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Homework: Can you hear me now?

Activity 3

1. It is much easier for people to transmit diseases due to the amount of air travel we do.
a) What part of speech is transmit? Verb
b) What is the adjective form of transmit? Transmittable
c) Which meaning best fits the sentence above? to cause to spread; pass on
2. My new dress has an elaborate pattern of flowers and lace
a) What part of speech is elaborate? Adjective
b) What is the noun (person) form of elaborate? Elaborator
c) Which meaning best fits the sentence above? In detail

Activity 4

1. Initiate 4-2 initiation 5-4

2. Destination 4-3
3. Elaborate 4-2 elaboration 5-4
4. Message 2-1
5. Transmission 3-2 transmit 2-2
6. Assumption 3-2 assume 2-2
7. Geographic 4-3
8. Recur 2-2
9. Emphasize 3-1
10. Economic 4-3
11. Mediate 3-1 mediation 4-3
12. Creativity 3-1 create 2-2
13. Collaborate 4-3 collaboration 5-4

Activity 5

1. What do you think the purpose of this reading us? The purpose is introduction 3 of
communication and how similarities and differences
2. How many different models of communication are presented in the reading? 3 models
3. Who are the creators of the models mentioned in the reading? Laswell, Schram and Shannon-
4. In which year was each model created? Laswell 1947, Shannon 1949, and Schramm mid
1960’s /1965/
5. Which terms are used in more than one model? Source, destination, message and cannel
6. Which model includes the concept of noise? Shannon-Weaver

Activity 7

1. Unlike the other 2 models, Schramm’s includes an encoder and decoder

2. Lasswell and the Shannon-weaver both of the models show linear aspect of communication
3. Lasswell’s and Shannon-Weaver’s models are similar but the Shannon-Weaver model is a little
bit more technical
4. Shannon-Weaver’s model stresses how message is sent whereas Schramm’s model emphasizes
the people have in common

Activity 13 lecture notes

Differences between interpersonal and mass communication

Def. and Ex.

o Interpers: face to face communication

o Mass: production and distribution, identical mass large audience using sort of tech. / TV
show, magazine, news week/

Similar components

a) Source
b) Receiver
c) Message
d) Noise


1. Interpersonal comm is individual like U and me who send message- control how, when,
what to say, have to say
2. Mass comm is team of people. Professional team- public newspaper how many people
worked? Director, reporters, camera crew and others.


1. Use production team special effect- sound, color, depending on media. Ex: text,
encoding text, written text, picture, like billboard, magazine, movie, images sound.
2. Mass comm lack of immediately feed back, much less control.
3. Sent to entertain inform and to persuade
Encoding- moveably, Schramm’s model, flexible, gesture


1. Diff. interpersonal and mass com level of interaction between source and receiver
2. Interpers: one person source direct content with the person
3. Mass: large and diverse audience, millions of people. No contact and little with them.
Spread of geography world.


1. Feel assume quite average level. Newspaper- 5 th grade reading level

2. Shannon’s model has 2 types . Physical ( cellphone ) and Semantic (gesture, smell,
touch )

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