Raya Possessed Me

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Last night I found a note on my bedside lamp. The note was written in an ancient
Malay Language that I could not comprehend. The only thing that I was able to
pick out from the note was my name at the address bar. Ever the curious boy, I
had walked to the library and gotten the old Malay dictionary to try and translate
it. Unfortunately nothing on the book could help me translate the note. I spent
half the day on the internet scanning it for language translator software and
apps to decipher and trying to figure a way to translate the note but my efforts
came to naught.
As I was perusing through the note, one of my friends, Alex, came looking for me.

“Perhaps you try Professor Ling. She is the local expert on ancient languages,” he

I had not even noticed that he was standing behind me for more than 5 minutes.

“How long have you been standing there mate?” I asked.

“More than 5. You seems so engrossed in whatever that you were doing that I
could not disturb you,” he answered, “what’s that anyway?”

I did not know what to tell Alex. I mean the guy has been a good friend to me
since the day I reported to college. As fate would have it, he was the first guy I
knew in the school. I had been posted to the 4D wing dorm rooms at
the Singapore Campus but had no idea where they were. Fortunately, Alexis had
an older sibling in the campus and had been coming to visit before he was
admitted there.
“Hi? My name is Shane. Would you mind to point me to the 4D dorms?”

I remember him smiling and saying, “follow me son.”

I had seethed with anger at his patronizing attitude not knowing that he was
funny like that. He liked toying with people.

Presently, I asked him where I could find Professor Ling.

“You know, she is the head of the linguistics department. I’ll take you there if you
tell me where you found that note and why you are so keen to know what it
means,” he told me.

I could not help but wince. I had my very strong suspicions that the note was
from Raya. Ever since I saw the note, something in my tummy moved. And every
time I held the note near my tummy, it turned bright red. It had now been more
than a month since my meeting with the Raya and my life had changed, thus far,
for the better. How do you tell your best friend that for the last few weeks you
have been finding it easy to study or in fact not study at all and blitz my exams
courtesy of demon sex? How do you tell your friend that you ended your virginity
with the mistress of all ghosts in the Cloud Forest?

“I’ll tell you when I am ready Alexis, ok? Please don’t ask anything more. Be a
good friend now and show me where to find the good old professor. Will you

Alex looked convinced that I was losing it. He nevertheless nodding his head in
disagreement shepherded me towards the linguistics department in his
characteristic patronizing manner.

I could not help but wonder why Raya would send me such a cryptic note. I
mean, I had felt real love for her and would have easily thought that she could
have been the one that I spend the rest of life with. Little did I expect that she
would spend the rest of her life within me. The sex was surreal as I suppose it had
to be and she had felt so real, up until the moment the slimy substance slid down
to my throat, I was having fun. To find that the algebra that used to give me
nightmares was a walk in the park after the experience was nice, but I was getting
apprehensive about what all this was about and now thinking about it what my
life would now be. What did I get mixed up in? This half-human stuff was giving
me goose bumps. And to think that I could not confide in anyone about the

I followed Alex dazed with all that was happening in my life. In the recent past, I
was just an average student going about his business and dreaming about having
sex with beautiful Jane. Now I was carrying something in my stomach that made
an ancient cryptic note make my stomach turn red every time I held it there.
“Come in Alex. Can’t you be a well behaved son like your friend? I do not know
what to do with him.” I heard a voice from a distance.

“Hey…hey! Snap out of wherever you are!” Alex said.

I had not realized we had entered Professor Ling’s office. I was so engrossed in
my predicament and it was only then that it dawned on me that Alex was
Professor Ling’s child. That explained his fascination in the note I was holding
and his brilliance at language studies.

“Sorry Professor Ling. My name is Shane and I am a friend of Alex. He told me

you could help with translating an old note that I found in my room yesterday.” I

“Sit down Shane. I know who you are. Alex talks about you all the time. I am sure
he did not remember to tell you that I am his mother. Bad boy this one. Bad boy,”
she said warmly.

I could see that she doted on Alexis. Who would not? The guy is adorable. The
way she looked at him told it all. Alexis was the apple of his mothers eye. He was
a straight A student and had an easy going aura about him. For a moment I
uncomfortably sat there as mother-son exchanged pleasantries. Alexis kissed his
mother’s cheek and the mother slapped him on his butt jokingly.

“Let us see the note. I don’t have all day boys,” Professor Ling commanded as if
indicating time for jokes was over.

I handed her the note. The moment she looked at it, her face changed from
warmth to scowl to mirth and finally to pity. She looked at me and I could see
some form of sadness come to her eyes. It was like she was sympathizing with
me. Her motherly sense had kicked in.

“What did you do Shane? Oh boy. This is gonna be a hard one for you. Alex, did
not I tell you not to go having fun with girls you do not know and if you do make
sure that you wear protection? Your friend here is in trouble, serious trouble and
surprisingly, only he can help himself get out of it.”

Now I was getting anxious and scared. “What does the note say Professor?” I
asked momentarily.
Seeing my apprehension, Professor Ling said this is a very old Malay dialect that
is only used by the grand Mufti from the Islamic religion and his chosen few.
There are perhaps 300 people in the world that can decipher this 100% correctly
but I have enough knowledge to give you a rough translation. Here is how I
translate it”.

Anime: Dragon Golden Women

Dear Shane My Love,

If you are reading this note my love, it is because I have gone on to a good place
within you. I am sorry to have transferred this burden to you, but there is a
good reason that I chose you. First of all, my name is Raya, the daughter of
Hantu Raya, I was the gatekeeper of the Cloud Forest. I know you did not know
this, but the Cloud Forest is not what everybody thinks it is. A long time ago,
there was a war between the gods. One side was fighting to keep the people on
planet earth while the other was intent on recreating a new being to inhabit the
earth as they were unsatisfied with our creations. After centuries of war, the
gods decided to give men a test. A test of goodness. A test to see whether they
were good enough to be the inheritors of the earthly kingdom or inherently bad
and if so be destroyed like the despicable creatures some of the gods believe man
They thus mad a new creation being half god from the heavens earth and half
demon from hell. This being was called Hantu Raya, and it was its task to
marry a human wife and together they were to bear a human man child who
would hold the balance of power over human salvation and mercy or misery
and destruction. The power was passed from both the gods of light and gods of
darkness to Hantu Raya. Hantu Raya got married to a human wife, they tried
many years and yet the wife could not conceive a son. She gave birth to many
daughters – my younger sisters – who to this day roam the Cloud Forest. Seeing
that Hantu Raya was unable to bring forth a son, the gods of darkness got
furious and plotted to kill Hantu Raya and replace him with a being possessed
of only dark forces that could influence the sex of a child at conception.
Fortunately, the gods of light got to know about the demon gods plan and
warned Hantu Rays. They helped him transfer the spirit of mercy and salvation
to his most beautiful daughter. That daughter happened to be me – Raya.
They made me promise to protect that spirit of salvation with my life. I have
carried that spirit within me for aeons. This burden was mine and only mine to
carry unless I happened upon a kind-hearted, preordained male human virgin
who had to be pure of spirit. This is where you come Shane.
It is not by chance that you were born and reared in Singapore. You are a
direct descendant of the Buddha even though you do not know it and due to his
good virtues, he was chosen back in the 5th century by my father to be the father
of the heir of the Spirit of Salvation and Mercy for humanity. That is why from
when you were a little boy, you were taken to mosques, temples and churches to
acquaint yourself with all of humanities’ religions. You were also admitted to
this university for a reason. That is to get you near cloud forest in order that I
could meet you and release me and have you with your inner goodness finally
decide the fate of humanity.
The couple that brought you to the leaning tree was my sister and a demigod
that enchanted you making you follow them to the Cloud Forest so that I could
meet you. The dark gods had come to know that I possessed the spirit of
Salvation and Mercy and had hatched a plan to kill me. I therefore had to come
up with a plan to meet you and leave you the Spirit before they killed me. The
only way to do this was to lure you to the god’s shed (that’s the place we made
love), have sex with you and transfer the spirit through my loins and mouth.
Thus every time I kissed you, a small bit of the spirit came to you. At orgasm, I
transferred every bit of the spirit to you. Unfortunately, I lost the shield that
protected me from death and my body dissipated in the wind. So if you are
reading this note, I am probably dead my spirit having passed on to where the
gods live, and if I am not, I am in hiding and cannot come to find you. This note
has come to you from one of my sisters and it is now up to you which fate is in
store for humanity. Do you choose the light or dark?
I am sorry to leave you with this burden without choice but I had no choice at all
as if I should have been killed the dark gods would have had their way.
This note and the spirit within will guide you going forward. Every time you
need help, go to the leaning tree. Any one of my sisters will be waiting for
you. My sisters may come to you in times of danger and they will possess an
exact copy of this note. Do not trust anyone or anything else that does not
possess this letter.
One more thing please. I know you now have powers as the guiding spirit is
within you BUT if you abuse this power you may as well go to the dark-side.
Now that you are aware you should refrain from using the influence over
people, especially now that women find you so desirable, they will want to take
you to bed and if I hazard a guess I am sure you have already bedded many.
You must refrain, if you feel the need to release yourself erotically go to the tree
– one, any or all of my sisters will be there to accommodate your most primal of
Again, I am sorry for everything. Hopefully, you will succeed in your
preordained duty and save humanity. If you succeed I will meet you again my
love. Your duty is onerous. Make me proud Shane! Make the Buddha proud,
make humanity proud.
Finally, there is a reason Alex is your best friend. He will be your trusted
companion in everything you do. He was preordained to protect the Spirit of
Salvation and Mercy. He is the only human you can fully trust.
Your love,
By the time Professor Ling was through with the note, she was crying. I guess she
had never expected that her son would be involved in anything like this. Alex
looked disturbed. He looked at me in disbelieve. It was as if he couldn’t believe
that I had kept such a secret from him.

“I am sorry man. I did not know how to tell you this.” This was all I could manage.
“Let me show you something,” I offered as a way of consoling him. I took off my
shirt and held the note against my stomach. The stomach and the note started to
go red. “I am not sure why it does it but I believe somehow it is a Raya wrote,
that the note will guide us and this part of that”. Finally the truth sunk. Our fate
was intertwined. And there was no escaping it. The people in this room were
going to help me to either realize and achieve my destiny or we would all perish.
As for Raya, I still loved her, but for now, I was angry for Alex and I being put in
such a situation.

Nobody would have guessed the task I now had ahead of me would be this
difficult. The girls suddenly started taking keen interest. From just a couple of
days I was the invisible man. Women were now throwing themselves at me but
every time I remembered the note, but it was not easy. Classwork became more
interesting. I could not believe it when the exam results came out and I was not
only the best student in the University but also the best in the Country. I had
taken a special interest in computers and computing. I was impressing even the
professors with my new found knowledge.

Another thing that has lately changed is my diet. I loved eating beef burgers and
meat in general. Now every time I eat meet, I vomit. I have discovered a new love
for vegetables and fruits. The other day Alex poked fun at me.

“You might as well become a rabbit mate. You are eating too much vegetables.”
he said.

“Remember that your life and that of your descendants depends on my well-
being,” I joked back.

Anime: Dragon Golden Women

Every time I go to the Cloud Forest Alex has been going with me. He has taken
his task as my protector seriously and I have even taken up a class in the
linguistics depart with Professor Ling to understand more of the ancient Malay
Language. I suspect my dad knows the transformation has taken place. Last
Saturday he came to visit me and as we parted.

He told me, “Take heart. You are special…have always been.”

I remembered how my dad used to take time and read me all kind of religious
books. How he even took me to Angkor Wat for a religious pilgrimage. Suddenly
a lot of things my dad used to do with me have started making sense. I
remembered one time in junior high school when I went with Megan, my study
mate, to my room at home. My dad was so furious. He even went ahead to tell
me that I should never come with her to my home again. I did not understand
why my dad with be so furious with something so unimportant. So he was
preserving my virginity so that I could receive the Spirit of Salvation and Mercy?
Now it was all starting to make sense. Another time I went with my classmates in
high school and came home so high from alcohol and pot smoking. Again my
dad went ballistic at me. He could not understand why after taking me to all
those religious functions and holy places I could not just become priestly.
My dreams during the night has started becoming weird. I find myself in a place
that I am sure I had never been but one that feels so real. Last night I was
dreaming holding a magic sword that kept the dark gods from invading the
cloud forest. I could swear it was not a dream. I woke up drenched with sweat
and could not go back to sleep. The sights in the dream were so disturbing. Now
as I sit in my dorm room, I feel so alive. I have been forced to wear denim shirts
because every time a woman comes onto me, my tummy start glowing red. I do
not want people to think that I am weird – but I am now very different. Only Alex
and his mom know my secret. And I intend to keep it that way.

The Cloud Forest has sort of become my shrine. I find peace there. One of Raya’s
sisters are always there when I get there and sometimes there is more than one.
They are all beautiful creatures and offer themselves to me in the shrine each
and every time but my experience with Raya has disturbed me a bit. I know I will
not be able to resist too much longer. Their beauty and almost palatable erotic
desire pull me and as the not says I am to do with them as I please. But not just

I still have not yet figured out how I am going to save the humanity. The only
message I have given them is to tell Raya how much I loved her and how much I
wish she was there with me to face what is bound to come.

Yesterday Alex was with me at the forest. Always the tease, he had started flirting
with one of Raya’s sisters and they seemed to hit it off. She had asked me if I
wished her to satisfy my friend. On our way back to campus, I reminded him that
they were not completely human.
“Even better. I am tired of the emotional human girls. Besides, I get the bragging
rights too. You are not the only to screw a half-human. I will sleep with her before
the end of the week,” he had responded with or without your help.

“Suit yourself mate. But remember what happened to me the last time I slept with
a half-human,” I had retorted. That seemed to put him off a bit but knowing Alex,
he was definitely going to ask me to tell one of them to sleep with him.

As we walked towards the computer class, I had a premonition that something

big was going to happen. I can’t quite place it, but I am sure it is going to be big.
I sit on my desk and boot the computer. The normal boot process is that I put in
the password and the desktop appears. Instead of the desktop appearing, a
screen saver of a woman the splitting image of Raya appeared. I clicked on the
computers mouse thinking it would go away but it remained. What strange
message was this? What did it mean? And as suddenly as it appeared the screen
goes blank.

I sit there, lost in my world. How does she expect me to save humanity? I smile
as I realized that my mate, my best friend, is going to be with me on this journey.

“Hi Alex? I got a strange message man. It was just a screenshot of Raya. I don’t
know what it means.”

He smiled and said, “I told you man, lets go down to the tree and get freaky. We
do not know what lies ahead but I do know in my heart that we need to power
up and those descendants of Hantu Raya hold the key.”

I said as I smiled thinking of what was shortly to come, “I think your right. Let us
both go to the Cloud Forest finish what I have started.”

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