Starkville Dispatch Eedition 12-22-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Tuesday | December 22, 2020

OCH administers first doses of vaccine

Registered Nurse Kath-
Moderna shipment delayed at Baptist of the end of the pandemic,”
leen Hilbun gives a Mod- OCH Director of Pharmacy
erna COVID-19 vaccine DISPATCH STAFF REPORT Stacy Weaver said. “That’s
to Pulmonologist and was Pulmonologist and Crit-
ical Care Specialist Dr. Har- what we’re all hoping.”
Critical Care Specialist
Monday saw some of the ry Holliday, according to an In Columbus, Baptist Me-
Dr. Harry Holliday at
OCH Regional Medical first doctors in Starkville OCH press release. morial Hospital-Golden Tri-
Center in Starkville on to receive the Moderna OCH Accreditation Man- angle was originally sched-
Monday. Holliday was COVID-19 vaccine at OCH ager Savannah Brown said uled to receive 500 doses
the first OCH employee Regional Medical Center. staff from emergency medi- of the Moderna vaccine on
to receive the vaccine. The hospital, which re- cal services, the emergency Monday, but the shipment
“This is the first step in ceived a shipment of 100 room, anesthesia, nursing was delayed and will instead
being able to create the doses of the vaccine on and respiratory therapy re- arrive on Wednesday, a hos-
immunity in our commu- Monday, administered the ceived the shot as well, the pital spokesperson told The
nities where, hopefully, vaccine based on a tier-sys- Dispatch. Due to the vac-
press release said. Hospital
we can work our way out
tem that prioritizes hospital staff are monitoring the em- cine’s arrival at a time when
of this pandemic and
get back to some nor- staff most likely to come into ployees’ side effects, and so many staff will be home
malcy down the road,” contact with COVID-19 pa- far, none have reported im- for the Christmas holiday,
Holliday said. tients. The first staff mem- mediate serious side effects. hospital staff will begin ad-
Courtesy photo ber to receive the vaccine “I hope it’s the beginning See VACCINE, 6A

Spruill, 5 Hang on. Big things are coming

aldermen to COVID halts new 4-H director’s plans to increase hands-on activities
seek re-election for kids; club memberships have remained steady nonetheless
in 2021
Little, Walker stepping
aside after two terms

Starkville’s first
female mayor will
run for re-election in
Mayor Lynn
Spruill announced
her candidacy in a
press release Mon-
day, in which she said
she wants to focus on “continuing
the growth in Starkville” if re-elect-
“I want to make sure our busi-
nesses and community recover
and build back stronger from the
COVID pandemic; complete the
building of the Cornerstone Park
Complex; and finish the annexation
process,” she said. “I also want to
lead our city in the process of de-
veloping and improving services in
the northern part of the city.”
The announcement came two
weeks before candidates will begin

Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff

Darrell Banks, who took over as Lowndes County 4-H director in February, has had to hold off implementing many of the

Oktibbeha supes programs he wants to begin with the clubs because of COVID-19 restrictions, including taking full advantage of the 45,000
square-foot open air arena just out the back door of his office at the MSU Extension Service on Tom Rose Road. “The possi-
bilities are endless,” Banks said.
appoint former water BY SLIM SMITH not what I had in mind.” said. “We were able to get a lot of ideas,
management district 4-H is a nationwide program whose
goal is to develop citizenship, leader-
but with COVID, we’re having to wait.
The good news is that we’ve started
director as county When Darrell Banks took over as
Lowndes County 4-H Director, he had
ship, responsibility and life skills of
youth through hands-on learning pro-
building those relationships, so we’ll be
ready to go to work when the COVID
representative several new ideas he wanted to imple-
ment to grow programs and member-
grams. Though typically thought of as
an agriculturally focused organization
situation is over.”
Banks came to the Lowndes 4-H or-
Almost all of them remain filed away as a result of its history, 4-H today fo- ganization from his job in the research
in his desk at the Mississippi State cuses on citizenship, healthy living, and compliance department at the Ex-
Oktibbeha supervisors appoint- Extension Service office on Tom Rose science, engineering and technology tension Service on the MSU campus.
ed David Kennard, former exec- Road. programs. Before that, the Starkville native and
utive director of the Tombigbee Banks, 46, took over as 4-H Director When COVID restrictions are lifted, MSU graduate served 5 1/2 years as
River Valley Water Management on Feb. 16. A month later, COVID-19 Banks said he plans to get kids back the Extension Service’s county agent in
District, to the state-run agency’s arrived, delaying indefinitely most of “outside, working with their hands.” Choctaw County, which was a primary
board as an Oktibbeha County rep- Banks’ plans. “When I first came here, I talked motivator in his decision to pursue the
resentative. “Right now, a lot of things are on with schools and industries and com- Lowndes 4-H job.
See OKTIBBEHA, 3A hold,’’ Banks said. “That’s definitely munity leaders about ideas,” Banks See 4-H, 3A


1 What bestselling book-turned-2016 movie Today MEETINGS
covers Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan Jan. 4: Oktibbeha
and Mary Jackson’s work for NASA in the through Sunday County Board of Super-
1960s? ■ “It’s a Wonderful visors meeting, 9 a.m.,
2 What object did doctors find 27 of in and Life: The Radio Chancery Courthouse
around a U.K. woman’s right eye, before per- Play”: Starkville Jan. 5: Starkville
forming cataract surgery, in 2017? Community Theatre Board of Aldermen
J.T. Pope 3 The bladder of which animal was once used
to make rugby balls — cow, pig or goat? presents this online meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
First grade, Annunciation radio performance City Hall
4 What California city saw Chicano Park,

61 Low 43
known for its murals, named a national land- via stream, available Jan. 12: Starkville-Ok-
High mark in 2016? for $5 at https:// tibbeha Consolidated
5 What 2016 David Bowie album includes the School District Board
tracks “Girl Loves Me” and “Dollar Days”? event-details/44118 of Trustees meeting, 6
Full forecast on
page 3A. Answers, 6B to support SCT. Video p.m., 401 Greensboro
is available from St.
12:15 a.m. Tuesday Jan. 14: Starkville-Ok-
through 11:45 p.m. tibbeha Consolidated
INSIDE Sunday. Rental of School District Board
Classifieds 5B Dear Abby 3B stream allows access of Trustees meeting, 6
Comics 3B Obituaries 5A on-demand for up to Caledonia resident Jason Chrest loves p.m., 401 Greensboro
Crossword 6B Opinions 4A 48 hours of time. coaching youth football. St.


2A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

Congress approves $900B COVID Biden gets COVID-19

relief bill, sending to Trump vaccine, says ‘nothing
Congress also approved a one-week stopgap ber of Democratic demands as the
end of the congressional session
to worry about’
spending bill to avert a partial government shutdown approached. Biden was eager for a
deal to deliver long-awaited help to
The Associated Press
and give Trump time to sign the sweeping legislation suffering people and a boost to the
economy, even though it was less NEWARK, Del. — President-elect Joe Biden on
BY ANDREW TAYLOR package by another lopsided vote, than half the size that Democrats Monday received his first dose of the coronavirus
The Associated Press 359-53. The tallies were a biparti- wanted in the fall. vaccine on live television as part of a growing effort
san coda to months of partisanship “This deal is not everything I to convince the American public the inoculations
WASHINGTON — Congress and politicking as lawmakers wran- want — not by a long shot,” said are safe.
passed a $900 billion pandemic re- gled over the relief question, a log- Rules Committee Chairman Jim The president-elect took a dose of Pfizer vaccine
lief package that would finally deliv- jam that broke after President-elect McGovern, D-Mass., a longstand- at a hospital not far from his Delaware home, hours
er long-sought cash to businesses Joe Biden urged his party to accept ing voice in the party’s old-school after his wife, Jill Biden, did the same. The injec-
and individuals and resources to a compromise with top Republicans liberal wing. “The choice before tions came the same day that a second vaccine,
vaccinate a nation confronting a that is smaller than many Demo- us is simple. It’s about whether produced by Moderna, will start arriving in states.
frightening surge in COVID-19 cas- crats would have liked. we help families or not. It’s about It joins Pfizer’s in the nation’s arsenal against the
es and deaths. The bill combines coronavi- whether we help small businesses COVID-19 pandemic, which has now killed more
Lawmakers tacked on a $1.4 tril- rus-fighting funds with financial and restaurants or not. It’s about than 317,000 people in the United States and upend-
lion catchall spending bill and thou- relief for individuals and business- whether we boost (food stamp) ben- ed life around the globe.
sands of pages of other end-of-ses- es. It would establish a temporary efits and strengthen anti-hunger “I’m ready,” said Biden, who was administered
sion business in a massive bundle $300 per week supplemental jobless programs or not. And whether we the dose at a hospital in Newark, Delaware. The
of bipartisan legislation as Capitol benefit and a $600 direct stimulus help those dealing with a job loss or president-elect rolled the left sleeve of his turtle-
Hill prepared to close the books on payment to most Americans, along not. To me, this is not a tough call.”
the year. The bill approved Mon- neck all the way up to his shoulder, then declined
with a new round of subsidies for Congress also approved a one-
day night went to President Donald the option to count to three before the needle was
hard-hit businesses, restaurants, week stopgap spending bill to avert
Trump for his signature, which was inserted into his left arm.
and theaters and money for schools, a partial government shutdown at
expected in the coming days. health care providers and renters midnight and give Trump time to “You just go ahead anytime you’re ready,” he told
The relief package, unveiled facing eviction. sign the sweeping legislation. the nurse practitioner who administered the shot.
Monday afternoon, sped through The 5,593-page legislation — by Treasury Secretary Steven
the House and Senate in a matter of far the longest bill ever — came to- Mnuchin, a key negotiator, said on
hours. The Senate cleared the mas- gether Sunday after months of bat- CNBC Monday morning that the di-
sive package by a 92-6 vote after tling, posturing and postelection rect payments would begin arriving
the House approved the COVID-19 negotiating that reined in a num- in bank accounts next week.

Trump, House lawmakers plot futile effort to block Biden win

‘I just don’t think that it makes a lot bers can use the event to
object to a state’s votes.
block the election results
in Congress was “just not
of sense to put everybody through Rep. Mo Brooks,
R-Ala., said he organized
going anywhere.”
“I mean, in the Sen-
this when you know what the ultimate Monday’s session with
about a dozen House Re-
ate, it would go down like
a shot dog,” Thune told
outcome is gonna be’ publicans who are willing CNN. “I just don’t think
Sen. John Thune, the No. 2 Senate Republican to challenge the results. that it makes a lot of sense
“President Trump is to put everybody through
BY KEVIN FREKING ic efforts to overturn the very supportive of our this when you know what
AND LISA MASCARO will of the majority of effort,” Brooks said in an the ultimate outcome is
The Associated Press
American voters. Biden interview late Monday. gonna be.”
will be sworn in as presi- With Democrats hold- Still, Trump has con-
WASHINGTON — ing the House majority tinued to dangle the pos-
dent on Jan. 20.
President Donald Trump and several Republican sibility of congressional
hosted several House With no credible legal
senators now acknowl- intervention.
Republican lawmakers options remaining and the
edging Biden’s victory, Brooks said Monday’s
at the White House on Electoral College having
any effort to block con- White House meeting
Monday to discuss an ul- confirmed Biden’s victory
gressional approval of was originally scheduled
timately futile effort to earlier this month, Trump the election appears sure for about an hour, but last-
block Congress from af- is turning his attention to fail. Senate Majority ed for three hours, with
firming President-elect to Jan. 6. That’s when Leader Mitch McConnell Trump participating for
Joe Biden’s victory in the Congress participates in has warned his members much of it. Other attend-
November election. a count of the electoral against taking such a ees including Trump’s
The meeting under- votes, which Biden won step. personal lawyer, Rudy Gi-
scored Trump’s refusal 306-232. Sen. John Thune, the uliani, who has spent the
to accept the reality of his The count, required by No. 2 Senate Republican, weeks since the election
loss and his willingness the Constitution, is gener- urged lawmakers to re- promoting false claims of
to entertain undemocrat- ally a formality. But mem- member that an effort to voter fraud.

Barr undercuts Trump on election and Hunter Biden inquiries

BY MICHAEL BALSAMO federal officials that Rus- ing fraud, even as Trump said, adding that there
The Associated Press sia was behind a massive continued to make false was also no need for a spe-
hack of U.S. government claims about the integrity cial counsel to investigate
WASHINGTON — agencies, not China as the of the contest. the election.
Undercutting President
president has suggested. The president has also A special counsel
Donald Trump on multi-
Barr is leaving the grown particularly angry would make it more dif-
ple fronts, Attorney Gen-
Justice Department this that Barr didn’t announce ficult for Biden and his
eral William Barr said
Monday he saw no reason week, having morphed the existence of a two- yet-to-be-named attorney
to appoint a special coun- from one of Trump’s most year-old investigation of general to close inves-
sel to look into the pres- loyal allies to one of the Hunter Biden before the tigations begun under
ident’s claims about the few members of the Cab- election. On Monday, Trump. Such an appoint-
2020 election or to name inet willing to contradict Barr said that investiga- ment could also add a
one for the tax investiga- the president openly. tion was “being handled false legitimacy to base-
tion of President-elect Joe That’s been particularly responsibly and profes- less claims, particularly
Biden’s son. true since the election, sionally.” to the throngs of Trump
Barr, in his final public with Barr declaring in an “I have not seen a rea- supporters who believe
appearance as a member interview with The AP son to appoint a special the election was stolen
of Trump’s Cabinet, also that he had seen no evi- counsel and I have no plan because Trump keeps
reinforced the belief of dence of widespread vot- to do so before I leave,” he wrongly claiming it was.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 3A

Columbus councilman Box does not plan to run again in Ward 3

Mayor plans to run for re-election; other council Dispatch he won’t
run again, with
things that, due to COVID-19,
we haven’t had a chance to com-
patch they are still considering
their options. Beard said he will
members at least considering 2021 runs Mayor Robert
Smith saying he
plete and finish. It’s been a chal-
lenging year, 2020, because of
announce his decision in Janu-
BY ISABELLE ALTMAN are offering nothing but com- definitely would, the pandemic for all elected of- Gavin was also first elected plaints about how the city is run and the other ficials and their respective mu- in 2009 and would be seeking
with no solutions. council members nicipalities.” his fourth term.
Ward 3 Colum- “I’ve had a lot of people ask- all saying they Both Ward 2 Councilman Beard was elected in a spe-
bus Councilman
ing me to run again and all that, will at least con- Smith Joseph Mickens and Ward 5 cial election in 2019 after for-
Charlie Box said sider re-election. Councilman Stephen Jones told
but this is not fun,” said Box, mer Ward 4 Councilman Fred
Monday he does The nearly-four term mayor, The Dispatch they would run
who at 80 is the council’s eldest Jackson resigned July 3.
not plan to run who was first voted in office in again.
for a fourth term member. “It’s a thankless job. Ward 1 Councilwoman Eth-
a 2006 special election after Mickens has served three
in 2021. … It’s just aggravating. If peo- el Stewart, who was voted into
former mayor Jeffrey Rupp re- terms on the council, beginning
“I’ll keep my ple are really sincere, they’ll office during a special election
signed, confirmed this morning in 2009. Jones was first elected
options open, but Box come up and talk and try to he plans to qualify. in a special election in 2016 to in 2019 after the death of her
my mind’s pret- work things out.” “I look forward to serving the fill former Councilman Kabir brother, former Ward 1 Coun-
ty much made up,” Box told Box’s announcement comes city of Columbus for the next Karriem’s seat after Karriem cilman Gene Taylor, did not
The Dispatch. “I’ve been made two weeks before candidates four years, and working with was elected to the state Legis- return a message from The Dis-
up for the last two or three must qualify for the upcoming the businesses, the (Golden lature. Jones won re-election in patch by press time.
months.” elections at the city clerk’s of- Triangle Development) LINK 2017 and is about to complete Conflict disclosure: Managing
Box, first elected in 2009, fice. Qualifying begins on Jan. and all other organizations to his first full term in office. Editor Zack Plair took part in ed-
said while some of his constit- 4. help improve and progress the Both Ward 4 Councilman iting this article. He is current-
uents have asked him to run Box was the only elected of- city of Columbus,” Smith told Pierre Beard and Ward 6 Coun- ly involved in legal proceedings
again, he feels many citizens ficial in the city who told The The Dispatch. “There are some cilman Bill Gavin told The Dis- with the city of Columbus.

Continued from Page 1A
Kennard recently re- 13 northeast Mississippi to Reeves recommending COVID-19.
tired from the executive counties, most recently he appoint William Hil- Additionally, the board
director position and had Oktibbeha County after bun, an insurance agent will consider purchasing
expressed an interest in the supervisors voted 3-2 in Starkville, whom Train- new voting machines for
representing the county in May to join the district. er said he had been hop- the county at the next
on the board, District 1 Flooding and drainage is- ing to recommend that
Supervisor and Board sues have been a priority the supervisors appoint.
Bill Lowe, an account
President John Mont- for the supervisors due In other business, the
gomery said at Monday’s to heavy rains over the supervisors voted 3-0 to representative with Elec-
meeting. past year, and the vote extend the county’s cur- tion Systems and Soft-
“I don’t think anybody came after months of few, from midnight to 4 ware (ES&S), showed the
could give debate over whether the a.m., until the next meet- board a machine on Mon-
us a better $133,000 annual member- ing on Jan. 4. day that would replace
leg up than ship fee would be worth Oktibbeha County is the current touchscreen
him,” he it. one of the counties under voting machines with
said. “He Montgomery and Mill- Reeves’ mask mandate as- units that would process
would cer- er both voted against signed to individual coun- and record paper ballots Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff
tainly give joining the agency, citing ties in which COVID-19
at polling locations. Bill Lowe, left, an account representative with Election
Ok t ibbeha their concerns that Ok- coronavirus cases are Systems and Software, shows the Oktibbeha County
Montgomery said after
County our Montgomery tibbeha County would be continuing to spike. supervisors a voting machine that would replace the
money’s low on the agency’s pri- Reeves added Oktibbe- the meeting that the cur-
current touchscreen machines Monday. The proposed
worth.” ority list and that it would ha to the list of counties, rent machines are outdat- units from ES&S would process and record paper
The board voted 3-0 take workers years to get now totaling 61, on Dec. ed and the proposed new ballots at polling locations, and the board will consider
with Montgomery, Dis- to the county’s drainage 1. The mandate will last ones require less mainte- purchasing them in January.
trict 2 Supervisor Orlan- projects. Kennard told through Jan. 15. nance.
do Trainer and District 5 the board in June that the The board unanimous- “This (machine) gives
Supervisor Joe Williams agency works on a few ly approved a memoran- you a paper backup,
present. Marvell Howard projects per county every dum of understanding whereas now you only
of District 3 and Bricklee year, rotating from Al- with the Mississippi State get generated a number,”
Miller of District 4 were corn County in the north Department of Health to
he said. “That number is
absent. to Kemper County and allow the department to
something you want to be
The Tupelo-based wa- back. direct traffic in the park-
ter management district Gov. Tate Reeves will ing lot outside the coun- able to trust, and to have
oversees and coordinates appoint Oktibbeha Coun- ty health department some backup like (the)
flood control, cleanup ty’s other district board building after people re- paper ballot, I think, gives
and repair projects on member, and the board ceive both tests and up- people more confidence
waterways of all sizes in voted 3-0 to write a letter coming vaccinations for in our election process.”

Continued from Page 1A
“As county agent in bership to holding on to fair and walk, but we in January, is a resource
Choctaw County, 50 per- what we have.” couldn’t do that this year. like no other, Banks said.
cent of my time was de- The ability to retain So instead, we worked “The possibilities are
voted to running the 4-H membership (there are with the state health de- endless,” Banks said,
program,” Banks said. roughly 400 members) partment and gave out “not just livestock shows
“Here, I get to spend 100 when in-person activities masks at an event in Au- and horse shows, but all
percent of my time with are limited is a credit to gust. We did that again in kinds of things. It’s open
4-H. I loved getting out, the local club volunteers, October. We also raised to the public and we do
working with farmers Banks said. money for the United Way have people use it, main-
and 4-H kids. I was tired “They’ve done a great Christmas food program. ly for riding horses. But
of sitting behind a desk job staying connected, So we’ve found ways to when COVID is over, 4-H
all day.” finding ways to work get out a little bit, which is really going to be able
As fate would have it, around the restrictions,” is what the kids want.” to use it in a big way. So
Banks has spent much Banks said. Although Banks has our motto is: Hang on.
more time behind a desk Martha Smith, who had to hold off implement- Big things are coming.”
than working with the has volunteered with 4-H ing most of his ideas, he
kids, thanks to COVID. at the West Lowndes 4-H remains optimistic.
“We have been able to Club, said she’s pleased “When (COVID) is
do some programs,” he that her club hasn’t lost all over, we’re going to
said. “We have a sports any of its dozen members. be able to do so many
fishing program and we “We’ve worked really things,” Banks said. “Just
had Zoom meetings most- hard to use Zoom meet- with our (horse riding)
ly, but we did get to the ings and other things arena here, it opens up so
point where we could get to keep the children in- many possibilities.”
the kids out and let them volved,” she said. “We The 45,000-square
fish. They were ready to normally sponsor a health foot arena, which opened
get out and about, you
could tell.”
Those activities have
become the exception
rather than the rule, how-
“With COVID, what
we’ve had to do is adapt
and the main way we did
that was by having Zoom
meetings, mainly to stay
connected to the kids,”
he said. “We went from
the goal of growing mem-

Get promoted? SOLUNAR TABLE

The solunar period indicates

Win an award?
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Tues. Wed.
Major 7:08p 7:49p

Send us your
Minor 2:09p 2:35a
Major 7:28a 8:09a

business brief.
Minor 1:39a 2:34a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

news@ The Dispatch
subject: The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Business brief Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
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Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

SLIMANTICS Voice of the people

The War on A Columbus Would people

refuse to wear
memory of masks?
Gov. William I think it is
rages on
It was with for our county
sadness that to have more

I read in the than six times
ews from
December 20 the mortality
the front.
edition of The rate of San
Commercial Francisco, of
is Dec. 22 and
Dispatch all places. We
the winter cam-
paign in the War about the need to save
on Christmas passing of face.
is now headed former Gov. Bill Gillmore
for its climactic William Win- Columbus
finish, although ter.
it may take years My pur-
pose in writ-
Takes issue
before total
ing this letter with letter
victory can be Slim Smith
is to share the praising the
Through much of the fall, leaders
interest and President
support he showed to Columbus in paring. He wanted to know about the To no one’s surprise, I take issue
carefully developed the strategic battle
conjunction with the Remembering other celebrations but always men- with several statements in Nan B.
plan, which was rolled out on Thanksgiv-
“Red” Barber celebration held on tioned how much the Red Barber Lott’s letter in the December 20th
ing Day.
February 16, 2008. Celebration meant to him. He was a Dispatch, most pointedly — al-
This year, as in recent years, leaders
It all came about as a result of a real gentleman in every sense of the though not only - with her giving
have relied on a most insidious strategy
speech I gave at the Possum Town word. I count it a special privilege to President Trump for his “leadership”
called “psychological warfare,” which has
Toastmasters Club in September have know him. in the development of the vaccines
proven to be very effective.
of 2007 entitled “I’ll be a suck egg Glenn Lautzenhiser for Covid-19. Despite her welcome
The strategy of this type of warfare
mule.” This speech featured the life Columbus efforts to spread the credit around, I
relies not on a full frontal assault, but a
of one of the most famous Colum- think she short-changes the sci-
war of attrition, picking off Christmas
enthusiasts one by one in a slow, yet
bians Walter Lanier “Red” Barber.
Barber was a long time broadcaster
Community advocate entists involved thereby implicitly
methodical campaign designed to ensure
for the Cincinnati Reds, Brooklyn responds to article handing the acclaim they deserve to
that Christmas will ultimately end not Thanks for the article in Sunday’s the President instead.
Dodgers and New York Yankees. More to the point, why should the
with a bang, but with a whimper. paper. While I thought the article
Later on he became Director of President be given credit for doing
The tactics used are primarily senso- Sports for CBS where he was the was intelligent, nuanced, and a good
ry overload, an approach that has been read, it seems reading comprehen- what you would expect any president
first person to broadcast a Major to do under similar circumstances?
proven to be very effective when applied League baseball game on TV as well sion is not a common ability, even
to hostage situations or prolonged sieges at the mayor’s office. (I particularly Can you imagine any modern Pres-
as the first person to broadcast an
against fortified positions. enjoyed the subtitle “Bitter” [as seen ident not providing public support
NFL game on TV. In 1981 he was
In the War on Christmas, this sensory by the mayor’s regime] or “Better” to vaccine development in the wake
paired with Bob Edwards on the
overload technique is rich in irony: It uses [as seen by the people that still care of a pandemic? President Trump, as
NPR Morning Edition Program for
something Christmas supporters general- about the long term success of this far as I can tell, did little else besides
which he stayed 12 years. In 1978
ly love against them: Christmas music. city.] I was contacted by people that not get in the way of the science (at
Barber won the first Ford C. Frick
What the War of Christmas (WOC) thought the quoted bits from the least as far as vaccine development
award for Broadcasting Excellence
leaders have learned is that when Christ- bestowed by the Baseball Hall of mayor’s office were statements of is concerned). Perhaps if Mr. Trump
mas supporters are subjected to Christ- Fame in Cooperstown New York. fact rather than suppositions and had been present at a coronavirus
mas music repeatedly over long periods of My speech was given on a Friday. propaganda. I was concerned that task force meeting more recently
time, their enthusiasm begins to decline, Then-Dispatch Publisher Birney the statement from the mayor’s than May of this year he would actu-
sometimes dramatically. There have been Imes was in attendance. Two days office appeared published without ally deserve more of the credit Ms.
reports that under these assaults, people later he wrote a column about “The challenge. Lott wants to give him.
have lost their Christmas spirit as early as Ol’ Redhead.” The next day on a (Monday), the mayor’s office pub- In addition, over the past few days
Dec. 1. Monday he called me and said, “You lished its full response, I found that reports have surfaced of meetings
This year, as in years past, the cam- will never guess who just called me.” action a bit unprofessional, particu- in the Oval Office attended by not
paign has employed radio stations It was Bob Edwards. “You know larly that innocent parties were not only the increasingly unstable Rudy
throughout the country, who devote their that his 100th birthday is coming redacted. For my words that may Giuliani, but fringe lawyer Sidney
programming to “Continuous Christmas up in March of 2008. He went on to cause offence to the innocent par- Powell (didn’t Trump just distance
Music.” From Thanksgiving right on tell Birney that if Columbus would ties, I apologize. The mayor’s office himself from her 2 weeks ago?), and
through Christmas and until New Year’s do something to honor Barber on was not a party to the conversation QAnon/conspiracy theory champi-
Day, unsuspecting Christmas supporters his birthday that he — Edwards — that preceded the email. It may now on, Marjorie Taylor Greene. They
are bombarded with Christmas songs of would come and speak at no charge. appear that the regime of this mayor are reported to have discussed
every genre. A committee was established cares for nobody but themselves and such anti-democratic maneuvers
The innocent aren’t likely to realize with Birney and myself as co-chairs. the acts of caring, e.g. giving away as seizing the voting machines and
that there is a carefully-developed, nu- We also secured the services of things like turkeys, free lunches, declaring martial law to repeat the
anced methodology behind the campaign. Curt Smith from Rochester New picking up litter, and such are just presidential election — but both in
But every song is carefully scheduled to York who is the foremost expert on that, acts performed for the camera. swing states only. Add that to con-
raise the stress level incrementally. broadcast journalism in America to Columbus is not in “financial sistent reports that various Trump
Typically, the campaign begins with come and speak. People came to this good standing” as far as anyone with administration officials are working
happy, benign tunes — “All I Want for event from as far away as New York the ability to understand finances to disrupt the Biden transition team
Christmas is You,” for example, along and Florida. National Media gave us can tell. For this regime to make including hampering Biden’s ability
with old standards like “Santa Claus is such a representation is BOLD. I to learn about the massive Russian
great coverage including the New
Coming to Town,” or “We Wish You a call for truth, transparency, and hack of 6 key federal agencies and
York Times and the Washington
Merry Christmas.” audited financial statements. Look
Post. Video tributes poured in from Trump’s recent tweets attacking not
The campaign shifts to more “mes- at your pothole-filled streets, look at
Tommy Lasorda, Jerry Coleman, only Mitch McConnell but Vice-pres-
sage-oriented” tunes that emphasize both the underfunded and understaffed
Duke Snider, Ernie Harwell, Bob ident Pence to make you consistently
the secular and religious aspects of the police and fire departments. If Co-
Ley, Chris Berman, Vin Scully, wonder what will happen next to
holiday - again calculated to affect the lumbus were in financial good stand-
Bob Picozzi, Ralph Lowenstein and destabilize the country.
broadest possible audience. ing would this be the indicators?
George Grande. As of now these latter reports
At this point, the victims will hear a lot I take this opportunity to also call
When Gov. Winter learned about require more substantiation but I do
of “O, Holy Night” and “Little Drummer for the citizens of Columbus to once
the celebration he contacted us and wonder if Ms. Lott has heard them
Boy” and “Mary, Did You Know,” as well again care for and believe in a better
said he was coming. Thanks to Dixie and, if she has, how she feels about
as heart-string tugging secular tunes community. Columbus deserves
Butler, Temple Heights was the site President Trump now.
such as “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” and better!
for a luncheon prior to the dedica- Paul Mack
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” Will Sanders
tion of the historical marker at the Columbus
These are calculated to produce in the Columbus
intersection of Military Road and
unsuspecting listener what is known in Fourth Avenue North. Gov. Winter
Latin as “Motus Maturam,” i.e., prema- spoke at the dedicatory celebration. Comparing local mortality rate Reader praises column
Mona Charen’s “Bye-bye William
ture emotions. You can get weepy about The February 18, 2008 edition of to that of San Francisco’s Barr” is really an excellent column.
some imagery for only so long, the theory The Commercial Dispatch has a According to an Associated
One that is loaded with truth, and
goes. picture of Gov. winter speaking at Press headline, there have been
with much more of it, will destroy
As the victim’s emotions are exposed the event. 176 deaths from COVID-19 in San
and assaulted, time and repetition takes Trump and the poison he is leaving
After returning to Jackson Francisco (population: 881,289) so
its toll. he sent an email to Birney Imes behind.
far. In Lowndes County (population:
By Dec. 15, even the cheeriest Christ- expressing his appreciation which Maybe Barr realized since Trump
59,719), the death toll so far is 77.
mas enthusiast may hear, yet again, reads as follows: lost the election, it’s time for him
With almost fifteen times the pop-
“Silent Night,” and be alarmed by his own Dear Birney ulation, San Francisco has only 2.3 to be the AG for the people not just
internal dialogue. “Well, it would be a I simply want to tell you how much times as many deaths. for Trump. And he may have had
silent night if you would stop yammering Elsie and I appreciated and enjoyed San Francisco enforces its this in mind, that almost everyone
about it.” that wonderful weekend which you COVID-19 mandates. in Trump’s closest circle, sooner or
By today, any playing of “I Want A Hip- afforded us. Seventy-seven people dying may later goes to jail.
popotamus For Christmas” immediately I don’t know when I have been seem trivial to many people, a toll One of those is Michael Flynn,
produces cruel thoughts. “In the natural more thoroughly entranced by an not justifying the inconvenience or who Trump pardoned, says to
world, hippopotamuses annually kill more event than the one which you and your economic loss of the mandates. The Trump, you need to declare martial
humans than lions, so I hope that nasal- colleagues arranged to celebrate the AP article compared San Francisco’s law and have the election over. And
ly-brat DOES get a hippo for Christmas career of Red Barber. It was all done COVID-19 deaths to that city’s drug Trump’s thinking about doing it.
and give me a little peace and quiet.” with so much creativity and imagina- overdose deaths (621). They were America now needs from Biden
By Christmas Day, the work is done. tion, not to mention style and class. horrified at the explosion of OD more truth, which we will get, and
You know it when “Away in The Manger” We shall always remember your fatalities. Opponents of mandates debunking of a swamp of conspir-
is dismissed as the whining of illegal kindness and courtesies to us. Please point to the numbers to play down acies that is destroying America’s
immigrants who refused to do things “the express to the other members of the pandemic deaths. But think about democracy.
right way.” committee our special appreciation. how we in Lowndes County might The debunking of one conspiracy
The weak have been picked off, the I look forward to keeping in touch react to 77 deaths from other causes. has already started with FOX News
survivors left to nurse their wounds and remain grateful for your friend- Suppose, like Flint, Michigan, our and Newsmax walking back election
and recover, as best they can, until next ship. people were dying from drinking fraud claims after voting machine
Thanksgiving. William F. Winter contaminated drinking water. Say, manufacturer threatens legal action.
That’s the thing about war: It’s never Jackson 77, so far. Would people be up in Google: Lou Dobbs of FOX News
pretty. Over the years I kept in touch arms if the mayor mandated drink- debunks his own lies of election
Slim Smith is a columnist and feature with Gov. Winter. I told him about ing bottled water? Suppose there fraud.
writer for The Dispatch. His email address the other people we were honoring was a lethal chemical leak of about James Hodges
is and the other events we were pre- the same danger level as COVID-19. Steens
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Noxubee High School Adolphus Wilson the late L.C. Millican er for Bosch (United She is survived by
OBITUARY POLICY and was a member of and Exie Williams. Technologies). She was her children, James M.
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS —
Christian Hill MBC. Adolphus Wilson, 77, He attended Sulligent a member of Church of Edwards Jr., Calvin Ed-
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided In addition to her passed High School and was Christ Divine. wards, Essie E. Austin,
free of charge. Extended obitu- parents, she was away. formerly employed as In addition to her Gloria Smith, Sheila
aries with a photograph, de- preceded in death by Grave- an insurance agent with parents, she was pre- Edwards, Yolanda E.
tailed biographical information her sister, Dorothy M. side ser- Mutual Savings. He was ceded in death by her Davenport and Doro-
and other details families may Bradshaw. vices will a member of Liberty husband, James Earl thy R. Moore; sister,
wish to include, are available She is survived by be at 2 p.m. Missionary Baptist Talley; brother, Jessie Cleaster Gibson; nine
for a fee. Obituaries must be
her children, Shanta Wednes- Church. James Prude; and one grandchildren; and 13
submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s Newby of Columbus, day, in In addition to his child. great-grandchildren.
body has been donated to Emmanuel Wells, Sandfield Wilson parents, he was preced- She is survived by
science. If the deceased’s Markeshia Wells and Cemetery. ed in death by his wife, her siblings, Gloria
body was donated to science, Johnny Daniel Wells all Visitation is from noon- Sue Millican. Moore, Willie Prude
the family must provide official of Meridian; siblings, 5 p.m. today, at Lee- He is survived by his and Melvin Prude; four
proof of death. Please submit Johnnie R. Harris, children, Angie Kelly grandchildren; and 11
all obituaries on the form pro- Sykes Funeral Home.
Angela Brooks, Lashell and Kim King both great-grandchildren.
vided by The Commercial Dis- Lee-Sykes Funeral
patch. Free notices must be Hughes all of Brooks- Home of Columbus is of Detroit; sister, Lois
submitted to the newspaper ville, Irene Harris of in charge of arrange-
Banks of Columbus; Earline Edwards
no later than 3 p.m. the day Prattville, Alabama, and two grandchildren. WEST POINT —
prior for publication Tuesday Janice Stevenson of Pallbearers will be Earline Gibson Ed-
Mr. Wilson was born
through Friday; no later than 4 Montgomery, Alabama, Johnny Johnson, Kenny wards, 88, died Dec. 15,
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Oct. 19, 1943, to Toy
Mashell Holman of Ballard, Jerry Banks, 2020, at her residence.
edition; and no later than 7:30 and Davis Dean Blair
Columbus, Bobby L. Blake Gilstrap, Tommy Graveside services
a.m. for the Monday edition. Wilson. He attended
Harris of Brooksville, Spruiel, Larry Lann and will be at 11 a.m.
Incomplete notices must be Fayette County, Ala-
Rufus Harris Sr. and Leamon Edgeworth. Wednesday, in Union
Kaye Duncan
received no later than 7:30 bama schools.
a.m. for the Monday through Michael Buckhalter In addition to his Star Cemetery, with the Graveside Services:
Friday editions. Paid notices both of Columbus; and parents, he was pre- Sherry Allen Rev. Eric Ratcliff offi- Thursday, Dec. 24 • 11 AM
Egger Cemetery
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for 12 grandchildren. WEST POINT — ciating. Register book
inclusion the next day Monday ceded in death by his College St. Location
through Thursday; and on daughter, Cassandra Sherry Lynn Allen, 57, signing is from 10:30-11
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday John Chancellor Perry; three sisters; died Dec. 19, 2020, at a.m. prior to services. Rick Manning
MACON — Lt. Northwest Medical Carter’s Mortuary Graveside Services:
and Monday publication. For four brothers; and three A private graveside
more information, call 662- Colonel John Murphey grandchildren. Center of Winfield, Services of West Point service will be held.
328-2471. Chancellor, 76, died Alabama. is in charge of arrange- College St. Location
Dec. 17, 2020, at Jack- Graveside services ments.
Kaye Duncan Mrs. Edwards was Iva O’Callaghan
Stace Doughty son Madison General
are at 3 p.m. today, in
COLUMBUS — Hospital. Memorial Gardens born Aug. 27, 1932, in
Kaye Ruth Duncan, 76, Cemetery, with Kris West Point to the late College St. Location
Stace Earl Doughty, 58, A family grave-
died Dec. 21, 2020, at Hollis officiating. Willie Gibson Sr. and
died Dec. 21, 2020, at side service was held Betty Land
Windsor Place. Mrs. Allen was Leanne Shaffer Gibson.
his residence. Sunday, in Oddfellows Incomplete
Graveside services born Feb. 22, 1963, to She was formerly em-
Arrangements are Cemetery, with the 2nd Ave. N. Locationt
will be at 11 a.m. Thurs- the late Dorothy Jean ployed as a cook with
incomplete and will be Rev. Don Chancellor
day, in Egger Cemetery. McCarty and Arvil Lee Moore’s Restaurant.
announced by Carter’s officiating. Cockrell
Memorial Gunter Peel Hollis. In addition to her
Funeral Home of Co- Funeral Home of Ma-
Funeral Home and Cre- In addition to her parents, she was
lumbus. con was in charge of
matory, College Street parents, she was pre- preceded in death by
location is in charge of ceded in death by her her husband, James
Mr. Chancellor was
Lynda McRae born May 7, 1944,
arrangements. siblings, Dennis Hollis, Monroe Edwards Sr;
COLUMBUS — and daughter, Gail
in Goldsboro, North Randy Hollis, Deborah
Lynda McRae, 81, died Betty Land Edwards.
Carolina, to the late Hollis and Cynthia
Dec. 21, 2020, at Bap- COLUMBUS — Bet-
Tinky and Tiny. He was Stapp.
tist Memorial Hospi- ty Land, 92, died Dec. Memorials may be
a graduate of Noxubee
tal-Golden Triangle. 21, 2020, at Baptist Me- made to American Di-
high School, East Mis-
Arrangements are morial Hospital-Golden abetes Association, PO
sissippi Junior College,
incomplete and will be Triangle. Box 7023 Merrifield,
Mississippi State and
announced by Lown- Arrangements are VA 22116-7023.
the University of Ala-
des Funeral Home of incomplete and will be
bama. He was a veteran
Columbus. announced by Memori-
of the United States Air
al Gunter Peel Funeral
Hattie Talley
Force and was formerly COLUMBUS — Hat-
Delois Wells employed with W.P. Home and Crematory, tie B. Talley, 70, died
NOXUBEE COUN- Chancellor and Sons. Second Avenue North Dec. 16,
TY — Delois Wels, 57, In addition to his location. 2020, at
died Dec. parents, he was pre- Baptist
15, 2020, ceded in death by his Gary Millican Memorial

Robert Perkins
at Rush brother, Don Chancel- DETROIT, Ala. — Hospi-
Specialty lor. Gary C. Millican, died tal-Golden
Hospital of He is survived by his Dec. 19, 2020, at North- Triangle.
Meridian. wife, Jeanette; children, west Medical Center of Grave- Robert Merritt Perkins, 78 of Columbus,
Grave- John Chancellor Jr. and Winfield, Alabama. side Talley MS passed away Friday, December 18, 2020,
side Callie Zaugg; siblings, Funeral services services
Wells at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle,
services Poo Chancellor and with Masonic rites are will be at 10 a.m. Columbus, MS.
will be at Mary Ann Walker; at 2 p.m. today, at Otts Wednesday, in Memo- A graveside service was held Monday,
1 p.m. Wednesday, at seven grandchildren; Funeral Home Chapel. rial Gardens. Visitation December 21, 2020 at 11:00 A.M. at Mount
Christian Hill MBC, and six great-grand- Burial will follow in is from noon-5 p.m. Vernon Cemetery, Columbus, MS, with Bro. Joe
with Bobby Bowen children. Liberty Missionary today, at Lee-Sykes Fondren officiating and Lowndes Funeral Home
officiating. Visitation is Memorials may be Baptist Church Cem- Funeral Home. Lee- directing.
from 2-5 p.m. today, at made to First United etery. Visitation was Sykes Funeral Home of Mr. Perkins was born March 31, 1942, in
Carter’s Funeral Ser- Methodist Church of from 6-8 p.m. Monday, Columbus is in charge Aurora, IL, to the late Elder Merritt Perkins
vices. Carter’s Funeral Macon, P.O. Box 162, at the funeral home. of arrangements. Mrs. and Geraldine Brill Stewart. He was a member
Services of Macon is Macon, MS. 39341, Otts Funeral Home of Talley was born Feb. of Mount Vernon Baptist Church and the Lake
in charge of arrange- Pickwick United Meth- Sulligent is in charge of 20, 1950, in Columbus, Norris Fishing Club. Mr. Perkins retired in 2015
ments. odist Church, P.O. Box arrangements. to the late Jessie B. and from McCrary West Construction as a supervisor
Mrs. Wells was 28, Counce, TN, 38326 Mr. Millican was Edna Prude. She was for close to 30 years. He loved his family, friends,
born March 5, 1963, or The Maine Military born Nov. 4, 1946, in formerly employed as fishing, classic cars, music, coffee, butter
in Noxubee County, to Museum, 27 Kavana- Detroit, Alabama, to an assembly line work- cookies, and most importantly, the Lord, his
the late Lucious Harris ugh Road, Old Orchard Savior, Jesus Christ.
Julia McNees
and Earnestine Harris. Beach, ME 04064, In addition to his parents, Mr. Perkins was
She was a graduate of AT TN: Lee Humiston. preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn Sexton
Perkins; sisters, Deanna Froman and Nina

Rick Manning
It is with a sorrowful heart and a joyful soul Richardson; brother, Richard “Dick” Perkins;
that we say goodbye to our mother Julia Ann step-father, Ed Stewart; and step-mother, Fran
Crenshaw McNees passed from this world on Perkins.
Charles E. “Rick” Manning, Jr., age 78, of Saturday, December 19, 2020, at her residence.
Columbus, MS, passed away December 19, 2020, Mr. Perkins is survived by his wife, Jacqueline
Graveside service will be Wednesday, Honeycutt Merchant; his children, Deborah
at Windsor Place. December 23, 2020, at 11:00 AM at Mt. Zion
A private family graveside committal will be Perkins Fuller, Sturgis, MS, Bobby Perkins,
Baptist Church Cemetery, with Bro. Sammy Columbus, MS, Michelle Perkins Couture,
Wednesday, December 23, 2020, at Friendship Crawford officiating and Lowndes Funeral
Cemetery with Rev. Byron Benson officiating. Stephenville, TX, Jamie Perkins (Bobby)
Home, Columbus, MS directing. Kendrick, Columbus, MS and Matthew
Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Mrs. McNees was born on September 21, 1944,
Crematory 903 College St. location is in charge (Savannah) Perkins, Columbus, MS; sister,
in Meridian, MS to the late Ruby Julia Snowden Nancy Vaghy, Detroit, MI; six grandchildren;
of arrangements. Crenshaw and Arthur Anderson Crenshaw. She
Mr. Manning was born December 13, 1942, in and 11 great-grandchildren.
was a caregiver for her parents and a faithful Pallbearers were Matthew Perkins, Justin
Vardaman, MS, to the late Charles E. and Joyce member of Fairview Baptist Church. Mrs.
McGraw Manning, Sr. He worked for many years Willis, Bobby Kendrick, Luke Holman, Michael
McNees enjoyed crocheting, reading, loved Cox and Leon Ellis IV.
as a real estate appraiser and was a member of spending time with her grandchildren, and was
East End Baptist Church. Honorary pallbearers will be Bobby Perkins,
very proud of them. She was very independent Bob Cox, Jay McCrary, Hudson Adams, Danny
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in and would not ask for help. Mrs. McNees was
death by his son-in-law, Royce Sesser. Johnson, Andy Caldwell and the employees of
the founder and owner of Johnson’s Superette, McCrary West Construction.
Survivors include his wife of 55 years, Maro Country Market, and Country Closets.
Malone Manning of Columbus, MS; son, Andrew Memorials may be made to American Family
Mrs. McNees is survived by her siblings, Radio P.O. Box Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803.
Manning and his wife Robin of Birmingham, David Crenshaw of Rogersville, AL and Deborah
AL; daughter, Michelle Sesser, late husband Stafford of Vado, New Mexico; children, Gary
Royce Sesser, of Columbus, MS; brother, Mike Compliments of
A. (Ann Marie) Johnson of Starkville, MS and
Manning of Amory, MS; sisters, Martha Rodgers Jeffery S. (Vicki) Johnson of Beverly Hill, FL; Lowndes Funeral Home
of Amory, MS and Missy Staggers of Starkville, grandchildren, Joshua Johnson, Sarah Johnson,
MS; grandchildren, Anna Catherine Fort, David Avyana Johnson and Tiffanie Marsh; great-

Log on.
Cooper Manning, Harli Malone Sesser and Rider grandchildren, Quinton Black and Liam Mosier.
Manning Sesser; and great-grandson, John Pallbearers will be Gary Johnson, Jefferey
Mixon Fort. Johnson, Joshua Johnson, David Crenshaw, Tyler
Memorials may be made to the East End Crenshaw and Cody Dennis.
Baptist Church Building Fund, P.O. Box 8480, Honorary pallbearers will be Adam Stafford,
Columbus, MS, 39705. Aaron Stafford, Joe Atkins, Robert Malone and
Weekly Crochet Club.
Memorials may be made to Fairview Baptist
Church 127 Airline Road Columbus, MS 39701
or Bethany Christian Services 116 Lawrence Dr.
Sign the online guest book at Suite 3 Columbus, MS 39702. Compliments of
College Street • Columbus, MS Lowndes Funeral Home
6A TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

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Health tips from Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen

Is your fight against COVID-19 COVID-19 than safe and effective.
non-vapers. If they ■ Download
going up in smoke? vape and smoke the quitStart app
The next Batman, Robert Pat- cigarettes, they’re from smokefree.
tinson, has been caught smoking seven times more gov on Google
and vaping — and he contracted
likely. Play and the Apple
COVID-19 in September. A co-
If you’ve been App Store. Carry
incidence? Maybe not. It turns
vaping to stay off support in the palm
out both smoking and vaping
cigarettes or you of your hand!
substantially increase your risk of
smoke cigs — or ■ And manage
contracting the virus — probably
by altering your immune response both — it’s import- your withdrawal
to infection. According to a study ant to stop. You’ll Drs. Oz and Roizen symptoms with
published in the American Journal protect your lungs smoking-cessation
of Respiratory Cell and Molecular from damage that products, like a
Biology, electronic cigarette users makes them a target for respira- nicotine patch or gum, exercise,
(just like tobacco cigarette users) tory infections, and you’ll spare deep breathing, meditation and dis-
have a very depressed immune re- your immune system changes that traction, such as playing a digital
sponse to influenza virus infection, weaken your ability to fight off the game.
suggesting increased susceptibility flu and COVID-19. Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of “The
to COVID-19. ■ There are Food and Drug Dr. Oz Show,” and Mike Roizen,
This insight comes on the heels Administration-approved smok- M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and
of a Stanford University School of ing-cessation products. Check out Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleve-
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and young adults who vape are tune into “The Dr. Oz Show” or visit
five times more likely to contract Type in a brand name to see if it’s

Pet therapy: Dogs ease pandemic

isolation for nursing home residents
‘(The dogs have) been on the floors evators, medication carts
and all the other things
she said.

bringing happiness and unconditional they’ll encounter on a

Cohen recalls one
woman who was strug-
love to residents and staff alike.’ Cats are also used
in the pet therapy pro-
gling with anxiety and
Daniel Reingold, founder of the pet therapy program having trouble coping
gram — but only robotic with the new environment
and president and CEO of RiverSpring Health
ones. Hebrew Home has
when she moved into the
BY MARY ESCH old Jeff Philipson, beam- numerous lifelike anima-
home. “Nothing would
The Associated Press ing as he ran his fingers tronic cats that purr and
meow as residents hold get through to her to help
through Zeus’ silky white her,” Cohen said. “But
Eileen Nagle sees her fur while the dog clam- them in their laps and
family in video chats and stroke their fur. “The cats when I brought the dog to
bered on his bed. “I talk
drive-by visits, but that are especially soothing to her, her complete affect
on the phone every day
hasn’t made up for the people with dementia,” changed from crying to
with my daughter and my
lack of warm hugs in the said Catherine Farrell, having her face light up
son, but that’s as good as
nine months since the director of therapeutic ac- and telling stories about
it can get for now.”
pandemic led her nursing tivities, primary dog han- her own experiences.”
When the pandem-
home to shut its doors to dler and owner of Marley.
ic lockdown began in
visitors. “The love of an ani-
March, dog therapy was
Enter Zeus. mal is incredible,” Far-
suspended along with
“Zeus is a friendly lit- rell said. “It releases en-
most other activities at
tle snowball, very happy,” dorphins, reduces blood
the nursing home.
said Nagle, 79, after the pressure, reduces anxi-
peppy bichon frise paid “I decided we needed
ety. For people here who
a visit to her room at He- to re-energize the pet
had animals in their life
brew Home at Riverdale, visiting program since history, seeing dogs trig-
overlooking the Hudson there’s no outside visita- gers memories and opens
River in the Bronx. “Pet- tion allowed,” said Daniel communication.”
ting and playing with Reingold, founder of the While Farrell has to
the dogs breaks up the pet therapy program and remain 6 feet away from
day and gets you to for- president and CEO of Riv- residents and wear a face
get about yourself for a erSpring Health, nonprof- mask and plastic shield,
while.” it operator of 103-year-old Marley can plop his head
Hebrew Home has had Hebrew Home. “They’ve on their beds as they pet
a pet therapy program been on the floors bring- him.
for 20 years; tiny Zeus ing happiness and uncon- “To break through the
and gentle giant Marley ditional love to residents social distancing barrier
the Great Dane are the and staff alike.” is really important,” Far-
current snugglers in resi- The dogs belong to rell said. “It’s one of the
dence. Now, the activities staff members who bring only ways they’re able to
department is expanding them to work every day. touch another living be-
the canine corps with two But the program doesn’t ing and gain satisfaction
new recruits in training allow just any dog. from that physical con-
to give residents more of “It has to be a combi- nection.”
the affectionate physical nation of the right owner, But it’s not just about
contact that has become right dog and right tem- petting a dog, said Oliv-
so scarce and precious in perament,” said Reingold, ia Cohen, dog handler
the coronavirus era. whose own rescue dog, and assistant director of
“It’s uplifting to have Kida, is one of the new re- the therapeutic activities
Zeus come and visit me, cruits. “The dogs have to program. For some resi-
especially with COVID be assessed, follow basic dents, the interaction can
and being restricted to commands and be able to break down barriers and
my room,” said 80-year- cope with wheelchairs, el- open communication and

Continued from Page 1A
filing paperwork with the re-election bid on Face- ed in 2017 to regain her
city clerk’s office to quali- book in November, while seat.
fy for candidacy. Sandra Sistrunk of Ward Beatty won a special
Additionally, five of 2, Hamp Beatty of Ward election in May 2019 to
the seven aldermen will 5, Vice Mayor Roy A. Per- succeed Patrick Miller,
defend their seats. The kins of Ward 6 and Henry who resigned from the
other two, David Little of Vaughn of Ward 7 all told board to take a job in Bi-
Ward 3 and Jason Walk- The Dispatch that they loxi.
er of Ward 4, said in No- will run again. Perkins will seek an
vember they will not seek Sistrunk will be seek- eighth term, and Vaughn
re-election after each ing a third term. She lost will seek a fourth term.
serving two terms. her re-election bid in 2013 The qualifying period
Ward 1 Alderman Ben to former alderman Lisa for city elections begins
Carver announced his Wynn, whom she defeat- Jan. 4.

Continued from Page 1A
ministering the vaccine delay but that Mississip- staff at hospitals and
in Columbus early next pi Department of Health long-term care facilities
week. would send the doses by who are most at risk of
The spokesperson Wednesday. coming into contact with
said Baptist officials were The vaccine is cur- the virus, according to
not sure what caused the rently only available for MSDH.

West preview: LeBron’s Lakers load up for a run at a repeat

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS contract extensions, the looking like the favor- of that. The Lakers fran- eight years, so it won’t be 5. Utah — The Jazz
Lakers added Montre- ites to remain the best chise, the bull’s-eye has easy for any West team to have shooting outside,
LeBron James barely zl Harrell and Dennis in the West and perhaps been on this franchise for snatch it from him. Rudy Gobert inside, and
had time to put down his S c h r o d e r, the whole NBA, which a long time as well. 2. Denver — The Ni- Donovan Mitchell to
latest trophy before hav- who fin- would break a tie with “So understanding koka Jokic-Jamal Murray do it all on nights when
ing to start defending it. ished 1-2 Boston to make them that everyone’s going to combination could be the those things aren’t good
It was an extremely last season the winningest fran- come at us, everyone’s envy of many teams for enough.
short offseason for the in voting chise in league history. going to try to take away years. 6. Phoenix — Unde-
Los Angeles Lakers, for the James won back-to-back from us defending our ti- 3. Los Angeles Clip- feated run in the bubble
who won their 17th NBA Sixth Man titles in Miami and un- tle. But for me personally, pers — Kawhi Leonard, followed by the acquisi-
championship on Oct. A w a r d . derstands the difficulty last year we won the ring, Paul George will have to tion of Chris Paul has the
11. That didn’t leave F o r m e r James in trying to stay on top. we won a title and this shake off an ugly ending Suns thinking big.
much time for rest and Defensive “I guess the bull’s-eye year is a new challenge.” to last season when they 7. Dallas — Luka Don-
relaxation before get- Player of just becomes even great- A look at the West, in start up again under new cic might very well win
ting back to work in ad- the Year Marc Gasol er, even if that’s even predicted order of regu- coach Tyronn Lue. the MVP award, but Kri-
vance of their Dec. 22 now mans the middle possible,” said James, lar-season finish: 4. Portland — Damian staps Porzingis needs to
season opener. and Wesley Matthews beginning his 18th sea- Lillard and CJ McCollum stay healthy to be in the
But it was long will be counted on to son. “For me personally, Playoff bound might finally have the lineup with him for the
enough to load up for a knock down the open the bull’s-eye has always 1. Los Angeles Lakers health and talent in their Mavericks to win much
run at a repeat. shots created by James, been on my back, or my — Once LeBron James frontcourt to allow the more than that.
Besides signing who led the league last front, since I entered the had his grip on the East- Trail Blazers to play like 8. Houston — Could
James and fellow super- season in assists. league and then you add ern Conference title in they did in the bubble all finish much higher — or
star Anthony Davis to That has the Lakers in the Laker name on top 2011, he held onto it for season. See WEST, 2B


ride big
first half to MSU blows out MVSU
win over in nonconference finale

Giovani Bernard scored
two first-half touch-
downs after turnovers
and the Cincinnati Ben-
gals held on to stun the
badly slumping Pitts-
burgh Steelers 27-17 on
Monday night.
The Bengals led
17-0 at halftime and
survived a rally by the
Steelers, who lost their
third straight after 11
consecutive wins to
start the season. Pitts-
burgh didn’t get a first
down until more than
halfway through the
second quarter.
Cincinnati (3-10 -1)
snapped a streak of 11
straight losses to Pitts-
burgh in most unlike-
ly fashion, with Ryan
Finley at quarterback.
The second-year play-

bowl season
makes it more
important to
watch’em all

Well, hope you’re

happy, Mr. (or Miss)
There Are Too Many Mississippi State athletics
Bowls guy (or gal). MSU forward Tolu Smith (35) dunks the basketball Monday against Mississippi Valley State. MSU defeated MVSU 87-48.
This long season
through a pandemic has BY GARRICK HODGE posed much of a challenge to backbreaking losses either. game in the starting lineup,
whittled the bowl lineup the Bulldogs, as On Monday, MSU broke Jalen Johnson scored in dou-
from the 43 that were
ranks Mississippi Valley State away from its trend from the ble figures (10) for the sec-
originally scheduled to STARK VILLE — ‘Twas as the worst Division I men’s previous four home games, ond straight game, while Tolu
fewer than 30. That’s a four days before Christmas at basketball team (out of 357 not wasting any time separat- Smith picked up a double-dou-
lot less college football Mississippi State’s house. teams). In its seven games en- ing itself from an inferior op- ble with 13 points and 12 re-
and there is no reason Limited fans were stirring, tering play, the closest MVSU ponent. At the half, MSU led bounds. Quinten Post was the
to be happy it. watching a rout. The Bulldogs
Most of us will miss had come to a victory was a 42-25. MVSU went without a other MSU player in double
did their best to treat the ball 27-point defeat. In their other field goal the last 6 minutes of figures with 10 points.
the Bahamas Bowl, with care, while Mississip-
with its track around 6 games, the Delta Devils had the half, causing MVSU coach “I know my role now and
pi Valley State’s shots found lost by point spreads of 80, 54, Lindsey Hunter to throw down know what coach Howland ex-
the field. And the Guar- mostly air.
anteed Rate Bowl, what- 36, 39, 37 and 43. MVSU lived his clipboard in a timeout right pects of me,” Post said of com-
Made up Christmas poems up to its billing (or lack there- before halftime. The lead only ing off the bench.
ever that is and wherev-
aside, Mississippi State (5-3) of ) by shooting 28.6 percent grew larger from there and in- The Bulldogs destroyed
er it was to be played.
ran roughshod through the from the floor and getting flated in the final minutes af- the Delta Devils in transition,
It is understandable
why so many teams Christmas-colored Delta Dev- outrebounded 47-24. Vegas ter both teams emptied their scoring 28 fastbreak points
were not keen on keep- ils (0 -8) Monday at Humphrey had the Bulldogs as a 37-point bench. while shooting 55.9 percent
ing this slog of a season Coliseum, picking up a 87-48 favorite before tipoff, with Leading the Bulldogs in from the field in the contest.
going. Those that decid- victory in its final nonconfer- Howland’s bunch covering the scoring was Iverson Molinar If there was any negative, it
ed to suit up one more ence game. spread by two points. with 18 points on a 6 of 10 came from the foul line, as the
time deserve a round of “I’ll give them some cred- Regardless of who it shooting effort, followed by Bulldogs shot a subpar 12-of-
applause. it, this game, the final score played, a win’s a win, so they D.J. Stewart, who chipped in 22 from the charity stripe.
This season, this didn’t feel like a 40 -point (win) say, and MSU will now set its 15 points while going 5-of-8 “Our foul shooting is still
year, has been anything to be honest with you,” MSU eyes on facing Southeastern from the floor. really disappointing,” How-
but ordinary, but bowl coach Ben Howland said. “I’m Conference opponent Georgia “Iverson and D.J. are fast land said.
season is still great and glad we got a lot of guys the in eight days. The Bulldogs’ forming one of the best back- MSU is back in action at
there is a good reason to chance to play tonight.” NCA A tournament resume courts in the SEC in my opin- 6 p.m. on Dec. 30 in its SEC
The in-state visitors didn’t to this point lacks any quali- ion,” Howland said. opener against Georgia on the
See BOWLS, 2B bolster a roster on paper that ty wins, but doesn’t have any In his second consecutive road.
2B TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
watch each and every one year senior who was in the SERVPRO First Re- lyptic at times. Clemson QB Trevor Law-
of the games: same recruiting class as sponder Bowl (Dallas): No. Music City Bowl Pick: Arkansas 24-21. rence and Ohio State QB
Famous Idaho Potato Sam Darnold, Josh Rosen 16 Louisiana-Lafayette vs. (Nashville, Tenn.): No. 17 Justin Fields.
Bowl (Boise, Idaho): Tu- and Kyler Murray. UTSA (plus 13 1/2) Iowa (minus 14 1/2) vs. Peach Bowl (Atlanta): Pick: Clemson 31-28.
lane (minus 3) vs. Nevada Pick: Memphis 24-21. Why watch? A coach Missouri No. 6 Cincinnati vs. No.
Why watch? About half who turns down Auburn Why watch? Hawkeyes 11 Georgia (minus 6 1/2) Gator Bowl (Jackson-
Tulane’s game this season New Mexico Bowl (Fris- to stay with the Ragin’ Ca- closed with a six-game Why watch? Bear- ville, Fla.): No. 24 North
have been bonkers, with co, Texas): Hawaii (plus juns? Check out ULL’s Bil- winning streak and cats get the opportuni- Carolina State (plus 2
huge blown leads, wild 13) vs. Houston ly Napier. At some point, might be the second-best ty to score a victory for 1/2) vs. Kentucky
comebacks and late-game Why watch? Hawaii in he will be coaching in the team in the Big Ten. all those disrespected Why watch? The eight-
heroics. Plus, its Angry the New Mexico Bowl in Power Five. Pick: Iowa 38-21. Group of Five teams. win team is an underdog
Wave helmet logo sort of Texas on Christmas Eve is Pick: Louisiana-Lafay- These Bulldogs, with J.T. to the four-win team,
looks like it could be one maybe the most 2020 bowl ette 28-17. Cotton Bowl (Arling- Daniels at quarterback, which is weird.
of Santa’s elves and will experience. ton, Texas): No. 8 Okla- might be looking to set Pick: N.C. State 23-20.
help you get in the holiday Pick: Houston 31-24 Lendingtree Bowl (Mo- homa (plus 3) vs. No. 10 the tone for next season.
spirit. bile, Ala.): Western Ken- Florida Picks: Georgia 27-20. Outback Bowl (Tampa,
Pick: Tulane 31-27. Camellia Bowl (Mont- tucky (plus 4 1/2) vs. Geor- Why watch: The Big Fla.): No. 7 Indiana (mi-
gomery, Ala.): Buffalo vs. gia State 12 team is the one with Citrus Bowl (Orlando, nus 6 1/2) vs. Ole Miss
Boca Raton (Fla.) Bowl: Marshall (plus 3) Why watch: A lot of peo- the pretty good defense. Fla.): No. 15 Northwest- Why watch? How will
UCF vs. No. 13 BYU (mi- Why watch? Interesting ple are really interested in Crazy, right? ern vs. Auburn (plus 3 excitable Indiana coach
nus 7) matchup of strength vs. what’s going on in the state Pick: Oklahoma 35-31. 1/2) Tom Allen celebrate with
Why watch? When your strength. Marshall has the of Georgia these days. Why watch? North- his players and will he
friends are talking about fourth-best run defense in This is more fun. Armed Forces Bowl western is trying to ex- survive it? He says he has
Trevor Lawrence and Jus- the country and allowed Pick: Western Ken- (Fort Worth, Texas): No. tend a three-game bowl
gotten black eyes and
tin Fields being the top four rushing TDs in nine tucky 23-21. 22 Tulsa (minus 2) vs. winning streak. Not a big
lost teeth before from
two quarterbacks in the games. Behind RB Jaret Mississippi State. deal for many schools,
sideline antics.
2021 NFL draft, you can Patterson, Buffalo leads Cheez-It Bowl (Orlando, Why watch? Tulsa LB but the Wildcats did not
Pick: Indiana 42-31.
say: “But have you seen the nation in rushing and Fla.): No. 18 Miami (plus Zaven Collins is a pos- win a bowl game until
Zach Wilson from BYU?” has 30 rushing TDs in six 2) vs. Oklahoma State sible NFL first-rounder 2012 and have won four
Fiesta Bowl (Glendale,
Also, you can start talking games. Why watch? The Jim- and the only player in the of five since.
my Johnson Bowl, the Ariz.): No. 12 Iowa State
up UCF’s Dillon Gabriel Pick: Marshall 28-24. country with at least four Picks: Northwestern
for the 2022 draft. winner gets to claim the interceptions and four 23-20. vs. No. 25 Oregon (plus 4)
Pick: BYU 45-35. Gasparilla Bowl (Tam- former coach all to its sacks. Why watch? Oregon
pa, Fla.): UAB (minus 6) own. Pick: Tulsa 27-20. College Football Play- DE Kayvon Thibodeaux
New Orleans Bowl: Lou- vs. South Carolina Pick: Miami 27-23. off Semifinal (Arlington, was a monster in the Pac-
isiana Tech vs. Georgia Why watch? You can Alamo Bowl (San An- Arizona Bowl: No. 19 Texas): No. 1 Alabama 12 championship game
Southern (minus 5 1/2) say you watched the first tonio): No. 20 Texas vs. San Jose State vs. Ball (minus 19 1/2) vs. No. 4 and will be one of the
Why watch? You still — and hopefully the last — Colorado (plus 12) State (plus 7) Notre Dame best defensive players in
have Christmas shopping bowl game with a 2-8 team. Why watch? If you Why watch? Arizona Why watch? The last the country in 2021.
to do? It’s a pandemic! Shop Pick: UAB 31-21. want to watch a Pac-12 needs a coach and San time the Crimson Tide Pick: Oregon 27-24.
online and enjoy Georgia team this bowl season, Jose State’s Brent Bren- played the Fighting Irish
Southern’s triple-option. Cure Bowl (Orlando, this is one of two oppor- nan is a former grad as- in a big postseason game Orange Bowl (Miami
Pick: Georgia Southern Fla.): No. 9 Coastal Caro- tunities. sistant for the Wildcats. it ended 42-14. Can it get Gardens, Fla.): No. 5 Tex-
24-17. lina (minus 6 1/2) vs. No. Pick: Texas 35-27. Will the Spartans get to any worse? as A&M (minus 7) vs. No.
23 Liberty leave with him? Picks: Alabama 45-21. 14 North Carolina
Montgomery (Ala.) Why watch? Watch- Duke’s Mayo Bowl Pick: San Jose State Why watch? Notre
Bowl: Memphis vs. FAU ing the Chanticleers play (Charlotte, N.C.): Wis- 27-22. Sugar Bowl (New Or- Dame’s 31-17 victory
(plus 8) counts as reading Chau- consin (minus 6 1/2) vs. leans): No. 2 Clemson vs. against the Tar Heels
Why watch: Mem- cer. Seriously, just tell your Wake Forest Texas Bowl: TCU vs. No. 3 Ohio State (plus 7 helped keep the Aggies
phis quarterback Brady high school teacher that. Why watch? Wiscon- Arkansas (plus 5 1/2) 1/2) out of the playoff. Think
White plays the final It’s totally cool. sin in the Mayo Bowl. A Why watch? Hogs vs. Why watch? A rematch Texas A&M would like to
college game of a distin- Pick: Coastal Carolina perfect match for all that Frogs sounds like an ap- of last season’s thrilling top that?
guished 12-year career. 31-23. Badgers’ beef up front. propriate way to end a semifinal and the like- Pick: Texas A&M 35-
OK, White’s only a sixth- Pick: Wisconsin 34-24. year that has felt apoca- ly last college game for 24.

Continued from Page 1B
lower — depending on the Grizzlies won’t sneak any season without slotting reach for the franchise. streak of playoff appear- potentially on his way out
what happens with the up on anyone like they did San Antonio into a playoff ances at eight years, amid reports he wants to
James Harden situation last season in a surpris- spot, but Gregg Popovich’s Houston’s problem all since James Harden be traded, Houston goes
that lingers over coach ing run that nearly netted Spurs are no longer the The Rockets have the arrived for the 2012-13 into the season as an
Stephen Silas’ first season. them a playoff spot. surest thing in the NBA. NBA’s longest current season. But with Harden unknown.
15. Oklahoma City —
In the mix Facing long odds The Thunder are stocked
9. New Orleans — The 12. Sacramento — with future draft picks, but
Pelicans have Zion Wil- De’Aaron Fox will have the that’s not going to do them
liamson from the start of Kings playing fast and fun, any good on the court now.
the season this time as but it takes a little more
they begin play under new than that to contend in the L.A.’s other team
coach Stan Van Gundy. West. The Clippers’ collapse
10. Golden State — 13. Minnesota — in the bubble, when they
Stephen Curry will try to Karl-Anthony Towns and blew a 3-1 lead against
shoot the Warriors back D’Angelo Russell are prov- Denver in the Western
into the playoffs, but it en players, but it might Conference finals, cost
won’t be easy with Klay take No. 1 pick Anthony them a showdown with
Thompson set to miss a Edwards time to make an the Lakers and coach Doc
second consecutive sea- NBA impact with such lit- Rivers his job. Tyronn Lue
son with an injury. tle preparation time. will now try to lead them
11. Memphis — Rookie 14. San Antonio — to the NBA Finals spot
of the Year Ja Morant and Seems strange starting that’s remained out of

Continued from Page 1B
er, making his first start ting a pass-interference Quarterback shuffle
in place of injured No. call in the end zone on
Finley was the third
1 overall draft pick Joe fourth-and-4 from the
starting QB for the Ben-
Burrow, completed sev- Cincinnati 12.
gals this season. Burrow
en passes for 89 yards, The Steelers got the
suffered his season-end-
but his 23-yard touch- ball back with 2:17 left ing knee injury on Nov.
down run early in the in the game at their own 22 and Brandon Allen
fourth quarter all but 24 but four incomplete started the next three
sealed it for the Bengals. passes by Ben Roethlis-
It was the second games, all losses. Allen
berger all but finished suffered a knee injury in
huge upset of this NFL it. Austin Seibert kicked
weekend. Pittsburgh a loss to the Dallas Cow-
a 33-yard field goal with boys on Dec. 13.
was a 14-point favorite, 12 seconds left for the fi-
and the Los Angeles
nal margin.
Rams were favored by
In the first half, Ber-
Watt’s up
17 before losing to the With a first-quarter
nard ran for a touch- sack, Steelers LB T.J.
previously winless New
York Jets on Sunday. It down after Pittsburgh Watt joined Hall of Fam-
was the first time since lost a fumble and then ers Reggie White and
the 1970s that two teams caught a 14-yard pass Derrick Thomas as the
favored by 14 points or from Finley for a score, only players to record at
more lost on the same two plays after Roethlis- least 13 sacks in three of
weekend. berger was picked off by their first four seasons.
Three weeks ago, the Mackensie Alexander.
Steelers (11-3) were on The Bengals held Ro-
track for the top overall ethlisberger to 19 pass-
Steelers: FB Derek
seed in the AFC, but now ing yards in the first Watt went to the lock-
they could end up a wild half. He finished 20 for er room with a possible
card. Pittsburgh has 38 for 170 yards with a concussion in the first
tough matchups remain- touchdown and an inter- quarter and was ruled
ing against Indianapolis ception. out. TE Eric Ebron suf-
(10 -4) and Cleveland Bernard had 25 car- fered a back injury in
(10 -4), which trails the ries for 83 yards as the second quarter and
Steelers by one game in the Bengals stuck to a did not return.
the AFC North. ground-heavy approach Bengals: Tyler Boyd,
The Steelers rallied with Finley under cen-
within 17-10 in the sec- Cincinnati’s top receiv-
ter. er, suffered a concus-
ond half before Finley
ran untouched around sion in the first quarter.
the left side for a 23-yard Making the trip
touchdown with 11:21 There were more Up next
left in the game to push Terrible Towels than Steelers: Host India-
the lead back to 14. Bengals jerseys in Paul napolis on Sunday.
Pittsburgh scored Brown Stadium, where Bengals: Visit the
again on a plunge by the limited crowd was Houston Texans on Sun-
Bennie Snell after get- announced at 10,249. day.
The Dispatch • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 3B

La Russa resolves DUI case, feels ‘deep remorse and regret’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS would never happen again. fully clear to me is if I have ly this gets at you and has the manager job. The team said Monday
La Russa’s Arizona a drink I will not drive. bothered me for a long “Before the conversa- in a statement that it under-
CHICAGO — White arrest occurred Feb. 24, There’s always an alterna- time,” he said. “Obviously tions got serious at all, I stands “the anger and con-
Sox manager Tony La Rus- but the charges were filed tive.” I displayed bad judgment made sure that I informed cern expressed by some
sa says he doesn’t have a Oct. 28 — one day before Authorities say La Rus- that night in February.” them that there was this about hiring Tony under
drinking problem. He also he was hired to manage sa, who won a World Se- La Russa, the oldest mistake situation in Feb-
these circumstances.” It
says he has to prove that the Chicago White Sox. ries with Oakland and two manager in the majors, ruary that was now getting
with his behavior. also said La Russa knows
He pleaded guilty to reck- more with St. Louis, blew was hired by Chicago in a close to coming to some
The 76-year-old La less driving in Maricopa out a tire on the grey Lex- surprise move after Rick kind of conclusion,” he “there is no safety net be-
Russa pleaded guilty Mon- County Justice Court and us he was driving. The Hall Renteria was let go in what said, “and their decision low him.”
day to a lesser charge was sentenced to one day of Fame manager smashed the team said was a mutual was that it is a mistake, “Tony has a proud and
to resolve misdemeanor of home detention, a fine of into a curb, leaving the ve- decision. He is friends with they know how serious it productive history with
drunken driving charges nearly $1,400 and 20 hours hicle smoking. Tests tak- White Sox owner Jerry is, but they decided to sup- the White Sox and Major
stemming from his arrest of community service. en the night of his arrest Reinsdorf and started his port me and I appreciate League Baseball, which
nearly 10 months ago on a “I know I don’t have a showed his blood alcohol managing career with the them for that.” is why we are standing by
freeway in metro Phoenix. drinking problem, just like concentration was .095 — team during the 1979 sea- Coming off their first him,” the team said. “He
La Russa also pleaded I know I made a serious above the legal limit of .08. son. playoff appearance since has done his job exception-
guilty to driving under mistake in February,” La La Russa said he feels He is returning to the 2008, the White Sox are re- ally well in the past. He has
the influence in Florida Russa said on a conference “deep remorse and regret” dugout for the first time garded as one of baseball’s
always shown an ability
in 2007 after police found call with reporters, “and about what happened. He since 2011, when he led up-and-coming clubs head-
him asleep inside his run- to inspire his players and
where I am right now is underwent 20 hours of al- St. Louis past Texas in the ing into next season. But
ning SUV at a stop light to prove that I don’t have cohol counseling after his World Series. skepticism about the hiring to bring his teams to a
and smelling of alcohol. a drinking problem and arrest, which he described La Russa said he let of La Russa was compound- championship level. We
After the 2007 case was re- to prove it every day off as “very helpful.” the White Sox know about ed by his arrest, making a are confident that Tony
solved, La Russa accepted the field that I’m going to “It’s impossible to ex- his arrest when they ex- dent in the positive picture will improve our team,
responsibility and said it handle it and what’s pain- plain how daily and deep- pressed interest in him for surrounding the franchise. while improving himself.”

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: open a present for us. She prioritized her
I raised my and play with boyfriend over us kids and
kids right it. Would it be engaged in crazy behavior.
as a single mom. wrong for me to She would chase us with
I took pride in just stop buying knives, walk around naked
supporting them gifts? — GENER- and expect us to accompany
and giving them OUS GRANNY IN her to throw garbage on her
what they need- OHIO boyfriend’s car.
ed and wanted. DEAR GEN- I’m not a bad person.
I have a EROUS GRANNY: I don’t wish any harm on
daughter who This is some- her, but she’s not part of
lives out of town thing you should my life for a reason. As she
ZITS with her husband discuss with approaches death, how do I
and children. I your daughter. deal with this? No one should
don’t get to see Could it be that die alone. None of my sib-
them often, so I your grandchil- lings want anything to do with
love buying them Dear Abby dren have so her, either. What do I even
gifts that are many toys at say? — POST-TRAUMATIC IN
waiting for them home that there CALIFORNIA
when they get here. For the isn’t room for more? DEAR POST-TRAUMATIC:
kids’ birthdays and holidays, I’m not sure why your What do you even say ... to
I always have nice gifts for daughter would “smirk and WHOM? To the person who
them, too. laugh” when “someone” informed you that your moth-
For the past few years, mentions the gifts left behind er has little time left? To your
my daughter has refused to when your family leaves. That mother if you choose to be
take any of the gifts home kind of behavior is rude. But I with her? Are you sure your
GARFIELD with her, so the toys sit in don’t think children should be mother wants you there?
my spare rooms. She smirks punished for something their Because you asked for my
and laughs when someone parent does. To deny them advice, I am suggesting that
says something about leaving gifts on birthdays and Christ- you may have fewer regrets
behind the gifts I buy. She mas because of it would be — and less anger, righteous
and her husband stay at my petulant and a mistake. as it may be — if you are
house when they visit, so the DEAR ABBY: My mother with her at the end. You
kids play with their toys then. is close to death. I haven’t don’t have to say anything
I’m hurt by her lack of had contact with her in 30 more than, “Mom, I’m here
appreciation and have decid- years. While we were growing for you,” if you don’t wish to.
ed to stop buying anything up and even into adulthood, From your description of her,
for the kids on holidays or she was incredibly abusive, your mother may have had
birthdays. I don’t enjoy giving neglectful and manipulative. serious emotional problems
monetary gifts. I want to see She didn’t provide the basic for much of her life. Please al-
the kids’ faces when they needs of food and clothing low me to offer my sympathy.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Dec. outdone, champ! formulate your opinion, write it
22). Doors open this year, TAURUS (April 20-May 20). out, check it. The high level of
doors to opportunity, adventure, The reason to be confident care you give to communication
friendship, and doors to where isn’t so that you can feel better will pay off in interesting ways.
the money is. Each opening is about what you’re doing. The LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). May-
remarkable in its way, though confidence is for them. It will be you’re not the one making
none so much as the opening help them feel stable. From that a decision, but if you’re pretty
of the innermost door, which stability, all can do their best sure you’re not going to rebel,
happens solely at your discre- work. then get on board as quickly as
tion (though with consent partly GEMINI (May 21-June 21). possible. The reward will be the
unconscious) because love is One reason you strive to listen thrill of momentum, which is
BABY BLUES worth it. Cancer and Scorpio and observe keenly is because lost on those who hesitate and
adore you. Your lucky numbers you realize the power that lends. vacillate.
are: 3, 38, 2, 25 and 16. To see something in a person VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
ARIES (March 21-April 19). they cannot seem to and relay People around you have had
There’s something you’re better it with gentle clarity — this is a enough of superficiality. They
at than anyone around. The fact rare and life-changing gift. long for the kind of fresh depth
that it’s offbeat makes it all the CANCER (June 22-July 22). that you so readily offer in even
more exciting. Acknowledge, And if you can’t seem to drum the most casual of interactions.
praise, celebrate this unique up confidence in your message, It’s no wonder you’re so popular.
manner in which you can’t be say nothing. Do more research, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Act practically; act now. To
dilly-dally is to fall prey to the
perils of doubt and inertia. Con-
sider that most of the evil in the
world is not a product of active
BEETLE BAILEY malevolence but of stagnation.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
The key to change isn’t anything
particularly magical. Instead,
it’s in creating different rhythms
and patterns in your days.
Experiment with it. How can
you make healthy habits more
addicting so they’ll catch on?
21). You’ll be the initiator of
wonderful things, for instance
connecting with friends, per-
haps remotely. Bonds will be
strengthened through laughter
Jan. 19). Certain forces gain
intensity as they lose visibility.
Persuasion is like this. Influence
is most effective when it is
unfelt. Love is the opposite. It’s
strongest when demonstrated
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). A solitary mood sets in
for part of the day, providing a
chance to hear quiet messages
from your own heart. Out of
caring and curiosity, people will
FAMILY CIRCUS check in whether you want them
to or not.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). As for rock-solid stability,
there is very little of it in the civ-
ilized world. However, if you can
promise to be there for yourself
and accept yourself as you are,
the trouble (which springs from
insecurity) will avoid you.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

4B TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020 The Dispatch •
Notice is hereby given that and sell said land and property DOE N/K/A MARTY ATKINS Trust in the place and stead of

sealed bids or electronic bids in accordance with the terms of AND THE UNKNOWN OCCU- Trustee, J. Douglas Dalrymple,
will be received for the project said Deed of Trust and for the PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane. and in said Correction and Ap-
named below by Mississippi
University for Women, 1100
College Street, MUW-1628,
Ads appear in The Commercial Dispatch,
purpose and satisfying the
sums due thereunder, togeth-
er with attorney's fees,
Columbus, MS 39705
pointment of Substitute Trust-
ee in place and stead of Sub-
stituted Trustee, Charles E.
Columbus, Mississippi 39701
until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday,
January 14, 2021.
sale. The Starkville Dispatch and Online
trustee's fees and expense of CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2

Yow, II, Esq., by instrument
dated November 16, 2020,
and recorded on November 20,
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph- 2020, in Mort. Book 2020 at
Location for Receipt of Bids: er D. Hemphill, Trustee of said
Deed of Trust will on the 23rd
THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI To place ads starting at only $12, pages 30954-30956, in the of-
fice of the Chancery Clerk of
Mississippi University for Wo-
day of December 2020 offer for
sale at public outcry for cash to Atkins
call 662-328-2424 or visit
TO: John Doe, n/k/a Marty Lowndes County, Mississippi;
Whitfield Hall, Office of Re- the highest bidder, and sell
sources Management within legal hours (being You have been made a Defend- WHEREAS, default having been
1100 College Street, MUW- between the hours of 11:00 ant in theTHE suit DISPATCH
filed in this n CDISPATCH.COM n TUESDAY, DECEMBER made in the terms 22, 2020 n 5B
and condi-
1628 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) at the Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage tions of said Deed of Trust and
Columbus Mississippi 39701 south east front door of the Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff, the entire debt secured
Lowndes County Courthouse at seeking possession of prop- thereby, having been declared
OR 505 2nd Avenue North, Colum- erty at 106 Westview Lane, to be due and payable in ac-
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal County
bus, Notices of Lowndes, State Legal Notices MS 39705. Defend- Legal Notices
Columbus, Legal Noticeswith the terms of said

Location for Receipt of Elec- of Mississippi, the following de- ants other than you are De- Deed of Trust, and the legal
tronic Bids: IN THE COUNTY COURT OF scribed property situated in lores Atkins and the Unknown BEFORE THE MISSISSIPPI PUB- holder of said indebtedness, LOWNDES COUNTY Lowndes County, Mississippi, Occupants of 106 Westview LIC SERVICE COMMISSION Lawrence P. Walker, having re-
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI together with all improvements Lane, Columbus, MS 39705. quested the undersigned Sub-
Call us: 662-328-2424 Plans and Specifications En-
and appurtenances now erec-
ted on, and all fixtures of any You are summoned to appear
2020-AD-191 stituted Trustee to execute the
trust and sell said land and
QUISITION CORP., kind, or description now at- and defend against the Com- DR. BRICE AND SHANEEKA property in accordance with the
Legal Notices Mississippi University for Wo- PLAINTIFF, tached to said land: plaint or Petition filed against MILLER terms of said Deed of Trust
men you in this action at 1:30 and for the purpose and satis-
The following vehicle has been Library and Educational Build- VS. Commencing at the Southeast o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of VS fying the sums due thereunder,
abandoned at Auto Mart LLC, ing corner of the Southwest January, 2021, before Judge Al- together with attorney's fees,
1009 Gardner Blvd., Colum- Miscellaneous Reroofing - DELORES A. ATKINS; JOHN Quarter of the Southwest lison Kizer, in the courtroom of WILCO SEWER AND WATER Substitute Trustee's fees and
bus, MS 39702. 2020 DOE N/K/A MARTY ATKINS Quarter of Section 3, Township the Lowndes County Court loc- expense of sale.
Columbus, Mississippi AND THE UNKNOWN OCCU- 20 South, Range 17 West, ated at 502 2nd Avenue, IN RE: FORMAL COMPLAINT OF
2009 Chev Malibu PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane. Lowndes County, Mississippi; Columbus, Mississippi, and in DR. BRICE AND SHANEEKA NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph-
VIN: 1G1ZG57B394100647 May be inspected at the office Columbus, MS 39705 thence North a distance of 533 case of your failure to appear MILLER AGAINST WILCO SEW- er D. Hemphill, Substituted
of the Architect named below, DEFENDANTS. feet; thence West a distance of and defend a judgment will be ER AND WATER Trustee of said Deed of Trust
This vehicle will be put up for or may be obtained from the Ar- 100 feet to a point on the entered against you for the will on the 23rd day of Decem-
sale on the 23rd day of Decem- chitect as set out below: CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2 West Side of a paved county money or other things deman- NOTICE ber 2020 offer for sale at pub-
ber, 2020 at 10am at Auto road known as Spurlock Road, ded in the Complaint or Peti- lic outcry for cash to the
Mart LLC 1009 Gardner Blvd., Qualified Prime (General) Con- SUMMONS said point being 20 feet from tion. NOTICE is hereby given that a highest bidder, and sell within
Columbus, MS 39702. tractors, Subcontractors, and centerline; thence Northeast- Formal Complaint was filed legal hours (being between the
Material Suppliers are required THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI erly along the said West side of You are not required to file an with the Mississippi Public Ser- hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00
Publish: 12/16 & 12/22/2020 to register and order bid docu- Spurlock Road a distance of answer or other pleading but vice Commission on November p.m.) at the south east front
ments at TO: Delores A. Atkins 388 feet; thence North 23 de- you may do so if you desire. 17, 2020, by Dr. Brice and door of the Lowndes County
grees 27 minutes East along Shaneeka Miller against Wilco Courthouse at 505 2nd Aven-
BEFORE THE MISSISSIPPI PUB- Bid documents are available as You have been made a Defend- the said West a distance of 75 Issued under my hand and the Sewer and Water. ue North, Columbus, County of
LIC SERVICE COMMISSION paper prints or as digital cop- feet; thence North 22 degrees seal of said Court, this 8th day Lowndes, State of Mississippi,
ant in the suit filed in this
ies on CD. Cost of CD (.pdf Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage 05 minutes East along the said of December, 2020. The Mississippi Public Service the following described prop-
2020-UA-203 Format) is $50 per CD. Bid doc- West side a distance of 200
Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff, Commission has examined the erty situated in Lowndes
uments are non-refundable and seeking possession of prop- feet to an iron pipe; thence Lowndes County Court Clerk Request, and is hereby issuing County, Mississippi, together
MS SOLAR 5, LLC must be purchased through the North 24 degrees 19 minutes 502 2nd Avenue
erty at 106 Westview Lane, Notice of said Request, pursu- with all improvements and ap-
website. Columbus, MS 39705. Defend- East along the West side a dis- Columbus, MS 39703 ant to its' Public Utility Rules of purtenances now erected on,
IN RE: PETITION OF MS SOLAR tance of 210.69 feet; thence and all fixtures of any kind, or
ants other than you are John Practice and Procedure,
5 LLC, FOR A CERTIFICATE OF Questions regarding website re- North 25 degrees 30 minutes (Seal) description now attached to
Doe, n/k/a Marty Atkins and (RP11.101.3).
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NE- gistration and online orders the Unknown Occupants of 106 East along the said West side By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. said land:
CESSITY AUTHORIZING THE please contact our web sup- Westview Lane, Columbus, MS a distance of 94.76 feet to an THEREFORE, Notice is hereby
CONSTRUCTION AND OPERA- port line at (662) 407-0193. iron pipe and being the point of PUBLISH: 12/22/20,
39705. given that this cause is return- 5.14 acres, more or less, lying
TION OF A SOLAR ELECTRIC beginning of the herein de- 12/29/20 & 1/5/21 in the Southwest Quarter of the
able to the next regular meet-
GENERATING AND STORAGE All plan holders are required to scribed tract of land; thence Northwest Quarter of Section
You are summoned to appear ing of the Commission to be
FACILITY IN LOWNDES have a valid email address for continue North 25 degrees 30 6, Township 19 South, Range
and defend against the Com- held at 10:00 A.M., Tuesday,
COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI registration. minutes East along the said IN THE COUNTY COURT OF
plaint or Petition filed against the 12th day of January, 2021, 17 West, Lowndes County, Mis-
you in this action at 1:30 west side a distance of 102.79 LOWNDES COUNTY in the Mississippi Public Ser- sissippi, described as follows:
NOTICE Partial sets will not be issued. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of feet, to an iron pipe; thence vice Commission Hearing
January, 2021, before Judge Al- North 60 degrees 20 minutes Room, 1st Floor, Woolfolk Commencing at the Northwest
Notice is hereby given that on Proposals shall be submitted in J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE AC-
lison Kizer, in the courtroom of West a distance of 423.48 feet State Office Building, Jackson, corner of the Southwest
the 11th day of December, duplicate only upon the blank QUISITION CORP.,
the Lowndes County Court loc- to an iron pipe; thence South Mississippi. If a hearing is re- Quarter of the Northwest
2020, MS Solar 5, LLC filed proposal forms provided with 27 degrees 05 minutes West a PLAINTIFF, Quarter of Section 6; run
ated at 502 2nd Avenue, quired, the Commission, by
with the Mississippi Public Ser- the specifications and must be distance of 102.62 feet to an thence South for 16 feet; run
Columbus, Mississippi, and in subsequent order, will set a
vice Commission the above ref- accompanied by Proposal Se- iron pipe; thence South 60 de- VS. thence East for 22 feet to an
case of your failure to appear time and place for said hear-
erenced matter. curity in the form of Certified grees 20 minutes East a dis- existing fence corner, as the
and defend a judgment will be ing. This cause is subject to
Check or acceptable Bid Bond entered against you for the tance of 426.32 feet to the DELORES A. ATKINS; JOHN being set for disposition on a POINT OF BEGINNING; thence
Any person desiring to particip- in the amount equal to at least point of beginning and contain- DOE N/K/A MARTY ATKINS South 87 degrees 00 minutes
money or other things deman- hearing date not less than
ate in or receive further notice five percent (5%) of the Base ing 1.0 acres, more or less, AND THE UNKNOWN OCCU-
ded in the Complaint or Peti- twenty (20) days from the date East along a fence and the
of these proceedings is re- Bid; such security to be for- and being located and situ- PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane. of publication of this Notice. If South right-of-way of a public
quired under RP 6.121 of the feited as liquidated damages, ated in the Southwest Quarter Columbus, MS 39705 protest, answer or other appro- road known as Oswalt Road for
Public Utility Rules of Practice not penalty, by any bidder who of Section 3, Township 20 DEFENDANTS. 415 feet; thence South 00 de-
You are not required to file an priate pleading is on file in re-
and Procedure of Mississippi fails to carry out the terms of South, Range 17 West, grees 09 minutes East for 540
answer or other pleading but sponse to this matter, the
Public Service Commission and the proposal, execute contract Lowndes County, Mississippi. CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2
you may do so if you desire. Commission will consider same feet; thence North 87 degrees
Public Utilities Staff to file a and post-Performance Bond in 00 minutes West parallel with
on said hearing date.
written petition to intervene on the form and amount within the Including the following manu- SUMMONS the South right-of-way of afore-
Issued under my hand and the
or before twenty (20) days from time specified. The Bid Bond, if factured home: 1999 Legend mentioned Oswalt Road for
seal of said Court, this 8th day WITNESS MY HAND AND THE
the publication date of this no- used, shall be payable to the 16x82 Mobile Home, Serial No. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 415 feet to the East right-of-
of December, 2020. OFFICIAL SEAL of the Missis-
tice. Owner. HL11075AL. way of a public road known as
sippi Public Service Commis-
Lowndes County Court Clerk TO: Unknown Occupants sion, on this the 17th day of Crowe Road; thence North 00
This cause is returnable to the Bids on the Project must be re- 1999 Legend 16x82 Mobile degrees 09 minutes West
502 2nd Avenue December, 2020.
regular meeting of the Commis- ceived on or before the period Home, Serial No. HL11075AL. You have been made a Defend- along the East right-of-way of
Columbus, MS 39703
sion to be held at 10:00 A.M., scheduled for the Project and ant in the suit filed in this said Crowe Road and along a
PUBLISH: 12/22/2020
Tuesday, January 12, 2021, at no bid withdrawn after the I WILL CONVEY only such title Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage fence for 540 feet to the POINT
the Mississippi Public Service scheduled closing time for the By: Ann marie Langford, D.C. as is vested in me as Trustee. Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff, OF BEGINNING.
Commission Hearing Room, Project for a period of Thirty seeking possession of prop- SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S NO-
1st Floor, Woolfolk State Of- (30) days. Witness my signature this the erty at 106 Westview Lane, TICE OF SALE I WILL CONVEY only such title
PUBLISH: 12/22/20,
fice Building, Jackson, Missis- 24th day of November 2020. Columbus, MS 39705. Defend- as is vested in me as Substi-
12/29/20 & 1/5/21
sippi. If a hearing is required, All bids submitted in excess of ants other than you are De- WHEREAS, on November 5, tuted Trustee.
the Commission, by sub- $50,000.00 by a Prime or Sub- /s/ Christopher D. Hemphill lores Atkins and John Doe, 2015, Troy Anderson, ex-
sequent order, will set a time contractor to do any erection, TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Christopher D. Hemphill, Trust- n/k/a Marty Atkins. ecuted a Deed of Trust to J. Witness my signature this the
and place for said hearing. This building, construction, repair, ee (MSB #9367) Douglas Dalrymple, Trustee, for 24th day of November 2020.
cause is subject to being set maintenance, or related work WHEREAS, on September 27, Dunn & Hemphill, P.A. You are summoned to appear the benefit of Lawrence P.
for disposition on a hearing must comply with the Missis- 2019, Jeremy Iria Brownlee, a 214 5th Street South and defend against the Com- Walker, which Deed of Trust is /s/ Christopher D. Hemphill
date not less than twenty (20) sippi Contractors Act of 1985, single man, executed a Deed Columbus, MS 39701 plaint or Petition filed against recorded on November 9, Christopher D. Hemphill, Sub-
days from the date of publica- by securing a Certificate of Re- of Trust to Christopher D. you in this action at 1:30 2015, in Mort. Book 2015 at stituted Trustee (MSB #9367)
tion of this Notice. If protest, sponsibility from the State Hemphill, Trustee, for the bene- m o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of pages 24522-24526, in the of- Dunn & Hemphill, P.A.
answer or other appropriate Board of Contractors. Each bid, fit of Joseph Carl Froshour, Telephone: (662) 327-4211 January, 2021, before Judge Al- fice of the Chancery Clerk of 214 5th Street South
pleading is on file in response exceeding $5,000.00, must be which Deed of Trust is recor- Facsimile: (662) 328-3468 lison Kizer, in the courtroom of Lowndes County, Mississippi; Columbus, MS 39701
to this matter, the Commis- accompanied by the Bidder's ded on September 30, 2019, the Lowndes County Court loc- and
sion will consider same on said certified check or a bid bond, in Mort. Book 2019 at pages Posted: 11/30/20 ated at 502 2nd Avenue, m
hearing date. duly executed by the Bidder as 20552-20557 in the office of Columbus, Mississippi, and in WHEREAS, Charles E. Yow, II, Telephone: (662) 327-4211
principal and having surety the Chancery Clerk of Lowndes Publish: 12/1/20, 12/8/20, case of your failure to appear Esq., was duly substituted as Facsimile: (662) 328-3468
WITNESS MY HAND AND THE thereon, a surety company ap- County; and 12/15/20, 12/22/20 and defend a judgment will be Trustee in said Deed of Trust in
OFFICIAL SEAL of the Missis- proved by the Owner and entered against you for the the place and stead of the Posted: 11/30/20
sippi Public Service Commis- signed by an agent, regularly WHEREAS, default having been money or other things deman- Trustee, J. Douglas Dalrymple,
sion, on this, the 16th day of commissioned and licensed to made in the terms and condi- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF ded in the Complaint or Peti- by instrument dated May 15, Publish: 12/1/20, 12/8/20,
December 2020. transact business in Missis- tions of said Deed of Trust and LOWNDES COUNTY tion. 2019, and recorded on June 3, 12/15/20, 12/22/20
sippi, in the amount of five per- the entire debt secured STATE OF MISSISSIPPI 2019, in Mort. Book 2019 at
Katherine Collier cent of the bid. All bid bonds thereby, having been declared You are not required to file an pages 10488-10489, in the of- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
Executive Secretary must be accompanied by the to be due and payable in ac- J.P. MORGAN MORTGAGE AC- answer or other pleading but fice of the Chancery Clerk of
(SEAL) appropriate Power of Attorney. cordance with the terms of said QUISITION CORP., you may do so if you desire. Lowndes County, Mississippi; TATE REEVES GOVERNOR
No Power of Attorney is neces- Deed of Trust, and the legal PLAINTIFF, and
PUBLISH: 12/22/2020 sary with a certified check. holder of said indebtedness, Issued under my hand and the MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF
Joseph Carl Froshour, having VS. seal of said Court, this 8th day WHEREAS, Christopher D. ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Owner reserves the right to requested the undersigned of December, 2020. Hemphill, was duly substituted
reject any and all bids on any Trustee to execute the trust DELORES A. ATKINS; JOHN as Trustee in said Deed of Chris Wells, Interim Executive
Notice is hereby given that or all projects and to waive in- and sell said land and property DOE N/K/A MARTY ATKINS Lowndes County Court Clerk Trust in the place and stead of Director
sealed bids or electronic bids formalities. in accordance with the terms of AND THE UNKNOWN OCCU- 502 2nd Avenue Trustee, J. Douglas Dalrymple, December 1, 2020
will be received for the project said Deed of Trust and for the PANTS OF 106 Westview Lane. Columbus, MS 39703 and in said Correction and Ap-
named below by Mississippi OWNER: purpose and satisfying the Columbus, MS 39705 pointment of Substitute Trust- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
University for Women, 1100 MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY FOR sums due thereunder, togeth- DEFENDANTS. (Seal) ee in place and stead of Sub-
College Street, MUW-1628, WOMEN er with attorney's fees, By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. stituted Trustee, Charles E. Notice is hereby given that the
Columbus, Mississippi 39701 1100 COLLEGE STREET, MUW- trustee's fees and expense of CASE NO. 2020-0045-CV2 Yow, II, Esq., by instrument Mississippi Environmental
until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, 1628 sale. PUBLISH: 12/22/20, dated November 16, 2020, Quality Permit Board will hold a
January 14, 2021. COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI SUMMONS 12/29/20 & 1/5/21 and recorded on November 20, public meeting on Tuesday, at
39701 NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph- 2020, in Mort. Book 2020 at 9:00 a.m. on January 12, 2021
Location for Receipt of Bids: er D. Hemphill, Trustee of said THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI pages 30954-30956, in the of- in the Mississippi Department
ARCHITECT: Deed of Trust will on the 23rd fice of the Chancery Clerk of of Environmental Quality, 515
Mississippi University for Wo- JBHM ARCHITECTS, PA day of December 2020 offer for TO: John Doe, n/k/a Marty Lowndes County, Mississippi; Amite Street, Jackson, Missis-
men P O Box 9127 (39705) sale at public outcry for cash to Atkins and sippi 39201.
Whitfield Hall, Office of Re- 104 THIRD STREET SOUTH the highest bidder, and sell All notices must be
sources Management (39701) within legal hours (being You have been made a Defend- WHEREAS, default having been Consideration will be given to
1100 College Street, MUW- COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI between the hours of 11:00 ant in the suit filed in this emailed to made in the terms and condi- the following surface mining
1628 PH: (662) 329-4883 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.) at the Court by J.P. Morgan Mortgage tions of said Deed of Trust and bond release application (s) :
Columbus Mississippi 39701 south east front door of the Acquisition Corp., Plaintiff, classifieds@ the entire debt secured

DATES OF ADVERTISEMENT: Lowndes County Courthouse at
505 2nd Avenue North, Colum-
seeking possession of prop-
erty at 106 Westview Lane, thereby, having been declared
to be due and payable in ac-
Valley Gravel Company, Al 099,
Permit No. P97-039t Lowndes
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 bus, County of Lowndes, State Columbus, MS 39705. Defend- cordance with the terms of said County, Mississippi
Location for Receipt of Elec- of Mississippi, the following de- ants other than you are De- Deed of Trust, and the legal
tronic Bids: scribed property situated in lores Atkins and the Unknown holder of said indebtedness, The applicant seeks the re- Lowndes County, Mississippi, Occupants of 106 Westview Lawrence P. Walker, having re- lease of 90% of the perform-

Just a click away!

together with all improvements Lane, Columbus, MS 39705. quested the undersigned Sub- ance bond posted to cover the
Plans and Specifications En- and appurtenances now erec- stituted Trustee to execute the reclamation of 7 acres of sur-
titled: ted on, and all fixtures of any You are summoned to appear trust and sell said land and face mined land located in Sec-
kind, or description now at- and defend against the Com- property in accordance with the tion 29, Township 18N, Range
Mississippi University for Wo- tached to said land: plaint or Petition filed against terms of said Deed of Trust 18E, Lowndes County, Missis-
men you in this action at 1:30 and for the purpose and satis- sippi .
Library and Educational Build- Commencing at the Southeast o'clock P.M. on the 14th day of fying the sums due thereunder,
ing corner of the Southwest January, 2021, before Judge Al- together with attorney's fees, All comments must be re-
Miscellaneous Reroofing - Quarter of the Southwest lison Kizer, in the courtroom of Substitute Trustee's fees and ceived by the Office of Geology
2020 Quarter of Section 3, Township the Lowndes County Court loc- expense of sale. no later than January 1, 2021,
Columbus, Mississippi 20 South, Range 17 West, ated at 502 2nd Avenue, in order to forward a copy of
Lowndes County, Mississippi; Columbus, Mississippi, and in NOW, THEREFORE, I, Christoph- the comments to the operator
May be inspected at the office thence North a distance of 533 case of your failure to appear er D. Hemphill, Substituted and to incorporate the com-
of the Architect named below, feet; thence West a distance of and defend a judgment will be Trustee of said Deed of Trust ments into the hearing records
or may be obtained from the Ar- 100 feet to a point on the entered against you for the will on the 23rd day of Decem- as required by law.

The best place for personalized

chitect as set out below: West Side of a paved county money or other things deman- ber 2020 offer for sale at pub-
road known as Spurlock Road, ded in the Complaint or Peti- lic outcry for cash to the For further information, write
Qualified Prime (General) Con- said point being 20 feet from tion. highest bidder, and sell within the Mississippi Department of
tractors, Subcontractors, and centerline; thence Northeast- legal hours (being between the Environmental Quality, Office of

advertising in your community.

Material Suppliers are required erly along the said West side of You are not required to file an hours of 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 Geology, P. O. Box 2279, Jack-
to register and order bid docu- Spurlock Road a distance of answer or other pleading but p.m.) at the south east front son, Mississippi 39225, or call
ments at 388 feet; thence North 23 de- you may do so if you desire. door of the Lowndes County (601) 961-5527.
grees 27 minutes East along Courthouse at 505 2nd Aven-
Bid documents are available as the said West a distance of 75 Issued under my hand and the ue North, Columbus, County of Sincerely,
paper prints or as digital cop- feet; thence North 22 degrees seal of said Court, this 8th day Lowndes, State of Mississippi, James Matheny
ies on CD. Cost of CD (.pdf 05 minutes East along the said of December, 2020. the following described prop- Division Director
Format) is $50 per CD. Bid doc- West side a distance of 200 erty situated in Lowndes Mining and Reclamation Divi-
uments are non-refundable and feet to an iron pipe; thence Lowndes County Court Clerk County, Mississippi, together sion
must be purchased through the North 24 degrees 19 minutes 502 2nd Avenue with all improvements and ap-
website. East along the West side a dis- Columbus, MS 39703 purtenances now erected on, PUBLISH:
tance of 210.69 feet; thence and all fixtures of any kind, or 12/8/2020,12/15/2020,12/
Questions regarding website re- North 25 degrees 30 minutes (Seal) description now attached to 22/20
gistration and online orders East along the said West side By: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. said land:
please contact our web sup- a distance of 94.76 feet to an
port line at (662) 407-0193. iron pipe and being the point of PUBLISH: 12/22/20, 5.14 acres, more or less, lying
beginning of the herein de- 12/29/20 & 1/5/21 in the Southwest Quarter of the
All plan holders are required to scribed tract of land; thence Northwest Quarter of Section


have a valid email address for continue North 25 degrees 30 6, Township 19 South, Range
registration. minutes East along the said 17 West, Lowndes County, Mis-
west side a distance of 102.79 sissippi, described as follows:
Partial sets will not be issued. feet, to an iron pipe; thence

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3

North 60 degrees 20 minutes Commencing at the Northwest
Proposals shall be submitted in West a distance of 423.48 feet corner of the Southwest
duplicate only upon the blank to an iron pipe; thence South Quarter of the Northwest
proposal forms provided with 27 degrees 05 minutes West a Quarter of Section 6; run
the specifications and must be distance of 102.62 feet to an thence South for 16 feet; run
accompanied by Proposal Se- Premium placement
iron pipe; thence South 60 de- Preferred placement in search
thence East for 22 feet to an
curity in the form of Certified grees 20 minutes East a dis- existing fence corner, as the
Check or acceptable Bid Bond
in the amount equal to at least
on classifieds home page.
tance of 426.32 feet to the
point of beginning and contain-
results and highlighted online.
South 87 degrees 00 minutes
ing 1.0 acres, more or less, East along a fence and the

Highlight $3
five percent (5%) of the Base

Graphic $10.50
Bid; such security to be for- and being located and situ- South right-of-way of a public
feited as liquidated damages, ated in the Southwest Quarter road known as Oswalt Road for
not penalty, by any bidder who of Section 3, Township 20 415 feet; thence South 00 de-
fails to carry out the terms of South, Range 17 West, grees 09 minutes East for 540
the proposal, execute contract
and post-Performance Bond in
Highlight your ad
Lowndes County, Mississippi. Enhance your ad with feet; thence North 87 degrees
00 minutes West parallel with
the form and amount within the
time specified. The Bid Bond, if
with a dash of color.
Including the following manu-
factured home: 1999 Legend
an attention getter. the South right-of-way of afore-
mentioned Oswalt Road for
used, shall be payable to the
16x82 Mobile Home, Serial No.
415 feet to the East right-of-
way of a public road known as

Crowe Road; thence North 00
Bids on the Project must be re- 1999 Legend 16x82 Mobile degrees 09 minutes West
ceived on or before the period Home, Serial No. HL11075AL. along the East right-of-way of
scheduled for the Project and said Crowe Road and along a
no bid withdrawn after the I WILL CONVEY only such title fence for 540 feet to the POINT
scheduled closing time for the as is vested in me as Trustee. OF BEGINNING.
Project for a period of Thirty
(30) days. Witness my signature this the I WILL CONVEY only such title
24th day of November 2020. as is vested in me as Substi-
All bids submitted in excess of tuted Trustee.
bond release application (s) :
6B Tuesday, December 22, 2020 The Dispatch •
Valley Gravel Company, Al 099,
Permit No. P97-039t Lowndes
Legal Notices
County, Mississippi Apts For Rent: West Mobile Homes for Rent General Merchandise

The applicant seeks the re- TABLE SAW & FURNITURE
3BR/2BA MH in New Hope.
lease of 90% of the perform- $650 dep + $650/mo. No Craftsman table saw. 10"
ance bond posted to cover the

pets, quiet area. Leave full $100. Craftsman
reclamation of 7 acres of sur-
face mined land located in Sec- name & message, compound miter saw. 12" Visit
205−712−6697. $100. "Tell City" 70" table
tion 29, Township 18N, Range
18E, Lowndes County, Missis- Apartments & Houses w/ extensions rumford for a printable copy of
sippi . finish. Six chairs. $600.
these puzzles.
All comments must be re- 1 Bedrooms CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL!
Utilities & cable included,
"Ethan Allen" china cabinet
w/ hutch. 66" cherry finish.
2 Bedroooms

Support your community this Christmas season by shopping local!

ceived by the Office of Geology from $145/wk − $535/mo $600. "Ethan Allen"
no later than January 1, 2021,
3 Bedrooms Columbus & County School highboy dresser. mahogany
in order to forward a copy of
the comments to the operator locations. 662−242−7653 76" height. $400.
and to incorporate the com- or 601−940−1397. Call 662−368−6779
ments into the hearing records Furnished & Unfurnished
Sporting Goods
1, 2, & 3 Baths
as required by law.

For further information, write

the Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality, Office of
Lease, Deposit
& Credit Check
Open for season!
Geology, P. O. Box 2279, Jack-
Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
son, Mississippi 39225, or call Ads starting at $25 Over 50 years experience!

(601) 961-5527. Repairs, cleaning, refin−
Houses For Sale: East ishing, scopes mounted &
Sincerely, zeroed, handmade knives.
James Matheny
Division Director Apts For Rent: Other FSBO: 4BR/2BA. New roof, Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
new paint, fenced of West Point, turn right on
Mining and Reclamation Divi- Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn
sion backyard, driveway leads
behind house. $128,000. left on Darracott Rd, will
PUBLISH: 662−889−1443. see sign, 2.5mi ahead
12/8/2020,12/15/2020,12/ shop on left.
22/20 Lots & Acreage 662−494−6218.

1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/

Bad Credit Options. Good
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
Call us: 662-328-2424
Mobile Homes for Sale
Ads starting at $12 Sudoku YESTERDAY’S ANSWER

Customer Service
2019 Clayton Mobile Home
Good Things To Eat
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer
LOCAL LAW FIRM is seek- Brand new, never lived in. Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 5 1 7 9 2 8 6 4 3
ing Receptionist/Secretary. Fully furnished, perfect for ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 9 4 6 7 1 3 8 5 2

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Previous experience an older couple or person.
Attached front porch with based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 8 2 5 6 4 1 9 7
helpful but not necessary.
Computer skills a must. roof. May have to be grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 9 8 3 4 7 5 2 6
Email resume to: moved unless lease is given
so thatnumbers.
each row, each The 4 7 5 2 8 6 9 3 1 approved by land owner. object
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
$40,000. 828−674−8659
numbers 2 6 3 1 5 9 4 7 8
General Help Wanted contains the1same to 9 number
6 5 1 4 3 2 7 8 9
the empty spaces so
The Military Square only once. The difficulty
CARPENTER NEEDED w/ at Apartments are now that each row, each 8 2 9 6 7 5 3 1 4
level increases from
least 4 yrs. of experience. accepting applicants! column and each 7 3 4 8 9 1 2 6 5
Ideal candidate will have an We have 1, 2, and 3 Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 12/21

bedroom units available.

eye for detail, be depend-
All apartments are newly Ads starting at $12 the same number only once. The difficulty level
able, have good communic-
ation skills, reliable trans- remodeled, and include: increases from Monday to Sunday.
portation & basic tools. We New Washer/Dryer, New Appliances
specialize in home remod- Refrigerator, New A/C Unit!
els & new construction. Appliances! Brand new In
We also offer rent box Electrolux front load
Call 662-312-3130 for info. discounts for: washer. Kenmore gas
−Active Military range/oven and front and
−Veterans front load Electrolux washer

Rentals −Seniors
Call us at: 662−205−0005
both only 2 years old. Call
for price or to come check
out... 662−435−7232.
Ads starting at $25
COLEMAN Firewood / Fuel
Five Questions:
2−3BR/1BA DUPLEX, 662−295−2274.
1 “Hidden
newly renovated with bonus
room. HUD accepted.
2 BEDROOMS Furniture
3 BEDROOMS West Point:
GE Washer, almost new,
© The Dispatch

1 & 2 BR near hospital. $450.

$595−$645 monthly. DEPOSIT Dryer, good cond, $125.

2 Contact
Call anytime,
Military discount, pet area, AND 662−275−7679.
pet friendly, and furnished
corporate apts.
24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL General Merchandise
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 662-329-2323 Roper Dryer, standard size,
ON SITE MANAGEMENT. good condition, $200.
2411 HWY 45 N
3 Pig
24−HOUR CAMERA 662−312−6617.
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446.
Houses For Rent: North
Sell idle items
with a quick action 4 San Diego
2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3
classified ad.
bath townhouses. $650 to
5 “Blackstar”
$750. 662−549−9555.
Ask for Glenn or text.

1 Annual visitor
6 Christmas song
11 Seething
12 Sun Valley’s
13 Christmas
15 Capitol Bldg.
16 Had a banquet
17 — Angeles
18 Winter wrap
20 Winter quaff
23 “The Lion
King” hero
27 Actor Rickman
28 Christmas
song DOWN 22 Scoundrel
29 Army doc 1 Easy targets 24 Unruly group
31 Defy authority 2 Skilled 25 Garden visitor
32 One of Santa’s 3 Person, place 26 Maximum
reindeer or thing amount
34 Stunned 4 “A Christmas 30 Excessively
wonder Carol” lad precious
37 Keyboard key 5 Llama’s cousin 31 Gift-wrapping
38 Old hand 6 Apple drinks stuff
41 Christmas 7 Find a sum 33 Golf goal
treat 8 Track part 34 Gets older
44 North Pole 9 Cry of distress 35 Heir list
crew 10 Fireplace stack 36 Jealousy’s kin
45 Chicago 14 Hagen of 38 Casserole bits
airport acting 39 Quite uncom-
46 With cunning 18 Boom type mon
47 Carrots for 19 Penalized 40 Keats works

Service Directory
snowmen, maybe 20 Motor part 42 Salon stuff
21 Bullring cry 43 Pi follower

Promote your small business starting at only $25

Air Cond & Heating General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping


cooling. Home & RV. & Bonded. Carpentry, minor LANDSCAPING L.L.C.
Service & install. electrical, minor plumbing, Phone: 662−549−1878
Free estimates. insulation, painting, demo− Landscaping, Property
Call 602−736−4880. lition, gutters cleaned, Clean Up, Plant Care,
pressure washing, land− Bush Hogging,
scaping, cleanup work. Herbicide Spraying
General Services 662−242−3608.
Painting & Papering
Bucket truck & stump Lawn Care / Landscaping QUALITY PAINTING.
removal. Free est. Ext/Int Painting.
Serving Columbus JESSE & BEVERLY’S Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
since 1987. Senior LAWN SERVICE Repair. Pressure Washing.
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Mowing, cleanup, tree Free Estimates. Ask for
242−0324/241−4447 cutting, landscaping, specials! Larry Webber,
"We’ll go out on a limb for sodding & bush hogging. 662−242−4932.
you!" 662−356−6525
Special Prices.
LIST YOUR BUSINESS HERE! Interior & Exterior Painting.
Ads starting at $25 662−435−6528

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