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Cash and Liquidity Management

Generated on: 2020-05-21

SAP S/4HANA | 1909 Latest


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Cash and Liquidity Management

Cash and Liquidity Management enables an organization’s cash or treasury department to manage bank accounts centrally, overview the cash operations and long-term liquidity trends
accurately and precisely. Cash managers can easily and intuitively get a high-level overview and detailed insights into bank accounts, cash position, and cash ows, which enables them
to make decisions and take actions directly. The major features are listed below.

 Note
This solution is intended for business use only. You should not use it for personal bank accounts or personal cash operations.

Bank Relationship Management

Bank Relationship Management allows you to manage your bank account master data centrally, using a process to govern the opening, closing, changing, and reviewing of bank
accounts. The streamlined work ow and dual control processes also help improve user efficiency in accomplishing compliance-related tasks.

Cash Operations

Cash Operations allows you to review the cash position to understand cash distribution, to establish whether bank accounts have sufficient funding (or a surplus) for the day’s
payment obligations, and to decide whether to invest available cash in the short term.

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Liquidity Management

Liquidity Management allows you to analyze the past actual cash ows and forecast the medium-term liquidity trends. It also provides rolling plan cycle management and planning
status monitoring with variance analysis on plan, actual, and forecast data.

For a quick look at some of the features of these apps, watch these how-to videos.

 Note
All videos are available in English only. Captions/subtitles are available for multiple languages. Simply click the CC button at the bottom of the video player to see which languages are

More Information
Bank Relationship Management

Using Dual Control for Bank Account Management

App Documentation:

Manage Bank Accounts

Open this video in a new window

Using Work ow Processes for Bank Account Management

App Documentation:

Manage Bank Accounts

Open this video in a new window

De ning Bank and Bank Account Data

App Documentation:

Manage Bank Accounts

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Open this video in a new window

Extending Work ows for Bank Account Management Using Responsibility Ruless

App Documentation:

Manage Work ows - For Bank Accounts

Open this video in a new window

Importing and Monitoring Bank Fee Data

App Documentation:

Import Bank Services Billing Files

Monitor Bank Fees

Open this video in a new window

Reviewing Bank Accounts

App Documentation:

Manage Bank Accounts

Review Bank Accounts

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Open this video in a new window

Cash Operations and Liquidity Management

Using Cash Flow Analyzer

App Documentation:

Cash Flow Analyzer

Open this video in a new window

Releasing Cash Flows

App Documentation:

Release Cash Flows

Open this video in a new window

Liquidity Planning with SAP Analytics Cloud

App Documentation:

Liquidity Planning with SAP Analytics Cloud

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Open this video in a new window

Related Information
Business Function: Cash and Liquidity Management
Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management
Data Setup Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management
One Exposure from Operations
Apps for Cash Management

Business Function: Cash and Liquidity Management

Depending on your license, you can use a basic scope of Cash and Liquidity Management or a full scope of this solution capability. This business function must be activated in order to
switch on the full scope of this solution capability.

Technical Name

Technical Name of Business Function FIN_FSCM_CLM

Type of Business Function Enterprise BF

Available From SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511

Application Component FIN-FSCM-CLM

Required Business Function Not relevant

This document also explains the required settings and the scope differences of the two capabilities:

The basic cash management capability

SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management

The Basic Cash Management Capability


Before you use the basic cash management capability that is delivered with SAP S/4HANA, you need to switch off the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM and select Basic Scope in the
Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings.


The basic cash management capability offers the following basic functions:

Manage banks and house banks (only a subset of elds that are needed for enabling the payment process)

De ne bank accounts and house bank accounts (only common attributes are supported)

Display bank accounts in a list view

Import and export bank accounts

Replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts by using IDoc (Intermediate Document)

Monitor cash positions and liquidity forecasts

Manage memo records using the app or transactions FF63 and FF65

Supported Apps in the Basic Cash Management Capability

The following apps and features are supported in the basic cash management capability.

Manage Banks

Manage Bank Accounts (Basic Cash Management)

Alternatively, you can manage your bank accounts without the SAP Fiori launchpad. To do so, run the SAP GUI transaction NWBC to open the HTML application of SAP NetWeaver
Business Client in a Web browser.

Cash Flow Analyzer (Basic Cash Management)

 Note

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Please note that liquidity item is not supported in the basic cash management capability.

Manage Memo Records

Alternatively, you use SAP GUI transaction FF63 and FF65 to edit and display memo records.

Manage Payment Media

Monitor Payments

Bank Account Balance


The basic cash management capability can integrate with the following data sources:

Memo Records

Financial Operations

Treasury and Risk Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM)

Consumer and Mortgage Loans (FS-CLM)

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)

Sales and Distribution (SD)

Materials Management (MM)

SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management


To use SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, you need to switch on the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM and select Full Scope for Cash Management Scope in the
Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings. Before you switch on this business function, contact your SAP Account Executive about the license for SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash


By switching on this business function, you can enable SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management to gain the full range of functions for this solution. The following new and improved
functions and processes are available to you:

Manage banks and house banks

De ne bank accounts and house bank accounts

De ne payment approvers and overdraft limits for bank accounts

Display bank accounts in the bank hierarchy view, the list view, and user-de ned views based on bank account groups

Implement work ow or dual control processes for opening, modifying, closing, reopening, and reviewing bank accounts

Import and monitor bank fee data

Initiate bank account reviews and monitor the review status

Keep track of foreign bank accounts and responsible payment approvers

Create cash pools based on bank account groups and perform cash concentration

Perform cash operation tasks such as monitoring cash positions, making bank transfers, and approving payments

Forecast the liquidity trend and analyze the actual cash ows using various dimensions

Develop and analyze liquidity plans to ensure payment obligations and assist funding decisions

Use prede ned local BI Content to extract cash management data for analytical purposes

Enable the snapshot functionality to lter cash ows by the snapshot time.


This business function is closely integrated with the following components:

Bank Communication Management (FIN-FSCM-BNK)

The component is integrated for functions involving bank statements, bank payments, bank transfers, and so on.

 Note
Business function FIN-FSCM-BNK is required for use of this component.

Memo Records

Financial Operations

Treasury and Risk Management (FIN-FSCM-TRM)

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Consumer and Mortgage Loans (FS-CLM)

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)

Materials Management (MM)

Sales and Distribution (SD)

Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX)

Initial Balance via Excel

Classic Cash Management

Manual Entry of Bank Cash Balances

SAP Liquidity Planner

Inbound SOAP Webservice for Cash Flows

More Information
Cash and Liquidity Management

Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash

Purpose and Target Groups
This guide describes the activities that you need to perform in order to use SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

Application Component FIN-FSCM-CLM

Target Groups (Roles) Application Consultants

 Note
For app-speci c implementation information, such as business catalogs and OData services, search for the app in the SAP Fiori Apps reference library.

You need to have ful lled the following prerequisites before you can continue with the activities documented in this guide:

You have installed SAP S/4HANA 1909

For more information, see the Installation Guide of SAP S/4HANA at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE .

You have nished the migration.

For more information, see the Conversion Guide and Simpli cation List of SAP S/4HANA at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE.

You must migrate your house bank accounts before using SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management. You can do so using the Customizing activity Start and Monitor Data
Migration. You can nd this activity in Customizing under Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Data Migration .

For more information about migrating house bank accounts, see the documentation under Conversion of Accounting to SAP S/4HANA Data Migration Documenation on Data
Migration Migration of House Bank Accounts .

You have assigned roles to users.

For more information about security-relevant authorization objects, see the Security Guide of SAP S/4HANA at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE.

You have switched on the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM and selected Full Scope for Cash Management Scope in the Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings.

You can nd this Customizing activity under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management General Settings .

You have implemented the Fiori apps you need.

You can nd implementation details for apps in the SAP Fiori apps reference library. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is available here:
https:// oriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com

For more information about the overall SAP S/4HANA installation tasks as well as the implementation tasks speci c to apps for Finance, see the UI Technology Guide at

For more information, see .

Make sure that you have applied all the notes listed in SAP Note 2769531 (SAP S/4HANA 1909: Release Information Note for Finance) appropriate to your product version.

To use SAP CoPilot features, make sure you have con gured the necessary settings.

For more information, see Con guring SAP CoPilot for the Launchpad.

Your user is con gured with the required back-end authorization and front-end authorization.

You have con gured virus scan pro les for le uploads.

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For more information, see the chapter “Virus Scanning in File Uploads” in the Security Guide of SAP S/4HANA at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE.

More Information
Con guration for Bank Relationship Management

Con guration for One Exposure from Operations

Con guration for Cash Operations

Con guration for Liquidity Management

Con guration Tips for SAP Liquidity Planner Customers

Con guration for Bank Relationship Management

Bank Relationship Management enables cash managers to centrally manage the bank accounts in a company, for example, creating, modifying, closing bank accounts, as well as
performing bank account reviews.

 Note
In addition to the con guration settings, please adapt your custom code, if there are any, to t the new logic described in SAP Note 2870766 .

Related Information
Bank Account Master Data
Precheck for the Document Attachment Function
Payment Approval Process
Approval Processes for Bank Account Management
Extensibility Options
ICF Services

Bank Account Master Data

Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs
In bank account master data, each bank account acquires a technical ID upon creation. To de ne the rules for the assignment of technical IDs, perform the following Customizing
activities under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings :

1. In the Customizing activity De ne Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs, de ne number ranges for bank account technical IDs.

2. In the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data, on the Bank Account Master Data Setting screen, specify a number range for the Tech. ID No. Rang

Number Ranges for Change Requests

The system automatically assigns a number to a change request once it is created. To con gure the rules for assigning change request IDs, perform the following Customizing activities
under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings :

1. In the Customizing activity De ne Number Ranges for Work ow Change Requests, de ne number ranges for change requests.

2. In the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data, on the Bank Account Master Data Setting screen, specify a number range for the Req. No. Rang eld.

Bank Account Types

The bank account type is one of the attributes in the bank account master data. You can de ne different types of accounts to suit different business purposes. Account types can be used
as an analysis dimension in reporting and planning. Using bank account types, you can also de ne different approval patterns for bank accounts of different types. For more information,
see Payment Approval Process.

To maintain bank account types, start the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data and de ne account types on the Account Type De nition screen. You can
nd this activity under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings .

Bank Statement Import Methods

Bank statements can be imported using different methods, for example via SWIFT or by manual import. For each bank account, you can specify one of the de ned methods as the
Import Method for End-of-Day Statements and another as the Import Method for Intra-Day Statements.

To de ne the import methods, start the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data and, on the De ne Import Methods for Bank Statements screen, de ne
method IDs and descriptions. You can nd this activity under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings .

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Bank Relationship Management

Bank Correspondence
In some circumstances, companies need to communicate with banks in written format regarding important changes in their bank accounts, for example, the decision to close a bank
account, or an update about authorized payment approvers. To assist companies in bank correspondence automation, SAP provides a business rule Bank Correspondence for
generating email or PDF correspondence letters automatically. The following scenarios are supported:

Correspondence for closing a bank account: When a bank account is closed in the system, an email is generated and sent to the de ned contact persons with a PDF attachment.

Correspondence for updating payment approvers: When the payment approvers are updated in the system, an email is generated and sent to the de ned contact persons with a
PDF attachment.

Before using the bank correspondence feature, you must make sure the settings for Output Parameter Determination are properly de ned. You can also customize the templates as well
as the output parameters according to your company's business needs. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Run the OPD transaction.

2. Select Bank Correspondence from the Show Rules for drop down list.

3. Select an entry from the Determination Step drop down list and then make the settings as described in the following table:

Determination Step Explanation

Output Type You de ne the output type to use for the app. An output type de nes the output parameters
for the bank correspondence letters.

SAP provides a prede ned output type BANK_CORRESPONDENCE. You can change the
dispatch time if necessary.

Receiver You can use the prede ned receiver role EX or de ne other receiver roles for the de ned
output types.

Channel You assign the output channels to use for the app. An output channel determines what kind of
output is generated.

With the BANK_CORRESPONDENCE output type, you can de ne email or PDF output for
different bank keys and account types.

Printer Settings You create a print queue to manage the printing of documents.

A default print queue, LP01, is delivered by SAP. However, SAP recommends that you create
your own print queue so that your documents are not mixed with others.

Email Recipient The system determines the email recipient in the following order:

a. If an email recipient is speci ed in this step, send the email to the de ned email

b. If the setting is empty here, send the email to the bank account contact person.

c. If the bank account contact person is not de ned, send the email to the contact
person of the bank.

Email Settings In the Sender Email eld, specify the email address for sending the bank correspondence

You can use self-de ned templates when necessary.

Form Template You can use self-de ned templates when necessary.

Output Relevance Make sure the output relevance indicator is set as true.

4. Choose Activate to save and activate your changes.

See Also
For more information on how to customize the business rule, see the Implementation Guide of the De ne Rules for Output Determination Customizing activity. You can nd it in
Customizing under Cross-Application Components Output Control .

For information on how to determine the form master template, see the Implementation Guide of the De ne Rules for Determination of Master Form Template Customizing
activity. You can nd it in Customizing under Cross-Application Components Output Control

For more information about the output control and how to set it up, see SAP S/4HANA Output Control and Setup and Con guration of SAP S/4HANA Output Control.

Contact Persons for Bank Accounts

In the Manage Bank Accounts app, you can de ne internal contact persons for bank accounts by specifying the Contact Person and Bank Account Supervisor elds on the Bank
Relationship tab.

To enable the value help for the two elds, de ne the relevant system users as the employee type of business users. To do so, create business partners with the role category BUP003 for
the system users, and then assign the system users to the business partners. For more information about how to create business users, see the SAP Note 2570961 .

If you do no enable the value help for the two elds, you can still de ne the contact persons by manually entering the system user ID.

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Precheck for the Document Attachment Function

You are recommended to perform a precheck on the prede ned attachment document type BAM before you go live. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Run transaction CL03.

2. Check if the following class exists in your system:


Class Type: 017

If the class does not exist, proceed to the following step.

3. Start transaction SE38 and then run the report FCLM_BRM_GENERATE_CLASS_CHAR.

The report helps you generate the class and characteristics that are required when the document type BAM is used.

For more information about how to implement Documentation Management for bank account management, see the attached documents in SAP Note 2332327 .

Approval Processes for Bank Account Management

For risk control reasons, most companies implement approval processes for master data management. For bank account management, you can use SAP Business Work ow or a simple
dual control process to safeguard your bank account master data in the scenarios listed below.

 Note
If you use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface, dual control is not supported.

Opening a new bank account, including copying a bank account to create a new bank account

Making changes to a bank account, including changing a payment approver in multiple bank accounts

Closing a bank account

Reopening a bank account that is already closed

Related Information
Con guration for Work ows
Con guration for Dual Control

Con guration for Work ows

To use SAP Business Work ow for bank account management, follow the steps below to make the necessary settings:

1. To enable the work ow function for bank account management, start the Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings and set the Activate via Work ow indicator for Bank
Account Revision. You can nd this Customizing activity in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management General Settings De ne
Basic Settings .

2. To activate a work ow template that you want to use for bank account management, activate the corresponding event type linkage in the Customizing activity Maintain the Event
Type Linkage for Triggering Work ow Processes under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management :

By default, the linkage for the prede ned work ow template WS78500050 is activated. If you choose to use this template, you do not need to do anything.

If you want to use the work ow template WS74300043, deactivate the linkage for WS78500050 and then activate the linkage for WS74300043.

 Note
Make sure there is only one linkage activated for the event Created in BOR object FCLM_CR. If you have activated both the linkages for WS74300043 and
WS78500050, WS74300043 is used.

If you want to use your own work ow template, you can add and activate a new entry and then deactivate the default one.

3. De ne approvers for your work ow processes. Depending the work ow template you are using, you can choose either of the following ways:

Using responsibility rules to de ne approvers: This option applies to work ow template WS74300043 and WS74300050.

Using teams and functions to de ne approvers: This option applies only to work ow template WS74300050.

4. (Optional) You can de ne the work ow process according to your own business requirements, to do so, follow the instructions in De ning Your Own Work ows.

5. For the purpose of changing a payment approver for multiple bank accounts simultaneously, the system generates a mass change request when the work ow is enabled. To
con gure this mass change request, go to the Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings and de ne a grouping option for Change Request Grouping. You can nd this
Customizing activity under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management General Settings .

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6. When you make changes to the bank account master data, only elds that are de ned as sensitive elds can trigger the work ow process. To de ne sensitive elds, specify the
elds in the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account
Management Basic Settings . On the Sensitive Fields for Modi cation Process screen, de ne the elds that trigger a work ow process when modi ed.

7. To enable push noti cations in the SAP Fiori launchpad, make the required settings as instructed in Enabling Noti cations in the Launchpad.

Using Responsibility Rules to De ne Approvers

You can use responsibility rules to de ne approvers for work ow template WS78500043 and WS78500050. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. De ne the organization and staffing for your company.

To create new organization and staffing, use transaction PPOCE.

To change the existing organization and staffing, use transaction PPOMW.

For more information, see the documentation in the transaction by choosing Help Application Help .

2. To determine the agent assignment in work ows, de ne rules using the function Maintain Rule (transaction PFAC)

To de ne your own rules, you must include the following elements with the exact technical names:

Company Code (technical name: AGENTDET_BUKRS)

Account Type (technical name: AGENTDET_ACCTYPE)

To work with work ow template 74300049 FCLM_AMD_MM (work ow for changing a payment approver in multiple bank accounts), set the above two elements to # so as to
include all the company codes and account types. The work ow is for changing multiple bank accounts at the same time.

3. To de ne responsibilities for the work ow rules used in your work ow processes, perform the Customizing activity De ne Responsibilities for Rules Used in Work ow Steps
under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management

 Note
If the agent assignment does not work in accordance with what you have de ned in the responsibilities, check the agent assignment settings of the work ow tasks.

To do so, proceed as follows:

a. In transaction PFTC, specify the work ow task that you want to check.

b. From the menu bar, choose Additional Data Agent Assignment Maintain .

c. Choose the Attributes button.

d. Select General Task and then choose Transfer.

Using Teams and Functions to De ne Approvers

Before you de ne a multiple-step work ow, there must be a function available for the approvers of each step. A functions controls whether an employee has the authorization to approve
a bank account change request for a certain step. You can then set up teams by assigning functions to employees.

To de ne functions and teams for bank account management work ows, do the following :

De ning Functions and Function Pro les

1. In transaction SPRO, go to Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Responsibility Management Functions De ne Functions .

2. In the De ne Functions Customizing activity, create functions by specifying a technical name and a short description.

Depending on the approver roles you need, you can create one or more functions. For example, you can create functions for cash specialists, cash managers, and key users

3. In the De ne Function Pro les Customizing activity, create a function pro le by specifying a technical name and a short description.

4. Select the function pro le, and then double click on the Function Pro le to Function Mapping view

5. Click the New Entries button to assign the functions that you just created to the function pro le.

 Note
You can assign a function to only one function pro le.

6. Go to Cross-Application Components General Application Functions Responsibility Management Teams and Responsibilities Map Function Pro les to Standard Team
Category .

7. In the Map Function Pro les to Standard Team Category Customizing activity, choose New Entries to map your function pro le to the prede ned team category FCLM0.

8. In the De ne Team Types Customizing activity, choose New Entries to de ne a team type for team category FCLM0.

De ning Teams and Responsibilities

After functions are created, you can then set up teams to assign functions to employees. A function can be used in multiple teams and an employee can be assigned with multiple
functions. To do so, proceed as follows:

 Note
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Before you carry out the following steps, make sure that all system users (SU01 users) have been converted into business users. For more information, see SAP Note 2570961 .

1. In the Manage Teams and Responsibilities app, create a new team.

2. Specify the following information for the team:

Team name

Team description

Team status: Select Ready when you want to use the team

Team type: Select the team type you created in the De ne Team Types Customizing activity

3. Add users to the team.

4. Assign one or more functions to the users.

5. (Optional) You can restrict the account types and company codes in the Responsibility De nitions section so that the team members can only receive and approve the requests
from the de ned account types and company codes.

De ning Your Own Work ows

Depending on the work ow template you use, different options are available to you for de ning new work ow processes according to your business needs.

Using Work ow Template 78500050

You can use the Manage Work ows - For Bank Accounts app to extend this work ow template, such as by adding work ow steps, assigning responsibility rules to work ow steps, or
de ning the start action for triggering the work ow. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. In the Manage Work ows - For Bank Accounts app, copy the prede ned work ow to create a new one.

2. In the Header area, specify a name for the work ow.

3. (Optional) In the Properties area, specify a description and the validity period for the work ow.

4. (Optional) In the Preconditions area, de ne the preconditions for starting this work ow.

5. In the Step Sequence area, de ne the approval steps for completing this work ow.

6. For each step, specify values for the following elds:

Name of the step


To create a step that requires approvers, select type Process Request of Changing Bank Accounts.

To create a step that is automatically approved, select type Automatically Approve Request of Changing Bank Accounts.

Recipients: Depending on the way you de ne work ow approvers, proceed as follows:

If you use responsibility rules, select a rule.

If you use teams and functions, select the function that you de ned for approving bank account changes.

A function is associated with a team where speci ed employees are authorized to approve bank account changes.

If the step is to be automatically approved, skip this setting.

You can de ne that a step is completed by any or all employees of the recipient group.

Preconditions: Specify one or more conditions to start a work ow step.

Exception handling: Specify how to handle rejections. You can specify, for example, that the work ow ends if an approver rejects the request.

Using Work ow Template 74300043

You can use transaction SWDD to extend this work ow template, such as by adding work ow steps or assigning responsibility rules to work ow steps.

For more information, see SAP Business Work ow/WebFlow.

Prede ned Work ows

Business Object Repository Object

SAP prede nes a Business Object Repository (BOR) object FCLM_CR for bank account management. In this object, the following two events are de ned:

CREATED: This method is used to trigger the work ow by creating a change request.

PROCESSED: Dialog step in approval process which was processed.

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The rule assigns a cash manager as the agent.

Cash managers are authorized to approve or reject a change request of creating, changing, or closing bank accounts.


The rule assigns a cash specialist as the agent.

Cash specialists work under cash managers’ supervision and is responsible for opening, changing, and closing bank accounts.


The rule assigns a key user as the agent.

Key users are responsible for making necessary con guration settings for bank accounts and house bank accounts.

74300013 FCLM_REVWOR

This is a xed rule, therefore you cannot de ne responsibility for this rule.

The rule retrieves the contact persons de ned in the bank account master data from the Contact Person eld (on the Bank Relationship tab, under the Internal Contact Persons

Work ow Templates

The following prede ned work ow templates are available:

Work ow Template 78500050 (default work ow template)

Work ow Template 74300043

Work ow Template 78500050

This work ow template is intended for customers who want to use the simpli ed work ow for bank account management. With this work ow template, you can use the following apps to
manage your work ow requests:

My Inbox - For Bank Accounts

My Sent Requests

To enable the My Inbox - For Bank Accounts app to display workitems that are generated using this work ow template, con gure the following settings:

1. In Customizing, go to SAP NetWeaver Gateway Service Enablement Content Task Gateway Task Gateway Service Scenario De nition .

2. In the Scenario De nition view, choose New Entries.

3. In the new entry , specify the following and then save your entry:

Scenario Identi er: FCLM_BAM_APPR

Scenario Display Name: Workitem for Bank Account

Technical Service Name: /IWPGW/TASKPROCESSING

Version: 2

4. Select the entry and then double click on the Task De nition for Scenario view.

5. Choose New Entries to add your systems to this scenario.

For each system, specify the following:

SAP system alias: the system alias

Task Type: TS78500044_WS78500050_0000000010

Extensibility Options
To extend the work ows that are prede ned with this work ow template, you can use the Manage Work ows - For Bank Accounts app.

Work ow Scenarios
In this work ow template, the following work ows are de ned for the typical business scenarios of opening, modifying, and closing bank accounts:

Work ow for opening a new bank account

Work ow for copying a bank account to create a new one

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Work ow for modifying a bank account

Work ow for changing a payment approver in multiple accounts

Work ow for closing a bank account

Work ow for reopening a closed bank account

In the above work ow scenarios, the following process is de ned:

1. A cash specialist creates a new bank account or performs an action on an existing bank account in the system.

The system triggers a change request and sends the information to a cash manager for approval.

2. After evaluating the request, the cash manager can either approve or reject the request.

3. Once the cash manager approves the request, the changes to the bank account become effective and the bank account is set with status Active.

Related Information
Con guration for Work ows

Standard Task 78500044 FCLM_APPR

This information is very technical, therefore you only need to read it if you want to understand the technical details of the standard task or you want to enhance the standard task.

Standard task 78500044

Abbreviation FCLM_APPR

Name Decision task to maintain bank account

Method Referenced, Properties

Object type:DECISION


Properties: Object method with dialog

Agent Assignment
The agent assignment depends on the work ow template in use.

Important Elements
The table below explains the important elements in the task container:

Technical Name Description Properties Information

CHANGE_REQUEST Change Request Import, Export This element stores the general data of change
requests in database table

TOTAL_STEP Total Steps Import This element stores the total number of steps.

STEP_NAME Step Name Import This element stores the name of the step

DESP_OTR_ALIAS Step Description Import This element stores the OTR text alias string
that contains the description text for the
current step.

Work ow Template 74300043

This work ow template is intended for the following customers:

Customers who use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface for bank account management

Customers who want to use the My Bank Account Worklist app and the My Sent Requests - Old Work ow Template app to manage their work ow requests

Extensibility Options
To extend the work ows de ned by this work ow template, you can use the SAP GUI transaction SWDD.

Work ow Scenarios
In this work ow template, the following sub-work ows are de ned for the typical business scenarios for opening, modifying, and closing, and reviewing bank accounts:

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74300047 FCLM_AMD_OP (work ow for opening a new bank account)

The following process is de ned with this template:

1. A cash specialist creates a bank account in the system.

The system triggers a change request and sends the information to a cash manager for approval.

2. After evaluating the request, the cash manager can either approve or reject the request.

3. If the cash manager approves the request, the cash specialist opens the bank account at the bank and maintains the necessary information for the bank account in the
system, for example, the bank account number and the IBAN number.

If the bank account is opened in a bank that does not exist in the system, the cash specialist rst creates the bank in the system.

4. A key user nishes the necessary con guration, for example, by creating house bank accounts and assigning these accounts to the newly created bank account.

If the corresponding general ledger accounts are not yet available, the key user rst creates the general ledger accounts.

74300048 FCLM_AMD_MD (work ow for modifying a bank account)

The following process is de ned with this template:

1. A cash specialist modi es a bank account in the system.

The system triggers a change request and sends the information to a cash manager for approval.

2. After evaluating the change request, the cash managers can either approve or reject the request.

3. If the cash manager approves the request, the cash specialist noti es the bank about making the necessary changes. After the cash specialist con rms that the changes
have taken effect at the bank, he or she con rms the corresponding step in the system.

The changes are updated to the bank account master data.

4. A key user updates the con guration if necessary.

For example, if a new currency has been added, the key user creates a house bank account for the new currency and then assigns the house bank account to the bank

74300049 FCLM_AMD_MM (work ow for changing a payment approver in multiple accounts)

The process de ned with this template is the same as that de ned for the work ow template 74300048 FCLM_AMD_MD.

74300050 FCLM_AMD_CL (work ow for closing a bank account)

The following process is de ned with this template:

1. A cash specialist closes a bank account in the bank account master data.

The system triggers a change request and sends the information to a cash manager for approval.

2. After evaluating the change request, the cash manager can either approve or reject the request.

3. If the cash manager approves the request, the cash specialist noti es the bank about closing the bank account. After the account is closed at the bank, the cash specialist
con rms corresponding the step in the system.

4. A key user nishes the necessary con guration.

For example, the key user can mark the related house bank accounts as closed in their descriptions to distinguish them from other house bank accounts that are still in

Work ow template 01800002 FCLM_BAM_RO (work ow for reopening a closed bank account)

The following process is de ned with this template:

1. A cash specialist reopens a closed bank account in the system.

The system triggers a change request and sends the information to a cash manager for approval.

2. After evaluating the request, the cash manager can either approve or reject the request.

3. If the cash manager approves the request, the bank account is set back to status Active in the system.

Standard Task 74300047 FCLM_DEC

This information is very technical, you only need to read it if you want to understand the technical details of the standard task or you want to enhance the standard task.

Standard task 74300047

Abbreviation FCLM_DEC

Name Bank Account Management: Decision

Method Referenced, Properties

Object type:FCLM_CR

Method: PROCESS (Process)

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Properties: Object method with dialog

Agent Assignment
The agent assignment depends on the work ow template in use.

Important Elements
The table below explains the important elements in the task container:

Technical Name Description Properties Information

INDICATOR_APPROVE Approve Indicator Import, Export This element is used for the decision of the
current step. When the step is approved, the
element is set to X

CHANGE_REQUEST Change Request Import, Export, Mandatory This element stores the general data of change
requests in database table

APPROVE_STATUS Approved Status Import, Mandatory This element stores the next status when the
current step is approved.

REJECT_STATUS Rejected Status Import, Mandatory This element stores the next status when the
current step is rejected

DESP_OTR_ALIAS Step Description Import This element stores the OTR text alias string
that contains the description text for the
current step.

AGENTDET_BUKRS Company Code Import This element stores the company code used for
agent determination.

AGENTDET_ACCTYPE Account Type Import This element stores the account type used for
agent determination.

NEXT_STEP Next Step Import This element stores the next step, so that the
system can adjust the UI display to the next
step accordingly, once the current step is

PREV_STEP Previous Step Import This element stores the previous step so that
the system can adjust the UI display to the
previous step accordingly, once the current
step is rejected.

Con guration for Dual Control

To implement dual control for bank account management, make the following settings:

To enable dual control for bank account management, start the Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings and set the Activate via Dual Control indicator for Bank Account

 Note
The dual control mode is only available to customers who have implemented the SAP Fiori app Manage Bank Accounts. If you use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as
the user interface and specify Activate via Dual Control as the activation mode, the setting here is ignored and your bank accounts are activated directly.

You can nd this Customizing activity in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management General Settings De ne Basic Settings .

When you make changes to the bank account master data, only elds that are de ned as sensitive elds can trigger the dual control process. To de ne sensitive elds, specify the
elds in the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account
Management Basic Settings . On the Sensitive Fields for Modi cation Process screen, specify the elds that trigger a work ow process when modi ed.

Situation Handling Scenarios

Situation Template: Bank Account Revisions to Be Activated
In the dual control mode, you can con gure a situation type to inform a speci c group of users about when bank account revisions are pending activation for a certain number of days.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Manage Situation Types app.


3. Select the template, and then choose the Copy button to copy the template to a new situation type.

4. In the new situation type, de ne the following settings according to your needs:

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Conditions: De ne the conditions for triggering the noti cation. For example, you can de ne the account type, company code, and a pending period for triggering the
situation (in the Not Processed For (Days) eld).

For the dual control scenario, the Revision Status needs to be kept as 02.

Noti cation Details: De ne the noti ciation message. You can choose to aggregate noti cations and resend noti cations each day.

Situation Monitory: De ne whether you want to monitor this situation type in the Monitor Situations app.

For more information, see Monitor Situations.

Batch Job Scheduling: Schedule a time for running the batch job.

Manage Responsibilities: De ne recipients for noti cations. You can use either the default team or the default responsibility rule, or both.

Responsibility by Teams: Add the default team Bank Account Management and select the Function for Dual Control Situation option.

You can de ne users for this team in the Manage Teams and Responsibilities app. For more information, see Manage Teams and Responsibilities.

Responsibility Rules: Add the default rule Authorized User for Activating Revision.

With this rule, users who have roles that contain the writing authorizations of the business catolog SAP_CMD_BC_BP_DISP_PC (Master Data - Business Partner
Display) and SAP_FIN_BC_CM_BAM_BASIC_PC (Cash Management - Bank Accounts Management Basic) can receive the noti cations and activate bank
account revisions.

5. Save and enable the situation type.

Situation Template: Check House Bank Account in Payment

Con guration

Delivered for App: Manage Bank Accounts

Situation Template for situation handling that you use to inform speci c members in your organization that a house bank account is still used in payment con guration while its linked
bank account is already closed.

For more information, see Situation Handling and Basic Situation Handling Entities.

Business Value
You can use this standard template for the following situation: You want your con guration experts to be informed automatically when a bank account is closed but its house bank
accounts are still de ned in payment con guration settings.

After receiving the noti cation, con guration experts can then check the relevant house bank account in the Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions con guration step
and decide whether to keep or remove the setting for this house bank account.

The con guration step can be found in the Manage Your Solution app, under Finance Accounts Payable Automatic Payments .

Default Settings
In the following sections, you nd information about how this standard template for situation handling is prede ned: The fundamental technical settings such as the trigger object and
the trigger type, and the settings that you can edit and need to con gure in the Manage Situation Types app when you copy the standard template to create your own ready-to-use
situation type.

Situation Trigger and Anchor Object

The situation is triggered when a bank account is closed in the Manage Bank Accounts app. This event initiates the processing of the conditions that check for its linked house bank
accounts in the Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions con guration step.


Conditions belong to the core settings of the Situation Type because they de ne the circumstances under which the situation occurs.

The condition in this template de nes that a situation is created with the status Open and that a noti cation is sent when the system detects that a house bank account of a closed bank
account is still de ned in the Set Up Bank Determination for Payment Transactions con guration step. Filter parameters are available for you to restrict the use of the situation type for
certain bank account types and company codes.

Situation Display

When a Situation Instance occurs, users are informed through different channels. You can change all prede ned texts in this section, as well as other display settings for noti cations.

For more information, see Situation Display.

Noti cation Recipients

In this section, you need to de ne the recipients for the noti cations that are sent when a situation instance is triggered. For situations based on this template, you can de ne your
noti cation recipients in the Manage Teams and Responsibilities app.

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To do so, add the default team Bank Account Management and select the Check house bank account in payment con guration option.

Situation Monitoring

Monitoring (the tracking of situation instances) is not enabled by default. You need to enable Monitor Instances if you want to use the Monitor Situations app.

 Note
When you copy the template and adapt it to your needs in the Manage Situation Types app, you can also change all available text elements. After making the changes in the original
language, do not forget to translate these changes into the other languages that you want to use. The standard template comes with translations that can be changed directly when
you copy the template. For more information, see Translate Situation Types.

Extensibility Options
The following extensibility options are available for you to enhance Bank Relationship Management:

Add customer-de ned elds to the bank account master data

For customers who use SAP Fiori apps:

You can add elds to the following UI element using UI adaptations at runtime:

UI Element Business Context

The General Data section of the bank account master data Manage Bank Accounts

For more information about how to adapt an SAP Fiori UI at runtime, see Making UI Changes.

For customers who use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as their user interface:

You can add custom elds to the structure FCLM_BAM_AMD. After you activate the elds, you can add the elds to existing tabs of the bank account master data.

For more information, see https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_NETWEAVER_740 under Application Help UI Technologies in SAP NetWeaver Web Dynpro ABAP and
Floorplan Manager Floorplan Manager for Web Dynpro ABAP Adapting FPM Applications Customizing FPM Applications .

Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

You can nd the BAdIs for Bank Account Management under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Business
Add-Ins (BAdIs) :

BAdI: Field Statuses and Field Checks

You can use this BAdI to de ne the following:

Field statuses for elds that are used in bank account master data, such as whether a eld is read-only, modi able, mandatory, or hidden.

To do so, you can either create your own implementation or use the default implementation FCLM_BAM_FIELDS_CTRL.

 Note
In addition to this Business Add-In, you can also use the Customizing activity Manage Field Status Groups to control the elds on the app screens. The settings
made for eld status groups take precedence over the default BAdI implementation FCLM_BAM_FIELDS_CTRL.

Additional checks for bank account master data.

Whether it is mandatory for users to enter a note when they approve or reject a work ow request.

BAdI: Bank Account Number Mapping Between BAM and HBA

You can use this BAdI to de ne how bank account numbers are mapped to elds in a house bank account. For example, due to the length limit of a house bank account
number, you can use this BAdI to specify another eld in which to store the bank account number, for example, Alternative Acct No..

BAdI: Events After Bank Account Activation

 Note
This BAdI is only intended for customers who use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface for Bank Relationship Management.

You can use this BAdI to de ne events that you want to trigger after a bank account master record is activated, such as sending a noti cation to inform affected parties.

BAdI: Bank Account Master Data Fields in Change Requests

 Note
This BAdI is only intended for customers who use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface for Bank Relationship Management.

You can use this BAdI to de ne which elds in bank account master data are recorded in change requests when their values are changed. Changes made to elds included
in change requests can be tracked by the change history.

BAdI: Payment Approval Pattern Determination

You can use this BAdI to override the payment approval patterns de ned in the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data with your own logic
and de nition.

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BAdI: Processing Logic for IDoc Message Type HBABAMAST and BAdI: Processing Logic for IDoc Message Type BAMMAST

You can use these BAdIs to enhance the processing logic of the tool for replicating house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts.

ICF Services
Before you use the Web Dynpro application for Bank Account Management, you need to activate the following services.

To do so, in Maintain Services (transaction code SICF), search for a service by entering the service name, and then activate it.

To activate a service, right click on the service and then choose Activate Service.

The following services must be activated:

Web Dynpro services












Work ow services











POWL services








Data Replication
With the hybrid deployment of Cash and Liquidity Management, your SAP S/4HANA system can integrate with other business systems.

In hybrid scenarios, you can maintain master data for house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts in your SAP S/4HANA system where Cash and Liquidity Management is
installed. You can then replicate the master data to other integrated business systems using the Execute Data Replication program (transaction DRFOUT) via IDoc (Intermediate
Document). This way, you ensure that the master data is identical and in sync across all the systems in the landscape. The following features are supported:

Replicate existing house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts to receiver systems en masse

Replicate changes that occurred in the sender system during a speci ed time interval to receiver systems

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Manually select and transfer data to receiver systems

Integration Scenarios
The following integrations are supported:

Integration Scenario Sender System Receiver System

Outbound Integration SAP S/4HANA SAP S/4HANA




Inbound Integration SAP S/4HANA Cloud SAP S/4HANA



 Note

For replication from or to SAP S/4HANA 1809 or higher releases, please note that the following elds in bank account master data will not be replicated. If necessary, you can
manually de ne them in the receiver system.

General Contact

Relationship Manager

For replication between SAP S/4HANA 1809 and SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1808 and higher releases, please note that the following elds in bank account master data will not be
replicated. If necessary, you can manually de ne them in the receiver system.

General Contact

Relationship Manager

Contact Person

Bank Account Supervisor

Payment Signatory (renamed Payment Approver in SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1911)

Supported Software Component Versions

Product Software Component Versions

For integrations between SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, only S4CORE 103
SP00 and higher versions are supported.

For other integrations, the following versions are supported:

S4CORE 101 SP00 and higher software versions

S4CORE 100 SP03 and higher support package versions

SAP S/4HANA Finance

SAP_FIN 720 SP05 and higher software versions

SAP_FIN 730 SP04 and higher support package versions

SAP_FIN 618 SP03 and higher software versions

SAP_FIN 617 SP12 and higher support package versions

SAP_FIN 616 SP11 and higher support package versions

SAP S/4HANA Cloud SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1808 and higher

Message Types
SAP has provided the following message types for using the replication program to replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts.

The use of the message types depends on whether the receiver system is an SAP S/4HANA system. The table below explains the use of the message types in different scenarios.

Message Type SAP S/4HANA system Not an SAP S/4HANA system

BAMMAST Replicate bank account master data including bank accounts Not applicable
and house bank accounts

HBHBAMAST Replicate house banks Replicate house banks and house bank accounts

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For more information about this program, choose the Information button in the transaction DRFOUT.

Schedule a Job for Automatic Replication

To automate the replication, you can schedule a job to automatically replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts to receiver systems. To do so, you can use
transaction SM36 to schedule a job for program RDRF_MESSAGE_OUT.

Before con guring the settings for using this program to replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts, make sure that you have performed the following steps for
IDoc and Application Link Enabling (ALE) in the sender system and the receiver systems.

1. Create users for ALE transfer.

2. Create logical systems and assign clients to logical systems.

3. Create RFC connections.

For more information, search for the topic IDoc Interface/ALE at https://help.sap.com/.

Con guration in the Sender System

Con guration for the Customizing Activity Distribute ALE Master Data
In the sender system, con gure the following in the Customizing activity Distribute ALE Master Data. You can nd this Customizing activity under Quality
Management Environment Tools .

1. Maintain Partner Pro le (transaction WE20)

Maintain the partner pro le for each receiver system as follows:

a. In the structure, select Partner Type LS and then select a receiver system.

b. In the Outbound Parameters section, choose Create Outbound Parameter to create two parameters as follows:

Receiver Port Message Type Basic Type Output Mode IDoc Type

Parameter 1 The port ID of the receiver HBHBAMAST Select the Pass IDoc Select the Cancel
system Immediately checkbox Processing After Syntax
this type for the Error checkbox
following scenarios:

Both the
sender and
systems are
1709 or

and SAP

this type in all other

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Receiver Port Message Type Basic Type Output Mode IDoc Type

Parameter 2 The port ID of the receiver BAMMAST Select the Pass I Doc Select the Cancel
system Immediately checkbox Processing After Syntax
this type for the Error checkbox
following scenarios:


and SAP

this type for the
following scenarios:


1709 and

this type for all
other cases.

2. Object with Change Document: Activate Change Indicators (Generally)

Make sure this checkbox is selected.

3. Object with Change Document: Set Up Change Indicators for Table Fields

With this setting, you con gure elds in bank account master data that can trigger synchronization from the sender system to the receiver systems.

To register a eld, enter the message type BAMMAST or HBHBAMAST, and then specify the corresponding object name as shown in the table below and the eld technical name.

You can obtain the technical information about the bank account master data elds from the following table:

Message Type Object Tables










4. Object with Change Document: Activate Change Indicators for Message Type

Add message types BAMMAST and HBHBAMAST.

Select the active checkbox for both entries.

5. Object with Change Document: Maintain Additional Data for Message Type

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Create two new entries as follows:

Message Type Reference Message Type Format Function Module Reducable Message Type

BAMMAST Leave blank MASTERIDOC_CREATE_SMD_BAMMAST Deselect the checkbox


Con guration for Transaction DRFIMG

In the sender system, make the following settings using transaction DRFIMG.

1. De ne business systems for receiver systems.

a. Go to De ne Custom Settings for Data Replication De ne Technical Settings De ne Technical Settings for Business Systems .

b. De ne a business system for each receiver system.

To do so, create a new entry and specify the logical system information of the receiver system.

2. De ne replication models.

a. Go to De ne Custom Settings for Data Replication De ne Replication Models .

b. Create a new replication model for message type HBHBAMAST and then do the following:

i. Select the entry created and then double-click Assign Outbound Implementation.

ii. Enter the outbound implementation HBANK_IMP and select Replication via I Doc for the Communication Channel eld.

1. Select the implementation created and double-click Assign Target Systems for Repl. Model/Outb.Impl.

2. Choose New Entries. Enter the business systems and save.

3. Go back to the De ne Replication Model view and choose Activate to activate your settings.

c. Create another replication model for message type BAMMAST.

i. Select the entry created and then double-click Assign Outbound Implementation.

ii. Enter the outbound implementation BAMMAST and select Replication via I Doc for the Communication Channel eld.

1. Select the implementation created and double-click Assign Target Systems for Repl. Model/Outb.Impl.

2. Choose New Entries. Enter the business systems and save.

3. Go back to the De ne Replication Model view and choose Activate to activate your settings.

3. Enable the replication mode in transaction DRFOUT.

1. Go to De ne Custom Settings for Data Replication De ne Business Object Settings .

2. Create the following entries:

Business Object Type Message Type Retention Period



3. Check settings for the replication mode

a. Go to Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) BAdI: Creation of MDG Change Pointers from ALE Change Pointer .

b. Make sure that the implementation DRF_CP_PROCESSING is active.

Con guration in Receiver Systems

1. Run transaction WE20.

2. Select Partner Type LS and then create a new partner.

3. In the Inbound Parameters section, create two new entries respectively for the two messages types with the following information:


Process Code: BAPI

Select the Cancel Processing After Syntax Error checkbox.

Select the Trigger Immediately option.

Additionally, you can monitor the processing status of dispatched IDocs in the receiving system using ALE Audit. With this feature, you can receive con rmation messages and check the
con rmation log in the source system. For more information about the use and con guration of ALE Audit, search for the topic Monitoring the Status of Inbound IDocs Using ALE Audit at

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Con guration for Integration with SAP S/4HANA Cloud

For replication from or to an SAP S/4HANA Cloud system, you must make required settings in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.

To do so, follow the “Set-up instructions” of scope item 34P to set up the system. You can nd this document on SAP Best Practices Explorer at
https://rapid.sap.com/bp/#/browse/scopeitems/34P .

Message Monitoring
Make sure that you have assigned relevant users as recipients of the messages. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Run transaction /n/AIF/CUST.

2. Go to System Con guration Recipients Assign Recipients .

3. In this Customizing activity, specify /FINBA as the Namespace and IDOC_FIN_FCLM_BAM_RECIPIENT as the Recipient for Alert.

4. In the Assign Users view, specify the users who need to monitor the messages for data replication.

5. Save your changes.

SAP Application Interface Framework (AIF) enables you to monitor the inbound and outbound messages for data replication.

To monitor the messages, proceed as follows:

1. Run transaction /n/AIF/ERR.

2. In the Application-Speci c Selection area, enter /FINBA for the Namespace eld.

3. In the Generic Selection area, specify the date range to view the triggered messages.

4. Execute the program.

You can see the messages for data replication and check the log details.

The table below explains the use of IDoc messages:

IDoc Message Use

BAMMAST03 This message replicates bank accounts and house bank accounts.

HBHBAMAST02 This message replicates house banks.

Con guration for One Exposure from Operations

The One Exposure from Operations hub is a central storage location for operational data that is relevant for managing cash and liquidity. The provision of the data in the One Exposure
from Operations hub facilitates funds planning and risk management across multiple companies. Currently, SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management uses One Exposure from
Operations to acquire both data from the central system and remote systems that serve as subsystems of the central system. The integration is either real-time (one-system scenario) or
periodic (side-by-side scenario with remote systems).

More Information
Integration with Source Applications in the Central System

Integration with Remote Systems

Con guration for Cash Operations

This activity is to set up transactional data that will be consumed by Cash Management applications. Applications in SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management consume data from
the One Exposure from Operations (database table FQM_FLOW). It contains cash management data such as memo records, and data from other components like accounting, end-of-day
bank statements, TRM, CML, FI-CA, and integrated data from remote systems.

To use Cash Operations, make the following con guration settings:

Flow types

With built-in semantics, ow types classify information from different source components or different steps in the cash ow lifecycle from forecast to actual.

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Liquidity items

Liquidity items represent the use and purpose of the cash ow. Typically with liquidity items and the de ned hierarchical structures, cash ows can be classi ed into different
categories and sub-categories in a hierarchical view, for example, cash ows for operations, cash ows for nancing, and cash ows for investment.

Planning levels and planning groups

Planning levels and planning groups help customers to lter and categorize cash data for different reporting and analytical purposes. The two attributes enable the integration
between Cash Management and other components.

House banks and house bank accounts

House bank accounts specify the bank accounts used or to be used for payments.

Source Applications

Source applications represent the information sources relevant for Cash Management. Only activated source applications will be taken into account. For more information, see
Con guration for One Exposure from Operations.

More Information
Memo Records

Source Applications

Flow Types

Liquidity Items and Liquidity Item Hierarchies

Planning Levels and Planning Groups

Field Status

Memo Records
Incoming and outgoing payments that are not transferred to the sytem of SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management via actual postings, can be entered manually in the planning.

To work with memo records, de ne the following settings:

Activated the source application One Exposure (FI) for relevant company codes in the Activate Individual Source Applications or the Activate Multiple Source Applications
Customizing activity.

Memo records are stored in One Exposure from Opertaions (table FQM_FLOW). As a result, you must activate One Exposure from Operations before you work with memo recrods.

You can nd these Customizing activities in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Data Setup .

You have de ned a planning level for memo records in the De ne Planning Levels Customizing activity.

You can nd this Customizing activity in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Planning Levels and
Planning Groups .

Adapt your custom code to t the new structure of memo records. For more information, see SAP Note 2781585 .

Bank Transfers
To enable bank transfers between bank accounts in your company, de ne the following in Customizing activities under Financial Accounting Bank Accounting Business
Transactions Payment Transactions :

Under Payment Request, de ne clearing accounts for receiving banks in the Customizing activity De ne Clearing Accts for Receiving Bank for Acct Transfer.

Under Payment Request, de ne clearing accounts for paying banks in the Customizing activity De ne Clearing Accounts for Cross-Country Bank Account Transfers.

Under Payment Handling Bank Clearing Account Determination , de ne the bank clearing account determination logic in the Customizing activity De ne Account

Cash Concentration
To set up cash concentraion, proceed as follows:

1. De ne the required settings for making bank-to-bank transfers.

For more information, see Bank-to-Bank Transfers.

2. De ne bank account balance pro les and assign planning levels to the pro les for the calculation of bank account balance in cash concentration.

You de ne this setting in the Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Balance Calculation Assign Planning
Levels to Pro les .

3. De ne cash pools.

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For more information, see De ning Cash Pools.

4. De ne cash pool hierarchies.

For more information, see De ning Cash Pool Hierarchies.

Intraday Bank Statements

If you work with intraday bank statements, con gure the intraday bank statement settings that are required for the following apps:

Cash Flow Analyzer

Reconcile Cash Flows - Intraday Memo Records

Bank Statement Monitor - Intraday

Related Information
Cash Position from Intraday Bank Statements
Cash Flow Reconciliation
Bank Statement Monitor - Intraday

Cash Position from Intraday Bank Statements

To view cash ows from intraday bank statements in the Cash Flow Analyzer app, make sure that you have de ned planning level for each bank account that is set for intraday bank
statements in the Manage Bank Accounts app. Otherwise, the system cannot generate intraday memo records from intraday bank statements.

You make the speci cation in the Planning Level (Memo Record) eld. You can nd the eld under the Bank Statement Data section on the Bank Relationship tab.

Cash Flow Reconciliation

Before you use the Reconcile Cash Flows - Intraday Memo Records app, make the following settings:

De ne the required settings for importing bank statements.

For more information, see Importing Bank Statements.

De ne the tolerance groups for cash ow reconciliation in the De ne Tolerance Groups for Cash Flow Reconciliation Customizing activity.

When you reconcile intraday memo records with forecasted cash ows, there might be an amount difference. The system then checks if the bank account has a de ned tolerance
group. If the bank account has no tolerance group assigned, or the difference exceeds the de ned limit of the tolerance group, the system prompts a warning message to warn you
about the notable difference.

You can nd this Customizing activity in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Cash Flow
Reconciliation .

In the Manage Bank Accounts app, de ne the following for relevant bank accounts in the Bank Statement Data area:

Planning Level (Memo Record): Specify a planning level for generating intraday memo records from intraday bank statements.

Reconcile Intraday Memo Records: Specify if you want to include this bank account in cash ow reconciliation.

Tolerance Group for Reconciliation: Specify the tolerance group that you want to use for this bank account.

Bank Statement Monitor - Intraday

To use the Bank Statement Monitor - Intraday app, con gure the following settings:

1. De ne the bank accounts to be monitored:

Only bank accounts that are set to be monitored appear in this app. To monitor a bank account for intraday bank statements, in the Manage Bank Accounts app, select the
Upload of Intraday Statements checkbox for this bank account.

 Note
Bank accounts can be linked to multiple house bank accounts by using the House Bank Account Connectivity setting. However, only bank accounts that are linked to one
house bank account can currently be monitored by the Bank Statement Monitor - Intraday app.

2. De ne monitoring rules for checking the import status of intraday bank statements:

Depending on how banks send out intraday bank statements, you can de ne monitoring rules for bank accounts that have a recurring schedule for intraday bank statements.

To de ne monitoring rules, you use the De ne Monitoring Rules - Intraday Statements app, or transaction FCLM_BAM_RULE.

For more information, see De ne Monitoring Rules - Intraday Statements.

3. Generate appointments from monitoring rules

To generate recurring appointments from monitoring rules, proceed as follows:

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a. Run transaction SM38.

b. Run the program FCLM_BRM_GENERATE_APPT.

c. Specify the start time and end time and then run the program.

The system then generates appointments according to the de ned monitoring rules for the speci ed period. For details, you can check the log for object BRM_RULE in
transaction SLG1.

For the Bank Statement Monitor - Intraday app to work correctly, you must make sure the appointments are generated in time. In addition to the manual process described
above, you can also schedule a job in transaction SM36 for job SAP_FIN_FCLM_BAM_GEN_APPTS. For more information about the job, see SAP Note 2190119 .

4. Assign monitoring rules to banks and bank accounts:

If you have opted to monitor a bank account, you must at least assign a monitoring rule to the bank account either at bank level or at bank account level. To do so, you make the
relevant entry in the Rule for Intraday Statements eld in the following apps:

In the Manage Banks app, on the Control Data section of the General Data tab

In the Manage Bank Accounts app, on the Bank Statement Data section of the Bank Relationship Data tab

The rule assigned at bank level applies to all the bank accounts in this bank if there are no other rules speci ed for individual bank accounts.

Bank Statement Monitor - End of Day

You can make settings for the Bank Statement Monitor - End of Day app using either of the following options:

De ne settings in the Manage Bank Accounts app.

You can nd the settings in the Bank Statement Data section on the Bank Relationship tab.

De ne settings in the Customizing activity Settings for Bank Statement Monitor (transaction FTE_BSM_CUST).

 Note
When the settings are maintained in both places, the settings de ned in the Manage Bank Accounts app override the settings in transaction FTE_BSM_CUST.

Settings for the Bank Statement Monitor - End of Day app

To monitor a bank account in the Bank Statement Monitor app, make sure the following settings have been made:

The Processing Status indicator has been set.

When this indicator is set for a bank account, the system determines that the bank statements of this bank account are monitored by the Bank Statement Monitor app.

The processing status indicates whether the bank statement has been processed correctly.

Make sure there is at least one valid house bank account de ned on the House Bank Account Connectivity tab of the Manage Bank Accounts app.

In addition, the following settings are relevant:

Interval and Interval Unit: You can specify how often the bank statements for a bank account are imported to your system.

Factory Calendar ID: You can specify a calendar so that the Bank Statement Monitor ignores the import status of bank statements on non-working days.

Settings for the Bank Statement Monitor SAP GUI Program

The following settings are relevant to the transaction FTE_BSM:

Processing Status: It determines whether the bank statements of a bank account are monitored.

The processing status indicates whether the bank statement has been processed correctly.

Difference Status: It determines whether this status appears in the Bank Statement Monitor.

The difference status indicates whether there is a difference between the internal general ledger account balance and the bank statement balance.

Difference Amount: You specify a tolerance amount for the difference status.

Serial Number Status: It determines whether this status appears in the Bank Statement Monitor.

The serial number status indicates whether the sequence of the last ve bank statements is complete.

Reconciliation Status: It determines whether this status appears in the Bank Statement Monitor.

The reconciliation status indicates whether there are open items in the internal account.

Display Item

It determines the position at which the bank statement for this account is displayed in the Bank Statement Monitor.

Interval and Interval Unit: You can specify how often the bank statements for a bank account are imported to your system.

Factory Calendar ID: You can specify a calendar so that the Bank Statement Monitor ignores the import status of bank statements on non-working days.

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Payment Approval Process

With Bank Relationship Management, you can de ne different approval processes for different bank accounts by con guring payment approver groups and approval patterns. To use this
function, you need to perform the following steps:

Enable Payment Approval Process

To enable the payment approval process with payment approvers, you rst need to perform the following Customizing activities for Bank Communication Management, under Financial
Supply Chain Management Bank Communication Management :

1. In the Customizing activity Payment Grouping Rule Maintenance , create a rule for payment approvals.

In the rule de nition, you can use payment attributes (such as company code, payment method, and currency) to de ne the coverage of the payment approval process. The
payment approval process applies only to payments that are covered by the rule.

2. In the Customizing activity Payment Grouping Additional Criteria for Payment Grouping , de ne a grouping method for the rule you have de ned.

To use the payment approval process with payment approvers in Bank Account Management, you need to group payment batches by house bank account. To do so, specify the
rule ID and enter HKTID as the Grpng. Field 1. You can specify another criterium for payment grouping in Grpng. Field 2, if necessary.

3. (Optional) If you want to de ne a scenario in which payment approval is not required, for example, for payments with small amounts, you can de ne a rule in the Customizing
activity Release Strategy Marking Rules for Automatic Payment (No Approval) .

4. (Optional) If a signature is required when users approve payments, you can con gure this in the Customizing activity Basic Settings Basic Setting for Approval by creating an
entry and selecting the Signature Required checkbox.

5. (Optional) To de ne the signature method for approving payments, you can con gure this in the Customizing activity Release Strategy Digital Signatures Specify Signature
Method for Approval Using Simple Signature .

Con gure Payment Approvers

After you enable the payment approval process in Bank Communication Management, you can proceed to con gure the payment approvers and payment approval patterns in Bank
Account Management.

1. Enable the payment approver function

To do so, start the Customizing activity Enable Payment Approver Control under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account
Management and enable the function by assigning the required function modules.

2. De ne payment approver groups, approval patterns, and pattern priorities

To do so, start the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank
Account Management Basic Settings and con gure the following:

a. De ne payment approver groups

You can group payment approvers into different business groups. For example, in your company, payments made on salary accounts need to be approved rst by the HR
department and then by the Finance department. In this case, you can de ne two payment approver groups respectively for users in these two departments.

In the bank account master data, you can de ne multiple payment approvers for each bank account. The system automatically sends the approval request to eligible
payment approvers according to the payment approver group they belong to, the validity of the payment approver, and the amount limit the payment approver is entitled

b. De ne approval patterns

Approval patterns represent different approval processes. To de ne an approval pattern, you specify the payment approver groups involved and their corresponding
approval sequences.

You can con gure the approval patterns for the following scenarios:

The payment is approved by a single signature

For this, de ne a sequential approval pattern with only one step.

The payment is approved by a joint signature where more than one signature is required and payment approvers approve the payment in a certain order.

For this, de ne a sequential approval pattern with two to four payment approver groups.

The payment is approved by a joint signature where more than one signature is required and payment approvers approve the payment regardless of the sequential

For this, de ne a non-sequential approval pattern with two or more payment approver groups.

c. Assign approval patterns

You assign approval patterns to bank account types and company codes. For information about how the assignment works, see the documentation for the Customizing
activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data.

Free Form Payments

For information about how to con gure free form payments, see Free Form Payments.

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Con guration for Liquidity Management

This activity is to set up data that will be consumed by Liquidity Management applications.

Make sure you have properly con gured the settings mentioned in the Con guration for Cash Operations, for example, One Exposure from Operations, Memo Records and so on.

Make sure you have properly con gured the settings under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management

To use Liquidity Management applications, you need to make the following con guration settings:

BI Content

You activate BI Content Bundle and additional BI content objects. This step is only relevant for the liquidity planning function.

Planning Units and Planning Unit Hierarchy

Planning units are organizational units that need to enter liquidity plan data. Each planning unit corresponds to one company code. You de ne Planning Units and Planning Unit
Hierarchy in the Customizing activity Maintain Planning Unit Settings and Activate Planning Unit Hierarchyunder Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity
Management Liquidity Planning . This step is only relevant for the liquidity planning function.

Reference Data Sources

SAP prede nes standard BW modeling. You can also de ne your own reference data sources if extension is needed. You de ne this in the Customizing activity De ne Reference
Data Sources under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Liquidity Planning . This step is only relevant for the liquidity planning function.

Liquidity Planning Types

SAP prede nes standard BW modeling. You can also de ne your own planning types. You de ne this in the Customizing activity De ne Liquidity Planning Types under Financial
Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Liquidity Planning . This step is only relevant for the liquidity planning function.

Liquidity Items and Liquidity Item Hierarchies

Liquidity items represent the source and use of cash ows in your company. It serves as an import dimension for nancial planning and reporting in Cash and Liquidity
Management. Con gure the following under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Liquidity Items . This step is only
relevant for the liquidity planning function.

ICF Services

Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC)

The following con guration settings in BPC need to be made :

Enable BPC Embedded Model and Deep HANA Integration

Customize BPC Templates

Con gure the Default Liquidity Item Hierarchy in Template

Customize the BPC Work Status

Specify the BPC Con guration Set

This step is only relevant for the liquidity planning function.

Launchpad Access Con guration

The following front-end con guration settings need to be made in order to enable the navigation from the ori launchpad to BPC:

Create Launchpad

Create Catalog

Create Tile

Create Target Mapping

Assign Role to Catalog

This step is only relevant for the liquidity planning function.

More Information
For more information about app-speci c implementation information, see Apps for Cash Management and the details in the SAP Fiori apps reference library.

Con guration Tips for SAP Liquidity Planner Customers

The following should be considered if you migrate from the classic SAP Liquidity Planner to the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management:

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From actual/info accounts to ow types

The classic SAP Liquidity Planner distinguishes actual accounts from info accounts. Actual accounts are G/L accounts that re ect actual incoming or outgoing payments.

In the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, the concept of ow types was introduced. The ow types classify the lifecycle of cash ows and only data assigned with
ow type information can be consumed and used in Cash Management applications. To use the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, it is important to understand
the new ow type concept and available con guration options before you adapt your original account settings to ow type assignment. For more information, see Flow Types.

Liquidity items and Liquidity Item Hierarchies

In the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, the Customizing activity Edit Liquidity Items has been enhanced with a new attribute Cash Flow Direction. After
the migration, you must specify a cash ow direction for each of the liquidity items.

For more information, see Liquidity Items and Liquidity Item Hierarchies.

Liquidity Item Hierarchy

The Customizing activity Liquidity Item Hierarchies is a mandatory customizing activity in the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management. It allows you to group
liquidity items into different hierarchical structures for various business uses.

You must set up this Customizing activity if you haven’t done so in classic SAP Liquidity Planner.

Liquidity item de nition for Liquidity Management

If you want use the Liquidity Management functions in the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, note that SAP has provided prede ned liquidity items and
sample liquidity item hierarchy. For more information about the required con guration, see Liquidity Items and Liquidity Item Hierarchies.

Liquidity item derivation

In the classic SAP Liquidity Planner, the transaction FLQINFACC is used to de ne liquidity items for info accounts. In the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash
management, the transaction can still be used to de ne default liquidity items for G/L accounts. It can also be accessed via the Customizing activity De ne Default
Liquidity Items for G/L Accounts. Liquidity items are rst derived according to the customer-con gured query sequences. If the query sequence fails to determine a
liquidity item, default liquidity item de ned here is used and recorded in accounting document line items table.

 Note
The Customizing activity De ne Default Liquidity Items for G/L Accounts is not cross-client.

Queries and query sequences

Queries and query sequences are still used to derive liquidity items. To reuse your con guration settings, note the following:

Query origins except C (other types of accounting documents) and D (invoices) are no longer supported.

Queries that are de ned with origin C or D are supported with the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

You are recommended to evaluate and test the queries before you go live with SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, just to ensure that they work as
expected with the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

For more information, see Derive Liquidity Items for Accounting Documents in Liquidity Items and Liquidity Item Hierarchies.

In the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, the concept One Exposure from Operations was introduced. The One Exposure from Operations hub
works as a central storage location of operation data that is relevant for cash management. Source applications, for example bank statements (origin B in the
classic SAP Liquidity Planner), can be set up for the One Exposure from Operations hub. You can use query origins C and D to derive liquidity item for Financial
Operations, and query origin X to derive liquidity items for all other source applications integrated into the One Exposure from Operations hub.

For more information, see Con guration for One Exposure from Operations.

Exit function and other extensions

If you have used exit functions in the classic SAP Liquidity Planner, you need to review the logic and adapt the code to the new exit function template

If you have implemented other extensions, they may not be supported any more. For example, you have added custom elds to the liquidity planner tables (FLQ* tables) in
the classic SAP Liquidity Planner. However, the elds are no longer supported as the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management consumes data only from the BSEG
table and the FQM_FLOW table.

You are recommended to evaluate if the extensions are still needed with the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, as with the new document chain derivation
mechanism, most of the important analysis dimensions are available for analyzing the source and use of cash, for example, liquidity item, house bank account, WBS
element, pro t center, and so on.

Data Setup Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash

The classic SAP Cash and Liquidity Management (FIN-FSCM-CM and FIN-FSCM-LP) is not available in SAP S/4HANA. Instead, you can use the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash
management (FIN-FSCM-CLM) with SAP S/4HANA. If you currently use the classic SAP Cash and Liquidity Management, you can migrate relevant master data and transactional data to
the new SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

 Note
SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management requires a separate license. Please contact your SAP Account Executive about the license for SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash
management before you perform the migration.

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This chapter introduces the activities that you need to perform to migrate and set up data before you go live with SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

This chapter is applicable to the following customers:

Customers who have been using the classic SAP Cash and Liquidity Management and would like to migrate relevant master data and transactional data to the new SAP S/4HANA
Finance for cash management.

Customers who want to transfer information relevant to cash management that is stored in remote systems (either SAP systems or third-party systems) to the SAP S/4HANA
Finance for cash management system.

You need to have ful lled the following prerequisites before you can continue with the migration activities:

You have installed SAP S/4HANA 1909

For more information, see the Installation Guide of SAP S/4HANA 1909 at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE.

You have nished the migration for Accounting.

For more information, see the Conversion Guide and the Simpli cation List of SAP S/4HANA 1909 at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE.

You have assigned roles to users.

For more information about security-relevant authorization objects, see the Security Guide of SAP S/4HANA 1909 at https://help.sap.com/viewer/p/SAP_S4HANA_ON-

You have switched on the business function FIN_FSCM_CLM and selected Full Scope for Cash Management Scope in the Customizing activity De ne Basic Settings under
Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management General Settings .

Make sure that you have applied all the notes listed in SAP Note 2769531 (SAP S/4HANA 1909: Release Information Note for Finance) appropriate to your product version.

Your user is con gured with the required back-end authorization and front-end authorization.

Create Bank Account Master Data

Before you start to use SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, you must set up the bank account master data. Each bank account master record contains the following attribute

 Note
Not all the attributes below are mandatory to bank account master data. You can choose to migrate only attributes that are essential to your business operation and select the
migration tool correspondingly.

Below are the two migration tools available for migrating bank account master data.

Migrate House Bank Accounts (mandatory)

Import and Export Bank Accounts (optional)

Category Details

General Data Common account properties such as bank account number, IBAN, properties for bank statement
import, contact persons, and so on.

Payment Approvers Payment approvers for approving payments against this bank account.

Overdraft Limits Overdraft limits for this bank account

Additional Data Additional data such as closing dates, organizational data, and technical data.

House Bank Account Connectivity Linkages between the bank account and the corresponding house bank account or other account
records in either local or remote systems.

Before you work with bank account master data, make sure you have properly con gured the following settings:

Number ranges for bank account technical IDs

Banks and house banks

Business partners for banks

Business partners for external contacts (optional)

Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs

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In bank account master data, each bank account is assigned with a technical ID when created. To de ne the technical ID assignment rules, con gure the following Customizing activities
under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings :

1. In the Customizing activity De ne Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs, de ne number ranges for bank account technical IDs.

2. In the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data, on the Bank Account Master Data Setting tab, specify a number range for the Tech. ID No. Rang

Banks and House Banks

Before you migrate bank account master data, you need to maintain banks in your cash management system.

You can create banks manually using the Manage Banks app or the transaction FI01. To upload banks en masse, you can use an upload tool, which can be found under SAP
Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-Application Components Bank Directory Bank Directory Data Transfer .

For bank accounts used by payments, bank statements, or bank transfers in your central cash management system, their corresponding house bank and house bank accounts
must be de ned.

You can use the Manage Banks app or the transaction FI12_HBANK to maintain the house banks.

Business Partners for Banks

With Bank Account Management, each bank in use must be represented by a business partner instance and with a linkage maintained between the bank (entry in table BNKA) and the
business partner instance. To de ne the business partners for banks, we recommend that you de ne the bank hierarchy rst. After you de ne the position of a bank in the bank hierarchy,
the system automatically assigns or creates a business partner, and establish the linkage between the business partner and the bank.

1. Open the Manage Bank Account app. In the bank hierarchy view, choose the Edit button.

2. In the bank hierarchy view, choose the Edit button.

3. From the list, select a node under which you want to add the bank.

4. Choose the Add Existing Bank button and specify the Bank Country and Bank Key of the bank to be added.

5. After the bank is added to the hierarchy, the system checks whether the bank has a corresponding business partner instance with role TR0703:

If yes, the system assigns the business partner instance to the bank.

If the bank has a corresponding business partner without role TR0703, the system adds the role TR0703 to the existing business partner

If the bank does not have any corresponding business partners, the system creates a business partner instance for the bank, with role TR0703 assigned.

6. To check the created business partners and the established linkages, check the entries in transaction FCLM_BAM_BNKA_BP .

Business Partners for External Contacts (Optional)

 Note
This activity is only required if you plan to import Contact at Bank and Bank Relationship Manager using the Import and Export Bank Accounts tool.

In the bank account import le, you may maintain the Contact at Bank and Bank Relationship Manager elds. After the le is imported, the speci ed contact persons can be assigned to
the bank account automatically and also assigned to the bank's business partner automatically. As the two contact persons are external to the company, they can only be represented by
a business partner instance with the BP Role of BUP001 Contact Person.

To use these two elds for external contacts, you must create business partner for external contacts and con gure the relationship between contact business partners and bank business
partners. To do so, choose either of the following two methods:

 Note
Note down the IDs of business partners for external contacts. Later when you specify the Contact at Bank and the Bank Relationship Manager eld in the Excel, make sure you use
the ID of business partners.

Import business partners and con gure business partner relationship using a Microsoft Excel le.

For more information on how to use the tool, see SAP Library at http://help.sap.com , under Financial Management SAP Strategic Enterprise Management SAP SEM
6.0 SEM - Strategic Enterprise Management Business Consolidation (SEM-BCS) Master Data and Hierarchies Organizational Unit Consolidation Unit Business Partner
Data Uploading Business Partner Data with a Microsoft Excel File .

Create business partners manually using the program Maintain Business Partner (transaction BP).

To assign a contact person to a bank, in transaction BP, nd the business partner of this bank, and then assign the business partner that represents the contact person to this
bank by using relationship FBUR001 Has Contact Person.

Import and Export Bank Accounts

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If your bank account data is stored in remote systems, you are recommended to use this tool to migrate your data from either SAP systems or non-SAP systems to the system where
SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management is installed.

With this tool, you can download a template XML le in spreadsheet format, with which you may prepare the bank account master data and attributes from your remote systems. Once
you have nished preparing the le, you may import it to SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

The tool helps you migrate the following data:

General data

Payment approvers

Overdraft limits

House bank account connectivity

You can build the connectivity between a bank account and a house bank account or other account records in either the SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management system or
other remote systems.

Additional data

You use Microsoft Office 2010 or higher that contains Microsoft Excel.

To enable the Developer tab in Microsoft Excel, go to File Options Customize Ribbon .

From Customize the Ribbon, select the Developer checkbox and choose OK.

For information on how to use this tool, see the application help for SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, switch to the Account List view.

2. Choose Import and Export Bank Accounts.

3. To prepare bank account data to be migrated, download the template by choosing Download XML Spreadsheet Template.

4. Save and open the le XML_SpreadSheet_Template.xml.

5. The template contains the follow sheets. You may choose to maintain information that is essential to your business operations either by manual entering data or by copying and
pasting data to the corresponding sheets.

General Data

If you want to import data for the following two elds, enter the corresponding business partner IDs.

Contact at Bank

Bank Relationship Manager

Payment Signatories

Overdraft Limits

Additional Data

House Bank Account Connectivity

6. On the Developer tab, choose Export to export the data as an XML le.

7. To import the bank accounts, specify the import path of the XML source data le generated in the previous step and then choose Import to upload the le.

You can choose either of the following two modes for the import:

Overwrite mode: By selecting the Overwrite option, if you leave a eld blank in the source le, the respective eld in the bank account master data will be erased after the

Update mode: By deselecting the Overwrite option, empty elds in the source le will be ignored during the import. Only elds with values will be updated after the import.

 Note

Before you export data to Microsoft Excel, check the data and make sure the following:

All the bank account entries you want to import are inside the blue frame.

The application does not import data outside of the frame.

There are no empty rows between bank account entries.

The application treats empty rows as incorrect entries.

We recommend that you rst choose Import with Test Run to simulate the import and check potential issues.

8. If you encounter errors, select an entry and then choose the Details button to check the details.

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Replicate House Banks, House Bank Accounts, and Bank

To replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts from a sender system to one or more receiver systems, you can use the Execute Data Replication program
(transaction DRFOUT). With this program, you can carry out the following tasks:

Replicate existing house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts to receiver systems en masse

Replicate changes that occurred in the sender system during a speci ed time interval to receiver systems

Manually select and transfer data to receiver systems

For more information on the con guration settings for using this program, see Data Replication.

Set Up Cash Management Data

This activity is to set up transactional data that will be used by Cash Management applications.

SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management consumes data from the One Exposure from Operations table (database table FQM_FLOW). It contains cash management data such as
memo records, and data from other components like accounting, end-of-day bank statements, TRM, CML, FI-CA, and integrated data from remote systems.

To use SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, perform the following data setup activities:

Build Key Information in Accounting Documents (database table BSEG)

Load Data into One Exposure from Operations Hub

Load data from Treasury and Risk Management (TRM), Loans Management (FS-CML), Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA), and integrated remote systems, into
the One Exposure from Operations hub.

You have con gured the following:

Memo records

One Exposure from Operations

Source applications

Flow types

Liquidity items and liquidity item hierarchies

Planning levels and planning groups

Field status

Build Key Information in Accounting Documents

Data such as liquidity items, ow types, house banks, and house bank accounts are key to the calculation of Cash Management. To build key information in accounting documents that
are already posted to ledgers, perform the following Customizing activities under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Data
Setup :

Rebuild Planning Levels, Groups, Dates in Accounting Documents

This activity is to populate attributes or attribute changes to customers and vendors master data in one shot. With the Data Setup function, you can rebuild the Planning Level
and Planning Group elds in database table BSEG. When you change the assignment of planning levels to G/L accounts, or the assignment of planning groups to customers or
vendors, you can execute the Data Setup function to ll in the updated planning level and planning group information into the existing BSEG records.

Rebuild Flow Types in Accounting Documents

This activity is to derive ow types for accounting document line items that have already been posted. Typically, ow types are automatically derived as postings are made.
However, you must run this Customizing activity to derive ow types for accounting document line items that have already been posted but for which the ow types are missing.

The way the system derives ow types for accounting document line items is described in the documentation of the Customizing activity Assign Flow Types to G/L Accounts
under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Flow Type . For more information, see Flow Types.

Rebuild Liquidity Items in Accounting Documents

This activity is to derive liquidity items for line items that are already posted to ledgers. Typically, liquidity items are automatically derived as postings are made. However, you
must run this Customizing activity to generate liquidity items data for line items that are already posted but are missing liquidity items. When building liquidity items data, the
system reads required data from the BSEG table, which stores line items that are posted on accounting documents. Then it populates the derived liquidity items data back to the
BSEG table so that other application features can consume the liquidity information directly.

Insert House Bank and House Bank Account Data to Accounting Documents

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This activity is to insert house bank ( eld HBKID) and house bank account ( eld HKTID) data into table BSEG before you use the applications that use historical cash
management data.

Load Data into One Exposure from Operations Hub

The One Exposure from Operations hub is a central storage location for operational data that is relevant for managing cash and liquidity. The provision of the data in the One Exposure
from Operations hub facilitates funds planning and risk management across multiple companies. Currently, SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management uses One Exposure from
Operations to acquire the following data:

Transaction data from source applications in the central system of SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management:

Financial Operations

Accounting Documents (FI)

Bank Statements

Promise to Payment (P2P)

Treasury and Risk Management (TRM)

Consumer and Mortgage Loans (FS-CML)

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)

Materials Management (MM)

Sales and Distribution (SD)

To upload existing data from these source applications, perform the Customizing activity Load Transaction Data from Source Applications into One Exposure from Operations
Hub under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Data Setup .

For more information, see Integration with Source Applications in the Central System in Con guration for One Exposure from Operations

Data from integrated remote systems:

Manual Entry of Bank Cash Balances

To upload bank account balances (derived from external sources), in the central system, perform the activity Import Bank Cash Balances, in the SAP menu under
Accounting Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Tools One Exposure from Operations .

Classic Cash Management

To transfer classic cash management data to the One Exposure from Operations hub, in the remote systems, perform the activity Send TR-CM Data, in the SAP menu
underAccounting Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Tools Distribution TR-CM Subsystems . This activity is available in ECC

The transfer of the classic cash management data is triggered by a request of the central system. To do this, in the central system, perform the activity Retrieve CM Data,
in the SAP menu under Accounting Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Tools Distribution . This activity is available in SAP
S/4HANA system.

SAP Liquidity Planner

To transfer data from SAP Liquidity Planner into the One Exposure from Operations hub, in the remote systems, perform the activityInitial and Periodic Update, in the SAP
menu under Accounting Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Liquidity Planner One Exposure Update .

For more information, see Integration with Remote Systems in Con guration for One Exposure from Operations

More Information
For sources applications of FI and MM, you can run the ow builder program to set up the data.

For more information, see Build Cash Flows from Operations.

Build Cash Flows from Operations

Build ows for FI and MM documents.

For sources aplications of FI and MM, you can run the Flow Builder program to generate cash-relevant ows, which are then imported to One Exposure from Operations.

To do so, perform the Customizing activity Build Cash Flows from Operations under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Data
Setup .

For more information, see Customize the Flow Builder in the Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management.

Bank Relationship Management

With Bank Relationship Management, cash managers and cash specialists are able to centralize the management of bank accounts and perform the following tasks:

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De ne banks, house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts

Display bank accounts in standard views including the Bank Hierarchy view and the Account List view

De ne custom views using bank account groups

Manage cash pools and perform cash concentration

Use payment approver control for payment approval process

Use dual control or work ow processes for opening, modifying, closing, reopening, and reviewing bank accounts

Import or export bank accounts

Replicate house banks, house bank accounts, and bank accounts

Check foreign bank accounts and responsible payment approvers in your company

Related Information
Con guration for Bank Relationship Management

De ning Banks, House Banks, Bank Accounts, House Bank

With Bank Relationship Management, you can de ne the following master data:

De ning banks and house banks using the Manage Banks app.

Alternatively, you can use SAP GUI transaction FI01 to de ne banks and FI12_HBANK to de ne house banks.

De ning house bank accounts and bank accounts using the Manage Bank Accounts app.

Alternatively, you can use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface to de ne bank accounts and house bank accounts.

De ning Banks
To de ne a bank, you can use the Manage Banks app.

Alternatively, you can use SAP GUI transaction FI01 to de ne banks.

De ning House Banks

The house banks of your company are the banks that your company has an account with. You can use them to process payment transactions.

In the SAP system, house banks have the following characteristics:

Each company code can have multiple house banks.

You can de ne multiple house banks for each bank.

Each house bank is identi ed by the combination of company code and house bank ID.

To create a house bank, you use the Manage Banks app. Alternatively, you use the SAP GUI transaction FI12_HBANK.

For information about how to de ne house bank accounts, see De ning House Bank Accounts.

 Note
If you have already performed the IMG activity Transfer Bank Directory Data under SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Cross-Application Components Bank Directory and
then Transfer Bank Directory Data - International or Transfer Bank Directory Data - Country-Speci c, you have already created house banks in the system or have updated existing
house bank data. If this is the case, you only have to create the missing house banks in this step. You can add also missing information for the existing house banks.

De ne House Banks in the Manage Banks App

To de ne a house bank by using the Manage Banks app, proceed as follows:

1. Open the Manage Banks app.

You can create a house bank when creating a new bank, or when editing an existing bank.

2. Open a bank master record, and then go to the House Bank section.

3. Choose the (Add) icon to add a new house bank to the bank.

4. Specify the company code, house bank ID, and other necessary details.

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5. Save the house bank.

De ne House Banks in SAP GUI Transaction

To de ne your house banks, proceed as follows:

1. Enter transaction code FI12_HBANK or, in the SAP Menu, go to Accounting Financial Accounting Banks Master Data House Banks Create / Change .

2. In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog, do the following:

a. Enter a company code.

b. Optional: You can specify additional selection criteria by choosing or Append or select further selection conditions.

c. Choose .

3. On the Change View "House Banks": Overview screen, choose New Entries.

4. On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, enter the required data.

You can also display and update house banks by using this transaction.

De ning Bank Accounts

You can use the Manage Bank Accounts app to de ne bank accounts according to your company's business requirements. The bank account master data provides the following
attributes or functions:

General data that enables you to check the common account properties such as the bank account number, account holder, IBAN, as well as customer-de ned attributes.

Bank relationship data that enables you to maintain bank-related information such as internal and bank contact persons, and bank statement data.

House bank account connectivity that enable you to con gure the integration from a bank account to the corresponding house bank accounts or other account records, in either
the central system or other remote systems.

Payment approvers that enable you to de ne payment approval processes for payments that are made through a bank account.

Overdraft limits that enable you to manage the overdraft limits of a bank account.

Cash pools that enable you to maintain cash pools and perform cash concentration activities.

Multi-language descriptions that allow you to de ne account descriptions in different languages.

File or hyperlink attachments as reference documents.

Alternatively, you can use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface to de ne bank account master data.

Related Information
Maintaining a Payment Approver in Multiple Bank Accounts
Maintaining Overdraft Limits for Bank Accounts
De ning House Bank Account Connectivity
Managing Documents

Maintaining a Payment Approver in Multiple Bank Accounts

Replacing a Payment Approver in Multiple Bank Accounts
In a company, if a payment approver who is responsible for multiple bank accounts leaves the company, you have to replace the payment approver with a new one. To do so, proceed as

1. In the Maintain Payment Approver application, search for the payment approver that you want to replace.

The system displays the bank accounts that list this user as one of the payment approvers.

2. Select the bank accounts that you want to change, and choose Change Payment Approver.

3. Specify a new payment approver.

Adding a Payment Approver to Multiple Bank Accounts

You have de ned a payment approver for several bank accounts. Now you want to add another payment approver to the identical set of accounts or part of the accounts. To do so,
proceed as follows:

1. In the Maintain Payment Approver application, select the bank accounts that you want to add the new payment approver to, and then choose Add Payment Approver.

2. Specify a new payment approver.

The system adds the new payment approver to the bank accounts that you have speci ed.

Revoking Authorization of a Payment Approver in Multiple Bank Accounts

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To revoke the authorization of a payment approver in multiple accounts, proceed as follows:

1. In the Maintain Payment Approver application, search for the payment approver that you want to revoke authorization or just change the validity period.

The system displays the bank accounts that list this user as one of the payment approvers.

2. Select the bank accounts that you want to change, and choose Revoke Payment Approver.

3. Change the validity period as you need.

Maintaining Overdraft Limits for Bank Accounts

You can maintain one for more overdraft limits for a bank account. The overdraft limits are time dependent, therefore the total overdraft limit of the bank account may vary with time if
you maintain multiple overdraft limits for different periods of time.

 Example
The bank grants your company an overdraft limit of 100000 EUR for year 2013. Your company requests an additional overdraft limit of 50000 EUR for the end of the rst quarter.

You de ne the overdraft limits in the system as below:

EUR, 100000, Valid from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013

EUR, 50000, Valid from March 25, 2013 to March 31, 2013

The total overdraft limit of Euro for this bank account in year 2013 is:

From January 1, 2013 to March 24, 2013: 100000 EUR

From March 25, 2013 to March 31, 2013: 150000 EUR

From April 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013: 100000 EUR

De ning House Bank Account Connectivity

House bank account connectivity enables you to link a bank account to its corresponding house bank account in the central system where SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management
is installed, or to account records in remote SAP or third-party systems.

You can de ne the following types of linkages according to your business needs:

Link the bank account to one or more house bank accounts that exist in the central system

 Note
You can link a house bank account to only one active bank account.

Specify the Category ID as Central System: House Bank Account and then specify the following:

Company code

House bank ID

To create a new house bank, choose the Manage House Bank button. For more information, see De ning House Banks.

House bank account ID

To create a new house bank account, enter a unique account ID and other necessary elds. For more information, see De ning House Bank Accounts.

Validity period

Use in Cash Pooling: Select this checkbox for the house bank account that you want to use in cash pooling transfers initiated from the Manage Cash Concentration app.
You can select only one house bank account for this purpose under each bank account.

Link the bank account to a G/L account when there is no relevant house bank account available

Specify the Category ID as Central System: G/L Account and then specify the G/L account number on the House Bank Account Data tab.

Link the bank account to a house bank account that exists in a remote SAP Business Suite system

Specify the Category ID as Remote System: House Bank Account and then specify the following:

Remote system ID

Specify a remote logical system that has been de ned in the V_TBDLS view. To add a new remote system, use the transaction SM30.

Company code

House bank ID

House bank account ID

Validity period

Link the bank account to a G/L account that exists in a remote SAP Business Suite system

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Specify the Category ID as Remote System: G/L Account and then specify the following:

Remote system ID

Company code

Additional ID: Enter the G/L account number

Validity period

Link the bank account to an account record in a third-party system

Specify the Category ID as Others and then specify the following:

Remote system ID

Specify a remote logical system that has been de ned in the V_TBDLS view. To add a new remote system, use the transaction SM30.

Additional ID: Enter an identi er that points to the target account in the third-party system

Validity period

Maintaining Cash Pool Information

After cash pools are de ned in the Manage Cash Pools app, you can maintain bank account and other related information for the cash pools in the bank account master data. To do so,
proceed as follows:

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, open a bank account record, and then go to the Cash Pool section.

2. Specify the following:

If the bank account serves as the header account of a cash pool, in the As Header Account section, specify the cash pool.

If the cash pool is a physical cash pool, specify the Payment Method. To do so, after you specify the Cash Pool Name eld, press Enter to enable the Payment Method
eld for editing.

If the bank account serves as a subaccount of a cash pool, in the As Subaccount area, specify the cash pool information. The following values are only relevant when the
cash pool is a physical cash pool.

a. Target balance

b. Minimum transfer amount

c. Payment method

3. Save your changes.

Related Information
Manage Cash Pools
Manage Cash Concentration
Cash Pool Transfer Report

Managing Documents
With the SAP Document Management System, you can upload documents or URLs as attachments to bank accounts. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, you can manage your
attachments as follows:

Uploading Documents
Upload an attachment for a certain bank account.

To do so, open the bank account entry, and then in the top right corner, choose Manage Attachments to upload attachments for this bank account.

Upload an attachment for multiple bank accounts en masse

To do so, in the Account List view, proceed as follows:

1. Choose Create Document.

2. Specify a document type and leave the other elds blank.

You can use the prede ned document type BAM or a document type that is de ned by your company.

3. Press Enter .

4. Enter a description for the attachment.

5. Choose the Create Original button and then in the popup window, specify the following values:

Application: The format of the attachment.

Original: Specify the menu path of the le from a virtual drive or enter a URL.

6. Choose Save and then in the popup window, specify a storage category.

7. Go to the Additional Data tab, and then specify the bank accounts to which you want to upload the attachment.

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8. Save your changes.

The system assigns a document number to the upload attachment.

Searching for Documents

To search for an attachment, you can do either of the following:

Searching for attachments of a speci c bank account

To do so, open the bank account entry, and then in the top right corner, choose Manage Attachments to check the attachments for this bank account.

Searching for attachments without specifying a bank account

To do so, in the Account List view, choose Find Document.

You can search for attachments using various attributes, such as document description, document type, and attributes for bank accounts.

Alternatively, you can use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface to manage attachments of bank accounts.

De ning House Bank Accounts

The house bank accounts of your company are the bank accounts that your company owns. You can use them to process payment transactions. Each house bank account is linked to a
bank account in bank account master data. To create a house bank account, proceed as follows:

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, open a bank account.

2. On the House Bank Account Connectivity tab, create an entry with the following values:

ID Category: specify Central System: House Bank Account

House Bank

Valid From and Valid To

3. Below the table, on the House Bank Account Data tab, specify a unique ID for this house bank account.

The account ID can be alphanumeric. The length limit is 5 digits.

4. Specify the G/L Account to which payment transactions should be posted to.

Deleting Bank Accounts

You can only delete inactive bank accounts and bank account drafts. You cannot delete an active bank account that has been officially approved and opened, nor set it back to inactive. If
you are no longer using an active bank account, you can close the bank account.

 Note
If work ows are implemented for bank account management, you cannot delete bank accounts that are already involved in a work ow process.

To delete inactive bank accounts or bank account drafts, do either of the following in the Manage Bank Accounts app:

Open a bank account entry, and then on the account details page, choose the Delete button to delete the account.

From the bank account list, select one or more account entries, and then choose the Delete button to delete the selected account entries en masse.

Alternatively, you can use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface to delete bank accounts.

Related Information
Manage Bank Accounts

Closing and Reopening Bank Accounts

Closing Bank Accounts
If you no longer use a bank account and the bank account is in active status, you can close the bank account.


Before you close the bank account, make sure the bank account balance is zero.


To do so, proceed as follows:

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, nd the bank account and then open it.

2. Choose the Close button.

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3. Specify the date and time when the bank account should be set to closed.

Reopening Bank Accounts

When necessary, you can reopen a bank account that was previously closed.


To do so, proceed as follows:

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, nd the bank account and then open it.

2. Choose the Reopen button.

Alternatively, you can use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface to close or reopen bank accounts.

Editing the Bank Hierarchy

Adding Banks to Bank Hierarchy
The bank hierarchy view displays banks in a hierarchical structure. The hierarchical relationship is constructed by business partners that represent banks or bank groups. By default, only
organization business partners assigned with the role Bank (TR0703) are displayed in the structure. If you have banks that are assigned to an organization business partner without the
role Bank (TR0703), or not assigned to any business partner, they are not displayed in the bank hierarchy. To add them into the bank hierarchy, in the Manage Bank Accounts - Bank
Hierarchy View app, follow the procedure below.

1. Choose Bank Hierarchy and then choose the Edit button.

The left pane displays all the available banks in your system. If the In Hierarchy checkbox is not selected for a bank, it means that the bank is not yet added to the hierarchy
displayed on the right pane.

2. To add a bank into the bank hierarchy, on the left pane, select the bank.

3. On the right pane, select a business partner under which you want to add the bank.

4. Do either of the following:

To add the bank directly under the business partner on the right pane, choose the Add Bank button.

To assign the bank to a business partner before adding it under the business partner on the right pane, choose the Add Bank with BP button.

You can either use an existing business partner that is not yet in the bank hierarchy, or create a new business partner for this bank.

Modifying Hierarchical Relationship

To make changes to the hierarchical order of the bank hierarchy, you can adjust the business partner nodes by using drag and drop.

Removing a Bank from the Bank Hierarchy

Banks and their corresponding business partners are displayed in the bank hierarchy in either of the following ways:

If a business partner corresponds with multiple banks, the banks are displayed as subnodes under the business partner.

To remove one of the banks from the bank hierarchy, select the bank and then choose Remove Bank.

If a business partner corresponds with only one bank, the bank information is displayed together with the business partner name.

To remove the bank from the bank hierarchy, select the business partner entry and then choose Remove Bank.

The bank information is removed from the entry while the business partner stays in the hierarchy. If you want to remove the business partner also from the bank hierarchy, in the
SAP GUI transaction BP, remove the role Bank (TR0703) from the business partner.

Alternatively, you can use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface to edit the bank hierarchy.

Managing Bank Account Hierarchies

In addition to the bank hierarchy, you can also de ne your own views for displaying bank accounts in hierarchical structures, by using the bank account hierarchies. It enables you to
de ne different views for different management purposes and use various structures in displaying reports.

You manage bank account hierarchies in the Manage Bank Account Hierarchies app.

De ne New Hierarchies
To de ne a bank account group hierarchy, proceed as follows:

1. In the app, choose the Add () icon.

2. Use the default type Bank Account Type, and specify an ID, description, and validity period for the hierarchy

3. Choose Create to save the hierarchy.

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You can now see the new hierarchy in the list view.

4. To add bank accounts to the hierarchy, select the hierarchy from the list to display it, and then choose the Edit button to edit it.

5. To add a node, choose the

Add () icon.

You can either add a subnode or a bank account:

Subnode: A subnode is a text description that can serve as a parent node in the hierarchy. You can add bank accounts or other subnodes under it.

Bank account: A bank account can only be added as a leaf node. You cannot add other bank accounts or subnodes under it.

6. To add several bank accounts to the hierarchy in a batch, choose the More () icon, and then choose Fast Entry.

7. Save your changes.

8. If the hierarchy is ready for use in business, choose the Activate button.

Only activated bank account group hierarchies can appear in related apps and be used in business.

Copy Existing Hierarchies

If you want to create a hierarchy that resembles an existing hierarchy, you can do so by copying the existing hierarchy. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Open the hierarchy that you want to copy from.

2. On the detail screen, choose Copy To New Hierarchy .

3. In the dialog, enter an hierarchy ID and a description, and choose Copy.

4. The new hierarchy is created. You can proceed to edit the hierarchy as described above.

Import Existing Bank Account Groups

If you have de ned bank account groups in the Manage Bank Accounts - Bank Hierarchy View app in earlier releases, you can migrate the bank account groups or nodes of the bank
account groups to this app by using the import function. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. In the app, choose the Import Hierarchy button.

2. Use the default source Bank Account Group, and then specify a bank account group that you want to import.

3. Specify required information for the new hierarchy and then choose Create.

The complete bank account group is migrated to this app as a new bank account group hierarchy.

4. To import a certain node of an existing bank account group, on the detail screen, choose the More () icon, and then choose Import Node.

Specify the node that you want to import.

5. Save your changes.

Related Information
Manage Bank Account Hierarchies

De ning Payment Approval Process

With Bank Relationship Management, users that are de ned as payment approvers are able to approve or reject payment documents.

1. The payment approver function has been enabled in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account
Management Enable Payment Approver Control .

2. The payment approver groups, approval patterns, and pattern priorities have been properly con gured in Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and
Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data .

The system determines an approval pattern for each bank account according to the settings in Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data. An approval pattern
speci es the following:

Payment approver groups eligible for the approval process

Approval sequence

For sequential approval patterns, each payment approver group is assigned with a step sequence. Any of the eligible payment approvers under this group can approve the
payment and nish the step.

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For non-sequential payment approver patterns, the payment approver groups approve payments regardless of sequential order. All the payment approver groups receive
the approval request at the same time. Any two of the payment approver groups can approve the payment and complete the approval process.

An eligible payment approver must meet the following requirements:

The payment approver belongs to a payment approver group de ned in the approval pattern.

The payment amount does not exceed either the de ned limit per document nor the limit for batch payment.

The payment approver is active.

 Note
In the following exceptional cases, the system may fail to nd any eligible payment approver for a payment request and reports an error message. You can contact your administrator
to reassign the request.

The payment amount exceeds the maximum amount de ned with the payment approvers

Payment approvers are inactive

Payment approval pattern cannot be determined

Using Approval Processes for Bank Account Management

For risk control reasons, most companies implement approval processes for master data management. For bank account management, you can use SAP Business Work ow or a simple
dual control process to safeguard your bank account master data.

 Note
The dual control mode is not supported if you use SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) as the user interface.

Related Information
Using SAP Business Work ow for Bank Account Management
Using Dual Control for Bank Account Management

Using SAP Business Work ow for Bank Account Management

SAP provides prede ned work ow processes for the following scenarios:

Opening a new bank account

Copying an existing bank account to create a new one

Making changes to a bank account

Changing a payment approver in multiple bank accounts

Closing a bank account

Reopening a bank account that is already closed

For more information on the prede ned work ows and the technical implementation of work ows, see Con guration for Work ows.

How-To Video (English only)

Using Work ows for Bank Account Management

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You can also use the Search within video eld to search for speci c text in the English or German captions.

Related Information
Manage Bank Accounts
My Inbox - For Bank Accounts
My Sent Requests

Using Dual Control for Bank Account Management

In addition to SAP Business Work ow, you can choose to implement dual control for bank account management. With dual control, revisions are saved when users create or edit bank
accounts in the following scenarios. The revisions have to be activated by another authorized user before they become effective.

Opening a new bank account

Copying an existing bank account to create a new one

Modifying a bank account

Changing a payment approver in multiple bank accounts

Closing a bank account

Reopening a bank account that is already closed

For information on the settings required for using dual control, see Con guration for Dual Control .

How-To Video (English only)

Using Dual Control for Bank Account Management

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Captions are available for multiple languages. Use the CC button to see which languages are supported.

You can also use the Search within video eld to search for speci c text in the English or German captions.

Related Information
Manage Bank Accounts

Importing and Exporting Bank Accounts

From the Manage Bank Accounts app, you can access the Import and Export Bank Accounts function. With this function, you can do the following:

Import a source le to create bank accounts or update bank accounts en masse.

For more information, see Importing Bank Accounts.

 Note
Closing bank accounts is not supported with this tool.

Export bank accounts to an XML le for batch editing

You can edit bank accounts in either XML or spreadsheet format. For more information, see Exporting Bank Accounts.

Enhance the template and validation schema for customer-de ned elds

For more information, see Enhancing Template and Validation Schema for Custom Fields.

Related Information
Manage Bank Accounts

Importing Bank Accounts

You use Microsoft Office 2010 or higher that contains Microsoft Excel.

You have enabled the Developer tab in Microsoft Excel.

To do so, in the Microsoft Excel, go to File Options Customize Ribbon , and then add the Developer tab.

In the SAP GUI application, you have properly con gured the number ranges for bank account technical IDs as follows:

1. De ne number ranges for bank account technical IDs in the Customizing activity De ne Number Ranges for Bank Account Technical IDs, under Financial Supply Chain
Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings .

2. Specify a number range for bank account technical IDs in the Customizing activity De ne Settings for Bank Account Master Data, under Financial Supply Chain
Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Management Basic Settings , on the Bank Account Master Data Setting tab.

You have de ned banks for the bank accounts to be imported in the target system.

1. From the Manage Bank Accounts app, choose the Import and Export Bank Accounts button.

2. To prepare bank account data to be migrated, download the template by choosing Download XML Spreadsheet Template.

3. Save and open the le XML_SpreadSheet_Template.xml.

4. In the XML le, ll in information that is essential to your business operations either by manual entering data or by copying and pasting data to the corresponding sheets.

5. On the Developer tab, choose Export to export the data as an XML le.

6. To import the bank accounts, specify the import path of the XML source data le and then choose Import to upload the le.

You can choose either of the following two modes for the import:

Overwrite mode: By selecting the Overwrite option, if you leave a eld blank in the source le, the respective eld in the bank account master data will be erased after the

Update mode: By deselecting the Overwrite option, empty elds in the source le will be ignored during the import. Only elds with values will be updated after the import.

 Note

Before you export data Microsoft Excel, check the data and make sure the following:

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All the bank account entries you want to import are inside the blue frame.

The application does not import data outside of the frame.

There are no empty rows between bank account entries.

The application treats empty rows as incorrect entries.

We recommend that you rst choose Import with Test Run to simulate the import and check potential issues.

7. If you encounter errors, select an entry and then choose the Details button to check the details.

Depending on the setting for activating bank account revisions, additional steps may be required for activating the bank accounts:

Activate Directly mode: Imported bank accounts are saved as active bank accounts. No future action is needed.

Dual Control mode: Imported bank accounts are saved as inactive bank account revisions. You need to ask another authorized user to manually activate each bank
account revision.

Work ow mode: Change requests are generated and sent to approvers based on your work ow settings. You can check the change request IDs in the message and contact
approvers to approve your changes.

Next Steps
Exporting Bank Accounts

Exporting Bank Accounts

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, choose Import and Export Bank Accounts.

2. Specify the lters to select the bank accounts that you want to export, and then press Go.

3. To export the bank accounts, choose Export Bank Accounts to an XML File.

4. Save the le Bank_Accounts.xml.

The le contains all the existing bank account master data in your system in XML format. If you like, you can directly make changes to the XML le.

5. To edit your le in spreadsheet format, choose Download XML Spreadsheet Template.

6. Save and open the le XML_SpreadSheet_Template.xml using a spreadsheet application.

7. Import the le Bank_Accounts.xml.

You can now view and make changes to your bank account in spreadsheet format.

Next Steps
Importing Bank Accounts

Enhancing Template and Validation Schema for Custom Fields

You are able to add additional elds according to your business needs by appending structure CI_AMD_EXT to database table FCLM_BAM_AMD. To enhance the template for importing
and exporting bank accounts and assign checks for custom elds, proceed as follows:

1. To enhance the XML schema for validation, choose Download XML Schema File for Import Validation.

2. Edit the downloaded le XML_Schema_Import.xml with the Notepad or other XML editing tools.

The XML le already contains the custom elds you have de ned.

3. For each customer eld, add an attribute type as appropriate.

The value of the type attribute can be one of the simple types de ned. If the simple types are not sufficient, you can add your own type de nitions.

4. Download the XML template by choosing Download XML Spreadsheet Template.

5. Open the template le XML_SpreadSheet_Template.xml. On the Developer tab, choose Source, the prede ned validation structure is displayed.

6. Choose the XML Maps button, and then delete the default mapping dataroot_Map.

 Note
The rst two lines are the descriptions and technical types of the elds. Do not delete them.

7. To add the new validation schema that contains the check for customer elds, choose the Add button to import the changed schema le XML_Schema_Import.xml, and
select dataroot.

8. Map the new validation le to the corresponding cell of each sheet by using drag and drop.

9. To activate the validation, on the Developer tab, choose Map Properties and select the checkbox Validate data against schema for import and export.

10. Save the le as your new template.

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Importing and Monitoring Bank Fee Data

To manage your electronic bank services billing les, you can do the following:

1. Import your electronic bank fee les using the Import Bank Services Billing Files app.

 Note
You can only import XML les that conform to the Bank Services Billing (BSB) standard.

2. Monitor imported bank fees using the Monitor Bank Fees app.

With this app, you can analyze imported bank fees using various drill-down dimensions and validate bank service charges using conditions. For more information, see Validate
Bank Service Charges.

Validating Bank Service Charges

After bank fees are imported into your system, the system performs a validation check to see if there is any mistakes or improper bank fee charges according to the de ned conditions.
You can manually update the status if the system-determined status is not correct.

Before you use the validation function, make sure that you have de ned conditions in the Manage Bank Fee Conditions app.

After bank fees are imported, do the following:

1. Choose the Refresh Status button to retrieve assigned conditions and perform the validation check.

If there are services whose conditions are Not Determined, select the service and then choose the Assign Condition button to assign an existing condition or create a new one for
this service.

Once a service is assigned with a condition, the system uses the condition for this service in all future imports as long as the condition is valid.

 Note
You can assign conditions only to entries with the item type Service. For Tax or Compensation entires, the validation is not applicable.

2. You examine the validation results. If you have a different opinion with the system-determined status, you can manually update the status to Marked as Correct or Marked as
Error using the Overwrite Status button.

Reviewing Bank Accounts

To ensure the bank accounts in your system are up to date, you may need to organize bank account reviews from time to time. To do so, follow the process below:

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, a review initiator starts a review proces.

 Note
Only users who are assigned with the authorization activity 31 Con rm of authorization object F_CLM_BAM are able to receive and process bank account review requests.

The reviewers then receive a noti cation from the SAP Fiori launchpad and via email. By clicking the noti cation, they are navigated to the review request.

2. In the Review Bank Accounts app, reviewers check the account information, make necessary changes, and then mark the bank accounts as review completed.

After all the bank accounts in a review request are marked as review completed, the review request is set to completed.

3. In the Review Bank Accounts app, the review initiator can check the review requests, monitor the review status, and check review notes from reviewers.

Related Information
Review Bank Accounts
Manage Bank Accounts

Cash Operations
With the functions of cash operations, cash managers can review short-term cash forecast based on imported bank statements, check the cash ows by navigating to the line items and
manage bank transfers and outgoing payment by approval process. Other daily operations tasks include memo records, cash concentration, de cit cash pools and so on. Cash
operations helps you monitor the liquidity status of your company and lets you make liquidity plans to mitigate nancial risks and maximize nancial bene ts.

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Make sure you have activated SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

The calculation is based on the transaction data from memo records and One Exposure from Operations. Make sure you have con gured the settings of One Exposure from
Operations. For more information, see Con guration for One Exposure from Operations in the Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management

You have made the following settings for Cash Operations:

Customizing activities for Liquidity Management under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management

Con guration for Cash Operations in the Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management

Set Up Cash Management Data in the Data Setup Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management

Cash Position and Short Term Cash Forecast

You can use the cash position KPI or drill down to the details and the cash ow items. Based on the imported bank statements, you can again an overview of cash position and short-term
cash forecast. This provides you with information on the current nancial situation in your bank accounts and bank clearing accounts.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Bank Statement Monitor

Cash Position

Cash Flow Analyzer

Check Cash Flow Items

Bank Transfers

You can make inter-bank transfers and track the details of your transfers, with an enhanced outgoing payment by approval process.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Make Bank Transfers

Track Bank Transfers

Cash Pooling

You can de ne cash pools and transfer funds between the hearder account and subaccounts to improve the efficiency of cash management.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Manage Cash Pools

Manage Cash Concentration

Memo Records

You can create memo records manually and centrally for expected cash ows that are not yet generated in the system. You can manually archive memo records or let them expire after
the expiration date. The memo record data is stored in the One Exposure from Operations hub, which are consumed in other cash management apps.

The following app is related to this feature:

Manage Memo Records


You can also review the KPIs of bank risk and de cit cash pools. Reviewing banks of low ratings and cash pools with de cits facilitates your bank transfer decisions.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Bank Risk

De cit Cash Pool

De ning Cash Pools

To create a cash pool, proceed as follows:

1. From the SAP Fiori launchpad, open the Manage Cash Pools app.

2. To create a new cash pool, choose the Add () icon.

3. Specify the required elds such as the cash pool name and description.

4. Specify the cash pool type as Physical.

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5. Select from one of the following pool usage options:

Both Directions – mutual cash movements between the header account and the subaccounts are supported.

Cash Concentration – cash movement only from the subaccounts to the header account.

Cash Distribution – cash movement only from the header account to the subaccounts.

6. Specify the service provider for this cash pool:

Service provider Bank:

The cash pool is operated by a bank. The bank is responsible for the cash concentration and distribution activities so manual cash concentration is not supported for this
type of cash pool.

For cash pools of this type, you must de ne their Pool Usage as Both Directions.

Service provider Enterprise:

The cash pool is operated by your company. You can initiate cash concentration manually or schedule jobs for cash concentration for this cash pool using the Manage
Cash Concentration and Schedule Jobs for Cash Concentration apps.

In a multi-level cash pool structure, cash pools of this type can only be assigned as the top-level cash pool.

7. Specify a bank account balance pro le.

The pro le is used to calculate bank account balances in cash concentration.

The pro le is de ned in the Customizing activity Assign Planning Levels to Pro les.

You can nd it in the Customizing under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Bank Account Balance Calculation .

Related Information
Manage Cash Pools

De ning Cash Pool Hierarchies

After cash pools are de ned in the Manage Cash Pools app, you can assign bank accounts to cash pools and de ne cash pool hierarchies in the bank account master data.

Assign Bank Accounts

To assign bank accounts to cash pools, proceed as follows:

1. In the Manage Bank Accounts app, open a bank account record, and then go to the Cash Pool section.

2. Specify the following:

If the bank account serves as the header account of a cash pool, in the As Header Account section, specify the cash pool.

If the cash pool is a physical cash pool, specify the Payment Method. To do so, after you specify the Cash Pool Name eld, press Enter to enable the Payment Method
eld for editing.

If the bank account serves as a subaccount of a cash pool, in the As Subaccount area, specify the cash pool information. The following values are only relevant when the
cash pool is a physical cash pool.

a. Target balance

b. Minimum transfer amount

c. Payment method

3. If the bank account has more than one house bank account, select the one that you want to use in cash pooling and set the Use in Cash Pooling indicator for it.

Otherwise, the system cannot determine which house bank account to use when you pool the cash using the Manage Cash Concentration app.

4. Save your changes.

Create Multi-Level Cash Pools

To de ne a cash pool hierarchy with multi-level cash pools, you assign bank accounts as both the subaccount of a cash pool and the header account of another cash pool. This way, cash
pools are associated in a hierarchical order.

Related Information
Manage Cash Pools
Manage Cash Concentration

Performing Cash Concentration

You can perform cash concentration for cash pools with the service provider Enterprise. With this feature, you can move funds between the header account and subaccounts based on
system proposals.

Perform Cash Concentration

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To perform a cash concentration, proceed as follows:

1. From the SAP Fiori launchpad, open the Manage Cash Concentration app.

2. To start a cash concentration, choose the Add () icon.

3. In the Cash Pool Name eld, select a cash pool that is still in use and with the service provider Enterprise.

4. If needed, you can change the default Exchange Rate Type.

The exchange rate type will be applied when there are different currencies involved in the cash concentration.

5. To start generate cash concentration proposals, press Enter .

The system displays the following:

The Bank Accounts section:

This section gives you an overview of the header account and all the immediate subaccounts of this cash pool. If a subaccount works also as the header account of a child
cash pool, the cash pool information is displayed.

The system proposes transfer amounts for each subaccount. You can decide whether to accept them or make adjustments according to your own needs. The transfer
amount can be positive or negative. A positive amount suggests that the bank account receives money while a negative amount means that money is transferred from this
account to the header account.

The Simulation Results section:

If there are child cash pools under this pool, you can see simulated cash transfer logs in this section. The simulation results explain how the Balance Before gures of the
child cash pools are calculated.

6. Review the simulation results and adjust the transfer amounts when necessary.

7. Save your changes.

The system creates payment requests accordingly and generates an ID for the cash concentration.

8. Go back to the list page to check the cash concentration status.

If the status is Error, from the list page, click on the concentration ID to view the application log. You can try again after xing the errors.

If the status is Payment Request Created, make a note of the payment request numbers, and then create payments using the Automatic Payment Transactions for Payment
Requests transaction (transaction code F111).

9. You can track your cash pool transfers using the Cash Pool Transfer Report app.

After the payments are made and con rmed by bank statement postings, you can check the transfers in this app.

Calculation Logic of Cash Concentration

The proposed cash transfers are calculated bottom-up. The calculation starts from the lowest level of the cash pools to distribute cash from the header account to subaccounts whose
target balances are not yet met and concentrate surplus from subaccounts to the header account.

In general, the system calculates and proposes transfer amounts following the equation below:

Transfer Amount = Target Balance - Balance Before

Please note the following rules are also considered in the calculation:

If the calculated Transfer Amount is less than the Minimum Transfer Amount, the system sets the transfer amount to 0 to avoid generating too many transfers with small

For the top-level cash pool, you can change the transfer amount. In this case, make sure that you specify an amount whose absolute value is greater than or equals to the
Minimum Transfer Amount. Otherwise, no payment request will be generated for this transfer.

If the Balance Before of a subaccount equals to its Target Balance, no transfer takes place.

If the Balance Before of a subaccount is greater than its Target Balance, depending on the nature of the cash pool, the system proposals may vary:

For child cash pools, the system simulates a transfer from the subaccount to the header account to concentrate the surplus from the subaccount.

Please note that the simulation is calculated according to the target balance and other balance settings and maybe different from the actual transfer amount.

For the top-level cash pool, if the pool is de ned as Both Directions or Cash Concentration for Pool Usage, the system proposes a transfer from the subaccount to the
header account to concentrate the surplus from the subaccount.

For the top-level cash pool, if the pool is de ned as Cash Distribution for Pool Usage, the proposed transfer amount is 0 as the header account is not de ned to receive
funds from subaccounts.

Related Information
Manage Cash Concentration
Cash Pool Transfer Report

Managing Liquidity Item Hierarchies

You can de ne liquidity item hierarchies to structure liquidity items according to your business needs. The liquidity item hierarchies can then be used in reporting and planning
applications to assist you in analyzing and planning cash ows.

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You manage liquidity item hierarchies in the Manage Liquidity Item Hierarchies app.

De ne New Hierarchies
To de ne a liquidity item hierarchy, proceed as follows:

1. In the app, choose the Add () icon.

2. Use the default type Liquidity Item Hierarchy, and specify an ID, description, and validity period for the hierarchy.

3. Choose Create to save the hierarchy.

You can now see the new hierarchy in the list view.

4. To add liquidity items to the hierarchy, select the hierarchy from the list to display it, and then choose the Edit button to edit it.

5. To add a node, choose the Add () icon.

You can either add a subnode or a liquidity item:

Subnode: A subnode is a liquidity item that can serve as a parent node in the hierarchy. You can add liquidity items or other subnodes under it.

Liquidity item: You cannot add other liquidity items or subnodes under it.

6. Save your changes.

7. If the hierarchy is ready for use in business, choose the Activate button.

Only activated liquidity item hierarchies can appear in related apps and be used in business.

Copy Existing Hierarchies

If you want to create a hierarchy that resembles an existing hierarchy, you can do so by copying the existing hierarchy. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Open the hierarchy that you want to copy from.

2. On the detail screen, choose Copy To New Hierarchy .

3. In the dialog, enter a hierarchy ID and a description, and choose Copy.

4. The new hierarchy is created. You can proceed to edit the hierarchy as described above.

Migrate Legacy Liquidity Item Hierarchies

If you have de ned liquidity item hierarchies in the Liquidity Item Hierarchy app in earlier releases, you can migrate the legacy liquidity item hierarchies to this app by using the import
function. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. In the app, choose the Import Hierarchy button.

2. Use the default source Liquidity Item Hierarchy, and then specify a liquidity item hierarchy that you want to import.

3. Note down the Valid From and Valid To information of the legacy hierarchy.

4. Specify required information for the new hierarchy.

The Valid From and Valid To dates must be identical with the legacy hierarchy. Otherwise, the new hierarchy cannot be created.

5. Choose Create.

The complete liquidity item hierarchy is migrated to this app as a new liquidity item hierarchy.

6. Activate the new hierarchy when it is ready for use.

Related Information
Manage Liquidity Item Hierarchies

Liquidity Management
With the functions of liquidity management, cash managers can analyze actual cash in ows and out ows, forecast medium-term liquidity trends, and perform a rolling planning so that
they can understand what payment obligations are to be ful lled and whether they need to make investment or funding plans.

For information about Liquidity Planning with SAP Analytics Cloud, see Liquidity Planning with SAP Analytics Cloud.

You have activated SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management.

The calculation is based on the transaction data from memo records and One Exposure from Operations. Make sure you have con gured the settings of One Exposure form
Operations. For more information, see Con guration for One Exposure from Operations in the Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management.

You have made the following settings for Liquidity Management.

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Customizing activities for Liquidity Management under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Liquidity Planning

Con guration for Liquidity Management in the Con guration Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management

Set Up Cash Management Data in the Data Setup Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management

Liquidity Forecast Analysis

You can forecast the medium and long term liquidity trend, get an overview of the liquidity and view the details of forecasted amounts of each liquidity item.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Cash Flow Analyzer

Liquidity Forecast

Liquidity Forecast Details

Actual Cash Flow Analysis

You can get an overview of the daily cash in ows and out ows, and analyze the details for the last weeks or months for all subsidiaries and liquidity items. You can then identify the
extraordinary and abnormal cash ows, and ensure that they are accurate and compliant.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Cash Flow Analyzer

Actual Cash Flow

Cash Flow - Detailed Analysis

Rolling Liquidity Planning

You can analyze the liquidity based on the actual, plan and forecast data, and the alerts of difference between current plans and previous ones. You can also develop a liquidity
plan for a new planning cycle with an approval process.

The following apps are related to this feature:

Liquidity Plans

Develop Liquidity Plans

Liquidity Planning with SAP Analytics Cloud

You can plan your future liquidity using the liquidity planning feature of SAP Analytics Cloud. After setting up the connection between SAP S/4HANA and SAP Analytics Cloud, you can
develop liquidity plans in SAP Analytics Cloud based on the integrated data sources from SAP S/4HANA.

To be able to use this feature, make sure that you have activated the scope item 3L5 and made the required con guration settings.

For more information about how to set up the feature, see the documents at https://rapid.sap.com/bp/scopeitems/3L5 and https://rapid.sap.com/bp/scopeitems/3Y0 .

Find general information about SAP Analytics Cloud, see https://www.sapanalytics.cloud/product .

How-to Video (English only)

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One Exposure from Operations

De nition
The One Exposure from Operations hub is a real-time collection point and storage location for operational data that is relevant for managing cash and liquidity. The provision of the data
in the One Exposure from Operations hub facilitates funds planning and risk management across multiple companies.

The One Exposure from Operations hub can receive operational data from sources within the system in which it runs itself, as well as from external sources. Currently it can receive data
from the following sources:

Sources Within the Same System (one-system scenario)

Source Application Source ID Default Flow Types Flow Types Available for Con guration

Financial Operations BKPF 900900 – Incoming Cash from Invoices Not applicable

P2P 900901 – Outgoing Cash from Invoices

900902 – Incoming Cash from Payments

900903 – Outgoing Cash from Payments

900910 – Incoming Cash from Bank


900911 – Outgoing Cash from Bank


900900 - Incoming Forecast Cash (P2P)

Treasury and Risk Management TRM 900100 – Incoming Bank Cash (TRM) Not applicable

900101 – Outgoing Bank Cash (TRM)

Consumer and Mortgage Loans CML 900104 – Incoming Bank Cash (CML) Not applicable

900105 – Outgoing Bank Cash (CML)

Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable FICA 900106 – Incoming Cash (FI-CA) Not applicable

900107 – Outgoing Cash (FI-CA)

Materials Management MM 900000 – Incoming Bank Cash Not applicable

900001 – Outgoing Bank Cash

Sales and Distribution SDCM 900000 – Incoming Bank Cash Not applicable

900001 – Outgoing Bank Cash

900018 – Incoming Bank Cash (Tax)

900019 – Outgoing Bank Cash (Tax)

Memo Records 900000 - Incoming Bank Cash Not applicable

900001 – Outgoing Cash Bank Cash

External Sources (side-by-side scenario)

Source Name Source ID Default Flow Types Flow Types Available for Con guration

Classic Cash Management CMSND, CMDSR 900110 – Incoming Cash (IDoc) 900108 – Cash Balance Increase (IDoc)

900111 – Outgoing Cash (IDoc) 900109 – Cash Balance Decrease (IDoc)

Manual Entry of Bank Cash Balances MEBAC 900102 – Bank Cash Balance Increase Not applicable

900103 – Bank Cash Balance Decrease

SAP Liquidity Planner LPA 900112 – Incoming Cash (LP) Not applicable

900113 – Outgoing Cash (LP)

Inbound SOAP Webservice for Cash Flows 900900 - Incoming Bank Cash from Invoices Not applicable

900910 – Outgoing Cash Bank Cash from


The source application One Exposure (FI) is a prerequisite for all other source applications. You must activate this source application for a company code rst to enable the One
Exposure from Operations hub to receive data. Then you can activate additional source applications for that company code.

You activate source applications in the Customizing activities under Financial Supply Chain Management Cash and Liquidity Management Cash Management Data Setup .

To give users access to the data stored in the One Exposure from Operations hub, you use the following authorization object: FQM_FLOW.

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 Note
Original System is a key information to differentiate ows that are stored in One Exposure. If the original system is changed, it will probably cause severe data issue in One Exposure.
The ows in the old original system cannot be updated automatically in the new original system.

In the case when the original system is changed, you are suggested to delete ows with the old original system using the FQM_DELETE program and rebuild ows with the new
original system using the FQM_INITIALIZE and the FCLM_FLOW_BUILDER programs, in order to avoid the issue.

Data Management in Cash and Liquidity Management

In this section, you can nd the functions available for managing your data.

Related Information
Data Management in SAP S/4HANA

Apps for Cash Management

Adjust Assigned Liquidity Items
With this app, you can adjust liquidity items, which indicates the source and use of cash ows in your company.

As a cash specialist or a cash manager, you can categorize cash ows by different liquidity items, such as cash ows from operations and cash ows from investment. By leveraging
machine learning capabilities, you can gain predictive insights into liquidity item by comparing actual and predicted results. The actual liquidity items that are assigned can then be
replaced by the predicted liquidity items that are proposed by the machine learning service.

Key Features
You can use this app to:

View Liquidity Items in a List

You can display a list of liquidity items in a cash ow level with the following assignment information:

Source Application where the liquidity items are assigned.

Assigned Liquidity Items, which is the actual value. It will remain to be blank, if no liquidity items are assigned.

Proposed Liquidity Items with Con dence Level, which is the predicted liquidity items that are proposed by the predictive models using the machine learning service.

 Note
By default, the Different from Assigned indicator is selected to be Yes, which means the system displays only the cash ows whose liquidity items are different between the
actual and predicted ones.

You can also de ne a Con dence Level to lter all the liquidity items above such level.

Value Date, which lters all the liquidity items in a selected time period, either on the value date, or from a speci c calendar day:

Company Code

Amount in Transaction Currency

Predict Liquidity Items

 Note
You enable this predictive functionality by using an active version of the default model (CL_FQM_ML_HEMI_RDT ) in the prede ned predictive scenario (FCLM_RDT_CALI_V1). To do
so, you create versions by training the model with different sets of data using the Predictive Models app. Then you apply the version that you want by setting it as the active version.

If this predictive functionality has not been enabled, the app displays the predicted results as 0%.

 Recommendation
When training the predictive model, consider the following:

Use the data that corresponds to your business cases

Training the predictive model with data that is no longer relevant for your current business (for example, data that is too old or from exceptional cases) could impact the quality
of your model. To improve, you can set lters to exclude irrelevant data from your training data sets.

Train the model with a sufficient amount of data

A successful training requires a sufficient amount of data which is, according to your business cases, reasonably distributed among your key business dimensions. This helps
the model learn the key aspects of your business and thus positively affects the model’s predictive capabilities. Insufficient data may result in a failed training. Therefore, we
recommend that you conduct the training only after your systems (especially newly installed systems) contain a sufficient volume of business data. We recommend that you
provide enough data records every time that you train the model.

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Train and activate the predictive model regularly to keep the model up-to-date

The amount of time required for each training depends on the volume of training data. Therefore, we recommend that you train the model during non-working hours (for
example, at night).

Compare the Difference

You can compare the actual and predicted liquidity items dynamically and collectively. Depending on your business cases, the assigned liquidity items might not be exactly the same as
the predicted liquidity items as proposed by the system. You can check the details by selecting a line of cash ow to con rm the information.

Accept the Proposals

You can accept the proposal for a selected number of cash ows after your con rmation. To do so, you select Accept Proposal and the system gives you a response telling you how many
items are accepted. If you accept all the proposals and refresh the page, you might nd that there's no ows with different liquidity items.

Supported Device Types



Related Information
Predictive Models App

Actual Cash Flow

With this app, you can gain an overview of the daily cash ows for the past 90 days. This KPI helps you identify unusual in ows and out ows and take action accordingly. You can lter
and drill down by various dimensions. This app is available for the roles of Cash Manager and Cash Management Specialist.

Calculation Logic
The calculation logic is simple. The numbers on the app tile are the same as those in the top-right corner of the app.

The amount is the actual amount in bank account currency. The actual cash ows are calculated based on the transaction data from memo records and the One Exposure from
Operations hub.

Key Features
Display the aggregated cash ows

Display cash ows by company code

Display cash ows by liquidity item

Filter the data with various dimensions, such as calendar day, planning group, and so on

Navigate to the Check Cash Flow Items application to display the line item details for each cash ow

Switch the display mode between charts and tables

Monitor the daily actual cash ows for the past days

If your company uses SAP Jam, you can post comments there. You can also send emails from this app.

Caching is enabled for this app for better performance. You can click the refresh icon on the app tile and in the bottom-left corner of the app to refresh the data immediately. The data is
also updated automatically. The frequency is determined by the cache duration in the tile con guration. For more information, see Caching in Create Tile.

Supported Device Types


Relevant Business Catalog


More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is
available here: https:// oriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com

To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in
the Con guration section.

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Con guration Settings: Actual Cash Flow

Con guration Settings: Actual Cash Flow

This document contains con guration information for this app.

SAP Jam Integration

For information on how to con gure SAP Jam, see http://help.sap.com/sapjam .

SAP Smart Business Modeler

Before you can use this app, you need to con gure it using the SAP Smart Business Modeler. For more information, see SAP Smart Business Modeler Apps.

 Note
You can edit the following details related to an SAP-delivered evaluation:

Parameters values

Filter values


Semantic object and action

You can also revert the changes you make to SAP-delivered evaluations. When you upgrade to the next version of SAP Smart Business Modeler apps, the changes made to the SAP-
delivered evaluation in the existing version will be merged with the new version.

KPI: Cash Position


KPI Description: Actual Cash Flow

Goal Type: Maximizing


The following evaluations are assigned to this KPI:

Cash Flows: EUR



Evaluation Description: Cash Trend by Date.

Targets, Thresholds, and Trend

Parameter Value Example Value

Goal Type Maximizing

Value Type Fixed Value





This table shows some example values.

Input Parameters and Filters

Input Parameters

Input Parameter Operator Example Value Explanation

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Input Parameter Operator Example Value Explanation

P_DisplayCurrency Equal to EUR

For ows which have bank accounts,
choose a bank account currency that is
converted from the transaction

For ows without bank accounts,

choose the transaction currency as
there's no such conversion.

An entry in this eld is required.

P_DueDaysRange Equal to 90 Choose a number of days to de ne the date

range so as to display the actual cash ow. The
date range is from the current date number to
the number of the last day of the range before
the current date.

An entry in this eld is required.

The following tables show the input parameters, lters, and some precon gured example values. Use your own values where required, according to the data in your backend system.

Drill-Down: Aggregated Cash Flow

View ID: V20151029064115.3534540

View Title: Aggregated Cash Flow

Measure and Dimension:

Parameter Value

Dimension Calendar Day

KPI Measure Cash Flow

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Cash Flow by Liquidity Item

View ID: V20151029064115.4822790

View Title: Cash Flow by Liquidity Item

Measure and Dimension:

Parameter Value

Liquidity Item

Liquidity Item Name

KPI Measure Cash Flow

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

Drill-Down: Cash Flow by Company Code

View ID: V20151029064115.5119380

View Title: Cash Flow by Company Code

Measure and Dimension:

Parameter Value

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Parameter Value

Dimension Company Code

KPI Measure Cash Flow

Visualization Type:


Single Axis

Absolute Values

Default Colors

You can use this app for the following purposes:

To display an overview of the bank data, such as:

Bank name

Bank key

Bank country

Key facts relevant in the business context. Key facts are important data prominently displayed in the app. This app shows the following key facts:

Address of the bank

SWIFT code

Bank number

As a starting point to navigate to additional information relevant in your business context, such as information about related business partners, related master data, or related

To navigate to apps with additional functions, such as editing or analyzing related business data.

More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is
available here: https:// oriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com

To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in
the Con guration section.

Searching for a Bank

Searching for a Bank

This document shows you how to search for banks.

To nd a speci c bank, you can search for various attributes using the search eld. Before you enter any attributes in the search eld, you should select the category Banks.

You can, for example, enter a bank country to display all banks belonging to this country. To narrow down your search results, you can also combine several attributes, such as a bank
number and a SWIFT Code. The search takes into account the following business data:

Bank Country

Bank Key

Bank Name


A list of results is displayed. For the rst result, the display area includes the header, the summary, and details. For all other results, you only see a header and a summary. To display the
details of another search result, expand the display area.

To further limit your search results to the ones that are relevant to you, you can apply one or more lters, for example a speci c status. You can also sort the search results according to
your needs.

More Information

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For general information about how to search for an object page, see Search.

Bank Risk
With this app you can analyze deposit distribution in terms of bank ratings. This allows you to identify deposits in high-risk bank accounts.

This app is available for the role Cash Manager and Cash Management Specialist.

Calculation Logic
The calculation logic is simple. The number on the app tile is the same as that in the top-right corner of the app.

The amount is the deposit amount in display currency on the bank accounts that you select today. The bank risk is calculated based on the transaction data from memo records and the
One Exposure from Operations hub.

Key Features
Display balances in banks of low rating

Display balances by bank

Display balances by bank and company

 Note
The bank rating can be used for sorting. Items are sorted according to their rating values high to low (or low to high) rather than alphanumerically. The mappings of rating
order values and descriptions are maintained in the VN_TP06 view. You can include other threshold (critical) ratings by updating the VN_TP06 view and incorporating your
own rating system and ordering sequence. Low rating is de ned as values larger than 12.

To make ratings available, make sure that you have a proper business partner de ned and linked to each bank. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Link a business partner to each of the banks.

For information on how to maintain the linkages, see the topic “Business Partners for Banks” in the “Data Setup Guide for SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash

2. In transaction BP, de ne the following for the relevant business partners:

On the Identi cation tab, specify the elds under the Identi cation as Bank section.

Specify necessary data on the Payment Transaction tab.

Specify necessary data on the Creditworthiness Data tab.

Switch the display mode between charts and tables

Export your search results to a spreadsheet

In addition, the app supports the following technical features and options:

Send emails

You can send an email with a URL that enables the recipients to check the app with exactly the same selection criteria as you are currently using.

Save as tile

You can create a tile that uses the current selection criteria as default settings.

Navigation Targets
The app enables users to access other apps directly (for example to display detailed information).

 Note
These linked apps have to be already available in your system landscape or you have to implement them along with this app.

Check Cash Flow Items

Manage Bank Accounts

Cash Position Details

Manage Banks

Make Bank Transfers

Component for Customer Incidents


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More Information
The SAP Fiori apps reference library has details about the content necessary for giving users access to an app on the SAP Fiori launchpad. The SAP Fiori apps reference library is
available here: https:// oriappslibrary.hana.ondemand.com

To see this app’s Fiori content, search for the app. Then select SAP S/4HANA as the product. On the Implementation Information tab, select the correct release. The details are in
the Con guration section.

Con guration Settings: Bank Risk

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