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- Background (2 reasons) 1. Japan is experiencing a baby deficit/ 2. Working women do not

longer seem interested in having babies.
- Thesis: Japan’s baby deficit is a problem that should be overcome if families , companies
and the government offer alternatives to working women.
Body: (2 paragraphs) 
 -Topic sentence (P1): Families must offer women the chance to go back to work.
 - Supporting ideas (P1): 1. Husbands must support their wives in their endeavors/2. 68% of
women who have families' support are able to work and have children
- Topic sentence (P2) - Supporting ideas (P2) 1. _____________ 2.________________
Concluding statement: We had better take matters seriously for a bright Japanese future by
joining all society sectors together and come up with urgent plans to save the country.
TOPIC: Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried As Adult Criminals?



Set your problem. Provide 2 facts or reasons that give background to your problem
Write here Background or reason or fact #1

Background or reason or fact #2

Write your thesis statement (don’t forget to include your two reasons)

Thesis statement:


Now write the topic sentences of the body paragraphs (Remember that these sentences are based
on the reasons from your thesis)

Topic sentence body paragraph #1:

Supporting idea #1 paragraph #1

Supporting idea #2 paragraph #1

Topic sentence body paragraph #2

Supporting idea #1 paragraph #2

Supporting idea #2 paragraph #2

Topic sentence body paragraph #2

Supporting idea #1 paragraph #3

Supporting idea #2 paragraph #3


Now write your concluding statement

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