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The study is about knowledge and understanding towards zakat on gold and silver.
The issue that are mainly focus on is whether all Muslim are aware of the conditions
and requirement set by Zakat Institution that make them obliged to pay zakat on gold
and silver. Thus a study is conducted to evaluate the level of knowledge on zakat on
gold and silver that has been possessed by each and every Muslims. The highlighted
points are awareness, calculation, payment, and problems in zakat on gold and silver.

In gaining the findings of this study, Zakat on gold and silver: Awareness on
Zakat on gold and silver amongst Muslims, a quantitative and qualitative method is
used. We are choosing to use questionnaire as well as focus group in order to study
these behaviors on the awareness about the zakat on gold and silver and this survey
will consist of questions that are related to the objectives. By using questionnaire, we
would be able to uncover whether people can respond all over the objectives or not.
As a result, we successfully reached out that there are very minimal numbers of
Muslims who are still unaware on the compulsory of zakat on gold and silver. Some
of them also have no clue on the rate used for zakat on gold and silver. They also have
no idea that each states in Malaysia are using different uruf.

Besides, there were some problems arose in making the payment annually to
respective person of zakat on gold and silver. Some of Muslims confused on when
they should pay for zakat on gold and silver.

It is recommended for zakat institution to do more public teaching on how to

know what rate we are currently exercised for zakat on gold and silver and when it
need to be paid. They also can provide the public with skills and knowledge through a
few entertaining activities such as team building, talks and seminars. Since nowadays
ICT is largely used by people, modern initiative can be exercised to make collection
as well as there are strong Wi-Fi connection availability. Basically, zakat on gold and
silver in Malaysia are in a good state. However, there still a room for improvement of
people in order to increase awareness on obligations and information about zakat on
gold and silver.


Based on statement above, a case study will be conducted on the knowledge of

individuals above 25 years regarding zakat on gold and silver. At the end of the case
study, we will be able to improve the knowledge about how zakat on gold and silver
is being implemented in Malaysia and how Malaysian Muslims react on the zakat on
gold and silver. By the survey conducted, we will acquire concrete and necessary
information about:

i. To identify the awareness of zakat on gold and silver

ii. To test the understanding about zakat on gold and silver calculation
iii. To analyse the knowledge on payment of zakat on gold and silver
iv. To survey problems arising related to zakat on gold and silver



Gold is considered as one of the basic assets which are subject to zakat. It is
zakatable if they fulfil the nisab and haul. The nisab of gold is 20 Dinars according to
the Hadith (85 grams according to modern assessment).

Narrated on the authority of Ali (R) that the Prophet (saw) is reported to have said:
"No zakat upon you (i.e. on the gold) until you possess 20 Dinars. When you
possess 20 Dinars and a year is passed after that the half of a Dinar is to be
paid, whatever it will be in addition to that zakat will be payable
proportionally and no zakat is payable until a year completes on this."

Basically, gold can be divided into two categories. Gold not intended for usage
and gold intended for usage. First is gold not intended for usage. This type of gold is
in the form of gold bars which are invested in the banks and gold jewellery that is
kept without the intention of usage is obligated for zakat when the weight of the gold
has reached the nisab and haul of 85 grams. Second, gold intended for usage. For this
type of gold jewellery intended for usage is only obligated for zakat if the weight of a
piece of the gold jewellery has reach the haul and uruf of 850 grams. Uruf is refer to
the customary practice on level of jewellery owned by a community.

If one owns personal use items made from a mixture of metals, these are only
liable for Zakat if more than half the metal is gold. Gold plated jewellery is not liable
for Zakat as the gold is invariably less than half the total content of metal used. Zakat
is the based on 2.5% of the total weight of gold from the piece of gold jewellery.


For silver, used or stored, zakat is compulsory only if the weight of silver is equal
to or exceeding 200 dirhams (595 grams). Silver in the form of ornament or as coins,
and one full lunar year passes away upon the owner, the person must pay 5 dirhams
(2.5%) as zakat. Silver is zakatable as stated in Al-Quran,:

“… And (remember) those who hoard up gold and silver and spend it not in Allah,
then tell them to pay zakat to them (reward) Penalty grievous.”
(Surah Al-Taubat: verses 34-35)

The method of calculation for silver is:

[Scales of silver (grams) x current silver price / grams x 2.5% ]

Nisab should be considered separately between gold and silver due to the different in
types and value.


In order to achieve the objectives, we are deciding to use a descriptive

quantitative method. We are choosing to use survey research as well as focus group in
order to study these behaviors on the awareness about the zakat on gold and silver and
this survey will consist of questions that are related to the objectives. By using survey
research, we would be able to uncover whether people can respond all over the
objectives or not.


For the sample, we are going to conduct a survey on the selected 15 Muslim
individual age above 25 years old as our sample.


For the case study, a questionnaire was chosen to be the research instrument for
collecting the information from the respondents. This method was more effective
rather than interviewing them face to face. The online questionnaire is to address the
objectives of the study. We are going to provide 16 questions in survey about the
awareness, calculations, payment and problems of people with zakat on gold and
silver. The online questionnaire was distributed through social media such as
Whatsapp and will be share to other people. The questionnaire will only be answered
by 25 years old and above. This study used descriptive analysis in analysing the data.
The analysed data were converted from frequency count into percentages and will be
presented in charts, where we used pie charts as a graph to represent the percentage of
chosen answer by respondents. By using the chart, it will easy to us to analyse the



Section 1 of the findings will focus on the demographics of the respondents who
have voluntarily answered this questionnaire through Google Form. The
demographics comprises of their gender, age, category of work, and state of birth.


As stated, we have selected a total of 15 Muslim individuals that are age above 25
years old from different state in Malaysia. We gave the questionnaire randomly to the
respondents. Based on Diagram 1, 60% or equivalents to 9 respondents are male.
Meanwhile, the remaining 40% or 6 of the respondents are female.


Based on the diagram, the highest percentage of respondent participated in this

survey is 47% which is from the range of age between 26 to 30 years old. The lowest
percentage of participants is 6% which is from the age between 36 to 40 years old.
The remaining of 20%, which is the second highest participants are from group of age
between 41 to 45 years old and the age between 46 to 50 years.
It is important to have respondents from different classes of ages. This is because,
each classes of age has their different points of view and level of knowledge. This can
be seen in a research by Stanovich, West, and Harrison (1995) reported that older
adults were higher in measures of general measures of general knowledge than
college students.
It is also been said that people will gain more experiences as they grow older.
Experience is another demographic variable that has received widespread attention
but with mixed results (Solivic 1972, Taylor 1975, Ashton 1974, Weber 1978).
Practitioners often claim experience to be an important determinant of decision
making quality (Weber 1978).

Therefore, we will see that different classes of age will respond differently to the

Category of Work

Based on diagram, the highest percentage of participant of the survey is from

employed which us 76.9% while for the unemployed is 0%. The remaining percentage
of 23.1% are housewife. From this information, we can see how workers from
different categories of work are exposed and have knowledge about zakat.

In this survey, we also consider the place of birth of the respondent. The
highest percentage of the respondent is from Negeri Sembilan at 33.3%. The second
highest respondent is from Johor with the percentage at 20.0%. The lowest percentage
at 6.77% is from KL, Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Kelantan, Pulau Pinang and
Terengganu. People lives in different states must have been exposed to different
information regarding zakat management.

In this section, we will identify the awareness of the respondents about zakat on
gold and silver. This is by means that, we are going to consider how much and how
deep their knowledge about zakat on gold and silver by analyzing their answers for
the given questions related to the basic knowledge about zakat on gold and silver.

Did you know that Gold and Silver are liable for zakat?

Based on Diagram, we can see all of the respondents know about gold and silver
are liable for zakat since all the respondent had answer yes for this question. From this
data, we can assume that everyone has the basic knowledge about zakat on gold and
silver. Apart from that, from our research during this survey, we can say that most of
our respondent have either gold or silver, and only several who does not have it, and
that why most of the respondent have basic knowledge and aware that gold and silver
are liable for zakat.

How did you know about zakat on gold and silver?

Nowadays, there are many medium that we can use to gain any sort of
information. People said that, the world is now at our fingertips. Even if we are lying
on the bed, we can still get our information without going to the library.

Based on Diagram, the highest percentage of respondent know about zakat on

gold and silver is through their studies at a percentage of 40%. Minority of the
respondents know about zakat on gold and silver are through family discussion,
sharing from family and from friends which is at a percentage of 1%. The remaining
of the respondents are know about zakat on gold and silver through the zakat
institution and websites which is at percentage of 20% each.

The data above shows that majority of respondents know about zakat through
studies. Study is defined as gaining knowledge or learning either from previous
experience or to experimentally research for ourselves. We can say that respondents
get the knowledge about zakat on gold and silver through their studies in educational
institution such as schools or universities.

What are the categories of zakat on gold?

Based on Diagram, we asked the respondents about the categories that listed
under zakat on gold. From the results, 53.3% of the respondents which are 8
respondent had answer it correctly by choosing the categories of zakat on gold are
gold intended for usage and not intended for usage.Minority of the respondents had
choose “gold not intended for usage”, which at 20% while another 13.3% choose
categories of zakat on gold is only “gold intended for usage”. The remaining 13.3% of
the respondents which are 2 respondents did not know the categories of zakat on gold
by answering do not know.

From this data, we can see that most of the respondents know the categories of
zakat on gold, even there are people who did not know fully the categories of zakat on
gold, at least they know that gold is one of the categories of wealth that are is liable
for zakat. From this data, we can assume that the person who did not know the
categories of zakat on gold maybe because of they did not have any gold at all.

Did you aware that uruf for zakat on every gold usage is different
according to each state?

We also asked the respondents’ general knowledge and awareness about the uruf
for zakat on gold and silver according to each state in Malaysia. The highest
percentage of respondents at 53.3% shows that among 15 respondent, 8 respondents
did not know that there are different uruf for each state in Malaysia. While the others
7 respondent which is at 46.7% know about the differences of uruf based on each state.
We can say that even though most of respondents have the knowledge about zakat on
gold and silver, their did not have deep knowledge that there is uruf for gold intended
for usage.

Therefore, it is important to know and understand regarding the uruf to know

whether the person are liable to pay zakat on gold or silver or not. For example for
state of Selangor the uruf is 800g while it is different for state of Johor which is
850g while for Kedah is 150g. We can say that respondents who did not know about
uruf is because of they have not ever pay zakat on gold or silver since they did not
have gold or silver or maybe they did not ever pay zakat on gold because their weight
of gold or silver did not exceed nisab. Thus it is very important to advertise on the
uruf to ensure each person are aware on the difference of uruf based on the state.


How much do you know how to calculate zakat?

From the diagram above, we can see that 75% of the respondent choose 0% to
25% as their answer. While the other 20% and 7% of the respondent choose 26% to
50% and 76% to 100%. One option that none of the respondents choose as the answer
is 51% to 75%.

Most of the respondents choose 0% to 25%. This indicate that, there are many
people out there still does not know how to calculate zakat. It is because, being
Malaysian, they did not be exposure about zakat itself. They only count on other
people to calculate for them. This situation can be seen when people choose to pay
zakat without knowing how to calculate it. They pay through deduction from salary or
go to zakat institution.

But, from the pie also we can see that still there are people that know how to
calculate zakat. After doing a research, it shows that these people know how to
calculate zakat from their study. They have learned it in their school or college.

Therefore, this element should not be taken for granted. In Malaysia, it is not hard
to get information or understanding related to Islam. This is because there are many
mosque and madrasah that became centre of teaching the aspects of religion. Besides
that, zakat institutions are always open if people have any enquiries about zakat.

How much the value of nisab (in gram) for gold?

Next, we also asked the respondents’ general knowledge and awareness about the
value of nisab in grams for gold in Malaysia. The highest percentage of respondents at
47% chooses not sure as their answer, followed by 85 grams at 40%. Then, 7%
choose 100 grams and a total percentage of 6% of the respondents choose the answer
of 50 grams.

Based on the latest nisab in grams for gold announced by Majlis Agama Islam in
every state, we found that the nisab for gold in grams of the year 2019 for all states in
Malaysia is 85 grams. From our data shows that only 40% of the respondent get right
and the rest answered it wrong.

Referring to our observation, most of people does not know the nisab gram of
zakat gold is because they lack of knowledge about paying zakat on gold. They don’t
know that the gold that they have need to be zakat charged if the amount of gold is
more than nisab. Our government also less information about zakat on gold. Basically,
people only know about zakat fitrah and does not know there are a lot of things can be
zakat charge if it more than nisab.

Therefore, payers have to always keep updated with the latest zakat nisab rate
announced and identify which is the correct rate of zakat on gold that they have to pay,
based on the gold that they have.

How much the value of nisab (in gram) for silver?

Based on Pie Chart, we ask the respondents about the value of nisab in grams for
silver, 13% of the respondents chose right answer which is the value of nisab in grams
for silver is 595 grams. The following 80%, which is the majority of the respondents,
chose not sure of the above answer. And the remaining 7% of the respondents chose
the wrong answer which is 300 grams. One option that none of the respondents
choose as the answer is 450 grams.

Based on the latest nisab in grams for silver announced by Majlis Agama Islam in
every state, we found that the nisab for silver in grams of the year 2019 for all states
in Malaysia is 595 grams. From our data shows that only 13% of the respondent get
right and the rest answered it wrong and not sure.

Referring to our observation, most of people does not know the nisab gram of
zakat silver is because they lack of knowledge about paying zakat on silver. They
don’t know that having silver also need to pay zakat if the amount of silver is more
than nisab.

Therefore, payers have to always keep updated with the latest zakat nisab rate
announced and identify which is the correct rate of zakat on silver that they have to
pay, based on the amount of silver that they have.

How much do you know that there is a deduction of uruf for zakat on
every gold usage?

From the diagram above, most of the respondents which is 93% said that they
lack of knowledge about the uruf that can be deduct from the gold usage amount. The
remaining of 7% of the respondent have moderate knowledge of deductible of uruf in
zakat for gold usage.

This is the sign that people in Malaysia does not that to reduce our zakat payable
on gold usage, we can deduct the uruf. Uruf is a customary practice on level of
jewellery owned by people. Uruf is different based on state. For Selangor the amout
of uruf is 800 grams with the current market price.

From this data, we can assume that there are still people who did not know the
total amount of zakat to be paid. It is important to know the correct amount of zakat to
be paid so that there will be no one who is obliged to zakat is left out. The person who
did not pay for zakat will be accountable in the hereafter. This is as stated in Surah
Al-Baqarah verse 35, The Day when it will be heated in the fire of Hell and seared
therewith will be their foreheads, their flanks, and their backs, [it will be said], "This is
what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard. This verse mentions
about the punishment that someone will get if he or she avoids the payment of zakat.


Where did you pay zakat on gold and silver?

As we know, all muslims are required to pay zakat on gold and silver but there
are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled in order for a person to pay zakat. In
this question, respondents has been asked where did they pay zakat on gold and silver.
Muslims in Malaysia are encouraged to make their zakat payments to the zakat
collection centres for proper distribution to the need. The other way that can pay zakat
is through a monthly salary deduction scheme. There are the other methods through
which muslims can pay for zakat is online through each states’s official zakat board
website, internet banking, over the counter at the post office, selected bank counters
and official agents.

From this data, we can see that 46.7% have been paid their zakat at zakat
collection centre, 40% from the monthly salary deduction scheme and 13.3%
respondents pay zakat use the other methods.

What is zakat rate (%) will be imposed for the person that liable to
pay for the zakat on gold and silver?

We also asked the respondents what is zakat rate will be imposed for the person
that liable to pay zakat for the zakat on gold and silver. From that we can see 60% of
the respondents do not sure how many percent that will be imposed and only 40% of
the respondents that only know the correct percent is 2.5%.

Gold and silver must contribute to zakat if sufficient condition. As we know nisab
for gold is 85 gram while for the silver is 595 gram. Gold and silver are not used for a
single time within a year. If they fulfil the nisab, 85 gram for gold and 595 gram for
silver, it is compulsory to pay 2.5% of the total value of the respective gold and silver.
Gold which is used, upon it, zakat is not compulsory, with exception that it should not
exceed the value of uruf. If it exceeds then zakat is compulsory. The amount of gold
that is permissible to use in the state of Selangor is 800 gram. For silver there is no
maximum limitation.

What forms of wealth are liable for?

From the diagram above, most of the respondents got the right answer on what
forms of wealth are liable for which is 53.3% answer that all of above is correct,
46.7% on gold and silver, 20% for paper currency held in cash or in the bank, 20% on
tradable assets owned by your business and 0% on crops and herded animals.

As we know, all the answer stated in the questionnaire is correct. Any gold and
silver that possess is zakatable, including jewellery, because these two metals have
intrinsic monetary value. Other precious metals and stones are not zakatable unless
they were acquired for the purpose of trade. Next, cash or its equivalent, cash at home,
in bank accounts, savings, money lent to other, saving certificates, bonds, shares,
investment certificates and so on, are all taken into account when calculating zakat.
Stock purchased for trade or any goods that bough with the intention of selling are
included in zakatable wealth. Grazing camels, grazing cow, grazing sheep and goats
are eligible for zakat payment also for plants and fruits are included in the types
subject of zakat. Zakat is due on plants when the grains mature and are ready to be
rubbed off and on the fruit when it is ripened.

What is the reason for not paying zakat on gold or silver?

Other than that, we also askeed the respondents about their opinion on what is the
reason for not paying zakat on gold and silver. From the questionnaire, we can know,
the reason why they are not paying zakat is because, 46.2% of respondents feel gold
and silver that they have are not exceed nisab and uruf. The minority of the
respondents show that they do not trust zakat collection centre which show at the
percentage of 7.7%. The remaining respondents answer that they does not have gold
and silver. As a muslim we must know, zakat is not a voluntary charity or tax, but it is
an obligation as it is one of the 5 main pillars of Islam. Thus there should not be any
excuses for the person for not paying zakat when their gold or silver has exceed the
nisab. So we can assume most of the respondents do not have too much gold and
silver or maybe they do not have it at all.

In this section, respondents were given three questions about whether they about
the time of paying zakat on gold and silver and their opinions related to any problems
in paying zakat on gold and silver.

Do you know when you have to pay zakat on gold and silver?

Based on the diagram, we have asked the respondents on when zakat payer
should pay zakat on gold and silver. From the results, we can see that most of the
respondents with percentage at 80% had answer correctly by choosing to pay zakat on
gold and silver once a year. Minority of the respondents had answer “not sure”, which
percentage at 20%.

From this data, we can stated that most of the respondents know when to pay
zakat on gold and silver. However some of them do not fully know when to pay zakat
on gold and silver. We assume that respondent that do not know when to pay zakat on
gold and silver because they does not have gold or silver and gold or silver that they
own does not reach the nisab.

Narrated on the authority of Ali (R) that the Prophet (saw) is reported to have

"No zakat upon you (i.e. on the gold) until you possess 20 Dinars. When you
possess 20 Dinars and a year is passed after that the half of a Dinar is to be paid,
whatever it will be in addition to that zakat will be payable proportionally and no
zakat is payable until a year completes on this."

Is there a definite time to give zakat?

Based on diagram, we have asked the respondent whether there is definite

time to give zakat or not. As stated in the pie chart, most of the respondent which are
11 respondent with percentage at 73.3% had answer “yes”. Only four (4) respondent
with a percentage at 26.7% had answer correctly which is the answer is no. Based on
this results, we can see that most of them still not clearly know about time to give
zakat. This shows there is a lack of exposure on time to give zakat.

There is a fact stated that there is no definite time to give zakat. It is necessary
to give it when it becomes obligatory. Therefore, it is no necessary to wait for a
certain month or the month of Ramadan. However, those who are obliged to give
zakat should give it as soon as possible when it becomes obligatory.

In your opinion, as a payer, are there any problem for you to pay zakat? If yes,

Lastly, we also had asked an opened question to the respondent related to any
problems in paying zakat on gold and silver. Based on diagram, most of the
respondent had answered that they do not have any problem to pay zakat which is 13
respondent with the percentage at 86.7%. Remaining of the respondent which are
consist of two (2) respondent had answer “yes”. From the data, it show that only a few
respondent have the problem related to pay zakat. Based on questionnaire, they had
stated that the problem is arise because of “some of them did not know much about
religion” and “people nowaday dont know what Zakat mean”. From this view, we can
see that some of respondent lack of knowledge on zakat on gold and silver.

As a Muslim, we need to be clear about payment on zakat on gold and silver in

order to ensure we follow exactly the guidance in Islam.


Based on the survey we have conducted, “Zakat on Gold and Silver; Awareness
on Zakat on Gold and Silver amongst Muslims in Malaysia”, it can be said a
successful study since we have achieved our target objectives from the use of online

We have identified that most of respondent has the basic knowledge about zakat
on gold and silver. The results shows that majority of respondents know about zakat
through studies. We can conclude that respondents get the knowledge about zakat on
gold and silver through their studies in educational institution such as schools or
universities. Other than that respondent, they know about zakat on gold and silver are
through family discussion, sharing from family and from friends. More than 40% of
them know that zakat on gold have two categories which are gold intended for usage
and not intended for usage and the rest misunderstanding about the category on zakat
on gold. Next, we can conclude that even though most of respondents have the
knowledge about zakat on gold and silver, their did not have deep knowledge that
there is uruf for gold intended for usage.

After that, we also made an analysis if Muslim aware on the calculation of zakat
on gold and silver. Most of the respondent still does not know how to calculate zakat.
They only count on other people to calculate for them. This situation can be seen
when people choose to pay zakat without knowing how to calculate it. They pay
through deduction from salary or go to zakat institution. Besides, only 40% of
respondent know the value of nisab for gold. In addition, only 13% of respondent
know the value of nisab for silver. We can conclude that most of them does not know
the value of nisab (gram) of zakat gold and silver. This shows that they don’t know
that the gold or silver that they have need to be zakat charged if the amount of gold or
silver is more than nisab. Next, most of the respondents which is 93% said that they
lack of knowledge about the uruf that can be deduct from the gold usage amount. Uruf
is a customary practice on level of jewellery owned by people. Uruf is different based
on state. For Selangor the amount of uruf is 800 grams with the current market price.

From the analysis, we can conclude that some of the respondents aware where to
pay zakat. The results shows that 46.7% respondent have been paid their zakat at
zakat collection centre, 40% respondent pay zakat from the monthly salary deduction
scheme and 13.3% respondents pay zakat use the other methods. More than 50%
respondent do not sure how many percent that will be imposed for the person that
liable to pay for the zakat on gold and silver and only 40% of the respondents that
only know the correct percent is 2.5%. Next, 53.3% respondent aware on what forms
of wealth are liable for which are gold & silver, paper currency held in cash or in the
bank, tradable assets owned by your business and crops and herded animals. The rest
of respondent misunderstanding about the forms of wealth are liable for. Furthermore,
from this results, we had been asked the respondent what are the reason for not
paying zakat on gold or silver. 46.2% of respondents feel gold and silver that they
have are not exceed nisab and uruf. The minority of the respondents show that they do
not trust zakat collection centre which show at the percentage of 7.7%. The remaining
respondents answer that they does not have gold and silver.

From the analysis also we can conclude that most of the respondents aware the
best timing to pay zakat on gold and silver which is once a year. They also aware that
there is no definite time to give zakat. It is necessary to give it when it becomes
obligatory. Therefore, it is no necessary to wait for a certain month or the month of
Ramadan. However, those who are obliged to give zakat should give it as soon as
possible when it becomes obligatory.

We also have identified that only 2 out of 15 of the respondents having problem
related to pay zakat on gold and silver. They had stated that the problem is arise
because of they did not know much about religion and not fully know about the zakat.

In conclusion, all Muslims in Malaysia must bear in mind that zakat on gold and
silver payment should not be seen as a burden, but it is a way for Muslims to
appreciate the wealth that is bestowed upon them and to help those who are less



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