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DOCUllfNlS lHS lind. Ucon.. WRhASTM
---..:: ~ Copyrilflt _ .. Sodoty F. Tlltln, And
~; llatorbls Itl& Ract $I.... Phllocletphlo.
_"" Plnnlytnnlo ItIDJ

Standard Specification for

This Stan~a.rd is iSliue:~ unde~ the: fixed designation A 53; the: number imme:diately following the designation indicate:s the
year of ongmal adoption or. 10 the: case of revision. the: year of last re:vision. A number in parenthe:scs indicate:s the: year of
lasl reapproval. .

1. Scope exceed 1 112 % of the outside diameter pipe

1.1 This specification 2 covers seamless and size.
welded black and hot-dipped galvanized steel NOTE 3 - The values stah:d in U.S. customary
pipe in nominal sizes 11K to 26 in .. incl. with units are to be regarded as the standard. The metric
equivalents may be approximate.
nominal (average) wall thickness as given in
Tables X2 and X3. Pipe having other dimen- 2. Applicable Documents
sions (Note 1) may be furnished provided
such pipe complies with all other require- 2.1 ASTM Standards:
ments of this specification. A 90 Tests for Weight of Coating on Zinc-
NOTE 1 - A comprehensive listing of standard-
Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Ani-
ized pipe dimensions is contained in American Na- cles3
tional Standard ANSI 836.10. A 370 Methods and Definitions for Me-
1.2 Pipe may be furnished in the following chanical Testing of Steel Products·
types and grades: A 700 Recommended Practices for Pack-
1.2.1 Type F - Furnace-butt welded. con- ing, Marking. and Loading Methods for
tinuous welded. Steel Products for Domestic Shipment:l
1.2.2 Type E - Electric-resistance welded. B 6 Specification for Zinc Metal (Slab
Grades A and B. and Zinc)tl
1.2.3 Type S -Seamless. Grades A and B. E 29 Recommended Practice for Indicating
Which Places of Figures Are to Be Con-
NOTE 2 - See the Appendix for definition of
types of pipe. sidered Significant in Specified Limiting
1.3 Pipe ordered under this specification is E 59 Sampling Steel, Cast Iron, Open-
suitable for welding, and suitable for forming Hearth Iron, and Wrought Iron for De-
operations involving coiling, bending, and termination of Chemical CompositionS
flanging, subject to the following qualifica-
1.3.1 Type F is not intended for flanging. I This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASlM

1.3.2 When Types Sand E are required for Committe:c A-Ion Stccl. Stainlcss Steel and Rclatcd Al-
loys and is tbe dircct rcsponsibility of Subcommittcc
close coiling or cold bending, Grade A should AOt .09 on Pi~.
be specified. This provision is not intended to Cuncnt cdltion approvcd July 30. 1976. Published <>c-
tc;>ber 19.'.6. Ori.inallYlublishe:d as A 53 - 15. Last prc-
prohibit the cold bending of Grade B pipe. VlOUS edition A 53 - 7 .
I For ASM£ Boik, and P,essu,e Vessel ClXk apptica-
1.3.3 Wh~n pipe is required for close coil- tio... ICe relatcd Specification SA-53 in Section 11 of that
ing, this should be specified on the order. Code.
I AIIIIJMJI Book 01ASTM StlUld4,ds. Pan 3.
1.3.4 Type E may be furnished either • AIIIIJMJI Book 01 ASTM StlUld4rd.J. Pan t.
nonexpanded or cold expanded at the option a AlIIIlMJI Book olASTM StlUld4rd.J. Pans 1. 3. 4. and 5.
of the manufacturer. When pipe is cold ex- • AIIIUIGI Book 01ASTM StlUld4rd.J. Part 7.
, AIIIIJMJI Book 01 ASTM StlUld4rd.J. Pan 41.
panded, the amount of expansion shall not • AIIIIJMJI Book 01 ASTM StlUld4rd.J. Pan 12.
Oblained From
2105 McGa. A••.• 'rvint, CA 92714
(714) 261-1455 (100) 154.7179
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A 53

2.2 Amah'an Nafional Standards Institute 4. Materials and Manufacture

Standards: v 4.1 The steel for both seamless and welded
B2.1 Pipe Threads pipe shall be made by one or more of the
B36.10 Welded and Seamless Wrought following processes: open-hearth. electric-fur-
Steel Pipe nace. or basic-oxygen.
2.3 Military Standards: 10 4.2 The weld seam of electric-resistance-
MIL-STD-12Y Marking for Shipment and welded pipe in Grade B shall be heat treated
Storage after welding to a minimum temperature of
M IL-STD-163 Steel Mill Products Prepa- 1000°F (540°C) or processed in such a mun-
ration for Shipment and Storage ncr that no untempered martensite remains.
2.4 Fedaal Standard: II
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Domestic 5. Chemical Requirements
Shipment (Civil Agencies) 5.1 The steel shall conform to the require-
2.5 American Petroleum Institute Stan- ments as to chemical composition specific in
dard: Il Table I.
Specification 5L
6. Product Analysis
6.1 An analysis of two pipes from each lot
3. Basis of Purchase of 500 lengths. or fraction thereof, may be
3.1 Ordcrs for material under this specifi- made by the purchaser. Samples for chemil.:al
cation shall include thc following. as required, analysis. except for spectrographic analysis.
to describe the desircd material adequately: shall be taken in accordance with Method
3.1.1 ASTM designation. E 5Y. The chemical composition thus deter-
3.1.2 Quantity (feet. metres. or number of mined shall conform to the requirements
lengths). specified in Table I.
3.1.3 Method of manufacture (seamless. 6.2 If the analysis of either pipe docs not
electric-resistance weld~d or furnace welded). confmm to thc rcquirements specified in Ta-
3.1.4 Type (sec 1.2 and Table 2). ble I. analyses shall bc made on additional
3.1.5 Grade (sec Table 2). pipes Ill' double the original number from the
3.1.6 Finish (black or galvanized). same lilt, each of which shall conform to the
3.1.7 Size (either nominal and wt:ight class rcquir"l1lents specified.
or scheduh: number. or both; or outside diam-
eter. and nominal wall thickness. Tables X2
7. Tensile Requirements
and X3). 7.1 The material shall conform to the rc-
3.1.8 Length (specific or random. Section lluin:ments as to tensile properties prescribed
17). in Tahk 2.
3.I.lJ End finish (plain or threaded. Sec- 7.2 The yield strength corresponding to a
tion 18). permanent offset of 0.2 % of the gage length
3.1.10 Close coiling. if required (see of the specimen or to a total extension of 0.5
1.3.3 ). % of the gage length under load shall be
3.1.11 Skelp for tension tests. if permitted determined.
(sec 12.2). 7.3 The test specimen tukcn across the
3.1.12 Couplings. if threaded (sec 18.3); weld shall show a tensile strength not less than
no couplings. if not desired. or power-tight. if
so desired. • Availahle from American Natiunal Siandards Insli-
3.1.13 Certi.ication (sec 23.3). tute. 14.'0 Bnllidway. New York. N. Y. 10018; and Amer-
kan Sll\'iety of Me:chanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St..
3.1.14 End ,Jse of material. New Yurko N. Y. J()OI7.
3.1.15 Special requirements. and 10 Availahle from Naval Puhlications and Forms Center.

3.1 .16 Selection of applicable level of 58(11 Tal1ur Ave .• Philadelphia. Pa. 1')120.
II Available from General Services Administration.
preservation and packaging and level of pad- Wltshington. D. C. 20405.
II Available: from American Petroleum Institute, Divi-
ing required. if other than as specified or if sion of Productiun. 300 Corrigan Tower Building, Dallas.
MIL-STD-163 applies (sce 22.2). Tex. 75201.

2 2019
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~~r~ A. 53
the minimum tensile strength specified for the 9.2.2 During the second step, which is a
grade of pipe ordered. This test wm not be test for soundness, the flattening shall be con-
rcquired for pipe under 8 in. (203.3 mm) in tinued until the specimen breaks or the op~
outside diameter. site walls of the pipe meet. Evidence of lami-
7.4 Transverse tension test specimens for nated or unsound material that is revealed
elt:ctric-welded pipe 8 sIs in. (219.1 mm) in during the entire flattening test shall be cause
outsidc diameter and larger shall be taken for rejection.
opposite the weld. All transverse test speci-
NOTE 4 - The H values have been calculated for
mens shall be approximately 1 1/2 in. (38.1 standard and extra-heavy weight sizes from 2'/z 10
mm) wide in the gage length. and shall repre- 24 in .• inclusive. and are shown in Table Xl.
scnt the full wall thickness of the pipe from
which the specimen was cut. 9.3 Electric-Resistance- Welded Pipe - A
specimen at least 4 in. (101.6 mm) in length
shall be flattened cold between parallel plates
8. Bending Requirements in three steps with the weld located either 0 or
90 deg from the line of direction of force. as
8.1 For pipe 2 in. and under in nominal
required in 9.3.1. During the first step, which
diameter. a sufficient length of pipe shall
is a test for ductility of the weld, no cracks or
stand being bent cold through 90 deg around a
breaks on the inside or outside surfaces shall
cylindrical mandrel. the diameter of which is
occur until the distance between the plates is
twelve times the nominal diameter of the
less than two thirds of the original outside
pipe. without developing cracks at any portion
diameter of the pipe. As a second step, the
and without opening the weld. When ordered
for close coiling. the pipe shall stand being flattening shall be continued. D~~ing the ~c­
ond step, which is a test for ductlhty exc~us~ve
bent cold through 180 deg around a cylindri-
of the weld, no cracks or breaks on the inSide
cal mandrel, the diameter of which is eight
or outside surfaces shall occur until the dis-
times the nominal diameter of the pipe, with-
tance between the plates is less than one third
out fail ure. Double-extra-strong pipe over
of the original outside diameter of the pipe
11 I. in. in diameter need not be subjeeted to.
but is not less than five times the wall thick-
the bend test.
ness of the pipe. During the third step, which
9. Flattening Test is a test for soundness, the flattening shall be
continued until the specimen breaks or the
9.1 The flattening test shall be made on
opposite walls of the pipe meet. Evidence of
pipe over 2 in. in nominal diameter with wall
laminated or unsound material or of incom-
thicknesses extra strong and lighter.
plete weld that is revealed during the entire
9.2 Seamless Pipe:
flattening test shall be cause for rejection.
9.2.1 For seamless pipe, a section not less
9.3.1 For pipe produced in single lengths,
than 2 112 in. (63.5 mm) in length shall be
the flattening test specified in 9.3 shall be
flattened cold between parallel plates in two
made on both crop ends cut from each length
steps. During the first step, which is a t~st. for
of pipe. The tests from each end shall be made
ductility, no cracks or breaks on the I~slde,
alternately with the weld at 0 deg and at 90
outside, or end surfaces shall occur until the
deg from the line. of direction of force. For
distance between the plates (Table 3) is less
pipe produced in multiple lengths, the flatten-
than the value of H calculated as follows:
ing test shall be made on crop ends represent-
H - (1 + ~)/(~ ... tiD) ing the front and back of each coil with the
where: weld at 90 deg from the line of direction of
H = distance between flattening plates, in. force, and on two intermediate rings repre-
(Note 4), senting each coil with the weld 0 deg from the
e = deformation per unit length (constant line of direction of force.
for a given grade of steel, 0.09 for 9.4 BUll Welded Pipe - For butt-welded
Grade A, and 0.07 for Grade B), pipe, a specimen not 1ess than 4 in. in length
t = specified wall thickness, in., and shall be flattened cold between parallel plates
D = specified outside di3meter, in. in three steps. The weld shall be located 90

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A 53

deg from th~ line of direction of force. During ER W pipe 2 in. nominal size and larger shall
the first step. which is a test for quality of the
be tested with a nondestructive electric test as
weld. no cracks or breaks on the inside. out- follows:
side. or end surfaces shall occcur until the 11.1.1 Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic In-
distance between the plates is less than three spection - Any equipment utilizing the ultra-
fourths of the original outside Jiameter for sonic or electromagnetic principles and capa-
bUll-welded pipe. As a second step. the flat- ble of continuous and uninterrupted inspec-
tening shall be continued. During the second tion of the weld seam shall be used. The
step. which is a test for ductility exclusive ofcquipment shall be checked with an applicable
the weld. no cracks or breaks on the inside. reference standard as described in 11.1.2 at
outside. or end surfaces shall occur until the least once every working turn or not more
distance between the plates is less than 60 % than 8 h to demonstrate its effectiveness and
of the original outside diameter for butt- the inspection procedures. The equipment
welded pipe. During the third step. which is a shall be adjusted to produce well-defined indi-
test for soundness. the flattening shall be con-cations when the reference standard is
tinued until the specimen breaks or the oppo- scanned by the inspection unit in a manner
site walls of the pipe meet. Evidence of lami- simulating the inspection of the product.
nated or unsound material or of incomplete I 1.1.2 Reference Standards ~ Reference
weld that is revealed during the entire flatten- standards shall have the same specified diam-
ing test shall be cause for rejection. eter and thickness as the product being in-
9.5 Surface imperfections in the test speci- spected. and may be of any convenient length
men before flattening. but revealed during the as determined by the pipe manufacturer. Ref-
erence standards shall contain m~chined
first step of the flattening test. shall be judged
in accordance with the finish requirements in notches. one on the inside surface and one on
Section 20. the outside surface. or a drilled hole. as shown
9.6 Superficial ruptures as a result of sur- in Fig. 1. at the option of the pipe manufac-
face imperfections shall not be cause for rejec-turer. The notches shall be parallel to the weld
tion. seam. and shall be separated by a distance
sufficient to produce two separate and distin-
10. Hydrostatic Test guishable signals. The lis-in. (3.2-0101) hole
10.1 Each length of plain-end pipe shall be shall be drilled through the wall artd perpen-
tested at the mill to the hydrostatic pressures dicular to the surface of the reference stan-
prescribed in Table X2. and each threaded- dard as shown in Fig. 1. Care shall be taken in
and-coupled length shall be hydrostatically the preparation of the reference standard to
tested to pressures prescribed in Table X3. ensure freedom from fins or other edge
The hydrostatic test may be applied. at the roughness. or distortion of the pipe.
discretion of the manufacturer. on pipe with NOTE 5 - The reference standards defined in
11.1.2 are convenient standards for calibration of
plain ends. with threads only. or with threads nondestructive testing equipment. The dimensions
and couplings and may be applied to pipe in of these standards should not be construed as the
single lengths or mllltiple lengths. Welded minimum size imperfection detectable hy such
pipe 2 in. and larger shall be jarred ncar one
end while under test pressure. 11.1.3 Acceptance Limits - Table 4 gives
10.2 The maximum specified hydrostatic the height of acceptance limit signals in per-
test pressure shall not exceed 2500 psi (17.2 cent of the height of signals produced by ref-
MPa) for normal sizes 3 in. and under. or erence standards. Imperfections in the weld
2800 psi (19.3 MPa) for all nominal sizes over seam that produce a signal greater than the
3 in. The hydrostatic pressure shall be main- acceptance limit signal given in Table 4 shall
tained for not kss than 5 s for all sizes of be considered an injurious defect unless the
seamless and electric-welded pipe. pipe manufacturer can demonstrate that the
imperfection does not reduce the effective
11. Nondestructive Electric Test wall thickness beyond 12'12 % of the speci-
11.1 The weld seam of each Icngth of fied wall thickness.

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A 53

12. Test Methods tons, or fraction thereof, of pipe 2 in. and

12.1 The test specimens and the tests re- larger.
'ljuired by this specification shall conform to 13.3 The number of flattening tests for
those described in the latest issue of Methods electric-resistance-welded pipe shall be in ac-
and Definitions A 370. cordance with 9.3.1 .
12.2 The longitudinal tcnsion tcst speci- 13.4 Each length of pipe shall be subjected
men shall be taken from the cnd of the pipe to the hydros-tatic test specified in Section 10.
or. by agreement between the manufacturer NOTE 6 - For purposes of testing,.a lot shaH con-
sist of not more than 500 lengths of pipe of the same
and the purchaser. may be taken from the type, grade, size, and weight.
skelp, at a point approximately 90 deg from
the weld. and shall not be flattened between 14. Retests
gage marks. The sides of each specimen shall 14.1 If the results of the mechanical tests
be parallel between gage marks. If desired, of any lot do not conform to the requirements
the tension tests may be made on the full specified in Sections 7, 8, and 9, retests may
scction of pipe. When impracticable to pull a be made on additional pipe of double the
test specimen in full thickness. the standard 2- original number from the same lot, each of
in. (50.8-mm) gage length tension tcst speci- which shall conform to the requirements spec-
men shown in Fig. 6 of Methods A 370 may ified.
be used. 14.2 If any section of the pipe fails to com-
12.3 Transverse weld test specimens from ply with the requirements of 9.3 for pipe pro-
electric-welded pipe shall be taken with the duced in single lengths, other sections may be
weld at the center of the specimen. All trans- cut from the same end of the same length until
verse test specimens shall be approximately satisfactory tests are obtained, except that the
1 112 in. (38.1 mm) wide in the gage length and finished pipe shall not be shorter than 80 % of
shall represent the full wall thickness of the its length after the original cropping; other-
pipe from which the specimen was cut. wise the length shall be rejected. For pipe
12.4 Test specimens for the bend and flat- produced in multiple lengths, retests may be
tening tests shall consist of sections cut from a cut from each end of each individual length in
pipe. Specimens for flattening tests shall be the multiple. Such tests shall be made with the
smooth on the ends and free from burrs, ex- weld alternately 0 deg and 90 deg from the
cept when made on crop ends taken with line of direction of force.
welded pipe.
12.5 All specimens shall be tested at room 15. Dimensions and Weights
temperature. 15.1 The dimensions and weights of plain-
end pipe included in this specification arc
13. Number or Tests listed in Table X2. Dimensions and weights of
threaded-and-coupled pipe are listed in Table
13.1 For seamless and electric-resistance- X3.
welded pipe, one of each of the tests specified 15.2 The dimensions and weights fur-
in Sections 7, 8, and 9, except 8.3, shall be nished under this specification arc included in
made on one length of pipe from eitch lot of ANSI 836.10.
500 lengths, or fraction thereof, of each size.
A length is defined as the length as ordered, 16. Pennissible Variations in Weight and Di-
except that in the case of orders for cut lengths mensions
shorter than single random, the term lot shall
16.1 Weight-The weight of the pipe as
apply to the lengths as rolled, prior to cutting
specified in Table X2 and X3 shall not yary by
to the required short lengths.
more than the following amounts:
13.2 For furnace butt-welded pipe, one of
Extra-strong lind lighter wall thicknes.~, :.5 %
each of the tests specified in Sections 7, H, and Heavier than extra-strong Willi thickness, : 1() %
l) shall be made on one length of pipe from
NOTE 7 - The weight tolerllnce of :.5 % or
each lot of 25 tons, or fraction thereof, of pipe : 10 %, liS the case may he, is determined frum the
1 1/2 in. and smaller, and from each lot of 50 weights of the customllry lifts of pipe: liS produced

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A 53

for shipm.ent .by the f!1ill. divid~d b~ the number of

practices. unless otherwise specified:
feet of PIpe m the hft. On pIpe sizes over 4 in. 18.1.1 Pipe of standard or extra-strong
wh~re individual .Iengths. may be wei~hed. th~
weight tolerance IS apphcable to the mdividual weights. or in wall thicknesses less than 0.500
length. in. (12.7 mm), other than double-extra-strong
16.2 Diameter - For pipe 1 112 in. and un- pipe. shall be plain end beveled.
der in nominal diameter. the outside diameter 18.1.2. Pipe with wall thicknesses over
at any point shall not vary more than I lb. in. 0.500 in. (12.7 mm). and all double-extra-
(0.40 mm) over nor more than 1/32 in. (0.79 strong pipe. shall be plain end beveled.
~m) under the standard specified. For pipe 2 18.2 Threaded End - The sizes and weights
In. and over in nominal diameter. the outside shown in Table X3 may be ordered with
diameter shall not vary more than == I % threads and couplings. and when so ordered.
from the standard specified. the ends shall be provided with threads in
16.3 Thickness - The minimum wall thick- accordance with the gaging practice and toler-
ness at any point shall be not more than ances of ANSI 82.1. For standard-weight
12.5 % under the nominal wall thickness pipe in sizes 6 in. and smaller. refer to Table
specified. The minimum wall thickness on in- X5 for basic threading data. and Fig. X 1 for
spection shall conform to the requirements in an illustration of the joint. For standard-
Table X4. weight pipe in sizes 8 in. and larger and for all
sizes extra-strong-weight and double-extra-
17. Lengths strong-weight pipe, refer to Table X6 for basic
17.1 Unless otherwise specified. pipe threading data and Fig. X2 for an illustration
lengths shall be in accordance with the follow- of the joint. Threaded pipe sizes 4 1/2 in. 00
ing regular practice: and larger shall have thread protectors on the
17.1.1 Pipe of weights lighter than extra- ends not protected by the coupling.
strong shall be in single-random lengths of 16 18.3 Couplings - Each length of threaded
to 22 ft (4.88 to 6.71 m). but not more than pipe shall be provided with one coupling. un-
5 % of the total number of threaded lengths less otherwise specified. The coupling threads
may be jointers, which are two pieces coupled shall be in accordance with the gaging p.ractice
together. When ordered with plain ends. 5 % of ANSI 82.1 . The coupling shall be applied
may be in lengths of 12 to 16 ft (3.66 to 4.88 handling-tight, unless power-tight is specified
m). on the order. Couplings may be wrought-iron
17.1.2 Pipe of extra-strong and heavier or steel. Taper-tapped couplings shall be1 fur-
weights shall be in random lengths of 12 to 22 nished on all weights of threaded pipe 2 /2 in.
ft. Five percent may be in lengths of 6 to 12 ft and larger. For sizes 2 in. and smaller, it is
(1.83 to 3.66 m). regular practice to furnish straight-tapped
17.1.3 When extra-strong or lighter pipe is couplings for standard-weight pipe and taper-
ordered in double-random lengths, the mini- tapped couplings for extra-strong and double-
mum lengths shall be not less than 22 ft, with ~xtra-strong pipe, and standard-weight pipe 8
a minimum average for the order of 35 ft In. and larger. If taper-tapped couplings are

(10.67 m). required for sizes 2 in. and under on standard-

17.1.4 When lengths longer than single weight pipe, line pipe in accordance with API
random are required for wall thicknesses Specification 5L should be ordered. The ta-
heavier than extra-strong, the length shall be per-tapped couplings provided on line pipe in
subject to negotiation. these sizes may be used on mill-threaded stan-
17.1.5 When pipe is furnished with threads dard-weight pipe of the same size.
and couplings, the length shall be measured to
the outer face of the coupling. 19. Galvanized Pipe
19.1 Galvanized pipe ordered under this
18. End Finish specification shall be coated with zinc inside
18.1 Plain End - Pipe sizes and weights and outside by the hot-dip process. The zinc
shown in Table X2 ordered with plain end used for the coating shall be any grade of zinc
shall be furnished to the following regular confonning to Specification 8 6.

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A 53

IlJ.2 W('i~hl of COelling-The weight of straight and free of injurious defects. All burrs
zinc coating shall Ol' not less than I.H oz/ft 2 at the ends of the pipe shall oe removed.
(0.)) kg/m~) as determined from the average
results of the two spccimens taken for test in 21, Marking
the manner pn:scrioed in IlJ.5 and not less 21.1· Each length of pipe shall be legibly
than 1.6 oz/ft 2 (O.4lJ kglm 2 ) for either of these marked by rolling. stamping. or stenciling to
specimens. The weight of coating expressed in show: the name or brand of the manufacturer;
ounces per s4uare foot shall be calculated by the kind of pipe. that is. furnace-butt-weIJeJ,
dividing the total weight of zinc. inside plus electric-resistance-welded A. ekctric-resist-
. outside. oy the total area. inside plus outside. ance-welded B. seamless:. or seamless B; the
of the surface coated. lise of electric-furnace. or basic oxygen. XS
IlJ.3 Weighl of COalillg Tcst- The weight for extra strong. XXS for double extra strong;
of zinc coating shall oe determined by a strip- ASTM A 53; and the length. Length shall oe
ping test in accordance with Methods A lJO. marked in feet and tenths of a foot. unless
The total zinc on each specimen shall be de- otherwise specified on the purchase order.
tcrmiiieJ in a single stripping operation. 21.2 For pipe sizes 1 1/1 in. and smaller
IlJ.4 Te.H SpccimclIS - Test specimens for which is bundled. this information may be
determination of weight of coating shall be cut marked on a tag securely attached to cach
approximatdy 4 in. (10 1.6 mm) in length. bundle.
11).5 Numher of Tesis - Two test specimens 22. Packagin~, Marking, and Loading
for the determination of weight of coating
22.1 When specified .. )11 the purchase or-
shall be taken. one from each end of one
der. packaging. marking. and loading or ship-
length of galvanized pipe sdccted at random
ment shall be in accordance with those proce-
from each lot of 500 lengths or fraction
Jures recommended by Recommended Pral:-
thereof. of each size.
tice A 700.
11).6 Relesis - If thc weight of coating of
22.2 For Gvvemmel/l Procure/1l£'nl-
any lot docs not conform to the rC4uirements
When spccified in the contract or purchase
specificd in 11).2. rctests of two additional
order. material shall be preserved. puckageJ.
pipes from the same lot shall be made, each of
and packed in accordance with the require-
which shall conform to the re4uirements spce-
ments of MIL-STD-163. The applicable levels
shall be as specified in the contract or order.
11).7 Whcn pipe orJereJ unJer this specifi-
Marking for shipment of such material shall
cation is to be galvanizcJ. the tension. natten-
be in accordance with Fed. Std. No. 123 for
ing, anJ benJ tests shall be made on the base
civil agencies and MIL-STD-12lJ for military
material before galvanizing. When specified.
results of the mechanical tests on the base
material before galvanizing. When specified. 23. Inspection and Certification
results of the mechanical tests on the base 23.1 Illspectioll- The inspector represent-
material shall be reported to the purchaser. If ing the purchaser shall have entry. at all times
impracticable to make the mechanical tests on while work on the contract of the purchaser is
the base material before galvanizing, such being performed. to all parts of the manufuc-
tcsts may be made on galvan.i~d samples, and turer's works that concern the manufacture of
any naking or cracking of the zinc coating the material ordered. The manufacturer shall
shall not be considered cause for rejection. ufford the inspector all reasonable facilities to
When galvanized pipe is bent or otherwise satisfy him that the material is being furnished
fabricated to a degree which causes the zinc in accordance with this specification. All tests
coating to stretch or compress beyond the (except product analysis) and inspection shall
limit of elasticif~/. some naking of the coating be made at the place of manufacture prior to
may occur. shipment, unless otherwise specified, and
shall be so conducted as not to interfere Ull-
20. Finish necessarily with the operation of the works.
20.1 The finished pipe shall be reasonably 23.2 R('spcJ1IsibiJity fvr bISPf('ticJ1l- Unless

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A 53

otherwise specified in the contract or purchase 24. Rejection

order. the producer is responsible for the per-
formance of all inspection and test require- 24.1 Each length of pipe received from the
ments specified herein. Except as otherwise manufacturer may be inspected by the pur-
specified in the contract order. the producer chaser and. if it does not meet the require-
may use his own or any other suitable facilities ments of this specification based on the in-
for the performance of the inspection and test spection and test method as outlined in the
requirements specified herein unless disap- specification. the length may be rejected and
proved by the purchaser. The purchaser shall the manufacturer shall be notified. Disposi-
have the right to perform any of the inspec- tion of rejected pipe shall be a matter of
tions and tests set forth in this specification agreement between the manufacturer and the
where such inspections are deemed necessary purchaser.
to assure that the material conforms to pre- 24.2 Pipe found in fabrication or in instal-
scribed requirements. lation to be unsuitable for the intended use.
23.3 CertijicarioTl- The producer or sup- under the scope and requirements of this
plier shall. upon request. furnish to the pur- specification, may be set aside and the manu-
chaser a certificate of inspection stating that facturer notified. Such pipe shall be subject to
the material has been manufactured. sampled. mutual investigation as to the nature and se-
teste.d. and inspected in accordance with this verity of the deficiency and the forming or
specification. and has been found to meet the installation, or both, conditions involved. Dis-
requirements. position shall be a matter for agreement.

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~~f~ A 63

TABLE I Ch~lI'Ilnl Rt'4IIuir~.~1I1S

. Composilion. mall. %

Carbon Man· Phos· Sulfur

ganese phorus
Type S (seamless pipe)
Open.hearth. eleclric·furnace or basic·o~Yl{en:
Grade A 0.~5 0.95 0.05 0.06
Grade B 0 ..\0 1.20 0.05 0.06
Type E (eleelric·resislance·welded)
Open.hearth. electric·furnace or basic,o~)'l{en:
Grade A 0.25 0.95 0.05 0.06
GradeB 0.301.20 0.050.06
Type F (furnace·welded pipe)

ciccI ric· rurn al.'C.
or basic o~Yl{en O.OK 0.06

Type F
Open. t1ellrlh.
Basic O~Yllen. (irade A (jnuJe 11
ur ElectrIC'
TensIle 'lrentllh. min. pM (MPa) 45 000 (310) 411000IHI) 60 000 141.\)
YIeld sirenilih. nlln. pSI IMPII) 25 000 1172\ 30 000 (207) 35000(2041)
EllIntllllllln In 2 10 A.I A.I A••

AThe: minimum e:hlOllliliun in 2 in. (50.11 mOl) shill! he Ihlll dcle:rmirll:d hy Ihe: rullllwinil e:4uliliun:
, _ 1125.000 ..t'" / ( ...
, • minimum e:lllnlluliun in 2 In. (50.11 mOl) in percenl ruunded III Ihe ne:llrul 11.5 ?f>.
A • crllu'KellOnlil lIrell lIr Ihe len"lIn lui 'pecllne:n 10 s4u1ue inchu. hllsed lin speCified \luI,ide dlllme:ler ur nU1I1101I1 ,peCi'
men Wldlh lind lpeCified 1Ir1lIllhll:I\neu ruunded III the nellrul lUll in.' If lhe lIrell lhu, culculllle:d IS Ilrellier lhlln 0.75
In. t. lhen lhe value 0 75 ,hllll he UKd.
(. - \peClfied tensile slren,lh. I'll'
• Sec Tahle: X7 fur milIlmum ehlnlaliun value:. fur VUrlllUI II" lcnsilln specimenl lind Ir&ldca.

TABU: 4 AC'CtplallCt l.Imlll

Kind uf Pipe I>illiince Bclllreen PlIlle\... " .. Sill: lIf lIule .-\c~·el'llinCe
'1')1'1: l.i 11111
BUll·llrelded till I)f, uf lIullide dillmeler NUldl
---------------.;._ ..-
In. nllll Sillnlli. ".
Eleel ric· rui'lll nce- une·lhll\l \If uUI"de dillme'ler
welded. (ir.des .-\ lind It NIU. VIO .U IUD I.
SClimlen. (ir.del .-\ lind It 10 lhe d"llln~'C "
11.1' 110

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~~l~ A 53

l (Imm1r-

10 010t,:: 15 0/0
-----~~'-Jrl,.:-2-010-t----- 0.012 , ! .002 in.

\J<3.. LESS
(0,3 ! ,05mml

Totol LlnQth


AND ULTRASONIC - 21n. (50 mm) MIN
01 Full Dlplll

~' 10 010 t


- 0' ---
20"10 t
01- LESS

ARE A OF EACH SIDE, 0.006 sq. ,n. (3,87mm', MAX.


.'1 (;. 1 Rdtrrnn S.andards.


X 1.1 'l'ypl' F, F"",un'-lllll(-Wdc~('d Pipl'" Om- bUll joint wherein coalescence is produced by the
WI'/dl'd Pipl: producl:d In contInuous
tinllllllJ- heat obtained from rl:sistance of the ripe to the
len~ths from coiled skdp and subsequently cut into flow of electric current in a circuit 0 which the
individual len~ths. havin~ its lon[litudinal bUll joint pipe is a part, and b) the application of pressurl:,
forge welded by the mechanical prl:ssurl: developed X1,3 TypC' S, Wrought Sted Sfuml!'.I"I' Pipl'-
in rolling the hot-formed skelp through a Sl:t of Wrou[lht steel seumless pipe is a tubular product
round pass weldin~ rolls. made without a welded seam. It is manufactured
X 1,2 TypC' 1':, F::/C'c(rir-RI'.I·is(uI/cC'- Wl'lcll'd Pi/H' by hot working steel undo if necessary. by subse-
Pipc produced in individual lenl1ths ur in conlin- quently cold finishing the hot-worked tubular prod-
uous lengths from coiled skelp and subscquently uct to produce the dl:sired shupe. dimensions. and
cut into individual Il:nl1ths, having a lon[litudinal prupert les.

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TABLE Xl Calc.bled H Vahle. for Sea..lna Pipe

Distance. in Inches. A Between Plates "H" by
Size: Nominal, in. Outside Diameter. in. A Wall Thickness. in. A Formula: H .. (I + t'1/(t + lID)

Grade A Grade B
2'/, 2.117~ 0.20) I. )711 I. ~4~
0.276 1.6111 1.779
.\ )m 0.216 I . ~~2 I . 75~
O. )00 !.K61 2.002
3'1, 4000 0.226 1.t>ll2 1.912
O.)lll 2.04~ 2.276
4 4.m 0.2.'7 I .llll 2.067
0.337 2.2211 2.4119

~ ~.50) O. 2~1I 2.062 2 . .172

0.37~ 2.~97 2.920
t> b.02~ 0.2110 2 . .lOII 2. t>69
0.432 .\ .0.\4 ).419

II 1I02~ 0.277 2.47.\ 2.902

o .\22 2.7~7 .\.210
0.500 ).t>II.1 4.1111
10 10. 7~ 0.2711- 2. t>D .l III
0.307 2.112.\ .l ..\.l.\
O. )65 .\.210 .\. 7~7
O. ~OO 3.99.l 4.W2

12 12.750 0.3.\0 .\.105 .l.olI.l

0.375 3.42.1 4.0.\7
0.500 4.211l 4.1199
14 14.000 0.375 .\.500 4.146
0.500 4. no 5.001
It> Ib.OOO 0 ..\75 .l .60.\ 4.294
O. ~oo 4.4114 5.2114
1K 111.000 O. .\7~ .\. bllll 4.417
0.500 4.b211 5.472

20 20.000 O. .\75 .l.7511 4.~21

0.500 4.740 5. b.\2

24 24 .000 0.375 .\ .1I69 4.6110

0.500 4.9UI 5.K90
A 1 in . • 2~.4 mm.
- Special order only.

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~ID~ A 53

TABLE XZ Dlmensloa. Weilhb••1Id Test Preuu.. for PIa" Elld Pipe

Test Pressure C• D • psi
Nominal Outside Wall
Nominal Weight
per Fl. Plain
Weight Schedule --------------
Sile. in. Oiameter. in.· Thickness. in.· Class No. BUll-
End. Ib' Welded
Grade A Grade B
------- .. ---- ._._.- ._---"- --_. ----- ---- --- .-------

'I. O.OoM 0.14 STO oW 700 700 700

0.09~ 0 . .11 XS MO l!~ 1I~ M~

'I, O.>W O.OKlI 0.41 STO oW 700 700 700

O.II~ o ~4 XS 1I0 K~O K;o lI;o

'I, o b7~ o O~I o 57 STO oW 7()() 7()() 700

O. I ~b 074 XS KO lI~O lI;o 1I~

1/! o K40 0 109 o K~ STO oW 700 700 7()()

0.147 109 XS 1I0 1I~0 lI;o lI;o
O.llIK 1. .11 160 Ij()() Ij()() Ij()()
o N4 I 71 XXS 1000 1000 1000

'I, I 050 O. ILl 1.1 STO oW 700 700 700

0.154 47 XS KO K~O K50 1150
O. ~ I~ I ~4 I/l(l 'I~O ~50 '1;0
0 . .101l ~01-& XXS IlW 1000 1000

I . .11 ~ 0.1.\.\ I . blI STO 40 700 71Xl 700

O. 17~ ~. 17 XS 1I0 1I50 1I50 1I50
o ~ ~O ~.1I4 160 '150 ~;o ~~)
o .1~lI .1 06 XXS l(XXl 1000 1000

1'/, l.bW 0.140 ~.~7 STO 40 1000 I ~OO I.I(X)

0.1'11 .1.(X) XS 1IO 1.1(x) I K(X) I 'XX)
O~~) .1.70 160 IJ~O Ij(XI ~l)()(l
o .\1I~ ~.~I XXS loWl.) ~IX) ~ .IIX)

1'/, I 'XX) o 14~ ~. 71 STO 40 1000 ~IX) I.IIXI

O. ~(xl .1. oJ XS 1I0 IJOO IlI(X) I 'XX)
IUKI 4.lIb 160 I.\~O 1'150 ~O~O
o -'<lO b.41 XXS loWl.l ~~(X) ~.1IXI

.17~ o I ~4 .1.b~ STO 4<) IlXX) ~.\(X) 1~

0.1111 ~ .01 XS 1I0 1.1(x1 1~lO ~~OO
0 ..\01-& 7 4b 160 1400 1~ 2~
0.4.1b '1.0.1 XXS I4<X) 2~(xl 2;00

/ 1 .1I7~ 0.20.\ ~.711 STO 4(l IU(X) 1~1 2~)
0.2711 7.06 XS KO I.I(X) 1~) 2~OO
O. J7~ 10.01 160 14lX) 2~tX) 2~
0.~~2 1.\ . 70 XXS 14lX) 2~ 1~

.1 ~) O. 11~ 4. ~I 1I00 I 2'X) I ~IXI

0.1 ~b ~.~7 I (XX) I bOO 11I70
0.11I1I b.o~ 1000 1~.Ill 22bO
0.2111 7.~K STO 40 1000 2110 ~~IXI
0.2~ K.IlK 1.100 2~ 2~
0.2111 II .ll6 1.100 2~ 2500
0.300 10. 2~ XS KO 1.1(x1 2~) 2~
0.4.IlI 14 . .12 160 2~X) 2~
O. b(lO 11I.~1I XXS 2~) 2~

J'I, 4.IXX) O. 12~ ~" 17 1I00 1120 1.1 III

0 I~Il 11.40 IIXXI 14lX) 11>010
U.llIK 7. Il~ 12(x) Ib'Xl 1'170
0.2211 II. II STO 40 12(x) 20.Ill 2.170
0250 IlUI I I.I(X) 2250 2~IX)
0.2111 11.16 I~) 1~) 2~
O..IIK 12. ~ I XS KO 1700 211lX) 21100

4 4 ~lO O.IB ~.K4 KOO IIXX) 117ll

O. I ~Il 7.24 I (XX) 12~0 14bO
O.llIK K.II1l 12(Xl 151lO 1750
0.2111 10.01 12(x) 17~0 2(loIO
0.2.\7 10.711 STO 40 12(x) I'I(XI 2210
0.2~ II . 3~ l.ltX) 2IX)() 2,\,1,)
0.2KI 12.ll6 l4<lO 22~0 21120
0.312 13.911 I b()IJ 2~00 2KI)()


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~ffi~ A 53

TABLE Xl Continued
Test Pre'-Sure(",D, psi
Nunllnal Num,nal Weight ,-------
OUh,de Wall Weight Schedule:
Slle, ,n
per rl, Plain 8ull-
Diameter, in. A Thickness, in. A Class Nu.
End, lb· Welded Grade A (irade B

O.'J7 I~,IIX XS XO 1700 ~700 ~XIX)

o ~.lll III (X) I~O ~lllX! ~lltX)
o ~.1 I " ~I 100 ~lllX! ~llIX)
O,07~ ~7 ~~ XXS ~ll(x) ~llOO

~/l.' 0 I~/l II 01 Will IIXO

, ' 0 Illll 10 N I ~ ~ll I ~~ll
o ~III I~ ~ I~~O l/l'll
o 2~X I~ /l2 STD -l() 1/l711 111\0
o 2XI !~ K~ IK~O ~I~O
o .\1 ~ 17 <,() ~O~O 2.1N)
o .'-44 III 17 ~~ ,10 2/l00
o .'7~ 20 7K XS KO ~~ .H) ~KOO
o ~OO 27 llol 120 2KIX) ~KIX!
o /l~~ .1~ .II/l 1M) ~KOO ~KUO
o 7 ~O .IK ~~ XXS 2KIX) 2~(X)

/l /l2~ 0 IKK 12 112 10~0 11110

O,~III 1~,II11 I 1'10 I WO
o 2~) 17.02 I.lN) I~KO
0.2110 IK.1I7 STO ~O I~~O 17KO
0 ..112 ~ I 04 1700 IIIKO
O. ,1-44 ~.'Oll IK70 21KO
o .I7~ 2~ 0.1 ~llolO ~.IKO
O,4.1~ 2K ~7 XS llO ~.I ~O ~740
o ~/l~ .1/l . .II/ 120 ~KOIl ~KIlO
o 71 II ~~ ..I~ 1M) ~KIX) ~KOO
OXt>-I ~.I, l/l XXS 2KIX) ~Klll,)

K /l2~ 0 IllK 1/l,1I4 7KO 'I~O

0 ~O.l IK.~/l K~U 11ll,)O
0 2111 1<1 II/l 1110 lOW
0 ~~) ~2 .I/l 20 1l1ol0 12~0
0277 ~~ 70 ,\0 liN) I .I~O
o .112 27.70 1.1lll,) 1~20
U ..\22 2X.~~ STO 40 1.\40 1~70
O. ,\44 .10.42 1440 I/lllU
O. .l7 ~ .I.Ulol 1~ 7U Ill.lO
0.4OtI Ht>-I /lU 17lXl 21ll,ll,)
o 4,IX ,\X. ,10 IK.lO 2 I.\()
O. ~IX) 4.\ ..\1/ XS KO 20'X) 24.10
O. ~1I4 ~).II~ 100 2~X) 211IX)
0.7111 /lU.71 120 2KlX! 2KlX!
0."12 /l7 70 140 2"(X) 2KlX!
0.1I7~ 72.42 XXS 21100 2XOO
0.'KltI 74./111 1M) 2"00 2KOO

10 10 7~ O.IKK 21.21 /l,\U 7.10

0.20,\ 22.K? /lll0 KIX)
0.2111 24./1.1 7.HI KN)
O. 2~) 2".04 20 H40 IIKO
0.2711 .\1.20 11.\0 \()\j()
0.307 .14 . 201 ,\0 III,\0 121X)
0.344 .\K.2,\ II ~U 1.l4U
O. 3b~ 4(1.4" STI> 4U 122U 14.\0
U.43" ..". III 1.. 7U 171U
U. ~()() ~ .. , 74 XS bO I/lm III~O
U. ~II" b4.4.\ IIII/() 2.12U
U.71l1 77 .U.\ 100 241U 2KIX)
0.".... "11.211 120 2X()U 2KIX)
I.()(X) 104.1.\ XXS 14() 2"00 2KIX)
I.m lIS, b~ IbO 2KlX) 2"IX)

12. 7~ 0.20.\ 27.20 ~7U b7U

0.2111 211.31 b2U 72U
o BO H ..III 2U 7IU
0.2M! .17 . 42
0.312 41 .4~ HHO 10,\()


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4~ A63

TABLE Xl Continwd
Tesl Pressure C • D • psi
Nom.nal Ouhl<!c Wall Nominill Wei,hl Wei,hl Schedule
Slie.•n Diameler. in. A Thickness. in. A per (I. Plilin Clilss No. Bull- Welded Grade A Grade B

03.\0 43.17 30 ~JO IlWO

0.344 45.511 910 1130
o J15 4~.56 STO lObO 1240
0.406 5J.52 40 1150 1)40
O.4JII 51.59 1240 1440
o 500 6542 XS 1410 1/l50
o 5/l2 n 15 60 1590 11150
U /llill 1I11./lJ 110 1~40 2270
01l-l4 101 J2 100 2J'lO 21110
1.000 125.4~ XXS 120 2llOO 2llOO
I. 125 I J~. 611 140 21100 21100
I 312 160.21 160 2llOO 21100

14 14000 o 210 )0 Q.\ qO /l.lO

o 21~ 32 2J 560 /l/l0
o 250 36 71 10 640 750
0.2111 41 11 120 1140
0 ..\12 20 1100 940
O. J-l4 50.11 11110 10)0
0.315 54 51 STD .\0 Y/lO 1120
o -1311 /lJ.-l4 40 11.10 1310
0.4/l~ /l7 711 1210 1410
0500 72.09 XS 12~O 15(lO
O. 5~4 115.05 60 15.\0 I7'X)
0750 100.13 110 I~.\O 2250
O.~.I11 130.115 100 2410 21100
I.O~4 150. 7~ 120 21100 21100
I .250 110.22 140 2llOO 21100
1.406 III~.II 160 21100 21100
2.000 25b . .l2 2llOO 21100
2.125 26~. 5\ 2IlOO 2llOO
2.200 217.2b 2llOO 21100
2.500 301.05 21100 2llOO
Ib 16.000 0.21~ J/I.91 490 570
0.250 42.05 \0 560 b/lO
0.2111 41.17 bJO 740
0.312 52.27 20 700 1120
O. J-l4 57.52 170 'lOO
0.315 62.SlI STO 30 1140 ~1I0
0.4311 72 .110 ~'Kl IISO
0.469 17.79 1000 1230
0.500 112.77 XS 40 1120 1310
0.6S6 \07.50 60 14110 1720
0.1144 136.62 110 1900 2220
I.OJI IM.1I2 100 2320 2710
1. 21~ 192.4J 120 2740 21100
1.4JlI 223.M 140 2l1OO 2l1OO
1.594 245.25 160 2l1OO 2l1OO

III 111.000 0.250 47.J9 10 500 5110

0.2111 5J .111 560 /lbO
0.J12 511.94 20 /120 730
O.J44 M.1I7 6~ 1100
0.375 70.59 STO 750 11110
0.406 76.29 1110 950
0.4JII 112.15 JO 11110 \020
0.469 117.111 940 IlWO
0.500 93.45 XS 1000 \110
0,562 104.67 40 1120 IJIO
0.750 1J1I,17 60 \500 \750
0.9311 170.92 110 111110 2190
1.156 207.96 100 2310 2700
1,315 244.14 120 2150 21100
1.562 274,22 140 2l1OO 2IlOO
1,7111 3011.50 160 2800 2IlOO


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4ID~ A63


I'Ilomln.. 1 Welllhl Tesl PreSloure,··D. psi

Nom,".. 1 OuhUSc W.II Weillhl S<:hedule
Slie. In per ft. PI..,n Bull- in.'
Diameler. in"
End. It,- nas> No.
Welded GrOide ... Grade B
------------ _. - - - - - -
0 2~
-- ---------------
52 73
~ 20000 10 450 520
0 2XI 5'i IX 510 5'Xl
o 312 65 bl) 5bO MO
o 344 72 21 1120 720
0.375 7X.bO STD ~ 1lK0 7'Xl
o 40b X4.% 7.\0 1150
o .43X 'il 51 7'K) 'i20
0.46'i 97 x3 1150 950
o ~) 104 I J XS .lO QOO 1050
0.594 12.\ II 40 1170 1250
o 1112 11>6.40 bO 14f1O 1710
1.0.11 20x 117 KO IIIIlO 2170
I 2XI 256.10 100 2310 26'Xl
1.500 29b .17 120 2700 2110O
1.7~ 341 10 140 2110O 2110O
I 96'i 379.17 Ibll 2110O 2110O
24 24.000 O. 250 11.1.41 10 .1111l 440
0 2111 71 III 420 4OK)
0 . .112 711. 'i.l 470 550
0.344 X/I.'il 520 t>OO
0 . .175 'i4 /12 STD 20 5/lO MO
0.406 102 . .11 /110 710
0.4.111 11022 /l1lO 770
0.469 117.11/1 700 1120
O.~ 125.49 XS 750 11110
0.562 140. bll 30 1140 'i1l0
O. bIIll 171.29 40 1030 1200
0.9.\1l 231 .OJ 1410 IMO
0.969 2.111 .115 IlO 1450 1700
1.219 29/1.511 'Xl IX30 2130
1.5.11 .1/17.39 100 2300 2t>K0
1 XI2 429 W 120 2720 21100
2.062 411.1 12 140 21100 2110O
2 .144 542 14 IIlO 21100 2110O
26 2b 000 () 250 IlK.75 350 400
O. 2111 77 III 390 450
0312 115 IlO 10 430 ~
O. .144 94 2b 41lO 5bO
O. .175 102.6.1 STD 520 610
0.4Ob 110.911 5bO bbO
0.4.111 119.57 610 710
0.469 127.1111 650 7bO
0.500 1.16.17 XS 20 690 1110
0.562 152.bI! 7110 910
• I in ... 25.4 mm.
- I Iblfl .. 1.49 kglm.
(' 1 psi .. 6.119411 kPu.
D For Willi thickness of l'iJX: nol Iislcd in Table X2, Ihe following procedure shllil be: followed 10 delermine the re-
Quired leSI pressure:
(I) When Ihe wall Ihickness for a given diameler is belwcen the lighlesl lind heaviest wall Ihickness lisled:
(a) If Ihe wall thi.:kness is belween Iwo ,..111 thi.:knnscs un whi.:h Ihe test pressures are idenlical, usc Ihal lesl
I'rnsure as the required lell pressure.
Ib) If Ihe tell pressure il different for Ihe ne\\ IIghler and heavier walll Iilled. interpolale 10 oblain Ihe required lesl
pressure. ul,ng Ihe ralio of Ihe nominlll weighl per foOl (W - 10.bI! (D - Illl of Ihe desired Ihickness 10 Ihe nominal
weight per fOOl of Ihe nul heavier Ihickness (10 Ihe nearesl 50 Ib). .
(1) Wilen the Willi thickness is grealer Ihlln Ihe hcaviesl wall Ihickness Ihown for II given diameler. Ihe lesl pressure
for Ihe heavielt wall lilled Ihllil be Ihe required lesl pressure.
(l) When Ihe wall Ihickness is liahler Ihlln the hahlesl Ihuwn for a liven dill meIer:
(a) for GradrJ A attd B itt JiuJ } itt. a"d la'Krr, determine the Inl pressure from Ihe following ellulillon:
,. - 2.~,.1 D
,. - minimum hyJrollllli.: lell prnsure. psi,
S - 0.60 times the minimum lpe.:ilicd yield poinl, I'M.
, - lpecified wall thickness. in.• and
D - specified outside diameler. in.
(b) For G,ad" A ,,,,d B i" Ji:" ""drr 1 m. u"d (u, ull Jiu.• b,," wrldrd pipr. uS':' Ihe lell pressure Iliven for Ihe
lighlell wall thidness of Ihe tllblc for the dillmeler .nvolved.


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4m~ A53

TABLE XJ Dillie. . . . . We"........ Tnt rr-a r... nre.4MI ... Co.pIH f1pe
Nominal Tc~e Preuure. psiC'
Oulside Wall WciShl per fl.
Nominal Thickneu. WC'iSht Schedule
Diameter. Thrcad~ and Bull-
Sizc. in. Clau No. G~ade A Grade B
in. A in. A Couplings. Ib- Wclded
'I. 0.<105 0.068 0.24 STO 40 700 700 700
0.095 0.32 XS 1IO 850 850 850
'I. 0.S40 0.0811 0.42 STO 40 700 700 700
0.119 O.~ XS 1IO 850 850 850

',. 0675 0.091

", 0.1140 0.109 0.115 STO 40 700 700 700
0.147 1.09 XS 1IO 1150 850 850
0.294 1.72 XXS 1000 1000 1000
'I. 1.050 0.113 1.13 STO 40 700 700 700
0.15~ 1.411 XS 1IO 1150 1150 1150
0.3011 2.44 XXS 1000 1000 1000

1.315 0.133 1.611 STO 40 700 700 700

0.179 2.18 XS 80 1150 850 850
0.3511 3.66 XXS 1000 1000 1000

I',. 1.660 0.140 2.211 STO 40 1000 1000 1100

0.191 3.02 XS 1IO 1300 1500 1600
0.3112 5.22 XXS 1400 1800 1900

1.900 0.145 2.73 STO 40 1000 1000 1100

1'" 0.200 1500 1600
3.66 XS 1IO 1300
0.400 6.41 XXS 1400 1800 1900

2 2 375 0.154 3.611 STO 40 1000 2300 2500

0.2111 5.07 XS 80 1300 2500 2500
0.436 9.03 XXS 1400 2500 2500

2'I, 2.1175 0.203 5.112 STO 40 1000 2500 2500

0.276 7.73 XS 1IO 1300 2500 2500
0.552 13.70 XXS 1400 2500 2500

3 3.500 0.216 7.62 STO 40 1000 2200 2500

O. 300 10.33 XS 80 1300 2500 2500
0.600 111.57 XXS 2500 2500

4.000 0.226 9.20 STO 40 1200 2000 2400

3 '" 2800 2800
0.3111 12.63 XS 110 1700
4 4.500 0.237 10.119 STO 40 1200 1900 2200
0.337 15.17 XS 80 1700 2700 2800
0.674 27.58 XXS 2800 2800

5.563 0.2511 14.111 STO 40 1700 1900

0.375 21.09 XS 1IO 2400 2800
0.750 311.61 XXS 2800 2800

6.625 0.2110 19.18 STO 40 1500 1800

0.432 28.89 XS 1IO 2300 2700
0.1164 53.14 XXS 2800 2800

II 11.625 0.277 25.55 30 1200 1300

0.322 29.35 STO 40 1300 1600
0.500 43.90 XS 1IO 2100 2400
C.1I75 72.44 XXS 2800 2800

10 10.750 0.279 32.75 950 1100

0.307 35.75 30 1000 1200
0.365 41.85 STO 40 1200 1400
0.500 SS.82 XS 60 1700 2000
12 12.750 0.330 4S.4S 30 950 1100
0.375 SI.IS STO 1100 1200
0.500 66.71 XS 1400 1600
A I in . • 2S.4 mm.

- I Ib/fe • 1.49 k&im.

(' 1 psi "' 6.8948 kP•.


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4~ A 63

TABLE X4 TaWe of MJaU.. . Wal1lIkbeue. 0_1IIaped1o_ for No..... (AYerqe) PIpe WaD nJc:t.e_
NOTE I-The followinl equation. upon which this table is based. may be applied to calculate minimum wall thickness
from nominal (average) wall thickness:
I. X 0.875 - I.

I. - nominal (average) wall thickness. in .• lIlnd
I. - minimum wall thickness. in.
The wall thickness is expressed to three d"~imal places the fourth decimal place being carried forward or dropped in
accordance with Recommended Practice E 2'1.
NOTE 2- This table is a master table covering wall thicknesses available in the purchase of different classifications of
pipe. but it is nol meant to imply that all of the walls listed therein are obtainable under this specification.
Minimum Minimum Minimum
Nominal (Average) Thickness on Nominal (Averalle) Thickness on Nominal (Average) Thickness on
Thickness (I.). in.' Inspection Thickness (I.). in.' Inspection Thickness (I.). in.' Inspection
(I.). in.' (I.), in.. (I.). in.·
0.068 0.060 0.294 0.257 0.750 0.656
0.088 0.077 0.300 0.262 0.812 0.710
0.091 0.080 0.307 0.269 0.844 0.739
0.095 0.083 0.308 0.270 0.864 0.756
0.109 0.095 0.312 0.273 0,875 0.766

0.113 0.099 0.318 0.278 0.906 0.793

0.119 0.104 0.322 0.282 0.938 0.821
0.125 0.109 0.330 0.289 0.968 0.847
0.126 0.110 0.337 0.295 1.000 0.875
0.133 0.116 0.343 0.300 1.031 0.902

0.140 0.122 0.344 0.301 1.062 0.929

0.145 0.127 0.B8 0.313 , .094 0.957
0.147 0.129 0.365 0.319 1.125 0.984
0.154 0.135 0.375 0.328 1.156 1.012
0.156 0.136 0.382 0.334 1.219 1.067

0.179 0.157 0.400 0.350 1.250 1.094

0,187 0,164 0.406 0.355 1,281 I. 121
0.1811 0,164 0.432 0.378 1.312 1.148
0.191 0.167 0.436 0.3112 1.343 1.175
0.200 0.175 0.437 0.382 1.315 1.203

0.203 0.178 0.438 0.383 1.406 1.230

0.216 0.189 0.500 0.438 1,438 1,258
0,2111 0.191 O,HI 0,465 1.500 1.312
0.219 0.192 0.552 0.483 1,531 1.340
0.226 0,198 0.562 0.492 1.562 1,367

0.237 0.207 0.594 0,520 1.594 1,395

0.250 0.219 0.600 o.m 1.750 1,531
0.258 0,226 0.625 0.547 1.781 1.558
0.276 0,242 0,656 0.574 1.812 1.5116
0.277 0,242 0.674 0.590 1.968 1,722

0,279 0,244 0.688 0.602 2,062 1,804

0.280 0.245 0,719 0.629 2.344 2.0SI
0.281 0.246
• I In . • 25.4 mm.


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~t A 63


TABLE X5 Buk TbreadiD& Data for Stalldard.We"b. Pipe Sizes 6 Ia. aDd U.der

NOTE I --All dimensions in this table arc nominal and subject to milltoleranccs.
NOTE 2- The taper or threads is 'I, in./rt (62.5 mm/m) on the diamt'ter.

Pipe Threads CouplinS

End or Pitch Hand

Pipe 10 Diameter Tisht
Outside Number Hand Effective Total at Hand Outside Stand·Off
Nominal Diam· per Tight Length. Length. Tight Diam· Length. (Number
Size. in. eter. in. inch Plane. in.' in.' Plane.' in.' or
in.' in.' Threads)

D L, L, L. £, w N, A
'I, 0.405 27 0.1615 0.263l1 0.3924 0.37360 0.563 1'/ .. 4
'I. O. S40 III 0.22711 0.401ll 0.5946 0.49163 0.719 1'/ .. 5'/,
'I, 0.675 III 0.~4O 0.40711 0.6006 0.62701 0.1l75 1'/ .. 5

'f., 0.1l4O 14 0.320 0.5337 0.7815 0.771143 1.063 1'/.. ~

'/, 1.050 14 0.339 0.5457 0.7935 0.9118117 1.313 1'/. 5
1.315 11'/, 0.400 0.611211 0.91145 1.231163 1.576 2 5
I 'I. 1.660 11'/, 0.420 0.70611 1.001l5 1.5113311 1.900 2'/ .. 5
I '/,
2.750 2" ..
2'/ .. ~'/,.

2 'I, 2.1175 8 0.6112 1.1375 1.5712 2.76216 3.250 3'/. 5'/,

3 3.500 II 0.766 1.2000 I. 6337 3.3111150 4.000 3 'I. 5'/,
3'/, 4.000 II 0.821 1.2500 1.6837 3.118881 4.625 3 'I. 5'/,

4. 4.500 II 0.1l44 1.3000 1.7337 4.311713 5.000 3 'I, 5

5 5.563 II 0.937 1.4063 1.11400 5.44929 6.296 3 '/, 5
6 6.625 II 0.95K 1.5125 1.9462 6.~0597 7.390 4 6
• 1 in. - 25.4 mm.


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4~ A63

Buk 1UadJlla Dac. lor S........We.... PIpe" Siza 8 ... u4 IArpr, uMIa1 Siza
of Ell'''SC,... ... o-a.Ie-Ell.,.SCre-a Weip.
NOTE- The: ~pcr of Ihreads is 'I, in./ft (62.5 mm/m) on Ihe diameter.
Pipe Threads Coupling
End of Pilch Hand
Number Pipe 10 TOlal Diameler OUlside Lenglh. Tighl
Nominal OUlside Hand Effeclive
Diam- per Lenglh. al Hand Diam- in." Siand-Off
Size. in. Inch Tighl < Lenglh.
eler. in. in." Tighl eler. in." (Number
Plane. in." Plane. of
in." in." Threads)
i, i, i. E, W NL
'I, 0.405 27 0.1615 0.2638 0.3924 0.3736/) 0.563 I 'I" 3
'I. 0.540 III 0.22711 0.4018 0.5946 0.49163 0.719 1'1, 3
'I, 0.675 18 0.240 0.4078 0.6006 0.62701 0.875 I 'I, 3
'I, 0.840 14 0.320 0.5337 0.71115 0.771143 1.063 2 'I, 3
'I, 1.050 14 0.339 O. S457 0.7935 0.911887 1.313 2 'I, 3
I .315 11'1 , 0.400 0.6828 0.9845 1.23863 1.576 2'1, 3
1'1, 1.660 11'1, 0.420 0.7068 1.0085 1.58338 2.0504 2'1. 3
I 'I, 1.900 11'1, 0.420 0.7235 1.0252 1.82234 2.200 2Y. 3
2 2.375 11'/, 0.436 0.7565 1.0582 2.29627 2.875 2 '1, 3
2 'I, 2.1175 II 0.6112 1.137S 1.5712 2.76216 3.375 4 'I, 2
J 3.500 II 0.766 1.2000 1.6337 3.3111150 4.000 4 'I, 2
3 'I, 4.000 II 0.821 1.2500 1.6837 3.888111 4.625 4 "I, 2
4 4.500 II 0.1l44 1.3000 1.7337 4.311713 S.200 4 'I, 2
5 5.563 II 0.937 1.4063 1.1l400 S.44929 6.296 4 ~/, 2
6 6.62S II 0.9511 1.5125 1.9462 6.50S97 7.390 4 '1, 2
II 1l.625 II 1.063 1.7125 2.1462 8.SOOO3 9.625 5'I. 2
10 10.750 II 1.210 1.9250 2.35117 10.62094 11.7;)() 5'/. 2
12 12.750 II 1.360 2.1250 2.5587 12.61781 14.000 6'1, 2
. 14' 14.000 II 1.562 2.2500 2.6837 13.87263 IS.OOO 6"1, 2
16' 16.000 II 1.812 2.4500 2.8837 15.8757S 17.000 6"/, 2
18' 18.000 II 2.000 2.6500 3.0837 17.87500 19.000 7 'I, 2
20" 20.000 II 2.125 2.8500 3.2837 19.87031· 21.000 7 'I, 2
" 1 in . • 2S.4 mm.
, Nominal size is outside diameter.
X4.1 Tabulated in Table X7 are the minimum elongation values calculated by the equation given ill
Table 2.
TABLE X7 EIo....Io. Val...
Tension Tesl Spec:imen Elonaatlon In 2 In. min ~

Area. Specified Wall Thickne., In.'

A Specified Tensile Stren,lh. psi
in." 'I,·in. I·in. I',,·in.

0.15 and
- .----- .'- -_._--- ....
0.994 and

0.746 and
0.497 and
45 000

48 000

50 000

60 000
,rUler grealer !:ruter ,ruler
0.74 0.980-0.993 O. 35-0.74S 0.490-0.496 38.0 36.0 34.S 29.5
0.73 0.967 ..0.979 0.726 ·0. 734 0.484·0.489 311.0 36.0 34.S 29.5
0.72 0.9504..0.966 0.7IS-0.725 0.477·0.483 38.0 36.0 34.S 29.5
0.71 0.941-0.953 0.706·0.714 0.471-0.476 38.0 35.S 34. S 29.0
0.70 0.927··0.940 0.69S-0.70S 0.464-0.470 311.0 35.S 34.S 29.0
0.69 0.914-0.926 0.686-0.694 0.4S7-0.463 37 .S 35.S 34.0 29.0
0.68 0.900-0.913 0.615-0.68S 0.450-0.4S6 37.S 35.5 34.0 29.0
- .0.67 0.117-0.899· 0.~,674 0.444-0.449 37.S 35.S 34.0 29.0
0.66 0.1174·0.886 0.6S5-0.66S 0.4370.443 37.5 35.0 34.0 29.0
0.65 . 0.861-0.873 0.646-0.6504 0.431·0.436 37.0 35.0 34.0 28. S
0.64 0.147~D.86O 0.635-0.64S 0.424-0.430 37.0 35.0 33. S 28.S
0.6J 0.134·0.~6 . 0.626-0.634 0.417-0.423 37.0 35.0 33.S 28.S
-- ... 0.62 0,110...0,1)) - 0.6IS-O.62S 0.410-0.416 37.0 35.0 33.S 211.S
0.61 0.807-0.819 0.606-0.614 0.404-0.~ 36.5 34.S 33. S 28.5
0.60 0.794..0.806 O. S9S-0. 60S 0.397 -0.403 36.S 34. S 33.S 211.5
A 1 In. 1 • 645.16 mm l •

• 1 In. ,. 25.4 mm.


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4SI~ A 63

TABLE X1 Co",in,.~d

Tension Test Specimen Elongation in 2 in. min. %

Area. Specified Wall Thickness. in.-

A Specified Tensile Strength. psi
in. IA
J / •• tn . I·in. \'/,-in.
Specimen Specimen Specimen 45000 48000 50 000 60 000

O. ~9 0.7111 0.793 0.51160.594 0.391 0.396 36.5 34. ~ 330 211.0

0.~11 0.767 0.7110 0.5750.5115 0.3114 0.390 .'6.5 34.5 33.0 211.0
0.57 0.7~4 0.766 0.566 0.574 0.377 0.383 36.0 34.0 330 211.0
O. ~6 0.740 0.753 0.5550.565 0.3700.376 36.0 34.0 33 .0 211.0
0.55 0.7270.739 0.546 0.554 0.364 0.369 36.0 34.0 32. ~ 211.0
O. ~4 lJ.7140.726 0.5350.545 0.3570.363 36.0 34.0 32 5 27.5
0.53 0.7010.713 0.5260.534 0.351 0.356 355 33 5 32 5 27 5
0.52 0.6117 0.700 0.5150.525 0.344 0.350 35.5 33.5 325 27 5
0.51 0.674 0.6116 0.506 0.514 0.337 0.343 35,5 33~ 32 .0 27 5
0.50 0.6600.673 0.4950.505 0.330 0.336 .'5.5 33.5 32 .0 27.0
0.49 0.647 0.659 0.4116 0.494 0.3240.329 35.0 33.0 n.o 27.0
0.411 0.634 0.646 0.475 0.4115 0.317 0.323 350 33.0 32 .0 27.0
0.47 0.621 0.633 0.466 0.474 0.3110.316 35.0 33.0 31.5 27.0
0.46 0.607 0.620 0.455 0.465 0.304-0.310 34.5 33.0 3\ .5 27.0
0.45 0.594 0.606 0.4460.454 0.297 0.303 34.5 32.5 31 .5 26.5
0.44 0.580 0.593 0.435 0.445 0.2900.296 34.5 32.5 31 .5 26.5
0.43 0.5670.579 0.426 0.434 0.2114 -0.2119 34.5 32.5 3\ .0 26.~
0.42 0.5540.566 0.4\5 0.425 0.277 0.2113 34.0 32.0 31.0 26.~
0.41 0.541 0.553 0.406 0.414 0.27\0.276 34.0 32.0 31.0 26.0
0.40 0.5270.540 0.3950.405 0.264 ..0.270 34.0 32.0 30.5 26.0
0.39 0.514 0.526 0.3116 0.394 0.257-0.263 .13.5 31. 5 30.5 26.0
0.311 0.5000.513 0.375 0.3115 0.250· O. 256 33.5 31.5 30.5 26.0
0.37 0.4117 0.499 0.366 0.374 0.244-0.249 33.0 3\.5 30.0 25.5
0.36 0.474-0.4116 0.3550.305 0.237· O. 243 33.0 .H.O 30.0 25.5
0.35 0.461 0.473 0.3460.354 0.231 0.236 33.0 31.0 30.0 25.5
0.34 0.447 0.460 0.3350.345 0.2240.230 32.5 31.0 29.5 25 _0
0.33 0.4340.446 0.3260.334 0.217 0.223 32.5 30.5 29.5 25 _0
0.32 0.4200.433 0.3150.325 0.210-0.2\6 32.5 30.5 29.5 25,0
0.31 0.407 0.4\9 0.306 0.314 0.2040.209 32.0 30.5 29.0 25.0
0.30 0.3940.406 0.2950.305 0.1970.203 32.0 30.0 29.0 24.5
0.29 0.3111 0.393 0.2116·0.294 0.191 0.196 31.5 30.0 29.0 24.5
0.211 0.3670.3110 0.275·0.285 0.1840.190 31.5 29.5 211.5 24.5
0.27 0.3540.366 0.2660.274 0.177 0.1113 31.0 29.5 211.5 24.0
0.26 0.340-0.353 0.255-0.265 0.1700.176 31.0 29.0 211.0 24.0
0.25 0.327 ..0.339 0.246·0.254 0.164·0.169 30.5 29.0 211.0 23.5
0.24 0.314·0.326 0.235 ·0.245 0.1570.163 30.5 29.0 27.5 23.5
0.23 0.3010.313 0.2260.234 0.1510.156 '0.0 211.5 27.5 23.5
0.22 0.2117· O. 300 0.215-0.225 0.144-0.\50 30.0 211.5 27.0 23.0
0.2\ 0.274-0.286 0.206·0.214 0.137-0.143 29.5 2K.0 27.0 23.0
0.20 0.260-0.273 0.195·0.205 0.130-0.136 29.5 27.5 26.5 22.5
0.19 0.247 -0.259 0.1860.194 0.124-0.129 29.0 27.5 26.5 22.5
0.\8 0.234-0.246 0.175-0.185 0.1\7-0.123 29.0 27.0 26.0 22.0
0.17 0.221 ..0.233 0.166-0.174 0.111-0.116 211.5 27.0 26.0 22.0
0.16 0.207-0.220 0.155-0.165 0.104-0.110 211.0 26.5 25.5 21.5
0.15 0.194-0.206 0.146-0.1'54 0.097-0.103 27.5 26.0 25.0 21.5
0.14 0.1800.193 0.135-0.145 0.091-0.096 27.5 26.0 25.0 21.0
0.\3 0.167 -0.179 0.1260.l34 0.0114-0.090 27.0 25.5 24.5 21.0
0.12 0.154-0.166 0.115·0.125 0.077-0.083 26.5 25.0 24.0 20.5
0.11 0.141-0.153 0.106-0.114 0.071-0.076 26.0 24.5 23.5 20.0
0.10 0.127 -0.140 0.095·0.105 0.064-0.070 25.5 24.0 23.5 19.5
0.09 0.114-0.126 0.086-0.094 0.057-0.063 25.0 23.5 23.0 19.5
0.011 0.100-0.113 0.075-0.085 0.050-0.056 24.5 23.0 22.5 19.0
0.07 0.087-0.099 0.066-0.074 0.044..0.049 24.0 22.5 21.5 111.5
0.06 0.074-0.086 0.055-0.065 0.037-0.043 23.0 22.0 21.0 111.0
0.05 0.061-0.073 0.046-0.054 0.0310.036 22.5 21.0 20.5 17 .0
0.04 0.047-0.060 0.035-0.045 0.024-0.030 2\ .5 20.0 19.5 ltd
0.03 0.034-0.046 0.026..0.034 0.017 0.023 20.0 \9.0 18.5 \5.5
0.02 0.020·0.033 0.0\5·0.025 0.010·0.016 111.5 17.5 17 .0 \4.5
0.01 and 0.0\'1 and 0.014 and 0.009 and \6.0 15.0 14.5 12.5
leu Ie.. Ie.. les.




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4SJtt A 63

nc. Xl Dtmullou of ....Dd T1c1ll Anulbly for U. witlt Table X5.

I-----L. ----4 w
nc. Xl DllDe .... oa. of Hanclnallt Allelllbly for U. wielt Table X6.

TM ",",riC'all Socitty fo, T,I/ifl, alld !tiat"ia/s tdrs 110 posilioll rtsp,C'till"II, t/alidily ofallY pal'f11 ri,1I11811rruli
ill C'OllllUliofi ...1111 allY lit," ,",,,,ioll,d ill Illis I/allda,d. UUtl of IlIisSlallda,d art ,zprtllly adt/iud Ilia I dtlrrmJltiJliOll
of 1M t/alidity ofallyslIC'1I partlll ri,lIl1. afld III, rid ofitVrill"'"'''' of SIIC'II ri,lIl1. is ,,,'irtly III,i, 0"''' ,rspo"sllHUty.


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Downloaded/printed by
Universidad Nacional De Colombia (Universidad Nacional De Colombia) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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