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Adding users to Active Directory


As you know, if you try to add AD users using lusrmgr.msc you will receive the following error:

And since I cover creating a local user (lusr) I thought it would only be right to cover creating an
Active Directory user.


Click Start, highlight "Administrative Tools" and select "Active Directory Users and Computers"
Now, expand your domain name on the left side, and go to the bottom where it says "Users".
Once you click on that, you will see all of the automatically created users, you will also see all of
the users you made before you ran dcpromo - that's because they all stay through the promotion
to DC. Anyway, to add a user, you can either right click the "Users" folder on the left side, or the
blank area on the right side, and highlight "New" then click "User"
In the next dialog we can set the user's First name, Last name and various other pieces of
information, including their log-on name, and domain to which we want to add them
After clicking "Next" you are presented with the password-settings screen. You can set the user's
password and then have them change it on their first log-on by selecting "User must change
password at next logon". But in this tutorial, I will set it as their password, and not allow them to
ever change it without asking me (the administrator) to change it for them
In the next dialog, we get a summary of the user to be created. Click "Finish" and the user has
been created

And we're finished!

You may also want to see the other Active Directory tutorials on the main page, including adding
computers to the Active Directory, either manually into the domain, or from existing Windows
XP and Windows 2000 computers.

<-- Go back to the main tutorial page

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