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Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125

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GIS-based multicriteria evaluation with multiscale analysis to

characterize urban landslide susceptibility in data-scarce
Suzana Dragi c a, *, Terence Lai a, 1, Shivanand Balram b, 2
Spatial Analysis and Modeling Laboratory, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada
Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Landslides can have a severe negative impact on the socio-economic and environmental state of in-
Available online 28 July 2014 dividuals and their communities. Minimizing these impacts is dependent on the effective identification
of risk areas using a susceptibility analysis process. In such a process, output maps are generated to
Keywords: determine various levels of threat to human populations. However, the reliability of the process is
Fuzzy sets controlled by critical factors such as data availability and data quality. In data-scarce environments,
susceptibility analysis done at multiple interlocking geographic scales can provide a convergence of
Landslide susceptibility
evidence to reliably identify risk areas. In this study, multiscale analysis and fuzzy sets are combined with
Multicriteria evaluation
GIS-based multicriteria evaluation (MCE) to determine landslide susceptibility levels for areas of the
Validity Metro Vancouver region, British Columbia, Canada. Landslide-conditioning parameters are chosen based
on their relevance and effect on a particular scale of analysis. These parameters are derived for three
geographic scales using digital elevation models, drainage networks and road networks. An analytical
hierarchy process (AHP) analysis provides relative weights of importance to combine variables. The
landslide susceptibility analysis is done for regional, municipal and local scales at resolutions of 50 m,
10 m, and 1 m respectively. At each scale, susceptibility models are validated against real inventory data
using the seed cell area index (SCAI) method. The strong inverse correlation between the map classes and
the SCAI adds to confidence in the results. The developed approach can enable analysts in data-scarce
environments to reliably identify susceptible areas thereby improving hazard mitigation, emergency
services targeting, and overall community planning.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction economic costs include relocating communities, repairing physical

structures, and restoring water quality in streams and rivers (Yalcin,
Landslides are described as the mass movements of slope- 2007).
forming materials comprising rocks, soils, artificial fill, or a com- The Joint Technical Committee on Landslides and Engineered
bination of these (Sidle & Ochiai, 2006). Causal factors such as slope Slopes characterizes landslide susceptibility zoning as the spatial
and erosion accumulate in an area and the onset of a rapid trigger distribution and classification of terrain units according to their
event releases the landslide. These trigger events include rainfall, predisposition to result in landslides (Fell et al., 2008). Landslide
weathering, surface fractures, and earthquakes. The landslide susceptibility assessments are important to engineers and city
evolves swiftly and can have devastating impacts on the well-being planners because the susceptibility maps provide an additional tool
of humans and communities, especially in regions where urban to support the selection of areas for development. In order to plan
residential areas coincide with mountainous terrains. The for the adverse effects of landslides, since the 1970s landslide
susceptibility and hazard zoning techniques have been developed
by manually delineating susceptibility zones using aerial photo-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 778 782 4621; fax: þ1 778 782 5841 graphs (Blesius & Weirich, 2010; Brabb, Pampeyan, & Bonillia, 1972;
E-mail addresses: (S. Dragi
c), (T. Lai), sbalram1@ Drennon & Schleining, 1975). In recent decades, there was (S. Balram). improved progress in preparing hazard zoning maps because of the
Tel.: þ1 778 782 5628.
2 rapid development of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) that
Tel.: þ1 778 782 3702; fax: þ1 778 782 5841.
0197-3975/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125 115

greatly advanced the susceptibility mapping process in both effi- volumes of data and the inability of generalizing the comparison
ciency and accuracy (Weirich & Blesius, 2007). GIS facilitated large results outside the data context.
volumes of data to be managed and quickly analyzed for use in In addition to data availability, scale is also an important factor.
various landslide mapping studies (Yalcin & Bulut, 2007). Despite Selecting the appropriate analysis scale is a challenge when pro-
the advances in GIS capabilities, landslide susceptibility studies are ducing susceptibility maps because it is often a compromise be-
still mostly being conducted at a single spatial scale. The objectives tween a desired scale and data availability. Nevertheless, landslide
of this study are to (i) develop a multiscale approach to model susceptibility studies mostly generate a single map at a fixed scale
landslides, (ii) implement the approach at regional, municipal and determined by data convenience. However, the scale of observation
local spatial scales, and (iii) test the approach using inventory data will affect the analysis, outputs and interpretation. For example, at
from the Metro Vancouver area, District of North Vancouver (DNV), a country level scale topography will explain the broad patterns of
Canada; and locally on the Berkley Escarpment in the DNV. The slope, aspect, and flow accumulation but mask local finer scale
spatial resolutions of the Metro Vancouver, DNV, and Berkley variations. As the scale changes, so do associated patterns of spatial
Escarpment data are 50 m, 10 m, and 1 m respectively. processes and this has implications for understanding any phe-
There are many techniques available to produce landslide sus- nomena and the applicability of methods and results from one scale
ceptibility maps and these can be categorized generally into to another (Hay, Marceau, Dube, & Bouchard, 2001). Thus, under-
quantitative methods, semi-quantitative methods, and qualitative standing the behavior of a phenomenon at multiple scales is
methods. Further, within each of these categories research efforts imperative to determine the effect of scale on the spatial patterns
are being made to use multiple approaches to improve the sus- and processes (Wu, Jelinski, Luck, & Tueller, 2000).
ceptibility map outputs. The research literature has indicated only one analysis using a
Quantitative methods such as deterministic models (Gomes multiscale MCE approach to evaluate landslides. The authors
et al., 2008; Gorsevski, Gessler, Boll, Elliot, & Foltz, 2006; Klimes, developed a national landslide risk index map for Cuba with
2008; Luzi & Pergalani, 1996; Mergili, Schratz, Ostermann, & additional analyses at provincial and municipal levels (Castellanos
Fellin, 2012; Santini, Grimaldi, Nardi, Petroselli, & Rulli, 2009; Abella & Van Westen, 2007). One challenge was the lack of avail-
Van Westen & Terlien, 1996; Wan, Lei, & Chou, 2012; Wu & Sidle, able data for the entire country and hence the authors were forced
1995) and probabilistic and statistical models (Ayalew & to exclude deterministic landslide hazard assessment methods
Yamagishi, 2005; Dai & Lee, 2003; Ercanoglu, 2005; Kia et al., from their analysis. They compromised by using MCE and AHP
2012; Ohlmacher & Davis, 2003; Piacentini et al., 2012; Thapa, methods to produce a qualitative landslide risk index. Further, with
2011; Xu, Xu, Lee et al., 2012; Yilmaz, 2009; Yilmaz & Keskin, this national level risk map they identified areas of high risk at the
2009; Yilmaz, Topal, & Suzen, 2012) have minimal dependence provincial and municipal levels for additional statistical analysis
on human judgment and expert opinion to produce the output once relevant data becomes available. While the authors have
maps. These quantitative techniques also require large volumes of produced a useful representation of landslides at the national level,
detailed data derived from laboratory tests and field surveys it is clear the methods used and the scale of analysis were condi-
making them highly unsuitable for regional scale studies (Van tioned on the available data.
Westen, Van Asch, & Soeters, 2006) or use in data-scarce envi- In this study, we have integrated a multiscale analysis and fuzzy
ronments (Demoulin & Chung, 2007). These quantitative methods sets into a GIS-based multicriteria evaluation (MCE) approach to
have also been integrated with GIS and multicriteria evaluation determine landslide susceptibilities in the Metro Vancouver region,
(MCE) techniques to better represent the spatial character of the British Columbia, Canada. The focus is on shallow landslides trig-
problem situation. gered by rainfall events typical of the study sites. This focus allows
Heuristic methods, including both qualitative and semi- for the generalization of the results to other study areas susceptible
quantitative, range from direct field mapping methods to com- to shallow landslides. The ability to model landslide susceptibility
plex logical and computer-based systems that incorporate human across multiple scales allows various levels of decision makers to
judgment and expert opinions (Castellanos Abella & Van Westen, identify susceptibility hotspots and effectively allocate resources
2008; Lai & Dragicevic, 2011; Lee & Choi, 2004; Pavel, Nelson, & and services. The next sections give background to the theory,
Fannin, 2011; Reis et al., 2012; Van Westen, Rengers, & Soeters, outline the multiscale GIS-based MCE approach, and present results
2003; Wang, Guo, Fang, & Chang, 2012). A common heuristic from three scales of analysis. The implications of the work are then
approach linking GIS and multicriteria evaluation (Jankowski, 1995) discussed and conclusions stated.
uses expert opinions on multiple criteria with the resulting land-
slide maps categorized into zones of “very low”, “low”, “medium”, Material and methods
“high”, and “very high” categories of susceptibility. A mixture of
criteria weighting tools such as the Analytical Hierarchy Process GIS-based multicriteria evaluation
(AHP) and criteria integration tools such as Weighted Linear
Combination (WLC) are used to combine the factors and generate Geographic information systems (GIS) have evolved from pre-
landslide susceptibility maps (Akgun & Bulut, 2007; Akgun & Turk, forming functionalities such as geographic database management
2010; Gorsevski, Jankowski, & Gessler, 2006; Pourghasemi, to geovisualization analysis and are now able to provide advanced
Pradhan, & Gokceoglu, 2012; Thanh & De Smedt, 2012; Wu & scientific and mathematical analysis between multiple map layers
Chen, 2009; Yalcin, 2008). Heuristic analysis is shown to be a (Eastman, Jin, Kyem, & Toledano, 1995). Consequently, GIS is well-
cost-effective approach for large study areas having limited acces- suited and extensively applied to the design and development of
sible data (Van Westen et al., 2006). robust decision support systems capable of evaluating choices from
Recently, a combination of methods has been pursued. The advanced spatial data analysis techniques at various scales of
comparison of multiple susceptibility mapping methods is useful analysis (Lai, 2011).
because it provides an indication of the reliability range of the re- The goal of multicriteria evaluation (MCE) or multicriteria
sults (Lee et al., 2012; Regmi, Giardino, Vitek, & Dangol, 2010; Rossi, analysis (MCA) is to assess choice possibilities when there are
Guzzetti, Reichenbach, Mondini, & Peruccacci, 2010; Sterlacchini, multiple criteria and conflicting objectives (Carver, 1991;
Ballabio, Blahut, Masetti, & Sorichetta, 2011; Xu, Xu, Dai, & Saraf, Jankowski, 1995; Voogd, 1982). The MCE procedure integrates in-
2012). However, limitations include the dependency on large formation from various standardized criteria to produce a single
116 S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125

evaluation index. Criteria are the evidence being used and can be selected parameters derived from topographic attributes, road
either factors or constraints. A factor increases or decreases the networks, and stream networks. The specific landslide-
suitability of an alternative for the activity under consideration, and conditioning parameters considered in this study were: slope
a constraint limits the alternatives under consideration (Eastman gradient, aspect gradient, stream power index (SPI), topographic
et al., 1995). The suitability levels of factors varies from Boolean wetness index (TWI), elevation, distance to road networks, and
unsuitable to suitable (i.e. zeros and ones) or levels of certainty (i.e. distance to stream networks.
a continuous scale from zero to one) depending on the type of data
used and the subjectivity of each expert (Malczewski, 1999). Slope gradient and aspect gradient
Fuzzy set theory addresses the uncertainty of data by assigning Slope gradient is widely used in landslide susceptibility studies
the data elements to be members of a set along a continuous scale since it is directly connected to the movement of landslide mate-
rather than the common crisp binary set membership (Zadeh, rials (Dai, Lee, Li, & Xu, 2001; Lee & Min, 2001; Van Westen et al.,
1965). Compared to linear scaling, fuzzy sets produce more real- 2003). Specifically, shear stresses on the slope material increases
istic standardization since the fuzzy set membership represents a with slope gradient and it is generally expected that landslides
specific relation between the criteria and possible outcomes (Lai, occur on the steepest slopes. The slope for each raster cell is
2011; Wood & Dragicevic, 2007). In the case of Boolean overlay, calculated as a function of the cell resolution and neighboring cells
membership values change from 0 and 1 as there are crisp (Monmonier, 1982). Aspect gradient affects slope material in a in-
boundaries between entities (Jiang & Eastman, 2000). After stan- direct relationship because aspect determines the exposure of a
dardization, a rating matrix is developed to assess the relative landscape to rainfall and solar radiation, and therefore the pro-
importance of each evaluation criteria with respect to the overall pensity of vegetation to grow, which in turn effects the soil stability
problem objective (Voogd, 1982). Varying and prioritizing the (Carrara et al., 1991). As a consequence, aspect gradient can be a
criteria allows for the generation of compromising alternatives and surrogate for data on soil attributes that may not be available. The
ranking alternative outcomes by the various criteria (Malczewski, aspect for each raster cell is the direction in which the maximum
2006). Varying the relative importance of criteria is based on slope faces.
expert knowledge and facilitates sensitivity analysis and validation
of weights and rankings of alternatives (Feick & Hall, 2004; Stream power index
Jankowski & Richard, 1994). The stream power index (SPI) is widely used as a landslide
MCE approaches that use GIS explicitly provides significant conditioning parameter (Conoscenti, Di Maggio, & Rotighano,
benefits in defining landslide susceptibility (Lai, 2011). Landslide 2008; Duman, Can, Gokceoglu, Nefeslioglu, & Sonmez, 2006;
studies often use MCE techniques because the types of data avail- Yilmaz, 2009). The index describes a measure of erosive power of
able are commonly qualitative (from expert opinion) and quanti- flowing water based on the assumption that runoff is directly
tative (from observed relationships between parameters and proportional to the upslope contributing area (Moore, Grayson, &
landslides), therefore requiring a semi-quantitative method that Ladson, 1991). In terms of each grid cell in the raster GIS, SPI is a
incorporates both types of data (Ayalew, Yamagishi, & Ugawa, function of erosive power of runoff acting on each cell. SPI is
2004). These methods assign weights to the different parameters defined as:
affecting landslide susceptibility and many techniques exist for
determining weights (Akgun & Bulut, 2007). The most common SPI ¼ As  tan b (1)
approach involves obtaining expert opinion to assigning weights in
the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and then combining where As ¼ specific catchment area (m2/m) and b ¼ slope gradient.
weights additively by weighted linear combination (WLC) to pro- As As and b increase, the amount of water provided by upslope
duce landslide susceptibility maps (Akgun, Dag, & Bulut, 2008; areas and the flow velocity of water increase, thereby increasing SPI
Ayalew, Yamagishi, Marui, & Kanno, 2005; Komac, 2006; Yalcin & and slope-erosion risk.
Bulut, 2007). In data-scarce environments, the AHP is more useful
compared with data intensive alternatives such as logistic regres- Topographic wetness index
sion, artificial neural networks (ANN) and decision trees. In totality, The topographic wetness index (TWI) describes the effect of
the combination of MCE and AHP to examine the convergence of topography on the location and size of saturated areas of runoff
evidence at multiple scales is a novel approach for landslide sus- generation (Moore et al., 1991). The TWI can be used as an esti-
ceptibility mapping (Lai, 2011). mation of spatial patterns for soil moisture since topography con-
trols the hydrological conditions where surface runoff and
Landslide-conditioning parameters groundwater flow. TWI is defined as:

Landslides are generated from complex geophysical and social As

TWI ¼ ln (2)
processes. As such, many landslide-causing parameters are inte- tan b
grated to improve the accuracy of the susceptibility mapping pro-
cess. However, in data-scarce environments it may not be possible where As ¼ specific catchment area (m2/m) and b ¼ slope gradient.
to obtain the required geological, lithological, weathering and soils Steady state conditions and uniform soil properties are
data that are typically used in the susceptibility mapping process. assumed. The equation gives predicted values for areas of satura-
Hence, surrogate variables derived from limited available data tion where As is large and b is small e typically these conditions
provide an elegant solution to this challenge. In one example, the occur at converging slopes in the landscape combined with gentle
commonly available digital elevation model (DEM) was used to slope gradient areas.
develop topographic stability indices for use in creating hazard and
susceptibility maps (Pack, Tarboton, Goodwin, & Prasad, 2005). Elevation
Correlation tests between the DEM derived data can further There is strong evidence that elevation is an indicator of land-
simplify the data by reducing statistical redundancy without slide susceptibility (Duman et al., 2006; Gokceoglu, Sonmez,
compromising the results. For these reasons, and the fact the Nefeslioglu, Duman, & Can, 2005; Pachauri & Pant, 1992). Land-
landslides being studied are mostly triggered by rainfall events, we slides usually occur at intermediate elevations since slopes tend to
S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125 117

be covered by a layer of thin colluvium that is prone to landslides

(Dai & Lee, 2002). Landslides are less likely to occur at very high
elevations because only rock exposures are present due to their
shear strength being much higher. In the lower elevations, slopes
are gentle and covered by thicker colluvium. The chance of land-
slides occurring is lower unless the water table rises to initiate
slope failure.

Distance to road networks

Gravel materials on roads are engineered and compacted to
withstand heavy loads making the surfaces flat and impermeable.
During heavy rainfall, road surfaces reduce infiltration causing
rapid overland flow and surface runoff (Horton, 1945). Roads can
have a major impact on surrounding areas as they allow water to
pool causing overload, undercut and saturated slopes (Guthrie,
2002). Roads also transmit vehicular vibrations as well as in-
crease the susceptibility for landslide initiation and intercept; they
store and produce sediment that influences downstream hill slopes
not necessarily near initiation sites (Wemple, Swanson, & Jones,

Distance to drainage networks

Landslides have been associated with proximity to drainage
networks because terrain modification caused by stream erosion
and undercutting of slope toes can influence landslide initiation
(Dai & Lee, 2002). Also, the presence of streams has the effect of
raising water tables in the surrounding areas of close proximity. It is
generally accepted that landslide frequency decreases as distance
from drainage networks increases.


A unique multiscale GIS-based approach was developed using

MCE and fuzzy sets to combine the selected landslide parameters
and generate realistic output susceptibility maps. Each landslide-
conditioning parameter affects the landslide process and final Fig. 1. Overview of MCE components for each scale.

output maps so it is necessary to determine the relative importance

of each parameter. The parameters are standardized to a common
is the same except it is done at shorter distances. The same is true
measurement scale using fuzzy set membership functions (Zadeh,
for other topographic variables except elevation.
1965) and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which calcu-
The use of elevation is suitable for a study area at a given scale if
lates the weight values for each parameter (Saaty, 1980). Final
the variation in altitude is sufficiently large. A small to medium
landslide susceptibility maps are then produced by combining the
scale study area would likely provide enough separation in land-
weighted standardized parameter maps using the weighted linear
slide classes between elevations. However, a large scale study
combination (WLC) method (Voogd, 1983). The above approach is
focusing on a hillslope or escarpment will not yield significant rise
applied successively to identify susceptible areas at increasing
scales and spatial resolutions (Fig. 1). This multiscale MCE approach
is applied to regional, municipal, and local scales at increasing
spatial resolutions of 50 m, 10 m, and 1 m respectively (Fig. 2).
These finer scales allow for the systematic identification of sus-
ceptibility ranging from the national level down to the community
level. The susceptibility maps produced at each of the spatial scales
can be used in comparative analysis because common important
parameters are used even though the scales are varying.

Defining scale-specific landslide-conditioning parameters

The set of landslide-conditioning parameters for each individual

scale was selected based on their relevance at the specific scale of
analysis. Topographic variables calculated from the DEM, such as
slope gradient, aspect gradient, SPI, and TWI can be used at all three
scales of analysis. These variables calculated at different spatial
resolutions represent the topography in each length of the cell size.
For example, slope gradient derived using a spatial resolution of
50 m is calculated by the average change in height over a cell length
of 50 m. For finer spatial resolutions, the slope gradient calculation Fig. 2. Interaction of MCE procedures between scale levels.
118 S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125

and fall in elevation. Hence, the use of elevation as a landslide- Analytical hierarchy process
conditioning parameter is limited to scales that exhibit a certain
level of topographic variability. Distance away from roads is The number of parameters used in the susceptibility analysis can
another parameter possessing limitations due to spatial resolution. make it challenging to evaluate their importance and assign
A coarse resolution of 50 m will incorrectly represent a single lane weights appropriately. Analyzing and comparing two parameters at
road that typically spans 6 m across. A spatial resolution of 50 m a time in an organized manner helps to breakdown the assignment
would still be too large even for double-lanes in both directions that of weights into smaller entities. Performing multiple one-to-one
typically spans 12 m totally. For each landslide factor, consideration pairwise comparisons is a much simpler and intuitive process to
is given to whether its inclusion makes logical sense at a given scale determine a hierarchy of landslide influencing factors than trying to
and spatial resolution. evaluate all parameters as a whole. The technique used in this study
is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). AHP is useful since it has
the capability to handle both qualitative and quantitative criteria
Standardization of parameters using fuzzy sets
(Ayalew et al., 2004). The technique operates irrespective of the
data type because the fundamental input given by the user is an
Data standardization is needed prior to GIS-based landslide
expert judgment in answer to the question: How important is
susceptibility mapping to facilitate criteria combination. In addi-
parameter A compared to parameter B? The relative importance of
tion, standardizing the data to a common scale allows comparisons
parameters is translated to a 9 point continuous rating scale and
between fuzzy sets because it allows the degree of membership for
entered into a pairwise comparison matrix (Saaty, 1980) (Table 1).
data to be measured on the same continuous scale between 0 and 1
Ratings are given by 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 starting with equal importance
(Zadeh, 1965). Traditionally, GIS applications have operated with
to increasing importance, with 2, 4, 6, and 8 as intermediate values.
crisp sets where spatial information captured from reality is rep-
Comparing a parameter with itself generates an equal rating of 1.
resented as discrete objects in space with a discrete definition.
Reciprocals represent the comparison of a pair of parameters in
When maps of landslides susceptibility are produced using infor-
reverse. For example, if parameter A was extremely more important
mation based on crisp sets with membership values being 0 or 1,
relative to parameter B a rating of 9 is given. The comparison in
the final outcome is identical to a Boolean overlay analysis. The
reverse of parameter B in relation to parameter A is given a rating of
fuzzification is also considered as a means to handle uncertainty
1/9. Once every possible pair of parameters has been given a rating,
arising from quantifying continuous scale data. Compared to linear
weights are calculated by matrix algebra using the eigenvector
scaling, fuzzy sets give a more realistic standardization output as
method to find the maximum or principal eigenvector of the matrix
using a fuzzy set membership represents a specific relation be-
(Eastman, 2009). The sum of weights must equal 1, which is a
tween the criteria and possible outcomes (Jiang & Eastman, 2000).
requirement of WLC in producing the final susceptibility map. The
The assumption of fuzzy set theory is that any transition be-
calculated weight values are the average of all possible ways of
tween categories is rarely a step function between non-
comparing the parameters and represent the importance of pa-
membership to membership. Rather, there is a gradual change in
rameters to each other (Malczewski, 1999). The ratings used in this
the degree of membership following a specified function. In this
study were obtained from the academic literature and expert
study, the landslide parameters are standardized from 0 to 1, where
knowledge contained in local landslide assessment reports.
0 represents the least susceptible areas and 1 represents the most
The calculation of the weights using a pairwise comparison
susceptible area. The specific fuzzy membership function used is
matrix may result in many variations, a degree of consistency is
the sigmoidal or s-shaped membership produced using a cosine
determined for the ratings. Saaty (1977) proposed an index of
function (Eastman, 2009). The function for each parameter is con-
consistency called the consistency ratio (CR). The CR is a measure of
structed by four control points (a, b, c, d) representing the inflection
the probability the matrix ratings were randomly generated. As a
points of the curve. Information from published literature, local
rule of thumb, a CR value of less than 10% is considered acceptable.
slope assessment reports, and expert knowledge were used to
Other values warrant further evaluation in the matrix ratings.
establish a relationship between parameters and landslides that
aided in the assignment of the fuzzy function control points (Akgun
& Bulut, 2007; BGC Engineering, 2006, 2010). The resulting curves Weighted linear combination
representing the degree of susceptibility, m(x), are characterized as
monotonically increasing, monotonically decreasing, and sym- In producing a final susceptibility map, the weighted linear
metric. The most commonly used and relevant membership func- combination (WLC) method is frequently used for aggregating
tion is the sigmoidal function given by: factor maps (Akgun et al., 2008). The WLC method used in this
study is expressed by S ¼ wi $xi, where S is the final susceptibility,
mðxÞ ¼ cos2 a (3) wi is the standardized weight of the factor i and xi is criterion score
of factor i. The standardized criteria maps created using fuzzy
where, in the case of a monotonically decreasing function:
xc p
a¼ (4) Table 1
dc 2 Nine point continuous rating scale.

Rating Comparison
when x < c, m(x) ¼ 1. In the case of a monotonically increasing
function: 1/9 Extremely Less important
1/7 Very strongly
  1/5 Strongly
xa p
a¼ 1 (5) 1/3 Moderately
ba 2 1 Equally
3 Moderately More important
when x > b, m(x) ¼ 1. 5 Strongly
The terms a, b, c, and d are control points that define the shape of 7 Very strongly
9 Extremely
the fuzzy functions.
S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125 119

membership functions are multiplied by the weight of each crite- Multicriteria evaluation analysis
rion. The set of weights must sum to one in order for the resulting The parameters used in the analysis are: slope gradient, aspect
susceptibility map to have the same range of values as the stan- gradient, SPI, TWI, distance to drainage network, and elevation. The
dardized factor maps. The weighted criteria maps are then com- control points for each parameter and the parameter ratings were
bined by summation to produce the susceptibility map. WLC is an obtained from a recent survey of the literature employing similar
effective way to combine primary level weights (fuzzy standardized decision-making approaches (Table 2). These points were associ-
parameters) with secondary-level weights (parameter importance) ated to a fuzzy membership for standardization prior to deter-
to produce an overall result. Constraints in the form of qualitative mining parameter weights. In AHP, each parameter is compared
criteria, such as locations of water bodies, can be masked out of the with one another and given an individual rating. When each pair is
analysis. The main issue is to define the set of weights that repre- rated, parameter weights are calculated. The measured CR was at
sent the relative importance of each criterion in conditioning 2% meaning the computed weights are well below the acceptable
landslides. AHP is used to assign weights in this study (Ayalew et al., 10% CR threshold. The weight value of slope gradient is highest,
2004). followed by SPI, elevation, TWI, distance to drainage network, and
aspect gradient in decreasing order. The weighted parameter maps
Software and map validation are summated to produce a regional scale landslide susceptibility
map for the Metro Vancouver region. The map has a continuous
The GIS software used in this study were Idrisi Taiga (Eastman, scale of numerical values in the range 0e1 making it difficult for
2009) and ArcGIS 9.3 (ESRI, 2009). Idrisi Taiga was used as the visually interpret. In order to reduce the visual map complexity, the
analyzing platform for data manipulation and multicriteria evalu- continuous values were categorized into equal intervals showing
ation. ArcGIS was used for some analysis, visualization, and carto- degrees of susceptibility. The five categories were distinguished as
graphic output. very low, low, medium, high, and very high (Fig. 3). The resulting
The validation technique seed cell area index (SCAI) is used to susceptibility map shows that the largest proportion of the study
evaluate the susceptibility maps at each scale (Suzen & Doyuran, area has low susceptibility occupying 37.53% of the entire area. The
2004). It is calculated by normalizing the area percentages for very low, medium, and high susceptible classes make up 10.72%,
each landslide susceptibility class by the landslide cell percentages. 20.40%, and 23.72% respectively. The very high susceptibilities ac-
The collection of landslide cells within the susceptibility class is count for 7.64% of the study area. The point locations of past
also termed seed cells. The high susceptibility classes will have low landslides have been mapped and are used to perform the valida-
SCAI values and conversely the low susceptibility classes will have tion of this susceptibility map. It is desired that the high and very
high SCAI values. The SCAI has been used for susceptibility map high susceptibility classes to have very small SCAI. Conversely, low
validation in many previous studies (Nefeslioglu, Duman, & and very low susceptibility classes should have higher SCAI. The
Durmaz, 2008; Suzen & Kaya, 2012; Yilmaz et al., 2012; Yilmaz, calculated SCAI values indicate the Berkley Escarpment map is
2010). reliable as the high and very high susceptibly classes have very low
SCAI values, while the very low and low susceptibility classes are
relatively higher (Fig. 4).
Results and discussion

In the sections that follow, the practical implementation and Municipal scale analysis: District of North Vancouver
resulting outputs of the developed GIS-based MCE and fuzzy set
approach at three different scales of analysis are presented. Study area
The District of North Vancouver (DNV) is located at the base of
Regional scale analysis: Metro Vancouver the Coast Mountain Range just north of the City of Vancouver,

Study area Table 2

There have been approximately 200 reported incidences of Regional scale parameter standardization and pairwise comparison matrix.
landslides in the Metro Vancouver Region since 1909 (BGC
Parameter Membership Type Control points
Engineering, 2011). Many of these are weather related with the function
likely trigger being an accumulation of precipitation in preceding
Aspect Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 90 , d ¼ 360
days or an onset of intense precipitation in a short period of time.
Vancouver receives on average about 1300 mm of precipitation per Distance to Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 50 m, d ¼ 1000 m
year. A large percentage of this precipitation, mostly rainfall, occurs drainage decreasing
from November to March, and landslides occurrences are strongly Elevation Sigmoidal Symmetric a ¼ 100 m, b ¼ 250 m,
c ¼ 750 m, d ¼ 800 m
correlated with these months.
Slope Sigmoidal Symmetric a ¼ 3 , b ¼ 20 , c ¼ 30 ,
d ¼ 40
Geospatial data Stream power Sigmoidal Monotonically a ¼ 0, b ¼ 300
index increasing
The data for the Metro Vancouver Region was derived from a
Topographic Sigmoidal Monotonically a ¼ 1, b ¼ 12
1:50,000 DEM available online from the GeoGratis Canada National wetness increasing
Topographic Data Base (NTDB) collection. The spatial resolution of index
the DEM is 50 m. Slope gradient, aspect gradient, SPI, and TWI were
Aspect Drainage Elevation Slope SPI TWI Weights
generated from the DEM. The drainage network at a 1:50,000 scale
Aspect 1 0.0448
was obtained from the GeoBase Canada National Hydro Network
Drainage 2 1 0.0688
(NHN) collection as vector lines and polygons. Also, a landslide Elevation 5 3 1 0.1706
inventory was compiled using various sources of information. Local Slope 7 5 3 1 0.4083
newspapers, engineering reports, scientific papers about landslide SPI 3 3 1 1/3 1 0.1772
incidences dating from as far back as 1909 have been documented TWI 3 2 1 1/3 1/2 1 0.1303

as point locations in the inventory (BGC Engineering, 2011). CR ¼ 0.02 < 0.1.
120 S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125

Table 3
Municipal scale parameter standardization and pairwise comparison matrix.

Parameter Membership Type Control points


Aspect Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 90 , d ¼ 360

Distance to Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 50 m, d ¼ 1000 m
drainage decreasing
Distance to Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 50 m, d ¼ 150 m
roads decreasing
Elevation Sigmoidal Symmetric a ¼ 5 m, b ¼ 200 m,
c ¼ 450 m, d ¼ 700 m
Slope Sigmoidal Symmetric a ¼ 3 , b ¼ 20 ,
c ¼ 30 , d ¼ 40
Stream power Sigmoidal Monotonically a ¼ 0, b ¼ 300
index increasing
Topographic Sigmoidal Monotonically a ¼ 1, b ¼ 12
wetness increasing

Aspect Drainage Road Elevation Slope SPI TWI Weights

Fig. 3. Landslide susceptibility for regional scale: case of Metro Vancouver Region. Aspect 1 0.0423
Drainage 2 1 0.0577
Road 2 3 1 0.1255
Elevation 5 3 2 1 0.1640
British Columbia. Several neighborhoods in the District are built Slope 7 5 2 3 1 0.3432
along the crests and bases of slopes and this may place residents at SPI 3 3 1 1 1/3 1 0.1510
risk. This problem is compound by some property owners who TWI 3 2 1 1 1/3 1/2 1 0.1163
extend their properties by placing fill on the tops of slopes. This CR ¼ 0.03 < 0.1.
action over steepens already unstable slopes. In addition, when
neighborhoods were developed prior to 1980, most storm water
was directed over the edge of escarpments instead of being diver-
procedure using fuzzy sets. Parameter weights were then calcu-
ted into the municipal storm drainage system (Eisbacher & Clague,
lated by AHP pairwise comparison. The measured CR was 3%, which
is below the acceptable threshold value. The weight value of slope
gradient is highest, followed by elevation, SPI, distance to road
Geospatial data network, TWI, distance to drainage network, and aspect gradient in
The data was provided by the DNV GIS Department. The data decreasing order (Table 3). The landslide susceptibility map for the
include: 10 m spatial resolution DEM, drainage networks, and road DNV was then produced by combining the weighted parameters.
networks. This data was used to calculate slope gradient, aspect The map results in a continuous scale of numerical values (i.e. 0e1)
gradient, SPI, TWI, and distances to drainage and roads. The land- and the susceptibilities categorized into equal intervals for better
slide inventory dataset is identical to that used in the regional scale visual interpretation. Five categories were distinguished as very
study describe earlier. low, low, medium, high, and very high (Fig. 5). From the suscepti-
bility map, the largest proportion of the study area has medium
susceptibility, occupying 31.47 % of the entire area. The very low
Multicriteria evaluation analysis
and low susceptibility classes make up 12.95% and 30.38%, while
The parameters used in the analysis are: slope gradient, aspect
21.20% is occupied by high susceptibility areas. The very high sus-
gradient, SPI, TWI, distance to drainage network, distance to road
ceptibilities account for 4.00% of the study area. The SCAI values
network, and elevation. The control points for each parameter are
shown in Table 3. These points were used in the standardization

Fig. 4. Densities of actual landslides among landslide susceptibility classes and

calculated SCAI values for the Metro Vancouver Region. Fig. 5. Landslide susceptibility for municipal scale: case of District of North Vancouver.
S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125 121

Table 4
Local scale parameter standardization and pairwise comparison matrix.

Parameter Membership Type Control points


Aspect Sigmoidal Symmetric a ¼ 180 , b ¼ 270 ,

c ¼ 270 , d ¼ 360
Distance Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 5 m, d ¼ 100 m
to crest decreasing
Distance to Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 50 m, d ¼ 1000 m
drainage decreasing
Distance Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 40 m, d ¼ 100 m
to roads decreasing
Slope Sigmoidal Symmetric a ¼ 5 , b ¼ 20 , c ¼ 30 ,
d ¼ 40
Stream Sigmoidal Monotonically a ¼ 0, b ¼ 300
power increasing
Topographic Sigmoidal Monotonically c ¼ 2, d ¼ 4
wetness decreasing
Fig. 6. Densities of actual landslides among the landslide susceptibility classes and index
calculated SCAI values for the DNV.
Aspect Crest Drainage Road Slope SPI TWI Weights

Aspect 1 0.0461
Crest 3 1 0.1074
indicate that the generated map for the DNV is reliable since SCAI Drainage 1 1/3 1 0.0409
values are highest from the lowest susceptibilities to lowest in the Road 1 1/3 3 1 0.0572
highest susceptibilities (Fig. 6). Slope 7 3 7 7 1 0.3824
SPI 4 3 4 4 1/3 1 0.2105
TWI 3 3 3 3 1/3 1/2 1 0.1554
Local scale analysis: Berkley Escarpment
CR ¼ 0.04 < 0.1.

Study area Digitization, conversion, and interpolation of the contour intervals

The Berkley Escarpment is located in the DNV and runs along a produced a detailed DEM at a spatial resolution of 1 m. Slope
ridge east of the lower Seymour River area. Houses have been gradient, aspect gradient, SPI, TWI, and the distance to the slope
constructed at the top and bottom of the escarpment slopes. Some crest were calculated directly from the DEM. The stream network
houses have been built too close to the crest and others are built on
top of loose fill added during construction. These activities increase
the local slope making this particular residential area susceptible to
urban landslides in the past. Since the 1970s, six landslides have
originated from the crest of this escarpment, leading to loss of life
and causing extensive property damage (Fig. 7). The landslides that
have occurred were caused by periods of intense rainfall. The latest
failure occurred in 2005, which prompted the Provincial Govern-
ment of British Columbia and the DNV to order evacuations and
purchase at-risk homes.

Geospatial data
The data for the Berkley Escarpment were derived from a
topographic base map of scale 1:2000 consisting of 2 m elevation
contour intervals commissioned by the DNV on 6th March 2006.

Fig. 7. Locations of past landslide events on the Berkley Escarpment. Fig. 8. Landslide susceptibility for local scale: case of Berkley Escarpment in DNV.
122 S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125

parameter was removed at this local scale since variation in the

elevation was very low, being less than 100 m variation between
maximum and minimum. Distance from the crest was only used at
this scale because this area was localized at a single escarpment,
allowing the precise delineation of the crest line to be straightfor-
ward. The control points for each parameter are adapted from those
of the regional and municipal studies (Table 4). These points were
used to relate parameter values to their fuzzy membership. The
assignment of weights was achieved by pairwise comparison using
the AHP method and the individual ratings and parameter weights
are presented in Table 4. The measured CR was at 4% meaning the
computed weights are acceptable. The weight value of slope
gradient is highest, followed by SPI, TWI, distance to escarpment
crest, distance to road network, aspect gradient, and distance to
drainage network, in decreasing order. The weighted parameter
maps are summated to produce a local scale landslide susceptibility
map for the Berkley Escarpment. Continuous values of suscepti-
Fig. 9. Densities of actual landslides among the landslide susceptibility classes and
calculated SCAI values for the Berkley Escarpment. bility were then categorized into equal intervals producing the
following five classes: very low, low, medium, high, and very high
(Fig. 8). From the susceptibility map, the largest proportion of the
and road network for the area were provided by the DNV in the study area has very low susceptibility, occupying 54.34% of the
form of maps at a scale of 1:2000. The areal extents of the land- entire area. The low, medium, and high susceptible classes make up
slides were also obtained from DNV maps at the same scale. 19.87%, 12.01%, and 12.16%, respectively. The very high suscepti-
bilities account for 1.62% of the study area. The locations of past
Multicriteria evaluation analysis landslides and their runouts have been mapped and are used to
The parameters used in the analysis are: slope gradient, aspect perform the validation of this susceptibility map. The calculated
gradient, SPI, TWI, distance to drainage network, distance to road SCAI values show that the generated map for the Berkley Escarp-
network, and distance to the escarpment crest. The elevation ment is reliable as the high and very high susceptibly classes have

Fig. 10. Comparison of susceptibilities generated under various spatial scales and resolutions. a) Regional scale with 50 m; b) municipal scale with 10 m; and c) local scale with 1 m.
S. Dragicevic et al. / Habitat International 45 (2015) 114e125 123

very low SCAI values, whereas the very low and low susceptibility Department provided elevation base maps and contour maps. We
classes are relatively much higher (Fig. 9). thank Mark Leir and Neil Ripley for providing the landslide in-
ventory of the Metro Vancouver Region.
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