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3 Before we start
4 How to use this training guide
Using the programme your way
Warming up
Picking a resistance
Rest times
If you’re a beginner
8 Injuries
9 Rest days
10 Nutrition
11 Once you’ve finished
o r e we
B e f Start
Hey my friends!!
put everythi ng in to making sure you
o u so m uc h fo r b uy ing HOME. ❤ I
Thank y orko ut s w ith this guide.
set of w
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out of just a fe w pieces of

O M E . is to get the absolute most
The goal of H gth whi le losing fat.
lity a nd stren
n build functiona
equipment, so you ca

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There’s a lo
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g re su lts , b ut I’l l always be totally
your amazin

gy m to ta ke y ou r progress further,
y ou’ ll hi t a lim it and you’ll need a
eventually re a s in g y o ur metabolism 💪
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c ia lly in m us c le b u ilding which is the ke

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, so the tra in ing sessions are sma
Time is precious a in ing o n top of this programme
is to not add any tr
y rec o m m enda tio n
results, m etting proper rest.
a s y ou ca n by g
ns as intense
and make the sessio

it so much,
I really hope you love

Natacha x

t o u se
H ow HOME.
Working out your way
This programme is laid out how I would schedule and organise workouts for the most
effective results in an ideal world. That doesn’t mean you have to follow it word-for-word: if
there are days you don’t have time to exercise, or the order of days doesn’t fit your life, just
make whatever changes you need. You can reorder the workouts, shorten them (I recommend
sticking with the first exercises and skipping the ones at the end if you need to), or do
whatever you need.

Making exercise fit your life is the number one goal: that will allow it to become a
lifestyle and really bring you the best results.

If it’s more helpful to use the workouts whenever you’re travelling or don’t fancy going to the
gym or just totally at your own pace, just see them as a collection of separate sessions at
your fingertips for whenever works for you.

Warming up
I’ve made the longer workouts in HOME. 55 minutes long, so with a 5 minute warm up of
whatever you find most useful, they’ll come to 1 hour ☺ A warmup of 5 or so minutes
before the HIIT days is perfect too, as those sessions are really intense.

People have different preferences for warming up and I recommend going for whatever makes
you feel warm, loose and ready to go! 🔥 I like to do some dynamic stretching (movements
which stretch the muscles, rather than static holds) focussing on the muscles I’ll be using in
the workout. Things like skipping and jogging also work really well too though! 🤸
t o u se
H ow HOME.
Picking the right resistance
For plyometrics (jumping based) moves, the most important thing is to give each rep the
absolute most you can. Really go all out, because that’s the best way to develop your
strength and explosiveness without gym equipment. The goal is to get you out of breath with
those sets, so that you need the full rest time (covered later) to catch your breath back.

For exercises that require bands, I recommend going for the toughest resistance band you
can while keeping great form. You’ll really get the best out of these workouts if you’re always
looking to up the resistance band you’re using (safely). We don’t have a huge amount of tools,
so the resistance bands are your best friends 😘

Rest times
For plyometric moves (like tuck jumps), I’d recommend generally going for 60-75 seconds
rest. My favourite thing to do is take in long, deep breaths and hold them for a couple of
seconds, which can really help fill the total capacity of your lungs. For the other exercises, like
press-ups, 45-60 seconds should work pretty well ⏳

In either case, if you feel like these times are too short and a little more would help you really
go for the next set, just listen to your body 🙌

t o u se
H ow HOME.
There aren’t many moves that have progressions in this programme, but for those that do like
pistol squats there are easier versions in the video to help you get to the final move if you
can’t perform it just yet 😊 Just let the video play in the app to find a progression at a level
that gives you a good challenge.

If you’re using the progressions, the best way to advance is to work on the hardest version
you can do and test out the next one. If you’re new to working out, I’m so excited for you!
😍 Honestly, the best thing I can recommend for you to do is to just spend the couple of
weeks easing into the workouts - test out the moves without bands first if possible, and really
focus on technique as that’s the most important part, as that’s what keeps you safe and
really develops you more quickly in the long run.

o u ’ r e a
If y beginner
Throughout HOME., if you need to take extra rest days or rest periods, don’t even doubt
yourself and just go for it 👍 That being said, remember the goal of the workouts is always
to really push you, so try to find a balance between listening to your body and challenging
yourself to work at close to your limit as that’s how you’ll make progress.

If you’d like to spend a week just testing out the first week of the guide at your own pace to
study the exercises and practice them, go for it. You can then restart that week and kick off
the programme if you like 💪

Even if not, each time you get to a new move you haven’t seen before, just spend that first
time getting used to the technique before doing it for sets and reps.

In j u r i e s
If you suspect you have any kind of injury, I always recommend seeing a qualified
practitioner before anything else. Even if it’s a small niggle, don’t worry about taking some
time to recover and continue with this programme when your body is ready so that you can
keep the sessions intense as intended 🔥

I’ve pushed myself through workouts with small injuries out of fear that I’ll lose my progress,
and the setback of having a worse injury has always been bigger than if I’d slowed down for
a moment to let my body recover.

If you’d like to stay active through your injury, really light movement of the muscle can help to
stimulate blood flow to the area, and active recovery like a gentle walk or light stretching if
you have a small strain in your calf muscle can help improve your rate of recovery. Again, if
you want to give this a go, I’d recommend clearing this with your doctor first -

Re days
Rest days are just as important to your progress as regular training days. I really
recommend being strict on having one rest day a week at least, and eating very close to the
same on these days so your body can actually do what it’s supposed to: recover 🏝

The idea is that this day can make the training sessions way, way more effective if you really
take advantage of it properly – 3 or 4 great workouts beat 7 average ones! I personally do
very little physically on my rest days, and try to focus on enjoying the other things that make
me happy like spending more time with family and friends because the complete mental break
really helps too 😍

I’ve built in a day of active recovery, but if you prefer to take it off as a rest day then please
do! I personally take 2 days rest a week because that works around my schedule and if I
tried to do more, I’d struggle to juggle everything going on!

u t r i t i o n
When working out with Home., nutrition is totally up to you. You can tailor it for whatever
goal you have in mind, whether that’s to build muscle and feel stronger, or to focus more on
losing fat.

In both cases, I really want to stress the importance of your metabolism (I know you’ve
probably heard me talk about this a bunch of times! 😝 )

Even if your goal is to lose fat, the Home. programme is designed to be difficult and to push
you. My best advice is to spend the first week or so eating exactly as you would have before
starting Home. That way, you can get a feel for how much more intense the workouts are
here than your normal style of workouts: if it’s a lot more intense and you’re after fat loss, I’d
recommend not lowering your food intake at all, for example.

For the best results, I always recommend not rushing any adjustments to nutrition: even if
you have a goal in mind and you really want to hit it soon, making dramatic changes with
nutrition doesn’t give your body time to adapt. Plus, our bodies are so finely tuned that any
quick changes will create a whole bunch of complex responses in our hormones so it’s best
to take things slow.

So take your time and remember that the best results are the ones that come from a
sustainable lifestyle change: they’re the results that stay for good 😍

c e y o u ’ v e
On Finished
Once you finish this guide, you have lots of options 🤩

If you feel like you’re ready to take your training to the next level, I’d go for working out at a
gym if that’s an option for you. I always want to be honest with you guys, and the best
results in muscle and metabolism building will come from using gym equipment and resistance
training. You definitely don’t have to go to a gym to get great results and to feel strong and
healthy, but it can help you keep progressing - especially if you’ve been working out at home
for a while.

If you want to go for it and you enjoyed this style of training, which incorporates movement
and athleticism into hitting your goals, then I have two gym-based programmes 😊 MOVE. is
how I train in a gym, building athleticism and functionality as well as muscle to build my
metabolism over time. The guide combines calisthenics, plyometrics, functional exercises,
strength training, HIIT and hypertrophy in one, designed for beginners and advanced with
loads of progressions.

CUT. is purely built to target healthy and sustainable fat loss: it’s built with one of the world’s
leading nutrition experts, Renee McGregor, who’s considered to be at the top of the game
🔬 CUT. also provides a nutrition approach, and together with the training it maintains your
metabolism while targeting fat, so you don’t have to eat less to keep the fat off 🔥

c e y o u ’ v e
On Finished
If you can’t make gym workouts happen or prefer to keep exercising at home, go for it 💪
You can repeat this guide, potentially increasing the strength of your resistance bands.

Building your own workouts

If you’d prefer to make your own workouts, hopefully this guide gave you a few ideas for
exercises! Here are a couple of tips I have for creating your own workouts:

• Designing your split: after a rest day, I like to put my most intense session to set me up
for it the best way possible, and always to try leave 48 hours between each time I hit a
particular muscle group if possible (it’s not always!) Lastly, making the workout split fit in
with your life and not feel like a big change of plans is absolute gold 🏅

• Designing a workout: swapping between muscles every 1-2 moves can help you avoid
burnout and workout intensely throughout the whole session - for example, on an upper
body day I’ll put a couple of back movements after a couple of chest movements and then
go back to something involving chest so you’ve had a little time to recover.

• Enjoy: finding what you enjoy is the key to fitness, I think. If there’s a particular style or
move you just don’t like and think you can get results you want without, just go for it.
Don’t be afraid to experiment and listen to what makes you happy 😁

And that’s it!! Thanks again for buying this guide, I really hope you find this
training guide helpful and feel free to tag me in your training photos! I’d love to
see your progress over time!!


Natacha Océane


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