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ZZ EVENT OBJECTIVE: Numbers are storytellers, but they need us to be their voice. Do you have what
it takes to be the voice of the data? The field of data science is evolving into one of the fastest-
growing and most in-demand fields in the world. Predict-X will test your ability to understand data,
analyze it, and build predictive models. We challenge you to solve real-world problems with all your
data science skills.

EVENT STRUCTURE: Predict-X will consist of two rounds Quiz and Technical. Round 1 will be the quiz
round. Round 2 will be a coding round where your data science knowledge and analytical skills
would be put together against a problem for which you have to build a prediction model. This round
will last for 7 days. Predict-X wants to challenge your ability in scanning and analyzing data and
hence it will have no programming language restrictions. The declaration of the result will be after
the completion of the event. However, participants can always track their progress via the leader

JUDGING CRITERIA: Judging for round 1 will be based on the performance of the teams in the Quiz.
The ties will be resolved in the following order:

1. Multiple Select Questions (Team with Highest score will Prevail)

2. Multiple Choice Questions (Team with Highest score will Prevail)

If at all a tie exists, then the ranking will be based on the time taken to attempt the quiz, and the
team with the least time taken will prevail. If two teams have an equal time of completion (Highly
Unlikely), then ranking will be decided by the organizers.

Judging for round 2 will be based on the correctness of the solution and code review. Evaluation of
the model will be based on the standard performance matrices which will be revealed on the
competition page which will be followed to rank the submitted solutions. In case of a tie, the code
review will be considered. An accurate solution with an absurd code will be disqualified and
considered as cheating. Provided accuracy in solution and code, participants will be judged on the
efficiency of the code and its ability to be generalized for other similar problem statements.
Contestants will also be judged based on reproducibility as well. A team whose results are easily
reproducible will be given priority in the tiebreaker. The focus of the team on the Data pre-
processing will also be considered in the judging criterion. The preference order of the different
judging criteria is given in detail in the FAQ section.

DETAILS: Predict-X consists of two rounds – Quiz and Technical. Both Rounds will be conducted
online and there is no programming language restriction.
In the Quiz round, there will be a quiz of 100 marks and one 1-hour time limit consisting of Multiple
Choice and Multiple Correct questions of varying difficulty levels. There will be no negative marking.
For the quiz, only one attempt is allowed per team and each team should participate in the quiz via
their team leader's account. The cut-off score for this round will be 60. However, the cut-off score is
subject to change.

The second round will be a pure coding round where teams/participants have to build a prediction
model based on the given data set and any of the standard performance matrices would be used for
evaluation. The context of the datasets needed will be provided. The expected format of the
solution, code, and reference and mining of the datasets will be explicitly mentioned. Using any
reference material while solving the problem is allowed but copying code from other contesting
teams will be unacceptable and such plagiarism will result in immediate disqualification at the
discretion of the organizers.


1. Predict-X is an online multi-stage event.

2. There is no restriction on its participation and the participants can participate from anywhere
across the world.

3. There is no restriction of a branch. A student from any branch can participate.

4. Two students from different colleges can be a part of the same team. However, one person
cannot be a part of multiple teams for the same event.

5. Decision taken by the judges and organizers will be considered final and binding to all.

6. Teams who do not register will not be eligible for prizes and their solution will not be taken under

8. Teams who cannot register offline, may register online on the website of MindSpark’20

9. Rules may be changed without any prior intimation. Participants are requested to check the
MindSpark’20 website ( regularly for updates.


Team size: Maximum 2 participants per team.

Registration fee: Free for all


Q. What is the evaluation criterion?

A. The evaluation criteria for Stage 2 ascends in the following order:
1) Accuracy of the model on the validation set
2) Uniqueness and the modularity of the code
3) Efficiency of the code
4) Ability to be generalized for similar problems
5) Focus on Data Visualization and Data Cleaning
Stage 1 will be MCQ Quiz which will be conducted online, for which the evaluation criteria will be
obvious and participants scoring more than the cutoff score will be qualified for Stage-2.
Q. Can I participate in other events of MindSpark’20?
A. You are free to participate in as many events as you wish. Also, other events are scheduled during
the MS’20.

Q. Do team members have to be from the same college?

A. As Predict-X is open to all events, there are no restrictions on the formulation of teams. Team
members can be from any year, any branch, and any institution. However, one person cannot be a
part of 2 teams for the same event.

Q. Are there any restrictions on programming languages to be used?

A. No, the code can be written in any programming language.


Shaunak A. Halbe: +919511986117

Email :

Siddhant V. Kandge: +917620950191

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