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Activity 2–“Activity Report: A Day Without Technology”

➢ In 2-3 sentences, state your answer if in a day, there is no technology.


Maybe Man can not live even one day without Technology, because now human life is based
on technologies and most of it we get our needs especially food, wear and so on. If one day it
disappears it will have a huge impact on human life.

Now, perform the next activity.

Watch the TEDTalk: Julian Assange on “Why the World Needs Wikileaks”
➢ Write your 3 insights here:
Why world needs Wikileaks is because wikileaks bring important news and information to
the public, They Published those secret files to aware the people on what happening. Wikileaks
reveals the hidden and they reveal it to keep people from what happens and to keep their minds
open. Wikileaks is also protected from important files that cannot be disclosed for the safety of
people. So for me the world needs wikileaks to avoid chaos in every country and have a
prosperous and peaceful world.

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