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Model Answer 1:

Dear Mr Harry,

I am writing to you about the possibility of taking 12 days off work in order
to complete my thesis and final exams for my Master’s degree in Finance
from the University of Manchester. I am hoping that you would grant me
leave from 17th July to 28th July 2019.

I have almost finished my thesis, which I must submit to my teacher by

July 24th. I need some time to completely finish it and to prepare for the
upcoming exams. Hence I am asking for your permission to take time off

I can assure you that I would check my emails daily, perhaps reply to some
of them and be available for emergency phone calls from the office. Once I
complete my exams and get back to the office, I would endeavour to come
into the office earlier than usual and work Sundays in order to catch up on
anything I had missed. I have already talked to Ethan and he is ready to
share some of the responsibilities during my absence.

I realise my temporary absence could be an inconvenience to you and the

rest of the team, but I really need to take the leave to complete my
Master’s degree qualification.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and expecting your kind


Yours sincerely,

Susanne Dvorak
Sample Answer 2:
Dear Mr Mclaren,

I am writing to ask your permission to take a week's leave from work

starting from 07th November 2019. As you know, I am doing my PhD at
Monash University and I am in my final term. A week's leave would allow
me to complete my exams and I am hoping that you would grant me the

The reason for taking time off work is to prepare and set for my final exams
which will begin on November 08th. I understand the inconvenience this
might cause to you but I have already talked to Jack and he is ready to
share some of my responsibilities during my absence. Moreover, I will be
available to receive emergency calls from the office and would check my
emails and perhaps reply to the important ones during the interim.

I would really appreciate your permission to grant me the unpaid leave

from 07th November to 13th November 2019. I will join the office the next

Thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Naji Lichaa
Dear Mr Pattison,

My parents are going to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on 14th December and
I would request some unpaid leave from office next month to prepare for the party and
enjoy the occasion.

The 50th wedding anniversary is a significant occasion both for our parents and us and
we want to make it distinctive. We will celebrate the occasion on 14th December and
have already booked a large party hall for that. The whole family, including my nephews
and nieces, and almost 50 other guests are expected to be present and it demands a
huge preparation.

To participate in this occasion, I would need to be away from work for three days,
considering the travel time and some preparation works that I am expected to finish
before the party. I would, hence, be absent from work from 13th December to 15th
December. I do not have any urgent work commitment at that time and Tania has
agreed to look after my tasks while I would be away. She had done that before and after
I return, I would be ready to work some extra hours to cover any of my pending tasks.

I would be very grateful if you could allow me the time off. The occasion is very special
to me and my family and I want to make it memorable by attending it.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Donna Roth
Dear Lindsay,

I am writing to request some unpaid leave next month and I am hoping you would permit
me to take the leave.

My parents' 50th wedding anniversary is on November 21st, and they are planning to
celebrate this significant achievement with all their children and grandchildren. To do
this, they have rented a house big enough to accommodate the whole family.

To participate in this special occasion, I would need to be away from work for four days,
from Monday, 19th to Thursday 23rd. My schedule for that week is relatively light, apart
from two meetings with clients. Netta would be able to attend these in my place, as she
has had previous dealings with both companies and knows the relevant staff there. I
have no other urgent work commitments at that time.

I would be very grateful if you could allow me this time. These few days are very
important to my parents and the whole family, and it would be a way to thank them for all
the support they have given me.

Best regards,

Dear Mr Holmes,

I am writing to request a week off work at the beginning of next month. My

sister lives in Canada and has become a mother for the first time and I,
along with my parents, planned to give her a visit. I have earned 10 days
paid vacation previous year which carries forward to this year and I would
really appreciate your approval to use a week’s paid leave.

I am hoping to visit my sister and her newborn on 2nd November 2018,

hence, a leave from office from 2nd November to 8th November would be
highly appreciated. I have talked to my teammates and they have agreed
to share my responsibilities during my absence. I would be able to check
important emails and perhaps reply to some of them during this time.
According to our company’s leave policy, we are bound to take paid
holidays; otherwise, they are cleared off every two years. Hence, I thought
I should use the leave at a time when I need to travel to Canada and have
fewer job pressure.

I understand the inconvenience my absence from office might create.

However, I am ready to work extra hours to compensate my work once I
return office.

I would really appreciate your approval for my leave. Thanks in advance.

Yours sincerely,

Benjamin Carol
Dear Mr Wajiju,
I am one of your employees that have a position in your company as
a communication staff. I am writing this letter to inform you that I
would like to take an unpaid leave.

My sister's wedding party is on 25th January. My parents are

planning to set a big ceremony that it will invite all of family
members. To do this, the hall of residence in my hometown has
already booked for two days.

Due to my obligation as a brother that I would take participation in

this special occasion and I require to away from my task in office
commencing on Monday 23rd to Friday 27th January. Moreover, my
job schedule at that time is quite light. There are only two meetings
that I should follow, one may be covered by Mr. Juju as my
assistant. He has had experience previous dealings. To another job
is not urgent. Hence it would reset on next week.

I would be grateful if you could allow me to take this time off if you
have further question, please contact me soon.

Yours sincerely,
Dear Rose

I am writing to request some unpaid leave next month.

My parents’ 50th wedding anniversary is on April 21st, and they are planning to
celebrate this significant achievement with all their children and grandchildren. To do
this, they have rented a house big enough to accommodate the whole family.

To participate in this special occasion, I would need to be away from work for four days,
from Monday 19th to Thursday 23rd. My schedule for that week is relatively light, apart
from two meetings with clients. Helen would be able to attend these in my place, as she
has had previous dealings with both companies and knows the relevant staff there. I
have no other urgent work commitments at that time.

I would be very grateful if you could allow me this time. These few days are very
important to my parents and the whole family, and it would be a way to thank them for all
the support they have given me.

Best wishes
Dear Mr Lee,

I am writing to you about the possibility of taking a fortnight off work in order to
complete my Master’s degree in Engineering. I am almost finished writing my thesis,
which must be submitted to my university by June 30th. Unfortunately, all my annual
leave has been used up. Any time I took off, would naturally be unpaid; I would also
check my email daily, and be available for emergency phone calls. On return, I
would endeavour to come into the office earlier than usual and work Saturdays in
order to catch up on anything I had missed. I have already spoken about my
situation to my colleagues Mr Grunewald and Ms Tak, who are both willing to
assume my responsibilities for two weeks.

I realise my temporary absence could be an inconvenience to you and the rest of the
team, but in the long term, our company will benefit from my research. As you may
be aware, I have been investigating 3-D printing for some time, and my thesis
compares three printers already on the market with two designs pending patent and
production. Since our company is considering developing software for these printers,
my expertise will help give us a competitive edge.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Alexander Aksyonov

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