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Drug Name Indication: Action: Mechanism of Classificatio Adverse effects Contraindications Nursing considerations:

Action n :
 Oral administration
Generic Severe is the safest and
Name: Prevention and Hemostatic Promotes liver Local irritation anaphylactoid Patients who are requires the
Phytomena treatment of synthesis of or pain, reactions, neonates, allergic presence of bile
dione hypoprothrombi clotting factors (II, sometimes Diaphoresis, diathesis, salts for absorption
nemia caused VII, IX, X); with erythema hypersensitivity hypersensitivity to  It should be given
by coumarin however, the exact at the injection reactions, phytonadione or by very slow IV
Brand derivative- mechanism as to site; there Dyspnea, any component of injection, or where
Name: induced or this stimulation is may also be abnormal tastes, the formulation. appropriate, with
Kona-K other drug- unknown. tenderness Hyperbilirubinem continuous
Duopharma induced vitamin Menadiol is a ia, Scleroderma- infusion of NaCl
(M)Sdn Bhd K deficiency, water soluble form likelesions, 0.9% or dextrose
hypoprothrombi of vitamin K; Cyanosis, 5% into the lower
nemia caused phytonadione has flushing, or section of the
Dose/Rout by a more rapid and hypotension infusion set
e/Freq: malabsorption prolonged effect  Must note whether
1 dose of or inability to than menadione; client has allergic
Vit K/amp synthesize menadiol sodium reaction with
vitamin K; diphosphate (K4) vitamin K
hemorrhagic is half as potent as  Must not give to
disease of the menadione (K3). pregnant women
newborn and children below
2 years old
 Follow your
doctor's orders or
the directions on
the label
 Teach patient
proper use,
possible side
interventions, and
adverse symptoms
to report

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