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Janani Kailasam


1.Examine the role of leadership in the organization – Transactional Vs Transformational

When people suit do in employment, they provide a part of their power to their manager. In
return, a perfect transactional leader will always do his best to guide and assist his employees to
perform well. When the transactional leader assigns a task to an employee, his or her
responsibility also involves providing the resources or ability to undertake and do the work.
The transactional leader is required to administer rewards if employees reach the agreed level of
performance standards. When things fail, then the subordinate is taken into consideration
personally guilty, and he is punished for his failure (questioning, dismissal, etc.), while he's
rewarded for his success (bonuses, promotion, etc.). Transactional leadership theory is termed
objective because it assumes that leaders and followers act in accordance with imposed
objectives. This theory also suggests that the interests of the membership must be safeguarded
for the.
Transactional leadership involves a process of exchange between leaders and followers during
which effort by employees is exchanged for specific rewards. The leader tries to urge agreement
from followers on what to try and do and what the payback is visiting be.
The leader's intervention takes two forms: active and passive. within the active form, the leader
looks closely at followers supported their errors or rule violations then takes corrective action. It
asserts its influence by setting objectives, clarifying desired outcomes, and providing feedback
on the achievement of these objectives. In passive mode, the leader intervenes if problems arise.
The advantage of this management is to define clear objectives with rewards to induce them.
This transactional leadership offers a comfortable approach within the provision and demand
model with a definition of clearly defined and straightforward needs. But when the demand for
one skill exceeds the availability, then transactional leadership is typically insufficient.
Transformational leadership seeks to boost the number of motivation and morality in
organizations by making greater use of long-term needs. an organization is transformed when a
frontrunner plays a crucial role in creating a vision and goal for the organization. The followers
then inscribe themselves during this vision. It defines the necessity for change, creates new
visions, mobilizes commitment to those visions, and ultimately transforms the organization.
It is a variety of relationship between the manager and his team that profoundly transforms it.
In contact with the transformational leader, team members change their behaviour, beliefs, and
clutch high goals. The transformational leader sets a long-term direction and goals that transcend
the strictly personal interests of team members. He ensures that the team takes ownership of the
project and mobilizes accordingly. He leaves all liable for his involvement but learns the results
on the alternatives to create. The transformational leader shows charisma and knows the due
to transmitting his convictions. The transformational leader knows the best thanks to motivate
and encourage his team. it's a collaborative management style where everyone seems to be
empowered and contributes to the common edifice. It also seeks and stimulates personal
commitment. He ensures that everybody takes ownership of the team's project and defends it.
Everyone's ideas are considered for the great of the team. most are invited to seem for what he
can improve in his position and within the collective but also work on his defects. The leader
also encourages creativity among employees and to explore new ways of doing things and new
opportunities to be told. Groups led by transformational leaders have higher levels of
performance and satisfaction than groups led by other forms of leaders. the rationale is that
transformational leaders believe that their employees can do their best, which makes group
members feel inspired and empowered. Transformational leadership styles are very effective
when used appropriately, but it must not necessarily be the most effective choice for
each situation. In some cases, groups may require a more managerial style that involves closer
control and better direction, especially in situations where group members are unqualified and
Janani Kailasam

want much supervision.
We can say that the previous leadership within the organization of Tesco (before Leahy, Lewis,
and Clarke) was more transactional leadership. afterward, Leahy became the CEO, Tesco used a
transformational organization.
2.Explore the managerial challenges that accompany rapid expansion and growth
Growing companies face a spread of challenges. As a business grows, different problems and
opportunities require different solutions, what worked a year ago may no longer be the correct
approach. Too often, mistakes that might are avoided turn an organization with great potential
into a loser.
It is necessary to specialize in different points such as:
• Follow the market
• Plan beforehand
• Ensure an honest treasury and financial management
• Ensure Problem Solving
Market research isn't something that was done just the once, once we started our business.
Business conditions are constantly changing, so our research must even be continuous.
Otherwise, there's a risk of constructing decisions supported outdated information, which may
cause business failure.
For the design part. The plan we had a year ago doesn't necessarily suit us anymore. Market
conditions are constantly changing, so we'd like to revisit and update our business plan
periodically. As our business grows, our strategy must evolve to stay pace with changing
circumstances. as an example, it's likely that we'll not specialize in gaining new customers, but
on building profitable relationships and maximizing growth with existing customers. Existing
business relationships often have greater potential for profitability and may also provide reliable
income. New relationships may increase sales, but profit margins is also lower, which cannot be
sustainable. On the opposite hand, each company must be aware of new business opportunities.
There are obvious risks in relying solely on existing customers.
Good income control is vital for any business. Monetary constraints will be the most important
factor limiting growth and therefore the multiplication of account transactions will be fatal.
Making better use of finances must be a key element in business planning and assessing new
opportunities. With limited resources, we may need to pass up promising opportunities. Each
assets item must be carefully controlled to maximize available cash. Effective credit
management and debt control are essential. We may additionally consider obtaining trade debt
financing. Good internal control and effective supplier management become increasingly
important because the business grows. An obsolete inventory could become a controversy. Pre-
planning helps anticipate financial needs and organize appropriate funding. for several growing
companies, a key decision is to use outside investors to produce the equity capital needed to
support further expansion.
As the company grows, this approach cannot work. Although a short-term crisis is often an
emergency, it's going to not be as important as other things. Spending time calming an angry
customer could help protect that relationship, but instead specializing in recruiting the proper
salesperson could lay the inspiration for significant new sales for years to return. because the
company grows, new issues and priorities also have to be addressed. for instance, the corporate
Janani Kailasam

might be increasingly in danger if we don't take steps to make sure that our material possession
rights are adequately protected.
All companies produce and depend upon large volumes of information: financial records,
customer interactions and other business relationships, employee information. it's an excessive
amount of to trace and use them effectively, without the right systems. Responsibilities and tasks
will be delegated because the business grows, but without robust information management
systems, the business cannot manage effectively. because the business grows, it becomes harder
to confirm that information is shared which different services work together effectively. The
establishment of the acceptable infrastructure is very important for development.
In a very competitive market, where everyone benefits from the identical products and buying
conditions, we've chosen to differentiate ourselves by specializing in the buyer, says Andrew
Higginson, Tesco's previous Director of Finance and Strategy. Since 1993, our own brands have
developed because it had been the consumer's choice. But Tesco's strength is its ability to travel
for the primary prices still as sophisticated ranges. By capitalizing, merchandising does the
remainder and makes it possible to supply the lowest products in a very qualitative environment.
Without being the most affordable on the market, or discounting, it relies on a fine assortment
and communication that give the customer the impression of doing good deals when. The
strength of this group is that it reserves most of its investments for stores and their development.

3. Building the Adaptive Firm.

An adaptive firm is one that will survive dramatic changes in the marketplace and can therefore
maintain and increase their profit margins despite economic challenges.
Maintaining a competitive edge requires a firm to replace deteriorating business lines with new
projects. Accordingly, part of a firm's value resides in its ability to exploit new opportunities.
As Tesco do slowly and start to invest into other businesses like electronics, toys, sports
equipment, cookware, and home furnishings. Expanding the international agenda of the company
Leahy established superstores in Thailand in 1998, South Korea in 1999, Taiwan in 2000,
Malaysia in 2002, China in 2004, and the United States in 2007. One of the significant steps in
the expansion of the company was the acquisition of the convenience store chain T&S Stores
plc, which owned 870 stores.

4.Understand the leadership strategies of a market leader

Organizations like Coca Cola, Microsoft, LG, and others are market pioneers in their separate
classes. Every one of these organizations has items that are boundless and are known over the
world. Nonetheless, the showcasing technique of every single one of these items is tweaked by
the market that they are serving. Extending only for development can get grievous. All
specialists realize that watching out for the income of the business is the main thing for the
development of the association.
An ideal case of the significance of cost control can be seen during a financial plunge. At
whatever point an organization faces an extreme financial climate, it has to know where it can
control the expenses accordingly reducing use. It very well may be finished by fundamental
changes in crude materials, tying up with minimal effort carriers, shipping in a mass amount,
eliminating work. These are a few techniques utilized by organizations to control costs during
Janani Kailasam

terrible occasions. Notwithstanding, if legitimate strategies are actualized during acceptable

occasions, the organization will have more edges.
There should be normal activity taken to keep workers and partners roused and steadfast. This is
on the grounds that when representatives leave an organization, they bring a piece of the
information and experience which they have picked up in that organization. This information and
experience should be taught in the other representative over the long haul. Subsequently, a ton of
time is squandered in preparing and growing new workers. This is the reason, the brilliant
organizations spare time by holding and inspiring their best representatives. Furthermore, this is
the reason they remain in front of the opposition

A few organizations, while causing benefits, fail to remember that the prime explanation they are
yet working is on the grounds that the clients like their items. The day an organization fails to
remember this head, it will undoubtedly come up short. Thus, they should be the best here. They
must know the clients in and out. Do normal market studies and purchaser purchasing conduct
examination to decide the outlook of the client is a smart thought. Another innovation that was
being disparaged by an endeavour like Tesco, yet has been actualized by a contender, can draw
in the client's consideration of Tesco, and remove even the most faithful clients. The pioneer
needs to know his rivals and their product offerings to dispatch item variations of your own.
Then again, they must know all the results of every one of their rivals to dispatch an item which
is exceptional on the lookout. Tesco attempted to get new items shops like hardware, toys,
athletic gear, cookware, and home goods. They planned an eager development procedure that
coordinated the organization's extension endeavours in its centre UK business.

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