Koalas Covered Inner Live The Koala's Size Weighs

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Hello, guys. My name is Wong Zi Hung from 6M.

Today, I want to
share one of the endangered animals with you. It is a koala bear.
Koalas can be found in the eucalyptus forests of Southeastern and
Eastern Australia. They have a large round head with two big furry ears
and a big black nose. Besides that, their body are covered by grey-brown
fur and white fur on their chest, inner arms, ears and bottom. They also
have a strong and clawed feet for them to live in the branches of trees.
The koala’s size is about 60-85cm long and weighs about 15kg.
Koalas like to eat eucalyptus leaves. They can eat almost one
pound of leaves per day. Koalas also play an important role in
maintaining the ecosystem health. But now, they are facing many
threats which make them going to extinct. Such as, habitat destruction,
domestic dog attacks, bush fires and road accidents.
We have to protect them from the extinction. So, what can we
do? Number one, we can donate to Koala Rehabilitation Centre and
wildlife parks. Number two, we can adopt a koala. Number three, we
can plant more eucalyptus tree. Number four, we can spread the
information about the koala to our friends and family. Fifth, we should
drive carefully at wildlife crossing roads area to avoid hurting them.
Well guys, koala is a precious and cute animal. I believe most of us
like it very much. So, let us work together to protect them from the
extinction. Thank you.

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