Meet 14 Akuntansi Manajemen Strategik: Creating Value Through Strategic Alliances

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Meet 14

Akuntansi Manajemen Strategik

Creating Value Through
Strategic Alliances
Learning Lessons
Faktanya adalah bahwa menciptakan aliansi strategis yang
produktif dan menguntungkan membutuhkan lebih dari sekadar
mengidentifikasi tujuan yang jelas, melakukan uji tuntas,
mengamankan kontrak, dan menetapkan proses operasi. Sangat
penting bagi Anda untuk melihat realitas bisnis Anda sebelum
memilih mitra aliansi. Kembangkan strategi aliansi Anda untuk
mendukung visi, misi, dan tujuan bisnis Anda. Memperoleh
pemahaman menyeluruh tentang tujuan Anda, posisi dan lanskap
kompetitif, kekuatan, batasan, kompetensi, dan kapabilitas
membantu Anda menentukan apakah aliansi lebih masuk akal
daripada membeli perusahaan atau membangun kapabilitas
secara internal.
Proses Penciptaan 9 Nilai
1. Tentukan Proposisi Nilai
2. Segmen Pelanggan
3. Hubungan Pelanggan
4. Saluran
5. Arus Pendapatan
6. Aktivitas Utama
7. Sumber Daya Utama
8. Kemitraan Utama - Eksternal – Internal
9. Struktur Investasi / Biaya
1. Define the Value Proposition 2. Customer Segments

Name the Joint Solution Identify the

What is the Joint Value vertical/industry/ideal
Solution and what does it customer profile, market
do? size, location (local,
List of benefits/features to national, international,
support key proposition global)
5. Revenue Streams 6. Key Activities

Describe all the different ways Not all things are equal – what are
both companies are going to the top 10 activities you must
generate revenue from this execute in order to gain
alliance? acceptance, momentum and
What’s the break even analysis? velocity for this alliance? (You and
What is the proposed revenue Partner)
structure between the partners? What is the timeline to perform
(including influence/referral each activity?
revenue, rev share…) Who is on point?
How will the revenue be divided Any barriers or obstacles to getting
up between the partners? those done
Equally, based on investments…. Timeline for Approvals, Agreement,
Pricing strategy Internal training
7. Key Resources 8. Key Partnerships – External – Internal

Identify the internal and External: Do we need 3rd Party

external resources Implementors, additional solution
needed – resources may components, resellers for different
include: human locations (local, national, global),
resources, financial outside subject matter experts and/or
resources, industry expertise, industry analyst
knowledge/expertise endorsements…?
(product, legal, finance, Internal: Do we have the buy-in from
SMEs/industry) the key stakeholders: executives, sales,
marketing, products, delivery, legal and
9. Investment / Cost Structure

How much money are you going to

Use of funds and assumptions
Investments of each partner
(factoring in: people, technology, IP,
knowledge and expertise, marketing
and sales, delivery, customer base,
customer access….)
Forum, Tugas, dan Video
• Strategic Alliances and how they can help you grow your business
from Savaras Ali
• Apa yang anda ketahui tentang Key Resources
• Jelaskan tentang Key Partnership (Internal and External)

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