Kundalini A Journey From Hell

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A journey from Hell

from a Christian

By Hendry Roux

Ego Maketh the Man...............................................................................................................................2
Moving thru Hell.....................................................................................................................................6
The cow that saved me..........................................................................................................................13
You are not one of us anymore..............................................................................................................19
In the end...............................................................................................................................................22
In the beginning.....................................................................................................................................24
Exploring places by fasting...................................................................................................................28
Word Fearing Community.....................................................................................................................34
Religion told me to fear.........................................................................................................................41
I am the Wandering Star........................................................................................................................44
Dark Night Purging...............................................................................................................................47
The light will only know itself in darkness...........................................................................................49
In conclusion.........................................................................................................................................55
More Titles by the Author.....................................................................................................................57
Version 1.0

Published/Editing by Susan Roux at KDP

Copyright © 2019 by 7th Gate

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.


M aybe the writer of this book must warn the unsuspecting masses
that this is his true story. Or maybe he must not.

Anyway, it does not matter, the truth is certainly stranger than fiction.

Entertaining? Nope. Well, it can just move an eyebrow or two.

The stage however for this story is set in a central South African city,
where our hero is an absolute human. All the nuts and bolts and moving
parts that maketh the earthlike man.

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By Hendry Roux


s he walks thru the valley of the shadow of death, death will
be avoiding him, because who our hero was then thought
himself to be totally indestructible. He was an all-powerful
ex-military, serving in the South African Police Service as a Warrant


He then had a very bad case of cognitive dissonance pertaining to any

contradictory view towards his Christian belief system.

Yes, and try telling that person in the picture above something that would
tick him off was a very bad idea.

In his culture, God is to be feared. If anything came against this God, it

was seen by him as the enemy and war was imminent. He would without
question run head first into battle, because the Bible told him so. Or so
did he think.

His journey onward from that stage was what can only be described as an
incredible feat of staying sane and alive.

By Hendry Roux

In the spirit of information shared with extra meaning covered in

symbolism, I will change my writing from the third person to the first
person to indicate that there are two types of ego’s, first the lower ego and
second the higher ego.


This was how information was shared in the time of the great prophets
2000 years back (Multi Layers). You need to change your perception to
get it.

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By Hendry Roux


hen you are unaware that the foundations of your life are
being destroyed and that the reason for your whole human
existence is taken from your own hands and given to
someone that you cannot see, who will drive you towards a place that you
don’t want to go to because the journey is explicitly prohibited by
traditional, social structures, friends and family.

This is the place where you will find the address for literal Hell. The more
oblivious that our hero got, the more he suffered, and he suffered a lot.

As he looks to the words being typed on the brightly illuminated screen,

he vividly recalls times that the pain got so much he wanted to end it all.
For him, the preferable tool for getting that job done was a good strong
rope. He had amazing technical skills and could create makeshift gallows
with his hands using just a steady setting like an overhang from a car
shade port and rope of course.


Then when searching for the rope it had moved away from the usual
storage spot and with an all house search there was no rope of any shape,
colour or size to be seen anywhere.

By Hendry Roux

What he did not know at that stage is that you cannot escape from Hell,
you must move thru it.


By Hendry Roux


No nothing like, “I am god!” But God in all of us, there is a difference.

This is the meaning of God is omnipresent (present or having an effect
everywhere at the same time), He is everywhere. That is the meaning of
the Kingdom is within man.

This brings me to the following statement. If Heaven is inside us, then

Hell is there also, yes? Yes. This is the ongoing suffering because of
ignorance toward the truth.

People do not know this because if they did, it would cut out the middle
man (church). We all know how much money the middle man makes.

Finding God is, in fact, free and our birthright. It is something completely
natural. When you have the intention and surrender to the spiritual
process it all comes in a natural way to you. The Yogi only opens the
door, you are the one that enters into yourself and then becomes your own
Yogi. The rebirth is a physical event and not one of merely accepting any
saviour as a proxy.

For much more on this subject and all of my research on practically

achieving enlightenment, read my book.

By Hendry Roux

“God is light and so are You.”

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o you recall the story of the little bird who was freezing to
death on the ground when a cow came and took a shit, that
fell right on top of this little bird? Well, the warm cow dung
unfroze the little bird and it got all motivated to sing out loud and just then
a cat came, pulled the little bird from the dung and ate it.

Remember the moral from this story? Yes, not all that crapes on you are
the enemy and those who pull you from the crap is not always a friend.

My mother and I had a somewhat of a personality clash and most of the

time a visit to her would only result in some or other issue if I visited for
too long.

She was a loner after my father passed on and preferred her own company.
Little did I know that she was busy cutting karmic ties or like she told me
a week before her death, she used methods like lucid dreaming to conquer
her demons. I did not know this person at all.

By Hendry Roux

Little did I know with her passing my spiritual journey was about to begin.
She visited me in a dream and told me that it was a great honour walking
the path on earth with me. She told me that she would visit me two times
more, and she did.

The last visit to me was also inside of a lucid dream and she did not look
the same as when she was with us on this side. She was illuminated and
young but I could easily recognize her as my mother.

From her death on I had very strange things happen to me like voices from
relatives calling me, except I was alone and the people calling me was not

I spontaneously started with an in-depth research quest on anything

spiritually related. I literally researched night and day without end. I had
information come to me in all shapes and from all esoteric sources. I
investigated the occult, alchemy, mysticism regarding religion to name
just a few. I went thru so much material and did so much practical
experimentation that I slowly started seeing a whole different picture of
who and what I actually am. It was a three-year road to where I finally
broke thru my archetypal belief systems.


At this stage, I started practising meditation and after about four months I
could get to a Delta and Theta brain wave trance state by only an

I started to fast intermittently and soon afterwards, I started to do a total

fast from any food for three days, each week. This is where I
spontaneously began to have out of body experiences.

I was visiting the astral plane of existence without even trying to. I saw
some scary things there but when I am there, I have no fear and those
entities do not bother me at all.

I had such blissful travels in the astral plane that mere words here and now
cannot describe to you what I had felt whilst there. I would lay in bed
before I go to sleep and imagine myself between the stars, and then I
would just lift out of my body thru the roof of the house and end up with a
360-degree view of the stars, I was awake and aware and could move
around as I wished.

By Hendry Roux

I had a lot of Kundalini spinal sweeps in my time meditating, from the

bottom of my spine to out the top of my crown with the distinct feeling
afterwards of a big invisible pillow resting on my forehead.

Soon afterwards and out of nowhere I had an illuminating event and I saw
the big peaceful and very beautiful, blissful light merge with me in my

At that stage sometimes just before falling asleep, I would get, what I can
only describe as divine downloads. It is like hundreds of pictures, is
flashing in front of my eyes, the only thing is that the pictures have
symbols on them. Sometimes they are of people and places that I don’t

I just gave you the shortened version of this road that I am travelling. All
and all, it is about five years now and I am still learning.


✽ ✽ ✽

By Hendry Roux



T he things that I went through made me think differently to the

religion that I was enslaved to.

I don’t care much for this mind shift but there is still some karma left,
there because it hurts inside when old friends judge and condemn me. I
know it is ok and that they are not wrong but I would have so much
wanted them to give me the benefit of the trust.

The Christian church sees something different to their dogma and they
need to label it different to them. Because in faith and religion my god is
better than your god. You know it’s an ever-ongoing religious pissing
competition and no one, for one moment sticks their head out of the mist
of ignorance and just ask themselves, “what if that different information
can be of a truthful nature, just maybe?”


For one-tenth of a second is all that it takes to ask “who am I”, with a
sincere intention in wanting to know. Only this small action on your part
is needed to break thru the first of the seven seals, and that information is
even mentioned in all the holy books of modern-day religion.

This is done in a mystical way of course. You need to see things different
to understand.

This is done so that those who are ready will see the information and start
learning from the great prophets and ascended masters.

By Hendry Roux

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just went thru a whole lifetime of growing towards spiritual
ascension in about a thousand words. Let me give you some of my
mystical experiences that had significance in my growth.

At this time, I must convey to you that I don’t have the words to describe
to you accurately this road that I am on, and the things that happened and
still is happening to me. So, I would say it is spiritual, because that maybe
describing it for your better understanding, or I might write about
Kundalini, Holy Spirit, God, Serpent, Inner Planes, Archetype, Dragon,
the Light or any modern day used word, or for those words from ancient
Sanskrit that is starting to be rediscovered. This the best way to tell you
the reader that this is not from anywhere but goodness.

It is my sincere wish not to piss off the different powers to be at this

specific time, reigning the outer planes of those who are in fact my
beloved Light Family.

By Hendry Roux

In the following chapters I will go thru some of my mystical events, if you

are strictly religious it may be wise not to go any further reading thru this
material, in fear that the devil will take you. There is always the next time
for you, or next life, even if you don’t believe it to be true. It is!

✽ ✽ ✽



I n the beginning I did not know it would be like this.

Something woke me. I am lying flat on my backside. Darkness just

destroyed everything as I know it. I cannot focus my open eyes on
anything. It is just too dark inside.

My focus shifted from darkness to myself as I felt a tremendously

powerful force moving my whole jaw, from side to side. Left, right, left,

No thought. What is happening? What is this? It is not stopping, it feels

like the whole bed is moving with the fast movement of my lower jaw.

I look inside for an answer. Yes, this is the rising of the Serpent, it comes
to me. It is in Vishuddha (throat energy centre) now, I think.

By Hendry Roux

The movement continues for a while, rhythmically and then stops.

I immediately fall back to trance where I roam the inner planes of my


I notice a presence with me and just then the Big Black, Dark Dragon
placed its mouth to my face. I could just feel the enormous entity on top
of me where I was lying flat on my back on the floor of the sitting room.

No fear! I am not afraid, and immediately summon this beast to give me

everything by saying, “is that it?”

I can feel Vishuddha (throat energy centre), not opening up for the
Serpent. It is very painful now. I am in total agonizing pain. And it is
literally tearing the flesh from my jaw.

Look up, I felt like doing this while I am still lying flat on the sitting room
floor. I did just that, I looked up thru the very big glass window at the
eternity of glittery stars outside. The pain is gone!


I went to immediate trance and woke up almost immediately afterwards.

Or so I thought, hours have passed. I stop seeing the stars and start
noticing the uncomfortable feeling of having been somewhere else but I
cannot recall precisely where.

I must get up I think, and I do so. The pain is back on the left side of my
lower jaw. It hurts like hell that is burning the sin (karma- as described in
the book God is Light and so are You) right out of me.

I know why this is happening to me, I chose this, I surrendered myself to

the sweet energy of the Black Serpent.

She is having her way with me, and I do hear their little small ringing bell
the whole time within my inner ear. It is remarkable that specific time
when I started losing the ability to fear.

I am getting ahead of my story now. This was a glimpse of my future, and

don’t for one moment think this story is fiction. It is, however, and can be
horrifying for the unsuspected, to know that one single intention can
deliver this much chaos in a very short time span.

✽ ✽ ✽

By Hendry Roux


D escribed below was an event from my first food fast (no food, only

I was within a fast from food for two days already and I just wanted to go
to sleep for a while that night, making myself comfortable on the couch.

Suddenly a loud and continuous knock could be heard from the bathroom
up the stairs. This was very weird as there was no storm or even any trace
of a strong wind outside.

I got up from the couch and went outside in the dark night to investigate
what was causing this loud continuous knock on the upstairs bathroom
window. While I was looking up at the window from below, I could see
that my family who lives on the 1 st floor is investigating the same
knocking event.


I abandoned the search outside for a reason for this occurrence, as I was
tired from a busy day at work. As I made myself comfortable on the
couch again, I had a strange thought.

This may just be some kind of lower entity wanting my attention. Ha! I
thought silently to myself. And then out of nowhere, the knock became
the rhythm from a familiar type of drumroll that I like. Wow, I thought,
this is weird. As soon as I laid down on that couch I was out of my
physical body, standing in the doorway of the room I was sleeping in, and
facing out.

I did not know that I was in the astral plane at this stage. What happened
next was right from the pages of a horror book.

Everything was in colour, and in place but right in front of me there was
standing, an old overweight lady. She had no colour and was totally in
greyscale, right in front of me. I started talking to her and asking, her why
is she knocking on the window. She had her back to me and slowly turned
to me, looking over her left shoulder and then I recognized her as one of
the people in the very old black and white but colourized pictures hanging
on the wall.

By Hendry Roux

This entire scene happened without me having any fear and when the
entity saw that I did not react with fear the whole situation was over, I was
inside my body again and wide awake. The knocking had also stopped.

The higher self, which usually shields us from this kind of attack will
allow lower entities to test us for the sake of spiritual growth. This
happens very gradually but is very necessary because with full
enlightenment the entire spiritual shielding from our existence it burned
away in an instant, and the then Seeker becomes the Sage, which sees the
whole of existence.


From this, I learned that fear is a karmic tie, and by overcoming fear we
cut those ties that bind us, thus moving to the next spiritual test.

I had one other experience with, being out of my body also from day two
of food fast. I spontaneously went out of my body and ended in the top
section of our two-story house.

Walking around with no one there but me. I had a very blissful feeling
that came over me and whilst making my descent down the stairs, I was
singing the word Kundalini from the top of my astral plane lungs. This
was a very nice encounter with the astral plane.

There have been many occasions that I would travel out of the body.
Sometimes I would go to unfamiliar places where I don’t know anyone
moving around. Sometimes I would go to my old school in the middle of
the night. If you think you can go there.

I however never noticed a silver cord connecting me with my body. I

guess it is a different inner plane experience for everyone.

By Hendry Roux

Nothing in religion is a democracy. You do as you are told, and that is


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f you would mention the word “occult” in social circles here where I
stay now people will get very uncomfortable and upset.
Immediately imagining vivid images of someone dressed in a black
cloak hiding sacrificial daggers.

The word “occult” comes from a Latin word for “hidden”. The truth about
reaching an ascension state of being was and still is hidden from the
general population.

By Hendry Roux

The reason is that, if you are ready the information will start to resonate
with you and those of a religious nature tend to crucify or burn at the stake
people of mystical wisdom. No, I am not following any occult practices, I
did in-depth research on the subject.

The word Kundalini means "coiled one" from the Sanskrit language and
date back 3500 years.

Its use is symbolic for the Energy of the Holy Spirit, Deveikus or
Kundalini and obtaining Kadusha/Freedom (The Good Energy). In
Afrikaans, it is called “Gees” and that comes phonetically directly from
the Hebrew word.

Kadusha or staff of Caduceus, widely used in the health arena with two
snakes coiled (Kundalini) around a staff with spread-out wings at the top.

‫(' רוח קודש‬Ruach in Hebrew) or Holy Spirit. In the original inspired

language of the Tanach (Old Testament) it describes, someone invisible
like the wind. It is described like this because it can be experienced like
feeling the wind but not seen. It is a physical feeling. The breath of God


or life force is the one who dwells with us here and not the Father and or
the Son from the holy trinity. It is omnipresent and disperses itself in
everything here. This is describing the Spirit of God from the Hebrew text
and is according to the text the emanation of His Breath or Life Force.

From the Hindu Sanskrit language, we have the same Life Force being
described with another dialect, other words from other languages are being
used to describe the same meaning (as in the Holy Bible) and are without
any investigation being ridiculed because of its difference. Also having
the same meaning as, Life Force energy is, Chi and Prana.

Is this not the human story, for encountering anything different to what
they see as the truth? They will not have any of this and this is described
by cognitive dissonance perfectly, they are defending that which has been
imprinted in them and they see this as the one and ultimate truth.

The powers to be, know how to use this information about our
subconscious programming against us so that we the many will allow
those, the few to rule over us with no questions asked.

By Hendry Roux

The religious will have you think that practices like Buddhism will make
you convert. Buddhism is a practice and not a religion. It is something
you do like meditation for instance.

Practising meditation will have the superstitious religious say, that you are
opening up for the devil. When in fact it is the same place that you go
inside yourself when creating any masterpiece, and then time just seem to
disappear. (Read my book “Speaking to God” for simple and very
powerful techniques on manifesting thru meditation.)


Thru my pencil drawings, I have been in a creative trance in a meditative

state, long before I ever practised reaching a trance state in meditation.

Each and every person who creates thru art goes into a meditative trance
state. It means that your brain waves are not in Beta brain wave state
(awake and aware) any more but in Alpha (restful awareness) or below
and that is all there is, no demons are entering anyone.

By Hendry Roux

The only demons are the ones that you already let in thru karma and not
meditation. Meditation is the way of cutting karmic ties and not creating

Cognitive dissonance will have people defend a lifetime of traditional

programmed belief systems with their life, and when they are confronted
with another viewpoint, the religious will label, chastise and even go to

What if what, I am telling you now is the truth? Just ask yourself. It is
different, yes. You can very much entertain an idea without making it
about you, this quality in a human is called wisdom.

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ne may often ask oneself if doing something new, something
out of the ordinary, would be acceptable to others and then
carefully test others nearby to see their thoughts and how they
would react if you invested time into sitting in darkness. I would be
sitting with only the universe, that I had found inside of me inside

By Hendry Roux

I will go thru countless scenarios inside my head, explaining my actions to

those whom I know, those who say they love me. “No, I cannot do that”, I
think to myself.

But then if I could just make some friends in cyberspace, I may just get
one single like on social media and then I know I can take some action, or

I am so scared of what people will say if I start moving into a Spiritual


“Maybe it is acceptable, but it scares the daylights out of me because that

kind of past time will ensure an eternity in a burning fire.” I think to

These thoughts and emotions will go on, literally amounting to years

passed with no spiritual movement in any direction because of the fear of
being ridiculed and then, there is the religious hellfire to deal with
afterwards of course, not the other way around I may add.

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hope not to confuse you too much, with where I am going with this
idea that I am trying to paint inside your mind at this precise
moment. When you are reading about the experience that Kundalini
has brought me.

Looking back now, I can see the steps that I took toward understanding
myself literally, outside and in and I am very amazed that no one in my
Cristian community has ever taken the time, to think only one step out of
their religion box.

No, not abandoning the scriptural teachings of Christ, Mohamed, etc. No,
not leaving the congregational structure to meditate on top of a mountain
in Tibet.
Just asking; Who am I?
Who am I really? Am I, this physical body? Asking small little questions
inside of oneself about the real existence of the self.

Well, this is where my thinking was going anyway. I just tend to lay
down in bed at night and literally pondering about myself as an entity in

By Hendry Roux

time and space. I did not know it at that stage but that was precisely what
I was doing. It is called an “Awakening”.

The rebirth term used so widely in current modern-day theology is, in fact,
a physical one and not accepting thru proxy, ideological salvation based
upon superstition and passed down traditional structures, from one person
to the next.

This is what ignorance looks like. These are the excuses that are being
used by entire civilizations to wipe communities of humans in wars.
Millions and millions of people slaughtered because people are playing the
“my god is better than your god” pissing game.

✽ ✽ ✽



hen one awakes to a spiritual journey, a certain purging
begins and a total of seven separate tests are given the
seeker, to move from a suffering hell to a blissful
Kingdom of God.

These tests are known as the Dark Night of the Soul and must be identified
for what they are and then with gained wisdom and or guidance from a
master dealt with in order to move to a higher level of vibrational being.

The tests are karmic in nature and a cyclic reoccurring hell on earth if you
are oblivious to them.

Faith is the word the superstitious, might use often before falling to their

I had my fair share of this karmic hell on earth experiences with the one
standing out from all the other.

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By Hendry Roux



I remember my purging process from the karmic vault pertaining to the

opening of the heart space.

Because of a certain circumstance, I had to walk for 45 kilometres in the

freezing cold on a moonlit night. This happened on a lonely rural road
with absolutely no traffic.

The road on both sides was surrounded by game farms which meant that
there were predator animals in the area.

As I walked my heart was filled with violent hate for the one that I blamed
for placing me in that situation. It was a murderous very deep feeling of
pure hate.

I was unfit and started getting aches and pains all over. As I moved
forward to my destination in the darkness, I got quite a scare as I saw on


the road right in front of me shadows moving around and very fast too. I
looked up and I saw big black crows about seven of them circling me.
They were quiet and kept circling me until morning broke when the sun
made its appearance.

During this time, I identified that I was then within a Dark Night of the
Soul scenario, and surrendered myself. To forgiveness and I also started
using a tactile visualization method, that I use to cleanse my energy body
from any negativity.

The whole six hours of walking in the freezing cold with the big black
crows circling overhead, I used the tools for cutting karmic ties.

No one had instructed me how to do this, your higher self will hand the
information to you, as it is needed and will then sit back to see if the adept
will use the wisdom gained, to move on thru the tests.

Afterwards, in a dream, it was made clear to me that my heart space is in

fact open. I could feel this as I started getting very creative. Also, my
personal circumstances changed immediately to another whole different

Which in the religious superstition arena will be viewed as luck or

kindness from God, it was, in fact, the cutting of karmic ties, the glue that

By Hendry Roux

keeps people in one specific re-occurring situation is not fate or

punishment it is a test, nothing else. Why do you think we are here? To
suffer politicians and die. No, not in a longshot is there any truth to that.


In the above picture, you can see the Human Spine becomes a Tesla Coil
(Coaxial Circuit) with a High Voltage energy surge from bottom to top

causing Sparking on top of the coil or sparking inside in the 3
Ventricle, this is the Sp-Ark of the Covenant.
The Arc is symbolic for the spark inside of the 3 Ventricle of the Human
Brain. This is why the serpent is, Symbolic for the way in which the

By Hendry Roux

energy moves along the spine from bottom to top where it energises and
linking the whole brain, all 100% of the brain is then active in this
moment of enlightenment.

Then there is the karmic test of the serpent energy that moved thru and
filled the heart chakra and entered into Vishuddha which is the throat
chakra or energy centre. Here I suffered extreme pain in the jaw area and
had to have a tooth removed that caused infection in my body.

Yes, the Dark Night is as much physical as it is mental. In this area, I

suffered verbal abuse from my employer who knew I needed income to
support my family.

In a dream, I was told to take out that specific tooth. So, I did just that,
because it was affecting my whole body. The moment that tooth was out,
I lost all fear of standing up to my abusive employer and took a stance
verbally even thou I knew I could lose my work right then and there. The
outcome was very good for me.

✽ ✽ ✽


The ultimate purpose of man’s presence in the world of
matter is the attainment of spiritual perfection.

Don’t judge everyone else by your own limited experience.

-Dr. Carl Segan

Knowledge is the precursor to experience, the more

knowledge you have the more prepared you are for an
experience”. -Dr Joe Dispenza

Peoples opinion is not Truth. “Opinion is the medium between

knowledge and ignorance”- Plato

By Hendry Roux

“It takes a certain amount of courage to listen and a certain

amount of letting go of what other people may think.” -Judith
Orloff, MD from her book The Healing Power of Positive

Please remember it is not us against them. We must all Ascend from here.
We are all here with this one and only goal, to get thru the experience by
passing the karmic tests and then move on.

With all my love and respect. -Hendry Roux

✽ ✽ ✽



Ascension series

Speaking to God is to imagine like a


This is the easiest way for you to

reach a meditative state that can in a
physical manner deliver to you the
desired results. I take away the
superstition and hand you a practical
way to also better your physical

By Hendry Roux

God is light and so are You.

An Ascension Masterpiece.
I hand you the outcome of about five
years of practical research pertaining
to, why and how to reach spiritual
perfection. No superstition and no
mysticism, just in plain easy to
understand terms and exercises.

Subscribe to my Authors Page on Amazon

Pigskin Poems
From a Traveling Soldier.
This is a symbolism filled piece
and is greatly entertaining in an
Alchemical manner.
Inspired by real people and events
in some of the most dangerous yet
beautiful places in Africa.



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