Infotainment RESIT - Assignment - 606059534 PDF

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Faculty of Science and Engineering

School of Engineering

Accentuated sections in blue must be filled by the student before


Assessment and Grading Verification Front Sheet

Module Vehicle Level Student Number
Mr Prashant
Title Infotainment(2 6
0 Credits)

Assessment Title: Assessment Component -1 (RESIT)

Date Issued: 04 Nov 2020 Assignment Deadline: 20 Nov 2020

Date of Submission:

Task LO Code1 Specific Learning Outcomes (LO) Assessed

LO1: Explain the properties and use of electronics components

and modules within the markets sector.
LO2: Examine the characteristic principles of road-based vehicle
sensors and actuators.
Produce and explain the operation of a vehicle condition
T1 LO3: monitoring systems via software to compile comparative
data from investigations.
Demonstrate understanding of battery and vehicle
electrification technologies
Student signature:
I verify that this is all my own work and
that I have had sufficient guidance to
complete this assessment

Note: This coursework contributes to 50% of your overall assessment. However, you have to
achieve a minimum of 40% in coursework in order to successfully complete the module. If
you would like to refer to the full module guide, please log on to the canvas topic and click the
section ‘Module Guide’.

This refers to the broader area in which the Learning Outcomes (LO) are situated as characterized in the course.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Vehicle Infotainment
Assessment Component 1: RESIT

Additional information;

If this is a manual submission please ensure you print & attach in front of this
page the e-Vision ‘barcode’ sheet to receive a submission receipt.

Assessment and Grading Verification Sheet

Module Level Assessor
Vehicle Infotainment
Title 6 Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
(20 Credits)

Assessment Title: Assessment Component -1 (Coursework)

Assessment component 1
Type of assessment Overall contribution: 100%

Assessors feedback(Use red ink or highlight for easy differentiation)2

Color of ink is used to easily distinguish the feedback. It is not an indication whether the feedback is negative or positive.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Assessment and Grading Verification Sheet

Module Level Assessor
Vehicle Infotainment (20
Title 6 Mr Prashant Priyadarshi

Assessment Title: Assessment Component -1

Internal Verifier:

Grading decisions Y N
Assessors decision confirmed Y N
Appropriate feedback given Y N

Grading Verification

Verifiers feedback(Use green ink or highlight for differentiation)2 Internal

stamp /

Use the following guidelines to self-assess your work before submission

University Performance Descriptors – Level 6

Note: These are generic descriptors which apply mainly, though not exclusively, to written
academic work. Any further module-specific assessment criteria, such as number of words,
should be followed as per the assignment brief

The minimum percentage to successfully complete a Level 6 module = 40

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering
L6 (Graduate level)

90-100% Exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive
range of contextual material. Demonstration of independent thought resulting in highly
original or creative responses to the assignment.
Outstanding Provision of clear evidence of understanding of current scholarship and research based
on an extensive range of relevant sources. Extreme clarity of structure demonstrating
complete focus of argument.
No obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

80-89% Excellent links between relevant ideas, theories and practice. Evidence of clearly
independent scholarship and the ability to engage critically and analytically with a wide
range of contextually relevant resource material.
Excellent Demonstration of original insights, supported by extremely well structured overall
Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
70-79% Very good links between a range of different ideas and theories. Places issues in a wider
context. Evidence of clear understanding of a range of relevant theories and application
of these appropriately. Independent ideas, well-argued and supported.
Very good Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

60-69% Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full
understanding of core issues.
Evidenced level of understanding of appropriate theory and concepts.
Good Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate

50-59% Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues.
Competent application of relevant theory and states obvious links to practice.

Competent Some repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

40-49% Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic way.
Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered.
Pass Limited coherence of structure.

30-39% Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met.

Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of
relevant theory and concepts and only partial understanding shown. Very limited
application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident.
Fail Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able
to retrieve the module on resubmission.

20-29% No learning outcomes fully met.

No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories.
Fail There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject.

10-19% Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes.
Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or
Fail practice.

0-9% No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes.


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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Important information

Marking: The coursework will be marked on the work submitted. You have to achieve a
minimum of 40% to pass this coursework. No matter what marks you received the work will
not be returned for additions or amendments and the grade achieved will be submitted to the
exam board in-line with University of Wolverhampton (UoW) regulations. If the work is not
handed in by the due date it will be awarded a zero grade (fail & repeat).

Extension: If there are any extenuating circumstances preventing your timely submission of
the coursework, it is your responsibility to apply for mitigation before the submission date.
Applications for mitigating circumstances must be applied independently through e-Vision.
However, it is acknowledged that the decision making will be based on the evidence provided
in support of your claims.

Format: The report should be digitally produced. Handwritten or scanned documents are
unacceptable. The report must have a title page, a contents page and a bibliography, each
section should be separate with heading or sub heading highlighted in some manner.
Drawings can be photocopied or downloaded but they must be referenced and have
permission from the owner.

Text must not be downloaded and claimed as students own. Loose sheets of paper will not be
accepted under any circumstances. The report must be checked for spelling.

Late submission: Where work is submitted late it will receive a mark of 0%, (fail & repeat).

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is completely unacceptable and is dealt with very severely. To avoid
plagiarism you must be sure you understand what plagiarism is, and how to avoid it. The
importance of correctly acknowledging the work of others cannot be over-emphasized. It is
absolutely essential that specific, detailed references are provided locally within your work
for each and every extract you take from work that is not your own. A general reference at
the end of a report to a source from which you have extracted text items is not acceptable.

The use of italics and/or inverted commas to highlight text extracts which are not your own
original work is a simple way of demonstrating honesty in your work. Each text extract you
use should be individually linked to a numbered list of specific references provided at the end
of your work.

Contract cheating: Contract cheating is a form of academic dishonesty in which students get
others to complete their coursework for them by putting it out to tender. This includes project
fully or partly completed by friends, relatives or parents or projects brought over the internet.
Contract cheating is strictly unacceptable and will be dealt as per the academic misconduct

For further information, see the Universities regulations.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Fit for submission checklist

• Have you read and responded to all aspects of the assignment brief?

• Have you read and understood the assessment criteria?

• Have you met all of the learning outcomes? You will lose marks and your work
may even be failed if you have not.

• Have you demonstrated that you can write critically?

• Have you checked that your Harvard referencing/bibliography in your

assignment is in line with your course requirements? (if required)

• Have you proof-read your work and used spell-check software to check your
spelling and grammar?

• Have you made sure your font size (12 pt.), color, style, line spacing and
margins are appropriate?

• Have you made sure you have placed your student name and number on the
header or footer on all pages?

• Have you included all the appropriate sections required for the assignment?

• Can you confirm that this work is individually produced (i.e. not
plagiarized, colluded or brought from a third party) – that it is written in
YOUR own words?

• Can you confirm there is no contract cheating involved?

Where drawings, designs and plans are required in an assignment, can you
confirm that it was YOU who produced them?

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Module Title: Vehicle Infotainment

Module Code: 6MA020
Component Interpretation and prejudging hardware
Titles: software functionalities
Element Number:
Component 1 of 1 1 of 1
Weighting: 100 % of Assessment

The task assigned to you will be part of assessment which is designed according
to the Learning outcomes of the module. The task will be assessed by a report.

Task-1 (50 Marks)

Task 1: Understanding and Interfacing sensors to microcontroller

In this task, student should create schematic diagram and working simulation
models of following:

1. Build a circuit diagram of engine coolant temperature sensor interfacing

with micro-controller and display the value in 16*2 LCD display.

2. How the driver finds air fuel ratio? Build a prototype simulation model
using any circuit simulation tool.

3. In a complete car model, Alarm or alerting a passenger for safety

parameters are many. List out them build a prototype model by
interfacing relevant sensor to micro-controller.

4. Combine all of the above and bring out a complete simulation model using
any circuit simulation tool.

A written report of 1500 - 2000 words is expected for this part. Your report must be
presented in the format of professional report writing.
You need to include the citation within the text while a list of references consulted /
cited and a separate bibliography should be provided at the end of the report. All
references should be presented using the Harvard format of referencing.
Due attention should be given to grammar, spelling and reporting style in general.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Marking scheme (Individual report) Marks

Controller Description 10%
Functional block diagram 10%
Analysis 20%
Interfacing circuit diagram 10%
The main clear and brief summary 10%
Personal Experience 10%
Quality and relevance of reference sources and bibliography cited 10%
Conclusions and discussion 10%
Overall style, presentation, grammar etc. 10%
Total- 100%


● The report must have a title page, a contents page and a bibliography, each
section should be separate with heading or sub heading highlighted in some
● Drawings can be photocopied or downloaded but they must be referenced
and have permission from the owner.
● Text must not be downloaded and claimed as students own; however
referenced or cited work is acceptable.
● Loose sheets of paper will not be accepted under any circumstances – the
report should be stapled together with the front covers appended to the front
of the work to be marked.
● The report must be entirely word processed.

The report will only be accepted once signed by the student to verify it is their work.

Each student should have different point of view on the study, any means of
plagiarism is not accepted. So the candidate is advised to start preparation of the
report accordingly for submissions. Last moment preparation must be avoided.
Penalties in the form of marks deduction will be applied to reports that are
submitted after the deadline.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Task-2 (50 Marks)

Task-2: Design and development of collision detection and avoidance

system for vehicle.

As the number of vehicles increasing day by day, accidents are also increasing
rapidly. These accidents can be due to false estimation of a nearby vehicle,
disturbance in the mind of the driver, or any reasons due to which driver can't keep
the focus on driving. So, not only the distance estimation of other surrounding
vehicles is required but also to take quick actions is necessary to avoid any kind of

Being an engineer you have been asked to design and implement a " Collision
detection and avoidance system for vehicle". It is expected that the system could
measure the distance between the driving car and front object and can calculate the
safety distance of the driving car based on the current speed. If the driver doesn't
keep the minimum safety distance with the front object, it will warn the driver to
slow down the speed of the car to avoid the collision. And if a driver doesn't slow
down the vehicle this system will automatically slow down and stop the car before
collision could occur.

The design should include:

▪ Configuration/schematic frame diagram of system hardware
▪ Selection of sensors and actuators
▪ Interface circuit diagram for sensors and actuators
▪ LCD data display interface design showing Demonstrate understanding of
ergonomic considerations. The design should be completed using design
software such as TinkerCAD, Proteus, Solid Works, AutoCAD, Painter and
▪ Program flowchart.

A written report of 1500-2000 words is expected for this part. Your report must
be presented in the format of professional report writing.

You need to include the citation within the text while a list of references
consulted / cited and a separate bibliography should be provided at the end of
the report. All references should be presented using the Harvard format of
Due attention should be given to grammar, spelling and reporting style in

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Marking scheme Marks

Abstract/Summary 20%
Well defined background and introduction 10%
Hardware design 20%
Software design 20%
Data display design 10%
Conclusions and discussion 5%
Quality and relevance of reference sources and bibliography 10%
Overall style, presentation, grammar etc. 5%
Total 100%


● The report must have a title page, a contents page and a bibliography, each
section should be separate with heading or sub heading highlighted in some
● Drawings can be photocopied or downloaded but they must be referenced
and have permission from the owner.
● Text must not be downloaded and claimed as students own; however
referenced or cited work is acceptable.
● Loose sheets of paper will not be accepted under any circumstances – the
report should be stapled together with the front covers appended to the front
of the work to be marked.
● The report must be entirely word processed.

The report will only be accepted once signed by the student to verify it is their work.

Each student should have different point of view on the study, any means of
plagiarism is not accepted. So the candidate is advised to start preparation of the
report accordingly for submissions. Last moment preparation must be avoided.
Penalties in the form of marks deduction will be applied to reports that are
submitted after the deadline.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering

Marking criteria

The final marking criteria for the individual candidate will be as follows:

Task 1 50

Task 2 50

Total 100

Assignments will be marked according to the following Level 6 generic marking criteria:

L6 (Graduate level)

90-100% Exceptional level of analysis, showing deep critical engagement with a comprehensive
range of contextual material. Demonstration of independent thought resulting in highly
original or creative responses to the assignment.
Outstanding Provision of clear evidence of understanding of current scholarship and research based
on an extensive range of relevant sources. Extreme clarity of structure demonstrating
complete focus of argument.
No obvious errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

80-89% Excellent links between relevant ideas, theories and practice. Evidence of clearly
independent scholarship and the ability to engage critically and analytically with a wide
range of contextually relevant resource material.
Excellent Demonstration of original insights, supported by extremely well structured overall
Very few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.
70-79% Very good links between a range of different ideas and theories. Places issues in a wider
context. Evidence of clear understanding of a range of relevant theories and application
of these appropriately. Independent ideas, well-argued and supported.
Very good Few errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

60-69% Clear links between theory and practice. Good coverage of assignment issues. Full
understanding of core issues.
Evidenced level of understanding of appropriate theory and concepts.
Good Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate

50-59% Identifies main issues and relevant theory. Coverage of most of assignment issues.
Competent application of relevant theory and states obvious links to practice.

Competent Some repeated errors in referencing or grammar or syntax as appropriate.

40-49% Makes few links between theory and practice. Answers question in a very basic way.
Describes relevant theory accurately, and some relevant ideas offered.
Pass Limited coherence of structure.

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Engineering
30-39% Some learning outcomes and / or assessment criteria not met.
Inadequate content with issues not addressed; insufficient evidence of understanding of
relevant theory and concepts and only partial understanding shown. Very limited
application of theory. Use of extensive quoted passages is evident.
Fail Evidence of sufficient grasp of learning outcomes to suggest that the student will be able
to retrieve the module on resubmission.

20-29% No learning outcomes fully met.

No demonstration of adequate knowledge or understanding of key concepts or theories.
Fail There is no recognition of the complexity of the subject.

10-19% Little attempt to engage with assignment brief and has not met learning outcomes.
Inadequate demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or
Fail practice.

0-9% No real attempt to address the assignment brief or learning outcomes.


Cheating, Plagiarism and Collusion

You are strongly advised to be familiar with Student Codes of Conduct on this matter and be
aware of University procedures as outlined in the booklet: ‘Academic Principles and
Regulations’ valid for the current academic session. A synopsis may be found in the Award
Handbooks. The module team will adhere strictly to these guidelines. If in doubt consult Module
Leader/Divisional Award or Module Managers.

Retrieval of failure

Students must pass all components of the assignment. The minimum pass grade is 40%. A
student who fails to achieve a pass is entitled to resist the failed component(s) but the mark will
be capped to 40%.

Latest date for submission: 20 Nov 2020

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Mr Prashant Priyadarshi

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