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Institutt for elektronikk og telekommunikasjon

Januar 2006

Waveguide propagation

Helge Engan


1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
2 Propagation in waveguides, general relations .................................................................... 2
2.1 TEM waves ................................................................................................................ 7
2.2 TE waves .................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 TM waves................................................................................................................. 14
3 TE modes in metallic waveguides ................................................................................... 14
3.1 TE modes in a parallel-plate waveguide .................................................................. 14
3.1.1 Mathematical analysis ...................................................................................... 15
3.1.2 Physical interpretation ..................................................................................... 17
3.1.3 Velocities ......................................................................................................... 19
3.1.4 Fields ................................................................................................................ 21
3.2 TE modes in rectangular waveguides ...................................................................... 23
3.2.1 Transition to a TE mode in a rectangular waveguide ...................................... 23
3.2.2 TE modes in rectangular waveguides; general case ........................................ 25
4 TE modes in a dielectric slab waveguide ......................................................................... 30
4.1 Discussion ................................................................................................................ 30
4.2 Example ................................................................................................................... 35
5 Optical fiber ..................................................................................................................... 38
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 38
5.2 Definition of the problem......................................................................................... 38
5.3 Solutions .................................................................................................................. 39
6 Appendix. Bessel functions ............................................................................................. 43

p. 1
1 Introduction

In electromagnetism a transmission line transmits the fundamental

TEM mode which propagates signals at arbitrarily low frequencies.
This requires at least two conductors. In this note we will consider
components which do not transmit the TEM mode, but nevertheless
are used for transmission of signals. These components are here called
waveguides. One example is a hollow metallic waveguide which
transmits waves in its interior and contains only one conductor.
Another example is a dielectric slab which does not contain a
conductor at all. A third example is a regular transmission line
operated in a mode different from the TEM mode. In a certain sense
the two terms are overlapping: A transmission line is guiding waves,
and a waveguide does transmit signals. Nevertheless, we shall define
the transmission line as one transmitting the TEM mode, and a
waveguide as propagating other modes. A consequence of this is that
metallic waveguides (but not dielectric ones) are associated with a
distinct frequency below which the mode of interest can not
propagate. Also, in a waveguide the group velocity and phase velocity
are both different from the plane wave velocity.

Applications are primarily within all uses of high frequencies where

the specific properties are advantageous. A metallic waveguide has
lower loss and can transmit higher power than regular transmission
lines. The signal also leaks out to a much less extent. A dielectric
waveguide such as an optical fiber can transmit significantly more
information than any other waveguiding device or transmission line.

In the following discussion we shall consider only lossless materials.

This means that all conductors and dielectrics have perfect material

2 Propagation in waveguides, general relations

We will consider some relations which are valid for waveguide

structures of arbitrary cross section. We assume that the waveguide

p. 2
structures are cylindrical which means that the cross section is
uniform, so that it does not vary along the propagation path.

We assume that the wave propagation is in the +z-direction and is

harmonic with time. This means that all field components can be
described by the factor e jωt e−γ z = eα z e j (ωt − β z ) , where γ is the propagation
constant and ω is the angular frequency. As an example, a physical or
instantaneous electric vector field E ( x, y, z, t ) that is part of an
electromagnetic wave has three cartesian components and varies in
space and time. With harmonic wave propagation in z-direction this
field can be represented by an electric field phasor vector
Eˆ ( x, y, z ) so that

r r r

E ( x, y, z, t ) = Re E ( x, y, z )e } {
= Re Eˆ 0 ( x, y)e jωt −γ z }, (1)

where the z-independent electric field phasor vector Eˆ 0 ( x, y) has been
introduced. This quantity varies with the transverse coordinates only
and is convenient to introduce to suppress the z-variation in the
following equations. Since we have harmonic propagation, we can do
formal substitutions in the equations so that

Fig. 1. Uniform waveguide with constant cross section along z-


p. 3

→ jω ,
∂t (2)

→ −γ .

We shall now discuss what this means to propagation in a waveguide

as shown in Fig. 1. Previously we have developed the Helmholtz's
equations for the electric and magnetic fields expressed by the phasor
vectors so that we obtain (when suppressing the z-variation)
r r
∇ E +k E = 0,
2 2 ˆ
r r
∇ H + k H = 0.
2 ˆ 2 ˆ

Here the wave number of an unbounded medium k = ω µε has been

r r
used, and Ê and Ĥ are functions of three space coordinates.

Since we know that the solution represents a wave in the z-direction,

we want to separate the z-part of the Laplacian operator. As an
example, we write for the electric field in Cartesian coordinates
r r r ⎛ r r
∂ 2 ⎞ ˆ
∇ E = (∇⊥ + ∇ z ) E = (∇ xy + ∇ z ) E = ⎜ ∇ xy + 2 ⎟ E = (∇ xy + γ ) E ,
2 2 2 ˆ 2 2 ˆ 2 2 2 ˆ
⎝ ∂z ⎠

where we have replaced the transverse part of the Laplacian operator

∂2 ∂2
∇ 2⊥ by the Cartesian version ∇2xy = + . Substituted into Eq. (3) and
∂x 2 ∂y 2
multiplied by eγ z this gives
r r r r
∇2xy Eˆ 0 + (γ 2 + k 2 ) Eˆ 0 = ∇2xy Eˆ 0 + h2 Eˆ 0 = 0 , (6)

so that now only variation in the transverse coordinates is involved.

By the same procedure we obtain
r r r r
∇ H + (γ + k ) H = ∇ xy H + h H = 0 ,

0 2 2 ˆ 0 2 ˆ0 2 ˆ0

p. 4
where we have introduced

h2 = γ 2 + k 2 . (8)

The substitution we did above for the transverse part of the Laplacian
operator is an arbitrary substitution. If we had chosen cylindrical
1 ∂ ⎛ ∂ ⎞ 1 ∂ 2
coordinates, for example, we would have written ∇ =2
⎜ r ⎟ + .
r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ r 2 ∂φ 2

The two vector equations (6) and (7) actually represent six second r
differential equations, one for each spatial component of Ê 0 or
Ĥ 0 . In solving for these unknown variables, we have to specify the
transverse geometry and the boundary conditions. The six vector
components (each dependent on space coordinates) are dependent
through Maxwell’s equations. We will use the two curl equations
(source-free case) for this purpose. Using the assumed variation with z
and t, we obtain
r r r r
∇ × Eˆ = − jωµ Hˆ → ∇ × Hˆ = jωε Eˆ →

∂Eˆ 0z ⎫ ∂Hˆ 0z ⎫
+ γ Eˆ 0y = − jωµ Hˆ 0x (a) ⎪ + γ Hˆ 0y = jωε Eˆ 0x (a) ⎪
∂y ⎪ ∂y ⎪
∂E ˆ 0 ⎪⎪ (9) ˆ
∂H z 0 ⎪⎪ (10)
−γ Eˆ 0x − z = − jωµ Hˆ 0y (b) ⎬ −γ Hˆ 0x − = jωε Eˆ 0y (b) ⎬
∂x ⎪ ∂x ⎪
∂Eˆ y ∂Eˆ 0x
0 ⎪ ∂Hˆ y ∂Hˆ 0x
0 ⎪
− = − jωµ Hˆ 0z (c) ⎪ − = jωε Eˆ 0z (c) ⎪
∂x ∂y ⎪⎭ ∂x ∂y ⎪⎭

Because of the discussion that follows later, it is practical to consider

the four transverse field components as unknown variables, and
express them as functions of the field components in z-direction. This
can be obtained as follows. If we inspect Eqs. (9)(a) and(10)(b), these
two equations contain the two “unknown” variables Eˆ y0 and Hˆ x0 . We
can eliminate Eˆ y0 by multiplying the first equation by jωε while the
second is multiplied by γ, followed by adding the two resulting

p. 5
equations. This gives an expression for Hˆ x0 . Multiplying the same two
equations by other factors (find them!) eliminates Hˆ x0 and obtains Eˆ y0 .
By operating in the same way on Eqs. (9)(b) and (10)(a), we obtain
results for Eˆ x0 and Hˆ y0 . The result is

1 ⎛ ∂Hˆ z0 ∂Eˆ z0 ⎞
ˆ 0
H x = − 2 ⎜ γ − jωε ⎟ , (11)
h ⎝ ∂x ∂y ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂Hˆ z0 ∂Eˆ z0 ⎞
ˆ 0
H y = − 2 ⎜ γ + jωε ⎟ , (12)
h ⎝ ∂y ∂x ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂Eˆ z0 ∂Hˆ z0 ⎞
ˆ 0
Ex = − 2 ⎜ γ + jωµ ⎟ , (13)
h ⎝ ∂x ∂y ⎠
1 ⎛ ∂Eˆ z0 ∂Hˆ z0 ⎞
ˆ 0
E y = − 2 ⎜ γ − jωµ ⎟ , (14)
h ⎝ ∂y ∂x ⎠

where, as before, h2 = γ 2 + k 2 , γ = α + j β and k = ω µε . We therefore solve

the complete field problem in two basic steps:

1. We first solve Eqs. (6) and (7) for the longitudinal wave field

2. Then we find the transverse components from Eqs. (11) - (14).

It turns out that the electromagnetic waves we will discuss, can be

conveniently divided into three groups according to the z-components
of the electric and magnetic fields.

1. Transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waves. In this case both Ez

and Hz are zero. An example of this is a plane electromagnetic
wave which has both electric and magnetic field perpendicular to
the propagation direction.

2. Transverse electric (TE) waves contain no electric field

component in the z-direction. However, the magnetic field
contains a z-component.

p. 6
3. Transverse magnetic (TM) waves contain no magnetic field
component in the z-direction. However, the electric field
contains a z-component.

These wave groups will be discussed in the following.

2.1 TEM waves

In this case both Ez and Hz are zero. From Eqs. (11) - (14) we see that
this implies the trivial condition that all transverse fields are also zero
unless h 2 = 0 . Therefore, TEM waves exist only when
hTEM = γ TEM + k 2 = 0 . (15)
2 2

This further implies that

γ TEM = jk = jω µε , (16)

which is the same relation we know from a uniform plane wave in an

infinite medium, and also from a TEM wave on a lossless
transmission line. In all three cases we therefore obtain the same phase
velocity given by
ω 1
u p (TEM ) = = . (17)
k µε

We obtain the ratio between the x-component of the electric field and
the y-component of the magnetic field by using Eqs. (9)(b) and (16).
This gives the wave impedance

Eˆ x0 jωµ jωµ µ
ZTEM @ 0= = = =η . (18)
H y γ TEM jω µε ε

This shows that the phase velocity up and ZTEM are

• equal to the plane wave velocity u and the intrinsic impedance
η, respectively, for plane waves in the medium,
• both independent of frequency.

p. 7
We can also find (from Eqs. (9)(a) and (16)) that the ratio of the two
other transverse field components can be written

Eˆ y0 jωµ µ
=− = − ZTEM = − . (19)
Hˆ x0
γ TEM ε

The results we have obtained for the transverse fields in Eqs. (18) and
(19) can be written as the vector equation

r 1 r r
H= az × E , (20)

after we have multiplied each wave component by ejωte-γz and taken the
real part. This form is equal to the relation we know from propagation
of a uniform plane wave in an unbounded medium.

We will now show that waveguides of a closed cross section with only
one conductor can not support TEM waves. In magnetostatics we have
learned that magnetic flux lines always close upon themselves. This is
also true in time-varying cases. Therefore a possible TEM wave in a
waveguide would contain B and H fields forming closed loops in the
transverse plane. By using Ampere's law around one such loop, we
would find that there would be a current inside the loop in the
longitudinal direction. This current would be the sum of conduction
and displacement current. The absence of a center conductor would
give zero conduction current. Also, the displacement current ( ∂D / ∂t )
would have no longitudinal component since for TEM waves Ez = 0
by definition. Since no total longitudinal current occurs, the solution
does not exist if only one conductor is present.

We conclude that a hollow waveguide consisting of a single conductor

can not support TEM waves. If we have a hollow waveguide with a
center conductor such as in a coaxial cable, however, TEM waves are
supported. Other two-conductor waveguides such as striplines and
two-wire lines also support these waves.

p. 8
2.2 TE waves

Transverse electric (TE) waves have no electric field component in the

z-direction. They can be analyzed by solving for the z-component of
Eq. (7) to give:

∇ 2xy Hˆ z0 + h 2 Hˆ z0 = 0 . (21)

As discussed above, the field problem can be solved by first solving

this second-order partial differential equation with appropriate
boundary conditions at the walls. Thereafter, we can find all
transverse field components by setting Ez equal to zero in Eqs. (11) to
(14). This gives the equations

γ ∂Hˆ z0
Hˆ x0 = − 2 , (22)
h ∂x
γ ∂Hˆ z0
Hˆ y0 = − 2 , (23)
h ∂y
jωµ ∂Hˆ z0
Eˆ x0 = − 2 , (24)
h ∂y
jωµ ∂Hˆ z0
Eˆ y0 = 2 . (25)
h ∂x

The wave impedance is the ratio between two perpendicular field

components. We find

Eˆ 0 Eˆ y0 jωµ
ZTE @ x0 = − 0 = . (26)
Hˆ y Hˆ x γ

It should be noted that although the field components are functions of

the transverse coordinates, the wave impedance does not vary over the
cross section. Eq. (26) also implies the following vector equation:
r r r
E = − ZTE az × H ), (27)

p. 9
As stated above, the waveguide problem can be solved by starting
with the Helmholtz’ equation for the longitudinal field Hz (Eq. (21)). It
turns out that solutions are possible only for discrete values of h.
There is an infinite number of these values, but not all values are
possible. These values are called characteristic values or eigenvalues
of this specific problem. Each of these eigenvalues is associated with a
particular mode which is characterized by a unique combination of its

• velocity and
• field distribution.

We shall now show that the eigenvalues are all real numbers. Some
important conclusions that are valid in the general case can be found
from this fact. We know from Eq. (8) that

γ = h2 − k 2 = h2 − ω 2 µε . (28)

Two distinct ranges for the propagation constant can be found,

depending on whether the argument under the square root is positive
or negative. Let us start with the value zero for this argument. The
value γ = 0 gives the condition

ω c2 µε = h 2 . (29)

From this equation we conclude that h is real. We find the cutoff


ωc h
fc = = , (30)
2π 2π µε

which depends on the eigenvalue of the particular eigenmode. We can

then rewrite Eq. (28) in terms of fc into

ω 2 µε ⎛ f ⎞
γ = h 1− = h 1 − ⎜ ⎟ . (31)
h2 ⎝ f c ⎠

p. 10
We will find the wavelength for a plane wave in an unbounded
medium given by µ and ε corresponding to fc. In this medium u = 1/ µε
is the velocity of light. Therefore,

u 1 2π
λc = = = . (32)
fc fc µε h

Thus the eigenvalue can be interpreted as the wavenumber for plane

waves at the cutoff frequency.

We shall consider two main cases; frequencies above and under the
cutoff frequency.

Case 1. f > f c or ⎛⎜ f ⎞⎟ > 1 .
⎝ f c ⎠
Frequency is higher than the cutoff frequency. In this range γ is
imaginary. Its value is

2 2 2
⎛ h ⎞ ⎛ ω / u ⎞ ⎛ f ⎞
2 2
γ = j β = j k − h = jk 1 − ⎜ ⎟ = jk 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ = jk 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ . (33)
⎝ k ⎠ ⎝ ω / u ⎠ ⎝ f ⎠

Thus we have a propagating mode with a phase constant

⎛ f ⎞
β = k 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ . (34)
⎝ f ⎠

This phase constant is characteristic of the propagation in the z-

direction which is along the waveguide axis. Thus we can define a
periodicity along the waveguide, the guide wavelength

2π 2π k λ
λg = = = >λ, (35)
β k β f
1 − ⎛⎜ c ⎞⎟
⎝ f ⎠

p. 11
2π 2π u
λ= = = (36)
k ω µε f

is the wavelength of a plane wave in an unbounded medium given by

µ and ε.

The relation between γ, k and h in Eq. (28) can be transformed into a

relation between the wavelengths we have introduced above. From
Eq. (28) this gives

k 2 = β 2 + h2 (37)
1 1 1
= 2
+ . (38)
λ λ g λc2

The phase velocity of the wave in the guide is

ω ω k u λg
up = = = = u >u. (39)
β k β f
2 λ
1 − ⎛⎜ c ⎞⎟
⎝ f ⎠

This equation shows that the phase velocity for a propagating mode in
a waveguide is always higher than the plane wave velocity in an
unbounded material of the same properties, and that it is frequency
dependent. Thus the mode is dispersive in a single-conductor
waveguide, although a plane wave in an unbounded medium of the
same properties is nondispersive.

The group velocity is

ug = , (40)
d β dω
where from Eq. (34) we can write

⎛ ω ⎞ k 1
β = k 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ = ω 2 − ωc2 = ω 2 − ωc2 . (41)
⎝ ω ⎠ ω u

p. 12
This yields

f λ
ug = u 1 − ⎛⎜ c ⎞⎟ = u < u . (42)
⎝ f ⎠ λg

By multiplying Eqs. (39) and (42) we find

u pug = u 2 . (43)

An illustration of these relations will be found later.

From Eqs. (26) and (33) we find the wave impedance to be

jωµ jωµ η
. (44)
⎛ f ⎞ ⎛ f ⎞ ⎛ f ⎞
jk 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ jω µε 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ 1 − ⎜ c ⎟
⎝ f ⎠ ⎝ f ⎠ ⎝ f ⎠

This shows that the wave impedance of a propagating TE mode in a

waveguide consisting of a lossless dielectric is purely resistive.

Case 2. f < f c or ⎛⎜ f ⎞⎟ < 1.
⎝ f c ⎠
Frequency is lower than the cutoff frequency and γ is real. From Eq.
(31) we see:

⎛ f ⎞
γ = α = h 1 − ⎜ ⎟ . (45)
⎝ f c ⎠

This means that the phase constant is zero, so the mode is non-
propagating or evanescent. The attenuation constant α causes the
amplitude to be attenuated according to e-αz.

We have seen that the waveguide acts as a high-pass filter such that
only frequencies f > fc for the relevant mode can propagate in the
waveguide. Lower frequencies will not be transmitted through the
p. 13
2.3 TM waves

Transverse magnetic (TM) waves have no magnetic field component

in the z-direction. They can be analyzed by solving Eq. (6) for Eˆ z0 :

∇2xy Eˆ z0 + h2 Eˆ z0 = 0 . (46)

In the same way as for TE waves, this equation can be solved by

applying the appropriate boundary conditions at the walls. The
detailed solutions have some distinct differences from the TE case. On
the other hand, the methods and solutions for the two mode classes
have many similarities. We will therefore not pursue this theme
further here.

We shall next look into wave propagation of TE waves in specific


3 TE modes in metallic waveguides

We shall now discuss metallic waveguides. This means that
propagation of the electric and magnetic fields is along one or several
electric conductors.

3.1 TE modes in a parallel-plate waveguide

The parallel-plate waveguide consists of two parallel metal sheets as

shown in Fig. 2. This configuration is also known as a planar
transmission line. From earlier we know that this configuration can
transmit signals of frequencies all the way down to zero. Operated in
this way the signal is transmitted as a TEM mode. We shall see that
this is not the only mode that can be transmitted.

p. 14

b x

Fig. 2. An infinite parallel-plate waveguide.

In Fig. 2 two parallel metal plates with a dielectric material in between

constitute the transmission line with propagation in z-direction. The
dimension in this direction is assumed to be infinite. In this analysis
we assume the plate distance b to be much smaller than the plate
width in the x-direction. We therefore neglect fringe fields at the plate
edges, and assume uniform fields along x-direction as if the plates
have an infinite width. This means that we can do a two-dimensional
analysis where any variation in the x-direction is zero. After the
mathematical analysis we shall discuss a physical interpretation of this
case and also illustrate some more general concepts related to
waveguide propagation.

3.1.1 Mathematical analysis

Since there is no x-variation, Eq. (21) can be written

d 2 Hˆ z0 ( y ) 2 ˆ 0
+ h Hz ( y) = 0. (47)
dy 2

The general solution of this problem can be written

p. 15
Hˆ z0 ( y ) = A sin ( hy ) + B cos ( hy ) . (48)

The boundary condition we need to determine the constants can be

obtained from Eq. (24). The tangential electric field Ex must vanish at
the boundaries, therefore

dHˆ z0 ( y )
= 0 at y = 0 and y = b . (49)

The first condition gives A = 0 while the second condition gives

h= . (50)
where n is an integer. Therefore,
⎛ nπ y ⎞
Hˆ z0 ( y ) = Bn cos ⎜ ⎟ , (51)
⎝ b ⎠

and the only two other fields are

γ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Hˆ y0 ( y ) = Bn sin ⎜ ⎟ , (52)
h ⎝ b ⎠

jωµ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Eˆ x0 ( y ) = Bn sin ⎜ ⎟ . (53)
h ⎝ b ⎠

We note that the integer n gives the number of half periods of the
variation of the fields over the cross section. Therefore these modes
are denoted TEn modes. The value n = 0 must be excluded since this
case corresponds to fields having no variations over the cross section,
and we have already the condition that the electric field is zero at the
boundaries. In the following discussion we shall limit ourselves to the
case n = 1.

p. 16
3.1.2 Physical interpretation

We now want to discuss more physical aspects of the TE1 mode

obtained from these results. In accordance with the previous section,
let us start by assuming a two-dimensional problem with the electric
field parallel to the x-axis. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.

y b E-field

x z

Fig. 3. Two-dimensional TE problem.

Let us attempt to transmit a single plane uniform TEM wave of this

polarization through this structure. We see that any such single wave
propagating within the structure will have tangential electric fields
different from zero at the metallic boundaries. This violates the
boundary conditions for perfect conductors. Therefore this solution
does not exist.

It is, however, possible to satisfy the boundary conditions if we

introduce two plane waves of this polarization which propagate in
different directions within the structure.


Fig. 4. TE mode as a sum of two TEM waves.
p. 17
Assume a plane wave traveling along the inner part of the structure at
an angle θ with the surface normal as indicated by thick lines in Fig.
4. The propagation direction is shown by an arrow and the phase
planes by full lines (+ phase) and dashed lines (- phase), respectively.
The phase planes are perpendicular to the propagation direction. This
upward directed wave will be reflected by the metallic surface into a
downward propagating wave (thin lines) at the same angle θ. Upon
reflection from the upper plane, y = b, the boundary conditions for the
tangential field, Etang = 0 must be satisfied. This means that the
upward propagating wave will have a positive extremum value at the
same location as the downward propagating wave has a negative
extremum. A similar reflection will occur at the lower boundary, y =
0. For the two waves to give zero total field also here, the two waves
must have the same amplitude and be at opposite phase here. From the
triangle ABC in Fig. 4 we find that

cos θ = . (54)

Since we must have cosθ ≤ 1 we require λ ≤ 2b = λc where λc is the cutoff

wavelength. If we write this condition

λ λc
≤ , (55)
u u

we obtain the following frequency condition,

f ≥ fc = , (56)

where fc is the cutoff frequency. The meaning of this is that the mode
can be propagated only at frequencies above this cutoff frequency as
was also found in Chapter 2.

Returning to Eq. (54), we see that it can be written

p. 18
λ fc
cos θ = = , (57)
λc f

which means that the angle θ varies with frequency.

We can define the periodicity along the waveguide by the guide

wavelength (distance BD)

2π λ λ λ
λg ≡ = = = ≥λ. (58)
β sin θ 1 − cos θ 2
⎛ f ⎞

1 − ⎜ c ⎟
⎝ f ⎠

Thus we have shown on a field basis that this propagating mode can
be interpreted as the interference of two plane waves which are
coupled together by boundary conditions satisfied by reflections at
these boundaries.
3.1.3 Velocities

We can define three different velocities in the planar waveguide. With

reference to Fig. 5, we consider two phase planes at a distance δr,
corresponding to the distance the plane wave has propagated during
the time δt.

δr 1
This defines the plane wave velocity u= = . If we consider the
δt µε
velocity at which a phase plane intersection with the boundary
propagates in z-direction, we find that this phase velocity is

u u
up = = . (59)
sin θ ⎛ f ⎞

1 − ⎜ c ⎟
⎝ f ⎠

If we send a short pulse of energy along the waveguide, it bounces up

and down between the two boundaries by reflection. The velocity of
the energy propagation in the direction of the waveguide axis is the
component of u along the guide axis. It is called the energy or group
velocity and it is given by
p. 19
⎛ f ⎞
u g = u sin θ = u 1 − ⎜ c ⎟ , (60)
⎝ f ⎠

where θ is found from Eq. (57). The variation of these three velocities
with frequency is shown in Fig. 6. The figure demonstrates the
dispersion of up and ug.


u =1 µε
θ u g = u sin θ

u p = u / sin θ

Fig. 5. Demonstration of three different velocities.

Fig. 6. Phase velocity and group velocity as functions of frequency in

relative magnitudes. Straight line corresponds to plane wave velocity.

p. 20
As is apparent from these two equations, the velocities satisfy the
following relations:

ug ≤ u ≤ u p , (61)
ug u p = u 2 . (62)

This agrees with our previous general discussion of the different

velocities. In particular, it is seen that when f → fc , ug → 0 and u p → ∞ .

3.1.4 Fields

The electric field has one component which is directed in the x-

direction. This field is zero at the boundaries and varies sinusoidally
between the boundaries by one half period.


z RB

Fig. 7. Visualization of the magnetic field. Phase planes of the two

interfering plane waves between the metal boundaries are shown as
straight lines.

p. 21
The magnetic field has both y- and z- components. We can find some
important properties of this field by considering the concept of two
interfering plane waves. We first consider point B on the metal
boundary in Fig. 7 where both waves have a maximum amplitude, and
where they are of opposite phase. At this point the magnetic field of
one plane wave will be directed to the right of and perpendicular to
the propagation direction while the other contribution will be directed
to the left. This gives a resulting magnetic field vector RB which is
directed in the z-direction. If on the other hand we consider points
along the center line of the waveguide such as point C, the phases of
the two plane waves are the same. The two magnetic field
contributions will therefore be directed to the same side compared to
the respective propagation direction of each plane wave. As a function
of z, point C represents maximum magnitude of both fields, and the
resulting field RC will therefore be a maximum and be directed in the

We further note that the two points B and C are displaced by ¼ period
( λg / 4 ) along the waveguide. By combining this information with the
discussion above and also with information from similar points, we
conclude that it is possible for the H-field to describe closed loops in
the y-z-plane. This agrees with our fundamental knowledge of the
magnetic field. One such closed loop is indicated in Fig. 7.

λ =2π/β
Fig. 8. TE1 mode
z in a parallel-plate waveguide, schematically.
 Magnetic field
, U Electric field

p. 22
To sum up, the instantaneous fields are as shown roughly in Fig. 8.
The electric field normal to the paper plane is shown as arrow signs in
both directions. The density of arrows indicates the electric field
strength. The closed loops indicate the magnetic fields. Both fields
vary periodically along the propagation direction. We note that the
tangential electric field and the normal magnetic field are both zero at
the boundaries. Thus the boundary conditions are satisfied.

3.2 TE modes in rectangular waveguides

In the previous sections we discussed the planar transmission line
geometry. We will now discuss a waveguide consisting of only one
single hollow conductor surrounding a region of a dielectric where
the electric and magnetic fields propagate. We know that such a
conductor does not transmit direct current; however, at higher
frequencies this configuration can transmit signals.

The shape of the cross section can take many forms. For technical
reasons the preferred shape is rectangular. This type of waveguide is
used in many critical high frequency applications where low loss and
high power handling are desired properties. Of these, high power
radars may be best known.

We shall first give a description of a possible mode that can be

transmitted in this structure, followed by a more general mathematical
treatment of the subject.

3.2.1 Transition to a TE mode in a rectangular waveguide

The fields of the TE1 mode we discussed in the previous section, were
situated between two metal plates extending infinitely in the
transverse direction. We will show the similarity between this mode
and a mode in a waveguide with rectangular cross section. This cross
section can be obtained by introducing two new metallic boundaries to
p. 23

x a

Fig. 9. TE10 mode in a rectangular waveguide. Full lines: Electric

field. Dashed lines: Magnetic field.

the planar transmission line geometry, thus limiting the extent of the
fields as indicated in Fig. 9. The dimensions of the rectangle are a and
b in x and y directions, respectively. The same fields we calculated for
the TE1 mode in the planar transmission line have been sketched in the
volume limited by these four boundaries. We note that the orientation
of the fields has been changed so that the electric field now is along
the y-axis. We realize that the boundary conditions are satisfied
automatically at the new boundaries (y = 0 and b) since the electric
field is normal and the magnetic field is tangential to the surface. This
new mode is uniform in y-direction. The mode is called a TE10 mode
and is one of several modes which can propagate in a rectangular
waveguide. We shall look into this more quantitatively in the next

p. 24
3.2.2 TE modes in rectangular waveguides; general case
To obtain the solution for TE modes in rectangular waveguides, we
follow the prescription according to Eqs. (21) to (25). We first solve
the differential equation

⎛ ∂ 2 ∂ 2 ⎞ ˆ 0
⎜ 2 + 2 ⎟ H z + h H z = 0 , (63)
2 ˆ0

⎝ ∂x ∂y ⎠

where the relation between the two quantities with and without z-
dependence is given by Hˆ z ( x, y, z ) = Hˆ z0 ( x, y ) e−γ z .

To solve the problem we apply the method of separation of variables,


Hˆ z0 ( x, y ) = X ( x ) Y ( y ) . (64)

Substituting this expression into Eq. (63) and dividing by X ( x )Y ( y )

gives a relation that can be written

1 ∂2 X ( x ) 2
1 ∂ Y ( y) 2
+ + h = 0. (65)
X ( x ) ∂x 2 Y ( y ) ∂y 2

In this equation, we note that the first term depends on x only, just as
the second term depends on y only. The last term does not depend on
any coordinate. From this observation we can conclude that all three
terms must be constants. The two first terms we set equal to −kx2 and -k y2 ,
respectively. This gives a new set of ordinary differential equations:

d 2 X ( x) 2
+ k x X ( x) = 0 , (66)
dx 2
d 2Y ( y ) 2
+ k y Y ( y) = 0 , (67)
dy 2
k x2 +k y2 = h2 . (68)

The general solution to the two differential equations can be written

p. 25
X ( x) = C1 sin k x x + C2 cos k x x , (69)
Y ( y ) = C3 sin k y y + C4 cos k y y . (70)

We use the boundary conditions to determine relations between the

four constants. We apply the fact that the electric field has no
tangential components at the metal boundaries. By using Eqs. (24) and
(25) we therefore get the following conditions:

∂Hˆ z0
= 0 Eˆ 0y
( =0 ) at x = 0 , (71)
∂Hˆ z0
= 0 Eˆ 0y
( =0 ) at x = a , (72)
∂Hˆ z0
= 0 Eˆ 0x
( =0 ) at y = 0 , (73)
∂Hˆ z0
= 0 Eˆ 0x
( =0 ) at y = b . (74)

The first two conditions imply that ∂X ( x) / ∂x is equal to zero at the

boundaries x = 0 and a. Therefore C1 must be zero and

kx = , (75)

where m is an integer. Likewise, the two last conditions imply that

∂Y ( y ) / ∂y is equal to zero at the boundaries y = 0 and b. Therefore C3
must be zero and

ky = , (76)

where n is an integer.

From Eq. (64) we can write the solution of the form

⎛ mπ x ⎞ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Hˆ z0 ( x, y ) = Hˆ 0 cos ⎜ ⎟ cos ⎜ ⎟ , (77)
⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠

where we have introduced the constant Ĥ 0 = C2C4 .

p. 26
The eigenvalue can be found from Eq. (68) combined with (75) and
2 2
⎛ mπ ⎞ ⎛ nπ ⎞
h = ⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ . (78)
⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠

Knowing Hˆ z0 , we can apply Eqs. (22) - (25) to obtain the transverse

fields. The result is:

γ ⎛ mπ ⎞ ˆ ⎛ mπ x ⎞ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Hˆ x0 = 2 ⎜ ⎟ H 0 sin ⎜ ⎟ cos ⎜ ⎟ , (79)
h ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠
γ ⎛ nπ ⎞ ⎛ mπ x ⎞ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Hˆ y0 = 2 ⎜ ⎟ Hˆ 0 cos ⎜ ⎟ sin ⎜ ⎟ , (80)
h ⎝ b ⎠ ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠
jωµ ⎛ nπ ⎞ ⎛ mπ x ⎞ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Eˆ x0 = 2 ⎜ ⎟ Hˆ 0 cos ⎜ ⎟ sin ⎜ ⎟ , (81)
h ⎝ b ⎠ ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠
jωµ ⎛ mπ ⎞ ˆ ⎛ mπ x ⎞ ⎛ nπ y ⎞
Eˆ y0 = − 2 ⎜ ⎟ H 0 sin ⎜ ⎟ cos ⎜ ⎟ , (82)
h ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠

where the value of γ is found from Eqs. (33), (68), (75) and (76) to be

2 2
⎛ mπ ⎞ ⎛ nπ ⎞ . (83)
γ = j β = j k 2 − h2 = j ω 2 µε − k x2 − k y2 = j ω 2 µε − ⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠

Every combination of m and n defines a mode, and this is called a

TEmn mode. The first subscript denotes the number of half periods of
the field variation in the x-direction, and the second subscript gives the
number of half periods of the field variation in the y-direction. A few
examples of different TE modes are shown in Fig. 10.

All modes have a cutoff frequency which can be found from this
relation by putting γ = 0. This gives

2 2
ωc ,mn 1 ⎛ m ⎞ ⎛ n ⎞
f c ,mn = = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ .
+ (84)
2π 2 µε ⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠

which is consistent with Eq. (30). The value of the corresponding

cutoff wavelength is
p. 27
u 2
λc ,mn = = (85)
f c ,mn 2
⎛ m ⎞ ⎛ n ⎞

⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟
⎝ a ⎠ ⎝ b ⎠

From the transverse field expressions we see that either m or n, but

not both, can be zero. If a > b, the mode with the lowest cutoff
frequency has m = 1 and n = 0. For this TE10 mode we have

Fig. 10. Some TE modes in a rectangular metallic waveguide. a) end

views; b) top views.

p. 28
1 u
fc,10 = = (86)
2a µε 2a

Below this frequency there is no propagating mode, and all other

modes have higher cutoff frequencies. Thus there is a certain
frequency range where only one mode propagates. This is an
advantage for transmitting signals with low distortion. For this reason
the TE10 mode is denoted the dominant mode.


We want to discuss the TE modes occurring in a metallic waveguide

of rectangular cross section where a = 5 cm and b = 2.5 cm, in
particular the operating frequencies and at what frequencies a single
mode is transmitted. Let us find the cutoff frequencies for some lower
modes. Using Eq. (84) and a value u = 3·108 m/s, we find the values
shown in the table below. The result is also indicated graphically to
the right of the table. It is seen that in this example the lowest,
dominant mode is the only propagating mode in the frequency range 3
to 6 GHz. Therefore this frequency range is the best for signal
transmission in this case.

0 10 GHz
Mode f c ,mn
(m,n) (GHz)
1,0 3
0,1 6
1,1 6.7
2,0 6
2,1 8.5 Single mode range

p. 29
4 TE modes in a dielectric slab waveguide

4.1 Discussion
Metallic waveguides are used in high frequency techniques up to the
microwave range. When the frequency increases, the losses are
becoming more severe, and in the optical range dielectric waveguides
are predominant. In integrated optics thin dielectric films are
deposited on the surface of a substrate to serve as waveguides, and
circular dielectric waveguides are used in fiber optics. Based on what
was developed in the first parts of this note, we shall find some key


d εd,µ0 z


properties of a dielectric slab waveguide which is depicted in Fig. 11.

This will illustrate the properties of dielectric films in integrated
optics, although we discuss a simplification of the real situation where
the waveguide is surrounded by two different dielectrics. Our model
has vacuum on both sides of the guiding structure.

Fig. 11. Dielectric slab waveguide.

The thickness of the slab is d, and it is symmetrically located around y

= 0. Its permittivity is εd and the permeability is assumed to be the
same as for the surrounding vacuum, µ0. Vacuum has permittivity ε0.
The dielectric material is assumed to be lossless. The propagation is in
the z-direction while we assume no variation in x-direction. We shall
analyze the TE modes of this configuration.

p. 30
Since the fields exist in all regions, we have to consider them in both
the slab region as well as in the surrounding medium. For TE waves,
Eˆ z0 = 0 , and from Eq. (21) we have the following differential equation
that must be satisfied in both regions (though with different

d 2 Hˆ z0 ( y ) 2 ˆ 0
+ h Hz ( y) = 0, (87)
dy 2
⎧γ 2 + ω 2ε `d µ0 = hd2 in the dielectric
2 2 2
h = γ + k = ⎨ 2 2 2
, (88)
⎩ γ + ω ε 0 µ0 = h0 in vacuum
and γ = jβ expresses the propagation in the z-direction.

Solutions of Eq. (87) for the different regions must be matched at the
boundaries. In the slab region we seek solutions which vary
sinusoidally over the cross section. This requires the quantity

hd2 = ω 2ε d µ0 − β 2 = k y2 (89)
to be positive, with general solution

Hˆ z0 ( y ) = Hˆ o sin k y y + Hˆ e cos k y y, y ≤ (90)

where k y is real, and Hˆ o corresponds to asymmetric (odd) functions

while Hˆ e corresponds to symmetric (even) functions around y = 0 ,

In the vacuum region we require that the waves do not radiate from
the waveguide structure. This means that solutions to Eq. (87) must
have exponential decay in the outward y-direction, which is to say that

h02 = ω 2ε 0 µ0 − β 2 = −α 2 (91)

where α is real and positive. This gives the following solutions:

p. 31
⎧ −α ( y −d / 2) d
⎪ C1e , y≥ (a)
⎪ 2 (92)
Hˆ z0 ( y ) = ⎨
⎪C eα ( y + d / 2) , y ≤ − d (b)
⎪⎩ 2 2

Equations (89) and (91) are known as dispersion relations since they
show the (nonlinear) dependence of the phase constant β on ω. We
should note that we have still not determined the constants α or ky in
these equations. We also need to determine the relations between the
coefficients Hˆ o , Hˆ e , C1 and C2. This is done in the following where we
consider the odd and even TE modes separately. However, we first
realize that Hˆ 0z has no x-variation. From Eqs. (22) - (25) this means
that the electric and magnetic fields have only one transverse
component each, in addition to the longitudinal magnetic field Hˆ 0z .

From Eq. (89) we conclude that

β < ω ε d µ 0 = kd , (93)

where kd is the wave number of a plane wave in the dielectric, and

from Eq. (91)

β > ω ε 0 µ 0 = k0 (94)

where k0 is the wave number of a plane wave in vacuum. Combining

these two equations, we conclude that

u d < u p < u0 (95)

where ud and u0 are the plane wave velocity of the two media, and up
is the phase velocity in this structure. Thus for a mode to propagate we
require the plane wave velocity of the dielectric to be smaller than the
surrounding medium. The propagation velocity of this mode is always
between these two plane wave velocities.

p. 32
a) Odd TE modes. From Eqs. (23), (25) and (90) we obtain

1) In the dielectric slab region, y ≤ d / 2:

Hˆ z0 ( y ) = Hˆ o sin k y y (96)
γ ∂Hˆ z ( y )
jβ ˆ
ˆ 0
H y ( y) = − 2 =− H o cos k y y (97)
hd ∂y ky
jωµ0 ∂Hˆ z ( y )
jωµ0 ˆ
ˆ 0
Ex ( y ) = − 2 =− H o cos k y y (98)
hd ∂y ky

2) In the upper vacuum region, y ≥ d / 2 :

Continuity of the tangential magnetic field Hˆ 0z across the boundary
combined with Eq. (92) determines the constant C1 so that

Hˆ z0 ( y ) = Hˆ o sin k y d / 2 e (
( )
−α y − d / 2 )
γ ∂Hˆ z ( y )
jβ ˆ
ˆ 0
H y ( y) = − 2 =− ( )
−α y − d / 2 )
H o sin k y d / 2 e ( (100)
h0 ∂y α
jωµ0 ∂Hˆ z ( y )
jωµ0 ˆ
ˆ 0
Ex ( y ) = − 2 =− ( )
−α y − d / 2 )
H o sin k y d / 2 e ( (101)
h0 ∂y α

3) In the lower vacuum region, y ≤ −d / 2 :

The boundary condition requiring continuity of the longitudinal
magnetic field at the boundary y = −d / 2 determines the constant C2 so

Hˆ z0 ( y ) = − Hˆ o sin k y d / 2 e (
( )
α y + d / 2)
and further
γ ∂Hˆ z ( y )
jβ ˆ
ˆ 0
H y ( y) = − 2 =− ( α y + d / 2)
H o sin k y d / 2 e ( ) (103)
h0 ∂y α
jωµ0 ∂Hˆ z ( y )
jωµ0 ˆ
ˆ 0
Ex ( y ) = − 2 =− ( α y + d / 2)
H o sin k y d / 2 e ( ) (104)
h0 ∂y α

So far we have determined the constants C1 and C2 by using the

boundary conditions for Hˆ 0z at the interface between the dielectric and

p. 33
vacuum. We also need to determine α, ky and β. We start by requiring
Eˆ x to be continuous at y = d / 2 , which gives (from Eqs. (98) and (101))

jωµ0 ˆ jωµ0 ˆ
H o cos k y d / 2 = H o sin k y d / 2 (105)
ky α
α = k y tan (106)

From the two dispersion relations (89) and (91) we can eliminate β.
This gives

α = ⎡⎣ω 2 µ0 (ε d − ε 0 ) − k y2 ⎤⎦

We eliminate α by comparing the last two equations, giving

1 kd
⎡⎣ω 2 µ0 (ε d − ε 0 ) − k y2 ⎤⎦ = k y tan y

This is a transcendental equation to determine the transverse wave

number ky in the dielectric. The equation can not in general be solved
analytically; it has to be solved numerically or graphically. When
ω , d , ε d , ε 0 and µ0 are known, the two sides of this equation can be plotted
as functions of ky. The intersections of the two curves determine the
value of ky corresponding to different odd TE modes. Subsequently
the remaining unknowns α and β can be found from two of the above
equations, for example, Eqs. (107) and (89).

b) Even TE modes. We now use the second term of Eq. (90), i.e.,

Hˆ z0 ( y ) = Hˆ e cos k y y, y≤ , (109)

p. 34
From this starting point we obtain the remaining field components
inside and outside of the dielectric slab by following the same
procedure as for the odd TE case. We then essentially do the
following substitutions: cos → sin, sin → -cos. This means that Eq.
(106) is replaced by

α = −k y cot (110)

To obtain solutions, this equation must be solved together with the

same equation (107) as in the previous case. This gives the equation
1 kd
⎡⎣ω 2 µ0 (ε d − ε 0 ) − k y2 ⎤⎦ = −k y cot y

4.2 Example

To illustrate these results we shall find possible propagating modes for

a dielectric slab applied in the optical range. The following data is
used: εd = 2.5ε0 (corresponding to an index of refraction
n = ε d ε 0 = 2.5 = 1.58), d=1 µm, f = 300 THz corresponding to an optical
wavelength of 1 µm in vacuum.

In Fig. 12 are plotted three curves to solve this problem. The thick full
curve and the thin dashed curve represent the right hand side of Eqs.
(108) and (111), respectively, while the circular curve represents the
left hand side of both equations. There are three intersections between
this circle and the two other curves, marked by small circles. They are
denoted TE1, TE2 and TE3, respectively. Thus there are two odd mode
solutions and one even solution. The values of ky and α for these
solutions can be read on the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively.
Only positive values of α are acceptable since the field must be finite.
After ky and α have been determined, β can be found as described

p. 35
We note that the only frequency dependent terms in the expressions
above occur in the left hand parts of the equations. These parts
correspond to a circle with its radius proportional to frequency. We
then realize that more modes are included if the frequency is
increased. On the other hand, if the frequency is reduced, there is a
certain frequency below which only one TE mode propagates. This
odd mode propagates down to zero frequency.

The transverse distribution of the two magnetic field components for

the two odd modes TE1 and TE3 is plotted in Fig. 13. The electric field
Ex has not been plotted, but the curve shape is the same as for Hy. It is
seen that
• Odd modes have antisymmetric distribution of longitudinal field
and symmetric distribution of transverse field components (also
the electric field, not shown). The converse would be the case
for even modes.
• The transverse field component can be dominating, at least for
the lowest mode.
• Higher modes vary more quickly over the cross section.

Fig. 12. Graphic solution of optical waveguide problem.

p. 36
Fig. 13. Transverse distribution of the two components of the
magnetic field. a) Lowest odd mode, b) Next odd mode. The two
components are 90° out of phase.
Finally we reiterate that there is another group of propagating waves,
the TM modes, also in this configuration. They have many similar
properties to the TE modes, but we shall not discuss them here.

p. 37
5 Optical fiber
5.1 Introduction
Today optical fibers are predominant within telecommunications. In
particular, they are well suited for transmitting large amounts of data.
A discussion of this type of dielectric waveguide is somewhat more
involved than for rectangular cross sections. This is because of the
curved geometry, the two transverse field components are coupled
together through the boundary conditions. There are, however,
simplified theories which can be used. In the following such a
simplified theory will be outlined, based on material that has been
discussed previously in this note.

5.2 Definition of the problem

The geometry of an optical step index fiber can be described
according to Fig. 14. The fiber has a core of radius a with an index of
refraction n1, while the surrounding cladding has an index of
refraction n2. We should bear in mind that the index of refraction n is
related to the permittivity ε through n = ε / ε 0 where ε 0 is the
permittivity of vacuum. In the discussion here we assume the cladding
extends to infinity.


n2 y

Fig. 14. Geometry for optical fiber.

p. 38
n1 − n2 << 1 (112)

As indicated above, this geometry is more involved than geometries

which have been considered earlier. On the other hand most fibers
used in telecommunications are designed such that the index of
refraction of the core and the cladding differ very little, i.e.

This means that the the solutions for different polarizations

(previously called TE and TM waves) vary very little. In many cases
this difference is disregarded, as we shall do here. Under this
condition it turns out that we end up with a scalar Helmholtz's
equation involving a quantiy ψ to represent both Ex and Ey. In
cylindrical coordinates this equation can be written
1 ∂ ⎛ ∂ψ ⎞ 1 ∂ 2ψ
⎜ r ⎟ + 2 2
− β 2ψ = −k02 n2ψ . (113)
r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ r ∂ϕ

where k0 is the wavenumber of vacuum. The hat symbol denoting

phasors has been deleted from the equation.

5.3 Solutions
We base the solution on separation of variables in the two transversal
coordinates r and ϕ, i.e.,

ψ (r , ϕ ) = R(r )Φ(ϕ ) . (114)

We also assume that Φ is a periodic function of ϕ so

Φ(ϕ ) = A cos lϕ + B sin lϕ (115)
where l is an integer equal to zero or larger to make the solution
unique. Substitution into Eq. (113) gives

1 ∂ ⎛ ∂R ⎞ l 2
Φ 2 2 2
⎜ r ⎟ − 2 RΦ − β RΦ = −k0 n RΦ . (116)
r ∂r ⎝ ∂r ⎠ r

p. 39
Multiplication of this equation by r2/Φ on both sides obtains a general

∂2 R ∂R
+r (
+ ( k02 n2 − β 2 ) r 2 − l 2 R = 0) . (117)
∂r ∂r

The two materials have different properties, giving two differential

equations. They are:

∂2 R ∂R
r2 2
+r + ( βi21r 2 − l 2 ) R = 0, r <a (118)
∂r ∂r
∂ R ∂R
r2 2 + r + ( − βi22 r 2 − l 2 ) R = 0, r > a (119)
∂r ∂r

where β i21 = k02 n12 − β 2 and βi22 = − ( k02n22 − β 2 ) and the suffixes 1 and 2 stand
for core and cladding, respectively. Both equations are of the form of
Bessel's differential equation. Solutions of this equation are called
Bessel functions. The solution to our problem is found by introducing
boundary conditions similar to what was done for the dielectric slab
case discussed above. In this case continuity of both R(r) and its
derivative is required. Discarding solutions which diverge for r = 0
and large values of r, respectively, the solutions can be written

R( r ) = J l ( βi1r ) , r < a (120)
J l ( βi1a )
R(r ) = Kl ( β i 2 r ) , r > a . (121)
Kl ( β i 2 a )

Here Jl(x) is a Bessel function of the first kind and order l and Kl(x)
is a modified Bessel function of the second kind and order l. Some of
these functions are shown in the Appendix. In the same way as before,
the boundary conditions result in transcendental equations which can
be solved graphically or numerically. Without going in more detail on
this procedure, we sum up the result in this way: For a given
circumferential index l, we obtain a set of radial functions each with a
particular value of βi1 and βi 2 to be applied in the last two equations.
Each solution therefore gives a mode characterized by a double index
(l,i). Here l determines the number of periods of the field for one
p. 40
period in ϕ- direction and i is the number of intensity maxima in r-

As mentioned above, the index of refraction of the two main regions

of a practical fiber differs only slightly. A consequence of this is that
the fields are almost transversal, with only small longitudinal
components. Real fields can therefore be considered as combinations
of two linearly polarized mode fields. For this reason the modes are
denoted LP modes. The approximate boundary conditions we have
applied give inaccuracies of higher order which can usually be

As was found for the dielectric slab, there is a frequency range where
single mode transmission is possible. This is usually stated through a
normalized frequency V as

V = k0a n12 − n22 < 2.4048 (122)

We shall not go in more detail on this topic. To illustrate some results

of the discussion, a transverse distribution of the fields of some lower
LP modes are sketched in Fig. 15. The intensity (which is what we
actually detect by our eyes) is obtained by squaring this amplitude. Its
distribution is shown in Fig. 16.

p. 41
Fig. 15. Field distribution for some LP modes.

Fig. 16. Intensity distribution for the same modes as shown in the
previous figure.

p. 42
6 Appendix. Bessel functions
Bessel functions
J (x)
J (x)
J (x)
0.5 2

0 5 10 15

K (x)
1 K (x)

0.5 K (x)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Fig. A1. Some Bessel functions.

p. 43

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