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Mustansiriyah University College of Engineering Highways and Transportation Engineering Department

Asphalt Pavement Materials Laboratory

Writing Technical Report
On the first page, write the following information:
Lab No.
Test No.
Title of the test method:
Date of the test:
Date of submission of the report:
Group No.
Members of the group:
Prepared by:

From the second page to the end of the report, write the following:
Scope of the test
Significance and use
Preparation of test specimen
Summary of test method
Calculation and results
Discussion and conclusions
Data sheet

* Each student is responsible for writing a test summary

Please summarize the test presenting the important points only. Use about 100-150 words.
Mustansiriyah University College of Engineering Highways and Transportation Engineering Department

Details of data sheet (each student is responsible for submitting an original copy of a data sheet).

Student name

Members of the group

Main group No.

Sub-group No.

Test No.

Date of testing

Title of the test method

Test conditions

Test readings

Lab administrator or supervisor

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