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Company Name : Ecola

Zilan Hossan-1820076

Ecolab Inc (2018)

1 Profit Margin%=Net income/Sales

2 Return on Assets%=Net Income/Total assets
3 Return on Equity%=Net income/Stockholders Equity
4 Total Asset Turnover= Sales/Total Asset
5 Average Collection Period=Accounts Receivable/Average daily credit sales
6 Inventory Turnover= Sales/Inventory
7 Fixed Asset Turnover=Sales/Fixed Asset
8 Receivable Turnover=Sales/Accounts Receivable
9 Current Ratio=Current Assets/Current Liabilities
10 Quick Ratio= (Current Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities
11 Debt to Total Asset%=Total Debt/Total Asset

Ecolab Inc (2019)

1 Profit Margin%=Net income/Sales

2 Return on Assets%=Net Income/Total assets
3 Return on Equity%=Net income/Stockholders Equity
4 Total Asset Turnover= Sales/Total Asset
5 Average Collection Period=Accounts Receivable/Average daily credit sales
6 Inventory Turnover= Sales/Inventory
7 Fixed Asset Turnover=Sales/Fixed Asset
8 Receivable Turnover=Sales/Accounts Receivable
9 Current Ratio=Current Assets/Current Liabilities
10 Quick Ratio= (Current Assets-Inventory)/Current Liabilities
11 Debt to Total Asset%=Total Debt/Total Asset


Profit Margin
Return on Assets
Return on Equity
Total Asset Turnover
Average Collecton Period
Inventory Turnover
Fixed Asset Turnover
Receivable Turnover
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Debt to Total Asset
Company Name : Ecolab Inc
Zilan Hossan-1820076

Calculations of Ratios

1429.1/14668.2= 0.98%
1429.1/20074.5= 7.1%
1429.1/8003.2= 1.7%
14668.2/20074.5= 0.73
2796.5/40.745= 68.63
14668.2/1546400= 0.094
14668.2/3836000= 0.003
14668.2/225600= 0.006
4677700/3685600= 1.26
(4677700-1546400)/3685600= 0.84
7045.2/20074.5= 35%

Calculations of Ratios

1558.9/14906.3= 10%
1558.9/20869.1= 7.4%
1558.9/8685.3= 1.7%
14906.3/20869.1= 0.71
2662.5/41.40= 64.31
14906.3/1505600= 0.009
14906.3/3954900= 0.003
14906.3/249300000= 0.005
4828400/3630600= 1.33
(4828400-1505600)/3630600= 0.91
6354.1/20869.1= 30%

Answer Analysis of Ratios

2018 2019

0.98% 10%
7.10% 7.40%
1.70% 1.70%
0.73 0.71
68.63 64.31
0.094 0.009
0.003 0.003
0.006 0.005
1.26 1.33
0.84 0.91
35% 30%
Ecolab Inc
2018 2019

Sales 14668.2 14906.3

Net Income 1429.1 1558.9
Shareholders Equity 8003.2 8685.3
Total Debt 7045.2 6354.1
Total Assets 20074.5 20869.1
Current Assets 4677700 4828400
Current Liabilities 3685600 3630600
Inventory 1546400 1505600
Accounts Receivable 2796.5 2662.5
Avg, Daily credit Sales 40.745 41.4

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