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AAD AND WEF 7703- TCENT K/L Addis Ababa Housing Construction Project Office PASE SAA NEA Dt] PCIE KIL AKAKI KALITI BRANCH OFFICE nace, Refno AK: £:.02/23699/.a Date — TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ‘Mr. Sintayehu Terefe who had been a staff in our Housing Construction project office has requested with a letter dated 8/1/2013 to get his work experience certificate stating the period-he has soured, the position hold and the respective salary amounts there in. According; We here by certify that the above named person had been serving as Supervisor and Inspector Officer of Construction from June 14/2011 until March 8/2012 and holding a Senior Officer of Infrastructure and House Acceptance position from March 9/2012 up to this letter has been written by eaming a gross monthly salary of $353.00 /Five Thousand three hundred fifty three/ Eth.Birr. Now Mr. Sintayehu Terefe is working in our project office and we would like to certify that all income tax had been deducted from his monthly salary and submitted to the concemed office.

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