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 General sensations and complaints
*All-gone, hungry sensation in stomach.(b)
*Early-morning, sudden diarrhœa(b)
*When with the family history of tubercular
affections the best selected remedies fail to
relieve or permanently improve, without
reference to name of disease.(a)
*Symptoms ever changing; ailments affecting
one organ, then another.(a)
*Emaciation rapid and pronounced; losing
flesh while eating well.(a)
*Chronic headache , when the best selected
remedy only palliates.(a)

 General tendencies
*Takes cold easily without knowing how or
where; seems to take cold "every time he
takes a breath of fresh air". (a)
*Crops of small boils, intensely painful,
successively appear in the nose. (a)
*Skin itches intense, < at night when
undressing, from bathing.

 General modalities
*aggravation : Motion , music , before a
strom , standing in dampness , from drought ,
early morning and after sleep. *amelioration :
in open air
 Thermal reaction
*Extremely chilly patient.
*take cold "every time he takes a breath of
fresh air" (a)
 State of appetite
*complete loss of,or excessive appetite(b)
*weak,empty,gone or faint feeling in the
stomach about 11am;cannot wait for lunch(a)
*ravenous hunger at 11am;must have
something between breakfast and
*get hungry out of their usual mealtimes(c)
*hungry ,but appetite vanishes at sight of
food,feels full in abdomen(c)

 Desires
* Desire for cold milk.(b)
 Aversion
*Averse to meat.(b)

 Intolerance

 Thirst

 Taste
 Tongue

 Salivation

 Stool
*Diarrhoea: early morning, sudden,
imperative ; stool dark, brown, watery,
offensive; discharged with great force; great
weakness and profuse night sweats. (a)

 Urine

 Perspiration

 Sleep and Dreams

*Poor; wakes early. Overpowering
sleepiness in daytime. Dreams vivid and

 Discharges if any

 Menstrual history
*Menses: too early; too profuse; too long-
lasting; tardy in starting; with frightful
dysmenorrhoea; in patients with a tubercular
*Dysmenorrhœa. Pains increase with the
establishment of the flow.(b)


Reference : ‘a’ = Keynotes and characteristics with

comparisons of some of the leading remedies of the materia
medica with bowel nosodes by H.C.Allen
‘b’= Boericke’s new manual of homeopathic
materia medica with repertory by William Boericke
‘c’ = A dictionary of practical materia medica
by John Henry Clarke
‘k’ = Repertory of the homeopathic materia
medica by J. T. Kent
‘k mat’= Lectures on homoeopathic
materia medica by James Tyler Kent

By Ipsita Malakar

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