Multistage Air Compressor PDF

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EXPERIMENT NO.4 Aim: To determine mechanical efficiency, volumetric efficiency, Isothermal efficieney for multistage air compressor. Introduction: About the system: The main focus behind this is to study the performance of reciprocating two-stage air compressor. These types of compressor are generally used where small volume of gas is compressed igh pressure. Reciprocating air compressor being a positive displacement type find wide application in all types of industries. Hence, it is necessary to study various parameter of compressor, which control the final output of the system. / @ _ This study includes, ~- Determination of volumetric efficiency. ~ Mechanical efficiency, adiabatic efficiency and isothermal efficiency. ~ Plotting graph intake volume rates V/s. delivery from varying rate. System consist of two stage compressor driven by electric motor storage tank & indicators. The compressor and motor is mounted on storage tank. About the test ri 1) Compressor : Two stage twin cylinder reciprocating type air compressor mounted on receiver tank Intercooler is provided between L.P. & HP. stage. 2) Base Frame : Made up of MS Channel, duly powder coated. The compressor and receivers tank are mounted on the base frame. 3) Elect Motor : 3 phase induction motor is used to drive the compressor through a belt drive. The motor is mounted on receiver tank along with compressor, 4) Air flow Measurement Unit : To measure the air intake at compressor the trainer is provided with air fitted with orifice at its inlet, 5) Digital RPM indicator : - stical 5 optical sensor The compressor speed is measured by a non-contact type oP’ as measured speed is displayed on digital indicator. 6) K-Type thermocouple : These sensors are used to measure the temperature reading with great accuracy and Precision at required rate of the compressor. 7) Energy meter : To determine the power supplied to compressor, energy meter is used. Multistaging of air compressor: - In practice it is impossible to achieve isothermal process, which required véry slow ‘movement of piston but speed of compressor is very high therefore it is not possible to achieve isothermal compression process in actual practical, Therefore to reduce work required to compressor, compression is carried out in more than one stage this is called multistage @ compressor. Precautions and safety: 1) Use uninterrupted power supply. 2) Keep the trainer on rigid surface of well-ventilated room at least 1 m from wall to allow sufficient at air circulation. 3) Check that pressure relief valve and high pressure out off on the predetermined pressure setting. 4) Check level of lubricating oil in compressor upto the level indicated on it. If necessary fill it with SAE-40 Oil. 5) Ensure that the electric supply with proper earthing is provided to system. CY 6) Before starting compressor switch ON the control panel. 7) Run the entire system at least in a week. Procedure: 1) Switch on the power supply of control panel. It should be 230 V AC with neutral and earthing, 2) Start the 3 phase 440V A.C. electric supply to compressor. 3) Observe the change in pressure and temperature. 4) Adjust the delivery valve of receiver such that the pressures after H.P. Cylinder remain at 2 bars. 5) Note down time required for 1 revolution of energy meter disc. 6) Readjust the discharge value for higher pressure and repeat the procedure for different delivery pressure. 7) Switch off the supply to compressor main supply to panel and discharge the air stored in receiver. 8) Calculate results as per calculation procedure described below. Observation table : Sr. | Comp. | Suction After After Tank Manometer reading No. | Speed | Press P; LP. HP Pressure | Mm of water column RPM | (Kg/em’) | cylinder eylinder | Py Pr Ps (Kg/em*) (Ke/em*)| (Kg/em?)| Hy yi i. 2. 3. I 4. | 5. I ! I Sr. ] Suction [AfterI™ | After After I] Tank | Timeforlrevolution No. | Temp | Cylinder | Intercooler | eylinder | Temp.| of energy meter in T “ce _|T2 %e | Ts °C Ts"C TEC _| See. 1 2 a 4 3 Convert the pressure into Kpa& temp. in Kelvin then value of the temp.& pressure are: P, = Pp = P= Py = EMC = Time FFICIENCY c A y ETRIC El ‘ALCULATION FOR VOLUMETRIC Compr weed (Ny) +. Compressor Speed, = Density of Air characterist as equation, xVi= max RaxTy Where, ma = mass of Air Ra Characteristic gas constant Density of air PA=ma/Vi= PVR, xT), Where Ty = (4) +273) °K PL[Rax (+273) pa we Keim Manometrie Difference hhh em of water -. M of water causing the flow BUL Ha= he x pa / py Where, p, Density of water = 1000, kg/m? Therefore, Hy = x 1000) / sa Actual volume of free air delivered Area of Orifice, A = (n/4) 2 (RA) (. A Coefficient of discharge of the orifice, C, * Actual volume of free air deliv ered, Vy Va =Cexax2eH, m/sec Me m/sec Mass of air supplied in kg / see = py x Vo - ssssnssnes KA / SCC. Theoretical volume of free air delivered * Volume of low pressure cylinder = Vip = (#/4) Diy? x Lizvs = (RAYS (on Ve = ©. Theoretical volume of free air delivered at intake condition Vin = Vip x N2/ 60 “Vu = m/sec Volumetric efficiency Volumetric efficiency = (Actual volume of F.A.D.) / (Theoretical volume of free air delivered) Mot = (Va) (Vin) x 100 sane X 100 % «Isothermal efficiency Calculation for observation No, . delivery pressure, P3 1. Intake pressure (absolute) Intake pressure (absolute ) = (Atmospheric pressure + Intake pressure (gauge) = 1.01325 + 9806 sbar Pa (assy = P (aim + Ps ceaugen 2. Intermediate pressure (absolute) Intermediate pressure (absolute) = Atmospheric pressure + Intermediate pressure (gauge) +0.9806 Po abs)= P (atm) + P2 (gues) = 1.01325 + .. F se bar 3. Delivery pressure (absolute) Delivery pressure (absolute) = Atmospheric pressure + Delivery pressure (gauge) 01325 +... 0.9806 P3 abs) = P aun) + P (gauge = easesessny DOE ‘Compression ration w 10. WL 12, 13. 14, ry = (P2/P1) on ration, rst stage compression ration, First stage es Second stage compression ration, t2 = ( Overall compression ration, r= (P3/P1) Index of compression / i ‘Compression follows the polytropic process i.e. PV" = P, Vi"=P2 Vo" TafTy = (P2/ P10!" Work input to compressor, Win = [(3600 x 1) x 1000} / [tx EMC] Win = 2 Win watts Actual work Done ~ Work done per cycle in compressing air in Low pressure (LP) cylinder, W tp Wiup=n/n-l {P) Vy ((P2/P))] 1}, Joules / cycle ~ Work done per cycle in compressing air in High pressure (HP) cylinder, Wup War =n/n-l (P2 V2 [(P3/P)] °™ -1}, Joules / cycle Actual work done per cycle, W= Wir + W up Wean/ nel {{P) Vi (P2/P1) 1] + [Pp Vo [P2 Vo [(P3/P)] 1} .-, Joules / cycle. Indicated Power (IP) IP = Actual work done in Joules / cycle x Np /60 = W x N2 /60 IP = Watts. Isothermal work (W iso) W iso = PI VI [loge (P3/P1)] , Joules / cycle, Isothermal Power = Isothermal work in Joules / cycle x Nz/ 60 = W igo x Nz /60 16. _ Isothermal Efficiency (niso) Nizo = (Isothermal Power) / ( Indicated Power) Miso = IC .-) 100 + Miso = 17. Overall Isothermal Efficiency (1 overat iso) Novato = (Isothermal Power) / (Shaft power / B.P. of Motor / Work Input) oe 7 vera iso / ~)x 100 2.7 overt io 18. Heat rejected to intercooler, Q 23 Q23 max Cp x (2-6) (Take C, for air = 1.002 KJ/Kg K) son KK, Q2: 19. Result It is concluded that : 2 1. Volumetric Efficiency of an air Compressor = 2. Overall Isothermal Efficiency of an air Compressor = Crank-Shaft Fig. — Le |= Inlet Valve D - Delivery Vaive Cylinder : Reciprocating air compressor

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