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Wahyuni Susanti (T20186121) TBI4

Assessment Instruction
Assessment Scoring
1. Assessment Instruction
Last meeting we already learn about storytelling, how to make it and
how to practice it. In the next meeting we're going to make a storytelling and you
show it how to spoke and practice it in video form as a substitute for your midterm
test. The storytelling is worked of individually and your work should original. In the
first meeting we started by making a frame work for our storytelling. Then, the
Second meeting we can start writing the text, arrange the stroy and make the video. In
third meeting the student can started submitted the storytelling and the video. The
storytelling shouldn't less than 300 words and the video shouldn't less 7 minutes. The
content shouldn't racism, the theme is about Indonesia folklore and don't forget give a
name, ID number of students and class in your video files.
2. Assessment Scoring
For the scoring there are three Criteria:

Criteria No Description 1 2 3 4 5
Content 1 The theme should matched with the project
2 The message of the story should good and
3 The language must have good grammar and
Language arranged well
4 The vocabularies are use appropriately in content
5 The pronunciation is appropriately expressed
Performance 6 The body language is appropriately expressed
7 The wording must clear
8 The Expressioon must be good

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