMING CALL: Incoming calll error OUTGOING CALL: Outcoming call error ALARM CALL: Alarm erase error CYCLIC CALL: Cyclic call error 14.1.3. Inputs status screen read It shows the status of the different inputs of the MW64E: ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the indicalions of the present manual Can be modified without previous waming and ia any] 280 are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does net represent resignation of iellecual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartin-£ 08211 Cater de Vales Pag. 131 Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 BP1: PUSHBUTTON 1 BP2: PUSHBUTTON 2 IN1: FREE- FUTURE USE IN2: FREE- FUTURE USE IN3: FREE- FUTURE USE IN4: FREE- FUTURE USE INS: INPUT TO ENABLE THE CALL FILTER ICO: INTERCOMM ACTIVATED/DEACTIVATED RES: FREE- FUTURE USE 14.1.4 Consumption screen It shows the present consumption of the SPEAKER (SAO1). 14.1.5 Lift information screen Pres ee aac It shows the status of the lift ‘Du fo the continuous products faprovement, the indications of the present anual can be modified without previous waming and tn any] case are contract commitment. The present information publishing does net represert resignation of nalctval property or patent Copyright ©2007 SrarLiR-£ 08211 Castel del Vas Pag. 132 ‘Smarttit INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 14.1.6 Menu advanced user In order to access to the advanced mode, press SHT on the programming console, and insert the password. Pee na ce} i, | ees — J avec [a [ci ser | P| Use the direction Arrows to introduce the password and press enter with the PRG key. ‘These are the menus that can be found on the advanced mode: 4- Edit Param. 2- Erase Param. 3- Erase Errors 4- Record Synth, RECORD THE HOLD-ON MESSAGE 5- Play Synth LISTEN TO THE HOLD-ON MESSAGE 6- Clock set-up Press PRG to acces to any of these menus when it is highlighted. 14.1.7 Parameters editting On this screen the values of the parameters can be modified. Press PRG to edit one parame- ter. The up and donw arrows will be used to modify the programmed value. Press PRG to validate the new value. Press SHT to exit this mode without saving the changes. 14.1.8 Erase parameters If the parameters are erased with the programming console, the ones by default will be loaded. 14.1.9 Erase errors Erase all the errors that happened 14.1.10 Record the “Hold-on” message On this screen the “hold-on" message can be recorded (see the functioning of outcoming call) ‘Dus fo the continuous products improvement, the ineatons ofthe present manual can ba modified without previous warning and i a ‘ase ao 8 contract commitment. The present information publshing does net represent resignation of Itlloctal property or patent Coppight ©2007 Sra £08211 Caster de Vales Pag. 133 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 ekcte tad Lue own J cert fro si | | When PRG is pressed, the system will record the message through the microphone. Press PRG to stop recording the message. The message must last 10 seconds at most. 14.1.11 Listen the “hold-on” message Pict teas Press PRG to listen to the recorded messagethrough the SPEAKER. 14.1.12 Internal clock adjustment Adjust the date and the time of the MW64E’s internal clock. Up to increase the value, down to decrease it. Press SHT to exit the menu without saving the changes. 14.2 Operation: Functionning description 14.2.1 SOS call MW64E has the BP1 pushbutton to make the SOS call. Pressing this pushbutton Turing the time programmed on P16, the system will make the SOS call to the first programmed number ‘Dus i he contnaois products tnproveran, the halon of th presen manual can be moded witou previo warning and in Gr ‘case are contrat commitment. The present irormation publishing does nt rpresont reagnation o lotus property or patent Conysht ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Caster del Valos Pag. 134 Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 (P00). if the call is not made, the system will try to call the other numbers programmed (P01, P02 0 P03). If it can't comunicate with any of these 4 numbers, it'l start again with the one programmed on POO. This cycle is repeated according to the value programmed on P12. When the outcoming call is being in process, the yellow LED will be on (blinking) and the *hold-on" message will be played (if this has been programmed on P26). Once the call is established, the system will change to voice mode so the people in the car will be able to talk by phone. The call will last, at most, the time programmed on P41. This time can be increased in one minute pressing the keys < * >< 1 > from the phone that is receiving the emergency call. The call will be finished when the time programmed on P11 is reached or pressing 3 times the key <#> from the phone that is receiving the emergency call. 14.2.2 EN-81 mode If its mode is enable (P19), before the end of the call you have to activate the ALARM sending a DTMF code <* > <7 > (MW64E emergency phone answer with a audible sign, and to show you that the alarm has been sent and received correctly a green LED bright). If the DTMF code is not sent before the end of the call, the system will generate the call ONLY ‘one more time to show you that the alarm are not activated, 14.2.3 DEC Mode If DEC mode (P43) is programmed, the system has to communicate to a calll center to inform of which is the lift its has generated the call (P15) and the call type generated, in our case ‘SOS before commute to VOICE mode. Note: The phone numbers programmed in P02 and P03 has to be operatives numbers (like police or firefighter). When MWE64E has to call to any of this phone numbers, although DEC mode is. programmed, the system will not start identification protocol because police and firefighters do not have call center to attend this type of calls and then MW64E commute to VOICE mode. 14.2.4 Alarm activ ion Alarm activation is made from the telephone which receive the SOS call and at any moment of the call. To activate this mode, you hace to send < * > < 7 >. Once MW64E relieve this DTMF codes active the GREEN LED and send a tone to show that it is activated correctly. The alarm is only enable if EN-81 mode is actived (P19). When the time call is out and alarm is not activated, the system repeat one and ONLY time the call giving a chance to activate the alarm mode. Note: The alarm mode remain in the memory while an alarm erased is done. ‘Due (0 the continuous products Inprovernent, the indicators of the present manual can be modified without previous warning and iv any] 280 are @ contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 SmartLitt-E 08211 Castetar del Vailas, Pag. 135 Smarttift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 14.2.5 Call filtering The system have an input to activate the filtered call. When this input is active do not allow make SOS calls. This filter is cancelled if an alarm is activated 14.3 Call to erase the alarm If EN-81 mode is programmed and the alarm activated, the maintainer has to press BP2 and will start the alarm erased. The system registers the telephone number that generated the alarm and it calls this number when the BP2 is pressed during the necessary time. Once alarm has been erased correctly, the GREEN LED shall cease to be lit. Itis possible to activate the alarm without DEC mode (P13) programmed, the system will not send any outgoing call, but only will erase its alarm status and tum off the GREEN LED. 14.4 Technician call (Technical service) Calling from BP2 (if there is any alarm active) will generate a call to numbers stored in P04...P07. This numbers mustt NOT pass through any call center because the system does not start the identification protocol and switch to voice mode directly. This call has a duration programmed in P11 and can be extended by adding a minute each time you press the DTMFs <* >< 1 > from where the phone is receiving the call. 14.5 Cyclic call The MW64E phone has a system to check the correct telephone line functioning through the generation of cyclic calls (P21). This call is made on the hour and minute programmed in P23 and in the number programmed in P22. This call is made in silence and does not turn to VOICE if no error is detected. The system will always start the identification protocol with the telephone switchboard even If the DEC MODE is not programmed. This could permit to program SOS calls independently from the switchboard without affecting the cyclic calls’ functioning. The call will be made on even or odd day according to the value programmed on the P21 parameter. The system will try to make the cyclic call every minute. If during 36 hours the cyclic call was not made, the MW64E emergency phone will give that information to the lift throught the X317 output and via CAN bus to act consequently. ‘Due fo the continuous products improvement, the dications of the present manual can be modified withock previous warning and lary] ‘ase are contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intelectual property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt -€ 08211 Castellar del Valles Pag. 136 ‘Smartlit INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 14.6 Incoming call The MW64E emergency phone can accept incoming calls and answer when it counts the number of “rings” programmed on P47. The system can work with up to 4 different telephones connected on the same line. To enable this option, the P20 (AUTOCOM) must be programmed as 1- 4, This is the description of its behaviour: Once the telephones detect the incoming call, all of them answer the phone call and the person who is making the call has 10 seconds to snd the AUTOCOM DTMF telephone identifier with which he wants to talk to (1 a4). On that moment, all the lifts detect the DTMF and if it does not coincide with the value programmed on the P20 parameter, they cut their communication so only the correct one will be able to start the communication. The phone that accepts the call sends a sound to indicate that it has ac- cepted the phone call and that it tuned to VOICE mode. The person who is making the phone call can establish communication with all the lifts sending the DTMF <9 >. The call lasts the time programmed on the parameter P11. This time can be enlarged one minute pressing the DTMFs <*> <1 >, 14.6.1 Remote parameters setting The parameters of the MW64E emergency phone can be programmed sending DTMF codes. For that purpose, when in VOICE mode, press < * >< 9 >. When the MW64E emergency phone receives this code, it sends an acoustic signal indicating its new status and informing that it is waiting for the CODE. This is the CODE programmed on the paramenter P24. If the sent code is the correct one, the MWE4E emergency phone will send an acousting signal indicating that everything is correct and that it is waiting for the number of the parameter to be modified. Note: If after 5 seconds, no code or parameter has been sent to the MW64E emergency phone, the system tums back to VOICE mode. Two acoustic signals will be sent to indicate that the phone changed to VOICE mode. Edit parameters Press the two digits of the parameter to be modified. If the number is correct, the MW64E. emergency phone makes a BIP and waits for the new value of the parameter. This value must be introduced and finish it pressing < # >. If everything has been correct, the system ‘sends two acoustic signals and turns to VOICE mode. Note: if after 5 seconds, no code or parameter has been sent to the MW64E emergency phone, the system turns back to VOICE mode. Two acoustic signals will be sent to indicate that the phone changed to VOICE mode. Error warnings If during the “parameter editing” procedure there is an error (wrong CODE, wrong parameter number, or wrong value), the MW64E emergency phone, sends two acoustic signals indicat- case are # contract commitment. The present information publishing does net represent resignation of Itllocta property or patent ‘Dua the contncous prods provement he dations of the present manual canbe modied wih previous warning and i CCopytght ©2007 Smanit-E 06211 Castlar del Valles Pag. 137 SmartLift INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 ing that it is not correct and changes to VOICE mode. This procedure must be done with the speaker and micro disconnected to prevent from bothering the people from inside the car. Advanced functions ‘The user has advanced functions accessible remotely via DTMFs. These functions are enabling entering a number of specific parameter: 69: Resets the CPU 70: Force to make a cyclic call in the time the call ends (once introduced this parameter, switch to voice mode atomatically). 14.6.2 Telemonitoring of the controllers’ state When the MW64E emergency phone is connected to a SmartLift SUC+ controller, it is able to give the information about the lift status and the 3 last events* that occurred in the installation through the telephone line. For that purpose it is necessary to do the following procedure: - Connect the MW4E emergency phone the the controller through the CAN Bus net. - Program the correct number of shaft on the P25 parameter. It is important to note that if the shaft number is not correctly programmed, communication errors can occur. In this moment, the MW64E emergency phone is ready to give us the information about the lift status. For that purpose, a call to the MW64E phone must be done, and when it i son VOICE mode, press < * >< 9 >. When the MW64E receives this message, it sends an acoustic signal informing about its new status and waiting for the CODE. This CODE is the one programmed on P24. If the CODE is sent correctly, the MW64E will send an acoustic signal indicating that everythig is correct. On that moment, the code <8><0> must be intro- duced and automatically, the MW64E emergency phone will inform about the lift status and the 3 last events. Note: If the CODE or parameter is not introduced after 5 seconds, the system turns to VOICE mode. Two acoustic signals will be sent to inform that it is turning to VOICE mode. (*) The 3 last events will be shown if the time between them is less than 6 seconds. 14.7 Intercom mode When the MW64E detects that the PTT pushbutton has been pressed, it activates the ‘speaker and microphone to start the Communications with it. This communication lasts 3 minutes and 15 seconds. After this time, it returns to normal mode. 14.8 MWG64E telephone parameters P00 _ First telephone number, activated with the BP1 This is the first telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP1 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘9,7,", # or'S) ‘Bue fo the coniinusus producta improvement. the indications ofthe prosent manual can be modified withouk previous waming and Mh a case are contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intllectual property or patent Conyight ©2007 Smanuin-€ 06211 Casttor det Vales Pag. 138 Smartlit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 “*: This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. '$': This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress”. ‘4: Itt generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. ‘f: This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: POO: /MHI/1937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘/' because they are not used. Value programmed by default: //////////III! P01 Second telephone number, activated with the BP1 This is the second telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP1 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0’ .. ‘8’, ’,*, #' or ‘S. “: This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. his symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress”. ‘¥#: It generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. ‘T: This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: PO1: /NI11I937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘/ because they are not used. Value programmed by default: ////MINIII P02 Third telephone number, activated with the BP‘ (Firemen and police). This is the third telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP1 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0’ .. 9°, ’,™, #’ or '$'. ase are contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of intalectual property oF patent ‘Bus fo tho continuous prodicis provement, the Indications ofthe present manual can be modied without previous warning and in any] Coppight ©2007 SmartLin- 08211 Castor del Valles Pag. 139 Smartt INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 : This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. ‘$': This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress”. ‘#: It generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. ‘I: This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: P02: /I/II937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as '!’ because they are not used Value programmed by default: ///IINUII P03 Fourth telephone number, activated with the BP1 (Firemen and police). This is the fourth telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP1 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0’ .. ‘9 # or’. ‘*"; This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. ‘$': This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “calll progress”. ‘#: It generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. ‘T: This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: PO3: /HNI1937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘! because they are not used. Value programmed by default: //M/IIIIT ‘ue fo the continuous producls improvemer, tha ications ofthe present manual can be modified without previous wariing and lary] {2se are a contract commitment. The present information publishing does not represent resignation of ifelectval property or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartt 06211 Castalia del Valts Pag. 140 Smarttit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL 685106B1 P04 _ First telephone number, activated with the BP2 This is the first telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP2 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0’... 9’, ‘/, , ‘# or ‘$'. his symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. : This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress". ‘i: It generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. ‘T: This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: P04: HiN/N937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘/' because they are not used. Value programmed by default: ////M/NIHII1 P05 Second telephone number, activated with the BP2 This is the second telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP2 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0’ .. ‘9°, ‘/,*, #' or ‘$'. “": This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. ‘$': This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress". ‘#: It generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. ‘I: This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: POS: /M/N1937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘/ because they are not used. Value programmed by default: /M/N/IIIII ‘Dus tothe continuous products provement, the nleations ofthe present manual can be rmodiied without provious warning and ih any ‘880 are 8 coriract commlment. The present information publshing does not represent resignation of inellectvalproporty or patent Copyright ©2007 Smartit-E 08211 Castor del Valles Pag. 141 SmartLit® INSTRUCTION MANUAL. 685106B1 P06 Third telephone number, activated with the BP2 This is the third telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP2 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0" .. ‘9, 7," # or '$’. “": This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. ‘$': This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress”. 'W: It generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, P00 must be programmed as follows: POG: /M//937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘ because they are not used. Value programmed by default: /M/////IIII P07 Fourth telephone number, activated with the BP2BP2 This is the fourth telephone number that will be called when pressing the BP2 pushbutton. 16 digits can be used: ‘0’ .. ‘9', 7, ”, # or 'S’. ‘: This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that generates the standard line tone once the number has been dialled and not when the phone is activated. ‘$: This symbol must be introduced before the telephone number in case that the telephone line goes through a telephone switchboard that does not generate the standard line tone once the number has been dialled or when the phone is activated. If this happens, the system will not be able to connect with a DEC and it will not detect the “call progress’. ‘#: It, generates a 2 seconds pause between the diallings. : This symbol is used for the blank spaces when programming the telephone numbers. Example: If the telephone 937270074 must be dialled, POO must be programmed as follows: P07: HMli1937270074 The first 7 digits are programmed as ‘ because they are not used. Value programmed by default: ////MMIIIIII ‘Bus fo Tho continuous products improvement, the indicalions of fa prosant manual can bo modified without provious waming and in en case are @ contract commitment. The present Ihformation publishing does nat represert resignation of intelectual property or patent Conyight ©2007 Smarui-£ 08211 Caster dl Vals Pag, 142

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