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Paper I Question 2


Q1. (a) Describe the way in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad in the

Years 610 to 632 CE. (10)

The Quran was first revealed to Mohammad (SAW) in 610 CE, when he was meditating in cave Hira in
the month of Ramadan. The Quran says Ramadan is when the Quran was sent down as a guide to
human kind. With age and growing understanding the Holy Prophet became more disturbed because of
the corrupt society around him during the period of darkness. He often thought of God, of his forefather
Prophet Ibrahim. A few years before the confirming of prophet hood, he became fond of solitude. He
used to retire to cave Hira for many days with supplies of dates and water. One day when he was
meditating angel Jibrael appeared in human form before him suddenly in the cave. The angel told him to
“Read”; he said “I cannot read”. Then the angel caught him and squeezed him and told him to read he
said he cannot read. The angel again squeezed him so hard that he could not bear it any more. On
releasing him the angel told him to read the following verses, the first five verses of surah al-Alaq.”Read
in the name of your Lord who created, Created man with a clot of blood. Read! And your Lord is most
generous. He taught man the use of pen. Taught man which he knew not”

The Prophet felt that as if the words were imprinted on his heart. From this time the Prophet received
revelations throughout his life for 23 years. He never knew when they would come. Then came another
revelation that said, “O you wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and warn. 74:1-3. And your Lord do
magnify”. After this he invited his close friends to Islam. In the next revelation he was told to invite his
relatives, ” and admonish your kinsmen.” In order to carry out this rcommand he invited his family to
accept Islam .Then in next revelation he was told to, “Declare openly what you have been commanded.
After this he kept receiving revelations on different occasions. There is some clue to many surahs about
when they were revealed in the Quran. For example surah Duha 93 was revealed in the early days of
Prophet Hood when revelations suspended for some time and the unbelievers taunted him that his God
has forsaken him. Allah revealed the surah to tell him about good tiding of a better future and Allah’s
favours for him. Like that surah fatah started to reveal during the treaty of Hudaybiya.

When a revelation came the Prophet experienced different kind of physical sensations, sometimes he
heard ringing sounds, he perspired in cold and he grew so heavy that his companions could feel
increased weight of his body. The Prophet once told about his experience of receiving revelations,
767“Sometimes it comes to me like the ringing of a bell and that is the one which is the hardest on me.
Then the angel departs from me and I remember what he has said. At times angel come to me in the
likeness of a man and speaks to me and I retain in memory what he said,” Hazrat Ayesha said: “I saw
revelations coming down upon him in the severest cold and when that condition was over, perspiration
came down his forehead.” Sometimes in a vision or dream….

When the Holly Prophet received a revelation he recited to his companions and told them to write them
down on the material available, like leather, papyrus, flat bones and bones of camel shoulder. The
Quran refers to it,”In scrolls held in honour, Exalted , purified, by the scribes , pious and just.”The
Prophet dictated the verses to his companions and directed them to place verses after such and such
surah , he would asked them to memorise the verses as well. The verses were not written in order of
revelations. The arrangement of the verses and chapters was told to the prophet by angel Jibrael. This
continued till he receivedt the last revelation in the plain of Arafat during Hajj.” This day have I perfected
your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion….”

Some surahs were revealed in Makkah that basically talk about the fundamentals of Islam. The one
revealed in Madina talk about legal matters like marriage, divorce, inheritance and other matters
concerning community.

(b)What do we understand about the nature of Prophethood from the Prophet’s first experience of
receiving revelation? (4)

The story of revelation tells us a number of things, that the Prophet was surprised by the angel whom he
had never seen before. He was told to learn words that he had never heard before. This tells that
Prophets are chosen by Allah and they suddenly receive call to Prophet Hood. For example, when Hazrat
Musa was traveling with his family, he saw light on mount Tur. When he reached near it he heard voice
of Allah, “Moses I am Allah the Lord of the world.” The experience also tells us that Allah had been
sending revelations to his messengers in the same way through angel Gibrael. When he met Waraqa bin
Nofil, Khadija’s cousin, he told the Prophet that it was the same angel who had been visiting Moses and
Jesus. It tells that prophets are always guided, they never worship idols. Mohammad was in search of
god that is why he used to meditate in the cave. In Surah Anam Allah tells us about prophet Ibrahim ‘s
search for God and then Allah finally guided him. “ so also did we show Ibrahim the power and the laws
of heavens and the earth. They are opposed by their people

Q2 (a) Describe the way in which the Quran was compiled in to a book form. (10)

The Quran was revealed to the Prophet over a period of 23years. Allah who has revealed the Quran
Himself has made arrangements for its safety and security for ever. No sooner was a passage of the
Quran revealed it was recorded on the leaves of date palm, barks of trees, bones etc., at the dictation of
the Prophet to his companions. The Quran says, “ tales of the ancient , which he caused to be written
before him, morning and evening”. Some companions were appointed as scribe of revelations, the
Quran refers to their work, “ written by the scribes most pious, most just”. All these pieces were kept in
a basket. At the same time many companions memorised the Quran, but it was not compiled into a
book form.

After the death of the Prophet, during the caliphate of Abu Bakr many people declared them as false
prophets. One of them was Musaylama, who posed the most serious threat. In the battle of yamama
fought against Musaylma, many Muslims who had memorised the Quran were killed. This made Hazrat
Umar fear that the Quran might be lost if all those who have memorised it might die. Therefore he
suggested to Hazrat Abu Bakr to compile it in a book form.

Abu Bakr first showed hesitation to do what Holy Prophet had not done. But after some discussion he
agreed to it. He entrusted this work to Zaid bin Thabit who also showed hesitation at first like Abu Bakr
and for the same reason, but at last he was convinced. Zaid is reported to have said that he felt it would
be far easier to carry a mountain on his head than to take such a big responsibility. Zaid acted as a scribe
of revelations to the Prophet and had memorised the Quran and had directly learned from the Prophet.
He was also present on the occasion when the Holy Prophet recited the whole of the completed Quran
to angel Gibrael. A commission of number of companions was appointed including 20 to25 hufaz under
Zaid bin Thabit. All written pieces left by the Prophet were collected and those in possession of his
companions. With the help of those who had memorised the Quran all written pieces were verified. Zaid
did not take anything in his manuscript unless all the three sources tallied with one another. After
compilation the authentic copy was given to Abu Bakr then was kept in the custody of Hafsa (RA), wife
of the Prophet and daughter of Hazrat Umar.

The powerful armies that spread Islam in early times were made up of soldiers from different parts of
the empire. During Uthman’s caliphate the generals discovered that soldiers from different parts were
reciting the Quran in different way. There was a danger that pure and beautiful Arabic of the Quran
might be altered and various script of the Quran might cause dispute among Muslims. Therefore Caliph
Uthman with consultation of the companions of the Prophet decided that authentic copies of the Quran
be made and should be used in the whole of Muslim world, and all other copies in any other dialect or
idiom should be destroyed. All other copies were burnt as a precautionary measure. Uthman appointed
Zaid along with three other Muslims to assist him, to make copies of the Quran. The Quran was read out
loudly from the beginning to the end in the Prophet’s mosque from these copies, so that no doubt
remained. These copies were then sent to every province of the Muslim states with instructions that in
future copies should be made only from the official authentic text.

(b)Why it was important to compile the Quran into a book? (4)

The companions feared that they might lose some part of the Quran if it was not preserved in a book. It
was not wise to depend on those who had memorised it, and an authentic copy was required so that no
change is ever made. Later in Uthman’s time it was feared that different dialects of the Quran might give
rise to mischiefs and disputes among Muslims and unity of Muslims might be threatened. Moreover
there was a danger that the pure and beautiful Arabic of the Quran might be altered or changed by
those Arabs who came in contact with Non Arabs. This is the reason all over the Muslim world Quran is
recited and written in Arabic though it may not be their original language. It is important for Muslims to
have Quran in a book form for those who want to memorise it, as it is very rewarding to do so. The
Quran is a source of law and it is very important for legal experts to have it at one place. For example it
tells share of each heir in the property of deceased. “Share of daughter is half to the son”. There are
many verses of the Quran which teach Muslims in their daily life.” When you prepare for prayer wash
your faces and your hands to the elbows, rub your head and wash your feet to the ankles”. Quran is a
book of guidance for all purposes therefore it should be all intact in a book for recitation.

Q3 (a) What do Muslims mean when they call Quran as Kalam Allah (Word of Allah)?(10)

Muslims believe that Quran is the revealed book of Allah to Mohammad (SAW).There is no doubt as far
as its preservation is concerned. Allah has taken responsibility of protecting and preserving it. The Quran
says, “We have without doubt, sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it ( from
corruption)”.As soon as the Prophet Mohammad (SAW) received a revelation he dictated it to his
companion and told them to memorise it. After the Prophet’s death his companions compiled the
revelations into a book.

While reading the Quran we can find Allah speaking to different people and communities, for example,
‘Oh you who believe obey Allah and his messenger” and “Moses I am indeed Allah the Lord of the
worlds” “Say He is Allah, the one”. Since Quran is from Allah it gives knowledge that nobody
tells about seen and unseen, angels the life Hereafter, paradise and hell. The Qurn says, “Allah has sent
down to you the Book and wisdom and he taught you what you did not know”. The Quran also talks
about the scientific facts which were unknown to people 1400 years before, except the Creator himself
no one could know. The Quran tells that sun, moon, earth have their own orbits in which they revolve
around, and that all living things are created in pairs even plants. It also talks about the Big bang theory
and three layers of mother’s womb and different stages of human embryo. All the facts are now proven
by modern science. Being the Divine book its expression is unique; it has no beginning or end. The Quran
gave challenge to the proud poets of Jahiliya to produce ten verses like that but none accepted the

Quran is the last word from Allah. It is his most complete word and affirms and corrects earlier books. It
says, “to you we sent the scripture in truth, confirming the books that came before it….”It’s a universal
book of guidance for all mankind. The Quran says, “It is no less than a message for all creatures”. It gives
guidance for all aspects of life. For example, “Worship none but Allah; treat with kindness your parents
and relatives…”, “Give measure and weight with justice_”

But we must remember that since Quran is Allah’s eternal word and Allah is more knowing and more
majestic than any one can imagine, the Quran possesses some mystery that human mind cannot

Q4. (a) Describe the background in which surah Ikhlas and surah Kausar/ surah Duha, were revealed.

Surah Ikhlas was revealed in reply to the questions of the non-believers about ancestry of Allah. There
are different traditions being narrated by the companions whether the surah was revealed in Makka or
Madina. Some say the Quraish of Makkah asked about ancestry of the Prophet’s God, some say a group
of Jews asked about attributes of Allah where as some say the Christians of Najran asked what wasAllah
made of? The Arabs were already familiar with the word Allah as the creator of the universe since
earliest time. They used to ask Allah for help in most difficult time. Kabah was called the house of Allah.
For other gods they used illah. They believed that angels were daughters of Allah. The Quran says, “They
have invented a blood relationship between Allah and angels know that these people will be
culprits.”(As Saffat 158)

The surah made it clear that Mohammad’s Lord is the whole world’s creator, master, Sustainer and
administrator, whom they themselves acknowledge. The surah invited them to his service alone. The
surah uses the word ‘ahad’ the one and only to show the idol worshippers that Allah is single, unique,
and matchless and he alone is illah (Diety), therefore no one else is his associate in Divinity either.

Since they asked about ancestry of Allah the surah clearly told that, “He begets not or is he begotten.”
The word ‘samad’ in the surah further clarifies their concept of God , that he is the source of all, to
whom all turn to for their needs, but he is independent of all. The Quran says, “Praise is for Allah, who
has begotten no son nor has any partner in his Kingdom nor is helpless to need any supporter.”(Bani
Israel 3) Allah is one and only and is comparable to none, two or more beings cannot be self-sufficient.

Surah Kauthar was revealed in the early days of Prophet Hood of Mohammad (SAW), when he was
passing through most trying conditions. Whole nation had turned hostile there was resistance and
opposition on every side . He had a handful of his companions and he did not see any remote chance of
success. At that time two of his sons Qasim and Abdullah died one after the other. His enemies started
6calling him ‘abtar’ which is derived from batar means to cut off. Idiomatically it is used for a man who is
left with no hope of any good or success. It also means a person whose male children have died and he
is lost to posterity. The surah encouraged and consoled him at that time by prophesising about
abundance of blessings granted to him in this world and in the Hereafter. The Surah tells the Prophet
that it’s not him but his enemies who would be abtar. This is an important prophecy which literally
proved true. At that time no one could imagine how the big chiefs of Quraish would become abtar, who
were famous not only in Makkah like Abu Lahab and Abu Jahal , but throughout Arabia, who were
successful in life, rich and had many children.

At the battle of Trench the Quraish came with a big force, but Allah guided the Prophet to dig trenches
and the enemy had to flee. Very soon in 8 th year of Hijra, when the Prophet went to attack on Makkah
the Quraish leaders surrendered helplessly. After this the whole Arabia came under the Prophet’s rule,
majority tribes accepted Islam. Then they were so lost to posterity that even their own children, who
survived, knew that they were descendants of Abu Lahab or Abu Jahl. On the contrary blessings are
being invoked on the children of the Holy Prophet throughout the world. Millions of people take pride in
being relationship to the Prophet. There are millions of followers of the Prophet who will carry on his
name till the Last day.

Q 5 (a) What do you learn from the set passages of the Quran for special study about “Allah in
himself”? (10)

The basic doctrine of the Islam is Tauheed, oneness of Allah, which is the essence of the teaching of
Quran . The surah that best explains the concept is al-Ikhlas, it tells that Allah is unique in his Being and
he is eternal and absolute in his authority; that he is above all need for another source for his presence
nor does he have an offspring and nor is there any equal to him.“ He begets not nor is he begotten and
there is none like him”. The same concept is explained in The verse of the throne , telling that Allah is
eternal everlasting and his knowledge is all encompassing, not limited by time and space.He watches all
with his unsleeping and unfailing care. “No slumber can seize him nor sleep.” He knows all the past and
the future. Nothing can change the course that he has set himself unless he allows .

The Quran teaches to find existence of Allah in his creation, because he is the prime cause of everything.
The Quran says that, “his signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon”. There is so much
perfection and harmony in the universe which proves that there is one and only creator who is running
or controlling the whole system of the universe. Verse 4-5 of surah Shurah tells that Allah’s forgiveness
and mercy far exceed man’s transgression and and gives them message of hope that they will be
forgiven if they repent and ask forgiveness .” Verily Allah is He, the often-forgiving, the most merciful”.
All the passages of the Quran which teach about Divinity of God , directly or indirectly teach to worship
and adore Allah alone and not to associate partners with Him. “But adore Allah, who created them, if it
is him you wish to serve”.

Sometimes the Quran deals with this theme in a very unique way. Allah himself uses different symbols
to tell about his nature. For example in surah Noor he describes himself as a light,” Allah is the light of
the heavens and the earth”. Here light of Allah is the knowledge and wisdom , which he grants to human
beings to enlighten their minds and souls. Basic teaching in all the surahs is that everything in the
heavens and the earth belong to Allah, who is the Sustainer and the cherisher of all of his creation. We
should obey him and worship him and should not associate partners with him.
Q6 (a) From the Quranic passages you have studied, outline the relationship between God and his
creation. (10)

The passages of the Quran basically have focussed the purpose of creation of mankind that is to obey
and worship Allah, to follow the right way that he had sent through his messengers. Quran says,” We
have created the Jin a nd men but to worship”. The surah that best explains this relationship is al-Fatiha.
It tells that Allah is the Sustainer, Cherisher and the creator of the world, the most merciful and most
compassionate. Therefore men should worship him and turn to him for help. “You do we worship and
your help we seek”. Allah has sent his guidance through his messengers so that we remain on the right
way. Surah Alaq says, “He who taught by the pen, taught man what he did not know”. Men can follow
this way only with the help and blessings of Allah, therefore they should pray to him to show them the
right way, given in the Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet, and to keep them from going astray
toward that path on which His wrath falls.

Since Allah is most powerful he has control over everything including the Day of Judgment, so men
should seek for his mercy and forgiveness. Sura Zilzal gives some details of the great disaster that would
take place on the Last Day. It tells that on the Resurrection day the earth will narrate whatever has
happened on her, means all record will be presented before Allah. No one will come for help,’ every one
of them will be presented before him individually on the Resurrection Day”. Allah will establish his court,
perfect evidence will be provided and each case will be dealt with justice. The surah explains that even
the most ordinary good has its own weight and value, even the most ordinary evil will be considered and
taken into account and not just be overlooked. The Prophet (SAW) has said, “Be aware of the minor sins,
for they gather together on man, so much so that they will kill him”. The Quran basically teaches that we
should live a righteous life in obedience to Allah, but if we commit any sins we should repent and ask for
forgiveness. Quran says, “Allah is He, the oft-forgiving, the most merciful”.

Ayat 21-22 of sura al-Baqra says that Allah has created everything for the benefit of mankind, so they
should be thankful to him and should not associates any partners with him. The surah Nas tells since he
is the Lord and King of mankind, men should

Seek for his refuge and protection. Men should have complete faith and trust in Allah as their protector
against all forms of evil rather than to fear one who wants to harm them. “Say I seek refuge with the
Lord of mankind, the king of mankind, the God of mankind”. Basically the message in all passages is that
men are just the servants of the Almighty God, thus they should humble themselves before him,
worship him alone, and obey his commands as they cannot find salvation without his mercy and help
and guidance.

7.(a) From the Quranic passages you have studied, what do you know about two of messengers who were sent
before the Prophet Mohammad. (10)

There are many passages of Quran which narrate stories of the prophets that came before Mohammad (SAW),
for example Musa, Ibrahim, Yousaf, Isa, Adam and many more. These suras tell us the relationship between
Allah and his messengers who came to spread the light of Allah for the guidance of mankind.
Adam the first man created by Allah was the first prophet as well. Ayat 30-37 of surah al-Baqra tell the story of
his creation. Allah told the angels that he was going to create his vicegerent; it is one who exercises the
delegated powers on behalf of the supreme authority. So man is just a deputy who has to obey the true Master.
The angels asked Allah why he wanted to create a being that would shed blood in land. The question was not
raised to object but to get more information about the matter. They wanted to know how a being with free will
remain obedient to Allah. Allah told them that He has knowledge and wisdom beyond every one. The passage
tells that Allah gave necessary knowledge to Adam and told angels to bow down before him to accept his
superiority over other creations. The knowledge of angels is confined only to their own assigned work. The
power and knowledge given to Adam by Allah show that, man may abuse his authority by creating disorder but
with his knowledge he may do more good than evil.
All angels bowed down except Iblees who was accursed. Allah created a mate for Adam,
and allowed them to live in paradise.” O Adam, dwell you and your wife in the garden and enjoy as you wish:
but approach not this tree…..”The tree was just a trial for Adam to prove that he deserved to live in paradise.
Iblees mislead Adam and his wife. They ate from the tree and were sent down on earth with Iblees
When Adam felt sorry for his guilt and wanted to repent and return to Allah, he could not find appropriate words
for asking Allah’s pardon. Then Allah taught him the words of forgiveness, “If you forgive us not and bestow not
upon us your mercy we shall certainly be lost”. This tells that Adam was not arrogant like Iblees. He was born
But his faculty of choice may be influenced by Satin. He was sent to earth to continue his job as vicegerent of
The second prophet mentioned in aya 110 of surah Maida is Hazrat Isa ,whose birth was a miracle, he was
born to virgin Mariam. Allah sent angel Gibrael to put the Holy Spirit of Isa in her womb, without being touched
by a man. Allah granted him many miracles to call the heard heartened People of Bani Israel. When people
doubted Mariam after Isa’s birth, Allah granted him power to speak in his childhood,“ So that you spoke to
people in child hood”. Allah sent his messengers for the guidance of mankind. He gave them wisdom and
knowledge, and protected them from their opponents. For this he gave special powers and miracles to Isa as a
truth of his  message. He could make a bird out of clay and breathe into it and it started to fly, he could cure the
leperacy  patients and born blind. Isa could even bring back dead to life. Allah gave revelations to all of his
prophets and to some he gave books. He gave Injil to Isa which contained the words of wisdom and the law,
“Behold! I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel”. The passage repeats the phrase “by my
leave” to tell that all miracles were possible by the will of Allah. Isa was not divine he was only a messenger of
Allah. The passage also tells that Allah not only gave him miracles but he also protected him from his people.
When Bani Israel tried to crucify him, Allah directly took him to paradise.

(b)Explain why Allah sent his revelations through messengers?(4)

Allah had been sending revelations to all messengers, starting from Adam to Mohammad (SAW).These
messengers were sent to different nations, the Quran says, “There is no nation to whom warner is not sent”.
Allah loves best of his creation and wants them to be on the right way. For this he guided and inspired his
messengers from among them, who could talk to them in their own language. And could provide them a model
because man can best serve as an example and guide for his own race. Allah tells in the Quran that if there
were angels living on earth, ”We should certainly have sent down from heavens an angel for a messenger”.
All messenger were sinless had exemplary character and had special intellect and wisdom to attract people to
the right way. Finally Allah sent down his last messenger who was a model of excellence, the Qurn says, “You
have indeed in the messenger of Allah, a beautiful pattern of conduct”.
This is because he brought most perfect and complete religion that has to remain forever the guidance for all

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