Ch1. Revised Version

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Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Basrah University
Chemical Engineering Department

Mass Transfer

Third Year

By: Dr. Rusul Naseer Mohammed

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Title: Mass Transfer

Course Instructor: Dr. Rusul Naseer Mohammed

1. Coulson J.M. & Richardson J.F., Chemical Engineering, Volume 1,
2. Coulson J.M. & Richardson J.F., Chemical Engineering, Volume 2,
3. Treybal R.E., Mass Transfer Operations, McGraw Hill
4. McCabe W.L., Smith J.C. & Harriott P., Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering, McGraw Hill.
5. Seader J.D.& Henley E.J., Separation Process Principles.
6. Rousseau R.W., Handbook of Separation Process Technology, John Wiley
7. Foust A.S. et al, Principles of Unit Operations, John Wiley

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Chapter (1) 


1‐1 Fick's Law of diffusion 
1‐2 Modes of diffusion 
1‐3 Maxwell's Law for multicomponent mass transfer 
1‐4 Prediction of diffusivities 
1‐5 Diffusion through a varying cross‐section area 
1‐6 Mass transfer theories 
1‐7 Mass transfer coefficients 

 Introduction : 

The term diffusion (mass transfer) is used to denote the transference of a component in a mixture 
from a region where its concentration is high to a region where the concentration is lower. Diffusion 
process can take place in a gas or in a liquid, and it can result from the random velocities of the 
molecules (molecular diffusion) or from the circulating or eddy currents present in a turbulent fluid 
(eddy diffusion). 

Mass transfer occurs by two basic mechanisms:

(1) Molecular diffusion by random and spontaneous microscopic movement of individual
molecules in a gas, liquid, or solid as a result of thermal motion;

(2) Eddy (turbulent) diffusion by random macroscopic fluid motion.

Molecular and/or eddy diffusion frequently involves the movement of different species in
opposing directions. When a net flow occurs in one of these directions, the total rate of
mass transfer of individual species is increased or decreased by this bulk flow or
convection effect, which is a third mechanism of mass transfer. As will be shown later,
molecular diffusion is extremely slow, whereas eddy diffusion, when it occurs, is orders
of magnitude more rapid. Therefore, if large-scale separation processes are to be
conducted in equipment of a reasonable size, fluids must be agitated, interfacial areas
maximized, and distances in the direction of diffusion minimized. In a binary mixture,
molecular diffusion occurs because of one or more different potentials or driving forces,
including differences (gradients) of concentration (ordinary diffusion), pressure (pressure
diffusion), temperature (thermal diffusion), and external force fields (forced diffusion)
that act unequally on the different chemical species present. Pressure diffusion requires a
large pressure gradient, which is achieved for gas mixtures with a centrifuge

1. Driving force (ΔC), moles per unit volume (kmol/m3).

2. The distance in the direction of transfer (Δz), meter (m).
3. Diffusivity coefficient, unit area per unit time (m2/s).
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

1-1 Fick's Law of diffusion:

The rate of diffusion is governed by Fick's Law, first proposed by Fick in 1855 which expresses the mass
transfer rate as a linear function of the molar concentration gradient. In a mixture of two gases A and B,
assumed ideal, Fick's Law for steady state diffusion may be written as: 

z: is distance in the direction of transfer (m).

Diffusion with bulk of mass in motion:

The Fick's first law of diffusion describes the mass transfer from the random movement
of molecules of a stationary medium or a fluid in streamline flow. If circulating currents
or eddies are present, then the molecular mechanism will be reinforced and the total mass
transfer rate may be written as:

Total diffusion = Molecular diffusion + Convection term

Convection term = Eddy diffusion = Molar flux due to convection

Convection term = Concentration * mass transfer velocity = CA . V

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Note:  total diffusion equation can be write in another forms: 

1. Partial pressure for gases.

2. Mole fraction for gases and liquids.

1. Total diffusion equation in the partial pressure form:

If A and B are ideal gases in a mixture, the ideal gas law may be applied to each gas
separately and to the mixture:


2. Total diffusion equation in the mole fraction form:

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

1‐2 Modes of diffusion 
1. Unimolecular Diffusion: Stagnant diffusion (Mass transfer through a stationary
second component):

In several important processes, one component in a gaseous mixture will be transported relative to a fixed
plane, such as a liquid interface, for example, and the other will undergo no net movement. In gas absorption
a soluble gas A is transferred to the liquid surface where it dissolves, whereas the insoluble gas B undergoes
no net movement with respect to the interface. Similarly, in evaporation from a free surface, the vapour
moves away
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Combining the last two equations:


Home work: prove equation (1)

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

In pressure form

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 


Example 1.1:  

    Ammonia gas is diffusing at a constant rate through a layer of stagnant air 1 mm thick. Condi ons are 
such  that  the  gas  contains  50  percent  by  volume  ammonia  at  one  boundary  of  the  stagnant  layer.  The 
ammonia  diffusing  to  the  other  boundary  is  quickly  absorbed  and  the  concentration  is  negligible  at  that 
plane. The temperature is 295 K and the pressure atmospheric, and under these condi ons the diffusivity 
of ammonia in air is 0.18 cm2/s. Estimate the rate of diffusion of ammonia through the layer. 

If  the  subscripts  1  and  2  refer  to  the  two  sides  of  the  stagnant  layer  and  the  subscripts  A  and  B  refer  to 
ammonia and air respectively, then the rate of diffusion through a stagnant layer is given by:
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

2. Counter diffusion: 

i. Equimolecular counter diffusion: 
   When the mass transfer rates of the two components are equal and opposite the process is said to be one of 
equimolecular counter diffusion. Such a process occurs in the case of the box with a movable partition. It occurs 
also in a distillation column when the molar latent heats of the two components are the same (λA = λB) . At any 
point in the column a falling stream of liquid is brought into contact with a rising stream of vapour with which it 
is  not  in  equilibrium.  The  less  volatile  component  is  transferred  from  the  vapour  to  the  liquid  and  the  more 
volatile  component  is  transferred  in  the  opposite  direction.  If  the  molar  latent  heats  of  the  components  are 
equal,  the  condensation  of  a  given  amount  of  less  volatile  component  releases  exactly  the  amount  of  latent 
heat required to volatilize the same molar quantity of the more volatile component. Thus at the interface, and 
consequently throughout the liquid and vapour phases, equimolecular counter diffusion is taking place (NB = ‐ 

Example 1-2:
In an air-carbon dioxide mixture at 298 K and 202.6 kPa, the concentration of CO2 at two planes (3 mm) apart
are 15 vol.% and 25 vol.%. The diffusivity of CO2 in air at 298 K and 202.6 kPa is 8.2*10-6 m2/s. Calculate the
rate of transfer of CO2 across the two planes, assuming:
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

a. Equimolecular counter diffusion.

b. Diffusion of CO2 through a stagnant air layer.

Solution :

ii. Unequimolecular counter diffusion:

When the mass transfer rates of the two components are unequal and opposite, the process is said to be the
unequimolecular diffusion, such a process occurs in a chemical reaction.

Example 1‐3 :  
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

   Species A in a gaseous mixture diffuses through a (3 mm) thick film and reaches a catalyst surface where 
the  reaction  A  →  3B  takes  place.  If  the  partial  pressure  of  A  in  the  bulk  of  the  gas  is  8.5  kN/m2  and  the 
diffusivity  of  A  is  2*10‐5  m2/s.  Find  the  mole  flux  of  A,  given  the 
pressure and temperature of the system are 101.3 kPa and 297 K, 

A → 3B  / /

Example 1-4:
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

1-3 Maxwell's Law for multicomponent mass transfer

     This argument can be applied to the diffusion of a constituent of a multicomponent gas. Considering the 
transfer of component A through a stationary gas consisting of components B, C, D, ... etc, if the total partial 
pressure gradient can be regarded as being made up of a series of terms each representing the contribution of 
the individual component gases. The mass transfer rate can be calculated from the previous equations using the 
effective diffusivity of A in the mixture (DAm).

Calculation of the effective diffusivity of (A) in the mixture (DAm):

Let A be the diffusing species through stagnant mixture of B, C, D ….. etc.

Where: DAm is the effective diffusivity of A in the mixture

Where: DAm is the effective diffusivity of A in the mixture

Since stagnant diffusion layer of the mixture: NB = NC = ND = 0

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Similarly for diffusion of A in D.

Since stagnant diffusion layer: ND = 0
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Example (1‐5) :  
   Nitrogen is diffusing under steady condi on through a mixture of 2% N2, 20% C2H6 , 30% C2H4 and 48% 
C4H10 at 298 K and 100 kPa. The par al pressure of nitrogen at two planes (1 mm ) apart are 13.3 & 6.67 
kPa, respectively. Calculate the rate of N2 across the two planes. The diffusivity of N2 through C4H10 , C2H6 
and C2H4 may be taken as 9.6*10‐6 m2/s , 14.8*10‐6 m2/s and 16.3*10‐6 m2/s, respectively. 

In lecture 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Diffusivities of gases and vapors

Experimental values of diffusivities are given in Table 10.2 for a number of gases and vapours in air at
298K and atmospheric pressure. The table also includes values of the Schmidt number Sc, the ratio of the
kinematic viscosity (μ/A) to the diffusivity (D) for very low concentrations of the diffusing gas or vapour.
The importance of the Schmidt number in problems involving mass transfer is discussed later.

Example   1‐5:  
A small diameter tube closed at one end was filled with acetone to within 18 mm of the top and 
maintained at 290 K with a gentle stream of air blowing across the top. A er 15000 sec, the liquid level was 
fallen to 27.5 mm, the vapour pressure of acetone was 21.95 kPa and atmospheric pressure was 99.75 kPa. 
Calculate the diffusivity of acetone in air. Given: the density of acetone is 790 kg/m3 and the molecular 
weight of acetone is 58 kg/kmol. 

Soultion : 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Prediction of diffusivities
The diffusivity (DAB) for the transfer of one component (A) in another component (B) can be calculated
1. Empirical correlation for calculation of gas diffusivity:
Fuller et al. (1966) is 

DAB: is the diffusivity of (A) in (B), m2/s.
T: is the temperature, K.
p is the total pressure, bar.
MA, MB are the molecular masses of component (A) and (B).
via , vib : are the summation of the special diffusion volume coefficients for components a and b, given in 
Table 8.5. 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Example 1‐7 : Es mate the diffusivity of methanol in air at atmospheric pressure and 25oC 


2. Empirical correlation for calculation of liquid diffusivity:

The equa on developed by Wilke and Chang (1955), 

DAB: is the diffusivity of solute (A) in solvent (B), m2/s.
T: is the absolute temperature, K.
MB: is the molecular weight of the solvent.
μ: is viscosity of the solution, (N s/m2).
VA: is the molar volume of the solute at its boiling point, m3/kmol. Values for simple molecules are given in 
Table 10.4. For more complex molecules, VA is calculated by summation of the atomic volume and other
contributions given in Table 8.6. It may be noted that for water a value of 0.0756 m3/kmol should be used.

∅B: is the association factor for the solvent (2.26 for water, 1.9 for methanol, 1.5 for ethanol and 1.0 for
unassociated solvents such as hydrocarbons and ethers). 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Example: Es mate the diffusivity of phenol in ethanol at 20oC (293 K). 

1‐5 Diffusion through a varying cross‐section area 
The mole rate ( N A,kmols ) through a system of a varying cross section area is constant, while the mole flux ( 
NA,kmolm2.s ) is variable. The mass transfer through a cone and sphere can be consider as a mass transfer 
through a system of varying cross section area. On the other hand, the transfer through a cylinder can be 
consider as a mass transfer through a system of constant cross section area. 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 



But: The surface area of sphere A 4π r2 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

The most important things is to calculate the mass transfer rate for the sphere surface where the surface 

area is constant (  :  

* When the mass transfer from surface to a large distance compare to the sphere surface :
→ ∞ and 0 


In partial pressure form: 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Example 1‐7 :  

   A sphere of naphthalene having a radius of 2 mm is suspended in a large volume of s ll air at 318 K and 101.3 
kPa.  The  surface  temperature  of  naphthalene  can  be  assumed  to  be  318  K  and  its  vapour  pressure  at  this 
temperature is 0.555 mmHg. The diffusivity of naphthalene in air at 318 K is 6.92 * 10‐6 m2/s. Calculate the rate 
of naphthalene evaporation from surface. 


In lecture   

For the mass transfer from surface (A 4π ro2 : 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 


Example (1‐7 ): 

    Calculate the rate of burning of carbon par cle 2.56 cm radius in an atmosphere of pure oxygen at 1000 
K and 1 atm. Assuming a very large blanking layer of CO2 has formed a round the particle. At the carbon 
surface PCO2 1 atm and PO2 0. At very large radius PCO2 0 and PO2 1 atm. Given the diffusivity of 
oxygen in carbon dioxide = 1.032 cm2/s. 

In lecture.

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

4- Molecular Diffusion in Liquid Phase

Molecular diffusion in liquid phase takes place in many separation operations,
such as:
1- Liquid – liquid extraction.
2- Gas absorption.
3- Distillation.
4- Oxygenation of rivers by air.
5- Diffusion of salts in blood.
Some important notes in liquid diffusion, these are:
1- Slower than in gas phase because of the density and attractive forces
between molecules.
2- Diffusivities are dependent on the concentration of the diffusing

The rate of diffusion in liquid phase is represented by the same equation as for
the gas
phase, that is 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

A small diameter tube closed at one end was filled with acetone to within 18 mm of the top and
maintained at 290 K and 99.75 kPa with a gentle stream of air blowing across the top. After 15 ksec, the
liquid level had fallen to 27.5 mm. The vapor pressure of acetone at that temperature is 21.95 kN/m2.
Calculate the diffusivity of acetone in air, given the following data:
M.wt of acetone = 58
The density of acetone (ρ) = 790 kg/m 3
Since evaporation is occurred through constant area:

1-7 Mass transfer theories
1. The Two-Film Theory
   The two‐film theory of Whitman (1923) was the first serious attempt to represent conditions occurring 
when material is transferred in a steady state process from one fluid stream to another. In this approach, it 
is assumed that a laminar layer exists in each of the two fluids. Outside the laminar layer, turbulent eddies 
supplement the action caused by the random movement of the molecules, and the resistance to transfer 
becomes progressively smaller as shown in Figure below. The thicknesses of the two films are z1  and z2  . 
Equilibrium is assumed to exist at the interface and therefore the relative positions of the points C and D 
are determined by the equilibrium relation between the phases. 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

In the form of partial pressure 


Where: Z = Zg + ZL
The rate of mass transfer per unit area from the gas film: 

The rate of mass transfer per unit area from the liquid film: 

2. The Penetration Theory

The penetration theory was suggested in 1935 by Higbie who was investigating whether or not a resistance
to transfer existed at the interface when a pure gas was absorbed in a liquid. In his experiments, a slug-like
bubble of carbon dioxide was allowed rise through a vertical column of water in a 3 mm diameter glass tube.
As the bubble rose, the displaced liquid ran back as a thin film between the bubble and the tube, Higbie
assumed that each element of surface in this liquid was exposed to the gas for the time taken for the gas
bubble to pass it; that is for the time given by the quotient of the bubble length and its velocity. 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

The diffusion of solute A away from the interface (y‐direction) is thus given by: 


The following boundary conditions apply for the pentration theory: 

The mass transfer rate per unit area of surface is then given by:

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

3- The Film - Penetration Theory

    A  theory  which  incorporates  some  of  the  principles  of  both  the  two‐film  theory  and  the  penetration 
theory  has  been  proposed  by  Toor  and  Marchello  (1958)  .  The  whole  of  the  resistance  to  transfer  is 
regarded as lying within a laminar film at the interface, as in the two‐film theory, but the mass transfer is 
regarded  as  an  unsteady  state  process.  It  is  assumed  that  fresh  surface  is  formed  at  intervals  from  fluid 
which is brought from the bulk of the fluid to the interface by the action of the eddy currents mass transfer 
then takes place as in the penetration theory, except that the resistance is confined to the finite film, and 
material  which  traverses  the  film  is  immediately  completely  mixed  with  the  bulk  of  the  fluid.  For  short 
times of exposure, when none of the diffusing material has reached the far side of the layer, the process is 
identica  to  that  postulated  in  the  penetration  theory.  For  prolonged  periods  of  exposure  when  a  steady 
concentration grad 

The following boundary conditions apply for the pentration theory 

When: DtL2 is small the pentration theory applicable. DtL2 is large the two film theory applicable. 

The concentration profiles near an interface on the basis of:

(a) the film theory (steady-state)
(b) the penetration-theory (unsteady-state)
(c) the film-penetration theory (unsteady-state)
are shown in Figure 10.7. 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Each film presents a resistance to mass transfer, but concentrations in the two fluids at
the interface are in equilibrium. That is, there is no additional interfacial resistance to
mass transfer. This concept has found extensive application in modeling of steady-state
gas-liquid and liquid-liquid separation processes, when the fluid phases are in laminar or
turbulent flow. The assumption of equilibrium at the interface is satisfactory unless mass
transfer rates are very high or surfactants accumulate at the interface. 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

1-7 Mass transfer coefficients

Consider the two-film theory as shown in Figure (1): 

The rate of mass transfer per unit area from the gas film: 

The rate of mass transfer per unit area from the liquid film: 

Where:  and  

Since the film thickness  and  are difficult to define or estimate, then we rewrite the above egyations 

as follow: 


is the individual liquid film mass transfer coeficient.

is the individual gas film mass transfer coeficient.
is the partial pressure of the gas (A) at the interface.
is the concentration of the liquid (A) at the interface.
∗ is the partial pressure of the gas phase which is in equilibrium with the liquid phase .
∗ is the concentration of the liquid phase which is in equilibrium with the gas phase  
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Calculation the interfacial concentration (interfacial mole

fraction) equi-molecular counter diffusion and uni-molecular diffusion 

Convective mass transfer 

Equilibrium data can be presented as a curve (for concentrated solution) and

straight line (for dilute solution).The task now is how to calculate the
interfacial concentration (interfacial mole fraction) because we need them in
the calculation of mass transfer rate 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Steps to calculate interfacial concentration for equi‐molecular state :
1- plot the equilibrium data and also and point (p). The equilibrium data are presented by a
curve for concentrated solution, and by a straight line for dilute solution.

2- Draw a straight line from point (P) with the slop (eq. 167) to intersect the equilibrium
curve at point (1), let it be q.
3- Extend line to the X-axis to get XAi and to the y-axis to get yAi
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Steps to calculate interfacial concentration for uni‐molecular state: 
1- Assume a value for (yAiLM and xAiLM ) and let it be equal to (1).
2- Calculate the slop from  

3- Plot the line (pq) with above slop.

4- From the intersection point read xAi and yAi .
5- Calculate ((yAiLM and xAiLM ) then recalculate the slop of the line (pq) and let it be
(slop)2 if the value of the two slops are equal then the assumed values of (yAiLM and
xAiLM ) is correct. If not, then use the value of (slop)2 to estimate a new values of xAi
and yAi by repeating steps (3-5) until you will reach not more the 10%.
6- change in the value of the slop.

For dilute solutions ((yAiLM and xAiLM ) ) are equal to (1)
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

on Calculation the flux based on Overall driving force and overall mass
transfer coefficient:
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Overall driving force and overall mass transfer coefficient

Because of difficulties in measuring the interface composition and the individual mass
transfer coefficients in some cases, another driving force and coefficients are used, that
is the overall driving force and the overall mass transfer coefficient. 

At any point (P) in the column, the gas phase has a mole fraction of A (certain composition of A) that is
yA, and the liquid has a mole fraction of A (certain composition of A) that is xA. Then at that point
which we will call point (1), equilibrium between the gas phase and the liquid phase exist at yAi and xAi
. From point P plot a vertical line to intersect the equilibrium curve at point (2), where y = yA *and x =
xA. And plot a horizontal line 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

The Relationships between the various mass transfer coefficients 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

H.w (19‐12‐2020) 

on Calculation the flux based on Overall driving force and overall mass
transfer coefficient:
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 
Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 


Using the same procedure done in the EMD, we can find the relationship between the overall mass
transfer coefficient and the individual mass transfer coefficients, as shown:
For the gas phase: 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

1. The inverse to mass transfer coefficient 1K is termed as a resistance to mass transfer.
2. The term (gas film control) refers to the resistance lie in the gas film.



Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

For a system in which component (A) is transfering from the liquid to the gas phase, the equilibrium is
given by ∗ 0.75 . At one point in the apparturs the liquid contain 90 mol% of (A) and gas contain 45
mol% of (A). The individual gas film mass transfer coefficient at this point in the appartus of 0.02716
kmol/m2.s , and 70% of the overall resistance to mass transfer is known to be encountered in the gas film:
1. The molar flux of (A).
2. The interficial concentration of (A).
3. The overall mass transfer coefficient for liquid and gas phases.



Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 


Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

Mass Transfer 1‐  Third Year 2020‐2021                                                   Ass . prof. Dr. Rusul Naseer AL‐Marouf 

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