Physics MCQ I To Iv Units PDF

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1. The phenomenon of interference of light was first demonstrated by:

a). Newton
b). Einstein
c). Thomas Young
d). Michelson
2. Which is not associated with light waves:
a). Transmission of energy
b). Interference
c). Diffraction
d). Longitudinal Vibrations
3. Formation of color in a thin film of oil is due to:
a). Interference of light waves
b). Diffraction of light waves
c). Scattering of light rays
d). Dispersion of light rays

3. Newton’s rings are formed due to the phenomenon of:

a). Reflection
b). Refraction
c). Diffraction
d). Thin film interference
4. Interferometer measures:

a). Velocity of light in gases

b). Wavelength of monochromatic light
c). Thickness of very thin objects
d). Illuminating power of light

5. For constructive interference the path difference should be:

a). Zero or integral multiple of wavelength

b). only integral multiple of wavelength
c). Zero or multiple of wavelength
d). Odd multiple of wave length

6. The two light waves can interference destructively if:

a). They reach a point in phase

b). They reach a point out of phase by p radian
c). They are traveling through a medium in opposite direction
d). None of these is true

7. Newton’s rings can be obtained by using:

a). Plano convex lens of small focal length

b). Plano convex lens of very large focal length
c). Concave lens of large focal length
d). Flat glass slab

8. The conditions for the production of constructive and destructive interference are reversed due to the fact that on striking the thin film:
a). Two rays of splitted light undergo phase change of 180°
b). One of two rays of splitted light undergo phase change of 180°
c). Light is diffracted
d). Light is polarized
9. When electromagnetic waves strike the boundary of denser medium they are:
a). Reflected in phase
b). Reflected out of phase by 180°
c). Reflected
d). They are completely absorbed

10. Two sources of light are said to be coherent if:

a). They produce waves of the same wave length
b). They have the same amplitude of vibration
c). They produce waves in the medium simultaneously
d). They produce waves of the same amplitude

11. As the order increases, the width of a dark band in diffraction patterns:
a). Increases
b). Decreases
c). Does not change
d). Becomes infinity

12. Which of the following phenomenon cannot be explained on the particle nature of light
a). Photo Electric Effect
b). Compton’s Effect
c). Pair Production
d). Interference

13. Fringe spacing is defined as the distance between two consecutive:

a). Crests
b). Bright fringes only
c). Dark fringes only
d). Bright or dark fringes

14. If we narrow the distance between two slits in Young’s experiment the fringes width:
a). Increases
b). Decreases
c). Remains same
d). Becomes zero
15. When Newton’s rings interference pattern is viewed from above by means of reflected light, the central spot is:
a). Dark
b). Multi coloured
c). Bright
d). None of these

16. There are two types of diffraction Fresnel and:

a). Michelson
b). De Broglie
c). Fraunhoffer
d). Huygens

17. Constructive and destructive superposition of waves is observed in:

(a) Polarisation
(b) Interference
(c) Diffraction
(d) None of these

18. The intensity of a wave is proportional to the square of:

(a) Amplitude
(b) Time
(c) Intensity
(d) None of these

19. The colours in soap bubbles, oil slick etc. in a thin film is due to:
(a) Diffraction
(b) Polaristaion
(c) Interference
(d) None of these
20. For higher resolution, in a diffraction grating, one needs to have:
(a) Large number of ruling
(b) Small number of ruling
(c) No rulings at all
(d) None of these

21. To produce interference, the sources must be:

(a) Intense
(b) Incoherent
(c) Coherent
(d) None of these

22. Interference fringes are of:

(a) Unequal width
(b) Equal width
(c) Variable width
(d) none of these

23. Which of the following light would produce an interference pattern with the largest separation between the bright fringes?
A. Red
B. Orange
C. Green
D. Blue

24. When you look at a single slit diffraction pattern produced on a screen by light of a single wavelength, you see a bright central maximum and
a number of maxima on either side, their intensity decreasing with distance from the central maximum. If the wavelength of the light is
a) The pattern shrinks in size. (central maximum less wide; other maxima in closer to it)
b) The pattern increases in size. (central maximum wider; other maxima farther from it) It does not affect the size of the pattern.

c) The width of the central maximum increases, but the other maxima does not change in position or width.

d) The width of the central maximum decreases, but the other maxima does not change in position or width.

25. If you look perpendicularly at the thin glass film and move your head away from the glass film (staying perpendicular to the film), you will
a) The reflected light becomes brighter and brighter
b) the reflected light alternates between dark and bright spots
c) the reflected light becomes darker and darker
d) there is no reflected light

26. A lens (n=1.52) is coated with film of magnesium fluoride (n=1.25). What should be the least thickness of the film in order to minimize
reflected light with a wavelength of 550 nm?
a) 6.0 X 10^-7 m
b) 1.8 X 10^-6 m
c)1 X 10^-7 m
d)4.8 X 10^-6 m

27. Which of the following cannot be explained with a wave theory of light?

a) polarization
b) interference
c) photoelectric effect
d) all of the above

28. The center of Newton’s rings for reflected light is always:

(a) Bright

(b) Dark
(c) Either dark or bright

(d) None of these

30. When you look at a single slit diffraction pattern produced on a screen by light of a single wavelength, you see a bright central maximum
and a number of maxima on either side, their intensity decreasing with distance from the central maximum. If the wavelength of the light is
a) the pattern shrinks in size. (Central maximum less wide; other maxima in closer to it)
b)  the pattern increases in size. (Central maximum wider; other maxima farther from it)
c)  It does not affect the size of the pattern.
d)  The width of the central maximum increases, but the other maxima do not change in position or width.
29. A single slit diffraction pattern is obtained on a screen using yellow light. If the yellow light is replaced by blue light without making any
other changes in the experimental set up, what will happen to the diffraction bands?
(a) Bands will become narrower and crowded together
(b) Bands will become broader and farther apart
(c) Bands will become broader and crowded together
(d) Bands will become narrower and farther apart

31. Soap film in sunlight appears colored due to?

a) Diffraction of light
b) Dispersion of light
c) Scattering of light
d) Interference of light
32. Light is normally incident on a thin soap film and is reflected. If the wavelength of this light is "L" and the index of refraction of the soap film
is "N", complete destructive interference will occur for a film thickness of:
a) L / 8N
b) L / 4N
c) L / 2N
d) 3L / 4N

33. on a clear day, the sky appears to be blue toward the zenith (overhead) than it does toward the horizon. This occurs because
a. the atmosphere is denser higher up than it is at the earth's surface.
b. the temperature of the upper atmosphere is higher than it is at the earth's surface.
c. the sunlight travels over a longer path at the horizon, resulting in more absorption.
d. none of the above is true.
34. The principle which allows a rainbow to form is
a. refraction
b. polarization
c. dispersion
d. total internal reflection

35. What principle is responsible for alternating light and dark bands when light passes through two or more narrow slits?
a. refraction
b. polarization
c. diffraction
d. interference
36. If the path difference between the two rays is λ/2 then phase difference between them is
a. 𝝅
b. 𝝅/2
c. 2𝝅
d. 0
37. Newton’s rings illustrate the phenomenon of
a. Interference
b. Diffraction
c. Polarization
d. None of these
38) Which of the following phenomenon produced the colours in soap Bubbles?
a. Interference
b. Diffractions
c. Dispersion
d. Polarization.
39. The diameter of Dark ring in Newton’s ring is
a. Directly proportional to the square root of natural numbers
b. Inversely proportional to the square root of natural numbers.
c. Directly proportional to the square root of even numbers.
d. Directly proportional to the square root of odd numbers.

40. The source of light is said to be coherent, if the wave produced by them have the same
a. Wavelength
b. Amplitude
c. Wavelength constant phase difference
d. Amplitude and the same wavelength.
41. When light wave incident at boundary of air and glass medium then change of phase difference between incident and reflected light is
a. 0
b. 𝝅
c. 𝝅 /2
d. 2 𝝅

42. When light wave incident at boundary of air and glass medium then Change of path difference between incident and reflected light is
a. 0
b. λ
c. λ /2
d. 2 λ
44. The formation of interference fringes is in accordance with law of conservation of energy.
Above statement is,
a. True
b. False
c. May true or false
d. Cannot be interpreted.
45. The Wavelength λ is always equivalent to the phase of
a. 𝝅
b. 2 𝝅
c. 3𝝅
d. 𝝅 /2
46. If two waves of same amplitude interfere constructively then the resultant amplitude at the point of interference.
a. Increases
b. Decrease
c. Cannot be predicted.
d. None of above
47. If the point or narrow line source of light is replaced by broad light source then interference bands are
a. Dark bands
b. Bright bands
c. Brightness does not affected
d. Canst say anything.
48. When light wave is reflected by the surface from the optically rarer medium then it suffers a phase change or path change by.
a. 𝝅 or λ/2
b. 2𝝅 or λ/2
c. 𝝅 /2 or λ
d. Does not change
49.The effective path difference between the two reflected rays for the thin film of thickness t is
a. 2µtcosr
b. 2µtcosr + λ/2
c. 2µtcosr = n λ
d. 2µtcosr = (2n+1) λ/2
50.The condition for the bright fringe in reflected thin film is.
a. 2µtcosr = λ
b. 2µtcosr = λ/2
c. 2µtcosr = n λ
d. 2µtcosr = (2n+1) λ/2
51.The condition for the Dark fringe in reflected thin film is
a. 2µtcosr = λ
b. 2µtcosr = λ/2
c. 2µtcosr = n λ
d. 2µtcosr = (2n+1) λ/2
52.The condition for bright fringes in reflected system is
2µtcosr = (2n-1) λ/2 above condition becomes invalid if n=0 since
a. Such fringe does not exist
b. Exist but cannot appear in pattern
c. Practically can be possible to take n=0
d. Theoretically and practically cannot be predicted.

53.The condition for the effective path difference between the two transmitted rays in thin film is
a. 2µtcosr
b. 2µtcosr + λ/2
c. 2µtcosr - n λ
d. 2µtcosr = (2n+1) λ/2

54.The condition for the Dark fringe in transmitted systems is

a. 2µtcosr = λ
b. 2µtcosr = λ/2
c. 2µtcosr = n λ
d. 2µtcosr = (2n+1) λ/2

55. The condition for the bright fringes in transmitted system is

a. 2µtcosr = λ
b. 2µtcosr = λ/2
c. 2µtcosr = n λ
d. 2µtcosr = (2n+1) λ/2

56.For wedge shaped film the thickness of the film is

a. Varies from point to point

b. Remains constant at every point.
c. can’ t say
d. none of above

57.The effective path difference between the two reflected rays for the wedge shaped film having wedge angle ‘α’ is
a. 2µtcos(r +α) + λ
b. 2µtcos(r +α) + λ/2
c. 2µtcosα - λ
d. 2µtcos(r - α) + λ/2

58.The fringe width between two fringes is

a. Directly proportional to wavelength of light
b. Inversely proportional to wavelength of light
c. Independent on wavelength of light
d. Directly proportional to square root of wavelength of light.
59. Which of the following is correct regarding the fringe width?
a. It depends on wavelength of light & angle of wedge.
b. It depends on wavelength, angle of wedge thickness of wedge film.
c. It depends on R.I of film, wavelength of light and angle of wedge.
d. All above are correct
60. By using point source of light the reflected rays after reflection from plane surface
a. Parallel to each other
b. Meet at single point
c. can’t say
d. All are correct.
61. By using extended source of light, the reflected rays after reflections from plane surface
a. Meet at single point
b. parallel to each other.
c. can’t say
d. All are correct
62.Extended source of light is used to view the thin film since
a. One can see entire film simultaneously
b. One can see the film by shifting the position of eye
c. Both (i) ,(ii) are correct.
d. both (i), (ii) are incorrect.
63. For formation of Newton’s ring, which type of lens is used in laboratory?
a. Plano-convex
b. Convex
c. Concave
d. Biconvex
64.In Newton’s ring experiment ,If the angle made by glass plate is not 45° with vertical axis then
a. Rings are formed
b. Rings are not formed.
c. only bright rings are formed.
d. only dark rings are formed.
65.The N.R. are formed due to the waves reflected from
a. Top and bottom surface of air film formed between the plates
b. Top of air films
c. Bottom of air films
d. Any reflected ray give N.R.
66.In N.R. by for monochromatic source of light , in reflected system at point of contact i.e. t=0 and hence central ring is appeared as
a. Dark
b. Bright
c. yellow
d. Can’t say
67.In N.R. by monochromatic source of light ,for reflected system at point of contact i.e. t=0 , the path difference between two reflected ray is
a. λ
b. λ/2
c. 2λ
d. 0
68.In N.R experiment diameter of bright ring in reflected system is
a. Proportional to even natural numbers.
b. Proportional to square root of odd natural no.
c. Proportional square odd natural no.
d. does not depend on natural number.
69.In N.R. by for monochromatic source of light , in transmitted system at point of contact i.e. t=0 and hence central ring is appeared as
a. Bright
b. Dark
c. Yellow
d. Can’t say.
70.Unknown wavelength of sodium light by N.R. method can be determined by formula.
Dn+p 2 - Dn2
a. λ=
Dn+p - Dn2
b. 𝛌=
Dn+p 2 + Dn2
c. 𝛌=
Dn+p 2 - Dn2
d. 𝛌=
71.In N. R.Experiment radius of curvature of a plans-convex lens can be determined by the formula
a. 𝑹=
b. 𝑹=
c. 𝑹=
d. 𝑹=

72.By using N.R. experiment , the R.I. of liquid can be determined by the using formula.
Dn+p 2 - Dn2
a. µ=
D'n+p 2 – D'n2
Dn+p - Dn2
b. µ=
Dn+p 2 - Dn2
c. µ=
Dn+p 2 + Dn2
d. µ=
D'n+p 2 + D'n
73. If white light source is used for the formation of N.R. then we get.
a. Coloured rings.
b. Alternet bright and dark rings
c. both (a) &(b) are incorrect
d. Both (a) &(b) are correct
74.In N.R. experiment If white source of light is used then
outermost ring have the colour
a. Violet
b. Red
c. Blue
d. Yellow
75.If the white source of light is used for the formation of N.R. then innermost ring have the colour
a. Violet
b. Red
c. Blue
d. Yellow
76.In N.R. Experiment , for monochromatic source of light, If the Plano-convex is lifted above plane glass plate then,
a. Only dark appearance seen
b. Only bright appearance seen
c. no change
d. Cant’s say
77.If the air gap between Plano-convex lens and plane glass plate if filled with liquid instead of air then
a. Diameter of rings increased
b. Diameter of rings decreased.
c. Diameter of rings does not change
d. All above are correct.
78.In Newton’s ring experiment to get a central ring to be a bright for reflected system then one should have

a. µ1 µ2 µ3

b. µ1 µ2 µ3

c. µ1 µ2 µ3

d. µ1 µ2 µ3
79.For an antireflection coating the reflected ray should satisfy the Condition of
a. Destructive interference
b. Constructive interference
c. Both
d. Not necessary to satisfy any cond.
80. For antireflections coating the coated layer should have
a. Higher R.I. than the substrate glass plate
b. Lower R.I. than the substrate glass plate.
c. Equal R.I. to substrate glass plate.
d. None of above.
81.The effective path or phase difference between the reflected rays for antireflection films
a. λ/4 or π/2
b. λ or π/2
c. λ/2 or π
d. 2λ or π/2
82.In N.R experiment diameter of dark ring in reflected system is
a. Proportional to natural numbers.
b. Proportional to odd natural no.
c. Proportional to square root of natural no.
d. Does not depend on natural number.


1) Bending of light around the straight edge of obstacle and spreading into its geometrical
shadow is called as

i. Diffraction ii Interference iii Polarization iv Dispersion.

2) The necessary condition for the diffraction of light is

i. Size of obstacle should be greater than wavelength of light

ii. Size of obstacle should be equal to the wavelength of light

iii. Size of obstacle should be less than wavelength of light.

iv. Any size obstacle gives the diffraction pattern.

3) In Fresnel diffraction screen is placed at

a. Finite distance b. In finite distance c Anywhere All are correct.

4) In the Fresnel diffraction the incident wave front is

a. Spherical b. Cylindrical c. Spherical or cylindrical d. Plane

5) In Fraunnofer’s diffraction the incident wave front at an aperture or obstacle is

a. Plane b. Cylindrical c. Spherical d.Spherical or


6) The fringes are perfectly Dark in

a. Interference. b. Diffraction. C. Both interference & diffraction. D.All are


7) In diffraction pattern fringe width of various fringes

a. Always equal. B. Never equal. C. Can be equalized. D. All

are correct.

8) When white light is incident on diffraction grating, the color of light that will be most
deviated from zeroth order band is

a. Yellow b. Violet c. Indigo d. Red

9) Dispersive power of grating can be define as

a. The increase in the angle of refraction corresponding to a change in wavelength.

b. Increase in the angle of incidence corresponding to a change in wavelength.

c. Increase in angle of diffraction corresponding to a change in wavelength.

d. None of the above.

10) Maximum number of orders available with a grating is

a. Independent of grating element. b. Directly proportional to grating


c. Inversely proportional to grating element. d. Directly proportional to


11) Bending of light around the straight edge of obstacle and spreading into its geometrical
shadow is called as

a. Diffraction b. Interference c. Polarization d. Dispersion.

12.One can observe the diffraction if when the size of obstacle or aperture is------

a) comparable to wavelength of light

b) smaller than wavelength of light

c) greater than wavelength of light

d) none of above

13. Bending of light round the corner of obstacle and spreading into geometrical shadow is called--

a) Interference b) polarization c) diffraction d) refraction

14. The diffracted wavelength in Fraunhofer diffraction is

a) spherical b) cylindrical c) plane d) none of


15) The principal maxima is obtained when 𝜃

a) 900 b) 300 c) 450 d) 00

16) The intensity of central bright band in the case of diffraction is --------

a) maximum b) minimum c) varies between max to min

d) none of above

17) In diffraction weak secondary maxima which lie ----------- side of principal maxima

a) Left side b) right side c) (a) and ( b) both

d) none of above

18) In Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit we use ------- lens

a) Plano convex b) biconcave c) Plano concave

d) biconvex

19) If the wavelength is increased the spectrum becomes

a) wider b) smaller c) remain constant d) none of above

20) In diffraction intensity of secondary maxima-------

a) Increases c) decreases c) remain constant

d) none of above

21) When circular aperture is used in Fraunhofer diffraction, the diffraction pattern consist of

a) central bright disc surrounded by fainter rings

b) central faint rings surrounded by bright ring

c) only bright ring

d) only dark ring

𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑁𝛽
22) I 𝜃 = Im ( )2 ( 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛽 )2 1st term in the equation indicates

a) intensity of double slit diffraction

b) interference term due to N slits

c) intensity form single slit diffraction

d) none of above

23) In question (22) term ( )2 indicates

a) intensity of zeroth slit diffraction

b) intensity term due to N slits

c) intensity form single slit diffraction

d) none of above

24) In plane diffraction grating the conduction for principle maxima given by

a) (a+b) sin 𝜃 = nλ c) a+b tan 𝜃 = nλ \

b) a+b cos 𝜃 = nλ d) a sin 𝜃

25) How many lines are required to produce diffraction of visible light
a) 16000 per inch c) 15000 per inch

b) 1500 per inch d) 1600 per inch

26) A slit of width ‘a’ is illuminated by white light. For what value of ‘a’ will the first minimum for
red light fall at an angle of 300? Wavelength of red light is 6500A0.

a) 1.3 X 10-4 cm b) 1.3 X 10-5 cm

c) 2.3 X 10-4 cm d) 1.3 X 10-3 cm

27) What is the hightest order spectrum that is visible with light of wavelength 6000A 0 by means
of a grating having 5000 liner per cm?

a) mmax = 3 c) mmax = 6

b) mmax =5 d) mmax = 4

a) finite b) parallel c) not equal d) infinite

28. Distance of slit from source and creen is ………….in Fraunhoffer diffraction

a) finite b) infinite
c) parallel d) not equal

29. In Fraunhoffer diffraction, the path difference between the rays before entering the slit

A) 0.1 b) 1
c) 0 d)5

30.In Fresnel diffraction, the path difference between the rays forming the diffraction pattern
depends upon

a) Climate b)angle of diffraction c) distance of slit from source d) both b and c

31.Diffraction is the …………..of light at the edges of an opaque obstacle.

a) bending b) parallel c) straight d) non

32. Path difference=…………. Phase difference

a) λ b) λ/2π c) 1 d) 2π

33.Intensity at any point on the screen at angle Ѳ for Fraunhoffer single slit is given by Iѳ=

a) (sinα/α)2 b) sin-1(nλ/a) c) Im(sinα/α)2 d) (n/2)π

34.Principal maxima for fraunhoffer single slit diffraction is obtained at ѳ=

a) nλ b) (n/2)π c) 1 d) 0

35.The minima for fraunhoffer single slit diffraction is obtained at ѳ=

a) sin-1(nλ/a) b) (sinα/α)2 c) sinα d) sin(nλ/a)

36. Intensity of secondary maxima in fraunhoffers single slit is obtained at α=

a) (n/2)π b) (n+1/2)π c) (sinα/α)2 d) sinα

37. Width of central maxima for single slit fraunhoffer diffraction is =

a)2aD/a λ b) (n+1/2)π c) 2λD/a d) 2λ/a

38. The condition for principal maxima in grating is Iѳ=………….x Intensity due to single slit.

a) N2 b) (sinα/α)2 c) (sinNβ/ sinβ)2 d) (sinα/α)

39. The number of principal maxima in fraunhoffer single slit diffraction is

a) 0 b) 1 c) sinα d) (sinα/α)2

40. The number of principal maxima in fraunhoffer single slit diffraction is

a) 0 b) 1 c)more than one d) become nearly zero

41. Maximum number of order of principal maxima for grating is

a) (a+b) b) (a+1)/ λ c) (sinα/α)2 d) (a+b)/ λ

42. A grating with 10,000 lines per cm has grating element…….

a) 10-4 b. 104 c. 105 d. 10-5

43. A grating has 6000 lines per cm. How many orders of light of wavelength 4500 A o can be seen?

a) 3.2 b) 3 c) 7.9 d) 7

44.Resolving power of diffraction grating is mathematically defined as……….

a) (x/ dλ) b) (λ+1 / dλ) c) (λ/ dλ) d) λ

45.Resolving power of diffraction grating in terms of number of lines and order of spectrum is

a) N b) m
b) mN/y d) mN

46. Dispersive power of diffraction grating is………..

a) dѳ/ dλ b) mN c) dλ d) (λ/ dλ)

47. Dispersive power in terms of order & number of lines is…………

a) m/(a+b)sinѳ b) m/(a+b)cosѳ c) (sinα)2 d) mN

48. Between adjacent principal maxima, there are ….. Minimum intensities for a grating have N
number of lines.

a) N+m/(a+b) b) (N/ dλ) c) N-1 d) mN

49. If there are (N-1) minimum intensities between adjacent principal maxima far a grating
having N number of lines, there will ….. Secondary maxima between them.

a) N+7 b) N+2 c) N d) N-2

50. N(a+b)sinѲ = nλ ,for n=1,2,3,…. Is the condition for …… grating

a)minima b) parallel c) plan d) maxima

51. (a+b)sinѲ = mλ, for m=0,1,2,3…. Is the condition for ……….grating

a) plan b)principal maximas c) parallel d) minima

52. asinѲ = nλ, n=1,2,… is the condition for …….single slit diffraction.

a) plan b) principal maximas c)minima d) parallel

53. asinѲ = 0, is the condition for…………single slit.

a) principal b) parallel c) minima d) principal maxima

If plane polarized light is seen through a rotating polarized, the light intensity will be
observed to ---------
A. Change from minimum (non-zero) to maximum
B. Remain constant
C. Remain zero
D. Change from zero to maximum
When unpolarized light is incident on the polarizer, the ratio of intensity of light transmitted
by the analyzer to the intensity transmitted by polarizer is equal to ------- of the angle between the
axes of polarizer and analyzer
A. cosine C. sine
B. Square of cosine D. Square of sine
If the angle between the axes of polarizer and analyzer is 900, the intensity of light transmitted by
analyzer is ------times the intensity transmitted by the polarizer.
A.½ B.¾ C. ¼ D. Zero
If light is made to incident on any transparent medium at polarizing angle, the reflected light is -----
A.Unpolarized B. Plane polarized C. Partially polarized D. None of the above
Unpolarized light can be converted into polarized light by
A. Reflection B. Refraction using pile of plates C. Selective absorption D. All of above
Principal planes in a calcite crystal are --------
A.Squares C. Triangles
B.Rhombus D. Parallelograms
The acute angle in principal planes of calcite crystal is
A. 780 B. 710 C. 1020 D. 1090
The acute angle in any face of the calcite crystal is
A. 780 B. 710 C. 1020 D. 1090

The specific rotation is
A.Independent of wavelength C.Inversely proportional to wavelength
B.Directly proportional to wavelength D.Inversely proportional to square of wavelength
The thickness of crystal in an LCD is chosen so that it rotates the plane of vibration of plane
polarized light by ------
A. 450 B. 900 C. 300 D. 600
Liquid crystal display is an example of ------- of light
A.Emission B.Dispersion C.Interference D.Polarization
The specific rotation of a solution at a given temperature and wavelength of light depends
A.Angle of rotation C. Concentration of the solution
B.Length of solution D. All of above
When light is made to pass through the crystals like tourmaline, quartz etc., two polarized rays
viz. ordinary and extraordinary are produced. This phenomenon is called -------
A.Dichroiosm B. Refraction C. Double refraction D. Polarization
When unpolarized light is made to incident on a doubly refracting crystals, two refracted rays
are produced. This phenomenon is called -------
A.Birefriengence B. Refraction C. Polarization D. Dichroiosm
The polarizing angle is

A. Same for different reflecting surfaces

B. Same for same reflecting surfaces

C. Different for different reflecting surfaces

D. None of above

Two plane polarized beams of equal amplitudes having phase difference of /2 are
superimposed, then the result is
A. Plane polarized light
B. Circularly polarized light
C. Elliptically polarized light
D. Partially polarized light

If unpolarized light is seen through a rotating polarized, the light intensity will be observed to

A. Change from zero to maximum C. Remain constant

B. Remain zero D. Change from non zero minimum to maximum
When light was observed through polarizer, the light intensity was observed to change from

maximum to non-zero minimum and then again to maximum on rotating the polarizer. The
light can be -----
A. Plane polarized C. Partially polarized (or elliptically polarized)
B. Unplarized D. None of above
When light was observed through polarizer, the light intensity was observed to change from

maximum to zero and then again to maximum on rotating the polarizer. The light can be -----
A.Plane polarized B. Unplarized C. Partially polarized D. None of above
When light was observed through polarizer, the light intensity was observed to remain

constant on rotating the polarizer. The light can be ------

A.Plane polarized B. Unplarized (or circularly polarized) C. Partially polarized D. None of above
When unpolarized light is passed through a set of polarizer and analyzer, the intensity of light

transmitted by polarizer is ------- the intensity of light transmitted by the analyzer.

A. Either less than or equal to C. Greater than
B. Less than D. Either greater than or equal to
When unpolarized light is passed through a set of polarizer and analyzer with their axes

perpendicular to each other, the intensity of light transmitted by analyzer is ------- the intensity
of light transmitted by the polarizer.
A.Half B. One third C. Twice D. Zero

When unpolarized light is passed through a Polaroid, the intensity of transmitted light is ------

the intensity of incident light.

A. Equal to C. Greater than
B. May be less than or equal to D. Less than
Which of the following waves can be polarized?

A.Ultrasonic B. Infrasonic C. Light D. All of above

Electric field vector vibrates parallel to direction of propagation in --------- light.

A. Both plane polarized and unpolarized light C. Unpolarized

B. Neither plane polarized nor unpolarized D. Polarized
Electric field vibrates in all possible directions perpendicular to direction of propagation in

A. Both plane polarized and unpolarized light C. Unpolarized

B. Neither plane polarized nor unpolarized D. Polarized


1. Laser produces a-------beam of light

A.Monochromatic B. low divergence C. coherent D. all the above

2. The two waves are said to be coherent if they have----- between them .

A. Zero phase difference C. constant phase difference

B. time varying phase difference D. all of the above

If two light waves have the same wavelength, they are said to be

A.coherent B. monochromatic C. intense D. divergent

If two light waves have the same frequency, they are said to be

A.coherent B. monochromatic C. intense D. divergent

If two light waves have constant phase difference between them, they are said to be

A.coherent B. monochromatic C. intense D. divergent

If the phase difference between two points along any ray remains constant, the coherence

is called-------coherence.

A. Spatial C. Both temporal and spatial

B. Temporal D. Neither temporal nor spatial

If the phase difference between two points in a plane normal to the ray direction remains constant
the coherence is called------coherence

A. spatial B. temporal C. both temporal and spatial D. neither temporal nor spatial

Laser is -------- light

A. divergent B. white C. coherent D. incoherent


Laser is -------- light

A. divergent B. monochromatic C. white D. incoherent


Laser is -------- light

A. divergent B. white C. unidirectional D. incoherent


Atomic transitions in the outermost levels give rise to -------- radiation

A. infrared B. ultraviolet C. visible D. either infrared or visible


Molecular transitions mainly give rise to -------radiation

A. infrared B. ultraviolet C. visible D. either infrared or visible


Atoms do not have-------energy levels

A. electronic B. rotational C. vibrational D. rotational and vibrational


Which of the following is the most stable energy state?

A. Ground stat B. Metastable state C. Unstable excited state D. All the above

Which of the following is the most least energy state?

A.Ground state B. Metastable state C. Unstable excited state D. All the above


Which of the following state is neither very stable nor very unstable energy state?

A.Ground state B. Metastable state C. Unstable excited state D. All the above


The average life time of atoms is about 10-8 sec. in------

A.Ground state B. Metastable state C. Unstable excited state D. All the above


The average life time of atoms is about 10-3 sec in------

A.Ground state B. Metastable state C. Unstable excited state D. All the above

The atom can remain for unlimited time in

A.Ground state B. Metastable state C. Unstable excited state D. All the above


The average life time of an atom in its ground state is

A. 1 s B. 10-3 s C. Unlimited D. 10-8 s


The average life time of an atom in its metastable state is

A. 10-8 s B. Both C and D C. 10-3 s D. Greater than 10-8 s


If E1 is the ground state of an atom and E2 is its excited state, and the atom is in its ground

state,a photon of energy E2-E1 will cause

A. Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B. Stimulated emission D. Neither emission nor absorption

If E1 is the ground state of an atom and E2 is its unstable excited state, and the

atom is in its unstable excited state, a photon of energy E2-E1 will cause

A.Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B.Stimulated emission D. Neither emission nor absorption


If E1 is the ground state of an atom and E2 is its metastable state, and the atom

is in its metastable state, a photon of energy E2-E1 will cause

A.Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B.Stimulated emission D. Neither emission nor absorption


If E1 is the ground state of an atom and E2 is its excited state, and the atom is

in its ground state, a photon of energy less than E2-E1 will cause

A.Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B.Stimulated emission D. Neither emission nor absorption


If E1 is the ground state of an atom and E2 is its unstable excited state, and the

atom is in its unstable excited state, a photon of energy less than E2-E1 will cause

A.Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B.Stimulated emission D. Neither emission nor absorption


Emitted radiation is incoherent in

A.Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B.Stimulated emission D. Neither emission nor absorption


Emitted radiation is coherent in

A. Stimulated absorption C. Spontaneous emission

B. Stimulated emission D. All the above

Emitted radiation for transition between only two levels in all atoms is monochromatic


A. Stimulated emission C. Both stimulated and spontaneous emission

B. Spontaneous emission D. neither stimulated and spontaneous emission

Population inversion is possible only in elements having--------states

A. ground C. unstable excited

B. metastable D. none of the above

If N1 is the number of atoms and N2 is the number of atoms in the excited

state, population inversion is said to be achieved when-------

A. N1<N2 B. N1>N2 C. N1=N2 D. any of the above


If N1 is the number of atoms and N2 is the number of atoms in the excited state, under

normal conditions

A.N1<N2 B. N1>N2 C. N1=N2 D. any of the above


Due to population inversion, there is----

A. Coherence C. Amplification of light

B. Low divergence D. Monochromaticity

A system in which population inversion has been achieved is known as----

A. active system C. passive system

B. inverted system D. populated system


Spontaneous emission

(a) Is a mixture of various wavelength

(b) highly incoherent and unpolarized

(c) highly directional, coherent and have same plane of polarization

A. (c) is correct
B. (a) and (b) are correct
C. a) is correct
D. b) is correct

Stimulated emission is

(a) highly coherent and unpolarized

(b) highly coherent and polarized

(c) highly incoherent and unpolarized

A. All are correct
B. (a) and (b) are correct
C. (b) is correct
D. (c) is correct

Coherence of Laser beam is because of

A. Optical pumping C. Stimulated Emission

B. Resonating cavity D. Population inversions

In the population inversion

A. The number of electrons in higher energy state is more than ground state
B. The number of electrons in lower energy state is more than higher energy state
C. The number of electrons in lower energy state and higher energy states are same
D. None of the above

LASER is a short form of

A. Light amplification stimulated emission radiation
B. Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
C. Light absorption by stimulated emission of radiation
D. Light absorption by spontaneous emission of radiation

Laser beam is made of

A. Electrons C. Very light and elastic particles
B. Highly coherent photons D. None of them


The characteristics of laser beam are

A. Highly directional C. Highly monochromatic
B. Highly intense D. All of them

The condition for population inversion is

A.N2/N1=e(E2-E1)/KT) B. N2/N1=e-(E1-E2)/KT)
C. N1/N2=e-(E1-E2)/KT) D. N2/N1= e-(E2-E1)/KT)
Which one of the following laser have highest efficiency?

A. Ruby B. Semiconductor C. He-Ne D. None of the above


In spontaneous emission the atoms or molecules in the higher energy state E2 eventually return to the
ground state by emitting their excess energy spontaneously. The rate of spontaneous emission is
A. Directly proportional to population of the energy level E2.
A. Directly proportional to population of the energy level E1.
B. Inversely proportional to population of the energy level E2.
C. None of the above

In stimulated emission, a photon having energy E equal to the difference in energy between two levels
E2 and E1., stimulate an atom in the higher state to make a transition to the
A. Lower energy state with a creation of second photon.
B. Metastable state with creation of second photon.
C. Higher energy state with a creation of two photons.
D. None of the above

The rate of spontaneous emission depends upon the number of atoms in the
A. Excited state C. Metastable state
B. Lower state D. None of the above

The rate of stimulated emission depends both on

A. The intensity of external field and on the number of atoms in the excited state.
B. The frequency of external field and on the number of atoms in the excited state.
C. The intensity of external field and on the number of atoms in the metastable state
D. None of the above


The material in which population inversion can take place is called

A. Active medium C. Gaseous medium
B. Passive medium D. Vapour medium

The state of population inversion is also known as

A. Positive temperature state C. Equilibrium state
B. Negative temperature state D. None of the above

The process of raising the atoms from a lower energy state to higher, to create population inversion
A. Pumping C. Exothermal reaction
B. Endothermic reaction D. None of the above

In case of optical pumping, an external optical source like Xenon’ flash lamp is employed to produce
A. High population in the higher energy level of laser medium
B. Low population in the higher energy level of laser medium
C. lower population in the metastable state of laser medium
D. None of the above

Optical pumping is suitable for any medium which is

A. Transparent to light C. Not transparent to light
B. Metallic D. None of the above

An optical resonator plays a major role in the generation of the

A. Excited atoms between the mirrors C. More number of excited atoms or photons
B. Laser output D. All of the above

Which of the following is not a laser property?

A. Coherence C. Monochromacity
B. Highly directional D. Divergence

Which source of light is brightest?

A.Sunlight B. Laser light C. Arc light D. Flash light

In 3 D photography (Hologram) …………..of the wave is recorded

A.Phase B. Single point C. Amplitude and phase D. amplitude

LED is converted into a laser diode employing a ………………

A. high current
B. low current
C. medium current
D. none of the above

The main principle of optical fiber is …

A. total internal reflection
B. total internal refraction
C. total internal dispersion
D. none of the above

LED is converted into a laser diode employing a ………………

A. high current
B. low current
C. medium current
D. none of the above


The basic principle of holography is that ……………

A. to create the interference pattern of object wave and reference wave
B. to create the interference pattern of object wave only
C. to create the interference pattern of reference wave only
D. none of the above

In hologram image information is stored

A. On every point of hologram
B. At the center of hologram
C. At the corners of hologram only
D. Front side only.

For reconstruction of hologram

A. Ordinary red light is used
B. LED light is used
C. Same laser is used which is used for construction
D. laser of wavelength 6400-6900Å is used

A true three dimensional record of the original object produced in holography is called
A. Spectrogram
B. Hologram
C. Thermogram
D. Photograph

The branch of optics that deals with the use of coherent light from a laser in order to make a hologram
that can then be used to create a three dimensional image is called
A. Photography
B. Cinematography
C. Holography
D. Lithography

1. The walls of a particle in a box are supposed to be ____________
a) Small but infinitely hard
b) Infinitely large but soft
c) Soft and Small
d) Infinitely hard and infinitely large

2. The wave function of the particle lies in which region?

a) x > 0
b) x < 0
c) 0 < X < L
d) x > L

3. For a particle inside a box, the potential is maximum at x = ___________

a) L
b) 2L
c) L/2
d) 3L

4. The Eigen value of a particle in a box is ___________

a) L/2
b) 2/L
c) √[L/2]
d) √[2/L]

5. What is the minimum Energy possessed by the particle in a box?

a) Zero
b) π2ℏ2/2mL2
c) π2ℏ2/2mL
d) π2ℏ2mL

6. The wave function of a particle in a box is given by ____________

a) √(2/L)sin(nx/L)
b) √(2/L)sin(nπx/L)
c) √(2/L)sin(x/L)
d) √(2/L)sin(zπx/L)

7. The wave function for which quantum state is shown in the figure?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

8. Calculate the Zero-point energy for a particle in an infinite potential well for an electron confined to a 1
nm atom.
a) 3.9 X 10-29 J
b) 4.9 X 10-20 J
c) 5.9 X 10-20J
d) 6.9 X 10-20 J

9. In a finite Potential well, the potential energy outside the box is ____________
a) Zero
b) Infinite
c) Constant
d) Variable

10. In a infinite Potential well, the potential energy outside the box is ____________
a) Zero
b) Infinite
c) Finite
d) Variable

11. In a infinite Potential well of width L , the probability of finding particle at n = 1(where n : principle
quantum number) is maximum ____________
a) at x = 0 wall
b) at x = L wall
c) at centre of potential well
d) at outside the potential well

12. For a particle inside a box of finite potential well, the particle is most stable at what position of x?
a) x > L
b) 0 < x < L
c) x < 0
d) Not stable in any state

13. When the Schrodinger equation is solved for E > Vo, the solutions will be __________
a) Non-oscillatory
b) Oscillatory Inside
c) Oscillatory Outside
d) Oscillatory inside as well as outside

14. The wave function of a particle in a box is given by ____________

a) A sin(kx) + Bcos(kx)
b) A cos(kx)
c) Asin(kx)
d) A sin(kx) – B cos(kx)

15. What does the following figure shows?

a) Wave function for Infinite Potential Well

b) Wave function for Finite Potential Well
c) Probability Density function for Infinite Potential Well
d) Probability Density function for Finite Potential Well

16. The transmission based on tunnel effect is that of a plane wave through a ____________
a) Circular Barrier
b) Opaque Object
c) Infinitely small barrier
d) Rectangular Barrier

17. The particle has a finite, non-zero, potential for the region ____________
a) x > 0
b) 0 < X < a
c) x > a
d) x < 0

18. In quantum mechanics, if the energy of the particle, E is less than the energy required to enter a region
V, then the particle __________
a) Tunnel
b) Always reflected back.
c) Zero
d) None of the above

19. Tunnel effect is notably observed in the case of ____________

a) Alpha Particles
b) Gamma rays
c) X-rays
d) Beta Particles

20. The solution of Schrodinger wave equation for Tunnel effect is of the form ____________
a) Aeikx+ Beikx
b) Aeikx– Beikx
c) Aeikx+ Be-ikx
d) Aeikx– Be-ikx

21. Tunnel effect can be explained on the basis of ____________

a) Schrodinger’s Equation
b) Particle in a Box
c) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
d) De-Broglie Wavelength
22. If Ψ is the wave function, the probability density function is given by _____________
a) |Ψ|
b) |Ψ|2
c) |Ψ|3
d) |Ψ|4

23. Calculate the minimum uncertainty in the momentum of a 4He atom confined to 0.40 nm.
a) 2.02 X 10-25 kg m/s
b) 2.53 X 10-25 kg m/s
c) 2.64 X 10-25 kg m/s
d) 2.89 X 10-25 kg m/s

24. The mathematical expression Δx Δpx ≥ ℏ is known as ____________

a) Schrodinger’s Equation
b) Particle in a Box
c) Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
d) De-Broglie Wavelength

25. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron of kinetic energy 500 eV approximately is

a) 54.92 Å
b) 0.5492 Å
c) 5492 Å
d) 5.492 Å

26. The de Broglie wavelength λ of an electron of mass ‘m’ and charge ‘e’ accelerated from rest by the
application of a potential ‘V’ is given by
a) h/√2meV Å
b) ℏ /√2m Å
c) h/√2mqV Å
d) h/√2mtV Å

27. The concept of matter wave was suggested by_________

a) Schrodinger
b) Laplace
c) Heisenberg
d) De-Broglie

28. Any particle with energy _____ cannot enter in the regions I and III
a) E = 0
b) E > 0
c) E = ∞
d) E < 0

29. The de Broglie wavelength λ of a particle of mass ‘m’ moving with a velocity ‘v’ is
a) h/√2mE Å
b) ℏ /√2E Å
c) h/√2qV Å
d) h/√2EV Å

30. The well behaved wave function must satisfy the conditions____________________ in quantum
mechanical entities (with some exceptions)
a) normalizable or square-integrable & Single-valued (and their derivatives too).
b) finite (and their derivatives too).
c) continuous (and their derivatives too).
d) All of the above

31. For a quantum wave particle, E = _____________

a) ℏ k
b) ℏ ω
c) ℏ ω/2
d) ℏ k/2

32. Complete the following statement: According to the de Broglie relation, the wavelength of a "matter"
wave is inversely proportional to
a) Planck's constant.
b)speed of particles
c) the mass of particle
d) The momentum of the particle.

33. What is the de Broglie wavelength of an electron (m = 9.11X 10-31 kg) in a 5.0 X 103-volt X-ray tube?
a) 0.017 nm
b)0.007 nm
c) 0.024 nm
d) 0.38 nm

34. What happens to the de Broglie wavelength of an electron if its momentum is doubled?
a) The wavelength decreases by a factor of 2
b) The wavelength increases by a factor of 2.
c) The wavelength increases by a factor of 4.
d) The wavelength decreases by a factor of 4.

35. Which of the following phenomena provides evidence for de Broglie's hypothesis?
a) X-ray diffraction
b) Electron diffraction
c) X-ray production
d) Line spectra

36. According to the de Broglie hypothesis, matter waves are associated with
a) only electrons
b) Charged particles only.
c) Neutral particles only.
d) All particles

37. Which statement correctly describes how the scanning tunnelling microscope obtains atomlc-scale
images of surfaces?
a) The voltage applied between the tip of the microscope and the surface ionises the air molecules and
allows a current to flow.
b) High speed electrons emitted from the tip of the microscope tunnel into the surfaces to allow a
current to flow.
c) Electrons on the surfaces repel electrons from the tip of the microscope and cause a current to flow.
d) Electrons can tunnel through the small gap between the tip of the microscope and the surface and
allows a current to Now.

38. When an STM tip moves closer to a sample to be scanned,

a) The width of the potential barrier gets bigger and the tunnelling current gets smaller.
b) The width of the potential barrier gets bigger and the tunnelling current gets greater.
c) The width of the potential barrier gets smaller and the tunnelling current gets smaller.
d) The width of the potential barrier gets smaller and the tunnelling current gets greater

39. Which statement about the wave function of a particle is false?

a) The wave function of a particle cannot be equal to zero at any point.
b) The wave function is also known as probability amplitude.
c) The wave function includes information about the particle such as its momentum and position
d) The square of the wave function gives the probability of finding the particle at a point.

40. De-Broglie’s wavelength of a bullet of mass 0.02kg, moving 300 m/s is

a) 1.8 x 10-35 m
b) 1.1 x 10-34 m
c) 9.9 x 1033 m
d) 1.85 x 1035 m

41. De-Broglie’s wavelength of a particle that has kinetic energy K is λ. The wavelength λ is proportional to
a) K
b) 1/K
c) 1/√K
d) K-5

42. De-Broglie suggested that an electron of momentum p has properties corresponding to a wave of
wavelength λ. Which of the following graph shows the relationship between λ and p ?

a) graph A shows the relationship between λ and p

b) graph B shows the relationship between λ and p
c) graph C shows the relationship between λ and p
d) graph D shows the relationship between λ and p

43. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron travelling with 20% of velocity of light is nearly equal to
a) 3.21×10−11 m
b) 1.21×10−8 m
c) 1.21×10−11 m
d) None of the above
An ideal crystal diode is one which behaves as a perfect ____________when forward biased.

A) conductor B)insulator C)resistive material D)none of the above

The leakage current in a crystal diode is due to

A) minority carriers B) majority carriers C) junction capacitance D) none of the above

The impurity level in an extrinsic semiconductor is about_____________of pure semiconductor.

A)10 atoms for 108 atoms B) 1 atoms for 108 atoms C) 10 atoms for 104 atoms D) 1 atoms for 100 atoms
In a semiconductor, current conduction is due

A) to only holes B) to only free electrons C) to both holes and free electrons D) none of the above
The battery connection required to forward bias a p-n junction are

A) +ve terminal to p and –ve terminal to n C) -ve terminal to p and –ve terminal to n

B) -ve terminal to p and +ve terminal to n D) none of the above

The barrier voltage of a pn junction for germanium is about

A) 1.1V B) 3V C) 0 D) 0.3V
With forward bias to a p-n junction, the width of depletion layer

A) increases B)decreases C)remains the same D) fluctuates

If the doping level of a crystal diode is increased, the breakdown voltage

A)remains the same B)is increased C) is decreased D) none of the above

When the crystal diode current is large, the biasing is

A) forward B)inverse C)poor D)reverse

A semiconductor is formed by __________bonds.

A)covalent B)electrovalent C)ionic D) none of the above

A semiconductor has ___________temperature coefficient of resistance.

A) positive B)0 C)negative D) none of the above

When a pure semiconductor is heated, It’s resistance

A) goes up B) goes down C) remains the same D) can not say

The battery connection required to reverse bias a p-n junction are
A) +ve terminal to p and –ve terminal to n C) -ve terminal to p and –ve terminal to n

B) -ve terminal to p and +ve terminal to n D) none of the above

At T=0 K, all energy states below EF (i.e. E<EF) have a probability of occupancy is

A) zero B)unity C)1/2 D) none of the above

At T=0 K, all energy states above EF (i.e. E>EF) have a probability of occupancy is
A) zero B)unity C)1/2 D) none of the above


At T > 0 K and E= EF , probability of occupancy is

A) zero



D) none of the above


The resistivity of the n-type semiconductor is 10-6 Ωcm. The number of donor atoms which must be added to obtain the
resistivity are

A) 6.2 x 1021 atoms

B) 6.2 x 1020 atoms

C) 7 x 1020 atoms

D) 7 x 1021atoms


Calculate the conductivity of pure Si at room temperature when the concentration of carrier is 1.5 x 10 16/m3 and mobilities
of electrons and holes are 0.12 and 0.05 m2/V

A) 4.1 x 10-4 mho/m

B) 4.1 x 10-4 mho/cm

C) 4.1 x 10-5 mho/m

D) 4.1 x 10-5 mho/cm


Fermi level in an intrinsic semiconductor lies

A) nearer to valence band

B) nearer to conduction band

C)at the middle of the band gap

D) none of the above


In N type semiconductor Fermi level

A) is at the middle of band gap

B) gets shifted towards the conduction band

C) gets shifted towards the valence band

D) none of the above


In P type semiconductor Fermi level

A) is at the middle of band gap

B) gets shifted towards the conduction band

C) gets shifted towards the valence band

D) none of the above


N type semiconductor is

A) –Vely charged

B) +Vely charged

C) electrically neutral

D) none of the above


Silicon is

A) Trivalent

B) Pentavalent


D) none of the above


In case of solar cell, the conversion efficiency

A) decreases with increasing temperature

B) increases with increasing temperature

C) decreases with decreasing temperature

D) increases with decreasing temperature


In case of solar cell, open circuit voltage

A)decreases with increasing temperature

B) increases with increasing temperature

C) decreases with decreasing temperature

D) increases with decreasing temperature


The Fill Factor of the solar cell is defined as

A) Fill Factor =(Isc x Voc) /( Im x Vm)

B) Fill Factor =( Im x Vm)/(Isc x Voc)

C) Fill Factor =( Im* Vm)

D) Fill Factor =(Isc x Voc)


An increase in diode voltage leads to

A) increase in diode resistance

B) decrease in diode resistance

C) no change in diode resistance

D) increase or decrease depending upon nature of diode


A no load condition means that

A) The load has infinite resistance

B) The load has zero resistance

C) The output terminals are open

D) Both A) and C)


A diode is a non-linear device due to the fact that

A)It has a symmetrical anode and cathode terminal

B) Its I-V characteristic are non-linear

C) Its anode an cathode are of different material

D) None of these

A hole in a semiconductor is defined as

A) a free electron

B) a free proton

C) the incomplete part of an electron pair bond

D) a free neutron


As the doping to a pure semiconductor increases, the bulk resistance of the semiconductor

A) remains the same

B) increases

C) decreases

D)None of these


A hole and electron in close proximity would tend to

A) repel each other

B) attract each other

C) have no effect on each other

D) None of these


In the depletion region of p-n junction, there is a shortage of

A) acceptor ions

B) holes and electrons

C) donor ions

D) None of the above


A reverse biased p-n junction has

A) very narrow depletion layer

B) almost no current

C) very low resistance

D) large current flow

A pn junction acts as a

A) controlled switch

B) bidirectional switch

C) unidirectional switch

D) None of the above


A reverse biased pn junction has a resistance of the

A) order of Ω

B) order of KΩ

C) order of MΩ

D) None of these


At room temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor has

A) many holes only

B) a few electrons and holes

C) many free electrons only

D) no holes or free electrons


At absolute temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor has

A) many holes only

B) a few electrons an holes

C) many free electrons only

D) no holes or free electrons


At room temperature, an intrinsic silicon crystal acts approximately as

A) a battery

B) a conductor

C) an insulator

D) a piece of copper wire

Which of the following statement is not true

The resistance of intrinsic semiconductors decreases with increase of temperature

Doping pure Si with trivalent impurities gives p-type semiconductors.

The majority carriers in p-type semiconductors are holes.

A p-n junction can act as a semiconductor diode


What causes the depletion region?

A) Doping

B) Diffusion

C) barrier potential

D) Ions


What is an energy gap?

A) the space between two orbital shells

B) the energy equal to the energy acquired by an electron passing a 1 V electric field

C) the energy band in which electrons can move freely

D) an energy level at which an electron can exist


Silicon atoms combine into an orderly pattern called a:

A)covalent bond



D)valence orbit


In "n" type material, majority carriers would be:






Elements with 1, 2, or 3 valence electrons usually make excellent:

A) Conductors

B) Semiconductors

C) Insulators

D) Neutral


A commonly used pentavalent material is:

A) Arsenic

B) Boron

C) Gallium

D) Neon


Which material may also be considered a semiconductor element?






Since diodes are destroyed by excessive current, circuits must have:

A)higher voltage sources

B)current limiting resistors

C)more dopants

D)higher current sources


What can a semiconductor sense?




all of the above


What is the current through the diode?

1 mA

0.975 mA

0.942 mA
0.0 mA


When an electron jumps from the valence shell to the conduction band, it leaves a gap. What

is this gap called?

energy gap


electron-hole pair


Electrons in the outermost orbit or shell of an atom are called

free electrons

negative ions

valence electrons

conduction band electrons


A p-n junction allows current flow when

A) the p-type material is more positive than the n-type material

B) the n-type material is more positive than the p-type material

C) both the n-type and p-type materials have the same potential

there is no potential on the n-type or p-type materials


Intrinsic semiconductor material is characterized by a valence shell of how many electrons?






Ionization within a P-N junction causes a layer on each side of the barrier called the:


depletion region

barrier voltage

forward voltage

When a diode is forward biased, the voltage across it

is directly proportional to the current

is inversely proportional to the current

is directly proportional to the source voltage

remains approximately the same


Why is heat produced in a diode?

due to current passing through the diode

due to voltage across the diode

due to the power rating of the diode

due to the PN junction of the diode


The arrow in the schematic symbol of a diode points to

the n-type material, which is called the anode

the n-type material, which is called the cathode

the p-type material, which is called the anode

the p-type material, which is called the cathode


The diode schematic arrow points to the:

trivalent-doped material

positive axial lead

anode lead

cathode lead


When checking a diode, low resistance readings both ways indicate the diode is:




not the problem


In a diode schematic, the anode is represented by a(n):


vertical line

zig-zag line
element indicator


Which of the following cannot actually move?

majority carriers



free electrons


What electrical characteristic of intrinsic semiconductor material is controlled by the

addition of impurities?




all of the above


In "p" type material, minority carriers would be:






With a 12 V supply, a silicon diode, and a 370-ohm resistor in series, what voltage will be

dropped across the diode?

0.3 V
0.7 V

0.9 V

1.4 V

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