Pricing of Irrigation Water Under Alternative Charging Methods: Possible Shortcomings of A Volumetric Approach

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Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805

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Pricing of irrigation water under alternative charging methods: Possible

shortcomings of a volumetric approach
Gabriele Dono, Luca Giraldo ∗ , Simone Severini
Universita’ della Tuscia of Viterbo, Via S.Camillo de Lellis, 01100 Viterbo, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The European water framework directive aims to protect the environmental quality of water and encour-
Received 10 July 2009 age its efficient use. EU member states are required to implement efficient water management systems
Accepted 22 June 2010 and appropriate water-pricing methods. This paper examines the economic effects that may arise given
Available online 21 July 2010
the introduction of two different methods for pricing irrigation in the Mediterranean area. The considered
pricing methods charge farmers for the costs incurred by water user associations (WUAs) in managing
water distribution networks. The first method, based on the metered use of water by farms, is known as
the volumetric pricing method. The second is an area-based pricing method, whereby fees are charged
Water framework directive
Regional model
per hectare according to the estimated average water use for each crop. The economic effects and the
Linear programming impacts on the water usage of these two schemes are analyzed using a mathematical model that repre-
Volumetric pricing sents the farm sector in a Mediterranean area that relies on a dam for irrigation. The possible effects are
Groundwater analyzed under two scenarios: first, the methods are applied to the observed water-pricing conditions,
second, an additional charge is introduced to recover unaccounted costs of the water supply system (e.g.,
long-term costs related to infrastructure, and the operational and maintenance costs of dams) in line with
the water framework directive principle of cost recovery. The results show that the introduction of an
additional charge via the volumetric pricing method could stimulate the substitution of water provided
via collective networks with groundwater. This could adversely affect the financial situation of the WUA
and have negative environmental consequences. This negative outcome does not arise in the case that
an additional charge is applied via the area-based pricing method.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction not accompanied by other relevant water policy measures and a

wider program of interventions.
The main objectives of the European water framework directive The WFD also requires all costs associated with water services to
(WFD) (EU, 2000a) are protection of the environmental quality of be recovered and paid for by water users according to the volume of
surface water and groundwater, and the promotion of sustainable water consumed. This requirement is expected to have two major
water policies. These objectives are expected to be met by planning impacts on the farming sector. First, the public administrations
water use at the level of a river basin, including the introduction of involved in water management (such as regional administrations
an appropriate water-pricing policy. Article 9 of the WFD states: in Italy) are likely to apply additional charges to water use in
“[. . .] water-pricing policies provide adequate incentives for users order to recover a greater share of the unaccounted cost (e.g., the
to use water resources efficiently, and thereby contribute to the long-term costs of infrastructure, the operational and maintenance
environmental objectives of this directive.” Previous authors argue costs of dams and environmental costs) (WATECO, 2003). Such
that water-pricing, whether dictated by government mandate or charges are expected to result in future increases in water prices
driven by market forces, is an effective way to improve water alloca- because water user associations (WUAs) (Consorzi d’Irrigazione),
tion and encourage conservation (Tsur and Dinar, 1997). However, which provide most of the irrigation water in Italy, currently charge
other authors, such as Cornish et al. (2004), question whether associated farmers only for the operational costs of water distri-
water-pricing in irrigation could be a successful instrument in con- bution networks.1 Second, while many WUAs charge water users
serving water or allocating it appropriately if such an approach is according to area-based pricing methods (ABMs), there is grow-
ing pressure to move toward volumetric pricing methods (VPMs),

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (G. Dono), (L. Giraldo), WUAs supply water to 40.4% of Italian farms, and to 52.6% of the total irrigated (S. Severini). land area (INEA, 2007).

0378-3774/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1796 G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805

which are believed to be more effective in encouraging water con- water. This paper suggests that even if the VPM is theoretically
servation because payments are directly linked to actual delivered desirable, in practice it is not always feasible; consequently, other
water. Yet the adoption of VPMs is potentially complicated. Perry pricing methods may be more effective in controlling groundwater
(2007) reported that many studies have found that the adoption of extraction.
pricing methods, believed to be stimulators of water conservation,
can lead to the opposite results. In fact, a reduction in the amount
of water delivered to farmers can result in an increase in the pro- 2. Water charging schemes in the Mediterranean areas of
portion of water consumed on delivered (i.e. the consumptive use southern Italy
coefficient of water) (Jensen, 1993; Perry, 2007) as a consequence
of improved irrigation technologies. However, because this out- Italian WUAs generally charge associated farmers only for oper-
come could lead to an increase in the area of irrigated land and ational costs of water supply networks, herein referred to as water
increased water use, an end result may be a decrease in water con- distribution costs (WDC). All other supply costs (i.e., the operational
servation. However, in this paper, the focus lies on the absence of costs of dams, long-term costs of infrastructure, and environmen-
pricing in groundwater irrigation, as individual irrigators and farm- tal costs) are not charged to farmers. WUAs use various methods
ers are only required to cover their own pumping costs. In addition, in charging WDC, but they generally employ a unitary per-hectare
limited knowledge on the location and distribution of the water fee or a two-stages charge (a type of binomial system).
source and a general lack of legislation and enforcement in this The per-hectare fee has traditionally been the most widely
area prevent the public administration from regulating and con- adopted method in Italy because it is the simplest to manage when
trolling the withdrawal of groundwater, and from charging farmers charging farmers. In fact, WUAs compute WDC at the end of the irri-
for any environmental costs. In conclusion, given that the pricing gation campaign and divide it by the amount of farmland to which
methods applied by WUAs have the effect of stimulating ground- water is supplied by the collective irrigation network, regardless of
water exploitation, it is important to analyze the specific effects of whether the land is irrigated; consequently, this approach bears no
different pricing methods on the use of this resource. relation to the amount of water used by farmers.
This paper investigates the potential impact on the water usage The two-stages system includes a basic payment and a comple-
and the economic effects of increasing water prices in a Mediter- mentary payment. The basic payment, which may be directly or
ranean agricultural area in southern Italy, where the local WUA uses indirectly linked to water use, is computed by multiplying a uni-
a VPM but where farmers are also able to use water from privately tary price of water by the amount of water used by farms. Basic
owned wells. The analysis evaluates and compares the impact of payments that are directly linked to water use are calculated based
price increases under the VPM and ABM approaches. We focus on on readings from water meters installed at farm gates, while those
how an increase in the price of water delivered by WUA, applied that are indirectly linked to water use are calculated by estimating
using different pricing methods, could reduce the total water use the unitary water needs for each irrigated crop. The unitary price
but increase the withdrawal of groundwater, whose control and of water is usually defined before the start of the irrigation sea-
reduced use is one of the relevant objectives of the WFD. Such a son and is generally set below the expected average WDC. Farmers
price increase would be needed if regional authorities ask farmers are then asked for a complementary payment at the end of the
to meet a larger share of the costs associated with providing water irrigation season in order to recover the full WDC. These comple-
services (as they have been requested by the WFD); i.e., in addition mentary payments are generally charged according to the amount
to operational and maintenance costs related to water distribution of land equipped with the collective irrigation network rather than
networks, farmers are expected to pay for long-term costs related the amount of water used by farmers. In times of severe drought,
to infrastructure, the operational costs of dams, and environmental it becomes difficult for WUA to charge farmers for complementary
costs related to the supply system and the use of water.2 payments, in which case the payment may be covered in part by
This study is based on applying ex-ante simulation scenarios public funds.
using a mathematical programming model that represents the agri- The basic payment component of this two-stages system can be
cultural activities practiced in the study area. Here, water from a calculated using two contrasting methods. A VPM approach is used
large dam is supplied to farms by a WUA, although farmers can in the case that water meters are installed and functioning on every
also opt to pump groundwater from their own wells. Moreover, the farm (as this enables water use to be monitored); this approach
analysis takes into account an econometrically estimated distribu- does not generally apply when water is delivered to the farm gate
tion cost function incurred by the WUA for operational costs related by gravity-fed canal networks. National and regional Governments
to the water distribution network. This consideration is important commonly provide financial support to encourage a switch from
in terms of assessing how the simulated scenarios affect the finan- canal to pipeline systems and to install farm gate meters as part of
cial situation of the WUA in terms of the size of water payments collective networks. This financial support aims at reducing water-
and how their operational costs are recovered. losses from the network and providing a better service to farmers,
The following section summarizes current water-pricing poli- but also at metering water supplied to farms and encouraging a
cies in Mediterranean areas. Subsequently, the main characteristics switch to VPMs.
of the study area are presented, along with the model used to run Alternatively, basic payments are calculated using ABMs, which
the simulations and the simulated scenarios. Finally, the results estimate the unitary irrigation requirements for each irrigated crop
of the analysis are discussed, revealing that increased water prices (i.e., crop-based charges). Some WUAs calculate accurate and large
under VPMs, not accounting for the use of private wells, simply pro- sets of estimates that vary according to crop type, irrigation tech-
mote the substitution of surface water from the WUA network with nology, soil characteristics and climatic conditions. In contrast,
groundwater. Such an outcome could negatively affect the environ- other WUAs refer to broad groups of crops with different unitary
ment and complicate the financial situation of the WUA. However, irrigation requirements, although this approach yields a rough esti-
it is difficult to design and enforce a VPM that accounts for ground- mate of farm water use. In the case that an ABM is employed,
farmers must apply to the WUA for water by reporting their irriga-
tion plan at the beginning of the season. The WUA then checks if the
The WFD includes resource costs (i.e., the opportunity cost of water compared
actual extent of irrigated crops is consistent with the irrigation plan
with a present or future alternative use) within the costs to be recovered, even (to prevent the avoidance of payments in the case that the plans
though the wisdom of this approach is currently being debated in the literature. show fewer crops than actually cultivated). In the event of severe
G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805 1797

Fig. 1. Consortium of Nurra, North-Western Sardinia.

drought, during which times farmers are forced to leave fields fal- in the two lakes is shared between urban and farm uses. In the
low, payments are calculated on the actual extent of irrigated crops, case of a water shortage, urban uses are given priority and farmers
not solely on the cultivation plan presented beforehand. respond by using water from private wells, if available.
ABMs are based on irrigated acreage and the water needs of Surface water is distributed via two interconnected network
crops, irrespective of whether the water comes from a WUA net- systems that differ in altitude (i.e., for low and high land). For low-
work or from farm wells, thereby generating an indirect charging land areas, water from the two lakes is directly introduced into
effect on groundwater. VPM is widely supported in technical and pipelines and distributed by gravity. For highland areas, water is
political debates because it directly links water payments to the first pumped into gathering basins located at a relatively high alti-
amount of water delivered to farmers. However, for both pricing tude, from where it flows downward through a pipeline network
models, water charges are set by WUAs in order to recover the gravity. In 2004, the two systems carried similar volumes of water.
operational costs of water distribution networks, whereas the WFD The water fees paid by farmers are aimed at recovering the WDC
requires the recovery of a larger proportion of the costs of water incurred by the WUA. Since 2001, the pricing method has been VPM,
services. The use of the average cost in these calculations deviates whereby farmers pay 0.0301 D /m3 (in 2004) as a basic payment
from the prescription that a fully efficient allocation scheme for a for the water they use, measured via farm gate meters installed at
scarce resource such as water should be based on balancing the each farm of the WUA. Before 2001, the Nurra WUA adopted an
marginal net benefits of its uses (Perman et al., 2003). The cur- ABM based on per-hectare estimated water use for three different
rently employed pricing methods do not consider the long-term groups of crops (Table 1).3
costs of the relevant infrastructure, the operational costs of large There are no official data on the extraction of water from
dams, or the social and environmental costs of water use. Thus, wells; however, the WUA’s engineers have estimated that the
these methods of charging farmers for water supplied by WUAs annual withdrawal of groundwater is between 2.5 and 4 million m3 ,
are economically imperfect but politically feasible and easily man- depending on how much water from the dams is provided for agri-
ageable. cultural use. The number of wells owned by farms, as well as their
The following analysis evaluates the possible economic effects location and technical features, has been identified from agricul-
and the impacts on water usage of introducing an additional charge tural census data and data compiled as part of the RIADE Research
in accordance with the principle of full cost recovery, as introduced Project, jointly run by ENEA (National Agency for New Technology,
by the WFD. The analysis is performed considering the two main Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) and the University
water-pricing methods discussed here: ABM and VPM. The follow- of Sassari (Italy) (Dono et al., 2008). These data reveal that farms
ing section describes the area that is the focus of the empirical use approximately 107 wells in the area.
analysis and considers the motivation for the introduction of an The agricultural sector in the study area is represented by a
additional charge in the study area. regional model of mathematical programming consisting of 24
blocks that describe the most relevant farming systems. Each farm-
3. Study area and motivations for increasing the price of ing system, called a macro-farm (with reference to the blocks in
irrigation water the model), represents a group of farms that are relatively homo-
geneous in terms of size (cultivated land and livestock units),
The study area covers the Cuga river basin in the Sassari district, production patterns, presence of wells and location in the study
North-Western Sardinia (Italy), comprising 34,492 ha of farmland area (Table 1). Thirteen of the macro-farms are located in the zone
(Fig. 1). On 21,043 ha of this area, around 2900 farms receive water to which the WUA delivers water; 11 are located outside of this
from the Nurra WUA, distributing the surface water stored in a zone, where farms only rely on water from privately owned wells
system of two artificial lakes, Cuga (30 million m3 ) and Temo (54
million m3 ).
The WUA distributes only surface water: groundwater is man- 3
In the study area, water meters were installed at farm gates with a financial
aged by farmers as a private asset. In this system, the water stored contribution from national and regional Governments.
1798 G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805

Sheep (heads)
or practice rain-fed agriculture. Note that the production of some
of these typologies is not considered as typically Mediterranean,
such as intensive dairy production and the associated cultivation
of irrigated crops for producing forage.


In the mathematical programming model, production technolo-
Cattle (heads) gies for crops and livestock are accurately defined based on the
main activities observed in the study area. In particular, the use
of water by crops is defined according to the employed irrigation
techniques. Drip irrigation techniques, which are used for horticul-
tural crops and tree crops, are represented in the model, whereas


flood irrigation is not used at all and is therefore not represented
in the model.
n◦ of farms

The motivation for the additional charge considered in the sim-

ulations is linked to reorganization of the dam system in Sardinia
(Regional Law 19/2006). In fact, regional authorities have directly

assumed the management of the entire dam system upon the island
and have requested industrial, urban and agricultural users to pay
Ha per farm
Areas not served by WUA

for related operational costs, consistent with the WFD and subse-
quent guidance documents (WATECO, 2003).
Various hypotheses have been expressed by regional officials



regarding the level of the additional fee to be charged for the use
of local distribution networks. In this study, an additional charge
Total Ha

of 0.0301 D /m3 is considered, which represents the average of the

prices proposed to date; this charge is double that currently levied



by the WUA.


4. Model structure
Sheep (heads)

The analysis is based on a linear programming model. This

tool has already been used with remarkable results in the field
of irrigation4 and it has proven to be suitable for regional-level
modeling (McCarl and Spreen, 2004).


The mathematical programming model has the structure of a

regional model in order to represent the 24 farm typologies con-
Cattle (heads)

sidered (Conradie and Hoag, 2004). The general structure of the

objective function and the main constraints are shown below (Eq.
1.1); a more detailed representation is provided in the Appendix

A. The objective function, to be maximized and subject to equality

and inequality constraints, is defined as Z, representing the sum
of farm gross margins. This function is obtained by summing all
n of farms

the revenues related to the production sold (Rp) and CAP (common
agricultural policy) direct aid (Rs), minus variable activity-specific

production costs (C):

Max Z = Rp + Rs − C (1.1)
Ha per farm

d,s d,s d,s

Areas served by WUA
Farm typologies in the areas served and not served by Nurra WUA.



The parameter C also includes the costs incurred by farmers

in pumping water from private wells, where applicable, and the
charges applied by the WUA on the water it distributes to farmers.
w stands for wells meaning that the farm owns wells.

The index d refers to the irrigation district, and the index s indi-
Total Ha

cates farm typology (macro-farm). The study area is divided into


two districts (those served and not served by the WUA), with 13
farm typologies in the first district and 11 in the second. Each ele-
ment of this function includes several variables and parameters. In


particular, a large set of variables refers to all the main crop and live-
stock activities carried out in the farms of the study area. Further
Cattle, small farms with wells

details on the model are given in the Appendix A.

Vegetable crops, medium

The model constraints can be classified into several groups. The

Vegetable crops, small
Olive groves, medium

first group refers to the availability of resources such as labor, land

Vineyards, medium
Olive groves, small

and water. Some of these constraints ensure that the total water
Vineyards, large
Arable, medium

Sheep, medium

required by macro-farms is never greater than the expected avail-

Arable, small
Arable, large

Sheep, small
Cattle, large
Table 1

For a review of mathematical programming models used in the field of economic

analysis of irrigation, see, for example, Conradie and Hoag (2004).

G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805 1799

ability of water in the WUA network and that derived from private ticular, a set of constraints ensures that the balance is respected
wells. The expected availability of water in the WUA network was between animal feeding needs (expressed in terms of energy, pro-
estimated (for each irrigation period) by calculating the average tein and fiber content) and the feed obtained by crops or purchased
amount of water released by the WUA, based on a 12-year dataset on the market.
provided by WUA officials. Water constraints included in the model The model was developed in GAMS (Brooke et al., 1992), and
have the following structure: was calibrated and validated by comparing model results in terms
  of land and water use under the economic conditions of 2004 (base-
xa,d,s · AAa,t ≤ acqdst,d,s · COPERDd,t + apomt,d,s (1.2) line situation) with the situation observed in the study area in the
a same year by remote sensing (CASI4 database) and field surveys.
Water required by the farms is calculated by multiplying each The acreage validation (based on the share of different crop groups)
activity level (xa,d,s ) (index a), measured in hectares or heads, by was performed using the similarity index of Finger and Kreinin
the unitary irrigation requirements (AAa,t ) for the corresponding (1979), which yielded a remarkable 90% result.7 As additional data
activity in each period (index t), acqdst,d,s is the water delivered for validation, the amount of water delivered to farmers by the WUA
by the WUA to the farms. The amount of water globally delivered (as estimated by WUA officials) is similar to that indicated by the
in each period by the WUA cannot exceed the water availabil- model results under baseline conditions. Furthermore, the valida-
ity accounted for in another set of constraints. Losses of water tion process considered whether the model’s constraints strongly
through the distribution network are accounted for by the param- conditioned the space of the possible simulation results. To this end,
eter COPERDd,t .5 An average water-loss coefficient of 19% has been the level of shadow prices of the most important constraints was
estimated previously.6 The variable apomt,d,s is the amount of water examined, such as those on land, labor, and water availability. The
directly withdrawn by farmers from their own wells. The cost of constraints on labor and land are binding only in 1 of the 20 con-
pumping water from farmers’ own wells, which is not accounted for sidered periods of the year, and their shadow prices are generally
in the charge applied by the WUA, has been estimated by taking into low compared with the market price. In addition, agronomic and
account electricity costs and the capacity, depth and performance rotational constraints are binding only for several groups of crops
of pumping equipment. The unitary pumping cost is directly related and only in 2 of the 13 farm typologies, with shadow prices being
to pumping depth by a quadratic relationship, and it increases in significantly lower than the income of those crops. Surface water
a step-wise manner with increasing depth from which water is scarcity takes a more relevant role in conditioning the choices, as
pumped. Based on the results of farms surveys, 10 categories of explained below.
wells have been assigned that differ in terms of capacity, under- The model was developed to represent conditions in the year
groundwater level, and, accordingly, unitary pumping costs. These 2004. It was then further updated to represent the introduction
costs range from 0.0259 to 0.0323 D /m3 for shallow wells, which of the single payment scheme of the CAP, which occurred in 2005.
are most common, to 0.0910 D /m3 for deep wells, of which there This latter version of the model was used to perform the simulations
are few. discussed in this paper.
Under VPM, the water charge, included in the objective function
as cost, is equal to the product of the average price of water (D /m3 )
and the amount of water effectively delivered by the WUA at the 4.1. Water distribution costs
farm gate (acqdst,d,s , COPERDt,d, ). Under ABM, the water charge at
the farm level is calculated as follows (1.3): WDC incurred by the Nurra WUA were computed by a cubic vari-
 able cost function whose parameters have been econometrically
Water Costd,s = (HC aco,d · xaco,d,s ) (1.3) estimated using data from another WUA, located in the Oristano
aco Province of Sardinia (Dono and Severini, 2008).8 The network of
Fees for this pricing method are calculated by classifying crops water distribution pipelines used by the Oristano WUA is techni-
according to their unitary water requirement. The parameter HC cally similar to the system used by the Nurra WUA, and the served
(the charge per irrigated hectare) depends on the crop and the irri- areas in Oristano and Nurra are of similar size. Moreover, both sys-
gation technology (the set aco covers crop/irrigation technologies). tems obtain water from lakes located upstream, allowing water to
A second group of constraints concerns agronomic and rota- flow into part of the network via gravity. Similarly, in other parts
tional practices commonly adopted in the area in order to avoid of both WUA networks, water is pumped to serve areas at differ-
a decline in the yield level of certain groups of crops (McCarl and ent elevations. Explanatory variables of the Oristano WUA model
Spreen, 2004). Some of these constraints prevent the model from are water supplied to farms and irrigated farmland; these variables
adopting too large a ratio between land planted in cereals and land explain the operational costs of supplying water (WUA’s labor and
in other arable crops, and between horticultural land and land in energy). Each observation represents 1 year of data for each of the
other arable crops. Other constraints refer to multi-annual crops 11 districts that constitute the entire irrigated territory supplied by
such as alfalfa and artichokes, for balancing between the first and the Oristano WUA. These districts are clustered into four macro-
subsequent years. Another group of constraints refers to CAP instru- districts using dummy variables, according to the technological
ments of supply control, such as production quotas and set-aside, characteristics of their water distribution systems. In the D1 and
as well as to the rules used to identify the amount of decoupled aid D2 macro-districts, water is distributed through pipes and lifted by
provided by the single payment scheme of the CAP, including mod- mean of electricity-powered pumping, at high pressure in D1 and
ulation of direct aid received by farmers. The model also accounts at low pressure in D2. In D3, water is lifted above a certain altitude
for relationships between livestock activities and feed crops. In par- by electrical pumping and is then distributed by canals, mainly by
gravity. In D4, water is distributed by gravity.

This refers to losses from the WUA network, not to farm-level losses. As noted by
Carter et al. (1999) and Perry (2007), a proportion of such losses could contribute to
recharging the aquifer from which private wells draw water. However, this process This means that from 100 m3 of water released to the network from the dam,
is difficult to quantify and is not accounted for in the present model. farmers obtain around 81 m3 at the farm gate.
This means that from 100 m3 of water released to the network from the dam, 8
The model was estimated using data for the years 1995–2003, adjusted for
farmers obtain around 81 m3 at the farm gate. inflation and expressed in 2003 values.
1800 G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805

Table 2 Table 3
Consortium’s water distribution cost function. Regression results. payment classes in Nurra WUA (based on the parameters applied in 2001).

Parameters Estimated value T-statistic Significance I – (104.30 D /ha) II – (143.84 D /ha) III – (179.77 D /ha)

ı1 41.5320 9.51594 .000 Tomato under glass Ryegrass Artichoke

ı2, 3, 4 27.4857 8.56729 .000 Watermelon Alfalfa
 1, 2, 3, 4 −2.841E−03 −3.50279 .001 Melon Clover
1, 2, 3, 4 9.568E−08 2.34449 .021 Olive tree Corn
ˇ1 58.0409 3.26784 .001 Vineyard Tomato
ˇ2 132.095 5.08040 .000 Peach tree

135 Observations R2 R2 adj. F (6, 129)

0.938 0.935 326.68
5. Simulation scenarios

The model was used to evaluate the impact on farms and on

Hence, the estimated function is: the WUA budget of increasing the level of water prices under dif-
ferent water-pricing methods. The baseline situation refers to the

WDC = dv1i ıi wi + dv2i i wi2 + dv3i i wi3 VPM, as applied by the Nurra WUA in 2004 when the basic payment
was set at 0.0301 D /m3 for water delivered by the WUA distribu-
i=1 i=1 i=1
tion network and the complementary payment was charged to fully

4 cover the WDC. Based on this pricing method, only the basic pay-
+ dv4i ˇi iai + ε (1.4) ment directly affects farmers’ water use. No charge for the use of
i=1 groundwater is applied in the baseline.
Two other scenarios refer to ABM. In these cases, the farm
where WDC is the sum of the yearly WUA labor and energy costs payment for water is represented by two components. The basic
for the annual supply of water to farms in the district; i is the type payment is charged according to estimates of the water require-
of macro-district (i = 1, 2, 3, 4), ı is the amount of water supplied ments of crops, multiplied by the water unitary price (0.0301 D /m3 ).
to farms (w),  and  are the parameters for the square (w2 ) and In the ABM scenarios, a complementary payment is again charged
cubic values (w3 ) of the given variable, respectively and ˇ is the to ensure that the WDC is fully recovered.
size of the irrigated area (ia) within the district. Dummy variables The two simulated ABM scenarios (ABM-1 and ABM-2) refer to
(dv) were included in the model to enable macro-districts to have two different ways of estimating the water applied to each crop.
different coefficients for the same parameter. A restricted version of In ABM-1, these estimates accurately reflect the irrigation require-
(1.4) was adopted based on test results that revealed no statistically ments of each crop. In ABM-2, crops are clustered into classes that
significant difference among the estimates of certain coefficients. consider the average irrigation requirements of the crops.9 This lat-
Hence, a single coefficient was estimated for the parameter ı for ter scenario considers the ABM practiced by Nurra WUA until 2001,
macro-districts D2 –D4 , while the macro-district D1 retained its own where the estimates of unitary irrigation requirements used in cal-
coefficient. A single coefficient was estimated for  and . culating the payments were not always consistent with the actual
Table 2 lists the signs and values of the estimated parameters, requirements of crops (Table 3).10
which are coherent with non-negativity and the convexity hypoth- The main feature of ABMs is that the payment is charged
esis. T-statistics indicate the very high significance of the estimated regardless of the water source (i.e., surface water from WUA or
coefficients. More than 93% of the data variance was captured by groundwater from private wells). Furthermore, all irrigated areas
the model. are supposedly charged by the WUA. Given that farmers pay accord-
Part of the results was used in this study to calculate WDC based ing to the area under irrigation and that the price is set considering
on the outcomes of the Nurra programming model with the sim- irrigation requirement estimates, irrigation payments are affected
ulated scenarios. In particular, outcomes regarding irrigated land by cropping patterns but not by the source of water.
surface and water distributed by WUA were used for an ex-post In addition to the VPM and ABMs scenarios described above,
calculation of Nurra WDC based on estimated coefficients for Oris- other scenarios are simulated for which the water unitary price is
tano macro-districts D4 (gravity) and D1 (pumping). The obtained raised from 0.0301 to 0.0602 D /m3 . Such an increase is consistent
results were considered to be representative of the Nurra WUA cost with the values proposed by the Sardinia Regional Authority as an
distribution situation, based on an assessment by WUA officials. additional charge aimed at recovering (by farm payments) the costs
The computed WDC amounts were compared with the farm associated with management of the dam system.
basic payments of the simulated pricing methods in order to eval- One further simulation scenario refers to applying the additional
uate the degree to which they recover the WDC (basic payment charge to the amount of water that farmers pump from their own
share, BPS). This aspect is relevant because basic payments do not wells. This scenario is motivated by the fact that applying the addi-
fully cover WDC, and at the end of the irrigation campaign, com- tional charge only to water delivered by WUA has the effect of
plementary payments should be charged to farmers to cover the increasing the withdrawal of groundwater. This situation is consid-
difference. However, the charging of a retroactive complementary ered in the WFD because, according to the WFD and as reported in
payment generates problems for the management of the WUA, as it EU Communication 477 (EU, 2000b), water-pricing should consider
results in opposition from farmers and litigation. Consequently, BPS both surface water and groundwater. In fact, a strict application
variations provide further insights to be considered in comparing
the results of simulations on different water-pricing methods.
In the present study, the complementary payment is assumed 9
Some WUAs chose this last option to simplify the administrative burden and
to be fully paid by farmers. Its total value is distributed among the because of political reasons such as considering the relative contribution of certain
farms according to the amount of land reached by the network. crops in terms of farm employment or income.
Therefore, in the decision process of individual farmers, and in the For instance, clover and alfalfa in the second class (Table 3) pay less than arti-
optimization model, the complementary payment is regarded as a choke in the third class, yet the water needs of the former are approximately twice
those of the latter crop. This favorable treatment is justified by WUAs because
lump sum charge that varies according to the pricing method but alfalfa and clover crops are relevant to the cow- and sheep-milk sectors, which are
that is decoupled from the amount of water used by farmers. considered to be important for the economy of the entire area.
G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805 1801

Table 4
Use of water and crop pattern in VPM baseline and in ABMs: absolute levels and percentage variations of ABMs versus VPM (absolute values in italic).

.000 m3 VPM baseline ABM-1 % ABM-2 %

Alfalfa 2821 927 −67.1 2818 −0.1

Fodder corn 2366 2366 0.0 2366 0.0
Artichoke 1341 1341 0.0 538 −59.9
Other irrigated crops 11,933 11,932 0.0 11,932 0.0

Water from collective networks 15,032 14,261 −5.1 14,476 −3.7

Water from private wells 3429 2305 −32.8 3178 −7.3

Total irrigation 18,461 16,566 −10.3 17,654 −4.4

of economic and environmental principles in the pricing of sur- of 0.0259–0.0295 D /m3 , which is below the price charged for WUA
face water may lead to a notable increase in groundwater use and water. In other farm typologies, pumping costs reach 0.0323 D /m3 ,
over-extraction, which could in turn lead to negative environmen- exceeding the price for WUA water; consequently, in such cases it
tal effects. Thus, water-pricing should be calculated considering all is the scarcity of WUA water during certain times of the year that
sources of water, and it should be designed to encourage parity generates the need to use groundwater.
among them. In this case, the simulation of an additional charge Regarding water scarcity, it is worth noting that most of the
on groundwater, even when not strictly related to covering the water distributed by WUA to farmers is used from April to the
costs incurred by regional authorities, is justified by the need to second 10-day period of July; in this period, the model uses all avail-
avoid the increase in environmental costs generated by increased able surface water and positive shadow prices emerge. In contrast,
groundwater use. from the third 10-day period of July through October, not all of
Note that VPM-GW (volumetric pricing method including the available water is used. However, even if water availability is
groundwater) is difficult to apply in reality because it requires only binding in the first part of the irrigation campaign, it limits the
metering the amount of water pumped from the wells of every choices of farmers all year round. In fact, most autumn crops also
farm. Therefore, this scenario is clearly not aimed at identifying need irrigation during the first part of the campaign, when scarcity
a pricing method to be directly applied under the actual condi- constrains the expansion of their acreage. This leaves an unused
tions. However, this simulation seems useful because it establishes component of the total annual available water.
a kind of parity condition between VPM and ABMs, as within VPM,
it charges farmers for all water sources. 6.2. Comparison of volumetric and area-based pricing results

6. Results The data in Table 4 enable a comparison of the baseline with

the outcomes of ABMs. Under ABM-1, Nurra agriculture uses 10.3%
The following section examines the baseline (VPM) results. Sub- less of the total water compared with the VPM baseline. This reduc-
sequently, the model results under VPM, ABM-1, and ABM-2 are tion is mainly due to a decrease in alfalfa cultivation. A significant
compared. Based on the data in Tables 4 and 5, the baseline results abatement of groundwater is achieved, with its use reduced by
are discussed and compared with the outcomes of ABM-1 and ABM- 32.8%. This occurs because groundwater under VPM is a substi-
2. Finally, the results obtained by introducing an additional charge tute for water distributed by WUA, whereas under ABM it is used
in the model are discussed in terms of the VPM, ABM-1, ABM-2 and to complement water distributed by WUA, as its extraction gen-
VPM-GW scenarios. The results of these simulations are presented erates extra pumping costs but does not save on irrigation costs.
in Tables 6 and 7. The results presented in the tables refer only to This eliminates cost competition among the two water sources and
the portion of the study area served by the WUA. notably reduces the use of groundwater.
ABM-2 has a similar impact to AMB-1, although less pro-
6.1. Baseline results under the volumetric pricing method nounced. There is no reduction of water from the collective network
and a much smaller effect in abating the withdrawal of groundwa-
Table 4 lists data on water use for irrigation in terms of crop ter. The crop-clustering criteria of this method, applied in the area
type and supply source. For the VPM baseline, about 26% of water until 2001, particularly favors alfalfa, which remains at the same
is provided to crops for animal feed, and groundwater extracted level as that under VPM. Alfalfa cultivation, which has a high water
from private wells represents 18.6% of the total irrigation water requirement, is notably facilitated by this method of charging irri-
used in the area. Groundwater is used because of constraints on the gated crops. Thus, the crop remains at the same level as that under
availability of water from the WUA at certain times of the year, and VPM and the use of water shows only a slight decrease. In con-
because it is relatively inexpensive when drawn from shallow wells. trast, artichoke is strongly penalized by ABM-2, showing a marked
In fact, most of the farms with wells have average pumping costs reduction in planted area compared with the outcome of VPM.

Table 5
Farm margins and payments to WUA in VPM baseline and in ABMs: absolute levels and percentage variations of ABMs versus VPM (absolute values in italic).

.000 D VPM baseline ABM-1 % ABM-2 %

Gross margins: total farms 55,684 55,662 −0.04 55,653 −0.05

Net income: total farms 32,559 32,537 −0.07 32,528 −0.10
Net income: most affected farms – 11,198 −2.00 19,057 −2.5
Average farm pumping cost (D /m3 ) 0.0289 0.0273 0.0286

(A) Water distribution costs 781 760 −2.7 775 −0.9

(B) Basic payments 453 475 +4.9 429 −5.3
(C) Complementary payments 328 285 −13.1 346 +5.2

BPS (B/A)(%) 58.0 62.5 +4.5 55.4 −2.6

1802 G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805

Table 6
Introduction of the additional charge under different pricing methods. Impact on water use. Percentage variations over VPM baseline of use of water, total and for some crop
groups (absolute values in italic).

.000 m3 VPM baseline VPM ABM-1 ABM-2 VPM-GW

Alfalfa 2821 −79.6 −95.6 −2.1 −79.6

Fodder corn 2366 −5.0 −5.0 −5.0 −5.0
Artichoke 1341 −100.0 −100.0 −100.0 −100.0
Other irrigated crops 11,933 −5.0 −5.0 −5.9 −5.0

Water from collective networks 15,032 −45.6 −22.2 −12.3 −24.5

Water from private wells 3429 +74.4 −41.2 −10.7 −17.9

Total irrigation 18,461 −23.3 −25.8 −12.0 −23.3

Table 5 shows that switching from VPM to either ABM generates ulated scenarios: they react by modifying their incomes, altering
a small reduction in the total gross margin and net incomes of all their use of water sources, or changing crop patterns, as this affects
farms. These small reductions are recorded when the entire farm profitability.
sector of the area is considered, even if this aggregate values do not
reveal that different typologies of farm are differently affected by 6.3. Increasing the price of water under different pricing methods
these changes in pricing method. The third row of Table 5 reports
the net income of those farms for which net income is reduced by In the previous two sections, water payment scenarios refer to
more than the average reduction for all farms. Furthermore, the the costs incurred by the WUA in managing the water distribu-
change from VPM to the two ABMs changes the internal compo- tion network. The following set of simulations aims to estimate the
sition of the relatively penalized group of farms. Hence, when the effect of different pricing methods when an additional charge of
change is simulated from VPM to ABM-1, a smaller group is more 0.0301 D /m3 is applied to the water price in order to recover the
strongly negatively affected; this group accounts for 30% of the total management costs of the dam. This additional charge is considered
net income produced under VPM (D 11.4 million); when the change as being due to the regional authorities responsible for applying the
is from VPM to ABM-2, a larger group is more strongly negatively cost recovery principle of the WFD, and hence is not accounted for
affected, accounting for 60% of the total net income produced under in the WUA’s budget. The WUA simply acts as a charging authority
VPM (D 19.5 million). that turns the additional charge over to the regional Government.
The results regarding WDC and farm basic and complementary Thus, the total water payment now comprises three components: a
payments are provided in Table 5. These data enable us to con- basic payment, a complementary payment (both paid to the WUA)
sider to what degree the basic payments cover the WDC, and shows and an additional charge (to the regional Government, but collected
the need to resort to retroactive complementary payments. Under by the WUA). Tables 6 and 7 report the outcomes of simulating the
VPM, the basic payment covers 58% of WDC and the remaining additional charge within the considered pricing methods. These
share is recovered by the complementary payment. ABM-1 sig- results are reported as percentage variations over the VPM baseline
nificantly increases the BPS, thereby reducing the complementary outcomes of water use (Table 6) and economic results (Table 7).
payment. This can be considered a positive outcome, given that it The application of the additional charge under VPM results in
would reduce any disappointment among farmers and avoid lit- a significant reduction in water use (−23.3%) with respect to the
igation between the farmers and WUA management. In contrast, baseline. However, considering that this is the effect of doubling
ABM-2 results in a reduction in BPS below the level reached under the price that farmers pay for water obtained from their WUA, this
VPM, resulting in turn in an increase in the complementary pay- shows a relatively small level of elasticity in their demand for water.
ment. This result is consistent with empirical evidence presented in pre-
In conclusion, the model of the studied farm system reacts to vious studies regarding the response of the farm sector to pricing
pricing methods in a complex way, not solely by substituting WUA as an instrument for reducing water use. This reduction is due to
water with groundwater. This occurs because many farms in the a drastic change in the relative economic weight of water sources,
area, being located on land with granitic soil, do not have their own with a drop in use of the collective network and a notable rise in
wells and therefore cannot make this substitution. In addition, well the exploitation of groundwater, which grows from 15.7 to 35.2%
capacity is limited and insufficient to enable the use of well water as of total water use.
a substitute for WUA supplies. Ultimately, the various farms react The impact on total farm gross margins and net incomes is neg-
in different ways to the increase in WUA water price in the sim- ligible; however, such impacts are mainly concentrated on a group

Table 7
Introduction of the additional charge under different pricing methods. Impact on economic results. Percentage variations over VPM baseline of farm economic results and
water payments (absolute values in italic).

.000 D VPM baseline VPM ABM-1 ABM-2 VPM-GW

Gross margins: total farms 55,684 −0.5 −1.0 −0.9 −0.9

Net income: total farms 32,887 −0.9 −1.7 −1.6 −1.6
Net income: most affected farms – −3.3 −4.4 −6.2 −4.1
Average farm pumping cost (D /m3 ) 0.0289 0.0334 0.0268 0.0284 0.0273

(A) Water distribution costs (WDC) 781 −37.2 −13.7 −3.4 −18.8
(B) Total payments (C + D + E) 453 +18.5 +82.1 +71.7 +79.4

(C) Basic payments 453 −54.4 −37.2 −29.6 −38.0

(D) Complementary payments 328 −13.5 +18.7 +32.8 +7.6
(E) Additional charge (000 D ) 0 330 541 459 532

Basic payment share (BPS) (C/A) 58.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 44.3
G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805 1803

of farms (mostly dairy farms and those that grow arable crops) that decrease and there is a remarkable growth in total payments for
are the main users of water resources and represent almost 50% of water. The increase in complementary payments would be even
the total farm net income. larger than that in ABM-1, potentially leading to tension between
Farmers use groundwater to minimize the impact on farm net farmers and the management of WUA. Even in this simulation,
income because in doing so they are not subjected to the additional financial resources are made available to enable the regional Gov-
charge (related to the costs of dam management). However, the ernment to accept a transfer of D 330,000 (i.e., the same amount of
increase in groundwater use also generates an increase in average additional charges generated under VPM) and to leave the differ-
pumping costs under VPM. Because the WUA distributes less water, ence to the WUA. However, this difference would be smaller than
its WDC decreases, while total payments from farmers grow. In that in ABM-1, reducing the complementary payment to D 310,000.
fact, D 330,000 gathered from the additional charge is passed on to The reduction in total farm gross margin would be 0.64%, similar
the regional Government and only the basic and complementary to the result obtained in the previous simulation. Again, this would
payments are used to cover WDC; consequently, BPS is reduced to ensure a reduction in water use, even if much smaller than that in
42.1%. However, because WDC is lower, the WDC recovery requires the previous case and not associated with a significant reduction in
a lower complementary payment than that under the VPM baseline groundwater exploitation.
conditions. In conclusion, the adoption of ABM-1 would generate the largest
The additional charge under ABM-1 has a greater effect in reduc- water savings and a significant reduction in groundwater use.
ing total water use over VPM baseline than the previous case; This method may generate notable tension between farmers and
however, it is relevant that the reduction has a marked effect on the management of WUA, although such a development could be
groundwater. Even more interesting is the fact that this reduc- avoided by channeling part of the payments collected through the
tion is due to the adoption of ABM-1 itself, rather than to the additional charge to the WUA. A trade-off emerges between cover-
increase in water prices associated with this method. A comparison ing the management costs of dams and environmental protection,
of Tables 4 and 6, which enables these two effects to be assessed, albeit in a context of increased financial participation by farmers.
indicates that the adoption of ABM-1 itself (without the additional The increase in water prices associated with using VPM would lead
charge) induces a 41% reduction in total water use and an 82% to a similar trade-off, even if reversed at the expense of environ-
reduction in the use of water from private wells. mental protection. Finally, ABM-2 is not advisable because it would
The inclusion of the additional charge with ABM-1 reduces farm produce only small reductions in the water applied to crops, would
income to a greater extent than that under VPM (Table 7). However, not protect groundwater, and would result in lower coverage of the
a comparison of Tables 5 and 7 shows that the adoption of ABM-1 management costs of the dams.
itself has a negligible impact in reducing the total income: the main
factor in this regard is higher water prices. This impact is even more
6.3.1. Charging for groundwater using VPM
pronounced than that for the previous payment method, because
The VPM-GW simulation also charges for groundwater using the
it significantly affects farms that produce just over 42% of the total
additional charge. VPM-GW overturns some of the results obtained
agricultural income of the area.
under VPM because it reduces the use of groundwater by restoring
The additional charge also affects water distribution costs and
the relative economic interest for water provided by the WUA. The
water payments (Table 7). WDC shows a smaller reduction with
pricing of groundwater results in reduced farm income, compara-
ABM-1 than with VPM because of the smaller decrease in the
ble with the impact of ABM-2. Similarly, the moderate decline in
amount of water distributed by the WUA. Moreover, charging for a
the use of WUA water is coupled with a slight reduction in WDC
larger amount of water supplied by the collective network would
and a substantial rise in total payments. Again, a viable political
significantly increase the total payments for water compared with
strategy is to pass on to the regional Government the same amount
the previous method: in particular, it affects payments for the addi-
of money as that in the VPM-price-increase simulation (D 330,000)
tional charge and the complementary payment. An increase in this
and to keep the difference for the WUA in order to reduce the
latter element, complementary payments, could result in increased
complementary payment. This option would reduce farm income
litigation between farmers and the management of WUA, who
by −0.54% but would ensure reductions in total water usage and
could request greater financial support from the regional Govern-
groundwater exploitation.
ment in covering the WDC. In any event, the financial resources
made available by increasing the water prices under ABM-1 could
enable the regional Government to accept a forfeit transfer of 7. Conclusions
D 330,000 (i.e., the amount of additional charges generated under
VPM) and to leave the difference to the WUA. Thus, the complemen- The European water framework directive aims to protect the
tary payment would be reduced to D 182,000 and the reduction in environmental quality of aquifers and surface water, and to stim-
total farm gross margin would be limited to 0.64%, which is close to ulate the efficient use of these resources. The directive states that
the result of the previous simulation. This outcome would reduce these objectives should be reached by applying appropriate water-
the coverage of dam costs but would ensure a reduction in total pricing policies in order to improve water allocation and encourage
water use, including a drastic reduction in groundwater exploita- conservation. Although the effectiveness of water-pricing has been
tion. criticized, the WFD requires the recovery of all costs associated with
The application of ABM-2 has even weaker effects on total water water services and to link water payments to the amount of water
savings than the VPM baseline, and the drop mainly affects the use used in each farm. This directive will have direct implications for
of groundwater. As in the previous case, it is the adoption of ABM-2, the farming sector in Italy once regional Governments levy addi-
more than the application of the additional charge, which generates tional charges on water delivered to farmers in order to recover the
these changes (Tables 4 and 6). The reduction in income incurred by long-term costs of infrastructure or environmental costs related to
applying ABM-2 is slightly smaller than the effect obtained through irrigation activity. In the studied case, the regional Government is
ABM-1, although this impact is more diffuse than that achieved involved in the management of large reservoirs and asks for addi-
with ABM-1 because it strongly affects farms that generate almost tional charges on the irrigation water in order to recover at least
64% of the total farm income in the area. part of the long-term costs of the infrastructure.
Given the slight reduction in the amount of water distributed The analysis revealed that the impact of additional charges
by the WUA, even the cost of this service (WDC) shows a moderate varies with the method adopted by WUAs in charging farmers for
1804 G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805

water use; i.e., area-based pricing methods (ABM) or volumetric watershed. In fact, a reduction in the amount of water applied to
pricing methods (VPM). In the EU countries, the latter methods are crops does not necessarily correspond to increased water conser-
commonly believed to be more in line with the principles concern- vation, as farmers may respond to an increase in the price of water
ing water-pricing promoted by the WFD because VPM directly links by using improved irrigation technologies. Typically these tech-
water payments to actual amount of water delivered to farmers. nologies allow reduced water application for a given level of crop
However, VPM can only be applied in this way if functioning water consumption, or an increase in irrigated area for the same quantity
meters are installed at farm gates. Furthermore, the use of VPM of water applied. Neither outcome is a real saving of water – indeed
poses even greater problems when individual farmers have direct the latter will result in increased water consumption at the water-
access to uncontrolled water sources such as groundwater, as is shed level, and less water availability downstream. However, in the
the case in the study area and in many other Mediterranean areas. present study area, there exists little scope in terms of improving
This problem arises because wells are generally a private asset of the available irrigation technology; instead, farmers must consider
the farm and because there is a lack of information and legislation making changes to cropping patterns. Therefore, even considering
regarding this source of water, which would be required to con- these limitations of the model, the results indicate an advantage in
trol its level of exploitation. These results are consistent with the adopting ABMs rather than VPM.
findings of other studies regarding the use of volumetric pricing
(Cornish et al., 2004; Dinar et al., 1989). Acknowledgement
An original result of the present analysis concerns the appli-
cation of ABM pricing, which, unlike VPM, is able to restrict the This article is the result of a research activity co-financed
withdrawal of groundwater. This is because ABMs charge for by MIPAF (Italian Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policy)
the irrigation of crops regardless of the water source. Therefore, (Research project “Agroscenari”) and by MIUR (Italian Ministry of
groundwater under VPM is a substitute for water distributed by University and Research) (Research project: “Il recepimento della
the WUA, whereas under ABM it is complementary to water dis- Direttiva Quadro sulle Acque (60/2000) in agricoltura”).
tributed by the WUA, as its extraction generates extra pumping The authors agree that none of them is the first author, as they
costs but does not save on other irrigation costs. This eliminates each made an equal contribution to this work.
cost competition between the two water sources and results in a
marked reduction in groundwater use. Appendix A. description of the linear programming model
Under such conditions, applying an additional charge to the
water price has a broad-based impact. For both methods, the total The objective function to be maximized is the sum of gross mar-
amount of water applied to crops at farm level shows a marked gins (Z) of the farms in the area, which is expressed as:
reduction, even if the additional charge considered in this study   
results in a doubling of the price that farmers pay to the WUA Max Z = Rp + Rs − C (1.5)
for water. A low price elasticity emerges regarding the demand for d,s d,s d,s
irrigation water, consistent with the findings of previous studies.
In other words, pricing is somewhat ineffective in reducing water where Rp and Rs refer to revenues from sales and direct CAP (com-
usage. Furthermore, with VPM, the reduction in total water use is mon agricultural policy) aid, respectively and C refers to variable
obtained by reducing the amount of water delivered by the WUA, specific production costs. Macro-farms are identified by typology
whereas groundwater exploitation is stimulated. Therefore, under (s) and the district (d) in which they are located.
VPM, imposing an additional charge solely on the amount of water Revenues from the sold products of each macro-farm have the
delivered by the WUA represents a trade-off between the WFD following structure:
objectives of cost recovery for water service and the protection  
of groundwater resources. The imposing of an additional charge Rpd,s = PCOaco · xaco,d,s + PCAaca · xaca,d,s
under ABMs can be more effective than VPMs in terms of control- aco aca
ling the overall water applied by farmers; above all, it generates a 
+ PLAala · xala,d,s (1.6)
significant reduction in the use of groundwater. However, to obtain
these results, the water requirements of crops considered in ABMs ala

must be adequately estimated by WUAs. In fact, a comparison of where lower-case elements represent variables and upper-case
the simulation results for ABM-1 and ABM-2 reveals that the effec- elements are data (parameters). The variable x refers to farm pro-
tiveness of ABMs is strongly affected by the way in which these duction activities such as the acreage of each cropping activity,
water requirements are estimated. cropping, and heads of livestock, while PCO, PCA and PLA refer to
Finally, ABMs appear to have an additional positive character- unitary sale values for each product and are calculated as follows
istic compared with VPMs: AMBs generate a larger flow of basic (the sets aco for crop/technology, aca for meat production, and ala
payments than that under VPM, making it easier to recover the cost for milk products are subsets of set a):
to WUAs of providing water services (WDC). This result has two 
main positive implications for water management. First, it allows PCOaco = PZCOaco,pro · Yd,aco,pro
the basic payment to provide an adequate signal of irrigation cost pro
to farmers before they plan their cropping patterns. This allows for
better planning and a more efficient use of farm resources. Sec- 
ond, it enables complementary payments (charged at the end of PCAaca = PZCAtz · RESACtz · PESOVtz · CATANtz
the irrigation campaign in order to fully cover WDC) to be main- tz
tained at a low level, thereby reducing the uncertainty faced by
farmers regarding payments related to irrigation and protecting

PLAala = PZLAtz · YLATtz · CATANtz .
the WUA management from dealing with farmer disappointment
and potential litigation.
In conclusion, the model used for this analysis can be improved where PZCOaco, pro , PZCAaco, pro and PZLAaco, pro are the prices for
by considering the interactions between network losses and crops, meat and milk products, respectively, Yd, aco, pro are the uni-
groundwater recharging that affect the water balance of the entire tary yield coefficients for all crops, considering all possible products
G. Dono et al. / Agricultural Water Management 97 (2010) 1795–1805 1805

(set pro), RESACtz are the yields in meat of each category of live- the amount of water pumped in each period (set t) and from each
stock (set tz), PESOVtz are the weights of each livestock unit of each well (set tp) by each farm. The third line refers to water charges paid
category of livestock (set tz), CATANtz are the relative weights of by farmers to the WUA under the hectare/crop (area-based method)
each category of livestock (set tz) and YLATtz are the yields of each and volumetric schemes: HCaco, d refers to the per-hectare charge,
livestock unit of each category of livestock (set tz). which varies according to the crop/irrigation technology (set aco)
As is generally the case in LP, production technologies are and irrigation district (set d); VOLd is the average cost charged for
represented by a fixed-coefficients matrix; e.g., unitary yield and each unit of water delivered on farm; acqdst, d, s is a variable that
irrigation water requirements are constant. represents the gross amount of water delivered to each macro-farm
The mid term review (MTR) of CAP introduced the single in each period (t) and COPERDd, t is a set of parameters that refers
payment scheme and the modulation of direct payments; these to losses from the water network.
elements are accounted for by entering the following terms in the Labor availability is estimated for each farm and for each period
objective function: based on an analysis of FADN data and the results of a questionnaire
survey of local farmers. Labor availability is calculated based on the
Rs = hammd,s · PUAZd,s + SUSAd,s · ASETASd,s
number of family members working on the farm, minus holidays
  and rainy days. The restrictions have the following structure, for
+ PCa · xa,d,s − rdmd,s − CINC · hbpad,s,ct (1.7)
each farm and period:
a ct
xa,d,s · LFABa,t ≤ LDISs,d,t + lestt,d,s (1.9)
The first element of (1.7) refers to the decoupled farm aid defined
by the single payment scheme: hammd,s is the number of entitle-
ments eligible for payment and PUAZd, s is the unit value of the where LFABa, t is the average amount of labor required for each
entitlements. The second element of (1.7) refers to farm aid for activity in each period (t), LDISs, d, t is the availability of family labor
set-aside land: SUSAd,s is the amount of set-aside entitlements, on the farm and lestt, d, s is the amount of hired labor. For each
and ASETASd,s is the unit value of the set-aside entitlements. The period, the availability of labor that could be hired was estimated
third element refers to the farm aid that remains coupled with by interviewing trade union officials, farmers, and technicians
the cropped area or the number of livestock, such as those estab- employed by agricultural cooperatives and the WUA. Local workers
lished by Articles 69 and 71 of EC Regulation n. 1782/2003: PCa is are the main source of available labor; however, during periods of
the unitary value of such aid for each farm activity and rdmd,s is peak labor demand in summer, other seasonal workers are impor-
the quantity of direct aid withdrawn by modulation. The last term tant in this regard.
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