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1. What are the ways to create a CONNECT-SOAP rule?

Ans. We can create CONNECT-SOAP in couple of ways

 Select > Integration > Connectors > Connector and Metadata Wizard to start the
Connector Accelerator to create a Connect SOAP rule.

2. How is WSDL Generated?

Ans. WSDL file is generated in different technologies like dot net and java from their respective
tools. Those tools will automatically generates Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file for
each Web service on that application. When you type the URL of a Web service appended by the "?
wsdl" parameter in a Web browser, that returns the WSDL file, which contains the WSDL binding
definition for the Web service.
In PRPC Process Commander can automatically generate a WSDL document from a service package
instance (which contains one to many SOAP services).

3. What does WSDL Contains in it?

Ans. WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language. A WSDL file is a document written in
XML; the document describes a Web service. It specifies the location of the service and the
operations (or methods) that the service exposes. For each exposed method, the WSDL details the
format that a request and response SOAP message will expect or send.

4. What are the rules Created if you create a connect-soap rule through Connector metadata
Ans. Wizards and accelerators guide you through creating connectors to external services using
metadata such as an EJB class, WSDL file, or SQL statement. The accelerator automatically creates
properties in your application and rules to map the incoming information to these properties. The
Connector and Metadata wizard constructs the classes, properties, and connector rules you need in
your application to call the service.

 Class
 Property
 Data Transform
 Parse XML
 Connect Soap
 Activity

5. Scenario based question: Your application is in production. But the end point URL which is
used in SOAP is updated over a period of time?
6. How do you overwrite or change OR update the END point URL to which you are getting
Ans. Pega SOAP connectors consume external services. Given that, if you had used a global resource
setting property (=.Pagename.Propertyname) for the value of the service endpoint then just update
the data transform having the value for that property. Otherwise, modification of the connector
itself would be necessary.

7. How do you handle errors in SOAP Connector? What is the significance of FAULTs tab?
Ans. specify the second key part — Flow Name — of a flow rule in the Error Handler Flow field on a
connector rule form. The Applies To key part of the calling flow is used as the first key part when
retrieving the exception flow rule. If you leave the Error Handler Flow field blank, a connector problem
causes the flow execution to fail and is reported only as Java exceptions in the Pega log of
type: The standard flow
rule Work-.ConnectionProblem provides a default approach to exception handling.

To capture exceptions triggered by the Connect-SOAP method, configure the error handling fields on
the Service tab.

 Faults tab are required, as a best practice use this tab to map any SOAP faults returned by the Web
service. That way you can include an error-handling step in the connector activity and have the activity
respond appropriately if the connector receives a SOAP fault instead of the response message it expects.

8. Have an idea on simulators?? This will be asked as part of testing soap connectors?
9. what are all the rules and data instances created during the Connector meta data wizard run?
10. How is queuing of tasks done. i mean which agent is responsible for Connectors
11. More over how do we invoke connect-soap rule from our application?
12. Through connector activity with connect method and be perfect in knowing the importance of
connect-wait method.
13. Connect-wait method?
Ans. Use the Connect-Wait method to join the current requestor session with a parallel connector
requestor session created previously. Any of the four RDB- methods or eight Connect- methods can
operate in parallel.

14. What are the parameters mentioned in connect wait method?

Ans. Wait-Seconds: Enter a positive number of seconds as a timeout interval, or enter -1 to cause an
indefinite wait.

15. Data mapping importance and rules like parse xml and xml stream rules?
These terms are important in the Integration category:
Connector - Provides an interface from your application to an outside service. Most connectors
execute synchronously, as part of a flow execution, when the work item reaches a specific place.
Service - Provides an endpoint for a external client using elements within your application. Service
requests are processed in the background, not as part of a flow.
Parse XML Rule - A mapping rule that accepts an XML stream and translates it's contents into
Process Commander property values.
XML Stream Rule - Constructs an XML stream from properties values within your application.
Listener - A rule that operates in the background and monitors a location (file system, email, JMS
queue) for requests and acts in a prescribed way once a change in the monitored location is

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