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1. Do you agree or disagree?

BP1- The intrinsic reason that makes me feel so is _____________________

BP2- Reinforcing the reasons enables to assert that ____________________

BP3- The contrasting notion (of some people) lays bare the idea that ____________________

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

BP1- The intrinsic reason that makes me feel so is _____________________

BP2- Reinforcing the reasons enables to assert that ____________________

BP3- The contrasting notion lays bare the idea that ____________________

3. Some people/Other people/Your viewpoint

BP1- Certain quarters of the world contemplate that ___________________

BP2-There are others who hold a baton of different belief that ___________

BP3- According to my perception, ___________________________________

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

BP1- One side of the coin rides high on the cheerfulness of _______________

BP2- An equivalent other half emphasizes the downside of _______________

5. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

BP1- One side of the coin rides high on the cheerfulness of _____ / One side of the coin reflects
the pitfalls associated with it.

BP2- Reinforcing the bright side, it can be stated that _______ / Reinforcing the dark side
associated with it _______

BP2- Just a tiny bit emphasizes the downside / bright side of it.

6. Causes/ Effects

BP1- The major catalyst contributing to this threat is ______

BP2- Its most profound impact lies on ___________

7. Causes/ Solutions

BP1- The major catalyst contributing to this threat is ________

BP2- The most effective panacea to deal with this is _________

8. Effects / Solutions

BP1- Its most profound impact lies on ______

BP2- The most effective panacea to deal with this is _________

9. Conclusion

The aforementioned discussion boils down to one fact that ___________


1. Do you agree or disagree?

AGREE- My viewpoint falls in synchronization with the above assertion .

DISAGREE- My viewpoint denounces the above assertion.

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

COMPLETELY AGREE- I am in consummate accord with the given proposition.

COMPLETELY DISAGREE- I am in consummate discord with the given proposition.

AGREE TO A LARGE EXTENT- My viewpoint traverses a longer path of consensus as compared to


DISAGREE TO A LARGE EXTENT- My viewpoint traverses a longer path of dissensus as compared

to consensus.

3. Some people/ Other people/ Your viewpoint

IF YOU AGREE WITH SOME PEOPLE- My viewpoint goes in synchronization with the former

IF YOU AGREE WITH OTHER PEOPLE- My viewpoint goes in synchronization with the latter

IF DIPLOMATIC VIEW- My viewpoint maintains balance between both for fruitful results./

My viewpoint is diplomatic enough to standby the amalgamation of both

the section of societies’ belief.

4. Advantages/ Disadvantages

It has the potential to enlighten as well as dampen the developments prospects of _________
5. Causes/ Solutions

This menace finds its roots submerged in various aspects which along with some suitable
remedies shall be deliberated upon henceforth.

6. Effects/ Solutions

This menace has the potential to spread the toxic nodes which need to be clipped at the

7. Causes/ Effects

This menace finds its roots submerged in various aspects which have the potential to spread
the toxic nodes.

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