Extended Project Oral Presentation Record Form

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Extended Project Oral Presentation Record Form

Learner Name Yuntong Guo Learner number 0109

Centre Name Wycombe Abbey International School Centre Number 93481

Investigate the optical isomerism in
Project Title Date 10/5/2019

Band placement
Content Low 1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3
How clear are the main ideas? Comments:
Clear and explained with reference to the wider
context. All audience members knew the
importance of pure ibuprofen.

Organisation Low1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3

How clear and logical is the structure? Do the different parts of the Comments:
presentation link together? Exceptional, especially given the difficulty of
the subject knowledge he was presenting

Pace Low 1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3

Is the presentation well paced? Comments:
Technical terms were always explained so that
the audience could follow.

Voice Low 1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3

Is the presentation clearly audible? Does the presenter avoid simply reading the Comments:
presentation aloud?
Authoritative and commanding.

Visual aids Low1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3

If visual aids are used, are they relevant and consistently effective in supporting Comments:
the presentation? Are they clearly visible and not over-crowded with too much
Brilliant. Props complemented the power point
and the explanation

Contact with audience Low 1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3

Does the presenter engage well with the audience and hold their attention? Comments:

Handling questions Low1 High 1 Low 2 High 2 Low 3 High 3

Does the presenter handle questions calmly and confidently? Are they answered Comments:
clearly and insightfully, in a way which shows good subject knowledge?
Totally assured in subject knowledge and with
clear insights into the purpose of the question

Strengths of the presentation AO4 Mark Awarded: 9

Subject knowledge, confidence and composure were all excellent. The learner managed to be totally assured
in her subject knowledge while being reflective, evaluative and informative.

Signed (Teacher/assessor): Position: Second Master

Edexcel Level 3 Extended Project Issue 3 – September 2008

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