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COURSE TITEL: Engineering Economics.


Submitted To Submitted By
Laila Ferdousy Name: sskkj jjdjejd
Lecturer ID: 1810024444
Department of CSE Section: 181_DA
Department of CSE
Answer To The Question 01

Packet Loss:

Data is sent as small unit called packet through internet or any network,
this packet failed to reach destination and gets lost then the phenomena
is known as packet loss.

Ways to deal with packet loss:

1.If the reason of the packet loss is hardware then the hardware need to
be replaced.

2.If the network congestion is the cause for packet loss then increasing
the bandwidth of the link can minimize the problem.

3.Implementing a Quality of Service (QoS) solution that allows user to set

a higher priority for any real-time traffic on user’s network can also
minimize this problem.

Answer To The Question 02

Store And Forward:

‘Store and forward’ is a technique where the data sent from the source is
stored in a intermediate node later the data is transferred to the
destination or another intermediate node.

This technique is used when there are long delays in transmission and
there remains high error rate in transmission. Where there is no way
direct or end to end connection.


The intermediate has to wait until the full packet has arrived before the
sending the packet to the new node. This may cause significant delay.

Answer To The Question 03

Circuit Switching:

In circuit switching method two nodes establish a dedicated channel

through before those nodes communicate. Once the data is sent the
receiver the sender is then notified about the successful transmission and
all the switches are released.

Packet Switching:

Packet switching is a data transmission technique where the data is

divided into numbers of units which are called packets. There is need of
dedicated circuit for this type of communication.
Limitations In packet switching that circuit switching can overcome:

Packet Switching is not suitable for systems which requires near zero
latency. In a system where a lot of voice call is necessary packet switching
performs poorly there in this case circuit switching is needed.
As circuit switching uses dedicated links it gives minimal latency.

Answer To The Question 04

Mail Server:

A mail server is a server that handles and delivers mail over the internet.
It has mailboxes which contains the incoming mails for the user. And
there is message queue of outgoing mails.

User Agent:
In this case the user agent is the piece of software that reads the mail or
composes the mail or send mail to the server.

A normal web browser can be the user agent. Or other software like
thunderbird mail can act as user agent user agents usually runs local
machines. On the other hand mail server is nothing but a special kind of
server which can act both as a sender and receiver.
Answer To The Question 06

Errors and the correction of the given response is written below:

* In line 1, http version is missing.

* in line 1, there is an invalid keyword ‘RESPONSE’
* status phrase for 301 is not ‘bad request’ it is ‘Moved Permanently’

HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently / r/ n

* in line 2, unnecessary info host name is provided
* in line 3, no need to provide user agent
* in line 4, no need to provide accept language.
* Date and server name is missing.
* other parameters before body is missing too.

Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2020 06:24:20 GMT / r/ n

Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Win32) / r/ n
Content-Length: 230 / r/ n
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 / r/ n
Connection: Closed / r/ n

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