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DATED- 12-12-2020


Q01.It is the amount of feed that will supply the proper amount and proportion of nutrients
needed for an animal for an animal to perform specific purpose as growth maintenance,
location or gestation periods:-
(A) Feed
(B) Ration
(C) Fodder
(D) Balanced Ration

Q2.Improperly balanced ration causes :-

(A) Improper metabolism
(B) Poor utilization of food, uneconomic production
(C) Less Production, wastage of feed
(D) All of the above

Q3.A balanced ration is more purposeful and beneficial as :-

(A) It ensures proper supply of nutrients to animal
(B) Overall production increases proper health
(C) Increases immunity, feed conversion efficiency
(D) All of above

Q4.Ration provided to livestock’s should be :-

(A) Evil smelling
(B) Mouldy
(C) Palatable
(D) Spoiled or inferior feed

Q5.To make ration palatable, what should be added to it ?

(A) Salt
(B) Feed additives
(C) Variety of feeds with balanced mixture
(D) All of above

Q6.Deficieny of minerals and vitamins in feeds may lead to :-

(A) Fall down in milk production
(B) Stress, repeat breeding, weakness
(C) Metabolic disorders, reproductive disorders
(D) All of these
Q7.Characteristics of green fodder is fare
(A) Bulky
(B) Easily digestible, laxative
(C) Contains enough necessary vitamins
(D) All of these

Q8.Green fodder includes :-

(A) Leguminous
(B) Non –leguminous
(C) Mixed of above
(D) All of these

Q9.Lucere, bersime, cowpea and soyabean are the :-

(A) Non Legune Hay
(B) Legume Hay
(C) Mixed hay
(D) None of these

Q10.Colostrumes feeding for cavlves consists of :-

(A) 3 to 5 times protein as of normal milk
(B) Copper, Iron
(C) Magnesium, manganese
(D) All of these

Q11.Wide range of feed ingredients include :-

(A) Green and Dry Fodder
(B) Tree leaves, grains, oil cakes
(C) Agro industrial by -products
(D) All of these

Q12.What are the essential ingredients needs to be given to livestock’s?

(A) Green Fodder
(B) Grains
(C) Mineral Mixture
(D) All of these

Q13.What are the challenges of calculating proper amount of feed requirement of livestocks
(dairy animal) in india so that proper nutrition can be supplied to them ?
(A) In India dairy farming is very diverse in nature in terms of productivity and Nutrition.
(B) Man types of Breed are there which have different nature body weight, dry matter
intake and production capacity.
(C) Different type of dairy animals in India are desi pure cows, non descript desi cows, cross
bred cattle, pure bred exotic cattle, yalks, mithuns, goats sheeps etc.
(D) All of these

Q14.Nutritional requirement depends upon the factor :-

(A) Age, stage of animal (ill, lactating, pregnant etc)
(B) Body weight and size
(C) Production stage
(D) All of these

Q15.Pica is due to the deficiency of :-

(A) Phosphorus
(B) Calcium
(C) Sodium
(D) Iron

Q16.Feed given to animals usually comprises of ________ which leads to imbalanced feeding.
(A) Locally available concentrate ingredients
(B) Grass
(C) Crop residue
(D) All of the above

Q17.Deitary feed ingredients comprises of _______

(A) Compound cattle feed
(B) Crop Residue & grasses, green fodder
(C) Mineral Mixture
(D) All of the above

Q18.Purpose of NDDB’s Ration balancing programme is ________

(A) To enhance milk production
(B) To supply them proper sufficient nutrition
(C) To increase productivity of livestock
(D) All of the above

Q19.LRP (Local Resource Persons) trained by implementing agency to effectively use the
software’s in local language for
(A) Assessing nutrient status of animal
(B) Assessing nutrient requirement of animal
(C) Formulating least cost balanced ration with locally available resources
(D) All of the above

Q20.Benefits of Ration balancing programme are ______

(A) Cost efficient balanced ration with local resources
(B) Improve reproduction efficiency, net daily income, milk production and fat percentage
(C) Reduce inter calving period
(D) All of these

Q21.Various cereal grains are ______

(A) Maize, Bajra
(B) Sorghum, Broken rice, oats
(C) Barley, wheat
(D) All of the above
Q22.Various vegetable proteins are ______
(A) Groundnut oil cake, soybean meal
(B) Sunflower oil cake, cotton seed meal
(C) Coconut meal, linseed meal, Mustard Cake
(D) All of these

Q23.Example of Milling by –product is /are

(A) De oiled rice bran
(B) Wheat bran
(C) Rice Polish, Mollasses
(D) All of the above

Q24.Animal fat like ___________ is /are the feed ingredient for proper nutrition of diary
(A) Lard
(B) Tallow
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of above

Q24.Various vegetable fat are /is

(A) Corn Oil
(B) Groundnut oil
(C) Sunflower oil
(D) All of these

Q25.Recommended Major minerals for Cattle & Buffaloes is /are

(A) Phosphorus, Magnesium
(B) Sodium, Potassium
(C) Chlorine
(D) All of these

Q26.Recommded Micro minerals for cattle and buffaloes is /are

(A) Iron, Copper, Zinc
(B) Manganes, Cobalt, Selenium
(C) Thyroid, Fluorine
(D) All of these

Q27.Essentail vitamins for cattle and buffaloes is /are:-

(A) A, D, E
(B) K
(C) C
(D) All of these

Q28.Which on of the following has more protein than others ?

(A) Soybean meal
(B) Cotton seed meal
(C) Coconut meal
(D) Mustard Cake

Q29.Which statement is true about wheat bran?

(A) Excellent food with more fibre content
(B) Laxative when mashed with warm water
(C) Commaly fed to Pigs & Poultry due to its fibrous nature and low digestibility
(D) All of these

Q30.Role of calcium is /are

(A) Controls the excitability of nerves and muscles
(B) Required for normal clotting of blood
(C) Necessary for the activation of enzymes like trypsin, adenosine, triphosphates
(D) All of these

Q31.Supplemenation required when these is deficiency of calcium

(A) Ground Limestone
(B) Steamed bone meal
(C) Dicalcium phosphate
(D) All of these

Q32.What are the functions of sodium in Animal’s body ?

(A) Acid base balance, muscle contraction
(B) Nerve transmission, blood Ph
(C) Osmotic pressure
(D) All of these

Q33.Micro Mineral responsible for the synthesis of thyroxine hormone is :-

(A) Copper
(B) Iodine
(C) Iron
(D) Zinc

Q34.Which Micromineral is responsible for vitamin B12 synthesis by rumen microbes ?

(A) Cobalt (Co)
(B) Copper (Cu)
(C) Iodine (I)
(D) Iron (Fe)

Q35.Anemia is due to the deficiency of :-

(A) Copper
(B) Iodine
(C) Iron
(D) Zinc
Q36.Function of Zinc are /is :-
(A) Enzyme activation
(B) Repair of damaged tissue, Imnue system
(C) Teat keratin formation
(D) All of the above

Q37.Roughages in Ethiopia can be grouped as :-

(A) Grass, range grasses
(B) Legumes
(C) Straw, Stover
(D) All of these

Q38.A dietary deficiency of ________ leads to an abnormal increases of the alkali reserve of the
blood (alkalosis)
(A) Chlorine
(B) Iron
(C) Potassium
(D) Sodium

Q39.Supplementation required in the deficiency of Iron is /are

(A) Legume and oil seed meal
(B) Cereals straw & bran
(C) Ferrous sulphate salts and Iron dextran
(D) All of these

Q40.Excess amount of copper intake may leads to :-

(A) Chronic copper poisoning results in necrosis of liver cells
(B) Jaundice, loss of appetite
(C) Death from hepatic comma
(D) All of these

Q41.Defiency of Vitamin D causes :-

(A) Rickets
(B) Osteomalacia
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of above

Q42.Advatnages of silage is /are

(A) Palatable & Slightly laxative
(B) Better source of protein & carotene than hay
(C) Retains high proportions of nutrients than hay as losses due to shattering and bleaching
are minimized.
(D) All of these
Q43.Factors affecting the nutritive value of hay
(A) Shattering of leaves, Fermentation
(B) Oxidation, leaching
(C) Action of micro organism, storage of growth
(D) All of these

Q44.The characteristic of Polishing is /are

(A) It contains 10-15% Protein, 12% Fat and 3-4 crude fibre
(B) Rich source of B-complex and source of energy
(C) Due to high fat rancidity may occur
(D) Al of these

Q45.Oats are abundant in :-

(A) Glutamic acid
(B) Methionine
(C) Histidine
(D) Tryptophan

Q46.Groudnut oil cake is rich in

(A) Lysine
(B) Vitamin B12 & Calcium
(C) Methionine
(D) Cystein

Q47.If too much energy in the diet of milch animals will become fat & that leads to :-
(A) Difficult birth
(B) Retained placenta, Displaced abomasum
(C) Milk fever and ketosis
(D) All of these

Q48.Low supply of Protein to the diet of dairy cows may cause :-

(A) Rapid drop in milk production if sudden reduce in protein supply observed
(B) Will result in small calves being born
(C) Can cause excessive weight loss
(D) All of these

Q49.Poor feeding in early lactation will leads to :-

(A) Low lactation yield
(B) Poor condition
(C) Delayed heat, Ketosis
(D) All of above

Q50.Which of the following provide energy

(A) Carbohydrates
(B) Fat
(C) Vitamins
(D) Both A & B

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