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Aerospace and defense

Airbus uses LMS Test.Lab to improve and streamline its flutter analysis process

Product Siemens PLM Software solution

LMS enables processing of vast A380
in-flight data during offline
Business challenges analysis
Overcome high modal density Providing enhanced process validation
and similar mode shapes
Modal identification methods used during
Provide better-defined flutter testing – like aircraft characteristics
and -equipped testing – have evolved to enable correct parame-
installation ter identification. Frequencies and damp-
Avoid spatial aliasing when ing value estimations have to be as
working on deformed accurate as possible in order to define the
aircraft shapes aircraft fluttering margins used during
those first critical in-flight test campaigns.

Keys to success Flutter testing can be broken into three

Use LMS Test.Lab Structures segments: real-time; near real-time and
testing as a complete solution offline. In-flight real-time test campaigns
for modal analysis are used to acquire live data during the
test flight, mostly as a safety check to con-
Align online in-flight analysis
tinue the flight envelope. The near real-
at Airbus France with
time testing focuses on rapid modal
postprocessing at Airbus
estimation to determine the overall safety The Airbus flutter team in Toulouse, France
of the flight and the flutter test program. faced several challenges working on the
Achieve efficient analysis and The offline testing deals with the finer Airbus A380 campaign, but these were
reporting capabilities analysis of the recorded flight data and issues they had faced before with the
final report production. Airbus A340 flutter campaign: high modal
Results density and similar mode shapes, both
LMS Test.Lab™ Flutter Analysis software placed in a low narrow frequency band.
Effectively processed a from Siemens PLM Software enables
significant amount of Airbus the user to validate data efficiently In terms of modal identification, these new
A380 in-flight data during and effectively, automating the use of precise requirements called for a better-
offline analysis LMS Test.Lab™ Operational Modal Analysis defined and equipped testing installation.
Enhanced offline test software. It offers a full package with all This meant digging a bit to find the right
analysis capabilities the required functionality, such as data kind of process. Measured data needed to
Provided clear stabilization preprocessing, modal parameter estima- be recorded at enough locations with high
diagrams and high synthesis tion, mode shape animation and result enough quality to improve power spectra
correlations validation.
“We actually achieved better
results using OMA than with
classical EMA. We found
more modes. The synthesis
was better with higher cor-
relation and fewer errors.
And the in-flight mode
shapes looked much nicer.
This was thanks to the
amount of sensors we used
and the OMA capabilities of
LMS Test.Lab.”
Miquel Angel Oliver Escandell
Airbus Flutter team

and transfer function estimates and oriented European research and develop-
avoid spatial aliasing when working on ment (R&D), the EUREKA FLITE projects
deformed aircraft shapes. This required focus on bringing new and powerful tools
some innovative thinking and serious to structural engineers and aircraft design-
process validation compared to current ers, improving the quality and usefulness
techniques. of data gathered during flight testing.

Building on EUREKA FLITE projects The FLITE consortium gathers world-

Since 2001, Airbus France and Siemens ranking aircraft manufacturers and tech-
PLM Software have been cooperating on nology providers from France, Belgium and
several EUREKA (European Research Poland. The FLITE projects offered a
Cooperation Agency) projects called unique opportunity to confront new,
“FLITE” (Flight Test Easy). An intergovern- advanced algorithms with challenging
mental initiative to support market- real-life aircraft data.
Finding the right data “Clearly, we needed a solution that would
In late 2007, Siemens PLM Software and improve the alignment between online in-
Airbus agreed to start a project to evaluate flight analysis occurring in Toulouse and
LMS Test.Lab Polymax software, an the postprocessing completed in the
analysis component of LMS Test.Lab™ design center in Airbus Germany,” says
Structures software, as a key solution to Jean Roubertier, flight test department
achieve high-quality offline, in-flight aero-elasticity expert at Airbus. ”At this
data processing for flutter analysis. stage, we’re very pleased with the results.
LMS Test.Lab Structures is a complete LMS Test.Lab is able to provide us with
solution for experimental and operational the right type of results.”
modal analysis, combining high-speed,
multichannel data acquisition with a Realizing record-breaking data
suite of integrated testing, analysis and acquisition
reporting tools. Siemens PLM Software is The 525-seat Airbus A380 is the largest
renowned for its modal testing experience commercial passenger aircraft in the skies
and scalable solutions, from supporting today, so it isn’t surprising that simply
impact testing on small structures to large due to its sheer size the acquired in-flight
test campaigns using multiple shakers and testing data is record-breaking as well.
hundreds of measurement channels.
“With more than 100 sensors, that was
In the past, the flight test department of one of the largest setups for an in-flight
Airbus France performed data analysis flutter test campaign that I have ever
using its in-house, near real-time analysis seen,” says Bart Peeters, Siemens PLM
package, and transferred the results Software project manager. “Also, the
together with the raw data to Airbus amount of tests under different flight
Germany, where the numerical flutter pre- conditions was impressive. The resulting
dictions were correlated with actual flight database is immense and efficient
tests. However, Airbus France felt the need processing and report generation
to conduct further in-depth data process- capabilities are required.”
ing so that it could transfer more complete
results to Germany.
The Airbus Flutter team in Toulouse per- Operational Modal Analysis software.
formed a variety of excitations, including In classical EMA, the control surface excita-
control surfaces sine sweeps and pulses. tion and aircraft response signals are
Pulses are currently used to assure crew converted to frequency response functions
and aircraft safety, whereas sweeps are (FRFs). During the actual flight, other
used to work out more accurate results, excitation sources, such as turbulence, are
enabling the update of theoretical finite present. Sometimes this results in noisy
element (FE) models. Thanks to integrat- FRFs. For example, an aircraft tail response
ing pulses into the process, the duration sensor receives a rather limited contribu-
of flutter flights has been considerably tion from the wing excitation. Therefore,
reduced. the idea arose to neglect the excitation
signal and apply operational modal
The basic concept behind the project was analysis (OMA) to the aircraft
to compare classical experimental modal acceleration signals.
analysis (EMA) with LMS Test.Lab

“Clearly, we needed a solution that would

improve the alignment between online
in-flight analysis occurring in Toulouse and
the postprocessing completed in the design
center in Airbus Germany. At this stage,
we’re very pleased with the results.
LMS Test.Lab is able to provide us with the
right type of results.”
Jean Roubertier
Flight Test Department Aero-elasticity Expert
Solutions/Services “We actually achieved better results using in-flight data,” says Escandell, who worked
LMS Test.Lab Operational OMA than with classical EMA,” says Miquel on the project for a year. “And the valida-
Modal Analysis Angel Oliver Escandell, a member of the tion tools, such as correlation levels,
LMS Test.Lab Flutter Analysis Airbus Flutter team. “We found more MAC matrix and mode shape complexity modes. The synthesis was better with (MPD and MPC criteria) are complementary
lms-test-lab higher correlation and fewer errors. And in regards to real-time identifications
the in-flight mode shapes looked much performed during flutter tests.”
nicer. This was thanks to the amount of
Customer’s primary business sensors we used and the OMA capabilities During the comparison testing, the flutter
Airbus is a leading global of LMS Test.Lab.” team at Airbus used LMS PolyMAX during
manufacturer of innovative sweep excitations of the aircraft. The
commercial aircraft. Its De-noising the data results, based on using an exponential
product line comprises air- Even with projects of this scale, there is window of 5 percent, appear to be
craft that range in size from always noise in the data that needs to be good, supplying high synthesis
the roughly 100-seat single- managed. LMS Test.Lab can be used to correlations (98 percent using just two
aisle A318 to the over provide a clear picture with techniques references) and clear stabilization
500-seat A380 wide body that produce accurate analysis results, diagrams.
aircraft. Airbus consistently even from rather noisy data. This feature
captures about half of all offers clients like Airbus a true competitive “We’ve been extremely impressed by
commercial airliner orders. advantage when it comes to offline test the flutter analysis results and the way processing. that LMS Test.Lab software is able to
handle the challenges of processing the
“We found that the exponential window, immense amount of Airbus A380 in-flight
Customer location which allowed for cross-correlation calcu- data during the offline analysis,” says
Toulouse lations, was a good de-noising tool for our Roubertier.

“We’ve been extremely impressed by the

flutter analysis results and the way that
LMS Test.Lab software is able to handle the
challenges of processing the immense
amount of Airbus A380 in-flight data during
the offline analysis.”
Jean Roubertier
Flight Test Department Aero-elasticity Expert

Siemens PLM Software

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